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BY W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D. Department of Zoology, University of Queensland


BY R. ENDEAN, M.Sc. Department of Zoology, University of Queensland

FRY. Price: Five Shillings QL 1 • .Ul v.1 THE .UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND PRESS N0,2 BRISBANE l 8th APRIL, 1953'--....__-- c1

Volume I 1953 Number 2

A Bibliography of the Marine Invertebrates of Queensland


W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D. Department of Zoology, University of Queensland.

THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND PRESS BRISBANE 8th APRIL, 1953 Registered at the General Post O ffice, Brisbane,' for transmission by Post as a Book.

Wholly set up and printed in Australia by WATSON, FERGUSON AN D COMPANY Brisbane, Q. 1953 CONTENTS


I Introduction 21

II Scope 21

III Historical Review 22

IV Present State of Faunistic Knowledge 23





















A Bibliography of the Marine Invertebrates of Queensland By W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D. Department of_ Zoology, University of Queensland

I. INTRODUQTION. British marine biologists have found the " Plymouth Marine Fauna"* and the "Marine Fauna of the Isle of Man "t invaluable as guides to the literature and as a synopsis of the faunistic components of their areas. One might hope that a " Queensland Marine Fauna " of similar nature, but necessarily of vaster dimensions, may be produced eventually. The compiling of a full bibliography of existing faunistic records is an essential preliminary. The compilation began in 1950 and the usual sources were searched, viz., Zoological Records, Biological Abstracts, and also most of the prominent Australian, British and American journals. In every case where literature was available within Queensland, papers were sighted, and brief comments on the scope of the papers are included with these references. Where there is more than one publication during a year by an author, strict chronological order of publication is followed where known (indicated by a, b, c, etc.), but in some cases the sequence is arbitrary owing to the extreme difficulty in determining exact dates. In some .::ases references could not be consulted directly or by proxy, and are probably not available in Australia. The source of the reference is then given in this form:-" fide Zoo!. Ree.". It was suspected and later proved, that many references with a Queensland context had not been revealed in this search. In an attempt to fill most of the gaps the assistance of various.Australian workers was canvassed, and many additional references have been incorporated as a result of their invaluable help. It is suspected that further references have still been overlooked, and it is hoped that omissions will be drawn to the attention of the authors, and published together with accrued additions at a later date. Recent JJa.pers not received in the Department of Zoology by 1st November, 1952, have not been included. The assistance of the following ls 5mt.,fully acknowledged both here and by incorporating their initials before the comments following the appropria1.o references:- Mr. T. Iredale, Mr. A. Musgrave, Mr. F. A. McNeill and Miss E. Pope (all of the Australian Museu,=) :-1\![r. F. E. Allen, Dr. M. Blackburn, Miss B. Dew, Miss P. Kott, and Mr. E. J. Ferguson-Wood_ (all _ of the C.S.i.n 0. Fisheries Division); Mr. A. C. Collins (9 McDonald Avenue, Newtown, Geelong, V1ctona); Dr.. M. Glaes;;...,r (University of Adelaide); Mr. K. Salter (Umvers1ty of Sydney); and_ Mr. F. S. Colliver and Dr. D. H1H (Dt,p,irtment of Geology, University of Queensland). In addition, assistance has been received from w1thm _the Zr..0]ogy Department from Mr. A. Perkins (Insecta), Miss P. Pennycmk (Hydrmda), Mrs. Parnell (Ponfera), ana 1J[ r. R. Endean. II. SCOPE. The " marine environment " here includes the upper littoral, brackish water, and coastal salt-pa" habitats. " Queensland " includes all areas within 100 nautical miles of the mainland, incorporates the Great. Barrier Reef (with Murray Island and its neighbours), most of the Torres Straits islands, and the ·New South Wales coast south to the Clarence River. The few faunistic records from the Gulf of Carpentaria are also included. It was intended that only references which actuaJly record from Queensland should be included. A few of the references received from collaborators have been excluded oµ these grounds. .Some of the earlier literature predates the separation of Queensland from New South Wales in 1859, and this literature is included if there are reasonably strong indications that the areas collected now fall within the defined bounds. The scope is restricted to the invertebrates, with Tunicata, Enteropneusta, etc., included for the· sake of convenience. Vertebrates are excluded because they are largely covered by Whitley and McCulloch's "A List of the Fishes Recorded fro·m Queensland Waters."+ In addition, it i,s understood that Mr. T." C. Marshall's comprehensive study of the marine fishes of Queensland is nearing completion. Each major grouping is separately listed, and within each group the references are arranged alphabetically. A separate group (" General and Ecological ") covers topics such as biogeography and zonation, and a further group (" Manuscript and. near Manuscript work '_') incorporates material on the point of publication or alternatively, ho.used and available. for consultat10n m. a rnput'.1-ble library. Apart from this last category, if a publication deals with several ammal groupmgs, it 1s listed m .each of the appropriate sections, The sections and number of references in each are as follows:- • Prot.ozoa (40); Porifera (24); Coelenterata (125); Platyhelminthes (19); Acanthocephala (4); Nemertea (2); Nematoda (7); Chaetognatha (4); Annelida (25); Echiuroidea and Sipunculoi?ea (4); Polyzoa (38); Brachiopoda (5); Crustacea (164); Insecta and Arachmda (20); Pycnogomda (7); (440); Echinodermata (89); Chordata Acrama (15); General and Ecological (44); Manuscript and nea,r Manuscript Work (39).

•" Plymouth Marine Fauna" 2nd Ed. (1931), Svo., 372 pp . Pub. by Mar. Biol. Assoc. t" Marine Fauna of the Isle of Man" (1937), Svo., 293 pp., Liverpool. t (1925), Mem. Qd. Mus.. Vol. VIII, pp. 25-182. 22 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D.

III. HISTORICAL REVIEW, The first marine biologist to ·visit Queensland was Solander, aboard H.M.S. "Endeavour" in 1770. In spite of a fair amount of material collected there is only one Queensland shell recorded in the literature (see Museum Calonnianum). Cook's journal, which has been issued more or less verbatim by several publishers*, contains a narrative of the voyage along the coast. Some marine (mostly edible !} are described sufficiently to be recognisable, but these can scarcely be called faunistic records. Much the same can be said of Flinders' (1814)t account of his surveying voyage. There are botanical appendices by the naturalists aboard but none are zoological, though a number of marine observations are scattered through. the text. The first major reported collections were those of Hombron and Jacquinot abroad the "Astrolabe" and "Zelt�e" in 1840, followed by Jukes, MacGillivray and Ince aboard H.M.S. "Fly" in 1843-5. The "Fly" surveyed the coast from the Bunker Group to Darnley Island and this work was continued in 1847-9 by H.M.S. " Rattlesnake." MacGillivray gave an account of the voyage, with many illustrations by T. H. Huxley, then junior surgeon. Unfortunately the collections of the "Endeavour," " Fly" and " Rattlesnake" were dispersed and MacGillivray's field notes were lost. Many of the shells fell into the hant[s of Hugh Cuming, who also obtained material from Moreton Bay via Frederick Strange. Cuming's collections of molluscs ·were reported upon extensively, and molluscan references aimost completely dominate tJ::e early literature. During the 1850's there were spasmodic collections by S. Stutchbury, Commodore Loring, and G. F. Angus, and again• molluscs dominated. The next intensive work, however, was by Frau Amalie Dietrich, who visited localities· between Brisbane and Torre.s Straits in 1868. Her collections embraced many phyla and were sent to the Godeffroy Museum, Hamburg, and localities are recorded in the sales catalogues of that institute. Three years later (1871), J. Brazier accompanied an expedition to the Northumberland Group, and publis):ied several papers on the mollusca on his return. . H.M.S. "Challenger" visited Cape York (Stations 185-7) in 1874 and collections comprised 800 species from a wiae range of phyla. The area was not intensively collected and it is unfortunate that the " Challenger" did not collect from the Great Barrier Reef, thereby setting a precedent which has been followed by several later expeditions, including the " Dana" and " Galathea" of recent years. In 1875, the "Chevert" expedition, of Australian origin. o=v10red the Percy Group and Torres Straits. The results were mostly published in the Proceedin(l's 0£ th e Lmnean Society of New South Wales, with Brazier, Haswell, Tenison-Woods, MacCleav o.nd Alleyne as the mam contnbutors. In 1875, S.M.S. "Gazelle" rJ,d limited dredging in Moreton Bay, and the next intensive work was that of H.M.S. "Alert," whi,i. worked from Port Curtis northwards in 1881. The results were published by the British Museu,,.,, ':nd the Linnean Society of New South Wales, and some have appeared after a delay of 50 years. D,,,mg this penod there were noteworthy personal collections by Morton, Tenison-Woods, and Hasw"''· ln the late 1880's and early 1890's, Haddon and later Semon, visited Torres Straits and made marine collechons. in a more or less incidental fashion. _ Their results were reported mainly in the Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society and the " Zoologische Forschungsreisen" respectively. Meanwhile, W. Sa:ville-Kent, who was Commissioner of Fisheries from 1889-91, produced bis extremely well known work on the Great Barrier Reef, and in drawing zoological attention to the area, may perhaps be excused for some of the chaos he introduced into invertebrate and ichthylogical . Apart trom occasional papers by well known figures like A. Agassiz and A. G. Mayer, the next outstanding contributions were by officers of the Australian Museum, Sydney. Of these, Charles Hedley, who travelled extensively along the Queensland coast from 1901 until the later years of his life, made extensive and invaluable contributions to our knowledge of the mollusca. These have been extended by Mr. T. Iredale, who has honoured us by making additions to our present list. What Hedley did for molluscs, Grant and McCulloch did for the crustacea, and their work has been followed up by Mr. F. A. McNeill and by Mr. Mel_bourne Ward, who was attached to the Museum for some _years in an honorary capacity. In recent years, outstanding contributions have resulted from the visit of the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, which was based on Low Island in 1928-9. In this expedition, led by Dr. C. ¥. Yonge, the first physiological work upon reef animals, and the first _intensive plankton work was undertaken. Unfortunately there has been a delay of 25 years m the pubhcat1011 of the faumstic work on three of the major group�­ the hard· , the gasteropod s, and the decapod crustacea. It has been impossible to give credit to many other outstanding workers in this brief review, particularly thos'e of recent years (e.g.; Clark and Carlgren), but comments on individual references give some indication of their merit. The omission of specific reference to outstanding contributions by Queensland workers is not due to fal�e modesty, but apparently to the lack of interest by Queenslanders in our marine invertebrate fauna.

• COOK, Capt. J. (1770): "Cook's First Voyage Round the World" in " The Three Famous Voyages of Captaiu James Cook round the world, etc.", published by Ward, Lock, Bowden & Co. (no date), London, Svo.; Qd., pp. 201-270. t F DE . M . (181 : "A Voyage to ustra nderta en for LIN RS 4). Terra A lis; u _ k . the. purpose, of completing the discovery of the vast country, and prosecuted 1n the years 1801, 1802, and 1803, ID His MaJesty s ship the Investigator,' 2nd subsequently in the armed 1 vessel Porpoise' and 'Cumberland' schooner, etc." London, 1814, 4to., Vols. I & II with an atlas Vol. II, pp. 1-613 with woodcuts. A BIBLIO GRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 23 IV. PRESENT STATE OF FAUNISTIC KNOWLEDGE. Lists given earlier have shown the very unequal treatment of the different animal groupings, ranging from a pathetic number of references on the " vermes " to a frightening number on the molluscs. In the latter group one might expect that cc5nsolidation of existing information was the prime need, but in fact many of the groups within the phylum are still very poorly recorded, e.g., the Cephalopoda. The same applies to the Crustacea where the ostracods, copepods, amphipods and isopods have been largely neglected. It is only in the Echinodermata that there has been reasonably intensive collecting, and also consolidation of results. As regards localities, four main areas are mentioned-the Torres Straits to Murray Island region ; the Cairns, Low Island region; the Gladstone, Capricorn Island region ; and the Moreton Bay region. Vast areas have been virtually untouched, for example, the Gulf of Carpentaria and the coastal stretch between Princess Charlotte Bay and Cape York. Even Moreton Bay, adjacent to the capital city, has been ill explored faunistically as evidenced by new records and new species turning up in groups now being studied . As regards habitats, the major attention has been given to intertidal organisms of environments . '.Phe muddy mangrove habitats and the rocky ocean shores have been remarkably neglected over most of the State. Extraordinarily little dredging and systematic trawling has been undertaken and plankton has received very little attention. The microbenthos is almost completely unknown, and parasites of fish have been grossly neglected. It seems likely that at least another century must pass before an adequate knowledge of our invertebrate fauna can be obtained, and even this assumes that Queensland workers enter the field with serious endeavour.

PROTOZOA BRADY, H. B. (187()·81): "Notes on some of the Reticularian Rhizopoda of the 'Challenger ' Expedition." Quart. J. micr. Sci. (N. Ser.). (•1879) Vol. XIX, pp. 20 and 261, pls. Ill·V, VIII. (1881) Vol. XXI, p. 31-(A.C.C.)-orig. descr. "Challenger," spp. including Qd. ------(1884) : "Report on the Foraminifera collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873·76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. IX, pt. 1 text, pt. 2 plates-lists spp., descr., excellent plates, N. Qd. spp., pp.93·4. CARPENTER, W. B. (1883) : " Report on the specimens of the Orbitolites collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." Ibid. Vol. VII, pp. 1·47, pls. 1-VIII-Qd. spp., p. 29. CHAPMAN, F. (1898) : " On Haddonia, a new genus of the Foraminifera, from Torres Straits." J. !inn. Soc., Vol. XXVI, pp. 452·6, pl. XXVIII. ----- (1908) : "On dimorphism in the Recent Foraminifer Alveolina boscii Defr. sp. " J. R. micr. Soc., 1908, pp. 151·3, pls. ii & iii, 1 text fig.-(A.C.C.)-material from Cairns Reef. (1931) : "A report on samples obtained by boring into Michaelmas Reef, about 22 miles N.E. of Cairns, Queensland.n Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Comm., Vol. III, No. 3-(A.C.C.)-includes recent foraminifera. CHAPMAN, F.·& PARR, W. j, (1938) : "Australian and New Zealand Species of the Foraminiferal Genera Operculina and Operculinella." Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., Vol. I, pt. 1, pp. 279-99, pls. xvi, xvii-(A.C.C.). CUSHMAN, J. A. (1918) : " Foraminifera from Murray Is. Aust." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn., Pub. No. 213, Vol. IX, pp. 289·90, pl. 96-Lists spp. ----- (1937 a) : "New Genera and Species of the Families Verneuilidae and Valvulinidae and of the Subfamily Virgulininae." Cush. Lab. Foram. Res., Sp. Pub!. No. 6-(A.C.C.)-Descr. of Goesella parri, Raine Is., p. 34, pl. 5, figs. 7a, b. ----- (1937 b) : "A Monograph of the Foraminiferal Family Verneuilidae." Ibid. No. 7-(A.C.C.). ----- (1937 c) : "A Monograph of the Foraminifera! Family Valvulinidae." Ibid. No. 8-(A.C.C.). ----- (1937 d) : "A Monograph of the Foraminiferal Subfamily Virgulininae." Ibid. No. 9-(A.C.C.). ----- (1939) : "A Monograph of the Foraminiferal Family Nonionidae." Miner. Res. U.S., Pap. No. 191-(A.C.C.). ----- (1942) : "A report on samples obtaine.d by the Boring at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia." Rep. Gt. Barrier ' Reef Comm., Vol. V, appendix 1, pp. 112-9-(A.C.C.)-Iists recent spp. ----- (1944) : "The Genus Spiroloculina and its Species." Cush. Lab. Foram. Res. Sp. Pub. No. 11-(A.C.C.). CUSHMAN, J. A. & McCULLOCH, I. (1940) : "Some Nonionidae in the Collection of the Allan Hancock Research Foundation." Univ. S. Cali!. Allan Hancock Pacific Expect., Vol. 6, No. 3-(A.C.C.)�Records from W. Molle Is. (mis-spelt "Nole " and " Hole "). ------(1942) : "Some Virgulininae in the collections of the Allan Hancock Research Foundation." Ibid. Vol. 6, No. 4-(A.C.C.) �Records from W. Mo1le Is. ----- (1950) : "Some L.agenidae in the collections of the AJ!an Hancock Research Foundation." Ibid. Vol. 6, No. 6�(A.C.C.) -:-records from W. Molle Is. EGGER, J. G. (1893) : "Foraminiferen aus Meeresgrundproben, gelothet von bis 1874-76 von S.M.S. 'Gazelle '." Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Vol. XVIII, No. 2, pp. 195-458, pls. I·XXI, 1 map.-Stn. 116 off Qd. HAECKEL, E. (1887) : " Report of the Radiolaria collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger ' 1873·76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XVIII, pp. I-CLXXXVIII + 1803, 140 pl.-descrs., Torres Str. records, excellent plates. JENSEN, H. I. (1904) : "Contributions to a Knowledge of Australian Foraminifera, Part !." Proc. Lin'). Soc., N.S.W., Vol. XXIX, pt. IV, pp. 810-32.-lists Byron B. spp. JENSEN, H. I. & GODDARD, E. J. (1907) : " Contributions to a Knowledge of Australian Foraminifera, Part II." Ibid. Vol. XXXII, pt. II, pp. 291-318, pl. Vl.-lists '!;pp. from Gulf Carpentaria and Townsville. MARSHALL, Sheina M, (1933) : " The Production of Microplankton in the- Great Barrier Reef Region." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. II, No. 5, pp. 111-57-tables, charts and graphs of abundance and distribution of dinofl.agellates. ----� (1934) : "The Silicoflagellata and Tintinnoinea." Ibid. Vol. IV, No. 15, pp. 623·64-descrs., text figs. NUTTALL, W. L. F. (1927) : "The localities whence the Foraminifera figured in the Report of H.M.S. 'Challenger ' by Brady were derived." ' Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 9, Vol. 19, pp. 209·41-(A.C.C.)-Qd. localities for specimens figured by Brady. ----- (1931) : "Additional localities of the 'Challenger ' Foraminifera." C0ntrib. Cush. Lab. Foram. Res. Vol. 7, pts. 2 & 3- (A.C.C.)-Qd. localities for specimens figured by Brady. PARR, W. J. (1932 a, b) : "Victorian and South Australian Shallow-Water Foraminifera." Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic·. (N. Ser.), Vol. 44. (1932 a) " Part !," pp. 1-14, pl. 1. (1932 b) " Part II," pp. 218-34, pls. xxi, xxii-(A.C.C.)-Descr. Bolivina si

QUOY & GAIMARD ( ....): In Blainville, Manual d'Actinologie-(A.C.C.)-Descr. Marginopo,a, ve.tebralis, the common large sp. on G.B. Reef and throughout Qd: SIDEBOTTOM, H. (1912-13): "Lagenae of the South-west Pacific Ocean."' J. Quekett micr. Cl., Vol. 11, pp. 375-434, pls. 14-21-(M.G.). ------(1918) : " Report on° the Recent Foraminifera° dredged off the East Coast of"Australia, H.M.S. ' Dart,' Statio11 19 (14th May, 1895), Lat. 29 22' S., Long. 153 51' E., 465 fathoms. Pteropod ooze." J. R. micr. Soc. Lond. Hl18, pp. 1-25, pis. I-VI, pp. 122-52, pp. 249-64-lists spp. some short descrs. STEEMANN-NIELSEN, E. (1934) : " Untcrsuchungen tiber die Verbreitung, Biologie und Variation der Ceratien in Stidlichen Stillen, Ozean." Dana. Rept., No. 4, 67 pp.-(E.G.F.W.)-Spp. figured. ----- · (1939) : "Die Ceratien des Indischen Ozeans uud der Ostasiatischen Gewasser." Dana. Rept. No. 17, 33 pp.-Stn. 3672, Gulf Carpentaria. TATE, R. (1899) : "A Revision of the Australian Cyciostrematidae and Liotiidae." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., -Vol. XXIII, pp. 213-29, Pls. VI, Vil-lists spp. VAUGHAN, T. W. (1915) : "On recent Madreporaria of Florida, the Bahamas and the West Indies, and on Collections from Murray Island, Australia." Yearb. Carneg. Instn. No. 14, pp. 220-31-includes one foraminiferan. WOOD, E. J. F. (1951) : " Phytoplankton Studies in Eastern Australia." Proc. Inda-Pacific Fish Counc. 2nd meeting, 17th-28th April, 1950, Sec. II, pp. 60-3-occasionai mention Moreton B.

PORIFERA BURTON, M. (1934) : "Sponges." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. IV, No. H, pp. 513-621-tabulated distributions, descrs., text figs. DENDY, A. (1892) : "Synopsis of the Australian Calcarea Heteroc6e1a with a proposed classification of the group, and descriptions of some new genera and species." Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic. (N. Ser.), Vol. V, pp. 69-116-records 'ex lit. GRAY, J. E. (1858): "Description of a New Ge1;us of Sponge (Xenospongia) from Torres Strait." Proc. zoo!. Soc. Lond., Vol. XXVI, pp. 229-30. 1 HALLMAN, E. F. (1912) : " Report on the Sponges obtained by the F.I.S. ' Endeavour, ' Part I. " Biol. Res. F.l.S. ' 'Endeavour " 1909-10, Vol. 1, pp. 117-300, pls. XXI-XXXVI-detailed descrs., text figs., synonymy. ---- ·- (1914 a, b ,.c): "A revision, of the Monaxonid Species described as new in Lendenfeld's 'Catalogue of the Sponges in the Australian Museum.' ; Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XXXIX, Pt. II. , (1914 a) pp. 263-315, pls. XV-XXIV ; (1914 b) pp. 327-76 ; (1!114 c.) pp. 398-446. KffiSCHNICK, 0. (1898) : " Kieselschwiimme von Amboina." (Inaug. Diss.) Jena pp. 1-65-Fide Zoo!. Ree. "8 Tetractinellids, 6 Clavulina, 17 Cornacuspongiae from Ambon and Thursday ls." LENDENFELD, R. Von (1884 a) : "The Homocoela hitherto described from Australia and the New Family Homodermidae." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IX, Pt. IV, pp. 896-907-Torres Str. ----- (1884 b) : "A Monograph of the Australian Sponges, Part III." Ibid. Vol. IX, Pt. IV, pp. 1083-1150, pls. LIX-LXVII. ----- (1887) : "Die Chalineen des australischen Gebietes." Zoo!. Jb., Bd. II, pp. 723-828, pls. XVIII-XXVII-rnany spp. nov, briefly descr., Torres Str. see pp. 763, 765, 767, etc. ----- (1888) : " Descriptive C atalogue of the Sponges in the Australian Museum, Sydney." Cat. Aust. Mus., No. XIII, Sydney, 8vo, pp. I-XIV + 1-260, pls. 1-12-detailed descrs., synonymy, distribution, numerous Qd. records. (1889): "A Monograph of the Horny Sponges." London. -Ho, pp. iv + 936, 50 pis-keys, descrs., figs., Qd. records, many localities as " East coast of Australia." MACLEAY, W. S. (1827) : " Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and \i\Testcrn Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and, 1822 by Capt. Phillip P. King, ' Radiata' and 'Atrita-Zoophyta' "in "Appendix B. Natural History." London, 8vo., Vol. II, pp. 470-3-lists spp. without -localities ; some possibly Qd. POLEJAEFF, N. (1883) : " Report on the Calcarea dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger ' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. VIII, · pp. 1-76, pls. I-IX-descrs., embryology, Qd. spp. pp. 38-9. ----- (1884) : " Report on the Keratosa collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger ' during the years 1873-76." Ibid. Vol. XI, pp. 1-85, pls. I-X�descr. spp. some Cape York. RIDLEY; S. 0. (1884) : " Report on the Zoological Collections made in the ludo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert,' 1881-2," London, 8vo., "Spongiida, " pp. 366-482, pls. XLI-XLII-mostly Qd. ; lists spp., some descr., localities. (1887) : " Report on the Monaxonida collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76.!' "Challenger " Rep (Zoo!.), Vol. xx; pp. 1-275, pls. 1-XLI-descr. genera and spp., Cape York pp. 245-6. RIDLEY, S. 0. & DENDY, A. (1886) : " Preliminary Report on the Monaxonida collected by H.M.S. ' Challenger '." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. XVIII, pp. 323-51-Sidetoderma navicelligerum (Ridley) descr. from Torres Str. SAVILLE-KENT, W. (1897) : "The Naturalist in Australia." London, pp. XV + 302, Chrome Plates I-IX ; Plates (B & W) I-L­ Sponge, p. 236. SCHULTZ, E. (1900) : " Die Hornschwiimrne von Thursday_ Island und Amboina." In " Zoologische Forschungsreise in Australien und · dem Malayeschen Archipel ... Ausgeftihrt ...Dr. Richard Semon.'' Bd. V. , pp. 525-44, 1 pl. SOLLAS, I. (1903) : "On Haddonella topsenti gen et. sp. n. , the Structure and Development of its Pithed Fibres.'' · Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. Ser. 7, Vol. XII, pp. 557-63, pls. XXVIII-XXIX-from Torres Str. SOLLAS, W. J. (1886) : " Preliminary Account of the Tetractinellid Sponges dredged by H.M,S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76, Part I. The Choristida." Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., Vol. V (N. Ser.), Part 4, pp. 177-99-Torres Str. spp. ----- (1888): " Report on the Tetractinellida collected by H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76.'' " Challenger " Rep. (Zool.), Vol. XXV, pp. I-CLXVI + 1-4fi8, pls. I-XLIV-descr., indexes, Cape York spp.

COELENTERATA AGASSIZ, A. & MAYER, A. G. (1898) : "On Some Medusae from Australia.'' Bull. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. XXXII, No. 2, pp. 15-19, pls. I-III-Crambessa (=Catostylus) mosaica and Desmonema rosea ·spp. nov., Qd. . ALLMAN, G. J. (1883): " Report on the Hydroidea dredged by the H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76, Part I-Plumularidae." " Challenger " Rep. (Zool.), Vol. VII, pp. 1-55, pls. I-XX-descrs., distribution. ----- (1885) : " Description of Atlstralian, Cape and other Hydroida, mostly n_ew, from the Collection of Miss H. Gatty." J. Linn. Soc., Vol. XIX, pp. 132-61, pls. VII-XXVI-one Qd. record. ----- (1888): " Report on the Hydroida dredged by the H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76, Part II-The Tubularinae, Corymorphinae, Campanularinae, Sertularinae, Thalamophora.'' "Challenger " Rep. (Zool.), Vol. XXIII, pp. I-LXIX + 1-90, pls. I-XXXIX-Cape York spp. p. LXV. A BIBLIO GRAPHY OFTHE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 25

BALE, W. M. (1884) : "Catalogue of Australian Hydroid Zoophytes." Aust. Mus. Pub!., pp. 1-198, pls. I-XIX-distribution of Aust. spp.-descrs., figs. ----- (1888) : "On Some New and Rare Hydroida in the Australian Museum Collection." Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W. (N. Ser.), Vol. III, pt. II, pp. 744-99, pls. XII-XXI-descr. 6 Qd. spp., 2 Moreton B. ------(1914-15): "Report on the Hydroida collected in the Great Australian Bight and Other Localities." Biol. Res. F.I.S " Endeavour." · (1914) " Part II," Vol. 11, pp. 166-88 ; (1915) " Part III," Vol. III, pp. 241-36-includes spp. nov. and Qd. localities. ------(1919) : " Further Notes on Australian Hydroids, Part IV." Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., Vol. XXXI (N. Ser.), .pp. 327-61- descr., occurrences. BANFIELD, E. J. (1911): " My Tropic Isle," London, 8vo., 315 pp., plates-popular, mentions sea anemone on Dunk Is. BERNARD, H. M. (1896-1906) : " Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History)." (1896) Vol. II, pp. IV + 106 (Turbinaria, Astraeopora) ; (1897) Vol. III, 192 pp. (Montipora, Anacropora) ; (1903) Vol. IV, 206 pp. (Poritidae, Goniopora) ; (1905) Vol. V, 303 pp. (Poritidae, Porites) ; (1906) Vol. VI, 173 pp. (Poritidae, Porites, Gon.iopora)-specific descr. habitats ; departs from binomial nomenclature in vols. IV-VI. BLACKBURN, M. (1937) : " Notes.on Australian Hydrozoa, with descriptions of Two New Species." Proc. Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. L · pp. 170°81-new records, figs. ------(1938) : "Sir Joseph Banks Islands, Hydrozoa." Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., Vol. 50, pt. 2, pp. 312-38-(M.B.). ------(1942) : "A Systematic List of the Hydroida of South Australia with a Sumrriary of Their Distribution in Other Seas." Tral).s. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. 66, pt. 1, pp. 104-18. BOSCHEMA, H. (1949) : "Notes on Specimens of the Genus Millepora in the Collections of the British Museum." Proc. zoo!. Soc. Lond., Vol. CXIX, pt. 3, pp. 661-72, pls. I-11-.synonymy Saville-Kent's corals. I BRIGGS, E. A. (1915) : " Report on the Alcyonarians obtained by the F.I.S. 'Endeavour ' on the Eastern and Southern Coasts of Australia." Biol. Res. F.I.S. "Endeavour" 1909-14, Sydney, 8vo., Vol. III, pt. III, pp. 61-94, pls. IV-XII-descrs., 4 Qd. records. ------(1918) : " Description of two new hydroids, and a revision of the hydroid fauna of .Lord Howe Island." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XII, pt. 3, pp. 27-47-Qd. sp. mentioned. BRIGGS, E. A. & GARDNER, Valerie E. (1931) : "Hydroida." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 6, pp. 181-9B, pl. I-list spp., descrs., text figs. BROOK, G. (1893) : "Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History). The Genus Madrepora." Vol. I, pp. I-XI + 1-212_, pls. I-XXXV-descrs., habitat, locality, numerous Qd. spp. I BURCHART, E. (1808): "Alcyonaceen von Thursday Island (Torres-Strasse) und Amboina I.". In " ZOologische Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel . . Ausgeftihrt ... Dr. Richard Semon.'' Bd. V, pp. 431-42, pls. XXI-XXXII-11 spp. from Thursday Is., 4 new. BUSK, G. (1852) : "An Account of the Polyzoa and Sertularian Zoophytes, collected in the Voyage of the ' Rattlesnake,' on the Coasts of Australia and the Louisiade Archipelago, etc.". Appendix No. IV in "Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. • ' Rat,lesnake ' by MacGillivray," Vol. �. pp. 343-402 + plate-incomplete descrs. with localities, numerous Qd. spp._ CARLGREN, 0. (1937) : "Ceriantharia and. ." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. V, No. 5, pp. 177-207, pl. I-descrs., text figs. ------(1943) : " East-Asiatic Corallimorpharia and Actinaria." K. svenska Vetensk. akad. Hand!., Ser. 3, Bd. 20, No. 6, pp. 3-43, pls. I-11-G.B. Reef, p. 18. ------(1949) : "A Survey of the Ptychodactiaria, Corallimorpharia and Actinaria." Ibid. Ser. 4, Bd. 1, No. 1, 121 pp., 4 pl.- generic keys, distribution of spp. (ex. lit.) including Qd. ------(1950 a) : "Corallimorpharia, Actiniaria and Zoantharia from New South Wales and South Queensland." Arkiv. Zoo! . (A. Ser.), Bd. 1, Hafte 2, No. 10, pp. 131-46, pls. i-iii, 16 text figs.-collections from northern N. S. Wales to Qd. border. ------(1950 b) : '.'Actiniaria and Corallimorpharia." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. V, No. 7, pp. 427-57-spp. nov., descrs., text figs. of internals, distribution. DAKIN, w, J. (1950) : "Great Barrier Reef and Some Mention of Other Australian Coral Reefs.'' Sydney, 8vo., pp. 1-135-popular, coral spp., photographs. • DUNCAN, P. M. (1884) : "A Revision of the Families and Genera of the Sc!eradermic Zoantharia, Ed. & H., or Madreporaria. (M. rugosci excepted), Chapters I-IV." J. Jinn. Soc. (7ool.), Lond., Vol. XVIII, pp. 1-204-localities generally vague, speci�c and generic descrs. with distribution. FRASER, Elizabeth A. (1931) : "Observations on the Life History and Development of the Hydroid, Myrionema amboinense." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 135-44, pls. I-III. GOHAR, H. A. F. (1939) : "On a New Xeniid Genus Efflatounaria." Ann. Mag-. nat. Hist., Ser. 11, Vol. III, pp. 32-5, pl. I-descr . Low Is. specimen. GRAY, J. E. (1860) � "Revision of the Family Pennatulidae, with Descriptions of some new species in the British Museum." Ibid. Ser. 3, Vol. V, pp. 20-5-Port Bowen sp. descr. A HDDON, A. C. , (1895) : "Branched Worm-Tubes and Acrozoanthus." Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., Vol. VIII, Pt. IV, pp. 344-6- comments on Saville-Kent's Acrozoanth.usaustraliae. (1898) : " The Actiniaria of Torres Straits." Sci. Trans. R. Dublin Soc. (Ser. 2), Vol. VI, pp. 3.J3-498, pls. XXII-XXXII­ list with some descr. HADDON, A. C. & SHACKLETON, Alice M. (1892) : " Description of Some New Specie_s of Actiniaria from Torres Straits." Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., Vol. VIII (N. Ser.), pt. 1, pp. 116-31-spp. tabulated including spp. nov. HASTINGS, Anna B. (1932) : "The Polyzoa, with a note on an associated Hydroid." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. IV, No. 12, pp. 399-458, Pl. I. HASWELL, W. A. (1883) : "Notes on a Curious Instance of Symbi0sis." Proc. !inn. Soc., N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. VII, Part IV, pp. · 608-10-Thursday Is. sea anemone. HEDLEY, C. (1925) : "The Natural Destruction of a Coral Reef." Trans. roy. Geog. Soc. A'asia (Qd.), Rept. Gt. Barrier Reef Comm. Vol. I, (N. Ser.), pp. 35-40, pl.· v-ecology of reef destroyed by cyclones. ----- (1926) : "The Biology of North-West Islet, _Capricorn Group (G.) Corals." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 4, pp. 249-50-lists spp. HEDLEY, C. & ·TAYLOR, T. G. (�908): "Coral Reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Qd.: A Study of Their Structure, Life, Distribntion and Relation of Mainland Physiography." Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., Adelaide Meeting, 1907, pp. 394-413, pls. I-III- lists corals at Hope Is. HENTSCHEL, E. (1903) : " Gorgonacea von Amboina und Thursday Island." In " Zoologische Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel ... . Ausgefiihrt ... Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp: 643-52, 2 figs.-Leptogorgia austrciliensis Ridley· from Thursday Is. 26 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON; Ph.D.

HICKSON, S. J. (1892) : " Reports on the Zoological Collections made in Torres Straits hy Professor A. C. Haddon (1888-89). Notes on a small Collection of Hydrocorallinae." Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., Vol. VII (N. Ser.), pt. 5, pp. 496-510, p]s. XVIII-XX. ----- (1924) : "An Introduction to the Study of Recent Corals." Publ. Univ. Manchr. Biol., Ser. 4, pp. XIV + 257, pls. 1-12- very few localities mentioned. ----- (1931) : "The Alcyonarian Family Xeniidae, with a Revision of the Genera and Species." Sci. Rop. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. IV, No. 5, pp. 137-79, pls. 1-II-descr., text figs. ----- (1932) : " Gorgonacea." Ibid. Vol. IV, No. 13, pp. 459-512--lists spp., descrs., text figs. JOHNSTON, T. H. (1917) : "Ecological Notes on the Littoral Fauna and Flora of Caloundra, Queensland." Qd. Nat. Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 53-63-coelenterates to genus only. KIRKPATRICK, R. (1890) : "Reports on the Zoological Collections made in Torres Straits by Professor A. C. Haddon, 1888-1889, Hydroida and Polyzoa." Proc. R. Dublin Soc., Vol. VI (N. Ser.), pt. 10, pp. 603-26, pls. XIV-XVII-descrs., habitats, localities. KOLLIKER, A. (1869) : "Anatomisch-systematische Beschreibung der Alcyonarien. Erste Abtheibung. Die Pennatuliden. Erste Hii.lfte mit. XV. Tafeln." Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges., Bd. VII, pp. 109-256-Pteroeides lugubre mihi (sic) from Port Mackay. KOLOSVARY, G. (1949) : "Les Coraux (Madreporaria) de la Collection du Musee National Hongrois." Bull. mens. Soc. Jinn. Lyon. Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, pp. 13-16-(A.M.)-mentions Porites queenslanda, nona .. KWIETNIESWSKI, G. R. (1898) : "Actinaria von Ambon und Thursday Island." In " Zoologische Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel ...AusgefUhrt ...Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp. 385-430-2 spp. nov. from Thursday Is. LENDENFELD, R. Von (1884 a, b, d) : " The Scyphomedusae of the Southern Hemisphere." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IX. (1884a) " Part I. Introduction," pp. 155-69. (1884 b) " Part II," pp. 242-9. (1884 d) " Part III. Conclusion," pp. 259-309-localities generally broad, e.g., E. Aust. : in Part II Qd. ciibomedusan spec1tically mentioned. ----- (1884 c, e, f, g, h) : "The Australian Hydromedusae." Ibid. Vol. IX. (1884 c) " Part I. The Classification of the Hydromedusae," pp. 206-41 ; (1884 e) " Part II," pp. 345-53, pl. VI ; (1884 f) " Part III," J?P· 401-20, pls. VII, VIII; (1884 g) " Part IV," pp. 467-92, pls. XII-XVII; (1884 h) "Part V. Conclusion," pp. 581-634, pls. XX-XXIX-Qd. rarely mentioned specifically, but 5 N. Qd. spp. listed in Part III. ----- (1884 1): "Addenda to the Australian Hydromedusae." Ibid. Vol. IX, pt. IV, pp. 908-23. pls. XL-XLIII-one Torres Str. record. ----- (1887) : " Descriptive Catalogue of the Medusae of the Australian Seas : Part 1.-Scyphomedusae. ; Part II.-Hydromedusae." Cat. Aust. Mus., No. II, Sydney, 8vo., pp. 1-32 + 1-49 + 1-6, 2 pls.-descrs., localities include Qd. LIVINGSTONE, A, A, (1928) : "Sea ,\nemones and Their Asso.ciates." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. III, No. 7, pp. 229-32-popular. MacFADYEN, Mr�. L. M. I. (1936) : "Alcyonaria (Stolonifera, , Telestacea, and Gorgonacea)." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. V, No. 2, pp. 19-71, pls. I-V-lists spp., descrs., text figs. MacGILLIVRAY, J. (1852) : " Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Rattlesnake ' commanded by the late Captain Owen Stanley during the years 1846-1850." London, 8vo., Vol. I, pp. IX + 402 + plates & map. Vol. II, pp. IV + 395 '+- plates-much of the voyage 'was in Qd., -narrative includes natural history and the fauna of a cora1 reef, see Busk \1852), Forbes (1852), and White (1852). MacLEAY, W. S. (1827) : "'Radiata ' and 'Acrita-Zoophyta ' 11 in Appendix B. " Natural History" in " Narrative of a �u�vey of .the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 1822" by Capt. Ph1lhp P. Kmg, London, 8vo., Vol. II, pp. 470-3-lists spp. without localities: some doubtless Qd. which uncertain. McNEILL, F. A. & POPE, Elizabeth C. (1943) : "A Deadly Poisonous Jellyfish." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. VII, pt. 4, pp. 127-31- popular. MANTON, S. M. 11932) : "On the Growth of the Adult Colony of Pocillopora bulbosa." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. III, No. 6, pp. 157-66, pl. I-polyp formation. MANTON,. S. M. & STEPHENSON, T. A. (1935) : "Ecological Surveys of Coral Reefs." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 10, pp. 273-312, pl. I-XVI-distribution on traverses and within small areas. MARSHALL, Shelna M. (1932) : "Notes on Oxygen Production in Coral Planulae." Ibid. Vol. I, No. 9, pp. 253-8-

RAINFORD, E. H. (1925) : "Destruction of the Whitsunday Group Fringing Reefs." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. II, No. 5, pp. 175-7- ecological interest. RIDLEY, S. 0. (1884) : "Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert, ' 1881-2." London, Svo., "Alcyonaria," pp. 327-65, pls. XXXVI-XL-list spp., some descr., localities mostly Qd. ROUGHLEY, T. C. (1936) : "Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef." Sydney, 8vo., pp. xiii + 282, pls. 1-50-popular, lists popular and scientific names. SAVILLE-KENT,. W. (1890 a) : " Presidential Address." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. VII, pt. 11, pp. 17-43, pls. I-II-mentions corals, sea anemones. ------(1890 b) : "Pearl and Pearl-Shell Fisheries of North.em Queensland." Qd. Votes Proc. Legis. Assembly, Session 1890, Vol. III, pp. 703-12, pl. I-II-mentions coral. ------(1890 c) : " Beche-de-Mer and Pearl-Shell Fisheries of Northern Queensland." Ibid. Vol. III, pp. 727-34, pl. I-mentions cora]. (1891) : "Notes on New and Little Known Australian Madreporaceae." Ree. Aust. Mus., Val I, No. 6, pp. 123-4, pls. • XV-XVII-short descr. 3 spp , 2 from Torres Str. ----- (1893) : "The Great Barrier Reef of Australia : Its Products and Potentblities." pp. XVII + list of plates + 387, pls. I-XLVIII (photo.) + I-XVI (coloured)-appendix lists corals. anemones, etc. (1897) : "The Naturalist 'in Australia." London, pp. XV + 302, Chrome Plates I-IX ; Plates (B & W) I-L-popular, Qd. sea anemone (p. 219) and corals (p. 231). STEPHENSON, ANNE (1934) : "The Breeding of Reef Animals. Part II. Invertebrates other than corals." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. III, No. 9, pp. 247-72. STEPHENSON, T. A. (1931): "Development and the Formation of Colonies in Pocillopora and Porites, Part I." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 3, pp. 113-34, pls. I-VI. STEPHENSON, T. A. and MARSHALL, S. M. (1933) : "The Breeding of ' Reef Animals. Part I. The Corals." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 8, pp. 219-45, 1 pl.-(D.H.)-9 spp., Low Is. STEPHENSON, T. A. and STEPHENSON, Ann, (1933) : "Growth and Asexual Reproduction in Corals." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 7, pp. 167-217, pls. 1-X-experiments with various spp. STEPHENSON, T. A., STEPHENSON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER M. (1931) : "The Structure and Ecology of Low Isles and Other Reefs." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 17-112, pls. I-XXVII-lists and discusses fauna of various reefs. STIASNY, G. (1926) : "Alta und neue Scyphomedusen von Australien." Zoo!. meded. Rijksmus. nat. hist. Leiden. Vol. 9, pp. 249-57-Mastigias andersoni sp. nov. (Bowen), 4 other Qd. spp. ------(1931): " Ueber einige Coelenterata von Australien." Ibid. Vol. 14, pp. 27-40-4 Qd. jellyfish. STUDER, T. (1879) : " Ubersicht der , Alcyonaria, welche wahrend der Reise S.M.S. ' Gazelle ' um die Erde gesammelt wurden." Monatsb. K. Preus. Akad. Wiss._ Berlin, 1878, pp. 632-88, Taf. I-V-see pp. 644, 684 ; 3 spp., one new, includes Turbinaria, TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1878) : "On the Extra tropical Corals of Australia." Proc. Linn. Soc., N,S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. II, pt. IV; pp. 292-341, pls. IV-VI-3 Moreton B. records, some tropical Qd. spp. descr. ----- (1879 a) : "On a New Species of Psammoseris." Ibid. Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 8-11, pl. I-coral from Princess Charlotte B., descr. ·----- (1879 b) : "On a New Species of Desmophyllum (D. quinarium) and a young stage of Cycloseris sinensis." Ibid. Vol. III, pt,. I, pp. 17-20�coral from Princess Charlotte B., descr. ----- (1879 c) : "On Some Corals from Darnley Island." Ibid. Vol. III, pt. III, pp. 128-31, pls. IX, XI-3 spp. nov. ----- (1879 d) : "On Some New Extratropical Corals." Ibid. Vol. III, pt. II, pp. 131-5, pls. XII, XIII-one Princess Charlotte B. ----- (1880) : "On Heteropsammia Mich


DAKIN, W. J., BENNETT, Isobel, & POPE, Elizabeth (1948) : "A study of certain aspects of the ecology of the intertidal zone of the New South Wales CoaL" Aust. J. Sci. Res., Ser. B, Vol. 1. No. �. pp. 176-230-includes Turbellaria from Northern N.S.W. HASWELL, W. A. (1902) : "On a cestode from Cestracion." Quart. J. micr. Sci., Vol. 46 (N. Ser.), pp. 399-415-Trematode from turtle, ' fide Young (1939). ----- (1907) : "Observations on Australasian Polyclads." Trans. Linn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Ser. �. Vol. IX, pp. 465-85, pls. 35-7- includes sp. nov. from Masthead Is.; localities given in a few descrs. JOHNSTON, S. J. (1913) : "On Some Queensland Trematodes." Quart. J. micr'. Sci., Vol. 59, pp. 361-400, pls. 22-7-4 from turtles, 2 frmn teleost, 2 from elasmobranch. • JOHNSTON, T. H. (1912) : "A Census of Australian Reptilian Entozoa." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXIII, pp. 233-49-includes Qd. trematode. ----- (1914) : "Second Report on the Cestoda and Acanthocephala collected in Queensland." Ann. trop. Med. Parasit., Vol. 8, pp. 105-12-Tetrarhynchus spp. from fish. (1916) : "A census of the endoparasites· recorded as occurring in Queensland, arranged under their hosts." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXVIII, pp. 31-79-includes Trematoda from dugong and turtle 1 and Trematoda, Cestoda from marine fishes, mostly ex. lit. ----- (1917): " Ecological Notes on the Littoral Fauna and Flora of Caloundra, Queensland." Qd. Nat., Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 53-63 -habitat details of turbellarian genera. JOHNSTON, T. H. & TIEGS, 0. W. (1922) : " New Gyrodactyloid trematodes from Australian fishes, together with a reclassification of the superfamily Gyrodactyloidea." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XLV!I, pp. 83-131-Q J. marine fish included in hosts, see pp. 97-8, 110-3, etc. LAIDLAW, F. F. (rn04) : "Notes on Some PolyFlad Turbellaria in the British Museum." Mem. Proc. Manch. lit. phil. Soc., Vol. XLVIII, Mem. No. 15, pp. 1-6-sp. nov. from Thursday Is., key to Aust. spp. of Lepto.ptana. LINSTOW, 0. Von (1888) : ''.Report on the Entozoa collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger, ' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXIII, pp. 1-18, pls. I-II-Cestode from Cape York. LINSTOW, 0. Von (1904) : " Neue Helminthen." Zbl. Bakt. (Abt. I) Orig. 37, pp. 678-83-Trematode from Torres Str. dugong, fide Young (1939). MURRAY, Florence V. (1931): "Gill trematodes from some Australian fishes." Parasitology, Vol. 23, pp. 492-506-Trematode from Sciaena antarctica, see p. 505'. NICOLL, W. (1914) : " Remarks on the Worm Parasites of Tropical Queensland." Med. J. Aust., 1914, pp. 244-6-Trematodes and cestodes from dugong and fishes ex. lit. ---- (1915) : "The Trematode Parasites of North Q'ld. III: Parasites of Fishes." Parasitology, Vol. 8, pt. I, pp. 22-40-hosts mostly frpm Cleveland and Magnetic Is. PRUDHOE, S. (1944) : "Two new Pronocephalid Trematodes from Australia." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 11, Vol. XI, pp. 481-2, 2 text figs.-fr01:n Torres Str. turtle. SANDARS, Dorothea F. ·(1946) : '· Pseudomicrocotyte, a New Monogenetic Trematode." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. LVIII, pp. 149-52, pl. X-sp. nov. from fish off S. Qd. WOODWORTH, W. McM. (1898) : "Some Planarians from the Great Barrier Reef of Australia." Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., - Vol. XXXII, pp. 63-7, pl. XXXII-3 spp. nov. YOUNG, May R. (1939) : �· Helminth Parasites of Australia. A bibliography with alphabetical lists of authors, hosts and parasites." St. Albans, 145 pp.-Qd. spp., p. 85 et· seq.


BAYLIS, H. A. (1944) : "Three new Acanthocephala from Marine Fishes of Australasia." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 11, Vol. XI, pp. 462-72, 4 fi.gs-Acanthocephalits hastae sp. nOv. from Townsville. JOHNSTON, T. H. & DELAND, E. W. (1929) : "Australian Acanthocephala, No. 1." Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LIII, pp. 146-54 -spp. from Qd. fish with critical comments on Southwell & Macfie (1925). SOUTHWELL, T. & MACFIE, J. W. S. (1925) : "On a Collection of Acanthocephala in the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine." Ann. trop. Med. Parasit., Vol. XIX, pp. 141-84-see comments by Johnston & Deland (1929). YOUNG, May R. (1939) : " Helminth Parasites of Australia. A bibliography with alphabetical lists of authors, hosts and parasites." St. Albans, 145 pp.-Qd. spp., p. 85, et. seq.


PUNNET'!', R. C. (1900) : "On Some Nemerteans from Torres Straits." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Loud., pp. 825-31, pls. 54-5-:-descr. STEPHENSON, T. A., STEPHENSON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER, M. (1931) : "The Structure and Ecology of Low Isles and Other Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. �. pp. 17-112, pls. I-XXVII-i11cludes Nemertea . NEMATODA BAYLIS, H. A. (1931) : "Some Ascaridae from Queensland." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 10, Vol. VIII, pp. 95-102, 5 text figs.­ Porrocaecum scoliodontis sp. nov. from Scoliodon �p. probably TownsviUe. ----- (1934) : "Some spirurid nematodes from Queensland." Ibid. Ser. 10, Vol. XIV, pp. 142-53-Nematode sp. nov. from Muraenesox cinereus, Qd., see pp. 146-50. JOHNSTON, T. H. (i\H6) : "A census of the endoparasites recorded · as occurring in Queensland, arranged under their hosts. Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXVIII, pp. 31-79-includes Nematoda from marine fish, ex. tit. JOHNSTON, T. H. & MAWSON, Patricia M. (1941) : "Nematodes from Australian Marine Mammals." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. VI, No. 4, pp. 429-34-list spp. including one from dugong. ----- (1951): " Report on some Parasitic Nematodes from the Australian Mu�um." Ree. Aust. :\-Ius., Voi. XXII, No. 41 . pp. 289-97�incl�des sp. from teleost and sp. nov. from shark. NICOLL, W. (1914) : ". Remarks on the \rV onn Parasites of Tropical Queensland." Med. J. Aust., HH4, pp. 244-6-Nematoda from fishes, ex. lit. YOUNG, May R. (1939) : '' Helminth Para�ites of Australia. A :bibliography with alphabetic�! lists of authors, hosts, and parasites. u. St. Albans, 145 pp.�Qd. spp., p. 85 et seq. , A BIBLIO GRAPHY OF THE MAR1NE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 2Q CHAETOGNATHA

JOHNSTON, T. H. & TAYLOR, B. B. (1919) : "Notes on Australian Chaetognatha." Proc. . Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXXI, pp. 21-41- descrs., mostly Qd. localities1 keys to genera and spp. · RITTER-ZAHONY, R. V. (1908) : "Chatognathen " in " Zoolog. Ergebn. Exped. S. M.S. 'Pola-./ ostliche Mittelmeer 1890-94." Denk. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Bd. 84, pp. 1-18-Gr. Sandy Is., Qd., fide Thomson (1947). ------(1911) : "Revision der Chaetognathen" in "Deutsche Slidpolar Exped." 13 (5), pp. 1-71-comment as for Ritter­ Zahony (1908). THOMSON, J. H. (1947) :· "The Chaetognatha of South-eastern Australia." C.S. I.R.0. Bulletin, No. 222, 43 pp. (Div. Fish. Rep. No. 14)-systematic notes. with distribution,. key.


AlJGENER, H. (Hl:22) : "Australische Polychaeten des Hamburger ZOologischen Museums." Arch. :Naturgesch., Vol. 88, Abt. A Heft. 7, pp. 1-:17, ;33 text figs.-(P.K.)---Few Qd. ------(1927) : " Polychaeten von SUdost-und Siicl-Australien." In '' Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pac. Exped. 1914-16, XXXVIII." Vidensk. Med. Naturh. Faren. Kj0bh., Bd. 83, pp. 71-275, 17 figs.-descrs., essential for identifications. BAIRD, W. (1864) : "Description of several new species and varieties of Tubicolous Annelides . . British Museum." J. linn. Soc. (Zool.), Vol. VIII, pp. 10-2�-sp. from 'East Coast of Australia ' coll. Jukes in dead coral, probably Qd. (1865) : "Contributions towards a Monograph of the Species of Annelides belonging to the Aphroditacea, ... British Museum." Ibid. Vol. VIII, pp. 172-202-no definite Qd. records, spp. occur in Qd. (1868) : " Contributions towards a Mpnograph of the Species of Annelides belonging to the A mphinomacea .. . " Ibid. Vol. X, pp. 215-50, pls. IV-VI-descrs. 3 spp. from islands off Cape York. ----- (1869) : "Remarks on several genera of Annelides belonging to the group Eunicca .." Ibid. Vol. X, pp. 341-61- localities " North Australian," spp. occur in Qd. BENHAM, W. B. (1915) : " Report on th-:: Polychaeta obtained by the F.I.S. ' Endeavour ' on the coasts of New South .Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, ana South Australia. Part !." Biol. Res. F.I.S. "Endeavour," 1909-14, Sydney, 8vo., Vol. III, pt. V, pp. 173-23i, pls. XXXVIII-XLV-refers to Grube's (1878), record from Moreton B., should be Grube (1887). BOONE, L. (1938) : " Scientific Results of the World Cruises of the Yachts 'Ara,' 1928-:W, and 'Alva,' 1!131-32 ...William K.. Vanderbilt Commanding." Bull. Vanderbilt Occanogr. (Mar.) Mus., Vol. VII, pt. III (Annelida), pp. 79-106, pls. 26-32, 7 text' figs.-3 spp. from Falcon Is. FAUVEL, P. (1917) : "Annelides Polychetes de l'Aus.lralie Mfridionale." Arch. Zool. exp. gen., Tome LVI, pp. 159-278, pls. IV-VI­ (P.K.)-Qd. record of Onuphis tercs p. 237. GRAFF, L. Von (1884) : " Report on the Myzostomida collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger," Rep. (Zool.), Vol. X, pp. 1-80, pls. 1-XVI-descrs., spp. nov., list spp. with hosts, inclu_des Cape York. GRUBE, E. (1887) : "Anneliden Ausbeute S.M.S. ' Gazelle.' '.' Monatsber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 509-544-(B.D.)-Hyalinoecia br�vicirrus from Moreton B., p. 528. HASWELL, W. A. (1879) : " On Six New Species of Annelids, belonging to the Family Amphinomidae." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. III, pt. IV, pp. 341-7---'-mostly from " Chevert" Exped., N. Qd. ----- (1883 a) : "A Monograph of the Australian Aphroditea." Ibid. Vol. "VII, pt. II, pp. 250-99, pls. VI-Xl-descrs., 11 Qd. records. · ----- (1883 b) : " On Some New Australian Tubicolous Annelids." Ibid. Vol. VII, pt. IV, pp. 633-8, pl. XII-2 N. Qd. records. ----- (1884) : "The Marine Annehdes of the Order ' Serpulea.' Some Observations on their anatomy, with the characteristics of the Australian Species." Ibid. Vol. IX, pt. III, pp. 649-75, pls. XXI-XXV-descrs., localities usually "Australia." (1891) : " Observations on the Cbloraeroidae, with Special Reference to Certain Australian Forms." Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. (N. Ser.), Vol. VI, pt. III, pp. 329-56, pls. XXVI-XXVIII-sp. nov. from Qd. McINTOSH, W. C. (1885) : "Report on the Annelida Polychaeta collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 187:3-76." "Challenger " Rep, (Zool.), Vol. XII, pp. XXXVI + 554, pls. I-XXXIX and map. MONRO, C. C. A. (1924) : "On the Polychaeta collected by the H.M.S. 'Alert,' 1881-82. Families Polynoidae, Sigalionidae, Eunicidae." J. Jinn. Soc. (Zool.), Vol. XXXVI, pp. 37-77-9 Qd. spp., descrs., text figs. ------(1926) : " Polychaeta of the 'Alert ' Expedition. Families Hesionidae and Nereidae." Ibid. Vol. XXXVI, pp. 312-23- 2 Qd. spp., descrs., text figs. ----- (1931): "Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Echiuroidea, and Sipunctiloidea." Sci. "Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 1-36-descrs., text figs., details of occurrence. POTTS, F. A. (1915) : "The Fauna Associated with Crinoids of a Tropical Coral Reef, with especial reference to its colour variations." Pap. Dept. :llfar. Biol. Carneg. lnstn., Pub. No. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 71-96, pl. 1-commensals at Murray Is. include polynoid. I QUATREFAGES, A. de (1865) : "Histoire naturelle des Anneles marins et d'eau douce. A.nnelides et G6phyriens." Paris, 8vo. Vol. I, pp. VII + 588, Vol. II, i94 pp.-Torres Str. record, Vol. I, p. 271, probably other,. SAVILLE-KENT, W. (1890) : "Presidential Address." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. VII, pt. II, pp. 17-43, pls. I-II-unnamed spionid. ----- (1891): " Oysters and Oyster Fisheries cl Queensland." Qd. Votes Proc. Legis. Assembly Session 1891, Vol. IV, pp. 601-17, pls. I-IX-mentions spionid. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1883) : oe On a new species of Stomopneustes and a new variety of Hipponoe ·variegata." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. VII, pt. I, pp. 03-4, pl. VI-VII-Aphroditid, presumably Qd.


FISCHER, W. (1896) : " Gephyree'n." In " Zoologische Forscbungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel ...Ausgeflihrt ...... Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp. 335-40, text figs.-1 sp., Thursday Is . .JOHNSTON, T. H. & TIEGS, 0. W. (1919) : "Pseudobonellia, a new Echiuroid genus from the Great Barrier Reef." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XL'lV, pt. II, pp. 213-30, pls. IX-XI. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1880) : " On Heteropsammia Michelinii of Edwards and Hai1ne." Ibid. (0. Ser.), Vol. IV, pt. III, pp. 293-301, pl. XV-Sipunculus sp., Moreton B. MONRO, C. C. A. (1931) : " Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Echuiroidea and Sipunculoidea." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 1-36-descrs., text figs.. details ofoccurrence. 30 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D. POLYZOA BRETNALL, R. W. (1921) : "Studies on Bryozoa, Part I." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vo!. XIII, No. 4, p. 157-keys to genera, descrs. spp., records ex. lit. BUSK, G. (1852): "An Account of the Polyzoa, and Sertularian Zoophytes, collected in the Voyage of the 'Rattlesnake ' on the Coasts of Australia and the Louisiade Archipelago, etc." Appendix No. IV in " Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Rattle· snake ' " by MacGi!livray, Vol. I, pp. 343-402 + pl.-short descrs., localities, numerous Qd. · spp. ----- (1881) : " Descriptive Catalogue of the Species of Cellepora collected on the ' Challenger ' Expedition." J. Jinn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Vol. XV, pp. 341-56-spp. from Torres Str. ----- (1884) : " Report on the Polyzoa collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. X, pp. 1-216, pls. I-XXXVI-descrs., distribution, text figs. HARMER, S. F. (1900) : "A Revision of the Genus Steganoporella." Quart. J. micr. Sci., Vol. 43, pt. 2 (N. Ser.), pp. 225-97, pls. 12, 13 -(F.E.A.). ----- (1902) : "On the.Morphology of the Cheilostomata." Ibid. Vol. 46, No. 182, pp. 263-350, pls. 15-18-6 spp. from Torres Str., 1 new. HASTINGS, Anna B. (1932j : "The Polyzoa, with a note on an associated Hydroid." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV No. 12, pp. 399-458, pl. I-lists spp., localities, spp. nov. HASWELL, W. A. (1881) : "On Som_e Polyzoa from the Queensland Coast." Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. V, pt. 1, pp. 33-44, pls. I�III-mostly Port Denison. ----- (1883) : "Notes on a Curious Instance of Symbiosis." Ibid. Vol. VII, pt. IV, pp. 608-10-Cellepora at Thursday ls. HINCKS, T. (1882): "Contributions towards a General H:story of the Marine Polyzoa (ctd.) : XI. Foreign Cheilostomata (Australia and New Zealand)." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vo]. XI, pp. 193-202, pls. VI, Vll-Qd. spp. descr. (189 ) : " Contributicns towards a General History of the Marine Polyzoa. XV. South African and Other Polyzoa. n Ibid. Vol. VII, pp. 285-98, pls. VI, VII-2 Qd. records, descrs. , KIRKPATRICK, R. (1890) : "Reports on the Zoological Collections made in Torres Straits by Prof. A. C. Haddon, 1888-89, Hydroida and Polyzoa." Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., Vol. VI (N. Ser.), pt . 10, pp. 60:l-26, pls. XIV-XVII-descrs., synonymy, habitats and localities. LIVINGSTONE, A. A. /1924, 1925, 1926 a, 1926 b, 1927) : " Studies on Australian Bryozoa." Ree. Aust. Mus. (1924) "No. l," Vol. XIV, No. 3, pp. 189-212, pls. XXIII-XXVI-spp. nov., other spp., include Caloundra; (1925) " No. 2," Vol. XIV, No. 4, pp. 301-5, pl. XLVI-redescr. Tenison-Woods' Torres Str. spp.; (1926 a) " No. 3," Vol. XV, No. 1, pp. 79-99, pls. V-VIII + map-G. B. Reef spp. ; (1926 b) " No. 4," Vol. XV, No. 2, pp. 167-76, pls. XI-XIII-2 spp. nov. ; (1927), "No. 5-A check list of the Marine Bryozoa of Queensland," Vol. XVI, No. 1, pp. 50-69-quotes original literature for each genus & sp. ----- (1926) : "The Biology of North-West Islet, Capricorn Group. (F) Bryozoa." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 4, pp. 247-8-4 spp. MACDONALD, J. D. (1857) : " Brief Description of a Ctenostomatous Polyzoon, allied to Vesicularia, occurring on the Australian Coast.' 1 Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 2, Vol. XIX, pp...390·1-Moreton B. MacGILLIVRAY, P. H. (1860) : "Notes on the Cheilostomatous Polyzoa of Victoria, etc." Trans. Phil. Inst. Vic. Vol. 4, pp. 159-68, pl. 2, 3-(F.E.A.). ----- (1868) : "Descriptions of some New Genera and Species of Australian Polyzoa, etc." Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet., Vol. IX, pp. 126-48-(F.E.A.). --·-- (1890) : " Descriptions of New or Little-known Polyzoa." Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet., Vol. III (N. Ser.), pp. 77-83, pls. 9-10- �p. nov., Cooktown. MARCUS, E. (1921) : " Indo,Pacifische Bryozoen aus dem Riksmuseum in Stockholm." Ark. Zoo!., Bd. 14, Hafte 3, No. 7, pp. 1-23, Taf. 1-2-(F.E.A.)-descrs., synonymy, localities, several Qd. spp. MEISSNER, M. (1903) : " Liste der von Professor Semon bei Amboina und Thursday Island gesammelten BryozOen." In " ZOologisChe Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel ...Ausgefi.ihrt ... Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp_. 727-32, 1 pl., 4 figs.-6 spp. including Radulira semoni sp. nov. from Thursday Is. MULLER, F. Von (1884) : "A Record of Localities of Some N.S.W. Zoophytes, as Determined by Dr. Kirchenpauer." Ibid. Vol. IX, pt. III, pp. 534-6-lists spp. with localities, some Richmond R. SILEN, L. (1942) : "Australian Bryozoa collected by Dr. J. Mauritzon 1936." Kung!. Fysiograf. Sallskapets I Lund. Forhand. 12, Nr. 8 -(F.E.A.). STACH, L. W. (1934-7) : "Notes on Recent Australian Bryozoa, Part I." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 8, pp. 140-2-4 spp. from Green Is., descr. ----� (1935) : "The Genera of Catenicellidae." Proc. Roy. Soc. Vic., Vol. XLVII, pt. 2 (N. Ser.), pp. 389-96-(F.E.A.). ----- (1936) : "Studies on Recent Petraliidae." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XIX, pt. 6, pp. 355--79-(F.E.A.). STUDER, T. (1889) : "Die Forschungsreise S.M.S. 'Gazelle,' in dem Jahren 1874-6." "Bryozoa " in Vol. 13. "Zoologie und Geologie "-(F.E.A.). TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1879) : "On a New Genus of Polyzoa." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. III, pt. II, pp. 126-8, pl. 13, fig. 1-from Darnley Is. WATERS, A, W. (1887 a, b, c) : "Bryozoa from New South Wales, North Australia, etc." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. XX. (1887 a) " Part I,'' pp. 81-95, pl. IV; (1887 b) " Part II," pp. 181-203, pls. V-VI ; (1887 c) " Part III," pp. 253-65, pl. VII-lists spp., synonymy, localities, including Qd. ------(1898) : " Observations on Membraniporidae." J. !inn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXVI, pp. 654-93, 6 pls.-(F.E.A.). ----- (1907) : "Tubucrllaria-its species and ovicells." Ibid. Vol. XXX, pp. 126-33, pls. 15, 16-(F.E.A.). WHITELEGGE, T. (1887) : "Notes on Some Australian Polyzoa." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II, pt. II, pp. 337-47-reviews Aust. spp. including 1 N. Qd. sp., specific descrs. ----- (1888) : " Notes on some Australian Bryozoa." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 6, Vol. 1, pp. 13-22-(F.E.A.). BRACHIOPODA BANFIELD, E. J. (1918) : "Tropic Days." London, 8vo., 313 pp., pls.-Lingula ovatina, p. 106. DAVIDSON, T. (1880) : " Report on the Brachiopoda dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger ' during the years 1873-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. I, pp. 1-67, pls. (Brachiopoda) I-IV-4 Lingula spp., 3 Moreton B., 1 Port Cu•tis, pp. 25-G. ----- (1886-88) : "A Monograph of Recent Brachiopoda." Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zoo!.), Ser. 2, Vol. IV, pp. 1-241, pls. 1-30- Moreton B., p. 218 ; Port -Curtis, p. 220. HEDLEY, C. (1906) : "The Mollusca of Masthead Reef, Capricorn Group, Queensland, Part I." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XXXI; pp. 453-79, pls. XXXVI-XXXVIII-includes .Brachiopoda. JOHNSTON, T. H. & HIRSCHFELD, 0. S. (1919) : "The Lingulidae of the Queensland Coast." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXXI, pp. 46-82, pls. I-II-list spp., some descrs., keys, discusses localities. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 31

i CRUSTACEA BAffD, W. (1850) : " Description of Several New Species of Entomostraca." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Loud., Vol. XVIII, pp. 254-7-2 Moreton B. ostracods descr. BAKER, W. H. (1926): "Species of the lsopod family Sphaeromidae from the Eastern, S:mth�rn, and VVestern Coasts of Australia." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. L, pp. 247-79, pls. XXXVIII-LIII-4 QJ. spp., descrs. BALSS, H. (1914) : " Ostasiatische Decapoden II. Die Natantia und Reptantia. Beitrige zur n1turg. Ostaciens." Abh. bayer. Akad. · Wiss., II. Suppl., Band 10, Abhand-(F. McN.). ----- (1921) : " XXIX, Stomatopoda, Macrura, Paguridae und Galatheidea." In " Results Dr. E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific Exped. to Aust., 1910-13, " K. svenska Vetenskap. Akad. Hand!. Band 61, No. 10--:(F. McN.). ------(1924): "Decapoden des Rotenmeeres III. Die Parthenopiden, Cyclo-und Catometopen." Exped. S.M. Schiff " Pola " in des Rotenmeer; Zool. Ergeb. XXXIV Denk. schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien., 99 Band-(F. McN .)-includes Qd. spp. ----- (1933) : " Beitr3.ge zur Kentoiss der Gattung Pilumnus (Crustacea Dekapoda) und verwandter Gattungen." , Capita Zool. Deel IV, Afl. 3 (i!lustr.)-(F. McN.)-Indo-Pacific spp. including some from Qd. ----� (1938 a) : " Ueber einige Xanthidae (Crustacea Dekapoda) von Singapore und Umgebung." Bull. Raffles Mus., Singapore, No. 14, pp. 48-63, pl. II-III, 2 text figs.-(F. McN.)-distribution includes Qd. ----- (1938 b) : " Die Dekapoda Brachyura von Dr. Sinten Bocks Pazifik-Expedition 1917-19." Goteborg Vetensk. Samh. Handl. Femte Folyden, Ser. B., Band 5, No. 7 (Meddel Fran Gotenborgs Musei Zoologiska Avdelning 75)-(F. McN.)-Qd. spp. recorded. BANFIELD, E. J. (1908) : "The Confessions of a Beachcomber." 1933 reprint, Sydney, 8vo., 282 pp.-popular, includes 2 crustacea from Dunk Is. (1918) : " Tropic Days." London, 8vo., 313 pp., pls. Zewa banfeldi, p. 38 with pls. BARNARD, K. H. (1931) : "Amphipoda." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 4, pp. 111-35-over ,30 spp., some new. BATE, C. S. (1888) I " Report on the Crustacea Macrura collected by H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXIV, 2 pts.-1 Te�t, XC + 942, 2 pls., I-CL-Cape York spp., p. LXI. BEDDARD, F. E. (1884-1886 b) : "Report on the Isopoda collected by H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76." Ibid. (1884) " Part I-The Genus Serolis," Vol. XI, pp. 1-85, pls .. I-X ; (1886 b) " Part II," Vol. XVII, pp. 1-175, pls. I-XXV-localities generally vague, Part II with Cape York spp. p. 164. ------(1886 a): •" Preliminary Notice of the Isopoda collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger,' Part III." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Lond., 1886, pp. 97-122-sp. nov. from Flinders Passage. BELL, T. (1855) : "Horae carcinologicae. I. A Monograph of the Leucosiidae, with observations on the relations, structure, habits: and distribution of the family; a revision of the generic characters." Trans. Linn. Soc. Land. (Zoo!.), 1855, pp. 277-314, pls. XXX-XXXIV-several localities '' ad oras Au.straliae orientates." BOONE, L. (1934) : " Scientific Results of the World Cruise of the Yacht 'Alva,' 1931, William K. Vanderbilt, Commanding. Crustacea : Stomatopoda and Brachyura." Bull. Vanderbilt Oceanogr. (Mar.) Mus., Vol. V, pp. 1-210, 109 pls.-includes G. B. Reef and Southport. (1935) : "Scientific Results .. 'Alva ' ...Crustacea : Anomura, Macrura, Euphausiacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda, and Echinodermata : Asteroidea and Echinoidea." Ibid. Vol. VI, pts. I & II, pp. 1-264, pls. 1-96-(F. McN.). BRADY, G. S. (1865): "On new or imperfectly known species of Marine Ostracoda." Trans. zool. Soc. Land., Vol. V, pp. 359-93- · several localities · as "Prof. Jukes' soundings," possibly Qd. from Voyage of "Fly." (188Q): " Report on Ostracoda dredged by H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 187'3-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. I, pp. 1-184, pls. I-XLIV--occurrence, descrs. & plates, includes Cape York & Torres Str. (1883): "Report on the Copepoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." Ibid. Vol. VIII, pp. 1-142, pls. I-LV­ see pp. 12-13. ----- (1897): "A Supplementary Report on the Crustaceans of the Group Myodocopa obtained during the 'Challenger ' Expedition; with notes on new or imperfectly known species." Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., Vol. XIV, pp. 85-100, pls. XV-XVII-spp. nov. off Cape York. BROOKS, W. K. (1886): "Report on the Stomatopoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XVI, pp. 1-116, pls. I-XVI-key, specific descrs., includes larvae. CALMAN, W. T. (1900) : "On a Collection of . Brachyura from Torres Straits." Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zoo!.), Ser. 2, Vol. VIII, pt. I, pp. 1-50, pls. 1-3-lists 88 spp., including spp. nov., redescr. spp. all from Haddon's 1888 exped. (1913) : "On Aphareocaris, nom. nov. (Aphareus, Paulson), a Genus of the Crustacean Family Sergestidae." J. Linn. Soc. Zoo!. (Land.), Vol. 32, pp. 219-23, pl. 16-Aphareocaris elegans n.sp. from Thursday Is. CANNON, H. G. (1935) : "On the Rock-Boring Barnacle Lithotrya valentiana." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. V, No. 1, pp. 1-17, pls. I-II-morphology. CHILTON, C. (1920) : " The Occurrence in the Brisbane River of the New Zealand Amphipod, Paracorophium excavatum (G. M. Thompson)." Mem. Qd. Mus., Vol. VII, pt. I, pp. 44-51-detai!ed descr., text, figs. ----- (1921) : "Report on the Amphipoda obtained by the F.I.S. 'Endeavour ' in Australian Seas." Biol. Res. F.I.S. "Endeavour," Vol. V, pp. 31-92, text figs.1-16 -includes Torres Str. record ; most localities as "Australia." ----- (1923): " Occasional Notes on Australian Amphipoda." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XIV, No. 2, pp. 79-100, figs. 1-5-(F. McN.) -2 Qd. spp. COUTIERE, H. (1897): " Note sur quelques alphees nouveaux." Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., No. 7, pp. 303-6-(F. McN.)-includes Thursday

----- (18J�- !f; "Note sur quelques Alpheides nouveaux de la collection. du British Museum (Crust.).". Bnll. Soc. ent. Fr., pp. 166-8, text figs. l-2a-(F. McN.)-descr. var. nov. apparently from "Alert," Qd. ----- (1898 b) : "Note sur Alpheus 1Jillosus Olivier (Crust.)." Ibid. pp. 204-6-(F. McN.)--records from Thursday Is. & Cape · York. (1900): "Note sur,une collection d'Alphaeidae provenant du detroit de ' Torres." Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, Vol. VI, pp. 411-5-18 spp. from Torres Str. ----- (1909) : "The American Species of the Snapping Shrimps of the Genus Synalpheu.s." Proc. U.S. nat. Mus., Vol. XXXVI, pp. 1-93, text figs. 1-54-(F. McN.)-sp. nov. from Chile identified with specimens from tropical "New Holland." DAKIN, W. J. (1950) : " Great Barrier Reef and Some Mention of Other Australian Coral Reefs." Sydney, 8vo., 135 pp.-popular, mentions crustacea. DAKIN, W. J., BENNETT, Isobel & POPE, Elizabeth (1948) : "A Study of Certain Aspects of the Ecology of the Intertidal Zone of the New South Wales Coast." Aust. J. Sci. Res., Ser. B., Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 176-230-zonations in northern N.S.W.; references to Qd. DARWIN, C. (1851, 1854) : "A Monograph of the Sub-Class Cirripedia." Ray. Soc. Land. (1851) " The Lepadidae or Pedunculated Cirripedes," pp. xi + 400, pl. I-X; (1854) "The Balanidae, The Verrucidae, etc. ", pp. viii + 684, pl. I-XXX-Lithotrya spp. descr. from N.S.W. is probably now Qd., several Qd. sessile forms. EDMONDSON, C. H. (1932) : "A Pre)iminary Comparison between Hawaiian and Australian Crustacea." Proc. Pan. Pacif. sci. Congr. (Aust.), Vol. II, Section XI, pp. 1548-53-of little faunistic value.

1 EDWARDS, H. M. (1852) : ' Observatio�s sur Jes affinites zoologiques et la classification naturelle des Crustaces." Ann. Sci. Nat., 3rd Ser., Tome 18, pp. 109-66, pls. 3-4-(F. McN.)-excellent treatment of Gelasimus (= Vea), includes Port Curtis . 32 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D.

EDWARDS, M. Milne (1834-40) : " Histoire Naturelle des Crustaces." Pads. (1834) Tome I, 468 pp. ; (1837) Tome II, 532 pp. ; (1840) Tome III 638 pp.-many Aust. spp. probably from what is now Qd., just which unknown. ETHERIDGE, R. & McCULLOCK, A. R. (1916) : "Sub-Fossil Crustacea from the Coasts of Australia." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 1-14, pls. I-VII, fig. 1-includes Galene. bispinosa from Qd. FARRAN, G. P. (1936) : "Copepoda." Sci. Rep. Gt. ·Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. V, No. 3, pp. 73-142-list spp., descr., text figs. ----- (1949) : "Tbe Seasonal and Vertical Distribution of the Copepoda." Ibid. Vol. II, No. 9, pp. 291-312. FISCHER, P. H. (1940) : "Notes sur les peuplements littoraux d'Australie. III. Sur la fauna de la Mangrove Australienne." Mem . Soc. Biog6ogr., Vol. VII, Paris, pp. 315-29-records ex. lit. FOXON, G. E. H. (1932) : "Report on Stomatopod Larvae, Cuma<;ea and Cladocera." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 11, pp. 375-98--Stomatopods referred only to adult genera. GRANT, F. E. & McCULLOCH, A. R. (1906) : "On a Collection of Crustacea from the Port Curtis District, Queensland." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XXXI, pp. 2-53, pls. I-IV-;impressive list, habitat details, spp. nov. GUILER, E. R. (1952) : "The Nature of Intertidal Zonation in Tasmania." Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, Vol. 86, pp. 31-61- Mictyris longicarpus and Chthamalus antennat1ts from Qd. mentioned. GURNEY, R. (1938) : "The Larvae of the Decapod Crustacea Palaemonidae and Alpheidae." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped. , Vol. VI, No. 1, pp. 1-60-G. B. Reef forms only referred to adult genera. HALE, H. M. (1924) : "Notes on Australian Crustacea. No. l." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 491-502, p!. XXXII-XXXIII, · text figs. 381-4-Squilla from Cairns, keys Lysios•1uilla. (1925) : "Review of Australian Isopods of the Cymothoid Group. Part I. " Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. XLIX. pp. 128-85, text figs. 1-28-(F. McN.)-keys included. (1926): "Review of the Australian Isopods of the Cymothoid Group." Ibid. Vol. L, pp. 201 -34, text figs. 1-20, pls. XXXVI, XXXVII-5 Qd. spp., descrs., keys, text figs. (1928 a) : "Australian Cumacea." Ibid. Vol. LII, pp. 31-48-lists spp. ex. lit. including 2 from Flinders Passage. ----- (1928 b) : "Some Australian Decapod Crustacea." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 91-104, text figs. 19-27- (F. McN.)-2 Qd. Leucosiidae figured. ----- (1929) : "Crustacea from Princess Charlotte Bay, North Queensland. The Isopoda and Stomatopoda." Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LIII, pp. 33-6-lists spp. nov. ----- (1933) : "Tanaidacea and Isopoda collected by the Great Barrier Reef Expedition, 1928-29." nn. I\·lag. nat. Hist., Ser. 10, Vol. XI, pp. 557-61-spp. nov., text figs. (1940) : " Report on the Cymothoid Isopoda obtained by the F.I.S. ' Endeavour ' on the Coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia." Trans. Roy. Soc., S. Aust. Vol. LXIV, pp. 288-304, pl. XVIII­ descrs., text figs. ------(1944 a) : "Australian Cumacea No. 7, The Genus Cyclaspis." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. VIII, pt. 1, pp. 63-142-list spp., key, spp. nov.", distribution, habitats, 2 S. Qd. spp. ----- (1944 b) : "Australian Cumacea No. 8, The Family Bodotriidae." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LXVIII, pt. 2, pp. 225-85 -descrs., text figs., keys, Qd. spp. (1945 a) : "Australian Cumacea No. 9. The Family Nannastaciclae." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. VIII, No. 2, pp. 145-217 -descrs., text figs., keys, Qd. spp. ----- (1945 b) : "Australian Cumacea No. 11. The Family Diastylidae, Part I." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LXIX, pt. 2, pp. 173-211-descrs., text figs.. keys, Qd. spp. ------(1946) : "Australian Cumacea No. 12. The Family Diastylidae (Part 2) Gyn,,diastylus and related genera." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. VIII, No. 3, pp. 357-444-descrs., text figs., keys, Moreton B. spp. ------(1948) : "Australian Cumacea No. 14. Further Notes on the Genus Cyclasp,is." Ibid. Vol. IX, No. 1, pp. 1-42-descrs., Moreton B. spp. ----- (1949 a) : "Australian Cumacea No. 15. The Family Bodotriidae (Continued.," Ibid. Vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 108-25- descrs,, Qd. spp. ------(1949 b) : "Australian Cumacea No. 16. The Family Nannastacidae." Ibid. Vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 225-45-spp. nov., Qd. spp. ------(1951) : "Australian Cumacea, No. 17." Ibid. Vol. IX, No. 4, pp. 353-iO, figs. 1-10-reference to 3 Qd. spp. ex. lit. HASWELL, W. A; (1880 a): "On the Australian Species of Penaeus, in the Macleay Museum, Sydney." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 38-44-descrs. N. Qd. spp. coll. "Chevert." ----- (1880 b) : "Contributions td a Monograph of Australian Leucosiidae." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 44-60, pls. V, VI-14 Qd. records, 2 Moreton B. ------(1880 c) : "On Australian Amphipoda." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. III, pp. 245-79, pls. VII-XII-descr. Qd. sp. from Howick Grp. --·--- (1880 d) : " On Some Additional New Genera and Species of Amphipodous Crustaceans." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. 111, pp. 319-50, pls. XVIII-XXIV-1 N. Qd. sp. ------(1880 e): "Note Supplementary to a Paper on the Australian Leucosiidae." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. IV, pp. 403-4-8 Port Denison spp. -·----- (1880 f) : "On the Australian Brachyura Oxyrhyncha." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. IV, pp. 431-58, pls. 25-7-27 Qd. records, · mostly N. Qd. ----- (1880 g): " Preliminary Report on the Australian Amphipoda." Ann. Mag-. nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. V, pp. 30-5-Port Denison spp. ------(1880 h): "Notes on the Australian Maioid Brachyura." Ibid. Vol. V, pp. 145-i. ----- (1880 j): "On two new species of the Genus Paratymolus, Miers (Crustacea, Brachyura), from Australia." Ibid. Vol. V, pp. 302-4-both Qd. ----- (1881 a) : "On Some New Amphipods froln Australia and Tasmania." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.). Vol. V, pt. I, pp. 97-105, pls. V-VII-3 Qcl. spp., descrs. ----- (1881 b) : " On Some New Australian Marine Isopoda. Part I." Ibid. Vol. V, pt. IV, pp. 470-81, pls. XVI-XIX- 3 Port Denison spp., descrs. ----- (1882 a) : " On Some New Australian Brachyura." Ibid. Vol. VI, pt. III, pp. 540-51-4 Port Demson spp., descrs. ----- (1882 b) : "Description of Some New Species of Australian Decapoda." Ibid. Vol. VI, pt. IV, pp. 750-63-19 Qd. spp., aescrs. ----- (1882 c) : " Catalogue of the Australian Stalk and Sessile-eyed Crustacea." Aust. Mus. Pub., pp. XXIV + 324 + Addenda, pl. I-IV-abbreviated descrs. e:x. lit., numerous Qd. records, many ex. lit., nomenclature needs revision. ----- (1884 b) : "A Revision of the Australian Isopoda:'' Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IX, pt. IV, pp. 1001-15, pls. L-LIII-list spp., spp. ncv., 1 Qd. record. ----- (1885) : "Notes on the Australian Amphipoda." Ibid. Vol. X, pp. 95-114, pls. X-�VIII-at least 3 Qd. spp., descrs. HEATH, G. P. (1888) : " Reports on th.e Oyster and other Fisheries within the Ports of Moreton Bay and Maryborough." Qd. Votes & Proc. Legis. Assembly. Session 1888, Vol. III, pp. 761-75, 6 figs., maps-fisheries Rept. p. 764 by C. S. Fison mentions " Thenis orientalis" from Moreton B. HEDLEY, C. (1901) : "The Marine Wood-borers of Australasia and Their Work." Rep. Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., Vol. VIII, pp. 237-55, pls. VII-X-several Qd. ship-worms & s·phaeromids from Cooktown, very brief descrs. ----- (1910) : "The Marine Fauna of Queensland." Presidential Address, Section . D, Biology, Aust. As'-. Adv. Sci., 12th Rep., Brisbane, pp. 329-71, 2 maps, addendum, pp. 809-10-impressive list of Qd. molluscs, with few Crustacea mentioned, biogeographical interest. HENDERSON, J. R. (1888): " Report on the Anomura collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXVII, pp. VII + 221, pls. I-XXI-descrs. genera & spp., distribution, Cape York spp., p. 189. ----- (1893) : "A contribution to Indian carcinology." Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Zoo!.), Vol. V, pt. 10, pp. 325-458, pls. 36-40- Gonodactylus spp. from Sir C. Hardy's Is. A BIBLIO GRAPHY OF THE MARJNE INVERTEBRATES O_F QUEENSLAND 33

HESS, W. (1865) : "Beitrage 1.ur Kenntniss der Decapoden-Krebse Ost-Austra1iens. '' Arch. Nattirgesch. Berlin, pp. 127-73, Taf. VI, VII-Qd. records ex. lit., many spp. nov. desc- from Sydney are common in Qd. HOEK, P. P. C. (1883): " Report on the Cirripedia collected by H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 18i3-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. VIII, pp. 1-169, pls. 1-XIIl-descrs. additive to Darwin's monographs, Qd. spp. (incl. Moreton B.), pp. 32-33. HOLTHUIS, L. B. (l\l46) : "' The Decapoda Macrura of the Snellius Expedition. I. The Stenopodidae, Nephropsidae, Scyllaridae and Palinuridae.'' Temminckia, Deel VII, pp. 1-178, pJ. 1-XI-useful in identifications, Qd. records ,:x. lit. (l\J50): "The Decapoda of the Siboga Expedition, Part X. ·The Palaemonidae collected by the Siboga and S"nellius Expeditions with remarks on the other species. I. Subfamily Palaeomoninae." Siboga Exped., Monogr. XXXIXa, pp. 1-:W8, text :figs. 1-52-Qd. rE':cords, ex. lit., essential for ideritifications. JOHNSTON, T. H. (19l 7) : " Ecological Notes on the Littoral Fauna ·and Flora of Ca!oundra, Queensland." Qd. Nat., Vol. Ii, No. 2, pp. 53-63-habitat details. KEMP, S. (1913): "An Account of the Crustacea Stomatopoda of thP Indo-Pacific Region based on the Collection in the Indian Museum." Mem. Ind. Mus., Vol. IV, No. 1, pp. 1-217. pls. 1-X-one original Qd. record, essential for identifications. ----- (1922) : "Notes on Crustacea Decapoda in the Indian Museum. XV. Pontoniinae.n Ree. Ind. Mus., Vol. XXIV, pt. II, pp. 113-288, pls. III-IX, text figs. 1-105-(F. McN.)-mentions possible identity of one of Saville-Kent's G. B. Reef shrimps, essential for identifications. KINGSLEY, J. S. (1880). "Carcinological Notes II. Revision of the Gelasmi." Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. 1880, pp. 135-52, pls. IX-X-Moreton B. records, pp. 140, 144. LIVINGSTONE, A. A. (1928) : " Sea-Anemones and Their Associates." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. III, No. 7, pp. 22\l-32-'popular, associates include G. B. Reef crustacea. McCULLOCH, A. R. (1906): "Occasional Notes, IV, Crustacea New to Australia." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. VI, No. 3, p. 231-record from Clarence R. ------(1908, 1909, 1913) : " Studies in Australian Crustacea." Ibid. (1908) " No. 1," Vol. VII, pp. 51-9, pl. XII; (1909) " No. 2," Vol. VII, pp. 305-14, pls. LXXXVIII-LXXXIX; (1913) " No. 3," Vol. IX, pp. 321-53, pls. X-XI-descrs. & plates of decapods, many Qd. McCULLOCH, A. R. & McNEILL, _F. A. (1923) : " Notes on Australian pecapoda." Ibid. Vol. XIV, No. 1, pp. 49-59, pls. IX-XI­ descrs. ex. ljt., new Qd. records. McNEILL, F. A. (1920, 1926 a, 1929) : " Studies in Australian Carcinology." Ibid. (1920) " No. 1," Vol. XIII, pp. 105-9, pl. XIX ; (1926 a) " No. 2," Vol. XV, pp. 100-31, p]s. IX-X ; (1929) "No. 3," Vol. XVII, pp. 144-56, pls. XXV-XXXVII-No. 1-redescr. spp., especially Vea, includes Brisbane R. ; No. 2-Mictyridae with key; No. 3-2 Qd. spp. redescr. ----- (1926 b) : "The Biology of North-West Islet, Capricorn ·Group. (J) Crustacea." Aust. Zoo!., yo!. 4. pt. V, pp. 299-318, pl. XLI, text figs. 1-2-numerous records. ----- (1936): "The Crustacean Timber Boring Pests of Brisbane Waters." . Qd. Forest Ser. Bull., No. 12. In " Destruction of Timber by Marine Organisms in the Port of Brisbane," pp. 45-8, 3 text figs.-Sphaeromids, etc., with 1iatural history. (1942) : "A Crab Wonder." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. VII, No. 12, p. 430-popular, Port Denison. McNEILL, F. A. & WARD, M. (1930) : "Carcinological Notes, No. l." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XVII, No. 9-8 Qd. spp. , with distribution. MAN, J. G. d<' (1898): " Notes sur Quelques Especes du Genre Alpheu., Fabr., appartenant a la section dont L'Alpheus edwardsi Aud. est le Representant." Mem. Soc, zoo!. Fr., Tome XT, pp. 309-25, pl. IV-(F. McN.)-include 2 Aust. spp., one common in Qd., useful in identifications. ----- (1907) : " On a Collection of Crustacea, Decapoda, and Stomatopoda chiefly from th� Inland Sea of Japan : with Descriptions of New Species." Trans. Linn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Ser. 2, Vol. IX, pp. 387-454, pls. XXXI-XXXIII-Penaeus latisculatus from Thursday Is., detailed descr, p. 448. ----- (1909): 11 Note sur Que]ques Especes du Genre Alpheus Fabr., appartenant 'au Group brevisrostris de Man." Mem. Soc. zool. Fr., Tome XXII, pp. 146-64, pls. vii-viii-(F. McN.)-A . rapax de Haan, nee Fabr., recorded from ' mers de la Nouvelle-Hollande.' '' MIERS, E. J. (1877 a) : "On Actaeomorpha, A New Genus of Crustacea." J. Jinn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Vol. XIII, pp. 183-5, pls. XIV-sp. nov . from Port Curtis. --·--- (1877 b) : " Notes upon the Oxystomatous Crustacea." Trans. Jinn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Ser. 2, Vol. I, pp. 235-49, pls. XXXVIII- XL-2 Moreton B. records, descrs. ----- (1879) : " Descriptions of new or little known species of Maioid Crustacea." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. IV, pp. 1-28, pls. IV & V. ----- (1880 a, b) : "On the Sauillidae." Ibid. Vol. V. (1880 a) pp. J-30, (1880 b) pp. 108-27, pls. I-III-" Squilla nepa " and 2 Qd. Gonodactylus spp. ------(1884) : "Report on the Zoological Collections made in the lndo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert,' 1881-2." London, 8vo., "Crustacea," pp. 188-326, pls. XVIII-XXXV-mostly Qd., lists spp., some descr. ----- (1886): "Report on the Brachyura collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XVII, pp. XLIV + 362, pls. 1-XXIX-descrs., Cape York spp. pp. XXV-XXVI. MUS. GODEFFROY, Catalog. V., 1874, pp. 71-84-(F. McN.). Crustacea in a priced list of items, including " Rockhampton, '' etc., some localities astray. MUSGRAVE, A. (1926) :. · The Biology of North-West Islet, A Narrative." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 4, pp. 199-209, pl. XXVII-general topography includes crustacea. NOBILI, G. (1900): " Contribuzioni alla cognosienza della Fauna Carcinologica della Papuasia, delle Molucche e dell' Australia." Ann. Mus. Stori Nat. Genova (Ser. 2a, XX), Vol. XL, pp. 230-82-records from Somerset, Cape York. ODHNER, T. (1925) : "Monographierte Gattungen der Krabbenfamillie Xanthidae I." (Med. fran Goteborgs Mus. Zoo!. Avdel. 37). Goteborg. Vetensk. Samh. Hand!., Fjarde foljden, Bd. 29, No. 1, pp. 1-92, pls. 1-5, text figs. 1-7-(F. McN.)-Qd. spp. included, mostly ex. lit., essential for identifications. ORTMANN, A. E. (1894) : "Crustaceen." In " Zoo!. Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel. ...Augeflihrt ...Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp. 3-80, 3 pl.-47 spp. from Thursday Is. inc. spp. nov. of Gebia & Lambrus. OTTER, G. W. (1937) : " Rock-Destroying Organisms in Relation to Coral Reefs." Sci . Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. I, No. 12, pp. 323-52, pls. I-VI-ecology, distribution, includes Cirripedia. POTTS, F. A. (1915 a) : " On the Rhizocephalan genus Thompsonia and Its Relation to the Evolution of the Group." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn. Pub. No. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 1-32, pls. 1-2--generi,c definition, list spp., material from Murray & Thursday Is. ----- (1915 b) : " Haplocarcinus, The Gall-forming Crab, with Some Notes on the Related Genus Cryptocherus." Ibid. No. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 33-69, pls. 1-3-inter-relationships, detailed morphology, development, hosts of the 2 genera. ----- (1915 c) : " The Fauna Associated with the Crinoids of a Tropical Coral Reef, with esp�cial reference to its colour variations." Ibid. No. 212, Vol. VIII ,pp. 71-96, pl. 1-commensals at Murray Is., include alpheids, pontoniinids, Anomura, isopod and an amphipod. 34 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D.

RATHBUN, Mary J. (1918),: " Report on the Spider Crabs obtained by the F.l.S. ' Endeavour ' on the Coasts of Queensland, N.S.W., Victoria1 South Australia:, and Tasmania. " Biol. Res. F.1.S. "Endeavour, " 1909-14, Vol. V, pt. 1, pp. 1-29, pls. I-XV 8 Qd. records, mostly off Double Is. Point. ----- (1923) : " Report on the Crabs obtained by the F.I.S. ' Endeavour ' on the Coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania. Report on the Brachyrhyncha, Oxystomata, and Dromiacea." Ibid. Vol. V, pt. 3, pp. 95-156, pls. XVI-XLII-22 _records from Central & S. Qd. ---- (1924): " Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to �ustralia, 1910-1913. 37 : Brachyura, Albuneidae and Porcellanidae." Archiv. Zool., Bd. 16, No. 23, Heft. 4, pp. 1-33, pl. 2, text figs. 1-7-useful for identifications, many Qd. spp. ----- (1926) : "Brachyuran Crabs from Australia and New Guinea". Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XV, No. 2, pp. 177-82, pls. XIV- XVI-from Brisbane R. & Moreton B., including sp. nov. , READ, A. A. (1952) : " Marine Coral Spider." N. Qd. Nat., Vol. XX, No. 100, pp. 9-11-Squilla ne/adia (sic) alleged, G. B. Reef. ROUGHLEY, T. C. (1936) :" " Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef." Sydney, 8vo., pp. XIII + 282, pls. 1-50-popular. RUSSELL, F. S. & COLMAN, J. S. (1934) : " The Zooplankton. II. The Composition of the Zooplankton of the Barrier Reef Lagoon. III. A Comparison of the Abundance of Zooplankton in the Barrier Reef Lagoon with that of some regions in Northern European Waters." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. II, No. 6, pp. 15U-�01--only 1 crustacean identifiedto sp. SARS, G. 0. (1885) : " Report on the Schizopoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger, ' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zool.), Vol. XIII, pp. 1-225, + index, pls. I-XXXVIII-definitions families, descrs. of genera & spp., lists spp. (1886): "Report on the Cumacea collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XIX, pp. 1-78, pls. 1-Xl-definition, families, list spp., detailed descrs., 2 spp. from Flinders Passage. SAVILLE.KENT, W. (1893): " The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, Its Products and Potentialities." pp. XVII + list of plates + 387, pls. I-XLVIII (photo.), I-XVI (coloured)-popular. ----- (1897): "The Naturalist in Australia." London, pp. XV + 302, chrom. pls. I-IX, pls. (B & W) I-L-popular, Alpheid prawn (p. 203), soldier crab (p. 241 ). SCHMITT, W. L. (1926) : " Report on the Crustacea Macrura (Families Peneidae, Camphylonotidae and Pandalidae) obtained by the F.l.S. 'Endeavour ' in Australian Seas.'' Biol. Res. F.l.S. "Endeavour," Vol. V, pt. 6, pp. 31r-81, pls. LVII-LXVIII -11 Qd. spp. from Bowen & Port Curtis, key. SERENE, R. (1950) : "Deux Nouvelles especes Inda Pacifiques de Stomatopodes.'' Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, Ser. 2, Tome XXII, No. 5, pp. 571-2-Gonodactylus tweediei sp. nov. from Capricorns briefly descr. ----- (1952) : "Etude d'une Collection de Stomatopodes de !'Australian Museum de Sydney.'' Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XXIII, No. 1, pp. 1-24, pls. 1-III-redescr. Squilla depressa, Gonodactylus tweediei, these & others from Qd. STEBBING, R. R. (1888): " Report on the Amphipoda collected by H.M.S,. 'Challenger, ' 1873-76.'' " Challenger" Rep. (Zool.), Vol. XXIX, pp. XXIV +1737 (Text), pls. I-CCX + map (Plates). STEPHENSON, Anne (1934) : "The Breeding of Reef Animals, Part II, Invertebrates other than Corals.'' Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. Ill, No. 9, pp. 247-72-includes Thalamita. STEPHENSON, T. A., STEPHENSON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER, M. (1931) : "The Structure and Ecology of Low Isles and Other Reefs.'' Ibid. Vol. Ill, No. 2, pp. 17-112, pls. 1-XXVIl-lists fauna of various reefs including crustacea. STEPHENSON, W. (1952 a) : "Faunistic Records from Queensland. Part I, General Introduction ; Part II, Adult Stomatopoda (Crustacea).'' Zoo!. Pap. Univ. Qd., Vol. l, No. 1, 15 pp-U spp., mostly Moreton B. ----- (1952 b) : "Notes on the. Australian Stomatopoda (Crustacea) in the Collections of the Queensland Museum." Mem. Qd. Mus. (in the press). TATTERSALL, W. M. (1928) : " Further Records of Australian Opossum Shrimps (Mysidacea).'' Ree. S. Aust._ Mus._, Vol. IV, pp. 105-10-2 spp. from N. Qd., text figs., short descrs. ----- (1936): "Mysidacea and Euphausiacea.'' Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. V, No. 4, pp. 143-76-descrs. with text figs. THACKWAY, A. E. J. (1935) : "Caloundra : A Naturalists' El Dorado.'' Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. V, No. 10, pp. 350-3-popular, Ocypod, mentioned. VIS, C. W. de (1883): "Description of a New Species of S0uill from Moreton Bay.'' Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol.. VII, pt. III, pp. 321-2-Lysiosguilla miersii sp. nov. WARD, M. (1928) : "The Crustacea of the Capricorn and Bunker Groups, Queensland.'' Aust. Zool., Vol. 5, pt. 3, pp. 241-6, pls. XXVII-XXIX-general ecology, largely crustacean, omits ·Specific authors. ----- (1933 a) : "The True Crabs of the Capricorn Group, Queensland (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda Brachyura).'' Ibid. Vol. 7, pp. 237-55-detailed habitats and localities, extensive list. ----- (1933 b) : " New Genera and Species of Marine Decapoda Brachyura from the Coasts of New South Wales and Queensland." Ibid. Vol. 7, pp. 377-94, pls. XXI-XXIII--excellent habitat details. ----- (1936) : "Crustacea Brachyura from the Coasts of Queensland." Mem. Qd. Mus., Vol. XI, pt. 1, pp. 1-13, pls. I-III­ descrs. with localities. ------(1937 a) : "The Crab in Medicine, Magic and Myth.'' Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. VI, No. 6, pp. 211-6, 1 pl.-popular, Torres Str. sp. mentioned. --· ----· (1937 b) : "Notes on a Collecting Trip in Northern New South Wales.'' Proc. Roy. Zoo!. Soc. N.S.W., 1936-7, pp. 32-9- (T.l.)-numerous crabs ; comments on Lindeman Is., Port Curtis, Moreton B., and especially Southport. --·---- (1945) : ''A New Crustacean:" Mem. Qd. Mus., Vol. XII, pt. 3, pp. 134-5, pl. XIII-Mud Is. sp. WATSON, C. J. J., McNEILL, F. A., jOHNSON, R. A. & IREDALE, T. (1936) : . " Destruction of Timber by marine organisms in the Port of Brisbane.'' Qd. Forest Ser. Bull. No. 12, pp. 1-107-(F.S.C.)--ecotogical factors (e.g., salinity, etc.), see McNeil! (1936). WHITE, A. (1847 a) : " Descriptions of new or little known Crustacea in the Collection at the British Museum. " Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, pp. 119-27-record, Cumberland Group, descr. ----- (1847 b) : " Descriptions of a New Genus and Five New Species of Crustacea." Appendix No. VIII in " Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. 'Fly,' etc.'', by J. B. Jukes, London, 8vo., Vol. II, pp. 335-8 + pl.-descrs., localities, 2 Qd. spp. ----- (1852) : " Descriptions of some apparently new species of Annulosa (collected by !\1r. MacGillivray during the Voyage · of H.M.S. ' Rattlesnake '),'' Appendix No. VI in " Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Rattlesnake, ' etc.'', by MacGillivray, Vol. II, pp. 387-95 + 2 pls.-2 spp. nov. Qd. crabs. WITHERS, T. H. (1930) : "Barnacles from Magnetic Island, North Queensland.'' Mem. Qd. Mus., Vol. X, pt. 2, pp. 122-4-4 spp. WHITLEY, G. P. & BOARDMAN, W. (1929) : "Quaint Creatures of a Coral Isle.'' Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. Ill, No. 11, pp. 366-74- popula�, notes on habits. YONGE, C. M. (1930): "A Year on the Great Barrier Reef." London, 8vo., pp. XX + 246, pls. 1-XXIX-popular, mentions Low ls. & Torres Str. A BIBLfO GRAPHY OF THE MA�INE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENS�AND 35 INSECTA AND ARACHNIDA BANCROFT, T. L. (1908) : " List of the mosquitoes of Queensland." Alin. Qd. Mus., No. 8, pp. l-6t-Qd. spp. breeding in salt or brackish water. CARPENTER, G. H. (1892) : " Reports on the Zoological Collections made in Torres Straits by Professor A. C. Haddon, 1888-1889. Rhynchota from Murray Island and Mabu'iag." Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc., V;,l. VII (N. Ser.), pt. 3, pp. 137-46- 3 spp. nov., Hydrometridae from Mabuiag Is. COOLING, L. E. (no date) : "Seven common species .of mosquitoes." Comm. Aust. Dept. Health Serv. Pub. (Trop. Div.) No. 1, 24 pp.-spp. breeding in salt marshes in " Coastal Australia," occurring in Qrl. ---·--- (1924) : "The larval stages and biology of the commoner species of Australian mosquitoes." 11,id. No. 8, 40 pp.­ comments as last. DAKIN, W. J., BENNETT, Isobel & POPE, Elizabeth (1948) : "A Study of Certain Aspects of the Ecology of the Intertidal Zone of the· New South Wales Coast." Aust. J. Sci. Res., Ser. B., Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 175·230-includes insect and spider from Northern N.S.W. ENGLISH, K. M. I. (1947) : "Notes on the Morphology and Biology of Apiocera maritima, " Hardy (Diptera, Apioceridae). Proc. I.inn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. LXXI, pp. 296-302--evidence that Hardy's (1933) sp. has marine larvae and pupae. FISCHER, P. H. (1940) : "Notes sur Jes peuplements littoraux d'Australie. III. Sur la fau:1a de la mangrove Australienne." Mem. Soc. Biogeogr., Vol. VII, pp. 315-29-mangrove spp. common in Qd., ex. lit. HARDY, G. H. (1933): "Miscellaneous Notes on Australian Diptera." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. LVIII, pp. 408-20-Apiocera maritima sp. nov., S. Qd. sand dunes ; see English (1947). ----- (1935) : " Miscellaneous Notes on Australian Diptera III." Ibid. Vol. LX, pp. 248-56-Thinophilits wasselli sp. nov., mangrove muds, Southport. LEE, D. J. (1944) : "An Atlas of the Mosquito Larvae of the Australasian Region. Tribes-Megarhinini and Culicini." Aust. Mil. Forces Pub., 119 pp.-see Lee and Woodhill (1944). LEE, D. J. & WOODHILL, A. R. (1944) : "The Anopheline Mosquitoes of the Australasian Region." TJniv. Sydney Dept. Zoo!. Monogr. No. 2, 209 pp.-keys to spp., Qrl. forms incJude brackish water amongst larval habitats. MACKERRAS, I. M. (1950) : " Marine Insects." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. LXI, No. 3, pp. 19-29-records ex. lit. and original, bibliography, includes spider. MARKS, E. N. (1946) : " Report on an Anopheline survey of Lucinda Point, Queensland, with notes on the breeding places of Anopheline mosquitos in the Ingham district." Ann. Rept. Health Med. Serv. Qd., 1945-46, pp. 102-111-Anopheline breeding in brackish water. (1947): "Report on an investigation of the sandfly problem at Gladstone District Hospital (January, 1947)." Ibid. 1946-47, pp. 108-109-Ceratopogonid (unident.), tidal flats. ----- (1949) : "Note on the mosquito faun1 of the Dunwich area." Qd. Nat., Vol. H, pp. 9-12-Aedes vigilax, brackish water READ, A. A. (1952): "Marine Coral Spider." N. Qd. Nat .. Vol. XX. No. 100, pp. 9-11. Drsis crosslandi, Double Is. & Green Is. ·RUSSELL, P. F., ROZEBOOM, L. E. & STONE, A. (1943) : " Keys to the Anopheline mosquitos of the world." Philad. Amer. Entomol. Soc., pp. 1�152, 10 tigs.-species in Qd. possibly breeding in . brackish water. STEPHENSON, T. A., STEPHENSON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER, M. (1931) : "The Structure .and Ecology of Low Isles. and Other Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol: III, No. 2, pp. 17-112, pls. I-XXVII-mentions insects and spider. TAYLOR, F. H. \1943) : "Mosquito intermediary hosts of disease in Australia and New Guinea." Comm. Aust. Health Serv. Pub. (School Pub. Health Trop. Med.) No. 4, pp. 1-154-includes breeders in brackish water. TILLYARD, R. J. (1930) : "The Insects of Australia and New Zealand." Sydney, 560 pp.-Hermatobat,s haddoni Carp., Torres Str. PYCNOGONIDA CARPENTER, G. H. (1892 a, b) : "Reports on Zoological Collections made in Torres Straits by Professor A. C. Haddon, 1888-1889 : Pycnogonida." Sc. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. (N. Ser.). (1892 a) Vol. VII, pt. 5, p. 552, pl. XXII; (1892 b) " Supplement," Vol. VIII, pt. 1, pp. 21-7, pl. II-spp. nov., others listed and descr. FLYNN, T. T. (1920): "A Re-examination of Professor Haswell's Types of Australian Pycnogonida." Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasm. 1919, pp. 70-92, pls. xviii-xxii-(F. McN.). ·----- (1929) : " Pycnogonida from the Queensland .Coast." Mem. Qd. Mus., Vol. 9, pt. 3, pp. 252-60-reviews, records, detailed descrs. spp. nov., Cape York (2) and Whttsunday Passage (2). HASWELL, W. A. (1885) : "On the Pycnogonida of the Australian Coast, with descriptions of new species." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IX, pt. IV, pp. 1021-34, pls. LIV-LVII-spp. nbv., 4 Qd. records. HOEK, P. P. C. (1881): " Report on the Pycnogonida dredged by H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. III, pp. 1-162, pls. I-XXI-descrs., localities as "Australia." WILLIAMS, G. (1933) : " On Nymphopsis acinacispinatUs, a new Pycnogonid from Queensland." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 10, Vol. XII, pp. 173-80, figs.1-5-Port Curtis, key to spp.

MOLLUSCA ABRAHAM, F. S. (1877) • " Revis10n of the Anthobranchiate Nudibranchiate Mollusca with Descriptions or Notices of Forty-one hitherto undescnbed species." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.) 1877, pp. 196-269, pls. XXVII-XXX-(T.I.)-Doris ,ncii, p. 210, Torres Str., D. coriacea, p. 247. ADAMS, A. (1849 a) : ", Monograph of the recent species of Trigon-ia, including the description of a new species from the Collection of H. Cuming, Esq." Ibid. 1849, pp. 159 60, Moll. pl. III-(T.I.)-T. jukesii, Cape York, 6 !ms. ____ (1849 b) : " Descriptions of new species of Shells from the Cumingian Collection.'" Ibid. 1849, pp. 169-70; Moll. pl. VI­ (T.I.)-Tellina squamu.tosa, Cape York. ---- (1850 a) : "Monograph of the Species of Myochama." Ibid. 1850, pp. 22-3, Moll. pl. VIII-(T.I.)-M. trans,•ersa, Cape Upstart, 8 fms. ------(1850 b) : "An Arrangement of Stomatellidae." . Ibid. 1850. pp. 29-40-(T.I.)-Stomatia australis, p. 34, Darnley Is. ----- (1850 c) : " On the animal of Liotia." Ibid. 1850, pp. 50-2, pl. VIII-(T.I.)-Delphinula coronata, Cape Upstart. ------(1851 a) : " A Catalogue of the Species of Em(l,rginula ...in the Collection of H. Cuming, Esq." Ibid. 1851, pp. 82-92- \T.I.)-E. nt'.cans, Rains Is. E. incisura, p. 84. __:______(1851 b) : "Descriptions_ o� fi�ty-t�'O new s:p0cies of the Ge!1us Mitra, from the �umingian Collectiori." Ibid. 1851, pp. 132-41-(T.I.)-M. ,nsignis. p. 132, Rames Is. ; M. dehcata, p. 137, Cap,, \ ork, 8 fms. ---- (1851 c) : "Contributions towards a Monograph of the Troch;dae.'' Ibid. 1851, pp. 150-92-(T.I.)-4 spp. nov., Qd. ---- (1851 d) : " Descriptions of several new species of Mu.re.r:, Rissoin.a, Planaxis, and Eulima from the Cumingian Collection." Ibid. 1851, pp. ·267-72-(T.I.)-Nassa a•,stratis, p, '272, Australia-Qd., type H.,,ured bv Hedley. ---·-- (1852 e) : " Descriptions of New Shells from the Cumingian Collection.'' Ibid. 1852, pp. YO ·?., pl. XVI-(T.I.)-Crassatella ctimingii, Moreton B. 36 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSO '.'\, Ph.D.

ADAMS, A. (185� a) : "Descriptions of "lew Shells . from the Colkction of H. Cuming, Esq." Ibid. i8;;:J, pp. 69-74-(T.I.)- Ranella Jucunda, p. 70, N. Aust. ; ]lurex scalaris, p. 71, Moreton B. ; Stomatia bicarin.ata, p. 74-, :Moreton B. (1853 b) : "Descriptions of. Ne,v Species of Semele, Rhizockilus, Plot.ia, and Tiara in the Cumingian Collection." Ibid. 1853, pp. 94-9---{T.l.)-S. fukrsi, p. 95, Torres Str. ; S. casta, p. H6, Moreton B. ; S. amaMhs, p. Hi, Port Curtis. (1853 c) : "Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Gasteropoid. 185i, pp. 311-7-(T.I.)-Comiiie!la maitra p. 313, Darnley Is. ; error-Hobart, Tasmania. ----- (1855): "Descriptions of T'Yenty-fi.ve new species of Shells from the collec.tion of H. Cuming, Esq." Ibid. 1855, pp. 221-6-(T.1.)-6 spp. nov., Moreton B. ----- (1856) : "Descriptions of Thirty-four new species of Bivalve Mollusca." Ibid. 1856, pp. 47-53-(T.I.)-Pythina paula p. 4 7, Raines Is. ------(1862) : "Descriptions of some new species of Limopsis froi:n the Cumingian CoHection." Ibid. 1862, pp. 229-31-(T.I.) -L. macgillivrayi, l.. woodwardi, Lizard Is. ----- (1863) : " Descriptions of new Species of Shells from the Australian Seas in the Collection of George French Angas." Ibid. 1863, pp. 418-28, pl. XXXVII-Semele crenata, p. 126, Moreton .B ; Nitiula loringi, p. -l2i, Keppel B.-(T.I. comment). ADAMS, A. & ANGAS, G. F. (1864): " Descriptions of New Species of Shells chiefly from Australia in the Collection of ilfr. Augas." Ibid. 1864, pp. 35-40-Triton strangei, p. 35, Moreton B.-(T.I. comment). ADAMS, H. & A. (1853-1858): "The Genera of Recent Mollusca."-(T.1.)-2 Vols. issued in parts, some of A. Adams described species were here figured before issue of the description1 e.g., Turcica mon.ili_fcra, Vol. I, p. 42:3, pl. -18, tig. 3 (May, 1854), with description (read previously) appearing Jan. 5, 1855. ----- (1853): " Mono�raph of Plecutrema, a New Genus." Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 185;\ pp. 120-2-(T.I.)-P. lirata, Moreton B. ----- (1854) : "Contributions towards the Natural History of the Auriculidae, etc." Ibid. 1854, pp. :JU-5-(T.I.)-Cassidu/a decussata, M arinula xanthosfoma, Ophicarddus 1uoyi, Moreton B. ----- (1863) : " Description of New Species of Shells chiefly from the Cumingian Collection." Ibid. 1811:J, pp. 428-35-(T.I.)­ Tudicla (Tudicu.la) spinosa, p. 429, Port Curtis. ALLAN, Joyce (1927): "The Carrier Shell." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. III, No. 2, p. 57-popular, locality "tropical and sub-tropica l waters.'' (1931) : "Australian Nudibrancbs." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 7, pp. 87-105, pls. JV-V-descrs., mostly spp. nov. ----- (1932) : "A New Genus ai:i,d Species of Sea-Slug and Two New Species of Sea-Hares from Australia." Ree. Aust. Mns., Vol. XVIII, No. 6, pp. 3H-zQ, pls. XXXIV-XXXV-sp. nov. from Cairns, mentions Moreton B. --.,..--- (1933) : "Opisthobranchs from Australia." Ibid. Vol. XVIII, pp. H3-50, pl. LVI-Dendrodoris · albobrunnca, Capricorn Grp. (1934-40) : "Australian Shells." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vols. V-VIJ. (1934) : " Slit Shells and False Limpets." Vol. V (8), pp. 277-82. (1935 a) : " Ear Shells and Wide Mouthed Shells." Vol. V (9), pp. 320-4. (1935 b): " Top, Turban, Pheasant and Dolphin Shells." Vol. V (10), pp. 331-9. (1935 c) : "The Leotias, WheelShells, Nerites, Cap, Sugar, and True Limpets.'' Vol. V (11), pp. ;J,)5-400. (1935 d) : " The Winks, Rissoids, Rissoinids and Stump Shells." Vol. V (12), pp. 420-4. (1936 a) : "The Slipper, Cup and Saucer Limpets, Horse Shells and Triphoras." Vol. VI (1), pp. 26-31. (1936 b) : " Screw, Blind, Hairy-Keeled and Worm Shells, Violet Snails, Carrier Shells and Othei:s." Vol. VI (2), pp. 64-9. (1936 c) : "Strombs, Scorpion or Spider Shells, Sea Butterflies, and Ladder Shells." Vol. VI (4), pp. 121-6. (1937) : " Helmet, Tun, Fig and Egg Shells and the Cowries." Vol. VI (8), pp. 280-8. (1938 a) : " Volutes and Melon Shells, Olives, Rice, Harp, Margin, and Cross-Barred Shells." Vol. VI (9), pp. :JO\)-E>. (1938 b) : · "Auger and Cone Shells." Vol. VJ (10), pp. 328-36. (1938 c) : " Spindle and Band Shells, Whelks, and the False Trumpet Shell." Vol. VI (12), pp. n,-22. (1939 a) : " Mitres, " Vol. VII (1), pp. 13-6. (1939 b) : " Dog Whelks, Dove Shells, Ivory Shells, and Small Whelks.'' Vol. VII (2), pp. 67-72. (1940 a) : " Rock Shells, Smoke Shells and Trophons." Vol. VII (3), pp. 81-6. (1940 b); " .The Purples and Their Near Relatives." Vol. VII (4), pp. 140-4. (1940 c) : " Bubble and Allied Shells." Vol. VII (5), pp. 174-8. (1940 d) ; " Ear and Siphon Shells, Brackish Water Slugs and Snails." Vol. VII (6), pp. 197-201. -popular, spp. named, figured, often briefly descr., localities often general. ----- /1944) ; " Showy Shells from the South Pacific." Ibid. Vol. VIII (7), pp. 219-23-photographs and popular names (only). ----- (1945) : "Planktonic Larvae from the Eastern Australian Coast." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XXI, No. 6, pp. 317-50, pls. XXIV-XXVII + map-distribution, classification, specific descrs., 4 Qd. spp., 2 Cape Moreton. ----- (1946): "Bivalve Shells of a Sandy Ocean Beach." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. IX, No. 1, pp. 17-23-popular. -----. (1947) : "Nudibranchiata from the Clarence River Heads, North Coast, N.S.W." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XXI, No. 8, pp. 433-63, pls. XLI-XLIII + map-localities, specific descrs. ----- (1950) ; "Australian Shells, with Related Animals Living in the Sea, in Freshwater and on the Land." Melbourne, 470 pp., 44 pls., 112 text fi.gs.-semi-popular, the most comprehensive work readily a1,ailable, localities in general terms. ALLAN, Jovce & BELL, P. J, (1947) : "Onchidium associated with Dead Coral." Aust. Na.t., pp. 149-57, figs. I-IV-semi-popular. 0. verruculatum, Moreton B., forming pits in corals. ANGAS, G. F. (1864): "Observations on the Geographical Distribution of the genus Voluta _and Cymbrum in the Australian Seas." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.) 1864, pp. 50-4-(T.J.)-about 10 Qd. spp. ----- (1865 a, b) : "On the Marine Molluscan Fauna of the Province of South Australia ; with a List of all the Species known up to the present time; together with Remarks on other Habitats and Distribution, etc." Ibid. (1865 a) pp. 155-80 ; (1865 b), pp. 643-57-(T.1.)-Moreton B. records. ----.,-- (1867 a) : " Descriptions of Thirty-two New Species from the Coast of New South Wales.'' Ibid. 1867, pp. 110-7-Mitra (Cancilla) strangei, Moreton B. ----- (1867 b, c) : "A List of Species of Marine Mollusca found in Port Jackson Harbour, New South Wales, and on the adjacent Coasts, with Notes on their Habits, etc." Ibid. (1867 h) " Part I," pp. 185-233 ; (1867 c) " Part II," pp. 912-35-over 20 Qd. records. ----- (1871) : "A List of Additional Species of Marine Mollusca to be included in the Fauna of Port Jackson and the adjacent Coasts of New South Wales." Ibid. 1871, pp. 87-101-Moreton B. records. ------(1872) : "Descriptions of Ten Ne\'• Species of Land and Marine Shells." Ibid. 1872, pp. 610-3, pl. XLII-Venus gladstonensis, Axinaea jringilla, Port Curtis-(T.I. comment). ----- (1873) : " Descriptions of Eight New Species of Land and Marine Shells from Various Localities.'' Ibid. 1873, pp. 182-4, pl. XX-Limopsis loringi dredged off Qd.; Leda hanleyi, Australian seas (Qd.)-(T.I. comment). ----- (1877) : "A further list of Additional Species of Marine Mollusca to be included in the Fauna of Port Jackson and the adjacent Coasts of New South Wales.'' Ibid. 1877, pp. 178-94-Moreton B. record. ASHBY, E. (1922) : " Notes on Australian Polyplacophora, with descriptions of Three New Species and Two New Varieties." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. XLVI, pp. 9-22, pl. III-Acanthochiton shirleyi sp. nov., N. West Is.; Caloundra record. ----- (1927) : "The Regional distribution of Australian Chitons.'' Rep!. Aust. Assoc. Adv•. Sci. 1926, Vol. XVIJ, pp. 366-93 -(T.J.). ----- (1928) : "Notes on a Collection of Chitons (Polyplacophora) from the Capricorn Group, Queensland.'' Proc. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LII, pp. 167-73, pl. XlI-descrs., 2 spp. nov . A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 37

BANFIELD, E. J. (1908) : "The Confessions of a Beachcomber." 1933 reprint, Sydney, 8vo., 282 pp.-popular, 2 moliuscs from Dunk Is. ----- (1911) : "My Tropic Isle." London, 8vo., 315 pp., plates-popular, Dunk Is. ----- (1918) : "Tropic Days." London, 8vo., 313 pp., pls.-(T.I.)-popular. pp. 101-7, 208, 218 and several pls. with moilusca. BASEDOW, H. & HEDLEY, C. (1905): "South Australian Nudibranchs ·and an Enumeration of the known Australian Species." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. XXIX, pp. 134-60, pls. I-XII-(T.I.)-12 Qd. spp., 4 as figured by Saville-Kent. BASTOW, R. A. & GATLIFF, J. I{. (1907) : "New Species of Australian Chiton from Queensland, Enoplochiton torri." Proc. Roy , , Soc. Vic., Vol. XX, pt. I, pp. 27-30, pls. Ill, IV-(T.I.). BERGH, R. (1884): "Report on the Nudibranchiata dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. X, pp. 1-151, pls. 1-XIV-Chromodoris striate/la, Thordisa clandestina, Torres Str.-(T.I. comment). BERNHARD, H. F. (1936) : "Central Queensland, Easter, 19:35, A Shell Collecting Trip in Keppel Bay." Qd. Nat. Vol. IX, No. 6, pp. 109-11-Shell list. ------(1937) : "Molluscan Notes, No. 2, A Typical Collecting Trip to Tampian B'-"ach, near Emu Park, Central Queensland." Ibid. Vol. X, No. 3, pp. 61-3-list spp. BOONE, L. (1938) : "Scientific Results of the World Cruises of the Yachts 'Ara,' 1928-1929, and 'Alva,' 1931-19:32 .. ..William K. Vanderbilt, Commanding." Bull. Vanderbilt (Mar.) Mus., Vol. VII, pt. VI (Mollusca), pp. 285-361, pls. 110-52, 22 text fi.gs-8 spp. from Falcon Is. and Southport, photographs. BENJIIETT, M. (1864) : " Coquilles nouvelles on pen connus." Revue Zoo!. (Cuv.) 1864, pp. 279-82, pl. 22-(T.I.)-Trochus (Monodonta) millelineatus, Torres Str. BRAZIER, ,J. (1870) : "Description of Three New Species of Marine Shells from the Australian Coast." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Land.) 1870, pp. 108-10-Voluta (Auiica) wisemani, p. 108, N.E. Coast-(T.I. comment).

----- (1871 a) : " Notes on the localities of Dolium melanostoma and other Shells found in Australia and1 the Adjacent Islands and in the Australian Seas." lb-id. 1871, pp. 585�7-2 Port Denison records. ----- (1871 b) : "Description d'une espece nouvelle de Voluta." J. Conchyliol. Vol. XIX, pp. 78-80, pl. V, fig. 1-(F.S.C.)­ Voluta (Aulica) wisemani, N.E. Aust. coast. ----- (1872) : "A List of the Cypraeidae found on the Coast of New South Wales." Proc. zoo!. Soc. Land. 1872, pp. 81-6- 2 Qd. spp. ----- (1874) : '' Descriptions of eleven new Species of Terrestrial and Marine Shells from North�east Au,;tralia." Ibid. 1874, pp. 668-72, pl. LXXX·III-5 marine spp. nov. ----� (1875) : "Descrl'ptions of ten new Species of Shells from the Collection of Mr. Charles Coxen of Brisbane, Queensland." Ibid. 1875, pp. 31-4, pl. IV-Ganus coxmi, p. 34, Moreton B.-(T.I. comment). ----- (1876) : "A list of the Pleurotomidae collected during the 'Chevert ' Expedition, with the Description of the New Species." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. I, pp. 151-62-5 spp. nov., Cape York & Torres Str. records. · (187,7 a) : "Shells, Synonymy of aild remarks on Tasffianian and Other." Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., 1876, pp. 168-71-spp. from Torres Str. & Wreck Is. ----- (1877 b-e) ; "List of Marine Shells with Descriptions of the Nev{ Species collected during the 'Chevert ' Expedition." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. I. (1877 b) pp. 169-81 ; (1877 c) pp. 199-214 ; (1877 d) pp. 224-40 ; (1877 e) pp. 249-61-N. Qd. records, several spp. nov. ----- (1877 f-m, 1878 a-d) : " Continuation of the Mollusca of the ' Chevert ' Expedition." Ibid. (1877 f) Vol. I, pp. 283-301 ; (1877 g) Vol. I, pp. 311-21 ; (1877 h) Vol. I, pp. 362-8 ; (1877 i) Vol. II, pp. 1-6 ; (1877 j) Vol. H, pp. 20-5 ; (1877 k) Vol. II, pp. 41-53; (1877 1) Vol. II, pp. 55-60; (1877 m). Vol. II, pp. 74-89 ; (1878 a) Vol. II, pp. 128-35 ; (1878 b) Vol. II, pp. 143-5 ; (1878 c) Vol. II, pp. 368-9 ; (1878 d) Vol. III, p. '155-N. Qd. records, many spp. nov. ----- (1879 a) : "List of Marine Shells collected on Fitzroy Island." J. Conch., Vol. II, pp. 186-199-77 spp. listed with notes (1879 b) : "List of Cypraeae found in Moreton Bay, Queensland." Ibid. Vol. II, pp. 317-22-27 spp. listed with notes. ----- {1880) : " Synonymy of and remarks upon Port Jackson, New Ca]edonian, and other Sheils, wHb their distribution," Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IV, pt. IV, pp. 388-96-Moreton B. record. ----- (1881 a) : " Notes on recent Mollusca found in Port Jackson and on,the Coast of New South Wales and other localities with their synonyms." Ibid. Vol. V, pt. Iv,· pp. 481-8-Port Denison record. ----- (1881 b) : "List of Species of Porcellana or Cypraea found in Moreton Bay, Queensland." Ibid. Vol. V, pt. IV, pp. 496-503-specific names and localities. ----- (1883) : "Synonymy of Australian and Polynesian Land and Marine Mollusca." Ibid. Vol. VIII, pt. II, pp. 224-34- 2 Qd. records, 1 Moreton B. ----- (1885): "Synonymy of and Remarks upon the Specific Names and Authorities of Australian Marine Shells, originally described by Dr. John Edward Gray in· 1825 and 1827." Ibid. Vol. X, pp. 85-94-review of 4 spp., 2 Qd., records of occurrence. ----- (1889) : "Notes and Critical Remarks on a Donation of Shells sent to the Museum of the Conchological .Society of Great Britain and Ireland." J. Conch., Vol. VI, pp. 66-84-lists Aust. spp., including Qd. ----- (1892-3): "Catalogue of the Marine Shells of Australia and Tasmania, Part I: Cephalopoda ; Part II : Pteropoda; Part III: Gasteropoda (Murex sp.)." Cat. Aust. Mus. No. 15, Sydney, 8vo., pp. 1-74-list spp., many Qd., synonymy. ----- (1893 a) : "Synonymy of and remarks on old-described Australian Mollusca, with notes on their distribution." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (N. Ser.), Vol. VIII, pt. I, pp. 107-20-2 Qd. records, one Moreton B. ----- (1893 b) : "Distribution of little-known Mollusca from Polynesia and Australia, with their syn0nym,." Ibid. Vol. VIII, pt. Ill, pp. 430-5-2 Qd. records, 1 Moreton B. ----- (1894) : "Rossitcria, a new sub-genus of the Family Trochidae ." Ibid. Vol. IX, pt. IV, p. 728-new Qd. record. BRETNALL, R. W. (1919) : "Onchidiidae from Australia and the South-western Pacific Islands." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XII, No. 11, pp. 303-2d, pl. XXXVIII-7 Qd. spp. descr., some Brisbane . -----,- (1921) : "Two Australian Species of 1,iirypa." Ibil. Vol. XIII, No. 4, pp. 150-6-descrs., 2 spp. 110v., "Chevert" material of Bra;ier (1877). BRODERIP, W. J. (lS-)-(T.I.): Monograph of Cymha = Melo prepared for Sowerby's (l) "Species Conchyliorum," printed but not published at the time ; some copies were sold later and then reprinted by Hanley qv. Meanwhile, reduced illustrations were issued by Sowerby's (2) " Thesaurus Conchyliorum.'' Includes figs. of Qd. specimens of Melo .. BRIGGS, E. A. (1921) : "A Naturalist on the Great Barrier Reef." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. I, No. 3, pp. 79-84-popular, menti-ons Trochus. CALMAN, W. T. (1920) : "Notes on Marine Wood-Boring- Anim1ls. I. The Shipworrns (Teredinidae)." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1920 , . pp. 391-403, text fii(s,-(T.I.)-r. mannii & llylotrya australis, Brisbane. COTTON, B: C. (1930) : " ...\. New Species of the Genus Fmargintda, from the Capricorn Group.'' Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vcl. IV, No. 2, p. 241. ----- fl.982): "Notes on ,i\ ustralian Moll�sc.1. witn Descr1-ptbn'::> of New Genera and New Speci::;." Ibid. Vol. IV, No. 4, pp. 53?-47-brief specific descrs. with· synonymy, 2 Capricorn sp.p. 38 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph., .D.

COTTON, B. C. (1 935) : "The Genus Cheilea in Australian Waters." J. Roy. Soc. W. Aust., Vol. XXT, pp. 153-4, text figs.-(T.I.). ----- (1936) : "A new fossil Bivalve Mollusc from South Australia." Ree. S. Aust. Mus.. Vol. V, pt. 4, pp. ,5 03-4, figs.-(T.I.)­ Glycydonta for Venus marica L., Qd. specimens noted. ----- (19-42) : "Australian of the Families Hydrobiidae, Assimeneridae and Acmeidae." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LXVI, pt. 2, pp. 124-9, pls.--(T.I.). ----- (1943) : "Australian Shells of the Family Haliotidae." Ibid. Vol. LXVII, pt. 2, pp. 175-80, pls. XX-XXV-short descrs .. notes on localities, list of spp. including Qd. (1944) : " Recent Australian Species of the Family Rissoidae (Mollusca)." Ibid. Vol. LXVI !I, pt. 2, pp. 286-314, pl. XVI-key, spp. nov., sevi;>-ral Qd. records. ---- (1945 a) : "A Catalogue of the Cone Shells (Conidae) in the South Australian Museum," . Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. VIII, pt. 2, pp. 229-78, pls. I-V-classification, list spp. with synonymy, localities where known, Qd. spp. ----- (1945 b) : "Southern Australian Gastropoda. Part II : Doliacea." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LXIX, pt. 2, pp. 249-62,- 3 text figs.-(T.I.)-covers Cassids, Whelks, etc., with only one Tunshell. Cymatridae & Bursidae listed from Qd. ----- (1947) : "Australian Recent and Tertiary Tilrridae." Field Nat. Sect., Roy. Soc. S. Aust. (sep. pub.), pp. 1-34, pls. I-IV -(T.I.). ---·--- {1949) : "Australian Recent and Tertiary Mollusca-Family Volutidae, Family Marginellidae." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. IX, No. 2, pp. 181-224, pls. XIII-XX-list spp., localities include Qd.. ----- (1951) : "Australian Recent and Tertiary Mollusca Family Cerichiopsidae." Ibid. Vol. IX, No. 4, pp. 383-95, pl. XXVIII -mentions Qd. spp. of .foculator, key to genera and most Aust. spp. <;OTTON, B. C. & GODFREY, F. K. (1938, 1940) : "The Molluscs of South Australia. Handbook Flora and Fauna South Australia." Adelaide, Svo. (1938) " Part I: Pelecypoda," 314 pp., 340 text figs. ; (1940) "Part II : Scaphoporla, Cephalopoda, Aplacophora and Crepipoda," pp. 315-600, 249 text figs.-(T.I.)-excellent descrs. and figs. ot ·s. Aust. marine mollusca, very few references to Qd., e.g., 518, 520, 567. COX, J. C. (1869) : " .On three new Species of Australian Marine Shells." Proc. zoo! Soc. Lond.,' 1869, pp. 358-9, pl. XXVI-Volula harfordi, near Lady Elliott Is.-(T.I. comment). (1872) : "Distribution of Australian Volutes," 22 pp., private publ.-(F_.S.C.)-4!> Aust. spp., including Qd. ----- (1873) : " Descriptions of new Species of Land and Marine Shells from Australia and the Solomon and Louisiade Islands." Proc. zoo!. Soc. Lond., 1873, pp. 564-9, pl. XLVIII-1 Clarence R. sp. ----- (1882) : "Australian Octopodidae." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. VI, pt. IV, pp. 773-90-no actual Qd. records, includes widely distributed spp. ------(1883 a, b) :"On the Edible Oysters found on the Australian and Neighbouring Coasts." Pi;oc. Linn. Soc. N. S.W. (0. Ser.) Vol. VII, pt. I, pp. 122-34. (1883 a), pp. 122-34 ; (1883 b) pp. 555-60--list with short descr. CROSSE, H. (1865) : " Description de Coni nouveaux provenant de la collection Cuming." J. de Conch. , Vol. 13, pp. 299-315, pl. IX­ (T.1.)-Conus lizardensis, p. 305, Lizard Is. ----- (1871) : "Distribution geographique et catalogue des especes actuelles du genre Voluta." Ibid. Vol. 19, pp. 263-309, pls. IV, V-(T.I.)-V. •visemani & V. punctata figured. DAKIN, W. J. (1950) : •,, Great Barrier Reef and Some Mention of Other Australian Coral Reefs.'' Sydney, Svo., 135 pp.-popular. DAKIN, W. J., BENNETT, Isobel & POPE, Elizabeth (1948) : "A Study of Certain Aspects of the Ecology of the Intertidal Zone of the New South Wales Coast." Aust. J. Sci. Res. (Ser. B), Vol. I, No. 2, pp. 176-230-detai!ed zonations in northern N.S.W., occasional referenc� to Qd. DESHAYES, G. P. (1850) : " Descriptions of Twenty New Species of the �enus Cardita." Proc. zoo!. Soc. Lond., 1850, pp. 100-3, Moll. pl. XVII-(T.I.)-C. jukrsi. A.ustra!ia. �---- (1853 a) : "Descriptions of fourteen new species of Mactra in the Co!!ection of Mr. Cuming." Ibid. 1853, pp. 14-7- (T.I.)-M. eximia, Moreton B. ; M. obesa. Torres Str. ----- (1853 b) : " Descriptio!ls of two new species of Clementt"a in the Collection of Hugh Cuming: Esq.'' Ibid. 1853, pp. 17·8- (T.I.)-C. strangei, C. moretonensis, Moreton B. (18f>3 c) : " Catalogue of the Conchifera or Bivalve Shells in th1= Collection of the British Museum. Part I: Veneridae, Cyprinidae, and Glauconomidae," 216 pp.-(T.1.)-Dosinia semiobliterata sp nov., p. 6 (Australia, coll. Strange = Moreton B.) ; D. nohilis sp nov. p. 7, Moreton B. ; D. sculpta, p. 11, Moreton B. ; D. caerulea, p. 19, Torres Str. (error = Hobart) ; Di.'?ne bullata, Cape York ; Venus reticulata, p. 108, Torres Str. ----- (1854 a) : "Descriptions of New Species of Shells from the Collection of Hugh Cu1ning, Esq." Ibid. 1854, pp. 62-72- (T.I.)-Mai::tra tristis, Moreton B. (error = New Zealand). Lutraria impar, Moreton B. ; L. australis, New Holland = Qd. ; I. dissimilis, New Holland = Qd. ------(1854 b) : "Descriptions of New Shells from tbe Collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq." Ibid. 1854, pp. 317,71-(T.I.). (1855 a) : "Sur le Genre Galeomma." Ibid. 1855, pp. 167-71-(T.l.)-G. formosa, p. 170, North Aust. = Qd. (1855 b) : "Sur le Genre Scintilla." Ibid. 1855, pp. 171-81-(T.I.)-S. turgescens, S. strangei, Moreton B. ; S. hyalina, Torres Str. ----- (1855 c) : " Descriptions de Nouvclles Especes du Genre Eryeina." Ibid. 1855, pp. 181-3-(T.I.)-E. rotunda, Moreton B. ----- (1859) : "A Ge_ncral Review of the Genus Terebra and a Description of New Species." Ibid. 1859, pp.· 270-324-(T.l.)- . T. marmorata, Moreton B. = Port Curtis, Reeve; T. exigua, East Coast = Port Curtis; T. praelonga, Port Curtis; T. buccinulum, E. Coast Aust. DOHRN, H. (1862) : "Descriptions of New Shells." Ibid. 1862, pp. 202-3-(T.I.)-Murex macgillivrayi, Lizard ls. DUNKER, G. (1861) : "Solenacea nova Colleetionis Cumingianae." !hid. 1861, pp. 418-24-(T.l.)-5 spp. nov., bivalves. ----�·- (1871) : "Mollusca nova Musel Godeflroy Hamburgensis." Malak. Blatt., Bd. XVIII, pp. 150-75-5 spp. nov. from Qd. with La tin descrs. FISCHER, P. H. (1940 a, b) : " Notes sur Jes peuplements littoraux d'Australia." Mcm. Soc. Biogeogr; (1940 a) " II. Sur le pcuplement des Roches !J;1terc6tida!es en Australie Temperee," Vol. VII, pp. 313 ; (1940 b) " III. Sur la fauna de la Mangrove Australienne," pp. 315-29-mollusca recorded ex. lit. FOLIN, L. Marquis de (1880) : " On the Mollusca of H.M.S. 'Challenger ' Expedition. The Caecidae." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.). 1870, pp. 806-12-(T.I.)-6 spp. nov., Cape York. ----- (1881) : "Les Caecidae de !'Exploration de la corvette britannique 'Challenger '." In " Les Fonds de la Mer," Vol. IV, !ivr. 1-2, pp. lU-28, pls. JI, IJI-(T.I.)-contents as last. ------(1886) : " Report on the Caecidae �ollected by H.M.S. ' Challenger ' 1873-76." Appendix to the Scaphopoda and Gastropoda articles. " Cljallenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XV, pp. 684-8, pls. I, II and Gastr. 50-IT.l.)-contents as last plus 2 spp. nov., Torres Str. . FORBES, E. (18n2) : "On the Mollusca collected by Mr. MacGillivray during tbe Voyage of tl:e ' Rattlesnake '. " Appendix No. V in "Narrative of the Voyage of the H.M.S. ' Rattlesnake,' etc." by MacGillivray. Vvl. II, pp. 360-86,' � pls.-spp. listed with habitats _,& indications of localities, spp. nov. GATLIFF, J. H. (1908) : " 'Description of Voluta (Amorina) spenceriana sp. nov. trom North Queensland." Viet. Nat., Vol. XXV, pp. 84-5, pl. 4. GRAY, J. E- (1827 = 1826) : "Appendix B-Natural History." In King's " Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia." Vol. II, pp. 475�96-only one sp. listed as Qd., all recognized sp. nov. haye been traced to the Western Coasts-(T.I. comment). ----- (1846) : "New Species of Volu/a." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVIII, p. 431-(T.1.)-V. sophia, Endeavour Sound. A BIBLIO GRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 39

GR;AY, J. E. (1847) : "Description of some New Species of Marine Shells." Appendix No. X in "Narrative of the Surveying Voyage , of H.M.S. 'Fly, ' ete." by J. B. Jukes, London, 8vo., 1847, Vol. II, pp. 355-62, pls. 1 & 2-descrs., localities, 6 N. Qd. 5 1 ----- (1846)�·} C:talogue of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Cephalopoda Antipedia.". 164 pp.-" (T.I.).:_Sepioteuthis australis, Darnley ls.; Sepia indica, Cape Upstart. ----- (1850) : "Catalogue of the Bivalve Mollusca ..Brit. Mus. Part I. Placentadae and Anomiadae," pp. 1-22-(T.l.)­ P!acenta orbicularis, N.E. Coast. (1855 a) : " nbservations on the Species of Volutes-Volutidae." Proc. zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1855, pp. 50-65-(T.I.)­ . 7 spp. nov. ------(1855 b) : " List of the Mollusca in the CoUection of the British Museum. Part I. Volutidae." pp. 1-41-(T.I.)­ republication of last. GRAY, M. E. (1850) : "Figures of Molluscous Animals," 5 Vols., Text supervised by J. E. Gray-(T.I.)-Asteronotus cruentus, Torres Str., Doris incii, no locality = Torres Str. GUILER, . E. R. (1952) : "The Nature of Intertidal Zonation in Tasmar,tia." Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, Vol. 86, pp. 31-61- Bembicium melanostoma, Melaraphe u,nijasdata and Ostrea mordax f.r01n Qd. mentioned. HADDON, A. C. (1886): " Report on the Polypl;icophora collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger, ' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), · Vol. XV, pp. 1-50, pls. I-III-list spp. mostly ex. lit., descrs., Cape York sp. HANLEY, S. (1854-8): "Conchological Miscellany, 1854-58."-(T.I.). Includes reprint of Broderip's Monograph of Cymba prepared for Sowerby's "Species Conchyliorum" (q.v.) but never issued, although copies were sold later. ----� (1858) : "Description of New Pinnae." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1858, pp. 254-5-(T.I.)-P. strangei, Moreton B. HEDLEY, C. (1894): "Notes on Australian Shipworms." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. IX, pt. III, pp. 501-5, pl. XXXII-sp nov., localities several spp. (1899 a): "A Shipwqrm, New to Australia (Occasional Notes II)." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. III, No. 5, p. 134-occurrence only, Cooktown. ------(1899 b) : " Description of a New Genus Austrosarepta, and notes on other Mollusca from New South Wales." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XXI¥, pt. 3, pp. 429-34, 7 text figs.-(T.1.)-Cassis nana, Moreton B. (1899 c, d, e) : "The Mollusca of Funafuti." Mem. Aust. Mus. III: (1899 c) " Part I: Gastropoda," pt. 6, pp. 397-488, 49 text figs.; (1899 d) " Part II : Pelecypoda and Brachiopoda," pt. 8, pp. 491-510, 10 text figs.; (1899 e) "Supplement," pt. 9, pp. 549-65, 22 text figs.-(T.I.)-many references to Qd. (1900 a, 1900 b, 1900 c, 1901 c, 1901 d, 1902 a, 1902 b, 1904, 1905 b, 1908, 1913, 1914, 1923) : "Studies on Australian Mollusca." Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W: (1900 a) " Part I," Vol. XXV, pt. I, pp. 87-100, pls. III-IV-descrs., Torres Str. and G. B. Reef records ; (1900 b) " Part II," Vol. XXV, pt. III, pp. 495-513, pls. XXV-XXVI-8 Qd. spp., descrs.; (1900 c) " Part III," Vol. XXV, pt. IV, pp. 721-32, pl. XLVIII-5 Qd. spp., 4 from N. Qd.; (1901 c) " Part IV," Vol. XXVI, pt. I, pp. 16-25, pl. II-2 Torres Str. records, de'l,crs.; (1901 d) " Part V," pp. 700-8, pl. XXXIV-7 Qd. records, mostly Cape York & Torres Str.; (1902 a) " Part VI," Vol. XXVII, pt. I, pp. 7-29, pl. II-14 Qd. records, mostly N. Qd., some descr., text figs. ; (1902 b) " Part VII," Vol. XXVII, pt. IV, pp. 596-619, pls. XXIX, XXXI-XXXIII-1 N. Qd. record ; (1904) " Part VIII," Vol. XXIX, pt. I, pp. 182-212, pls. VIII-X-5 Qd. records, 1 Moreton B., spp. nov.; (1905 b) " Part IX," Vol. XXX, pt. IV, pp. 520-46, pls. )(;XXI-XXXIII-8 Qd. spp., 4 Moreton B.; (1908) "Part X," Vol. XXXIII, pp. 456-89, pls. VII-X, figs. 24-5-Chione capricornia sp. nov. from Masthead Is., also Strigilla ; (1913) "Part XI," Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 258-339, pls. XVI-XIX-revising, Hedley's (1903) i,s. 1-15-essential for identification, 200 Qd. spp.-(T.I. comment). ----- (1924 a) : "A Revision of the Australian Pinnidae." Ibid. Vol. XIV, pt. 3, pp. 141-53, pls. XIX-XXI-13 spp., one var. from Qd.-(T.I. comment). ------(1924 \:,) : "The Great Barrier Reef of Australia." Nat. Hist. (N.Y.), Vol. XXIV, No. 4, pp. 62-9, 8 text figs.-(T.1.)- 2 figs. showing Tridacna crocea in situ. ------(1924 c) : " Some Naticoids from Queensland.'' Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XIV, pt. 3, pp. 154-62, pl. XX!i-Uber labyrintheum Murray Is., U. mt llosum, Eagle Is., and others-(T.I. comment). ----- (1924 d) :· "Australian P�arl Fisheries." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. II, No, 1, pp. 5-11, 8 text figs.-popular. ------(1925) : "The Natural Destruction of a Coral Reef.'' Trans. Roy. Geogr. Soc. Aust. (Qd.), Rep!. Gt. Barri�r Reef Comm., Vol. I, (N. Ser.), pp. 35-40, pl. V-clam mentioned, general ecology. 40 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSO N, Ph.D.

HEDLEY, C. & HULL, A. F. B. (l\lO!,} : " Dascriptions of New, and Notes 011 Other Australian Polyplacophora." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. VII, No. 4, _pp. 260-6, pls. LXXIII-LXXIV-,p. r10v., Calour1dra, Gladstone sp. HOYLE, W. E. (1885) : " Diagnoses of New Species of Cephalopoda collected during the Cruise of H.M.S. 'Challenger.' Par� I. The Octopoda.". Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. XV, pp. 222�_36-,...irroteuthis pacifir-a, Torres Str. --�--- (1886) : "Report on the Cephalopoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXI, pp. VI + 245, 33 pls., I map, text figs.-(T.IJ-Spirn/a pcronii shells, Torres Str. HUBENDICK, B. (1945) : " Phylogenie and Tiergeographie der Siphonariidae, etc." Zoo!. Bidr. Uppsala, Bd. 24, pp. 1-216 (in sep.), 106 text figs.-(T.I.). --'----- (1946) : "Systematic Monograph of the Patelliforrnia." Kung!. Svensk. Vetensk. Hand!., Ser. 3, Bd. 23, No. 5, pp. 1-93, pls. I-VI, 20 text figs.-(T.I.}-Qd. spp. listed, one fl·�nred. HULL, .A. F. B. (1923 a) : " New Australian Polyplacophora, and Notes on the Distribution of Certain Species." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 3, pt. 4, pp. 157-66, pls. XXIY-XXVI-5 spp. nov., from Qd. (1923 b) : " New Australian Loricata and Notes on the Distribution of Certain Species." Ibid. Vol. 3, pt. 5, pp. 195-201, pls. XXVII-XXVIII-descrs., include Qd. spp., 1 new. ------(1924 a} : " Presidential Address.'' Proc. Linn. See. N.S.W., Vol. XLIX, pp. I-XVIII, pls. 1-3-(T.I.)-descriptive account of habitats & distribution Qd. chitons. (1924 b) : "New Queensland Loricates (Phylum Mollusca, Order .Loticata).'' Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXXVI, pp. 109-16, pl. XXI-4 spp. nov. ----- (1925) : "A Naturalist in North Queensland." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 4, pp. 9-16-narrative, mentions chitons. IREDALE, T. (1910 a, b) : "Notes on Polyplacophora, chiefly Australasian," Proc. Malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. IX. (1910 a) " Part I," pp. 90-105; (1910 b) " Part II," pp. 152-62-Qd. spp. discussed. ------(1914 a) : "Some more Notes on Polyplacophora." Ibid. Vol. XI, pp. 123-31-(T.I.)-L,icilina shirleyi, nom. nov., pictus Reeve, Torres Str. ------(1914 b) : " Report on Mollusca collected at the Monte Bello Islands." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.). 1914, pp. 665-75, text fig.-(T.I.)-comparison with Qd. spp. ------(1924) : "Results from Roy Bell's Molluscan Collecfrms." Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W., Vol. XLIX, pt. III, pp. 179-278, pls. XXXIII-XXXVI-lengthy list spp. including Qd. ------(1925) : "Mollusca from the Continental Shelf of Eastern Australia." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XIV, No. 4, pp. 243-70, pls. XLI-XLIII + map-descrs., records, localities, include Cape Moreton and Byron B., spp. nov. ---- - (1926) : "Three Victorian Species of ')phicardelus (Class Mollusca)." Viet. Nat., Vol. XLII, pp. 268-70, 3 text figs.- ' (T.I.)-2 spp. also from Qd. ---- - (1926 b) : "The Biology of North-West Islet, Capricorn Group (d) Marine Molluscs." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 4, pp. 237-40, pl. XXXV-7 spp. nov. of C.ephalopods via " hones," chiton records, ------(1926 c) : " Caloundra Shells.'' Ibid. Vol. 4, pp. 331-6, pl. XLVI-8 spp. nov. ------(1927) : "A Review of Australian Helmet S�ells (Family Cassididae)." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XV, No. 4, pp. 321-54, pls. XXI-XXXII-16 Qd. spp., 2 new. ------(1929 a) : "Strange Molluscs in Sydney Harbour." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 5, pt. 4, pj). 337-52, pls. XXXVII, XXXVIII-new names, spp. figured, many refs. to Qd. ---- (1929 b) : " Mollusca from the Continental Shelf of Eastern Australia, No. 2." Ibid. Vol. XVII, No. 4, pp. 157-89, pls. XXXVIII-XL!-2 refs. to Qd. spp. ----- (1929 c) : " New Molluscs from Vanikoro." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XVI, pp. 73-8, pl. V-(T.I.)-Qd. spp. mentioned. (1929 d, 1930 a) : " Queensland Molluscan .Notes." Mem. Qd. Mus. (1929 d) " No. 1," Vol. IX, pt, III, pp. 261-97, pls. XXX-XXXI; (1930 .a) " No. 2," Vol. X, pt. I, pp. 73-88, pl. IX-spp. nov., usually with localities, list spp. ----- (1930 b) : " �fore Notes on the Marine Mollusca of N.S.W." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XVII, No. 9, pp. 384-407, pls. LXII­ LXV-5 S. Qd. spp., 1 N. Qd. sp., distribution ex. lit. ------(1931, 1936 a) : "Australian Molluscan Notes." Ibid. (1931) "No. 1," Vol. XVIII, No. 4, pp. 201-35, pls. XXII-XXV-mostly from continental shelf, localities often not given. (1936 a} " No. 2," VoL XIX, No. 5, pp. 267-3t0, pls. XX-XXIV-descrs., Qd. occurrences. ----- (1935, 1939) : "Australian Cowries." Aust. Zoo!. (1935) Vol. 8, pp. 96-135, pls. VIII-IX-descrs., col. plates. (1939) " Part II," Vol. 9, pp. 297-323, pls. XXVII-XXIX-photographs, locality detail. ------(1936 b) : "Queensland Cobra or Shipworms. A Systematic Account of the Teredinid Molluscs of South Queensland.'' ln :-Qd. For. Ser. Bull. No. 12. "Destruction of Timber by Marine Organisms in the Port of Brisbane," pp. 45-8, pls. I & II-descrs .. fi�s. ----- (1937) : " Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs, South Pacific Ocean. Mollusca." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 8, pt. 4, pp. 231-61, pls. XV­ XVII-(T.I.)-�iant clams & other Qd. spp. discussed. -----. (1938) : "A new Name for an Old Shell.'' Ibid. Vol. 9, pt. II. Volegafra wardiana, Raines Is. ·----- (1939) : " Mollusca, Part I." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. V, No. 6, pp. 209-425, pls. I-VII-descrs. many spp. nov., bivalves onJy. ----- (1940) : " Marine Molluscs from Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, Australia, and New Caledonia.'' Aust. Zoo\., Vol. 9, pp. 429-43, pls. XXXII-XXXIV-many spp. nov., mainly limpets, Qd. localities. ----- (1944) : "Australian Pearly Nautilus.'' Ibid. Vol. 10, pt. 3, pp. 294-8-shells, Qd., descrs. ----- (1950) : "The Marine Mollusca of New Caledonia." J. de Conch. Vol. Centenaire (Vol. XC), pp. 52-5-(T.I.)-" New Caledollian Zone," G. B. Reef mentioned. IREDALE,· T. & ALLAN, Joyce (1940) : "A Review of the Relationships of the Mollusca of Lord Howe Island.'' Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 9, pp. 444-51-biogeographical relationship to Qd., occasional Qd. records. IREDALE, T. ·& HULL, A. F. B. (1923-27) : "A Monograph of the Australian Loricates." Aust. Zoo!. (1923) " I," Vol. 3, pt. 5, pp. 186-94-introduction, key to Aust. families. (1924 a) " II," Vol. 3, pt. 6, pp. 227-38, pls. XXXIII-XXXIV-Ischnocbitonidae, key to genera, some spp. (1924 b) " III," Vol. 3, pt. 7, pp. 277-96, pls. XXXV-XXXVII-Ischnocbitonidae to Haptoplax. (1925 a) " IV," Vol. 3; pt. 8, pp. 339-62, pls. XXXIX-XL-Lepidopleuridae, Lepidochitonidae, Callistochitonidae, Loricidae, keys to genera & spp. (1925 b) " V, " Vol. 4, pt. 2, pp. 75-111, pls. IX-XII. (1926 a) " VI,'' Vol. 4, pt. 3, pp. 164-85, pls. XVIII-XX. (1926 b) " VII," Vol. 4, pt. 4, pp. 256-76, pls. XXXVII-XXXIX ; (1927) " IX, Appendix C-Biography and Bibliography, " Vol. 4, pt. 6, PP.· 339-59-throughout good descr. & figs., with Qd. localities in general terms. JOHNSON, R. A., McNEILL, F. A. & IREDALE, T. (1936) : " Destruction of Timber by Marine Organisms in the Port of Sydney. Supplementary Report, No. 1.'' Maril. Ser. Board N.S.W. Pub., 99 pp., figs., pls.-see Iredale (1936). JOHNSTON, T. H. (1917) : " Ecological Notes on the Littoral Fauna and Flora of Caloundra, Queensland." Qd. Nat., Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 53-63--habitat details. KENNEDY, K. (1952) : "A Day with the Townsville and District Naturalists' Club." N. Qd. Nat., Vol. XX, No. 101, pp. 19-22- 5 spp. noted. KESTEVEN, H. L. (1902) : " Exhibit of sixteen spp. of Rissoidae from Sandgate, Mo�eton Bay.'' Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XXVII, p. 206-list spp. ----- (1904) : " The Anatomy of Megalatraclus." Aust. Mus. Mem. IV,pt. 8, pp. 417-49, pls. 37-42, 4 text figs.-(T.l.)-Mapoon specimen studied. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE 1'd ARIKE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 41

KUSTER,H. C.,•ef. al. (1037-) : ·' Systematischt'', Conch)�lien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz."-(T.I.)-see Martini and Chenmit.z (1769-1 829) ; articles by Kuster, H. C.; Pfeiffer, L. ; Wagner, A. ; Booi, A.; Clessin, S. ; Philippi. R. A. ; Martens, E'. von ; Schmaltz, C. ; Dunker, \V.; Lcibbecke, T. ; Romer, E. : Thiele, J. Not much Qd. material, but occasionally ment_ioned. e.g., Thiele, J. (1!)09), Pltenocolepas rcticulata sp nov., Moreton B., essential throughout for identifications. : 1 : LAMY, E. (Hill) : "Revision dt's Pectunculus vJvant� du Museum d'Histoire Natur:'!lle de �aris." J. de Conch. (Paris), Vol. 59, pp. 81-156, pls. II, ll!-P. hedlcyi, p. 123-(T.J. comment). LASERON, c: ·F. (1950) : " Review of the Rissoidae of New South Wales." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XXII, No. :\ pp. 257-87, text figs. 1-94-(T.I.)-Clarence R. records, essential for identificatioas. ----- (1951 a) : "The New South Wales Pyramidellidae and the Genus Mathilda." Ibid. Vol. XXII, No. 4, pp. 298-334, LASERON, C. F. (1951 a) : "The New South Wales Pyramidellidae and the Genus Mathilda." Ibid. Vol. XXII, No. 4, pp. 298-334, figs. 1-98-occasional reference to Qd. forms t:X. Ut., essential for identifications. ------(1951 b) : " Notes on the New South Wales Mitras, with special reference to their Protoconchs.'' Ibid. Vol. XXII, No 4, pp. 335-43, figs. 1-11-includes northern N. S. Wales spp., essential for identifications. ------(1951 c) : "Revision of the New South Wales Cerithiopsidae." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. XI, pt. 4, pp. 351-68, pls. XXXV­ XXXVII, text fig.-(T.I.)-no reference to Qd. specimens but Parascila heronensis gen. et sp. nov. added from Capricorns. LOBB· ECKE, T. &, KOBELT,. W. (1880) :' �luseum Lobbeckianam." Jahrbuch. ma!. Gesel., Vol. VII, pp. 78-83-(T.I.)-Mures recticornis sp. nov. (ex Martens ms.), p. 81, pl. III, fig. 3-E. Aust. MACKAY, J. S. (1929) : "A New Loricate from Queensland." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 6, pt. 1, pp. 102-3, pl. XI, figs. 1-5-Acanthochiton pelicanensis, Keppel B. ------(1930) : ""Notes on Loricates (Chi tons) collected on the coast of Queensland in 1928, 19,29, and 1930." Ibid. Vol. 6, pt. 3, pp. 287-300, figs. 1-11-mostly S. Qd. ------(1931-3) : "A New Loricate from North Queensland." Ibid. Vol. 7, pp. 345-8, pl. XVI!!-Onithella he/enae. McLEAN, R. A. (1947) : "A revision of the Pelecypod family Tridacnidae." Notulae Nat. No. 195, pp. 1-7-(F.S.C.)-key to spp .• records as "Australia." M'COY, F. (1869} : "On a new Volute." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. -1:,Vol. IV, p. 34-Port Denison, V. caniculata. MAN,TON, S. M. & STEPHENSON, T. A. (1935) : " Ecologieal Surveys of Coral Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 10, pp. 273-312, pls. I-XVI-distribution on traverses and within small areas, mentioning mol]uscs. MARRAT, F. P. (1880 a) : " On the varieties of the shells belonging to the genus Nassa, Lam." Proc. lit. phi!. Soc. L'pool. Appended to No. XXXIV, pp. 1-95-see pp. 38 & 54 for Qd. records. -·---- (1880 b) : "On th• varieties of the Shells belonging to the genus Nassa, and other papers." Liverpool, 1880, 8vo., see pp. 8, 12, 14, 15, 91 & 95-sp. from Moreton B. MARTENS, E. von (1881 a) : "Mehrere neue Arten von Conchylien ...von der Sammlungen S.M. Schiff 'Gazelle '." Sitz. Nat. Freunde Berlin 1881, No. 4, pp. 63-6-(T.I.)-Dentaliu:ni clathratuni, p. 66, off Moreton B., 500 fms., Limopsis cancellata, p. 66, off N oosa. . ... ------(1881 b) : "Conchologische Mittheilungen als Fortsetzung der Novitates conchologicae° ." Band° II, pp. 105-6, Taf. 21, figs. 1-3 & pp. 122-3, Taf. 24, figs. I-2-Pleurotoma spinicinta sp. nov. from 26 51 S., 153 E., coll. "Gazelle." (1894) : " Mollusken." In " ZOologische Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel, Aiisgefuhrt . : • ,. Dr. Richmond Semon." Bd. V, pp. 81-96, 1 pl.-Lnumerous Torres Str. records. ----- (1897) : "Conchologische Miscellen II." Arch. fi.ir Nat. (Weigmann), Vol. 63, Bd. I, heft. 2, pp. 157-80, pls. XV-XVII -(T.!.)-Voluta (Ternivoluta) st,.deri, off Moreton B., 38 !ms. MARTINI & CHEMNITZ (1769-1829) : "Neue systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet." Vols. I-XII. Vols. I-III by Martini, F .. H. Vj.; Vols. IV•XI by Chemnitz, J. H. ; Vol. XII by Schubert, G. H. and Wagner, J. A.-(T.I.)-Vol. XII only IS bmollllal, illustrations are the bases of many names, some shells from Cook's Voyages dealt with but localities often fused, see also Kuster, H.C. et al. (1837- ). MARTYN, T. (1784-7) : "The Universal Conchologist." .! Vols., 160 painti�gs-(T:!.)-a large literature about the work exists, Iocaliti�s confused, possibly Qd. records. MELVILL, J. C. (1891 a) : "An Historical Account of the genus Latirus (Montfort) and its dependencies, with descriptions of Eleven New Species and a Catalogue of Latirus and Peristernia." Mem. Proc. Manch. lit. phil. Soc., Ser. 4, Vol. 4, pp. 1-47 (in sep.), pl. II-(T.I.)-Qd. records. ----- (1891 b) : "Descriptions of Eleven New Species belonging to the genera Columbarium:, Pisania, Minolia, L_iotia and Solarium." J. Conch., Vol. Vl,· pp. 405-11-(T.I.)-3 spp. nov., viz., C. distephanotis, Torres Str., M. henniana, Magnetic ls., L. calliglypta, Thursday Is. ------(1925) : " Descriptions of Nine New Species 0/ Mitridae." Proc. Malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XVI, pp. 215-9-(T.I.)­ M. (Costel!aria) ouaesita, p. 219, N. Qd. MELVILL, J. C. & STANDEN, R. (1899) : "Report on the Marine Mollusca obtained during- tbe First Expedition of PrM. A. C. Haddon to the Torres Straits in 1888-89." J. Jinn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXVII, pp. 150-206, pls. 10 & 1,1-hst spp. including many nov. MERLE, R. (1937) : "Les Tridacnes en Benitiers." La Nature (Paris), 1937, 2995, pp. 151-3-fide Zoo!. Rees., G.B.Reef. , MINER, R. W. (1928) : ",\ thousand miles of coral reef. The marvellous ... Great Barrier Reef." Nat. Hist. (N.Y.), Vol. XXVIII (21, pp. 204-18-popular. MOORHOUSE, F. W. (1932) : " Notes on Trochus nilolicus. " Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 5, pp. 145-55- description, habitat, growth, reproduction . (1933) : "The Commercial Trochus (Troehus niloticus)." Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Comm., Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 23-0- economic, notes on breeding & growth. MORCH, 0. A. S. (1861, 1862 a, b) : " Review of the Vermetidae." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.). (1861) " Pt. I," 1861, pp. 145-81 ; (1862 a) " Pt. II," 1861, pp. 326-65 ; (1862 b) " Pt. Ill," 1862, pp. 54-83-(T.J.). MUSEUM CALONNIANUJVI (1797)-(T.I.)-probably the first sc1entillc reference "lth a novel name for Qd. shell on p H, vi,., M aruaritifera !npennis from Capt. Cook's lirst voyage. MUSEUM, PORTLAND (1786)-(T.I.)-p. 178, :1 832, '" nstrfa mall,us " off Endeavour R.; p. 190, 4039, Voluta pacifica mista.ken locality. :MUSEUM GODEFFROY (1869-79) : Sale Catalogues-(T.l.)-(1 869), No. IV, mollusca coll. Frau Amalie Dietrich, Rockhampton to Cap<:: York, ident. Mousson and Dunker, some localities confused. (1874), No. V, some additions. (1877), No. VI, (1879) No. VII. MUSGRAVE, A. (1926) : "The Biology �f North-West Islet. A Narrative." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 4, pt. 4, pp. 199-209, pls. XXV• XXVl-topograph', , mentions molluscs. :NlCHOLLS, A. G. (1931) : "On the breeding and g-rowth rate of the black- pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera)." Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Comm., Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 26·31, p!s. VII, VIII-(T.l.). 42 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSO N, Ph.D.

NEVILL, G. (1885) : " Hand List of Mollusca. Pt. II." Indian Museum--(T.l.)-Torres Str., Port Mackay & Mcreton B. species mentioned. OLIVER, W. R. B. (1915) : "The Mollusca of the Kermadec Islands." Trans. N.Z. Inst., Vol. XLVII 1914, pp. 509-68, pls. IX-XII -(T.l.)-Qd. mentioned. ------(1926) : "Australasian Patelloididae." Trans. Proc. N.Z. Tnst., Vol. 56, pp. 5i7-82, pl. 99-(T.l.)-5 spp. nov., mostly s. Qd. OOSTINGH, C. H. (1.923) : "Recent Shells from Java. Part I. Gastropoda." !Vied. Landb., Vol. 26, paper 3, pp. 1-174-(T.I.)- includes Qd. localities and large synonymy. (1925) : "Report on a Collection of Recent Shells frotn Obi and Halmabera (Moluccas)." Med. Landb.. , Vol. 29, Verband 1, pp. 36-213-(T.I.)-includes Qd. localities, good bibliography. OTTER. G. W. (1937) : '' Roci1.-de:5troying Organism� in Relation to Coral Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef E , ped., Vol. I, No. 12, pp. 323-52, pls. I-VI-modes of life, e·cology, distribution, includes mollusca. PACE, S. (1901) : "Rediscovery of Euselenops (Neda) luniceps (Cuv.)." Proc.. mal acol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. IV, No. 5, pp. 202-4- Torres Str. specimen. ----- (1902 a, b) : " Contributions to the Study of the Columbellidae." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Loud.), Vol. V. (1902 a) " Pt. I," pp. 36-112; (1902 b) " Pt. II," pp. 113-54-(T.l.)-list spp. of Columbellidae including Qd. PETIT de la SAUSSAYE (1853) : "Description de coquilles nouvelles (G. Gnathodon et Mactra)." J. de Conch., Vol. IV .pp. 357-60, pl. XIII--(T.l.)-G. parvum. Moreton B. PETTE;RD, W. F. (1878) : "List of Australasian Volutes." J. Conch., Vol. II, pp. 340-5-35 Aust. spp .. some Qd. , PFEFFER, G. (1880) : "Ubersicht der wiihrend der Reise um die Erde in den Jahren 1874-1876 auf S.M. Schiff 'Gazelle ' und von Hrn. Dr. F. Jagor auf seiner Reise nach den Philippinen in der Jahren 1857-1861 gesammelten Pteropoda." Monatsb. K. Preuss Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Jahr 1879, pp. 230-47, 1 p!.-7 Qd. spp. PFEIFFER, L. (lt��{ ��?tisscriptions 0f Two New Species of Me!ampus." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1856, p. 393-(T.I.)-M. stutchburyi ----- (1857) : "Catalogue of Auriculidae, Proserpinidae and Truncatellidae in British Museum," pp. 1-150-(T.l.)-6 Qd. spp., 5 Moreton B. PHILIPPI, R. A. (1842-50) : "Abbildungen und Beschreibungen, Conchylien." 3 Bd.-(T.l.)-coloured figs. of _spp. arranged under genera, probably Qd. records throughout, e.g., Vol. III, p. 11, pl. VI, fig. 5, Litorina cingulata, E. Coast. (1853) : " Descriptiones Naticarum quarundam novararn ex collectione Cumingiana." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1851, pp. 233-4-(T.I.)-Natica incei sp. nov., Raines ls. Philippi's Monograph of the Naticidae in the Syst. Conchylien­ Cabinet, Vol. II, p. 142 (1852) appeared earlier. PILSBRY, H. A. (1889-96) : '' Manual of Conchology (Tryon)." First Ser., Vols. Xl-XVI, Philadelphia, 8vo.-a complete account spp. and genera marine mollusca with coloured figs. of all the spp. available ; the backbone of systematic work ; Qd. spp. mentioned & some new figured ; see Tryon, G. W. (l 882-8)-(T.l. comment). (1898) : "New Australian Mollusks." Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1897, pp. 360-4, pl. IX-Adeorbis sigaretinus Rockliampton. PLATT, R. (1949) : "Shells take you over Warld Horizons." Nat. geogr. Mag., Vol. XCVI, No. 1, pp. 33-84, pls. (B & W, col.)­ (F.S.C.)-some from G. B. Reef. POPHAM, Mary L. (1939) : "On Phlyctaenachlamys lysi11s7uill.ina gen. et sp. nov. A L:.tmellibranch commensal in the burrows of Lysiosquilla maculata." Set. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. VI, No. 2, pp. 61-84-detailed morphology. PRESTON, H. B. (1909 a) : "Descriptions of new Trochoid Shells from North Queensland." Proc. Malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. VIII pp. 377-8-4 spp. descr., figs. ----- (1909 b) : "Two New Varieties of Cyprae from N.E. Queensland." Nautilus Vol. 22, pp. 121-2-C. xanthodon Gray, & C. miliaris Gmel. PRUVOT-FOL, A. (1942) : " Les Gymnosomes." Dana Rept. No. 20, Carlsberg Foundation, pp. 1-54-p. 43 Qd. _, REEVE, L. A. (1834-78) : " Conchologia Iconia or Illustrations of the shells of Molluscous Animals." 20 Vols., Quarto, Lond.­ excellent col. pls., descrs. (many spp. nov.) taken over by G. B. Sowerby (2) in Vol. XV, Qd. spp. in nearly every Vol.-(T.l. comment). ----- (1851) : " Description of a New Species of Bulimv-s from Australia." Proc. zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIX, p. 198- Moreton B. ROBERTS, S. R. (1905) : "Occurrence of Cypraea xanthodon at Bundaberg." Nautilus, Vol. XIX, p. 12. ROTH, W. E. (HJOJ): " North Queensland Ethnography. Bull. No. 3. Food : Its Search, Capture, and Preparation." Brisbane, Folio, 31 pp., 3 pl. -named · list of mollusca eaten by aborigines. ROUGHLEY, T. C. (1933) · "The Life History of the Australian Oyster (Ostrea commercialis)." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. LVIII, pts. III-IV, pp. 279-333, pls. X-XXVII-historical introduction, detailed morpho'.ogy, histology of reproductive systems, larval development. ----- (1936) : "Wonders of the (;reat Barrier Reef." Sydney, 8vo., pp. XII + 282, pls. 1-oO-popular, well illustrated. ROUSSEAU, L. (1854) : " Voyage au Pole Sud:" Zoo!., Vol. V-(T.l.)-descrs., refs. to figs. with names only given by Hombron & J acquinot, Torres Str. spp. RUSSELL; F. S. & COLMAN, J. S. (1934) : "The Zooplankton. IV. The Occurrence and Seasonal Distribution of the Tunicata, Mollusca and Coelenterata (Siphonophora)." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. ·II, No. 7, pp. 203-7/J-tables of spp. with distribution & abundance. SAVILLE-KENT, W. (1889) : "Report relating to the Brisbane Fish Supply, etc." Qd. Votes & Proc. Legis. Assembly, Session 1889, Vol. III, pp. 933-a-mentions whelks. ----- (1890 a) : " Notes on the Embryology of the Australian Rock Oyster (Ostrea glomerata)." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. VII, pt. I, pp . 33-40, pl. I-narrative, reasonably detailed, some localities. ----- (1890 b) : " Presidential Address." Ibid. Vol. VII, pt. II, pp. 17-43, pls. I-II�marine products in Qd. including mollusca. ------(1890 c) : " Pearl and Pearl-shell Fisheries of Northern Queensland." Qd. Votes & Proc. Legis. Assembly, Session 1800, Vol. III, pp. 703-12, pl. I-II-Mel.eagrina spp. , methods catchirg, etc. ----- (1890 d) : " Beche-de-Mer and Pearl-shell Fisheries of Northern Queensland." Ibid. Vol. III, pp. 727-34, pl. I. · (1891) : " Oysters and Oyster Fisheries of Queensland. " Ibid. Vol. IV. pp. 601-17, pls. I-IX-mentions whelks & naticas. ----- (1893) : "The Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Its products and potentialities." pp. XVI! + list of pls. + 387, pls. I-XLVIII (photo.) + I-XVI (coloured)-popular. ---- (1897) : "The Naturalist in Australia." London, pp. XV + 302, chrome pls. I-IX, pls. (B. & W. ) I-L-mentions Qd. pearls & oysters (p. 245 et seq.). SCHACKO, G. (1881) : "Radula-Untersuchungen." Conch. Mittheil (Martens), Vol. II, Hefts 1-2, pp. . 122-7, pl. XXIV-(T.l.)­ radulae of _Pleurotoma spinicincta (? inaccurate) & Vol1.1,fa sp. SCHILDER, F. A. (1922) : "Contributions to the Knowledge of the genera Cypraea and Trit>ia." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vo! XV, pp. 98-122-(T.l.). "------(1924) : " Kritisches Verzeichni.ss der rezenten und fossilen Cypraeen." Ahh. Archiv. Molluskenkunde, Bd. I, heft. 2, pp. 117-308-(T.l.). _ ----- (1936) : "Anatomical Characters Of the Cypraeacea which confirm the· conchol9gical classification. " Proc. malat:ol.· soc. (Lond.), Vol. XXII, pp. 75-112, pls. 11, 12-(T.l.). A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 43

SCHILDER, F. A. & M. (1939): "Prodrome of a Monograph on Living Cypraeidae." Ibid. Vol. XXIII, pp. 119-231 inc. maps­ (T.I.). Includes literature. From this and three preceding papers most cowrie references can be covered. SEMON, R. (1894) : "Zoologische Forschungreise in Australien. Bd. V." Denk. Med-Naturwiss. Ges. (Jena) Bd. VIII-(T.I.)- marine Molluscs of Martens, 45 spp., Thursday Is. SEMPER, C. (1880) : " Reisen in Archipel der Philippinen II Thiel : Wissenschaftliche Resultate." III Band ; Landmollusken. 5 Heft, pp. 225-64, pls. XIX-XXIII-(T.I.)-3 spp. nov., Onchidium, 'Brisbane and Port Mackay. SHARP, B. & PILSBURY, H. A. : " Manual of Conchology (Tryon)." Ser. 2, Vol. XVII-(T.I.)-Dentalium cheverti sp. nov., p. 9, SHAW, H. 0. N, (1909) : "Note on the Genera Cypraca and Trivia." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. VIII, pp. 288'313, pl. XIII-(T.I.). SHIRLEY, J. (1910, 1912) : "Additions to the Marine Mollusca of Queensland." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd. (1910) " Part I," Vol. XXIII, pp. 93-102; (1912) " Part II," Vol. XXIV, pp. 55-6--lists spp. with localities. ------(1913) : "The Geographical Distribution of Queensland Gasteropoda." Ibid. Vol. XXV, pp. 5-12-narrative, some genera mentioned, scant faunistic value. (1914): "Notes on the Marine Mollusca of Queensland, Part III." Ibid. Vol. XXVI, pp.<48-55-list spp. (1915 a) : " Excursion to Bribie Island, 2nd-5th April, 1915. Mollusca collected." Qd. Nat., Vol. II, pp. 35-7-list spp. ----- (1915 b): "Exhibit of shells from North West Island, collected by Miss Peberdy." Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd., Vol. XXVII, abstract of Proc�eding, p. X-list spp., notes on distribution. (1915 c) : "Presidential Address : A review of Recent Australian Conchology." Ibid. Vol. XXVII, pp. 1-10--review� past work, mentions some spp. & localities. (1917) : "Mollusca from Thursday Island and Cleveland Bay." Ibid. Vo! XXIX, pp. 107-16-hst spp. (1920) : "Note on Margine/la guttula Sowerby." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIV, p. 51-(T.I.)-Murray Is. SMITH, E. A. (1873) : " Remarks on a few Species belonging to the Family Terebridae ...Collection, British Museum.' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 4, Vol. XI, pp. 262-71-(T.I.)-Terebera australis & Myurella turvita, Torres Str. ----- (1881): "On the Genus Myodora of Gray." Proc. wol. Soc. (Lond.), 1880, pp. 578-87, pl. 53-(T.I.)-M. brevis, p. 580, Cape Upstart. (1882) : "Diagnoses of new Species of Pleurotomidae in the British Museum." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 5, Vol. X, pp. 296-306-(T.I.)-P. (Defrancia) moretonica, p. 299, Moreton B. (1884) : " Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert, ' 1881-2." London, 8vo., Mollusca, pp. 34-117, pls. IV-VII-over 180 Qd. spp., descrs., localities. (1885): " Report on the Lamel!ibranchiata collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XIII, pp. 1-327, index, 25 pls.-descrs., distribution, N. Qd. (1887): "Notes on Australian Species of Bithinia, Segmentina and Fusus." ]. Conch., Vol. V, pp. 235-8-(T.l.)-Fusus pricei nom. nov., p. 237, Cleveland B. ----- (1888 a) : "Diagnoses of New Species of Pleurotomidae in the British Museum." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 6, Vol. II, pp. 300-17-1 Qd. sp. (1888 b) : " Report on the Heteropoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXIII, pp. 1-51-list spp., some descrs., text figs., Cape York spp. ----- (1900) : "Notes on Voluta nottisii, V. piperita, V. sophia and Description of a new species." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 8, Vol. IV, pp. 95-8, pl. V--,--(T.I.). ' (1910) : " Notes on the Genus Frato, with a List of the known Recent Species." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. IX, pp. 13-22-(T.I.). ------n910) : "Note on Egg capsules of Melo." Ibid. Vol. IX, p. 45-(T.I.)-Dunk Is. (1913) : " Note on Mure,: mancinella Linn.'' Ibid. Vol. X, pp. 257-9-(T.I.). ----- (1914\ : "A List of Australian Mactridae with a Description of a New Species." Ib,d. Vol. XI, pp. 137-51-Qd. spp. listed, Mactra queenslandica sp. nov., near Brisbane-(T.I. comment). SOWERBY, G. B.: There were three generations of conchologists bearing this name, I (1799-1854) ; II (1812-1884) ; and III (1843-1921). SOWERBY, J. & SOWERBY, G. B. (I) (1820-34) : "The Genera of Recent and Fossil shells." Issued in parts, now 2 Vols.-(T.I.) -Melo umbilicatus, Vol. II, p. 28, no locality = Moreton B. SOWERBY, G. B. (I) (1825) : "A Catalogue of the shells contained in the Collection of the late Earl of Tankerville." London, 8vo., pp. VII + 92. Appendix pp. I-XXXIV, 8 col. pls.-(T.I.)--Voluta pulchra & V. aulica figured. ----- (I) (1828): "On the recent species of Ovulum." Zoo!. J., Vol. IV, pp. 145-62-(T.l.)-O. pyri/orme, N.S.W. = Qd. ----- (I) (1830): " Species Conchyliorum : Monographs of .Ancillaria, /)vu/um, Pandora"-(T.I .)-later issue includes Monograph of Cymba by Broderip q.v., & Hanley, q.v. SOWERBY, G. B. (I) & SOWERBY, G. B. (II) (1832-41): "The Conchological Illustrations." 1 Vol., 200 col. pls. prepared by G.B.S. (II), text by G.B.S. (I)-(T.I.)-Cypraea xanthodon. SOWERBY, G. B. (I, II, III) et al (1842-87): "Thesaurus Conchyliorum." 44 pts., bound in 5 Vols.-(T.I.)-begun by G.B.S. (I), who wrote the text to 9 Monographs, continued by G.B.S. (II) who wrote the majority of the rest and completed by G.B.S. (III), who wrote the last 3; other contributors were : A. Adams, 11 Monographs ; G.B.S. (I) & A. Adams, 7; Hinds, R. B., 1; Hanley, S., 3; & Broderip, W. J ., 2. Many spp. descr. from Qd., sometimes without, sometimes with locality ; very important reference work, illustrations mainly excellent. SOWERBY, G. B. (II) (1849): "' On a new Genus of Pholadidae." Proc. zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1849, pp. 160-2-(T.I.)-Ph(olas) incii, • Raines ls. SOWERBY, G. B. (III) (1889): "Descriptions. of fourteen new Species of Shells." J. Jinn. SoG, Zoo!. (Lond.), Vol. XX, pp. 395-400, pl. 25-Pectunculus crebreliratus, p. 399, pl. XXV, fig. 20, Moreton B.-(T.I. comment). -----(1893) : "Descriptions of fifteen new Species of Shells of the family Pleurotomidae." Proc. Zoo!. Soc. (Lond.), 1893, pp. 487-92, pl. 38-(T.I.)-Pleurotoma huberti, Cape Grenville. (1900) : "Descriptions of new species of Dono11ania, Pisania, Phenacolepas, and ." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. IX, pp. 65-7, text figs.-(T.I.)-Phenacolepas mirabilis, Australia ? = Qd. (Caloundra). ----- (1901) : "Descriptions of five new Species of Shells.'' J. Ma!., Vol. VIII, pp 101-3, pl. IX, figs, 1-5-(T.I.)-Pisania delicatula, " Vird Is., Pacific " = Bird Is., S. Qd. STANTSCHINSKY, W. (1907) : " Zur Anatomie und Systematik der Gattung Onchidium.'' Zoo!. Jahr. Abt. Syst. (Jena), Vol. 25, pp. 353-402, pls. XII-XIII-3 spp. nov. Qd· STEAD, D. G. (1909) : " The Life and Troubles of an Oyster.'' Aust. Nat., Vol. I, pt. XIII, pp. 149-50-0. cucullata, geog. distribution, Gladstone (Qd.). ------(1930) : " Life and Troubles of an Oyster." Aust. Nat., Vol. VIII, pt. 3, pp. 41-9, pls.-0. cucullata, S. Qd., suitability of _ground, life history, eggs, growth rate, productivity, natural eneip.ies. STEADMAN, W. R. & COTTON, B. C. (1946) : "A Key to the Classification of the Cowries (Cypraeidae)." Ree. S. Aust. Mus., Vol. VIII, No. 3, pp. 503-30, pls. VIII-XIII-localities include Qd. STEPHENSON, Anne (1934) : "The Breeding of Reef Animals, Part II, Invertebrates other than corals." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 9, pp. 247-72-5 common molluscs mvesllgated._ STEPHENSON T. A., STEPHEN.SON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER, M. (1931) : "The Structure and Ecology of Low Isles 'and Other Reefs." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 17-112, pls. I-XXVIl-molluscs, with habitat details. STUDER, T. (1889) : "Die Forschungreise ' Gazelle,' 1874-76.'' Zoo!. III, pp. 262-6-(T.I.)-15 spp., Moreton B. SYKES, E. R. (1895) : " Review of the Genus Plecotrema." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. I, pp. 241-6, text figs.-(T.I.)-Moreton P •. 44 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D.

SWAINSON, W. (1822) : "Catalogue Shells ...collection ... Mr. Bligh." pp. 58, 202, col. pls.-(T.I.)-Voluta macu/aJa p. 11 probably N.S.W. = Qd. TATE, R. (1899 a) : "A Revision of the Australian Cyclostrematidae and Liotiidae." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. XXIII, pp. 213-29, pls. VI-VII -(T.1.)-Qd. spp. listed. ----- (1899 b) : " Contributions to a Revision of the Recent Rissoidac of Australia." Ibid. Vol. XXIII, pp. 230-44-keys descrs., mentions some Qd. spp. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1878) : "On Some Australian Littorinidac." Proc. Linn. Soc. :-1.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 55-72 -review, Brisbane m-entioned. ----- (1870) : "On Some New Marine Shel!s from Moreton Bay." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 108-11-3 spp. ----- (1880 a) : "On Some New Marine Mollusca." Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet., Vol. XVII, pp. 80-3, pl.-(T.I.)-A ustriella sordida, Bowen. ------(1880 b) : "On Some Littoral Marine Fauna of North-East Australia." Ibid. Vol: V, pt. II, pp. 106-31-Trinity B. to Endeavour R., 'diffusenarrative. THACKWAY, A. E. J. (1,.9 35) : "Cal�undra: A Naturalists' El Dorado." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. V, No. 10, pp. 350-3-popular. THIELE, J. (1897) : " Zwei australische Solenogastres." Zoo!. Anz. Bd. XX-fide Thiele (1902), descr. Notomenia claviger, Torres Str , ----- (1902) : "Die Systematische Stellung die Solenogastren und die Phylogenie der Mollusken." Z. Wiss. Zoo!., Bd. LXXII, pp. 249-66,· pls. XVIII-XXVII-comments on Notomenia claviger coll. Haddon, Torres Str. ----- (1909) : "Cocculinoidea und die Gattungen Phenacolepas und Titiscania." Syst. Conch. Cab., 539 lief, Bd. II, Abt. 11 A, heft. XXXIII-P. reticttlata, Moreton B.--(T.I. comment). ° (1910) : "Revision des Systems der Chiton n." Zoologica. Heft 56, "I Tei!," pp. 1-70, pls. I-VI, 5 text figs.; "II, Tei!," pp. 71-124, pls. VII-X-(T.I.)-includes Qd. ------(1923) : "Uber die Gattung P(tilobrya und das sogenannte Buccalnerven-system von Muscheln." Zool. Anz., Bd. 55, No. ll /13, pp. 287-92-(T.I.)-Lissarcula australis, Torres Str. TOMLIN, J. R. de B. (1917) : "A Systematic List of the Marginellidae." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Land.), Vol. XII, pp. 242-306-(T.l.)­ Qd. sp. included with primary references. ----- (1923) : "Description of a new species of Clancu/us (C. gatliffi )." Ibid. Vol. XVI, p. 24, text fig.-(T.I.)-Wreck Reef, ----- (1937) : "Catalogue of Recent and Fossil Cones." Ibid. Vol. XXII, pp. 205-330-(T.I.)�all primary references given, including Qd. spp. TRYON, G. W. (1882-8) : " Manual of Conchology (First Series)." Vols. 1-X. Philadelphia, 8vo.-comprehensive attempt to catalogue all mollusca with descrs. & col. figs., synonymy literature & localities. ----- (1909) : "Excursion to Bulwer, Moreton Island, 12-14th September, 1908." Qd. Nat., Vol. I, pp. 63-73-list. VREDENBURG, E. (1919) : "Two A!bir:o Varieties of Cypraea erosx Linnaeus." J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengel (N. Ser.), Vol. XV, pp. 143-5-(T.L\-var. purissima, Moreton B. ------(1920) : "Classification of the recent and fossil Cypraeidae." Ree. Geo!. Surv. India, Vol. 51, pt. 2, pp. 65-152-(T.l.). f WARD, M. (1937) : "Notes ori a Collecting Trip in Northern New South Wales." Proc. · Roy. Zoo!. Soc. J' .S.W., 1936-7, pp. 32-9- (T.I.)-includes common Southport molluscs. WATSON, C. J. J., McNEILL, F. A., .JOHNSON, R. A. & IREDALE, T. (1936) : "Destruction of Timber by Marine Organisms. in the Port of Brisbane." Qd. For. Serv. Bull., No. 12, 107 pp.-Qd. Teredinidae treated fully by Iredale, q.v., ecological factors, e.g., salinity. WATSON, R. B. (1879-83) : " Mollusca of H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Expedition." J. Jinn. Soc. (Zoo!.). (1879 a) " II: The Solenoconchia, comprising the Genera Dentalium, Siphodentalium, and Cadultts," Vol. XIV, pp. 508-29; (1879 b) "III: Trochidae, viz., the Genera Sequenzia, Basilissa, Gaza and Bembix," Vol. XIV, pp. 586-605; (1880 a) " V: Families Solenoconcbia, Trochidae, Heterophrosynidae, Litorinidae, Cerithiidae and genera and species of." Vol. XV, pp. 87-126 ; (1880 b) " Part VI," Vol. XV, pp. 217-30 ; (1880 c) " Part VII," Vol. XV, pp. 245-74 ; (1881 a) " Part IX," Vol. XV, pp. 413-55; (1881 b) " Part X," Vol. XV, pp. 457-75 ; (1882 a) " Part XII," Vol. XVI, pp. 358-72; (1882 b) " Part XV," Vol. XVI, pp. 594-611 ; (1882 c) " Part XVI," Vol. XVII, pp. 26-40 ; (1883 a) " Part XVI!," Vol. XVII, pp. 112-30 ; (1883 b) " Part XVIII," Vol. XVII, pp. 284-93; (1883 c) " Parts XIX, XX," Vol. XVII, pp. 319-46-numerous spp. nov. from Torres Str., Cape York & Flinders Passage. (1886) : " Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challe.nger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XV, pp. 1-756, pls. I-L-lists spp. nov., Cape York, pp. 710-4. WHITLEY, G. P. & BOARDMAN, W. (1929 a) : " Marine Animals from Low Isles, Queensland." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. HI, No. 10, pp. 330-6-popular. ------(1929 b) : "Quaint Creatures of a Coral Isle." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 11, pp. 366-74-popular. WILD, C. J. (1892-4) : "Hexabranchus flammulatus Q. and G." Trans. nat. Hist Soc. Qd., Vol. I, pp. 90-1-from Tweed Heads. WOODWARD, M. F. (1894) : " On the Anatomy of Pterocera, with some notes on the Crystalline Style." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Land.), Vol. I, pp. 143-50, pl. XI-(T.l.)-specimen from Torres Str. YONGE, C. M. (1930) : "A ' Year on the Great Barrier Reef." London, 8vo., pp. XX + 246, pls. I-LXIX-popular, Low Isles, Torres Str. ----- (1932) : " Notes on Feeding and Digestion in Pterocera and Vermetus, with a Discussion on the Occurrence of the Crystalline Style in the Gastropoda." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. I, No. 10, pp. 259-81-feeding mechanisms, enzymes, etc. ------(1936): "Mode of Life, Feeding, Digestion, and Symbiosis with Zooxanthellae in the Tridacnidae." Ibid. Vol. I, No. . 11, pp. 283-321, pls. I-V-modes of life, feeding, histology, experiments.


AGASSIZ, A, (1872) : " Revision of the Echini, Part I." C;,t. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., No. VII, pp; XII + 241-lists spp. and localities. ----- (1881) : "Report on the Echinoidea dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger ' during the years 1873-76." "Challenger" Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. III, pp. 1-321, pls. I-XLV-short descrs. with plates, localities Cape York and vicinity. BANFIELD, E. J, (1908) : "The Confessions of a Beachcomber." 1933 reprint. Sydney, 8vo., 282 pp.-popular, Dunk Is. (1911) : " My Tropic Isle." London, 8vo., 315 pp.; pls.-popular, Dunk Is., mentioning Synapta besellii. ----- (1918) : " Tropic Days." London, 8vo., 313 pp., pls.-popular, Dunk Is. Synapta besselli, p. 37. A BIBLIO GRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 45

BELL, F. J. (1884 a) : " Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert, ' 1881-2." London, 8vo., "Echinodermata," pp. 118-77, pls. VIII-XVII-mostly Qd., descrs., localities. ----- (1884 h): "Notes on a Collection of Echinodermata from Australia." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IX, pt. III. pp. 496-507-21 Qd. spp. -·---- (1893): "On the Names or Existence of Three Exotic Starfishes." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 6. Vol. XII, pp. 25-9- mentions Gymnasterias valvulata, Moreton B. BOONE, Pearl L. (1935) : "Scientific Results of the World Cruise of the Yacht 'Alva,' 1931, William K. Vanderbilt commanding. Crustacea: Anomura, Macrura, Euphausiatea, Isopoda, Amphiopoda, and Echinodermata: Asteroidea and Echinoide.a." Bull. Vanderbilt Oceanogr. (Mar.) Mus., Vol. VI, pts. I & II, pp. 1-264, pls. 1-96. --·---- (1938) : "Scientific Results ... 'Ara,' 1928-29, and 'Alva,' 1931-32 ... " Ibid. Vol. VII, pt. IV (Echinodermata), pp. 109-93, pl. 33-70, 13 text figs.-3 spp. Ingham ls. ; Holothuria impatims, Falcon Is. CARPENTER, P. H. (1888) : " Report upon the Crinoidea collected during the Voyage of H. M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXVI, pp. IX + 399, pls. 1-LXX-lists spp., descrs. Cape York spp. p. ;)61. CLARK, A. H. (1908) : "New genera and species of Crinoids." Proc. biol. Soc. Wash .. Vol. XXI, pp. 219-31-new Comanth1is, Bowen, p. 220. ----- (1915) : "The distribution of the recent Crinoids on the Coasts of Australia." Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., Vol. 7, pp. 222-:H­ fide Zool. Ree., possibly mentions Qd. (1921, 1931, 1941, 1947, 1950) : "A Monograph of the Existing Crinoids." Bull. 82, U.S. nat. Mus., Vol. I. (1921) pp. 1-795, pls. 1-57; (1931) pp. 1-816, pls. 1-82 ; (1941) pp. 1-603, pls. 1-61; (1947) pp. 1-473, pls. 1-43; (1950) pp. 1-383, pls. 1-32-many Qd. records, detailed descrs., figs., keys. CLARK, H, L. (1907) : "The Cidaridae." Bull. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. LI, No. 7, pp. 165-228, pb. 1-11-localities along the E. Coast Aust ., keys. ----- (1909): "Notes on Some Australian and Indo-Pacific Echinoderms." Ibid. Vol. LII, pp. 107-35, 1 pl.-spp. nov. and others, localities. ----- (1915 a) : " Catalogue of Recent Ophiurians." Mem. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. XXV, No. 4, pp. 165-376, pls. 1-20- lists spp. and localities, spp. nov. ------(1915 b): "The Comatulids of Torres Strait: With Special Reference to Their Habits and Reactions." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. lnstn. Wash. Pub. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 97-125-lists spp., some descrs., habits, feeding, responses to light, etc. ----- (1916-18): " Report on the Sea-Lilies, Starfishes, Brittle Star and Sea-Urchins obtained by the F.I.S. ' Endeavour ' on the Coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia." Biol. Res. J'.I.S."E ndeavour,'' 1909-14, Sydney, 8vo., Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 3-123, pls. I-XLIV-descrs .., text figs. --'---- (1921) : "The Echinoderm Fauna of Torres Straits. Its Composition and Its Origin." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn. Wash. Pub. 214, Vol. 10, pp. VIII + 224, 38 pls. (19 coloured)-spp. nov., keys. ----- (1922) ; "The Holothurians of the Genus Stichopus." Bull. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. LXV, pp. 39-74, pls. 1, 2- key, spp. nov., synonymy. ----- (1924) : "The Holothurians of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The Synaptinae." Ibid. Vol. LXV, No. 13. • pp. 459-501, pls. 1-12-descrs., synonymy. ------(1926) : "Notes on a Collection of Echinoderms from the Australian Museum." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XV, No. 2, pp. 183-92-localities mostly G.B·. Reef, figs.· ------(1932): "Echinodermata (Other than Asteroidea)." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 7, pp. 197-239, ·· pl. I-descrs., 9 text figs. --. ---- (1938) : "Echinorlerms from Australia." Mem. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. 55, pp. VIII + 597, pls. 28 (16 coloured)­ comprehensive, spp. nov., synonymy, habitats and localities throughout. ------(1946): "The Echinoderm Fauna of Australia : Its Compnsition and Its Origin " Carneg. In:-tn. ,Nash. Pnb., No. 566, pp. IV + 567-bibliography, descrs., keys, essential introduction to identifications. DAKIN, W. J. (1950): " Great Barrier Reef and Some Mention of Other Australian Coral Reefs." Sydney, 8vo., pp. 1-135--popular. D0DERLE1N, L. (1896 a) : " Bericht iiber die von Professor Semon be1 Amboma unrl Thursday lsland Astero1dea.'' h.. · ' ZOologische Forschungsreise in Australien und Malayeschen Archipel.-Ausgcfuhrt-Dr. Richard Semon.·· Bd. V, pp. 201·22, 5 pls.-11 spp., Thursday Is. ------(1896 b): "Bericp.t ...Crinoidea ." Ibid. Bd. V, pp. 277-330-12 spp., Thursday Is. ----- (1898 a) : " Bericht ...Crinoidea." Ibid. Bd. V, pp. 473-80, 1 pl.-7 spp., Thursday Is. (1898 b) : "Uber einige epizoisch lebende Ophiuroiden." In "ZOoJogiscbe Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel , ..Ausgefilhrt ...Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp. 481-8, 1 pl.-2 spp., one new. (1903): " Bericht liber die von Professor Semon bei Amboina und Thursday Island gesammelten Echinoidea." In '' ZOologische Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipel ...Ausgefiihrt ... Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. \', pp. 683-726, 8 pl. 0 ------(1926) : " Uber Asteriden aus dem Museum von Stockholm." K. svenska. Vetensk. Akad. Hand!. 3 Ser. Bd. 2, No. 6, 22 pp., 4 Taf.-2 spp. nov., and other Qd. records. GRAY, J. E. (1847) : "The Description of Some New Species of Starfishes, Asteriadae." Appendix No. IX in Vol. II, "Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of the H.M.S. 'Fly,' etc.", by J. B. Jukes, London, 8vo., pp. 339-54-descrs., localities. 1 Cape York sp. HARTLAUB, C. (1891): "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Comatuliden fauna des Indischen Archipels." Acts. Acad. Caesar. Leopoldino• Carolinae German nat. cur. (Ac. K. Leopoldinische deutsche Akad. Nat.), Vol. LVIII, No. 1, 120 pp., 5 pls.-fide Zool. Rees., Bowen an� Torres Str. records. JOHNSTON, T. H. (1917) : " Ecological Notes on the Littoral Fauna and Flora of Caloundra, Queensland." Qd. Nat., Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 53-63-habitat details. LIVINGSTONE, A. A. (1930): "On Some New and Little-known Australian Asteroids." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XVIII, No. 1, pp. 15-24, pls. IV-VIII-descrs. spp., mostly from N. and Central Qd. ----- (1931) : "On a New Asteroid from Queensland." 'Ibid. Vol. XVIII, No. 4, pp. 135-7, pl. XVII, figs. 1-2. ----- (1933 c) : " Notes on Some Representatives of the Asteroid genus Culcitt1,." Aust. Zool., Vol. 7, pt. 3, pp. 265 73, pls. 14-17. ----- (1932 a) : " The Australian Species of Tosia." Ibid. Vol. XVIII, No. 7, pp. 373-82, pls. XLIII-XLIV-G. B. Reef sp.,' diagnoses, descrs. ----- (1932 b): "Asteroidea." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Expect., Vol. IV, No. 8, pp. 241-65, pls. I-XII-lists spp., synonymy, distribution. ----- (1933 a) ; "Some Genera and Species of the Asterinidae." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XIX, No. 1, pp. 1-20, pls. I-IV-descr. 3 spp., Central Qd. ----- (1933 b): "A New Mediaster from Queensland." Ibid. Vol. XIX, No. 1, pp. 21-2; pl. VI-sp. nov., Cairns. ----- (19%) : "The Life and Uses of Beche-de-Mer." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. V, No. 11, pp. 377-9-popular, habits, economics. ----- (1936): "Descriptions of New Asteroidea from the Pacific." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XIX, No. 6, pp. 383-7, pls. XXVII- XXVIIl-sp. nov., Mackay. LUDWIG, H. (1875) ; " Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Holothurien." Arb. zoo!. zootom. Inst. Wiirzburg, Bd. II, pp. 77-118, Ta!. VI­ VII-13 records, Bowen & Cape York, 12 are spp. nov. 44 W. DALL, B.Sc. , and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D.

SWAINSON, W. (1822) : "Catalogue Shells ...collection ... Mr. Bligh." pp. 58, 202, col. pls.-(T.I.)-Voluta macu/ata p. 11 probably N.S.W. = Qd. TATE, R. (1899 a) : "A Revision of the Australian Cyclostrematidae and Liotiidae." Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. XXIII, pp. 213-29, pls. VI-VII -(T.I.)-Qd. spp. listed. (1899 b) : "Contributions to a Revision of the Recent Rissoidac of - Australia." Ibid. Vol. XXIII, pp. 230-44-keys descrs., mentions some Qd. spp. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1878) : "On Some Australian Littorinidac." Proc. Linn. Soc. "'1.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. III, pt. I, pp. 55-72 -review, Brisbane m'2;ntioned. (1879) : " On Some New Marine Shells from Moreton Bay." Ibid. Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 108-11-3 spp. ----- (1880 a) : "On Some New Marine Mollusca." Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Viet., Vol. XVII, pp. 80-3, pl.-(T.I.)-A ustriella sordida, Bowen. ----- (1880 b) : "On Some Littoral Marine Fauna of North-East Australia." Ibid. Vol. V, pt. II, pp. 106-31-Trinity B. to Endeavour R., ·diffuse narrative. THACKWAY, A. E. J. (1935) : "Cal�undra : A Naturalists' El Dorado." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. V, No. 10, pp. 350-3-popular. THIELE, J. (1897) : "Zwei australische Solenogastres." Zool. Anz. Bd. XX-fide Thiele (1902), descr. Notomenia claviger, Torres Str , ----- (1902) : "Die Systematische Stellung die Solenogastren und die Phylogenie der Mollusken." z. Wiss. Zoo!., Bd. LXXII, pp. 249-66,- pls. XVIII-XXVII-comments on Notomenia claviger coll. Haddon, Torres Str. ----- (1909) : "Cocculinoidea und die Gattungen Phenacolepas und Titiscania." Syst. Conch. Cab., 539 lief, Bd. II, Abt. 11 A, heft. XXXIII-P. retimlata, Moreton B.-(T.I. comment). ----- (1910) : "Revision des Systems der Chitonen." Zoologica. Heft 56, "I Tei!," pp. 1-70, pls. I-VI, 5 text figs. ; " II, Teil," pp. 71-124, pls. VII-X-(T.I.)-includes Qd. -- --- {1023) : "Uber die Gattung Philobrya und das sogenannte Buccalnerven-system von Muscheln." ZooL Anz., Bd. 55, No. 11 /13, pp. 287-92-(T.I.)-Lissarcula australis, Torres Str. TOMLIN; J, R. de B. (1917) : "A Systematic List of the Marginellidae." Proc. malacol. Soc. (Lonct.), Vol. XII, pp. 242-306-(T.l.)­ Qd. sp. included with primary references. ----- (1923) : "Description of a new species of Clanmlus (C. gatliffi )." Ibid. Vol. XVI, p. 24, text fig.-(T.I.)-Wreck Reef. ----- (1937) : " Catalogue of Recent and Fossil Cones." Ibid. Vol. XXII, pp. 205-330-(T.I.)�all primary refereµces given, including Qd. spp. TRYON, G. W. (1882-8) : " Manual of Conchology (First Series)." Vols. I-X, Philadelphia, 8vo ..-compre hensive attempt to catalogue all mollusca with descrs. & col. figs., synonymy literature & localities. ----- (1909) : " Excursion to Bulwer, Moreton Island, 12-14th September, 1908." Qd. Nat., Vol. I, pp. 63-73-list. VREDENBURG, E. (1919) : "Two Albir.o Varieties of Cypraea erosa Linnaeus." J. Proc. Asia!. Soc. Bengal (N, Ser.), Vol. XV, PP· 143-5-(T.J.)-var. purissima, Moreton B. ----- (1920) : "Classification of the recent and fossil Cypraeidae." Ree. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. 51, pt. 2, pp. 65-152-(T.l.). WARD, M. (1937) : "Notes oria Collecting Trip in Northern New South Wales." Proc. · Roy. Zool. Soc. lf.S.W., 1936-7, pp. 32-9- (T.l.)-includes common Southport molluscs. WATSON, C. J. J., McNEILL, F. A., ,JOHNSON, R. A. & IREDALE, T. (1936) : "Destruction of Timber by Marine Organisms. in the Port of Brisbane." Qd. For. Serv. Bull., No. 12, 107 pp.-Qd. Teredinidae treated fully by Iredale, q.v., ecological factors, e.g., salinity. WATSON, R. B. (1879-83) : " Mollusca of H.M.S. ' Challenger ' Expedition,'' J. Jinn. Soc. (Zool.). (1879 a) " II: The Solenoconchia, comprising the Genera Dentalium, Siphodentalium, and Cadulus," Vol. XIV, pp. 508·29; (1879 b) "III: Trochidae, viz., the Genera Sequenzia, Basilissa, Gaza and Bembix," Vol. XIV, pp. 586-605.; (1880 a) " V: Families Solenoconchia, Trochidae, Heterophrosynidae, Litorinidae, Cerithiidae and genera and species of." Vol. XV, pp. 87-126; (1880 b) " Part VI," Vol. XV, pp. 217-30 ; (1880 c) " Part VII," Vol. XV, pp. 245-74; (1881 a) " Part IX," Vol. XV, pp. 413-55; (1881 b) " Part X," Vol. XV, pp. 457-75; (1882 a) " Part XII," Vol. XVI, pp. 358,72; (1882 b) " Part XV," Vol. XVI, pp. 594-611; (1882 c) " Part XVI," Vol. XVII, pp. 26-40 ; (1883 a) " Part XVII," Vol. XVII, pp. 112-30 ; (1883 b) " P"rt XVIII, " Vol. XVII, pp. 284-93; (1883 c) "Parts XIX, XX," Vol. XVII, pp. 319-46-numerous spp. nov. from Torres Str., Cape York & Flinders Passage. (1886) : " Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challe.nger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XV, pp. 1-756, pls. I-L-lists spp. nov., Cape York, pp. 710-4. WHITLEY, G. P. & BOARDMAN, W. (1929 a) : " Marine Animals from Low Isles, Queensland." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. HI, No. 10, pp. 330-6-popular. ----- (1929 b) : "Quaint Creatures of a Coral Isle." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 11, pp. 366-74-popular. WILD, C. J. (1892-4) : "Hexabranchus /lammulatus Q. and G." Trans. nat. Hist Soc. Qd., Vol. I, pp. 90-1-from Tweed Heads. WOODWARD, M. F. (1894) : "On the Anatomy of Pterocera, with some notes on the Crystalline Style." Proc. malacol. SQC. (Lond.), Vol. I, pp. 143-50, pl. XI-(T.I.)-specimen from Torres Str. YONGE, C. M. (1930) : "A ' Year on the Great Barrier Reef." London, 8vo., pp. XX + 246, pls. I-LXIX-popular, Low Isles, Torres Str. ----- (1932) : " Notes on Feeding and Digestion in Pterocera and Vermetus1 with a Discussion on the Occurrence of the �rystalline Style in the Gastropoda." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. I, No. 10, pp. 259-81-feeding mechanisms, enzymes1 etc. ------(1936) : " Mode of Life, Feeding, Digestion, and Symbiosis with Zooxanthellae in the Tridacnidae." Ibid. Vol. I, No . . 11, pp. 283-321, pls. I-V-modes of life, feeding, histology, experiments.


AGASSIZ, A, (1872) : " Revision of the Echini, Part I." Cat. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., No. VII, pp. XII + 241-lists spp. and localities. (1881): " Report on the Echinoidea dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger ' during the years 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. III, pp. 1-321, pls. I-XLV-short descrs. with plates, localities Cape York and vicinity. BANFIELD, E. J. (1908): "The Confessions of a Beachcomber." 1933 reprint. Sydney, 8vo., 282 pp.-popular, Dunk Is. (1911): " My Tropic Isle." London, 8vo., 315 pp., pls.-popular, Dunk Is., mentioning Synapta beset/ii. ----- (1918) : "Tropic Days." London, 8vo., 313 pp., pls.-popular, Dunk Is. Synapta besselli, p. 37. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 45

BELL, F. J. (1884 a) : " Report on the Zoological Collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert, ' 1881-2." London, 8vo., "Echinodermata," pp. 118-77, pls. VIII-XVII-mostly Qd., descrs., localities. ----- (1884 b) : "Notes on a Collection of Echinodermata from Australia."' Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IX, pt. Ill, pp. 496-507-21 Qd. spp. ----- (1893) : "On the Names or Existence of Three Exotic Starfishes." Ann. �ag. nat. Hist., Ser. 6. Vol. XII, pp. 25�9- mentions Gymnasterias val?Julata, Moreton B. BOONE, Pearl L. (1935) : "Scientific Results of the World Cruise of the Yacht 'Alva,' 1931, William K. Vanderbilt commanding. Crustacea : Anomura, Macrura, Euphausiatea, Isopoda, Amphiopoda, and Echinodermata: Asteroidea and Echinoidea." Bull. Vanderbilt Oceanogr. (Mar.) Mus., Vol. VI, pts. I & II, pp. 1-264, pls. 1-96. ------(1938) : "Scientific Results ...'Ara, ' 1928-29, and 'Alva,' 1931-32 ..." Ibid. Vol. VII, pt. IV (Echinodermata), pp. 109-93, pl. 33-70, 13 text figs.-3 spp. Ingham Is. ; Holothuria impatiens, Falcon Is. CARPENTER, P. H. (1888) : " Report upon the Crinoidea collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger,' 1873-76." " Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXVI, pp. IX + 399, pls. 1-LXX-lists spp., descrs. Cape York spp. p. ;)61. CLARK, A. H. (1908): " New genera and species of Crinoids." Proc. biol. Soc. Wash .. Vol. XXI, pp. 219-31-new Comanthe,s, Bowen, p. 220. ----- (1915) : "The distribution of the recent Crinoids on the Coasts of Australia." Int. Rev. Hydrobiol., Vol. 7, pp. 222-'34- fide Zool. Ree., possibly mentions Qd. ------(1921, 1931, 1941, 1947, 1950) : "A Monograph of the Existing Crinoids." Bull. 82, U.S. nat. Mus., Vol. I. (1921) pp. 1-795, pls. 1-57 ; (1931) pp. 1-816, pls. 1-82; (1941) pp. 1-603, pls. 1-61; (1947) pp. 1-473, pls. 1-43; (1950) pp. 1-383, pls. 1-32-many Qd. records, detailed descrs., figs., keys. CLARK, H. L. (1907): "The Cidaridae." Bull. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. LI, No. 7, pp. 165-228, pb. 1-11--localities along the E. Coast Aust., keys. ----- (1909) : "Notes on Some Australian and Indo-Pacific Echinoderms." Ibid. Vol. LII, pp. 107-35, 1 pl.-spp. nov. and others, localities. ----- (1915 a) : "Catalogue of Recent Ophiurians." Mem. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. XXV, No. 4, pp. 165-376, pls. 1-20- lists spp. and localities, spp. nov. ------(1915 b) : "The Comatulids of Torres Strait : With Special Reference to Their Habits and Reactions." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn. Wash. Pub. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 97-125-lists spp., some descrs., habits, feeding, responses to light, etc. ------(1916-18) : " Report on the Sea-Lilies, Starfishes, Brittle Star and Sea-Urchins obtained by the F.I.S. ' Endeavour ' on the Coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, .Victoria, South Australia, and \Vestern Australia." Biol. Res. F.I.S. "Endeavour," 1909-14, Sydney, 8vo., Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 3-123, pls. I-XLIV-descrs., text figs. -"---- (1921) : "The Echinoderm Fauna of Torres Straits. Its Composition and Its Origin." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn. Wash. Pub. 214, Vol. 10, pp. VIII + 224, 38 pls. (19 coloured)-spp. nov., keys. ----- (1922) : "The Holothurians of the Genus Stichopus." Bull. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. LXV, pp. 39-74, pls. 1, 2- key, spp. nov., synonymy. ------(1924) : "The Holothurians of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The Synaptinae." Ibid. Vol. LXV, No. 13. • pp. 459-501, pls. 1-12-descrs., synonymy. ----- (1926) : 0 Notes on a Collection of Echinoderms from the Australian Museum." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XV, No. 2, pp. 183-92-localities mostly G.B. Reef, figs.· ------(1932) : "Echinodermata (Other than Asteroidea)." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 7, pp. 197-239, pl. I-descrs., 9 text figs. --,----- (1938) : "Echinorlerms from Australia." Mem. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. 55, pp. VIII + 597, pls. 28 (16 coloured)­ comprehensive, spp. nov., synonymy, habitats and localities throughout, ------(1946) : "The Echinoderm Fauna of Australia : Its C'ompnsition and Its Origin " Carneg. Instn. \.Vash. Pub., No. 566, pp. IV + 567-bibliography, descrs., keys, essential introduction to identifications. ,. DAKIN, W. J. (1950) : Great Barrier Reef and Some Mention of Other Australian Coral Reefs." Sydney, 8vo., pp. 1-135-popular. D0DERLE1N, L, (1896 a) : •c Bericht tiber die von Professor Semon be1 Amboma un

LYMAN, T. (1879) : "Ophiuridae and Astrophytidae of the Exploring Voyage of H.M.S. 'Challenger '." Bull. Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. VI, pp. 17-83: pls. 11-.19-spp. nov., others with synonymy, Torres Str. ----- (1882): "Report on the Ophiuroidea dredged by H.M.S 'Challenger, ' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. /Zoo!.), Vol. V, pp. 1-386, pls. I-XLVIII-descrs., keys, distribution, N. Qd. spp. pp. 299-300. MACLEAY, W. S. (1827) : "Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia, performed between the years 1818 and 1822 by Capt. Phillip P. King." "Radiata " and "Acrita-Zoophyta " in "Appendix B. Natural History." London, Svo., Vol. II, pp. 470-3-lists with localities, some.possibly Qd. McNEILL, F. A. & LIVINGSTONE, A. A. (1926) : "A Supplementary List of the E�hinoderms collected by Surg. L. Commdr. W. E. Z. Paradice., R.A.N. in · Queensland and North Australia." Ree. Aust. Mus., Vol. XV, No. 2, pp. 193-9, pl. XVII-occurrences, brief descrs. some spp. MANTON, S. M. & STEPHENSON, T. A. (1935) : "Ecological Surveys of Coral Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 10, pp. 273-312, pl. I-XVI. MEDES, Grace (19)5): "The Pluteus of Laganum sp.". Pap. Dept. ·Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn. Wash., Pub. No. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 127-42-descrs. material, Badu Is. MINER, R. W. (1928) : "A thousand miles of coral reef. The marvellous ... Great Barrier Reef." Nat. Hist. (N.Y.), Vol. XXVIII (2), pp. 204-18-popular. MORTENSEN, T. (1928) : "A Monograph of the Echinoidea. I. Cidaeroid.ea." Copenhagen, 551 pp. + figs. (Text vol.), pls. I­ LXXXVIII (pl. vol.)-For Bowen see pp. 346-7, no specificQd. records noted in Vol. II (1935); later vols. not available. ----- (1929) : "The Australian Species of Cidarids, particularly of the genus Phy/lacanthus, and their distribution along the coasts of Australia." Proc. roy. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. LIII, pp. 18-23, pl. III-distribution of 5 Aust. spp., 3 in Qd., key. OTTER, G. W. (1937) : " Rock-Destroying Organisms in Relation to Coral Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. I, No. 12, pp. 323-52. pls. I-VI-ecology, distribution. , _ PERRIER, E. (1875) :. " Revision de !a collection de Stellerides du Museum d'histoire naturelle de Paris.'' Arch. Zoo!. exp. gen., Torr.e IV, pp. 265-450-Torres Str. records, p. 447. POPE, Elizabeth C. (1947) : "Some Sea Animals that Sting and Bite." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. IX, No. 5, pp. 164-8-popular. POTTS, F. A. (1915) : " The Fauna Associated with the Crinoids of a tropical coral reef : with especial reference to its colour variations." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn. Wash., Pub. No. 212, Vol. VIII, pp. 71-96, pl. 1-commensals at Murray Is. including ophiuroids. RAINFORD, E. H. (1925) : "Destruction of the Whitsunday Group Fringing Reefs." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. II, No. 5, pp. 175-7- single echinoderm mentioned. RAMSAY, E. P. (1885): " Catalogue of the Echinodermata in the Australian Museum. Part I: Echmi." Cat. Aust. Mus., No. X, Sydney, 8vo., pp. iii + 54, pls. 1-5-lists spp. with synonymy, localities. ROUGHLY, T. C. (1936) : "Wonders of the Great Barrier Reef.'' Sydney, 8vo., pp. xiii + 282, pls. 1-50-popular. SAVILLE-KENT, W. (1890) : "Beche-de-Mer and Pearl-Shell Fisheries of Northern Queensland." Qd. Votes & Proc. Legis. Assembly Session 1890. Vol. III, pp. 727-34, pl. I-mentions 6 Holothuria. ----- (1893) : '' The Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Its Products and Potentialities." pp. XVII + · 1ist of plates + 387, pls. I-XLVIII (photo) + I-XVI (coloured)-popular. ------(1897) : "The Naturalist in Australia.'' London, pp. XV + 302, Chrom. plates, I-IX, pls. (B. & W.) I-L-popular, Holothuria, p. 217. SLADEN, W. P. (1 882) : "The Asteroidea of H.M.S. 'Challenger ' Expedition. Part I: Pterasteridae." J. Jinn. Soc. (Zoo!.), Vol. XVI, pp. 189-241-1 Torres Str. sp. descr. (1883) : "The Asteroidea of H.M.S. 'Challenger ' Expedition. Part II : Astropectinidae." Ibid. Vol. XVII, pp. 214-69 -2 Torres Str. spp. ----- (1888): " Report on the Asteroidea collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. XXX pp. XLH + 893, pls. I-CXVII + map-descr. genera & spp. ; bottom deposits with assoc. spp. SLUITER, C. P. (1894) : "Holothurien.'' In " Ziiologische Forschungsreise in Australien und dem Malayeschen Archipe!. ... Ausgefiihrt ...Dr. Richard Semon.'' Bd. V, pp. 101-6-Thursday Is., spp. nov., etc. STEPHENSON, Anne (1934): "The Breeding of Reef Animals. Part II : Invertebrates other than corals." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Keef... Exped., Vol. III, No. 9, pp. 247-72. STEPHENSON, T. A., STEPHENSON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER, M. (1931) : "The Structure and Ecology of Low Isles and Other Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 17-112, pls. I-XXVH. STUDER, T. (1884) : " Ubersicht \iber die ... 'Gazelle ' ...Echinoid en.'' Monats. K. preuss Akad. Wiss. Berlin, pp. 861-85-(E.P.) -Salmacis rarispina, Moreton B. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. (1878 a) : "The Echini of Australia (including those of the 'Chevert ' Expedition)." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. II, pt. II, pp. 145-76-many Qd. ----- (1878 b) : "On the Echini of Australia. Supplemental Note to the Paper on the above subject.'' Ibid. Vol. II, pt. IV, pp. 342-4-one Qd. (1878-9): "A List of Australian Starfishes." Trans. phi!. Soc. S. Aust., Vol. II, pp. 89-93. ----- (1880): " On Some New Australian Echini." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (0. Ser.), Vol. IV, pt. III, pp. 282-91, pls. XIII· XIV-spp. nov., specimens & localities include Moreton B. ----- (1881 a) : "Ori the Habits of So�e Australian Echini. 11 Ibid. Vol. V, pt. II, pp. 193-204-spp., localities in a narrative fashion. ----- (1881 b) : "On a Young Specimen of a Temnopleurus.'' Ibid. Vol. V, pt. IV, pp. 493-4, pl. XV, figs. 3-5-rough descr. urchin, Port Denison. ------(1883) : "On a New Species of Stomopneustes and a New Variety of Hipponoe variegata." Ibid. Vol. VII, pt. I, pp. 93-4, pls. VI-VII-new urchin from N.E. coast Aust. THEEL, H. (1881) : "Report on the Holothuroidea dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76.'' "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.), Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 1-175, pls. I-XLVI-descr., Qd. spp. p. 7. (1885) : " Report on the Holothurioidea dredged by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76.'' Ibid. Vol. XIV, pp. 1-290, pls. I-XVI-descr., Qd. spp. pp. 251-9. WARD, M. (1937) : "Notes on a Collecting Trip in Northern New South Wales.'' Proc. Roy. Zoo!. Soc. N.S.W., 1936-7, pp. 32-9- (T.I.)-about 12 spp., Southport, some typographical errors. WHITLEY, G. P. & BOARDMAN, W. (1929 a) : " Marine Animals from Low Isles, Queensland.'' Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. III, No. 10, pp. 330-6-popular. ------(1929 b) : "Quaint Creatures of a Coral Isle." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 11, pp. 360-74-popular. YONGE, C. M. (1930) : "A Year on the Great Barrier Reef.'' London, 8vo., pp. XX + 246, pls. I-LXIX--,-popular, Low Is., Torres Str. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MARINE INVERTEBRATES OF QUEENSLAND 47 CHORDATA ACRANIA

GUNTHER, A. (1884) : "Branchiostoma " in " Report on Zoological Collections of H.M.S. 'Alert,'" pp. 31-3-B. cultdlum from near Thursday Is. HASTINGS, Anna B. (1931) : "Tunicata." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 3, pp. 69-109, pls. I-III-descrs., text figs., lists spp. HELLER, C. (1878) : " Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der Tunicaten." S.B. math. nat. Classe K. Akad. Wiss. (Vienna), Bd. LXXVII, I Abt., pp. 83�110, pls. 6-Polycarpa elata, P. nebulosa, P. obscura, spp. nov. from Bowen. HERDMAN, W. A. (1882, 1886, 1888) : "Report on the Tunicata collected by H.M.S. 'Challenger,' 1873-76." "Challenger " Rep. (Zoo!.). , (1882) " Part. I: Ascidiae Sirnplices. , VoL VI, pp. 1-293, pls. I-XXXVII-N. Qd. spp., pp. 252, 257. (1886) " Part II : Ascidiae Compositac." Vol. XIV, pp. 1-429, pls. XLIX. (1888) "Part III : Ascidiae Salpiformes. The Thaliacea. The Larvacca." Vol. XXVIII, pp. 1-166, pls. 1-XI­ C. York, p. 108. ----- (1898) : " Note on the Tunicate Fauna of the Australian Seas." Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 7, Vol. I, pp. 443-50-lists spp. , with localities, including Torres Str. ----- (1899) : "Descriptive Catalogue of the Tunicata in the Australian Museum." Cat. Aust. Mus., Vol. XVII, pp. XVIII + 139, Sydney, 8vo., pls. 1-45-detailed descrs., localities. MICHAELSEN, W. (1908) : " i5)ie Pyuriden (Halocynthiiden) des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg." Jb. Hamburg. Wiss, Anst., Bd. 25, Beih. 2, pp. 227-87, 2 Taf.-fide Zoo!. Rees., includes sp. nov. from Qd. PALETHORPE, F. D. & WILSON, C. (1887) : " Preliminary paper on a collection of simple Ascidians from Australian seas." Proc. L'pool biol. Soc., Vol. I, pp. 63-6, pl. VIII-(P.K.). PETERS, W. (1877) : "Epigonichthys rnltellus, eine neue Gattung und Art der Leptocardii." Monatsb. K. Preus. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1876, pp. 322-7, 1 pl.-coll. " Gazelle " in Moreton B. SLUITER, C. P. (1895) : " Tunicaten." In " ZOologische Forschungsreise in Australien u·nd dem Malayeschen Archipel. ...Ausgefahrt . Dr. Richard Semon." Bd. V, pp. 161-86, 5 pi.-(P.K.)-9 spp., 5 new. from Thursday Is. THOMPSON, H. (1948) : " Pelagic Tunicates of Australia." C.S.l.R.0. Pub., Melbourne, 8vo., 196 pp., pls. 1-75-key to S.E. Aust. spp., detailed descrs. with localities. essential for identifications. TREWAVAS, Ethelwynn (1931): "Enteropneusta." Sci. Rep. (;t. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 39-67-descrs., text figs. WILLEY, A. (1894) : " Report on a Collection· of A mphioxus made by Professor A. C. Haddon in Torres Straits, 1888-9." Quart. J. micr. Sci., Vol. 35 (N. Ser.), pp. 361-71----anatomy, etc., of Branchiostoma cult-·llum.

GENERAL AND ECOLOGICAL AGASSIZ, A. (1896) : "A Visit to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia." Amer. ]. Sci., Ser. 4, Vol. II, pp. 240-4----(K.S.)-popular, topographical, no spp. named. ----- (1898) : "A Visit ·to the Great Barrier Reef of Australia in the Steamer 'Croydon ' during April and May, 1896." Bull. ' Mus. comp. Zoo!. Harv., Vol. XXVIII, No. 4, pp. 95-148, pls. 1-42-narrative. ANON. (1.929) : "The Great Barrier Reef of Australia." Revised by Gt. Barrier Reef Comm. (Brisbane), 40 pp., 8vo., photographs, figs., maps-popular. BANFIELD, E. J. (1908); "The Confessions of a Beachcomber." 1933 reprint, Sydney, 8vo., 282 pp.-popular, Dunk Is. ----- (1911) : "My Tropic Isle." London, 8vo., 315 pp., plates-popular, Dunk Is. ----- (1918) : " Tropic Days." London, 8vo., 313 pp., pls.-popular, Dunk Is. DAKIN, W. J. (1950) : "Great Barrier Reef and Some Mention of Other Australian Coral Reefs." Sydney, 8vo., pp. 1-135-popular. FISCHER, P. H. (1940 a, b, c) : "Notes sur Jes peuplements littoraux d'Australie." Me�. Soc. Biogeogr. Vol. Vil. (1940 a) " I: Influence des courants chauds sur la vie littorale en Australie temperee," pp. 279-88 ; (1940 b) " II: Sur le peuplement des roches intercotidales en Australie temperee," pp. 289-313; (1940 c) " III : Sur la fauna de la mangrove Australienne," pp. 315-29-spp. mentioned ex. lit. and also from Sandgate ; mostly ecological review. GUILER, E. R. (1952) : "The Nature of Intertidal Zonation in Tasmania." Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, Vol. 86. pp. 31-61- dominants from S. Qd. (mostly ex. lit.) compared _with Tasmania. HEDLEY, C. (1900) : "A Zoogeographic Scheme for tbe Mid-Pacific." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XXIV, pp. 391-417-mostly terrestrial illustrations with occasional mention of Qd. marine fauna, e.g., p. 412. ----- (1904): "The Effect of the Bassian Isth1nus upon the existing marine fauna : A Study in Ancient Geography.". Ibid. Vol. XXVIII, pp. 876-83-definition of marine littoral provinces by reference to rnollusca. (1925) : "The Natural Destruction of a Coral Reef." Trans. Roy. Geog. Soc. A'asia (Qd.), Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Comm. Vol. I (N. Ser.), pp. 35-40, pl. V-ecology of a reef destroyed by cyclones. IREDALE, T. (1924) : "Results from Roy Bell's Molluscan Collections." Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. XLIX, p. 179-molluscan representatives of Hedley's provinces. IREDALE, T. & ALLEN, Joyce (1940): "A Review of the Relationships of the Mollusca of Lord Howe Island." Aust. Zoo!., Vol. 8, pp. 444-51-relationships of Qd. marine faunas exemplified by Mollusca. JOHNSTON, T. H. (1917): "Ecological notes on the littoral fauna and flora of Caloundra, Queensland." Qd, Nat. Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 53-63-zonation. etc. dominant forms incl�ding algae. JUKES, J. B. (1847) : " Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H.M.S. ' Fly ' commanded by Captain F. P. Blackwood in Torres Strait, New Guinea, and other Islands of the Eastern Archipelago during ,the years 1842-1846, etc." London, 8vo., Vol. I pp. XIII + 423 + plates + map. Vol. II, pp. V + 362 + plates + map + appendix-general narrative interspersed with natu.ral · bistory. MANTON, S. M. & STEPHENSON, T. A. (1935): "Ecological Surveys of Coral Reefs." Sci. Rep ..Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 10, pp. 273-312, pls. I-XVI-distribution on traverses and within small areas, ,mostly corals. MARSHALL, P. (1931): "Coral Reefs-Rough Water and Calm Water Types." Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Comm., Vol. III, pp. 64-72, f.g.-(D.H.)-coral spp. not named. MAYER, A. G. (1914) : "An Expedition to the Coral Reefs of Torres Straits." Pop. Sci. Mon., Vol. 85, pp. 209-31-popular, brief. mention ecology corals. MAYER (= MAYOR), A. G. (1918): " Ecology of the Murray Island Coral Reef." Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carneg. Instn., No. 212, Vol. IX, pp. 1-48, pls. I-XIX-growth, distribution, association, ecological experiments on corals. MINER, R. W. (1928) : "A Thousand Miles of Coral reef. The marvellous ... Great Barrier Reef." Nat. Hist. (N.Y.), Vol. XXVIII, pt. 2, pp. 204-18--popular. MUSGRAVE, A. (1926) : "The Biology of North West Islet, Capricorn Group. (!) Bibliography." Aust. ·zoo!., Vol. 4, pp. 253-5 48 W. DALL, B.Sc., and W. STEPHENSON, Ph.D.

NEWTON, Lily & CRIBB, A. B. (1951): " Some Aspects of Algal Ecology in Britain and Australia." Research, Vol. 4, pp. 449-55- , general account mentioning Redcliffe. OTTER, G. W. (1937) : " Rock-Destroying Organisms in Relation to Coral Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. I, No. 12 pp. 323-5:!.. pls. I-Vl-dassification of coral rock boring and destroying organisms ; mode of life, ecology, distribution' POPE, Elizabeth C. (I.OH) : "Soi;ne Sea Animals that Sting and Bite." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. IX, No. 5, pp. 164-8-popular. RAINFORD, E. H. (1925) : "Destruction of the Whitsunday Group Fringing Reefs." Ibid. Vol. II, No .. 5, pp. 175-7-ecological inten:.•st. ROUGHLEY, T. C. (1035) : '' Wonders .of the Great Barrier Reef." Sydney, 8vo., pp. xiii + 282, pls. 1-50-popular. RUSSELL, F. S. & COLMAN, J. S. (1934) : "The Zooplankton. IV: The Occurrence and Seasonal Distribution of the Tunicata, Mollusca and Coelenterata (Siphonophora)." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. IT, No. 7, pp. 203-76-tables of spp. with distribution and abundance. SAVILLE-KENT, W. (1893) : "The Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Its Products and Potentialities." pp. XVI I + list of plates + 38,, pls. I-XLVIII (Dhoto) + !-XVI (coloured)-popular. ----�- (1897): "The Naturalist in Australia ." London, pp. XV + 302, chrome plates I-IX, plates (B. & W.) l-L-popu!ar. STEPHENSON, Anne (1934) : "The Breeding of Reef Animals. Part II. Invertebrates other than corals." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrie� Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 9, pp. 247-72. STEPHENSON, T. A. & MARSHALL, S. M. (1933) : "The Breeding of Reef Animals, Part I. The Corals." Ibid. Vol. Ill, No. 8. pp. 21V-45, 1 pl.-(D.H.)-9 spp. studied on Low Is. STEPHENSON, T. A., STEPHENSON, Anne, TANDY, G. & SPENDER, M. (1931): "The Structure and Ecology of Low Isles and Other Reefs." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 17-112, pls. I-XXVII. VAUGHAN, T. W. (1015) : "On recent Madreporaria of Florida, the Bahamas, and the West Indies, and on Collections from Murray l Is1a:-id, Australia." Yearb. Carneg. Instn., No. 14, · pp. 220-31--ecological interest, coral growth outside Aust. WARD, M. ( !l3i) : "Notes on a Collecting- Trip in Northern New South Wales." Proc. Roy. Zool. Soc., N.S.W., 1936-7, pp. 32-9- (T.I.)-dominant forms in Sand Dunes, and Bay Side Flats at Southport, with comments on biogeography illustrated from crabs. WATSON, C. J. J., McNEILL, F. A., ,JOHNSON, R. A. & IREDALE, T. (1936) : "Destruction of Timber by Marine Organisms · in the Port of Brisbane.'' Qd. Forest. Serv. Bull., No. 12, 107 pp.-(F.S.C.)-ecological factors e.g. salinity included. WHITLEY, G. P. & BOARDMAN, W. (1929 a) : " Marine Animals from Low Isles, Queensland." Aust. Mus. Mag., Vol. III, No. 10, pp. 330-6-popular. ------(1929 b) : "Quaint Creatures of a Coral Isle." Ibid. Vol. III, No. 11, pp. 366-74-popular. YONGE, C. M. (1930): "A Year on the Great Barrier Reef." Lonrlon, 8vo., pp. XX + 246, pls. I-LXIX-popular. ----- (lUJO) : "The Biology of Reef Building Corals." Sci. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped., Vol. I, No. 13, pp. 353-91, pls. I-VI -nutrition, adaptations, growth, reproduction, form, distribution of reefs, evolution. YONGE, C. M. & NICHOLLS, A. G. (1031 a, b) : " Studies on the Physiology of Corals." Ibid. Vol. I. (Hl3J. a) "IV: The Structure, Distribution and Physiology of the Zooxanthellae," pp. 135-76, pls. I-II; (l!.J31 b) 11 V: The Effect of Starvation in Light and Darkness on the Relationship between Corals and Zooxanthellae,1' pp. 177-211, pls. I-III. YONGE, C. M., YONGE, M. J. & NICHOLLS, A. G. (1932) : " Studies on the Physiology of Corals. VI : The Relationship between Respiration in Corals and the Production of Oxygen by Their Zooxanthellae." Ibid. Vol. I, No. 8, pp. 213-51- (� xperinic-nts on various spp.

MANUSCRIPT AND NEAR MANUSCRIPT WORK AXON, J. (HHU) : "Distribution of Thalasscma." Science Students' Assoc., 6th Exped., Myora, Moreton B., 23rd Feb.-Oth Mar., 19Jto, pp. 20-30. BENNETT, Isobel (1050) : " Heron ls., February, l\l50. List of Species collected by Sydney University party." BIGGS, Valerie A. _(1051) : " Ideutif.cation of Four_ Spccies of Family Sertubridae (Hydroida)." Undergraduate Taxonomic Exercise Urnv. Qd. DALL, W. (1951) : " The Family Penaeidae-Some Notes." Ibid. , DAVIS, J'. J. (1051) : " Family Palaemonidae (Four spp.)." Ibid. ELLIOTT, Dorothy (Hl52) : "Stalked Barnacles." Ibid. ENDEAN, R. (19,,3) : "Queensland Faunistic Records-Part Ill-Echinodermata (excluding Crinoi

HYND, J. S. (1946): "Carid prawns from Myora, Moreton Bay." Science Students' Assoc., 6th Exped., Myora, Moreton Bay, 23rd Feb.-9th Mar., 1946, pp. 36-48-see Hynd (1948). ------(1948): "Some Marine Biological Studies in Queensland." B.Sc. Hons. Thesis, 153 pp., inc. figs. and pls.--ecological study Point Lookout, fouling organisms of bu6ys, taxonomic studies of Caridea, Stomatopoda and crinoids ; also hydrographical studies. LAING, Joyce (1938 a) : "The Plankton." Science Students' Assoc., Rept. on Exped. to Moreton Bay, 4 pp.-data negligible. (1938 b): "Marine Zoology." Ibid. 5 pp.-littoral ecology of Bird and Goat Islands briefly outlined. MUNRO, I. S. R. (1940 a, b, c) : "Report on Marine Biology." Science Students' Assoc., Exped. to Green Island, Moreton Bay, Jan . 20tb-Feb. 4th, 1940. (1940 a), " Ecology of the Littoral Fauna of Green Island," pp. 58-69. (1940 b): " Ecology of the Channels surrounding Green Island," pp. 74-80. (1940 c) : " Report on the Plankton," pp. 82-102-see Munro (1940 d). (1940 d) : "Studies on the Marine Invertebrate Fauna of Moreton Bay, Queensland." B.Sc. Hons. Thesis, 98 pp., pls. I-XXII, 4 maps-commoner forms listed with ecological significance, includes littoral benthos and plankton. PEDDIE, B. (1946) : " Burrows and burrowing habits of Mictyris longicarpus ..Distribution of Pyrazus herculeus ...Mud Crabs.'' Science Students' Assoc., 6th Exped., Myora, Moreton Bay, 23rd Feb.-9th Mar., 1946, pp. 30-6. PENNYCUIK, Pamela (1951.) : "Marine Hydroida of Queensland." B.Sc. Hons. Thesis, 127 pp.-new records, extensive recording from the literature, son1e keys. RIEK, E. F. (1940) : " Foraminifera of the Green Island Area, Moreton Bay." Science Students' Assoc. Exped. to Green Island, Moreton Bay, Jan. 20th-Feb. 4th, 1940, pp. 34-56-species, ecology. ------(1941) : "The Littoral Fauna of the Myora Banks." Ibid. 4th Exped., 1941, Myora, Stradbroke Is., 10 pp.-commoner fonns listed with habitats. ------(1946): "Studies on the Freshwater Fauna of Queensland." M.Sc. Thesis, 326 pp., figs.-occasional reference to marine forms, e.g., Sphaeromidae. STEPHENSON, W. (in ms.) : "Three New Stomatopoda (Crustacea) from Eastern Australia"---0ne sp. Moreton B., one N. Qd. STEPHENSON, W. & McNEILL, F. A, (in ms.): (Stomatopoda in the Collections of the Australian Museum). Publication probably · in Ree. Aust. Mus.-new Qd. records, summary Aust. distribution. TEYS, Janet (1950) : "Survey of a Rocky Headland-Coolum, Queensland." Science Students' Assoc. Rept. on Exped. to Coolum Beach-common spp. listed with some habitat details, attempts· at zonation. VINCENT, Patricia (1949) : "Observations on Some Helminth Parasites of Queensland Fauna." B.Sc. H<;ms. Thesis, 83 pp., figs.­ includes stingray and bream parasites. WASSELL, J. L. H. (1948) : Exhibit, Marine Insects, Entomology Society of Queensland. 13th Sept., Hl48, Minutes p. 2-pelagic insect Pontomyea natans Edw. recorded from N. Qd. WATKINS, Pamela (1952) : "Family Nereidae." Undergraduate Taxonomic Exercise, Univ. Qd.-3 spp. Perinereis. WATSON, Kathleen (1940) : ,·, Report on Crustacea from Green Island, Moreton Bay." Science Students' Assoc. Expect. to Green Island, Moreton Bay, Jan. 20th-Feb. 4th, 1940, pp. 70-2-commoner species listed.

\tVatson, Ferguson anc! Company