Teeing Up for Big News Topgolf manages communications and marketing surrounding the company’s acquisition of World Tour

Global sports entertainment leader Topgolf is growing exponentially. In addition to building 7-10 new venues annually and hiring 5,000 new associates each year, the company made its first acquisition in early 2016, purchasing the digital sports gaming platform World Golf Tour (WGT) and more than doubling its fan base overnight. Topgolf’s executive leadership team had been researching and pursuing the acquisition for a while, but the communications and marketing teams were notified just prior to the execution of the announcement. As Topgolf’s first acquisition, the team knew its announcement was critical from a public relations, internal communications and marketing standpoint. Topgolf tapped Lewis Public Relations and The Marketing Arm to execute the announcement as an extension of the internal team. Flexibility was a high priority for everyone on board as the team’s initial plan of attack changed and evolved from its beginning stages to final implementation.

Research Once notified of the WGT acquisition, Topgolf’s communications team began researching other golf acquisitions to provide context for the scale of this deal. The company also reviewed comScore analytics to verify that the Topgolf and WGT pairing would, indeed, create the world’s largest digital golf audience. Next, Topgolf and its agency teams began breaking down the demographics of WGT’s key audiences and comparing them to audiences at Topgolf’s venues. Statistics were identified where audience demographics overlapped – across age, gender and geographic location – for a better understanding of what key messages and media angles might exist. The public relations team also researched the most appropriate media contacts for the announcement. Not only did this include Topgolf’s usual contacts, but also new reporters across sports, mobile gaming, technology, business and entertainment from print, online and broadcast outlets. Pre-event media research provided insights that allowed for tailored preparation in the planning and implementation phases.

Planning Initially, Topgolf’s leadership team engaged the communications and marketing teams in mid-November 2015 for a pre-Thanksgiving acquisition announcement, allowing less than two weeks for preparation. The leadership team advised they would like to make the announcement on the Golf Channel. Considering the significance of this announcement, the Topgolf communications team suggested that Topgolf instead own the distribution channels. The team quickly pivoted from planning a two-minute segment on the Golf Channel to Topgolf’s first-ever news conference. Again taking into account the technology message behind the acquisition story, the team boldly decided that the conference would be streamed live online from Topgolf The Colony, located miles from Topgolf’s home office in Dallas. National, regional and local Dallas/Fort Worth media would be invited to attend the news conference and then enjoy a full Topgolf experience afterward.

However, just days before the event, the acquisition had not yet been finalized. The communications team reconvened with leadership and chose to postpone the announcement to align with the 2016 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Fla., on Jan. 27. Making the announcement at the PGA Show ensured a present and interested golf media audience, but it also presented new logistical challenges – including garnering interest beyond traditional golf industry contacts and providing a Topgolf experience in a market where there is no Topgolf venue nearby. What’s more, Topgolf had never hosted a full exhibition at the PGA Show – or at any industry trade show.

Despite the significant shift in strategy, the team took on this courageous approach to the event. From Dallas, The Marketing Arm designed a full event space that would convey the interactive fun and excitement of the Topgolf brand. Lewis Public Relations tweaked the media plan to not only garner interest beyond the typical audience, but also to build excitement among business, gaming and technology reporters who typically have no professional interest in the PGA Show. The Topgolf communications team continued to develop messaging, tools and resources to ensure the company’s associates would feel connected and involved in the announcement.

“Teeing Up for Big News” 148c – Integrated Marketing Topgolf with Lewis Public Relations & The Marketing Arm Sept. 13, 2016

Execution Event Execution: The Marketing Arm handled all event logistics, from the room design and setup to the video livestream and A/V needs. A day and a half before the announcement, the Co-Founder and CEO of WGT had to cancel his travel plans to Orlando due to an illness. The Topgolf communications team quickly prepped WGT’s Chief Creative Officer to stand in, although due to the late arrival of his flight, an in-person practice session was not possible. Nevertheless, the evening before the announcement, the other Topgolf leaders gathered to practice the news conference with the communications team. Every detail was rehearsed, including speeches, audience questions and potential interruptions. When it was finally time to make the announcement the next morning, Topgolf was ready.

In addition to the news conference, The Marketing Arm team created a fun atmosphere that would draw attendees into the Topgolf experience. After the announcement, the room was reset to accommodate a branded slow-motion video booth, massage chairs, food and beverages, charging stations and a presentation stage for more programming. While outside of the exhibition hall, the Topgolf room was the place to be during the show.

Media Relations: Much of the public relation’s team preparation and execution occurred before setting foot in Orlando. Due to confidentiality and the need to make a big splash at the PGA Show, media could not be notified of the acquisition before the official announcement. However, for legal reasons, nearly 50 WGT associates had to be notified of the acquisition days before, raising the risk of a media leak. The team prepared for all possible scenarios.

Pre-event pitches teased the announcement and encouraged media not attending the PGA Show to tune in to the livestream to watch the news in real time. Tailored pitches were sent to different audiences – primarily golf, gaming, technology, business and entertainment – based on each media contact’s respective beats and interests. For Tier 1 media access, Topgolf offered select non-disclosure agreements in order to provide information in advance. NDAs were signed by contacts at Financial Times, Forbes, CNBC, Golf Channel and Golf Digest. With a signed agreement, the team could freely discuss the announcement details and begin working on stories with these key outlets. The team also prearranged more than 20 interviews for Topgolf Entertainment Group Co-Chairman and CEO Erik Anderson and Topgolf CEO Ken May to conduct at the PGA Show following the announcement.

During the news conference, a news release went live on PR Newswire, and the team began sharing it with media contacts not in attendance at the show. The team followed up with a customized infographic, which depicted key data from Topgolf and WGT, and engaged with media, fans and associates using the #golfmeetsgaming hashtag.

Internal Communications: It was a top priority that both Topgolf and WGT associates felt included in the event and part of the new, combined brand. Associates were sent the livestream link via email and through the company’s intranet portal, The Clubhouse, days before the event. When the news conference went live, associates saw familiar faces from both companies to announce the news. The livestream allowed the more than 10,000 associates to learn of the acquisition at the same time, helping appease rumors and immediately answering questions. Further, a companywide letter and frequently asked questions were posted on The Clubhouse during the announcement, providing reassurance and information from leadership. Gift bags filled with Topgolf swag were shipped to the WGT office in to generate excitement among the newest Topgolf associates.

Results To date, the WGT acquisition announcement is the company’s single most successful integrated marketing communications effort. It signifies the transition of Topgolf’s messaging about a sports venue operation to a sports media community. Media filled Topgolf’s standing-room-only news conference, which generated more than 1.9 million impressions and nearly 60 original articles, including unique placements with Forbes, Financial Times, Golf Digest, NBC Golf Channel’s “Morning Drive,” the Associated Press, VentureBeat, The Dallas Morning News and Dallas Business Journal. The livestream recorded 4,246 views, and Topgolf.com traffic increased by 30 percent the day of and two days following the announcement. Out of the 2,000 other vendors at the show, Topgolf owned approximately 12 percent of the #PGAShow social conversation, and more than 2,000 attendees interacted with the brand at the company’s event space. Most importantly, six months later, 80 percent of Topgolf guests surveyed said they were aware of Topgolf’s acquisition of WGT, proving as Golf Digest boldly claimed in its coverage of the event, “It’s Topgolf’s world, we’re just living in it.”

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Appendix A: Infographic

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Appendix B: Media Samples

http://www.forbes.com/sites/jefffromm/2016/01/29/topgolf-to-re-imagine-sports-entertainment-for- millennials-with-world-golf-tour-acquisition/#62a4fe2d387d

January 29, 2016

Topgolf To Reimagine Sports Entertainment For Millennials With World Golf Tour Acquisition

For many, golf is a lifestyle. For others, it’s what they live for. But for most golfers it’s just an activity … more enjoyable for some than others. But above all, golf itself is a brand. And unfortunately, it is a brand that has been losing steam with one of the most powerful generations in the United States today: millennials.

Golf participation rate has dropped nearly 30% among millennials today compared to previous generations, according to joint research from the National Golf Foundation and FutureCast. In an age where millennials do not align with traditional schemas, golf as a traditional sport, but more importantly, a brand, has suffered. However, Topgolf is a millennial-friendly innovation (especially among top affluent millennials–research available here) that is taking the industry by storm and aligning with the physical and social culture some millennial golfers want but cannot get from traditional golf experiences.

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After recently acquiring the World Golf Tour (WGT), I interviewed Erik Anderson, Topgolf Entertainment Group co-chairman and CEO, to gather his thoughts about the changes hitting the industry.

Jeff Fromm: Why did Topgolf acquire WGT?

Erik Anderson: The Topgolf brand has always been forward-thinking, using technology to enhance the game of golf, making it more accessible and fun for all. As Topgolf expands into a truly global lifestyle brand, we found a digital partner who could take our in-venue experience to the next level and converge online and offline golf experiences.

WGT is the leading web and mobile golf game with more than 14 million players worldwide across online, social and mobile platforms. By acquiring WGT, we brought together golfers and gamers to create the world’s largest digital golf audience.

Fromm: How will this acquisition impact the in-person and online experience that millennials expect?

Anderson: Technology has always been at the core of the Topgolf brand, but our acquisition will really take it to a whole new level. With WGT’s expertise in development, we can offer more game features and create a more integrated fan experience–something that millennials have proven to love. Gamers who maybe haven’t ever swung an actual club can come to Topgolf and get started. And fans who love Topgolf can take the fun with them and play whenever they’d like on their phone, tablet or computer.

We are very excited about new features coming to the online gaming platform. The most obvious will be the addition of our signature Topgolf targets to the game. Fans will have the option of playing the Topgolf outfield, like you would at one of our venues, or overlaying the target onto a course. Plus, we’ll be adding more courses, features and modes.

The is a way to introduce Topgolf to golf enthusiasts who may not know our brand. Even if they don’t live near a Topgolf, they can learn our style and have fun with the targets. Then, when they travel to a market with a Topgolf location or when we expand to their own city, they can have the full in-venue entertainment experience.

Fromm: What innovation opportunity areas are on the Topgolf agenda in the next two years?

Anderson: Our vision is to be “a global sports entertainment community creating the best times of your life.” To really embody that vision, though, we see opportunity in one-of-a-kind entertainment experiences and features.

We see opportunity in building Topgolf as a lifestyle brand–synonymous with fun. When we started, we were focused on taking traditional golf outside its comfort zone and creating a more millennial experience. Now, we’re really competing with the traditional night out. Topgolf is a unique alternative to dinner and a movie or bowling. Skill level, budget, time and dress code no longer matter. It’s all about bringing people together.

That has challenged us to find bigger, more creative ways to entertain our fans. So, we’re starting to incorporate venue enhancements into our new locations. Las Vegas, for example, will have a swimming pool for our guests to enjoy. Other venues on the horizon include a stage for live music. We’ll host concerts, and through our Topgolf Media division, we can share those concerts with all of our venues across the Topgolf network.

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Fromm: Will new innovations be primarily driven by future acquisitions or gaining leverage on the existing new platform you’ve created?

Anderson: While we are growing quickly and future acquisitions aren’t out of the question, we feel strongly that this new corporate structure has positioned us to deliver an innovative, unique experience to our fans today and well into the future.

Our holding company, Topgolf Entertainment Group (TEG), is taking a strategic path forward with a commitment to be the leading innovator in sports entertainment. TEG has formed Topgolf Media to deliver new entertainment options and content for Topgolf guests beyond the four walls of each venue. Topgolf Media will enhance the Topgolf experience through advanced digital media, strategic partnerships and sponsorships.

Fromm: How will Topgolf impact interest in golf among a core millennial audience?

Anderson: Golf can be an intimidating game. To play 18 holes, you might need a private club membership, pressed khakis and four hours to spend on the course–all things that aren’t as enticing to a millennial today.

From our beginning, Topgolf has worked to break down barriers and make golf fun and accessible to all. We took the concept of darts, where you can earn points even if you don’t hit the bullseye, and applied it to golf. Don’t have clubs? No problem–we’ll let you borrow ours. Hungry? We have a full menu. Over time, we’ve added more entertainment features to make the experience even more unique.

By making golf more accessible, Topgolf is seeing a shift in golf’s newest enthusiasts. Research shows that Topgolf guests said they were inspired to learn the game of golf after visiting Topgolf. Of everyone surveyed in the NGF study, almost half said that Topgolf influenced their interest in

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playing golf. The brand is offering people a fun, un-intimidating swing at golf. Anyone one of any age or skill level can play.

This type of innovation will be what sets the way for brands across the board. Multi-channel experiences that transition from digital and physical worlds will serve as the next big wave of consumer expectation.

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http://www.golfdigest.com/story/topgolf-is-about-to-get-even-better-after-its-latest-acquisition-world- golf-tour

January 27, 2016

Topgolf is about to get even better after its latest acquisition, World Golf Tour

Topgolf has now entered the realm of virtual reality, and it has officially captured the world’s largest digital golf audience. The entertainment company, which attracted 8 million people to its 24 venues in 2015, has acquired World Golf Tour (WGT), a gaming company that has more than 14 million players across its online, social and mobile platforms.

“Scale in terms of aggregating audience matters to all of our potential partners,” said Topgolf Co- Chairman Erik Anderson. “We can now engage golfers across worlds, both virtual and real.”

But Topgolf’s acquisition of WGT is about more than capturing a large audience -- the Topgolf experience will soon become enhanced with WGT’s technology. Right now, games are played in dartboard style, but with WGT’s resources, golfers will soon be able to “play” an array of golf courses from their favorite Topgolf venue. Bandon Dunes, Shadow Creek, and other tracks could appear on the screens at each Topgolf bay, and instead of merely trying to hit targets, golfers could virtually feel what it’d be like to approach the 7th green at Pebble Beach. Conversely, with added funding

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from Topgolf, the WGT community will enjoy a richer stream of content and a larger array of golf courses from which to play.

“Topgolf has always signified so much more than a golf entertainment venue,” said Anderson. “We envision ourselves as a global sports lifestyle brand where people go to have the best times of their lives with golfing, gaming, food and beverage, music, apparel, digital content and much more.”

In 2015, 923 million holes were played via WGT and 358 million golf balls were hit at Topgolf. Those numbers are expected to grow significantly in 2016, in large part due to Topgolf’s acquisition of WGT. In addition to this digital expansion, Topgolf is opening venues in Las Vegas and several other key markets in 2016, increasing its projected annual attendance from 8 million to more than 12 million.

It’s Topgolf’s world, we’re just living in it.

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January 28, 2016

Dallas-based Topgolf acquires gaming group World Golf Tour

The Dallas-based Topgolf entertainment group has acquired online sports gaming company World Golf Tour.

Terms of the deal were not released Wednesday. A Topgolf statement says the agreement represents a convergence of the online and offline golf experience.

Topgolf has 24 venues worldwide, featuring driving ranges using golf balls outfitted with microchips so players can aim at targets. The balls instantly score each shot for distance and accuracy. Topgolf complexes also include food and drink venues.

San Francisco-based WGT has more than 14 million players worldwide with web and mobile golf games.

*This article ran in The Times, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Gate and CBS 11 (KTVT-TV, Dallas/Fort Worth)

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Appendix C: Photos from the News Conference

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