Murray State's Digital Commons Paducah Daily Register Newspapers 4-28-1907 Paducah Daily Register, April 28, 1907 Paducah Daily Register Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Paducah Daily Register, "Paducah Daily Register, April 28, 1907" (1907). Paducah Daily Register. 546. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Paducah Daily Register by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ter opso '1; k o 4 7 • • - • PADUCAH DAILY REGISTER. - •. • Standard. Est April, 114 KY.. SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 28, 1907. May, PADUCAH. VOL. man. Nuataraan• Register, Bet 1896- - - • _ _ tatiroort '.5 PADUCAH BOYS WON. Ti. was held last Thursday afternoon. As the soperintendent of this depart- ,.41 _HOW MANY TOTEVO FOR Defeated Metropolis Lads by a Score LECTURED ON ment, Mrs. Fannie Dunn, was pre- c.; .lo ti o. vented by illness front attending, Mrs. Jettie Elliott conducted the meeting et. THURSDAY'S PRIMARY yes- AT The high school baseball club EUROPEAN TRIP Choice selections from both= sitgrpoott defeated the school and pros- relating. to the DIFFEREV. tordIV rt."4441. the from Metropolis by a score of" of flowers, were read hy different 1>aa .10141 THERE ARE FIVE ALDERMEN, EIGHT SCHOOL TRUSTEES to to o, The game was played at members. There vrese several contri- Willace path, the -liee-up being: REV. J D. BLACKARD MADE butions 4f Sorts for the homes in- AND SEVEN COUNCILMEN TO BR ELECTED NEXT NO.