Hate Timeline 1936: Hitler temporarily 1933: Non- (Jews, relaxed the antisemitic children, and grandchildren of propaganda and other Jews) dismissed from measures against Jews for the government jobs. Jews could duration of the Summer not hold jobs in radio, theater Olympic games. or arts. Jewish lawyers and judges were not allowed to 1937: “Aryanization” the keep their jobs. confiscation of Jewish businesses and property 1933: General boycott of all increased greatly. Jewish-owned business. 1938: The Reich Supreme 1933: Mass bonfires set Court declared that being a throughout to burn Jew was cause for dismissal books by Jews and anti-Nazis from a job

1933: Jewish doctors were not 1938: allowed to treat “” extended to patients 1938: All Jews had to add the 1935: Nuremberg laws are names “Israel” and “Sarah” to passed. These defined Jews by their identification papers and racial criteria. Jews were no passports were marked with longer citizens of Germany the red letter J, for Jude (Jew)

1935: Marriage and intimate 1938: Jews could no longer relations between Jews and attend plays and concerts, own those of “Aryan” blood were phones, or have driver’s declared criminal acts licenses.

1 1938: Pogram – 1939: SS St. Louis, an ocean Approximately 1400 liner carrying 907 Jews fleeing synagogues were burned and Germany, was denied entry 7000 stores owned by Jews and into the US. Passengers were hundreds of homes were forced to return to Germany damaged and looted where many died in the camps.

1938: 30,000 Jews, mostly 1939: Jews forced to give all leaders in the Jewish gold/silver items to the Nazis communities, were sent to concentration camps. Many 1939: Jews in Poland are were offered the opportunity ordered to be gathered into to leave the camps if they ghettos near railroads could prove that they had arranged to leave Germany. 1939: Yellow stars must be (However, to leave people worn by Polish Jews over 10 must have a valid passport, and Jews were not citizens of 1940: The town of Auschwitz Germany, therefore had in Poland is chosen for the site difficulty getting a passport) of a new concentration camp

1938: Very few Jewish children 1940: First deportation of remained in German schools German Jews into Poland

1938: All Jewish shops had to 1940: Lodz Ghetto and Warsaw close by Dec. 31, 1938 Ghetto in Poland is sealed off from the outside world 1938: Jews had to abide by curfews and are forbidden to 1940: France is occupied and be outdoors after 8:00 pm the first anti-Jewish measures are passed in France

2 1941: The leader of the Nazi 1941: Beginning of general party in Poland states “I ask deportation of German Jews nothing of the Jews except that they should disappear.” 1941: 35,000 Jews in Odessa shot 1941: Massive expansion of Auschwitz, including a new 1941: Eva Mozes’ teacher made compound to be built at the twins kneel on corn in the nearby Birkenau that can hold classroom for an hour while 100,000 prisoners. the other children told her that the dirty Jews put the birds’ 1941: Romanian troops eggs on her chair. conduct a against Jews in the town of Jassy, killing 1942: Mass killings of Jews 10,000. using Zyklon B begin at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Bodies 1941: The Führer orders the of the Jewish are buried in mass graves question. The SS have to carry out this order. Auschwitz is 1942: Belzec extermination chosen for this purpose. camp in Poland becomes operational. Permanent gas 1941: As the German Army chambers are installed advances, SS follow along and conduct mass 1942: All European Jews are murder of Jews in seized lands. being deported to camps

1941: The first use of Zyklon-B 1942: German Jews are banned gas at Auschwitz from using public transportation 1941: German Jews forced to wear yellow stars 1942: Sterilization experiments on women begin 3 1942: US signs order to 1944: Death marches of incarcerate 120,000 Americans concentration camp inmates and immigrants of Japanese away from advancing forces ancestry 1944: Camps begin to be 1943: Number of Jews killed liberated in parts of Germany passes one million 1944: Eva Mozes and her 1943: All gypsies are arrested/ family were herded onto a sent to extermination camps train bound for Auschwitz. When they asked for water, 1943: Chief surgeon at having gone three days Auschwitz reports that 106 without food or water, the castration operations have guard asked for gold watches been performed in exchange. When given some, he threw a bucket of water in 1944: President Roosevelt the car, but the water only issues a statement condemning splashed in uselessly. German and Japanese ongoing "crimes against humanity." 1945: Liberation of Auschwitz

1944: Some who escaped from the camps warn the world about what is going on there.

1944: Last transport of Jews to be gassed arrives at Auschwitz

1944: Himmler orders destruction of Auschwitz crematories

4 1955: Emmett Till murdered in 2018: Wheaton College Mississippi accused of allowing hazing as “means of building character 1960: 6-year-old Ruby Bridges and a perceived unity within becomes the first African- the team.” American student at her school. White parents 2018: Article published “How withdrew their children. old were you when you first encountered racism?” 1994: Ryan White denied entry to his school in Indiana 2018: Shooting at Pittsburg because he had AIDS synagogue leaves 11 dead

2012: Sandy Hook elementary 2019: School bully nearly school in Newtown, CT blinds a student by smashing shooting – shooter expressed a his glasses into his face “scorn for humanity.” 2019: Math teacher denied 2014: Proposal to name bridge promotions and fired because in Fort Myers, FL for Henry she is a lesbian Ford withdrawn after evidence of his antisemitic views. 2019: Roncalli guidance counselor fired for marrying 2015: Study shows 24% of her wife people have been bullied at work 2019: Police fail to investigate racial graffiti sprayed on a 2016: article of a teen who was Black family’s front door bullied because he was not as wealthy as his peers 2019: Scientists find science textbooks make children more racially prejudiced 5 2019: Alabama newspaper editor calls on KKK to lynch Democrats