Evelyn I. Funda College of Humanities and Social Sciences
[email protected] Utah State University (435) 797-3653 (office) 0700 Old Main Hill (435) 760-9703 (cell) Logan, UT 84322-0700 EDUCATION: Ph.D, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1994. (American Literature, Secondary Areas: Western American Literature and Folklore. Language: Czech) M.A., Boise State University, 1986 (English Education) B.A., Boise State University, 1984 English (Secondary Ed. emphasis / History minor) PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, 2016-Present Director, Mountain West Center for Regional Studies (CHaSS) 2016-Present Professor of English, Utah State University 2015-Present (Specializing in Willa Cather, American Literature 1865-1945, Western American memoir, and Agrarian Literature and Culture) Acting Department Head, English (February-March) 2020 Associate Professor of English, Utah State University 2001-2015 Assistant Professor of English, Utah State University 1995-2001 Instructor & Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1989-1995 English Teacher, Kofa High School, Yuma, Arizona 1986-1989 PUBLICATIONS: Book (Peer-Reviewed): Weeds: A Farm Daughter’s Lament. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2013. • Reviewed in The New York Times Sunday Supplement, Prairie Schooner, Shelf Awareness, Midwest Book Review, Kirkus, Booklist, Western American Literature, ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, Pacific Northwest Quarterly, Lifewriting Annual, Kosmos: Czechoslovak and Central European Journal. • Winner of Evans Handcart Award for Biography, 2014. Textbook: Farm: A Multimodal Reader. 3rd Edition. (Forthcoming). Textbook co-authored and edited with Joyce Kinkead and Lynne McNeill. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2020. (Two previous editions published by Fountainhead Press, 2014 and 2016).