with Nempnett Thrubwell

Parish News [email protected] Free for EVERYONE in the area

February 2018

Pilates Classes run by Emma Charlton at

Butcombe Village Hall at Pilates is an exercise & it is LOWER SCHOOL ROOM (next to Bank) suitable for most people. Pilates can help you to FRIDAYS 10 A.M.– 11A.M. improve your flexibility, help you HOME BAKED GOODS, PRESERVES, SMOKED SALMON, HAM & BACON, gain strength & help you relax. CRAFT & CARDS, JEWELLERY & The classes are small & friendly PLANTS Please contact me if you would COME AND SEE US ! smell and taste our new percolated coffee! like to come along to a class. toasted teacakes, home made sweet and savoury snacks to buy. [email protected] See our products and producers on Facebook- “ country market”

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8 ******* USEFUL CONTACTS *******

Chew Stoke Parish Council Chairperson: Graham Mckay 01275 331623 Clerk: Catherine Parkman 07779 592328 Nempnett Thrubwell Parish Council Clerk: A Johnstone 07771 763557 Chew Valley B & NE Councillor Liz Richardson 01761 490009 Chew Stoke Church Hall Bookings: www.chewstokechurchhall.co.uk Di Abrahams 01275 333173 Nempnett Thrubwell Village Hall Gill Ford 01761 462391 Women’s Institute Hazel Wedlake 01275 332812 Toddler group Kim Crawford 07925 488039 Scouts/cubs/beavers [email protected] Intermediate Bridge Michelle Stagg 01275 333086 Bowling Club Martyn Edmonds 01275 474729 Chew Stoke Golf Society Nigel Roberts 01275 333516 Ro Masters 01275 331229 Cricket Club Drama Club Andrew Tromans 07710 163743 Headteacher: Chew Stoke School Ben Hewett 01275 332354 Chair/Governors: Fiona Barlow 01275 331405 Headteacher: Chew Valley School Gareth Beynon 01275 332272 Chew Valley Leisure Centre 01275 333375 Chew Valley Lake Sailing Club Allen Marsh 01275 331143 Hub in the Pub [email protected] Kate Tate 01225 484510 Chew Valley Choral Society Helen Boyde 01275 333014 Chew Stoke Film Club Jeff Dowson 01275 332911 Harvest Home Nick Baker 01275 333753 www.harvesthome.org.uk

MAGAZINE CONTACTS AND DEADLINES Got some news? Want to advertise an event or your business? You can get in touch with us either by Email: [email protected] or contacting the Editor: Cynthia K Troup 01275 333002 Handwritten entries can be delivered to Cynthia at Fairwood, Pilgrims Way, Chew Stoke Distribution: The McDonald Family Tel 01275 333130 Email [email protected]

The copy deadline for the March edition is Monday 19th February


Rector The Rev. Charles Roberts 01275 332199 Associate Priests The Rev. Sandy Munday 01275 331060 (on duty Sunday until Weds am) The Rev. Sandra Lovern 01275 332657 (on duty Thursday until Sunday)

———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Parish Office open Thursday only [email protected] 01275 331061 ______Churchwardens: Chew Stoke: Andrew Troup 01275 333002 Alison Hoddell 01275 332421 Nempnett Thrubwell: Rosemary Porter 01761 462571 Nick Houlton 01761 462075 ______Capt. Bellringers: Chew Stoke: John Bone 01275 332328 Nempnett Thrubwell: Andrew Ball 01275 472356 Churchyard Maintenance: Chew Stoke: Anne Summers 01275 333812 Nempnett Thrubwell Nick Houlton 01761 462075 Sunday School: Tina Kilroy, Angela White, Angela Hurford, Sheila Limburn, Heather Patch, Cynthia Troup Magazine Editorial: Cynthia Troup Distribution: Suzanne Macdonald

Covenant Secretary: Nempnett Thrubwell: Nick Houlton Deanery Synod Reps: Chew Stoke: Anne Summers, Jessica McInnes Nempnett Thrubwell: Rosemary Porter ______PCC Secretaries: Chew Stoke: Jessica McInnes Nempnett Thrubwell: Alison Howard PCC Treasurers: Chew Stoke: Peter Jameson Nempnett Thrubwell: Nick Houlton

Chew Stoke PCC members : Alison Hoddell, Tina Kilroy, Peter Jameson, Jessica McInnes, Mary Sommerville, Andrew Troup (Vice Chair),Anne Summers, Liz Wormald, Les Poynter, Susan Theobald, Jerry Moorehouse.

Nempnett Thrubwell: Jane Batten, Janet Evans, Geraldine Ford, Nick Houlton, PCC members Alison Howard, Hugo King, James Everett, Jane Oosthuizen, ______Sidesmen Chew Stoke: Mesdames Barley, Cheesley, Patch, Manville, Sommerville, Theobald, Thompson


To book a private party, meeting, an event or class, here are your village hall contacts: Chew Stoke Church Hall Book online: www.chewstokechurchhall.co.uk Tel: Di Abrahams on 01275 333173 The Methodist Chapel Hall [email protected] Nempnett Thrubwell Hall Book online: www.nempnett-thrubwellvillage-hall.org Tel: 01761 462391 Regular bookings at Chew Stoke Church Hall

Monday 1000 -1600 Art Club 1700 Tae Kwondo (ffi Andy Mole 01275 343556) Tuesday 10.00 Keep Fit/ Dance Class (Drop-in class £3.00 a session, bring a mat) 19.30 Chew Valley Choral Society Wednesday 19.30 W.I. Meeting (3rd Weds only) Thursday 14.00 W.I. Craft Club (1st Thurs only) 19.30 Parish Council (1st Thurs only) 19.00 Film Club (last Thurs only) 10.30 The Hall Singers Choir Friday 18.00 Cubs 19.30 Scouts

Regular bookings at Methodist Chapel Hall: Monday 09.30 Pilates 18.30 Beavers Tuesday 14.00 U3A Intermediate Bridge Thursday 12.30 Lunch Club (3rd Thurs only) 19.30 Duplicate Bridge Club

Come pray with us ...

St Andrew’s Church, Chew Stoke Mondays at 12noon 3 Madam’s Paddock, Chew Magna, first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. Feel free to write in the request book at St Andrew’s Church, Chew Stoke or contact one of the clergy. Alternatively, call Constance Bowdler 332078 or Mary Sommerville 333572


The re-designed Chew Stoke Village website is LIVE!

Pages packed with information about the village community, organisations, clubs and societies and local businesses

More variety, more photographs and greater accessibility News and Events pages – including a section which can be used by all to upload details of upcoming local events

Administered by the Chew Stoke Parish Council, with a Contacts page for reaching the PC directly

visit www.chewstoke.org.uk


St Andrews Charity Soup Lunch Wednesday 7th February in the Church Hall from 12.30 till 1.30 Homemade soups will be served with pate and cheese followed by homemade cakes and coffee/tea All in a good cause which the community can choose. Fairtrade stall Young or old, are invited to pop in. Adults £4.50, children under 5yrs. £1 — do come! In January we gave £ 178.25 to ‘Children on the Edge’, The Times chosen Christmas charity for refugee children

Arthritis Research UK Chew Valley Branch The Committee is pleased to publish the dates for forthcoming events in 2017. Spring Quiz Night - Friday, 24th March, 7.00 for 7.30pm. £16.00 for a team of four; supper @ £10.00 per head. We always look forward to welcoming back our ‘regulars’ but, we always have a warm welcome for new teams who would like to join us. Please contact Bridget Gracey at [email protected] or telephone 01275 472639 to book your place. This is always a most enjoyable evening – somewhere to see old friends and meet new ones. Wednesday, 12th July (Provisional Date) – Coffee Morning, Liz Balmforth’s, Ham Lane, . Wednesday, 11th October (Provisional Date) – Coffee Morning, Winford Manor. We look forward to seeing you at any of these events. We are very keen to keep the activities of this fundraising group going, especially as forms of arthritis can affect people of any age, from birth to the elderly and strike at any time. If you feel you have any time to offer us in organising or helping out at events in order to support research into this condition, please consider joining our group by contacting our regional coordinator Adrian Williams [email protected] for further information or myself, [email protected].

Do you like planning parties? The Church Hall needs you on our entertainment Committee to plan some happy events in the Village this year. No previous experience on Committees needed, just some energy and enthusiasm! Please contact Val Anthony on 331237 or [email protected]

13 Chew Stoke Parish Council Short Report January 2018 Correspondence received / actioned/ circulated Internal audit – Clerk to obtain quotes and place on February agenda Chew Lane Proposed speed limit – 20ph flashing lights outside Chew Valley School to be installed with reassessment next year. Royal Garden Party – Application for Councillor Raffety to be entered into a draw to win an invitation Public Transport consultation – 1810 bus service is essential for workers to keep connectivity / Cllr Liz Richardson to write response with endorsement by Parish Council Hugo King – request to place bark chippings by bridge and message of thanks. Parish Council Risk Assessments - Clerk to arrange quotes

Shop Closure Village shop is to reopen on 29th January at The Stoke Inn.

Ford Bollards Concerns were raised over the tree debris collection whilst the Ford was in flood. B&NES have no concerns over any heightened risk of property flooding.

Appointment of Data Protection Officer General Data Protection Regulations effective 25 May 2018 - Clerk to arrange quote

Community Empowerment fund Timescales are such that we are unable to complete the necessary conditions in order to apply.

Footpath maintenance - Contract for Signature Clerk to check adequate insurance held before signature Bilbie Park Playground Councillor Hindle is to arrange meeting with schoolchildren and School staff to discuss ideas. Suppliers to be contacted and appointments arranged. Consultation to be discussed February meeting Next Meeting 1st February, 7.30pm

Happy 300th Anniversary Chew Stoke Church School! 2018 is the 300th anniversary of our village church school. Many villagers are or have been associated with the school either as parents, pupils, gov- ernors or in many other ways. Unlike our post office and now shop it has survived generations to be the thriving village school it is today. During this year the Parish News will publish a series of articles looking at various aspects of school life and share some of the exciting events planned for the year including a service led by Bishop Ruth in July, further details and dates to follow.

Chew Stoke Church School is one of the 182 church schools in the Diocese of Bath & Wells covering an extensive area from Portishead in the north down to Exmoor in the south. These range from remote moorland villages with as few as 25 pupils to large 600 plus pupils in some of the largest conurbations. Anglican schools are not faith schools but have a mission to serve all in their community; those of faith and those of none. PTO

14 Chew Stoke is one of our oldest church schools, and was originally erected by subscrip- tion in April 1718. The archaic Trust Deed provides a fascinating glimpse of the history of the school over the years. Originally, the 'Charity School at Chewstoke' provided edu- cation exclusively for boys, but over time the Trust Deeds have been adapted and now of course the school also admits girls! Although the school now boasts seven classes, it would still be viewed as 'small' nationally and it still retains its distinct 'village' charac- ter. The majority of church schools are primary schools. This is because many of them were originally established when the leaving age of the pupils was much lower than it is today. It was between the years of 1811 and 1851 that 17,000 Church of England schools were built and although Chew Stoke Church School was established before this date it became part of the infrastructure of church schools across the country the ma- jority of which still exist in some form today. Indeed these schools still form the back- bone of our educational landscape. As a church school Chew Stoke is supported by the Diocesan Education Department in terms of advisers, training, resources and approval of any foundation appointments made to the governance of the school. As a church school it is subjected to an addition inspection the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Method- ist Schools (SIAMS) which evaluates the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school and how well this ensures the development and achievement of every child. When the school transferred to status it did so as a church academy, underlining the value of church status in the face of politically driven organisa- tional change. Throughout its long history the school has valued its church status in or- der to remain distinctive and also still retains ownership of the school site through the Chew Stoke Educational Trust. Suzanne McDonald

The 2018 Chew Valley 10k Opens for Entries!

The next Chew Valley 10k, sponsored by Debbie Fortune Estate Agents, has now opened for entries and will take place on Sunday 10th June 2018 at 9.30am. This year the Race HQ is at Bishop Sutton Football Club, from where the race will start before following the same scenic, rural route as last year. Entry to the 2018 event costs £18.50 (or £16.50 for anyone affiliated to a running club) and includes a free technical T shirt and bespoke event medal plus a free (printable) photo download of each runner taking part in the race, as with the 2017 event.

The event is chip-timed and fully licensed by UK Athletics, with live streaming of results and a video clip of every runner finishing. As well as all the category winners’ trophies, runners can join together to enter the Team Trophy.

Gareth Beynon, Headteacher of Chew Valley School commented: “We were thrilled to spend funds raised by the 2017 10k on a Ten Tors mess tent and on improvements to the school’s counselling services. This year we hope to fundraise for GCSE revision sessions, foreign language software and multimedia equipment, which will directly benefit all students at the school. Visit www.chewvalley10k.co.uk for all info and to enter and regular updates and follow the event on Facebook and Twitter @Chewvalley10k. Potential sponsors, marshals or runners can also contact the organisers at [email protected] 15


The first meeting of 2018 started with us enjoying the tales, humour and music of Steve Price and his friend Pete.. (We never learnt Pete's surname, only that he was born in Ireland and had a lilting Irish accent.) These two chaps are popular entertainers especially for WIs and Steve told us about "The History of the Banjo." He sang and played a number of different banjos large and small, old and new. whilst Pete accompanied on the guitar - a fun, foot tapping evening.

The years programme promises to be interesting, fun and informative and once again we are encouraging women of all ages to join us on March 21st as guests to hear Dr Annie Egginton s talk "Living on the Edge " which is about home and health issues facing homeless women today. So ladies put the date in your dairies and come as a guest for the small charge of £5- sorry, not a freebie this time.

We have fixed a date to visit Highgrove on Friday April 13th, and are hoping to see the spring bulbs we saw being planted when we last visited .Please let Hazel know if you want to come as if we have sufficient numbers we are hoping to book a coach.

The next walk is scheduled for Saturday 3rd February, weather permitting. Meet at the Church car park at 10.00am and Hazel will send details as usual. The next members meeting will be on February 21st when we will hear "How dogs can help!" with Mr Gardener and Fernie.

If you are female you are welcome to come to any meeting and see what the WI has to offer. As January's speaker said WI members are a great group of ladies, the backbone of communities when it comes to important social issues and also they make a mean lemon drizzle cake ! Without being too immodest I have to agree!

FFI tel Jan 01275 472600 or Hazel 01275 332812


Our choir sing at Evensong on an occasional basis, depending on members’ availability. We are looking for a few new members to join us. Training in psalm singing will be provided if required. Practices take place before the service. Also Organist/pianist still needed who would be interested in learning to translate their skills to the organ. In this case, the church would fund a number of organ lessons. FFU Andrew Troup 01275 333002 or Alison Hoddell 01275 332421



Sunday 4th 10.30am Baptism Monday 5th 7.00 Meeting of the Parochial Church Council Wed’sday 7th 12.30pm Soup lunch in the Church Hall Tuesday 13th 12 noon Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day – AT METHODIST CHAPEL Wed’sday 14th 12 noon Prayers for Ash Wednesday with the opportunity to receive the sign of the cross to mark the start of the penitential season of Lent Note that the church will be open for personal prayer & reflection all day Sunday 18th at 6.30pm Evensong with Choir Thursday 22th 7.30pm Filling Station at the Pelly, Chew Magna


Sunday 4th 6.30pm NOTE EVENSONG Sunday 11th 10.30am Family Service for MOTHERING SUNDAY

MORNING WORSHIP AT CHEW STOKE CHURCH SCHOOL takes place on Tuesday mornings at 9.10am in term time & lasts about 20 minutes The Headmaster would be pleased to welcome members of the Parish at these sessions to worship with the School community

HAND BELLS AT STANTON DREW We are now just about to start again after our post Christmas break and we already have a few bookings for the coming months. We welcome anyone who would like to join us, an ability to read music is a decided asset but not a necessity, and we meet most Thursdays from 8 until 9:30 pm. Helen Marshall 01275-332837

ST ANDREW’S PASTORAL GROUP For Chew Stoke readers, if you know of anyone who would appreciate a visit, including anyone new to the village, please contact Gill Wring on 333720 or Alison Hoddell 332421


Dear Neighbours, Writing this mid-January, days are getting longer and I’m beginning to look forward to spring, warmer weather and signs of new life. There are many other changes underway. For example, as I write, the huge facilities management and construction company Carillion has gone into administration. Brexit is still in the headlines and will be for some time. In both these examples, many peoples’ lives will be affected by considerable changes. Such changes also cause us to re-examine our priorities in society. Should Carillion have been ‘allowed’ to reach the stage it did? Post-Brexit, with whom do we plan to trade and how? Who may come to live in our country and on what grounds? What relationship can our people in other parts of the world have with their home country? Just as these matters cause us to re-examine our priorities as a society, so Lent is a time when Christians, as individuals, re-examine the priorities in their own lives. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. It’s a period of 40 days leading up to Easter, when Christians are encour- aged to consider the penitential nature of the season, reflecting on and seeking forgiveness from God and others for any wrongs, turning away from those wrongs and finding a new direction, in preparation for Easter when Christians remember Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection to new life. This new life is on offer to Christians in this life and the next if they genuinely ask God for it. Traditionally many Christians give something up for Lent, whilst others take up something new such as a time of prayer and reflection each day. In the Middle Ages, by Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday) people would use up all the meat, fat and eggs in their homes and then they would refrain from such indulgence until Easter. This is how the custom of making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday began, and you or someone you know may give something up during Lent, such as chocolate, which is how this practice began. Ash Wednesday is on 14 February this year. Many Christian churches provide ashes (traditionally made by burning palm crosses from the previous Easter), which are blessed in church and applied to the foreheads of Christians in the shape of a cross on their foreheads. Words from Genesis 9:13 are often used as this is done: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” These words remind Christians that life in this world is not for ever, and they are to find their peace and forgiveness with God and with others now rather than put it off, perhaps until it is too late. During Lent there will be a group meeting weekly in Chew Stoke on Tuesdays at 2.30pm, to think about the question: “Where is God?” Further information is given in a notice in this magazine. Anyone who would like to attend is welcome, whether for one or two sessions or all of them. If you would like to check online for what’s on in Chew Stoke and Nempnett Thrubwell churches, there is the ‘Lakeside Group’ website: http://lakesidegroup.org.uk/ and ‘A Church Near You’ website, where there are separate pages for St Andrew’s, Chew Stoke, and Blessed Virgin Mary, Nempnett Thrubwell: https://www.achurchnearyou.com/.

With best wishes, Sandy

18 Where is God? Starting on Tuesday, 20th February, a Discussion group led by the Revd. Sandy Munday will take place at 15 Dairy Way at 2.30 p.m. There will be five sessions every Tuesday based on the Lent Course entitled Where is God?...... when we seek happiness, face suffering, make decisions, contemplate death or try to make sense of life. It is open to all, and there will be the opportunity to ask questions, share thoughts and have a cup of tea. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

Filling Station Filling Station meets at its new venue, The Pelly Barn Chew Magna at 7.30pm. Do come along and share in our hospitality and fellowship. The next will be Thursday 22nd February when the Speaker will be Trevor Dunlop


Burial: 11th December 2017 Ivy June Elizabeth Mail

Burial of Ashes: 11th December 2017 William Mail

Funeral Service: 25th January 2018 Shirley Read

Funeral Service: 30th January 2018 Pamela Young May they rest in peace

Prayer for February

Loving Father, thank you for the gift of love received from family and friends. Thank you for Your love for us shown in Jesus Christ. Help our love for You to grow as we take time through Lent to grow closer to You, and understand our faith more. In Christ’s name Amen


Mid-day prayers will include an opportunity for people to receive the sign of the cross on their foreheads to mark the beginning of the penitential season of Lent. The church will be open to visitors all day. Those visiting at other times of the day may take up this opportunity by themselves.

19 A message from Charles Roberts, the Rector

My dear friends,

Anniversaries can be interesting moments in our lives, at once both cause for celebration and a cause to reflect, and occasionally also to wonder! We arrived in Chew Magna in February 1998, so we have now clocked up 20 years this month. As someone said to me the other day, “Well, you must like it here!”, and so we clearly do! It is incredible to think how quickly those 20 years have gone, and to reflect on how much has changed during that time. Perhaps most significantly we have moved from two parishes to the Group of six, from a staff of three to a staff of six, which proves, if nothing else, that if God makes changes, he also provides for them. We also have an excellent administration office for which I give hearty thanks, and we have six congregations that broadly buck the national trend by holding their own year on year. Perhaps one of the bigger achievements recently has been our focus on restoring Dundry church, and I am delighted that in this anniversary year we are able to finish that work and reopen the church with all its new facilities. There has been much hard work accumulating the funds needed for that project, and I am very grateful to all involved. The scaffolding is up, the work has begun, and we hope to reopen in August. Do pray for the congregation there. Anniversaries also remind us of the yearly cycle of events in the church, and as much as we enjoyed a good Christmas season, our thoughts now turn towards Lent. Ash Wednesday falls on the 14th February (significant?) and we are then into a season which calls us all to a deeper engagement with the God we worship and serve, and a chance to reflect in a different way on our spiritual lives and our ability to fulfil the call that God has placed on each one of us. As always there is plenty of opportunity to do this across the Group through our Lent Courses being run in Chew Magna, Chew Stoke and Norton Malreward. You will find details in the Magazines. So during Lent do come and join a group on Mondays (7.30pm at Norton Malreward) or Tuesdays (2.30pm at Chew Stoke, and 7.30pm at Chew Magna) and really encourage one another in our mission together.

20 years down – I wonder what the next 20 will produce?!

Yours in Christ, Charles Roberts



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Whether you purchase through our website or pick up your produce direct at one of our outlets, we thank you so much for your support.

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21 The Majestic Cinema In Chew Stoke Church Hall presents two captivating films in February: Brief Encounter (Cert PG) With Hot Supper

Wednesday 14th February- Valentines’s Day Doors & Bar 6pm

This Valentine special showing of ‘Brief Encounter.’ David Lean’s 1945 classic is widely recognized as the best romantic film of all time…’is it darling?...is it really?’ A resounding ‘YES!’ is the answer.

Noel Coward wrote the script, based upon his own one-act play. Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard are perfect, ably supported by Stanley Hollaway, Joyce Carey and Cyril Raymond.

And if that wasn’t enough, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto Number 2 provides the soundtrack. A hot supper will be served at 6:30pm prior to the showing of the film.

Cost is £6 members and £10 for Guests.

Next up: Hidden Figures (Cert PG)

Thursday February 22nd at 7.30pm America was smarting at having lost the race to put first man into space. ‘Hidden Figures’ is the untold story of three African American Women labelled ‘Coloured Computers’ who were the mathematicians that played a fundamental role in the success of John Glenn’s mission.

The heartfelt and warming story stars Kevin Costner as the tough talking boss, Al Harrison – the talented trio of Taraji P. Henson’s Katherine Johnson, Janelle Monae’s Mary Jackson and Octavia Spencer’s Dorothy Vaughan play the heroes as they fight fierce oppression and segregation, Hidden Figures’ true story couldn’t be more timely.

Two great reasons to come out on a cold Winter evening…see you at the movies! PS.. if you have yet to join the Majestic, what a jolly good time to start!


Age UK Banes activities in our area

Gadget Busters – Get help with your laptop, iPad, tablet, phone or camera

Gadget Busters is now based at the Children’s Centre next to Chew Valley School and takes place every 2 weeks on alternate Wednesdays 10.30-12.30pm, £3 per session. If you’ve recently received a new tablet or iPad or smart phone and need help, drop into our friendly and informal group to talk to one of our volunteers. You don’t need to book, just turn up. Wednesday 7th February & Wednesday 21st February, 10.30-12.30pm - at the Chew Valley Children’s Centre, Chew Lane Chew Magna BS40 8QA.

****************************************************************************** “Extend” exercise class

Every Wednesday - “Extend” exercise class at the Chew Valley Children’s Centre, Chew Lane Chew Magna BS40 8QA 12-1pm £3 per session (including tea/coffee). This is a fun and gentle exercise session for older people, including standing and seated exercises. Please call Ketyn on 01225 484510 for more information or to put your name on the waiting list. Wednesdays: 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th February 2018

Anyone can attend the sessions, you don't have to be a resident of BANES.

Chew Valley Flower Decoration Society

Chew Valley Flower Decoration Society held its first practice meeting of 2018 on 15th January, when Sue Gaskin, an outside tutor, lead the meeting, which had a ‘craft’ theme, and we all had a very good time.

Our next meeting is a flower demonstration presented by Cath Brown entitled ’50 shades’ - sounds interesting! This meeting will be held on Monday 5th February in Compton Martin Village Hall, starting at 7.30 p.m. The meeting following will be a practice class on Monday19th February, same time, same place, and tutored by one of our very own experienced members, Joyce Burton. The name of Joyce’s practice arrangement will be ‘Hanging Around’. Joyce has been with the Club for many years and is an excellent flower arranger. Then on 5th March a demonstra- tor named Linda Garrett will be displaying WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get).

Why don’t you pop along to one of these meetings and see what we do on a typical Club night? There won’t be a charge for this and, you never know, you might like what you see and decide you would like to join us. Bring a friend along too. You will be made most wel- come.


24 The Arts Society Mendip (formerly the Chew Valley U3A Mendip Decorative and Fine Arts Society)

6th February: Chew Valley U3A will be holding a From to the sea: Artists, the Avon coffee morning at Gorge and Bristol Harbour will be the 10 am on 19 February subject of a talk to the Arts Society Mendip at Ubley Village Hall. by Francis Greenacre, Curator of Fine Art at Refreshments at 10 am followed by a Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, 1969 to speaker at 10.30 am. Rob Bayly is an ex 1997. The Society meets at the Bath and West Bar BBC TV Producer who has appeared on & Restaurant, B&W Show Ground, the Antiques Road Show and spent two Shepton Mallet, BA4 6QN at 11.00 am. years on Cruise ships. On this occasion he will be speaking about Details; www.theartssocietymendip.org.uk. ‘Crossing London by Balloon’, Guests Welcome. Contact 01934 862435. so do please come and join us. New members always welcome. Compton Martin Members fee £1, Visitors £2.50. . Gardening Club Anyone not in full time employment, in

Compton Martin Village Hall the Third Age (usually over 50 ) can join; 2nd Wednesday of the month 7.30pm all you need is interest and enthusiasm!

Our meeting on the 14th February has speaker Tony Gray covering " What to do in the garden now". On March 14th we have Marcel Floyd from Chew Valley Wildlife Group the renowned nursery Floyds Climbers and Clematis. Thursday 22nd February 2018 For information please call Chris on 01761 221579 Bird Watching & Conservation in France. Chew Valley Gardening Society Illustrated talk by Ken Hall, 8pm Thursday 8th, we welcome Mary UK representative for the Ligue pour la Payne, celebrated horticulturist and Chelsea Protection des Oiseaux (LPO), and Hampton Court Flower Show Gold the RSPB equivalent in France. winner, who will be talking about “Annual Delights” at The Old Schoolroom in Chew Magna In Chew Magna Millennium Visitors welcome Hall, 7.45pm. Full details of the programme of talks and Admission £2.50; visits for 2018 will be shown on the Society’s Season available. website: . . www.chewvalleygardeningsociety.org.uk




READERS, SIDESMEN & ORGANISTS FEBRUARY 2018 Psalm & Read- Readers Sidesmen ing th Sun 4 Family Service John 1:1-14 Sara Hindle Sarah Manville 10.30 Baptism th Sun 11 Evensong 2 Kings 2:1-12; Andrew Troup Peter Soper 6.30pm Jerry Moorhouse Mike Murrant Mark 9:2-9 th Wed’s 14 Prayers for Prayers will include an opportunity for people to receive 12 noon Ash Wednesday the sign of the cross on their foreheads to mark the beginning of the penitential season of Lent th Sun 18 Evensong Genesis 9:8-17; Amanda Cheesley Peter Jameson 6.30pm with choir Hazel Poynter Susan Theobald Mark 1:9-15 th Sun 25 Holy Mark 8:34-end Jerry Moorhouse Jerry Moorhouse 10.30am communion th Sun 4 Evensong John 2:13-22 Susan Theobald Peter Soper March NOTE EVENING Stephen Hoddell Susan Theobald ? 6.30pm SERVICE


4th to 11th Feb: Altar: Joyce Andrews February 4 th Suzanne Lady Chapel: Kate Habakkuk 11th Val Then lent so no flowers. 18th Tyson and Jill 25th Louise CHURCH CLEANING : Sheila Limburn & Hazel Poynter Brass Hazel Wedlake

Would you like to help to make your church look beautiful? You don’t have to be a regular church goer, just someone who loves flowers! If you are interested in helping once a year to put flowers either on the altar or the Lady chapel , do contact Liz on 332336

28 February Services The Lakeside Group Ministry Chew Magna, with Dundry, Norton Malreward and Stanton Drew and Chew Stoke with Nempnett Thrubwell

4th February 11th 18 th February 25th February 4th March 2nd Sunday February 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday before Lent Sunday Next of Lent of Lent Of Lent Before Lent Chew 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am Holy 10.30am Holy 10.30am Holy Magna Communion Parish Communion Parish Communion Communion Communion 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 1st Sunday Morning 1st Sunday Special Worship Special

Dundry 9.30am 9.30am 11.00am 9.30am @ Baptist Café Parish Morning Café Chapel, Church Communion Worship Church Broad (Ang/Bapt) Oak Hill Chew 10.30am 6.30pm 6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm Stoke Family Evensong Evensong Family Evensong service Communion

Nempnett 10.30am 6.30pm Thrubwell Parish Evensong Communion

Norton 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Malreward Morning Parish Café Worship Communion Church

Stanton 10.30am 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am Parish Holy Morning Parish Drew Communion Communion Worship Communion




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Printed by GENI PRINTING of Chew Stoke 01275 333895 www.geniprinting.co.uk