eSlate Training Manual

Revised Fall 2018


Welcome to the eSlate Operation training class.

Voting is a major event in our like. It is our desire that through this training we can work together as a professional team to continue to administer fair and honest and uphold the high standards for which Harris County is known nationwide.

The right to vote is one of our most precious and fundamental rights as citizens of this great county. You have an opportunity to uphold this tradition and extend to the voters of Harris County the opportunity to exercise their patriotic duty to vote and be secure in the knowledge that their vote not only counts, but is secure.

The Division of the County Clerk’s office and I extend our appreciation to you for accepting this responsibility. You are an integral and important part of the election process.

Thank you,

Diane Trautman Harris County Clerk and Chief Elections Official


Hart InterCivic Quality and Information Security Policy

Hart InterCivic is committed to election integrity, customer satisfaction, and continual improvement of the hardware, software, and services provided to our customers. Continual improvements will be visible from planned and documented activities leading to fulfillment of quality and information security objectives. All products, components, and services provided to our customer shall be safe, secure, and effective for their intended use, and they shall meet or exceed the quality and reliability levels expected by the marketplace.

This commitment includes the security of the information used in the product development process. Management at Hart InterCivic will implement information security to ensure contractual requirements are met, employees are trained in information security, and that ensures risks to information security are understood and minimized. Employees of Hart InterCivic are required to comply with information security procedures and to report any instances if known of possible information security breach.

This DOCUMENT and the SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, and FIRMWARE to which it pertains contain confidential and proprietary information generated by Hart InterCivic Inc., significantly modified by Harris County for the operation of Harris County polling locations. Any person receiving this manual has a duty to take reasonable precautions preventing unauthorized disclosure of the contents.

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Table of Contents Harris County System ...... 2 Setting Up Before Election Day – Unloading Caddy...... 3 Setting Up eSlate Booth ...... 4 Setting Up on Election Day ...... 10 Voting Booth ...... 10 JBC ...... 11 Connecting the Voting System ...... 12 Setting up the Privacy Screen ...... 14 The Scanner for the JBC ...... 15 The JBC: Overview ...... 16 Outline to Open the Polls ...... 17 Opening the Polls...... 18 Assigning Booths ...... 18 Printing ZERO Tape ...... 20 Opening the Polls on the JBC ...... 20 Checking Battery power status of JBC and eSlates ...... 20 Changing Printer Paper on the JBC ...... 21 Style Displayed in Bar Code ...... 22 Using the Scanner the First Time...... 23 Generating an ACCESS Code Manually ...... 25 Voter Instructions - Moving about the Ballot: ...... 26 How to Use the CAST BALLOT Button ...... 27 HELP Button ...... 28 Canceling a Booth ...... 28 Checking an ACCESS CODE/Printing a Receipt ...... 30 Printing an ACCESS Code Report ...... 31 Adding Provisional Voters...... 32 Documenting a ...... 34 Restarting the JBC ...... 35 Curbside Voting -- Remove DAU eSlate ...... 36 COMMON ERRORS ...... 37 Closing the Polls ...... 39 Disconnecting and Packing Equipment ...... 40 Disassembling the eSlate ...... 42 Loading Booths on the Wheeled Caddy ...... 46 Using the DAU eSlate – Headphones and Tactile Input Switches ...... 47 Voter Instructions ...... 48 When a Voter asks for Help ...... 49 Straight Party Voting ...... 50 Write-in Feature ...... 51 Assisting the Voter ...... 52

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Volume Controls Harris County Voting System


1. Holds the ballot styles. 2. Provides ACCESS Codes to the Voter. 3. Stores all cast votes. 4. Costs approximately $3500, take very good care of this machine.

eSLATE JBC 1. Is activated by a random ACCESS CODE Judges Booth Controller generated by the JBC. 2. The voter’s ballot is sent from the JBC to the eSlate. 3. The voter casts his/her ballot and the vote count is stored on the eSlate and on the JBC and MBB. 4. The eSlate and DAU eSlate costs approximately $3000; take very good care of these machines.


1. Is identified by red tape on the booth handle and on the sides. 2. Votes just like the regular eSlates. 3. Is wheelchair accessible? 4. Has an audio card so voter can hear the ballot in the selected language using attached headphones. 5. Has tactile input switches to assist in navigating the ballot. 6. Can accommodate a ‘Sip and Puff’ device. DAU Disable Access Unit

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Setting Up Before Election Day – Unloading Caddy Set up the voting booths WITHOUT breaking the seal before Election Day.

1. Booths will be delivered in a wheeled caddy. 2. SAFETY POINT: Lock the wheels before unloading the caddy by pressing

down on the locking peddle with your toe.

3. Unlatch the gate and swing open the gate.

4. Remove the top booths first.

5. Slide out the upper booths by tugging on the handles. 6. Divide the number of booths by the number of JBCs. 7. The DAU eSlate unit is at the end of the line furthest from the JBC. 8. The DAU is identified by red tape on the handle and sides.

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Setting Up eSlate Booth

Handle facing you

1. Place unit on a table a. Legs up b. Handle facing you c. Release 3 Velcro straps

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 Work from the BACK to the FRONT  RIGHT to LEFT


2. a) Grasp the LEG

(not the brace)

2. c) Raise the leg

2. Start with the RIGHT BACK Leg a. Grasp the leg (not the brace) b. Press and hold down the button c. Raise the leg

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d. Rotate the leg upward and slide outward e. Align arrows to lock button

2. Start with RIGHT Back Leg

2. d) Slide the leg out

3. Position LEFT Back Leg 3. Position LEFT Back Leg

4. a) Lock the leg braces

3. Repeat steps 2a-2e for a. LEFT Back Leg

4. Lock the leg braces a. Fit the button into the hole

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5. Position the FRONT Legs (repeat 2a-2e) a. Front RIGHT Leg b. Front LEFT Leg

5. a) Position front RIGHT LEG 5. b) Position front LEFT LEG

The 4 Straight Tubes are used

to extend the length of the legs.

The Foot Tubes are used to

balance the unit.

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6. Attach a Straight Tube to each Leg. a. Verify the button is locked in place

6. Lock Straight Tube in place

7. Extend the Feet Tubes NOT EXTENDED NOT

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8. Attach the Foot Tubes to the Legs a. The Arrows on the Foot Tubes should point towards the front of the booth.

Lock the Foot Tubes to the Straight Tubes

9. Removing unit from the table a. Move the unit a hands-width from the end of table. b. Pass your arms through the legs and over the leg braces as shown. c. While pressing your body against the table rotate the booth on the table towards you until the feet touch the floor. d. DO NOT LIFT THE BOOTH OFF THE TABLE. e. Keep the weight of the booth on the table.

10. Once the booth feet are on the floor, slide the booth into its proper position in the line of eSlates.

STOP: This is as far as you can go. The remainder of the setup is done Election Day morning. DO NOT BREAK THE SEALS.

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Setting Up on Election Day Voting Booth

1. Remove seals from the booths.

2. If a booth does not have a seal, contact ETC at 713.274.9650.

3. Undo the cover latches.

4. Raise the cover.

5. Push the brace inward.

6. Booth should look like this

7. Repeats Steps 1 through 5 on the rest of the booths.

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1. The JBC transport box is sealed.

2. The seal is to be broken by the PJ and AJ.

3. The following are included in the transport box a. Surge protector b. JBC power cord c. Additional printer tape rolls d. JBC

4. On the back of the JBC a. Connected Scanner for HC ePollBook b. Red connector – attached to long gray Daisy Chain Cable c. Power cord connection d. Battery Key e. Battery Key connection

e. Battery Key c. Power cord connection a. Connected scanner

d. Battery b. Daisy Cable Key connection

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Connecting the Voting System

 Set up ALL the equipment.  Divide the eSlate booths equally between the JBCs.  DAU should ALWAYS BE THE LAST BOOTH.  Once an eSlate or DAU eSlate booth is connected in the daisy chain and the JBC is powered up, you CANNOT disconnect it and move it to another JBC.

 ALWAYS connect a Long DAISY CHAIN Cable to a Short PIG TAIL Cable.



 Long DAISY CHAIN Cables are attached to the top of the eSlates and DAU units and to the back of the JBC units.

 The Short PIG TAILS are only attached to the top of the eSlates and DAU units.

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1. Take the Long DAISY CHAIN CABLE attached to the JBC

a. Pass it through the side of the 1st booth behind the brace.

b. Connect it to the Short PIGTAIL CABLE

c. BE CAREFUL when making the connection, do not bend the pins in the PIGTAIL.

2. Take the Long DAISY CHAIN CABLE from the 1st booth a. Pass it through the side of the 2nd booth behind the brace. b. Connect it to the Short PIGTAIL CABLE in the 2nd booth.

3. Repeat the process until the eSlates in the line are connected.

4. Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for the next JBC and line of eSlates.

5. NOTE: The Long DAISY CHAIN CABLE on the DAU booth is NOT connected to another unit.

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Setting up the Privacy Screen

1. Release the Screen from the white catch that holds the Screen.

2. Gently pull the Screen outward. a. It will twist into position

3. With the Screen fully extended attach the fabric loops over the screw heads. a. Do this on both sides of the booth.

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The Scanner for the JBC The scanner will be used to generate an Access Code for the voter.

CS1. Components of the JBC: surge protector, JBC power cord, Daisy Chain cord, JBC, scanner and scanner USB charging cord.

CS2. The scanner and the daisy chain CS3. Plug the scanner’s USB power cord into the surge protector USB cord will be connected. NEVER port or into a charging block then into the surge protector. disconnect them.

CS4. Make sure the battery key and the power cord are removed prior to placing JBC in transport box. Place the scanner in the designated area.

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The JBC: Overview

Printer Tape:  This is a thermal printer.  Paper MUST be installed correctly to print.

Booth # Lights:  Each numbered light represents the status of an attached eSlate booth.  Green indicates that the eSlate is attached and ready for a voter.  Red indicates that the eSlate is attached but in use by a voter.  Blinking green and red indicates voter needs assistance.  No light indicates that the eSlate is not functioning or not connected.

Controller Screen:  The JBC is a ‘MENU DRIVEN’ system.  Menu items appear on the controller screen.  Menu selection is made by pressing one of the six arrow buttons.

Arrow Buttons:  Three on either side of the screen, in order to select menu item.

Other Buttons:  Perform the function indicated in the picture above.

Two Keypads:  One with alpha characters and the other numeric.  Use the keypads to enter Open or Close Polls Passwords, Precinct IDs, etc.

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Outline to Open the Polls

1. Set up eSlates (pages 3 – 10) 2. Daisy Chain units (pages 12 & 13) 3. Open Privacy Screens (page 14) 4. Connect AC power cord to JBC 5. Plug JBC’s AC power cord into the surge protector 6. Plug the scanner’s USB cable into USB port 7. Plug the surge protector into a wall outlet 8. Turn ON surge protector 9. Insert JBC battery key a. A report will print when the battery key is connected correctly b. Leave the report on the JBC 10. ASSIGN BOOTHS 11. Print ZERO Tape 12. Enter OPEN Polls password. 13. Open Polls 14. Setup ePollBook and scanner 15. File Reports in the Report Envelope 16. Disassemble units (pages 42-45)

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Opening the Polls Assigning Booths

1. Assign booths in order. 2. 2 workers needed a. 1 worker to follow eSlate instructions b. 1 worker to watch the JBC booth lights 3. Begin assigning booths a. eSlate worker 1) Go to booth closest to the JBC 2) Press the ENTER button 3) A yellow box will appear behind the booth number 4) Check with JBC worker that the light under #1 is RED 5) Go to the next booth 6) Press the ENTER button 7) Yellow box appears 8) Check with JBC worker light #2 is RED 9) Continue until all the booths in that line are assigned b. JBC worker 1) The 1st light on the JBC will turn RED 2) Tell the eSlate worker to proceed 3) The 2nd light will turn RED 4) Continue monitoring the booth lights until all the booths in the line have been assigned 5) Press the ◄ next to Done 6) Press the ► next to Next 7) The JBC prints a “Network Configuration” report. 8) Leave the report on the JBC.

Screen shots of the eSlates are on the next page.

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Assigning Booths Screen Shots This is the 1st screen that appears when This is the 2nd screen, the JBC is validating the power is connected and on. the MBB Card.

Read the eSlate screen, Press ENTER, booth 1 is assigned The JBC is waiting for you to assign the booths that will be attached to it.

Notice the 1st booth light is RED Read the eSlate screen, Press ENTER, booth 2 is assigned

Notice the 2 booth lights are now RED

Press the ◄ next to Done Press the ► next to Next

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Printing ZERO Tape

1. Press the ◄ next to Print Zero Tape a. Check the report ALL contests should have a “ZERO” vote count b. Leave the “Zero Tape” report on the JBC

Opening the Polls on the JBC 1. Press the ► next to Open Polls. 2. Enter Polls Open Password (PJ should have the Password) 3. Press the ► next to Accept. 4. JBC displays the Polls Open Menu – Main Menu 5. Tear off the reports 6. Give the reports to PJ/AJ

Checking Battery power status of JBC and eSlates JBC screen AC & Batt = [OKAY]

eSlate = eSlate Battery in RED

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Changing Printer Paper on the JBC

1. Open the printer cover. 2. Pull the Feed Lever UP AND OVER (towards you). 3. Remove old roll (spool) and spindle. 4. Put new paper roll of the same color paper on spindle and set into paper compartment. 5. Ensure paper feeds from the BOTTOM of the roll. 6. Insert end of paper under black roller. Turn with finger. 7. Pull out 8 to 10 inches of paper. 8. Push Feed Lever OVER AND DOWN (away from you). 9. Insert end of paper through slot in cover. 10. Maintaining tension on end of paper, close printer cover.

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Ballot Style Displayed in Bar Code

• JBC slips will no longer be used to identify the voter’s ballot style. • After the voter has been qualified, a bar code will display on the ePollBook. • The bar code will contain the voter’s ballot style. • The scanner that is attached to the JBC, will then be used to scan the displayed bar code. • An ACCESS CODE will be generated on the JBC from the scanned bar code.

Access Code

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Using the Scanner the First Time

 Barcode Scan Failed message will display on the JBC screen when the scanner is used for the first time.  Press the arrow to the left of "CONTINUE".  Rescan the Barcode.  This process will be done for each JBC or anytime the scanner is plugged into the USB port for power.

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Generating an ACCESS Code Manually


1. To add a new voter on Polls Open Menu

2. Press the ► next to Add Voter.


3. Use the ► or ◄ buttons next to the voter’s precinct/ballot style.

4. The JBC screen displays six precinct/ballot styles at a time.

5. Use the ▲ or ▼ arrows on the JBC numeric keypad to scroll through additional screens.

6. Verify on the JBC display of the precinct/ballot style to the JBC Slip.

7. If the JBC printer is disabled, hand-write the ACCESS CODE displayed on the JBC screen on a piece of paper BEFORE continuing to step 8.

8. If precinct/ballot style matches, a. Press the ► next to Print. b. The voter’s ACCESS CODE will print.

9. If the precinct/ballot style DO NOT match a. Press the ◄ next to Cancel. b. The Polls Open Menu will appear. 1) Start again.

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Voter Instructions - Moving about the Ballot:

 Use PREV or NEXT to move between pages of the ballot.

 Cancel a choice by hightlighting the choice with the SELECT wheel and press ENTER.

 Change a choice by turning the SELECT wheel to the new choice and press ENTER.

 Change a choice from the BALLOT SUMMARY by turning the SELECT wheel to hightlight the contest to be changed then press ENTER. The Voter is directed back to the contest.

 If there are multiple pages to the Ballot Summary press NEXT to move to the final page to CAST BALLOT and complete the voting process.

SELECT WHEEL Used to move highlight bar between choices.

ENTER Press to make a choice.

PREV (Previous) Press to go back one page.

NEXT Press to go forward to next page.

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How to Use the CAST BALLOT Button

 When the voter presses the CAST BALLOT button, the Ballot Summary Page will appear.

While Viewing the Ballot Summary Page:

 Voters may make any changes to their selection from the Ballot When viewing a Ballot Page, Summary Page. Pressing the CAST BALLOT button causes a BALLOT SUMMARY PAGE to  There may be more than one page appear. of the Ballot Summary that can be accessed by turning the SELECT While Viewing the BALLOT wheel or pressing NEXT. SUMMARY PAGE:

 If a candidate’s name appears in • A BALLOT SUMMARY PAGE always appears before the ballot all capital letters, this vote is for a is recorded, so voters may review write-in candidate. choices and make changes, if desired.  If the selection listed is in RED, the voter has not made a selection for • Voters may change their choices the contest. at any time before the CAST BALLOT button is pressed from the final BALLOT SUMMARY  To finalize the vote, the voter must PAGE. press the CAST BALLOT button from the final BALLOT SUMMARY Page. • In multi-page ballot summaries, turn the SELECT wheel, or press NEXT, to move to the final page  The blue screen with the waving and press CAST BALLOT. American flag and the message;

• A candidate’s name in ALL o “Your vote has been CAPITAL letters indicates the recorded. Thank you for result of a write-in vote. voting. You may now leave the booth.”

o Confirms that the ballot has been recorded.

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HELP Button

When the voter presses HELP the Ballot Help Page is displayed.

Pressing ENTER

Returns Voter to the Ballot

Voter will press ENTER or HELP

The booth Pressing ENTER will light flashes return the Voter to The Assistance screen is the Ballot. displayed. red/green on Pressing the JBC. HELP

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Canceling a Booth

It is necessary to cancel a booth for the following reasons:

 A voter was issued the wrong ballot style.  A voter neglected to select the proper language.  A voter is using an eSlate unit but needs the DAU eSlate features.  A voter walks away from the booth with an active ballot without pressing CAST BALLOT.  In a PRIMARY ONLY, a voter is issued a ballot for the wrong party.

1. Polls Open Menu, press the ◄ next to Other.

2. On the Other JBC Functions Menu press the ◄ next to Cancel Booth. 3. Enter the booth number to cancel on the Cancel Booth screen. NOTE: single digit booth numbers require a lead zero (0). 4. Follow the instructions on the JBC and go to that booth to confirm cancellation. If you entered the wrong booth number, press the ◄ next to Cancel to return eSlate to the ballot screen. 5. On the eSlate to be canceled, press ENTER 6. Press the ► next Continue on the JBC 7. press the ◄ next to Polls Open Menu - Judges complete the Cancelled Booth Log

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Checking an ACCESS CODE/Printing a Receipt

The status of a code may be one of the following:  Not assigned – Code was not printed from the current JBC.  Assigned and in use - Code is assigned with a ballot currently active on an eSlate.  Assigned and expired - Code was not entered into an eSlate within the 30 minute time limit.  Assigned and cast - Code is associated with a ballot recorded.  Assigned and canceled - Code is associated with a booth that was canceled prior to casting the ballot.  Assigned and open - Code is “live” and it has not been entered into an eSlate.

1. Polls Open Menu press ◄ next to Check Code.

2. Enter the ACCESS CODE using the numeric keypad.

3. The ACCESS CODE status appears on the screen.

4. To print a receipt, press the ► next to Print.

5. Press the ◄ next to Done when completed.

6. If Access Code Status is listed as Assigned and open, allow the Code to expire.

7. File the Access Code slip in the White Reports Envelope.

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Printing an ACCESS Code Report

Follow the steps below to print an “Access Code Report”. This may be done at any time during the day and in particular for the Notice of Total Number of Voters Who Have Voted Report. DO NOT INTERRUPT THE PROCESSING OF A VOTER.

1. On the JBC Polls Open Menu press the ◄ next to Other.

2. On the Other JBC Functions Menu press the ► next to Access Code Report.

3. The JBC prints the “Access Code Report”. Place in the White Reports Envelope.

4. Press the ◄ next to Polls Open Menu to return to the Polls Open Menu to continue processing voters.

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Adding Provisional Voters

After the Election Judge has determined that a voter should vote provisionally and the voter has filled out a Provisional Ballot Affidavit, the voter must be added as a PROVISIONAL VOTER.

1. Press the ► next to Add Voter 2. Locate precinct/ballot style written on the Affidavit of Provisional Ballot form 3. Press the ► or ◄ next to that precinct/ballot style. 4. Press the ► next to Provisional. 5. Press the ► next to Yes 6. Press the ► next to Print

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Adding Provisional Voters (continued)

7. The voter MUST print his or her name and sign the bottom of the Voter Provisional BALLOT Stub that was printed on the JBC.

8. Tear off the ACCESS CODE part of the Voter Provisional Stub and give it to the voter. The voter goes to any available booth in the line of booths attached to the issuing JBC and votes.

9. The Presiding Judge copies the ‘BALLOT CODE’ from the Voter Provisional BALLOT Stub portion of the printed slip and writes it in the box marked ‘BALLOT CODE’ on the Affidavit of Provis ional Ballot. See example above.

10. Place the Voter Provisional BALLOT Stub slip inside the Affidavit of Provisional Ballot envelope, seal the envelope and place it in the yellow Provisional Envelope to be turned in after the polls close.

11. Complete the List of Provisional Voters Form.

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Documenting a Provisional Ballot Provisional will NOT be issued from the ePoll Book. The Provisional Affidavit procedure can be found in the Provisional Envelope located in the Election Day supply kit or in the Law and Operations Manual.

This component of the ePollBook is used to record the data that is entered on the Provisional Affidavit. The Judge will record the Provisional using the Admin Menu after the voter has completed the provisional process.



PB1. Access through the Main Menu. Tap JUDGE ADMIN OR through the Home Menu. Tap on Admin. Either path will display the Admin Password screen.

PB2. Tap in Password box and enter the Judge's Admin password. Tap Login

PB3. Tap RECORD PROVISIONAL PB4. Enter the Ballot Code. Enter the PB5. #6 will require the name of the district BALLOT FOR VOTER Ballot Precinct. “2 Voter not on list of holding the election. #7 will require an registered voters” will be checked as explanation to be entered. Tap “Done” when the default. Tap on the reason for the entry is complete. Provisional Ballot.

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Restarting the JBC

There may be times during the Election Day when it is necessary to restart (recycle, power down and up, reboot, etc.) the JBC. This may be necessary if the JBC or eSlate ‘freezes up’ or an error message appears on the JBC or eSlate. Follow the steps below to restart the JBC:

NOTE 1: Votes recorded on the electronic (Mobile Ballot Box or MBB) are secure and will NOT be affected by a JBC restart.

1. STOP issuing ACCESS CODES at the JBC.

2. Wait for ALL voters to finish on this row of


3. Disconnect the AC power.

4. Disconnect the battery key.

5. Wait 3 or 4 seconds. (If an eSlate is being removed or replaced, wait until that process is completed).

6. Re-connect the AC power.

7. Re-connect the battery key.

8. Follow all instructions on the JBC screen and/or the eSlate screen.

NOTE 2: Restarting the JBC requires assigning the booth(s) and entering the POLLS OPEN PASSWORD.

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Curbside Voting -- Remove DAU eSlate

1. Qualify the voter. Prepare JBC Slip for Judge. Take appropriate sheet of Poll Book. Select 4. Disconnect Pig Tail requested from Long Daisy Cable language. 3. Pack up Privacy Screen 2. Enter Access Code

6. Take Ballot to voter. Voter casts ballot. Message appears: “Reconnect to voting system to record the vote”

5. Push up on DAU from the bottom, lift out of the booth

8. Connect Pig tail to Long Daisy Cable.

9. This message will display 7. Place DAU in booth, engage the 4 screw heads. Slide when the process is the DAU down to seat it. completed successfully.

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Issue: The AC is not connected.

Effect: This may not have an effect on the eSlates until later in the day. The eSlates will go “black”.

Remedy:  Unplug AC power and remove Battery Key  Wait 3-5 seconds  Connect power cord / Plug in Battery Key  Assign Booths / Enter Polls Open Password  If the above procedures do not work call the TECH LINE

Issue: The Booth has not been assigned correctly.

Effect: The Booth is not ready for voters.

Remedy: Start the assignment of booths again.

EXCEPTION: When the Polls are closed at the end of the day, this error message will appear to indicate booths are “Unavailable” for voting because the polls are closed.

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Issue: The DAU’s Pig Tail was disconnected from the Daisy Cable before an ACCESS CODE was entered for the Ballot.

Effect: Voter will not have a Ballot.

Remedy: Connect Pig Tail to Daisy Cable. Enter the correct language for the Voter. Enter the ACCESS CODE. Continue normal procedure.

Issue: Printer stops working.

Remedy:  Hand-write the ACCESS CODE displayed on the JBC screen on a piece of paper.  Press the ► next to Print  Continuing hand-writing ACCESS CODES until you have time to fix the printer.

Issue: Printer Lever was not engaged.

Effect: Printer will not print.

Remedy: Engage level, Press ► next to Continue

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Closing the Polls


This report will be filed in the Reports Envelope, it should be attached to the st 1 TAPE. The PJ will use the Report to complete the JBC Reconciliation Log

1. On the JBC, press the CLOSE POLLS 2. Press ► next to Continue 3. Enter Close Polls Password 4. Press the ► next to Accept 5. A “Polls Closed” report prints, leave it on the JBC 6. Press the ► next to Access Code Report 7. Press the ► next to Print Tally 8. Print a total of 4 Tally Tapes a. 1 for PJ, 1 for AJ, 1 for Reports Envelope, 1 TO BE LEFT ON THE JBC

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Disconnecting and Packing Equipment At the end of Election Day, after the polls are closed, pack the equipment. You will return ALL JBCs to your drop-off location and ETC will pick up the eSlate units.

1. Disconnect the AC power 2. Disconnect the Battery Key

3.LEAVE the red plug and scanner connected

4. Detach both Privacy Screen loops

5.Twist to fold up the Privacy Screen

6.Secure the Privacy Screen on the white plastic clamp

7.Disconnect the black connector on the Long Cable from the Pigtail Cable inside of the first eSlate booth.

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8. Match the serial numbers on the JBC and transport box.

9.Place the JBC in the box. Make sure the Battery Key has been removed 10.Coil up the cords of the Daisy Cable, and the cables are positioned within AC power cord and surge protector. the cut foam area. Place the scanner Place the cords as shown into the in the designated slot. transport box.

11.Place the rolls of printer paper, BLUE copy of JBC Reconciliation Log, JBC Travel Box Seal Log and the JBC Reference Booklet in the transport box before the box is sealed.


REMEMBER: If you had a JBC replaced you MUST bring the faulty JBC to your turn-in location along with your other JBCs.

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Disassembling the eSlate

1. Close the unit. a. Step on left foot of unit (to stabilize). b. Hold the eSlate’s top with the right hand. c. Gently pull in the hinge with the left hand. d. Secure the 2 latches on the eSlate

2. Place unit on a table. a. Position the eSlate with handle facing the table. b. Lean the eSlate. c. Gently rotate the unit until it is flat on the table.

3. Unlock the leg braces by gently pushing up on the brace near the button.

Unlock leg braces (push button up)

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4. Remove the foot tubes. a. Depress the buttons on the leg extension that are securing the foot tube.

5. Un-extend the foot tubes. a. Depress the button on the foot tube. 6. Place the foot tubes in their storage area.


7. Remove the leg extensions. a. Depress the button on the leg, remove the leg extension. b. Place leg extension in storage area.

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8. Closing Legs. a. Start with the FRONT LEFT leg. b. Depress the button on the leg. c. Rotate the leg downward gently sliding leg into the position. i. It should fit the grooved slot. d. Continue with the Front Right, Back Left and Back Right legs.

9. The bracket lock should lay flat left under the right.

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10. Make sure there are 4 buttons visible, two on each black connector.

11. Secure 3 Velcro straps

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Loading Booths on the Wheeled Caddy

1. Before attempting to load the caddy, lock the wheels by pressing down on the locking paddle with your toe. 2. Unlatch and open the gate. Slide the booths into the caddy as shown at left. Fill up the bottom of the caddy first then slide booths in on top. The upper booths rest directly on top of the lower booths. 3. Ensure ALL the handles are on the side facing toward you. 4. Close and latch the gate. 5. The tops of the booths on both sides are against the caddy frame with the legs toward the inside. The handles are lined up facing the gate.

SAFETY POINT: UNLOCK THE WHEELS before attempting to move the caddy

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Using the DAU eSlate – Headphones and Tactile Input Switches

Headphones Tactile Switch

 The headphones are ideal for  The tactile switches are designed for visually impaired voters or voters voters with mobility impairments. having difficulty reading the  Make sure the tactile switches are ballot. plugged in to the correct jack on the  The headphones have a volume DAU eSlate. The DAU eSlate jack has control on the connecting cord. the universal disabled symbol next to it. Sliding the volume control up  A voter using the tactile input switches increases the volume, down on the ballot’s final contest will not see decreases the volume. a BALLOT SUMMARY page; instead the  Orient the visually impaired voter voter has the option to Review Ballot to the eSlate SELECT wheel and by navigating through the contests. the ENTER button.  Visually impaired voters who need  Button identification on the DAU both headphones and tactile input eSlate is also in BRAILLE. switches, they will need to be oriented to the switches with left-right directions by a poll worker. Button identification on the DAU eSlate is also in BRAILLE.  A voter’s personal “sip-and-puff” device can be plugged into the DAU eSlate access jack in place of the tactile input switches. “Sipping is similar to turning the SELECT wheel in a clockwise direction; “puffing” is similar to the ENTER button. The voter MUST provide their own sip-and-puff device.

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Voter Instructions Before each voter gets to an eSlate booth, explain how to vote on the eSlate.

Using the Voter Instruction flyer, script or Demonstration eSlate explain to the voter: You will be voting on the eSlate today.

1. First turn the SELECT wheel to highlight your language and press ENTER.

2. Turn the SELECT wheel to highlight the first number of your ACCESS CODE. Press ENTER. Do this for each number.

3. Turn the SELECT wheel to highlight your ballot choice. Press ENTER. The box to the left of the choice changes to RED. Do this for each contest. You can skip pages with NEXT.

4. Read the BALLOT SUMMARY PAGE(S) carefully. If you wish to change a choice from the Ballot Summary Page, highlight the line you wish to

change then press ENTER.

5. Only after all of your desired choices have been made, press CAST BALLOT from the final BALLOT SUMMARY PAGE.

6. Press Help once for an onscreen help message, twice to receive help from a poll worker.

You have finished voting when you see the waving American Flag.

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When a Voter asks for Help

When the JBC Display panel is flashing Red and Green or the voter motions for assistance do the following:

 Take a deep breath, Relax, Smile and Go to the Voter’s booth.

 Stand beside the privacy wing in order to not see the voter’s selection to keep the voter’s selection secret.


 Ask the voter “How may I help you?”

 Ask the voter which page is visible in order to determine how to assist.

 If the voter states that they are viewing the blue HELP page, instruct the voter to press ENTER to return to the Ballot.

 If the Voter wants to hide their page, the voter may press HELP to cover the Ballot page with the blue Help page.

 Voters DO NOT need to vote in all contests if they so choose.

 Voters may cast a blank ballot if they so choose.

 Most IMPORTANT – ALWAYS ask for permission before looking at the voter’s ballot AND Do NOT touch the voter’s eSlate machine.

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Straight Party Ticket Voting

During some elections it is possible for the voter to vote a straight party ticket that will select the same party for each contest that has a candidate associated with that party.

 If Straight Party Ticket voting is available for an election, the option to choose straight party will be the first contest on the ballot. This feature is not available in a primary election.

 To Select the Straight Party option, move the highlight bar to the party of choice by turning the Select wheel and press Enter.

o The box next to every candidate in the selected party in every contest will be RED. o If the voter wants to change one or more votes, the voter can press next to move through the ballot, find the contest and change the vote without affecting the rest of the ballot. o If the voter wants to ensure that one particular candidate has been chosen, the voter may review the ballot on the Ballot Summary page and make any necessary changes from that page.

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Write-in Feature

A list of declared write-in candidates and their offices will be posted in each eSlate and DAU eSlate booth.

1. Turn the SELECT wheel to the Write-in option (the last option in the contest) and press ENTER. The Enter Write-In Candidate screen will be displayed.

2. Turn the SELECT wheel to highlight the letters to spell the name of the candidate you wish to write-in. Press ENTER for each letter. The start-of-entry character will move to the right as you spell the candidate’s name.

3. When you are finished spelling the name, turn the SELECT wheel to highlight Accept and press ENTER. The voter will be returned to the NEXT contest on the ballot.

4. Other choices are Clear Last to go back a space and erase the last letter, Space to insert a space between names, and Cancel to return to the ballot without entering a choice.

Start-of-entry character

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Assisting the Voter The primary goal in assisting the voter is always to give the voter the opportunity to be as independent as possible.

Interpreter Voters who cannot speak English, or who communicate only with sign language, may use an interpreter to help them communicate with election officials. (TEC 61.032). The voter may select anyone to be their interpreter, except an agent or officer of their union or employer. (TEC 61.033). If the voter cannot read the languages on the ballot, the interpreter may also assist by translating the language on the ballot for the voter in the voting booth. (TEC 61.034). At this point the interpreter becomes an assistant and must sign both oaths . The Interpreter is required to take an oath before assisting the voter. (TEC 61.035). If an election officer and a voter communicate in a language other than English, any other election officer or watcher may request an English translation of anything communicated in the other language. (TEC 61.036).

Note: Always offer the voter to use the DAU if they speak Spanish, Vietnamese or Chinese.

Voter Assistance Voters are entitled to assistance if the voter cannot vote because of a physical disability that keeps the voter from being able to write or see; or not being able to read the language in which the ballot is written. (TEC 64.031).

Voters have two options to receive assistance: (TEC 64.032)  Someone whom they choose: as long as the person is not their labor union representative, their employer, an agent of their employer, or an officer or agent of a labor union to which the voter belongs. o The assistant MUST take the Oath, sign the Assistance Oath, and print his/her name (TEC 64.034). If interpreter is being used, have them sign the Oath of Interpreter (TEC 61.035) as well. o The Presiding Judge or Alternate Judge administers the oath found on the Oaths form. o Instruct the assistant that they are required to read the entire ballot unless the voter indicates otherwise.

 Any election clerk may provide assistance without completing an affidavit because they have already taken the oath. o Two election officials must be present when providing assistance to a voter, one from each party during the General Election for state and county officers. (TEC 64.032) Many times only one election official will speak the appropriate language when providing language assistance so it is important to discuss the ballot using generic language and make sure that the other election official is comfortable with the level of service being provided. Generic language is using terms such as “Your selection” rather than a candidate’s name.

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o If assistance is provided by election officials, one of them shall read the entire ballot to the voter unless the voter explains that he/she only wants to hear and vote on certain offices or measures. In that case, the officer shall read those items on the ballot specified by the voter.

Be considerate that a voter may be hesitant to admit that they are unable to read the ballot. If it appears that they cannot read, offer the DAU unit audio opportunity or offer to read the ballot for the voter.

1. The Voter, not the assistant, should ask for assistance. 2. If the voter does not ask for assistance, then the assistant may not assist the voter. 3. Always speak to the voter for direction, not the assistant. 4. If the voter is incapable of asking for assistance, the assistant is still not entitled to assist the voter. 5. Have the voter sign the oath of assistance after reciting the oath

Poll workers are allowed to instruct a voter on how to operate the machinery or the process. (TEC 61.009). Type of Assistance (TEC 64.0321) that is allowed:

 Reading the ballot to the voter;  Directing the voter to read the ballot;  Marking the voter’s ballot (this is the last resort- encourage the voter to do it on their own accord – if they can fill in the access code, then they can mark the ballot); or  Directing the voter to mark the ballot.

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Curbside Voting If a voter is physically unable to enter the polling place without assistance or likelihood of injury to his or her health, one election official may bring the ePollBook to first qualify the voter and then a DAU to the voter at the entrance or curb of the polling place. (TEC 64.009)

 The Greeter, wearing the assistance vest, should continually check the parking lot for voters requesting curbside assistance.  There is a form online that voters can fill out that will identify them for the election judge. The form can be found at under the Voting Info/Disabled Voters tab. Please accept this notice and proceed as normal to handle the curbside voter.  The curbside voter may not cut in line, but rather the election clerk should note where the voter would be in line. When that space moves up to the front of the line, the election judge shall handle the voter’s request to vote curbside. A red piece of paper may be handed to a voter in line to identify where the curbside voter would be.  The election clerk must qualify the curbside voter in the same manner as all other voters before allowing the voter to vote.

Take the necessary steps to ensure that the voter is given the same amount of privacy as in a polling booth.

Disabled Voters

An election officer MAY allow an eligible voter with a mobility problem that substantially impairs their ability to walk to cut in line and vote ahead of other voters. The election officer is not required to allow, but may allow this activity. (TEC 63.013).

If space is available, set up a few chairs for disabled voters to sit while they wait for their turn to vote.

As noted above, if disabled voters enter the polls through a different door than the other voters, post signs directing voters to the appropriate location. Ensure that the path remains free of any obstacle on Election Day.

Below are recommendations on meeting and working with people with disabilities. Do NOT treat them as victims, suffering, incapable, a burden, or children. Do give them respect, not sympathy, and allow them as much independence as possible.


 Disability does not define the voter, look at their abilities  Always talk directly to the person with the disability  If you have a question about how to assist someone, always ask

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In General

 In general do not offer assistance, but wait for it to be requested (as required by law). If the voter appears to be waiting for an offer of assistance do offer, but do not assist until the offer is accepted and only provide assistance in the manner requested by the voter  Ask the voter how they want to be assisted  Do not lean on or push the voter’s wheelchair unless the voter requests you to do so  Do not ask personal or medical questions and do not make assumptions — a voter may have a hidden impairment such as Multiple Scleroses or arthritis  Treat people as individuals and treat adults as adults  Talk to the disabled person and not to their assistant or service animal, but do respect the assistant or service animal. Do not pet, feed or distract the service animal when they are working. Ask the voter permission to make contact with the service animal  Do not worry about making mistakes, just ask  Avoid stiff necks, by getting to eye level with someone in a wheelchair  If a person is physically disabled that does not mean that they are deaf or mentally disabled. Do not talk extra loud or extra slow to a disabled person, talk normally unless they ask otherwise  If a voter is having difficulty standing in line, offer them a chair. Judges may allow disabled voters to cut in line.  Ask the voter if they need assistance entering the access code, once comfortable, allow the voter to vote independently unless they ask for additional assistance. Voters with Hearing or Speech Impairments

 Most important, be patient and take the time to understand what the voter wants to communicate  Use the same tone of voice you normally do unless the voter asks otherwise  Attract the voter’s attention with a wave or slight touch on the arm if necessary  Ask how the voter wants to communicate, i.e., lip-read, writing  When talking to a lip reader, speak slowly and clearly, provide emphasis and facial expressions, face the light, do not cover your mouth  Be patient, do not finish the voter’s sentences  If you do not understand, tell the voter what you understand so far and ask to repeat what you missed  Do not pretend to understand if you do not understand. Let them know  If a translator is present, speak to the voter, not the translator

Voters with Visual Impairments

 Introduce yourself and others to a visually impaired person and tell them where others are  Do not grab a person to guide them, offer your arm or shoulder and walk slightly in front  Ask the voter if they want to be warned about steps, doors, and other obstacles.  Face the voter when you are speaking to them  Let the voter know when you are leaving them  Never grab the voter’s cane

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Voters with Cognitive Disabilities  Use clear language  Do not take sudden emotions personally  Direct eye contact can be intimidating  Give the voter extra time to process the information that you have given them. Unlawful Assistance (TEC 64.036)

Class B Misdemeanor It is an offense if a person in a polling place, including all poll workers and judges, indicates to a voter by word, sign or gesture how the person desires the voter to vote or not vote. (TEC 61.008)

Class A Misdemeanor  Providing assistance to a voter who is not eligible for assistance;  While assisting a voter preparing the voter’s ballot in a way other than the way the voter directs or without direction from the voter;  While assisting a voter suggesting by word, sign, or gesture how the voter should vote; or  Providing assistance to a voter who has not requested assistance or selected the person to assist the voter.

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Election Workers Volunteering for Harris County





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