Haar Measure on Locally Compact Topological Groups Abhishek Gupta February 2, 4, 2015 These are notes of my presentation delivered as a part of the course MTH 638: Abstract Harmonic Analysis at IIT Kanpur. Please send errors to
[email protected]. The existence and uniqueness (i.e. upto scaling) of the Haar measure is proved. We follow the proof given by Weil and discussed in the book `Abstract Harmonic Analysis' by G.B. Folland. The modular function is also discussed briefly. By a locally compact group we shall mean a topological group which is locally compact and Hausdorff as a topological space. Note that in such a space the Urysohn lemma applies which we shall use, often without explicit comment. 1 Haar Measure: its Existence and Uniqueness Let G be a locally compact group. Cc(G) denotes the space of real valued compactly supported functions + on G and Cc (G) = ff 2 Cc(G): f ≥ 0; f 6= 0g. Recall that a Radon measure on a topological space X is a Borel measure which is finite on compact subsets (compact subsets of Hausdorff spaces are Borel measurable), outer regular on all Borel subsets and inner regular on all σ-finite Borel sets. Definition 1.1. A left(respectively right) Haar measure on a locally compact topological group G is a Radon measure µ such that µ(E) = µ(xE)(respectively µ(E) = µ(Ex)) for every Borel set E and 8x 2 G. Given a left Haar measure µ, one can immediately see thatµ ~ defined byµ ~(E) = µ(E−1) is a right Haar measure.