RMIT DesIgn ARCHIVES JOURnAL Vol 1 Nº 2 2011 s T en T n CO ADDITIoNS ANATol KAGAN To THE COLLECTIoN COLLECTIoN Anatol Kagan (1913–2009) architect Michael Bogle 4–7 WILLIAM NANKIVELL COLLECTIoN William Nankivell (1928–2002) architect Harriet Edquist 8–13 Towards A histoRy of stuDENT activism IN LandscapE ArchitectuRE 14–15 Michael O’Connell: RESEARCH The Lost Modernist Harriet Edquist 16 icamAustralasia Symposium 2011 16 rmit design archives journal Journal Editor Editorial Assistance Design Harriet Edquist Kaye Ashton contact
[email protected] issn 1838-9406 Published by rmit Design Archives, rmit University Text © rmit Design Archives, rmit University and individual authors. This Journal is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of Cover Image research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, Anatol Kagan, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted National Opera House, by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Sydney, perspective, 1956. 2 EDIToRIAl Two collections representing the work of well-known local architectural practices have recently been donated to the rmit Design Archives, adding significant depth to our existing holdings. The Anatol Kagan Collection includes material relating to the Russian-born émigré’s Melbourne practice in the 1940s and early 1950s, and his subsequent Sydney practice from the 1960s. His post-war domestic architecture can be directly compared with that of other émigré architects whose work is represented in the Archives, including Frederick Romberg (rda Newsletter #1 2008), Ernest Fooks (some of whose drawings and books were donated to rmit a number of years ago by Noemi Fooks) and Frederick Sterne (rda Newsletter #1 2008).