P^'S^VWS-O.' In the •worn (iTrMRe rlrcuinllon ol tli»ST*ii (oront1 jrpfirctnllujf Oc inlicrl.1002. No Other Tlirw Wnrn'ti comity n«Wipn|frm tinro clrcu- Intel HO many. TAR •::u~.-y?^;,


"NO CAUSE" SAYS JURY. POULTRY SHOW NEXT WEEK POOR W0MEX VICTIMIZED. Second Trlnl of the Celebrated Kox vs. With MoroTlmn 1,700 Entries ItPiom- Fnko Ktuploiinent Agent Worked An llunco Dog CasoKitdsIu Victory Old (iHine With Much SnrreBS ALL TEACHERS JERSEY FARMERS lava to Bu Most Successful Ever fur l>efen

Am,. .]'-:'^-.^\ .,::& JCLI- -'\, ;C^T^-' V-^ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, l!)02.

Bllzibeth, wife of John Kurcbor, died Mr. and Mra, Robert Albert of FHcka- Miss Mabol Lame of BeWldero spent 9»tnrday morning at nor homo oa Cham* villoare vlsltlna; their danahter, Mrs. M. Monday with her sister, Llzzlo. bore otroet. Tbe deceased was sixty yearo W. Weller. On Friday Mrs. O. L. Davon- Miss Leoaa Lipplnoott Is the Rowt for a of a (to and hud been a reslaeiit of FitHUps* port entertained them together with her short time of hor sistor, Mrs. Emma Smith, bmg about flfty years, A complication or mother, Mrs. Ackerman, and hla ulster, In Boston. • •••.•• • --•':.'."". -' . .,-.. dlsoasesoauseddeatb. Mrs. Karoher leaves Mrs. George Sclaco. Oa Sunday Mrs, Ack- Mrs. Morris Jano and daophter, Goldle, a husband, two children—Edward Earober ermau entertained Mr. nnd Mm. Albert and Mra. Clara LUrtzoll of this town—and of Newark apontlaat week \>lih her jar* aaon-inlaw, Joseph ftlocnlg,employed by and Mr. and Mrs. Davenport One day enta, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waldeu. 0. It. Ford, too furniture man, In Wash* this week Mrs. Welter entertained In Mrs. Cornelius Stackhorno was In honor of her father and motbor, Mrs. Aok- Washington on Fridny.? %-^ lnKtoD. Funeral services wero held Mon- ormao, Mrs. Bclsco and Mra. O. L, Daven- ; day. port ; . Mrs. FreomanE.erhartvIaltodiD Eao'.on A new steam haatiag plant is balag Mrs. A. A. Tallmin and daughter, Wm lust Friday. ., Ever tnBtfllledln the Centennial engine house Jennie, aro vialtlng frlondVln New York Fredorick Saraon spent Saturday ani on Market street by William Ojhs, the city and vicinity for an Indefinite time. Sunday with Irlonds in Euoton. plumber. M. L, Tlnsm m'a now residence Is noar- Mrs. Acron Ayers was on Thursday at Mrs, Cathoilno McNilly of Morcor street . iff completion and ho expdcta to move tho homo of her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. haa, through 'cqulrw V«M Ullllmd, secured Into It the flrat of January, .";..; Sitnucl BrokRWi in Bnlvldoro, ;: a wldow'tt pension nf f 10 a month, dating OQ Sunday Miss Edith East entertalaod Mr. and Mrs. Howard Btrron anddaueh- Ready from August 9;n, 1902. a friend from Delawaro Water Uip, tor, Elslo, of Bolvidero, were cucstsof Mr. Became of the honvy Irnflln In fl Mrs. James MlobAels and Mrs. Milton and Mrs. Freeman Everbart on Sunday. cito coal, the Delaware £ Rarltan canal DoWltt visited relatives abovo town dun* Waldo Borry of Nowton spent Saturday to serve the. will remilnopoo until DUJ. 15, Instead of day, • • ' •; •' • •. ' - nlghtand Sunday with his parents, Mr. closing Dec, Ht, as was first anoounced. Mrs. Blair Runllng is vlaltlng her ptironta mid Mrs. Samuel Borry, Decrees wure conferred on tho uiembon Mr. nndMrs. Malvln DunQeld, for afow - Vquiro Parcoll has a fl:io collection of Critical and Economical of North E^d Caatlo, No. 27, Monday hfrda that hive been sent to him to bo ovoninor, by Pennsylvania Castle, No. 41, K. G. E , at the K. of P. ludge rooms. Robert Albert of Fllcksville and who lived at Delaware three years ago, was Miss Oil Io Anderson will lead the Ep- Buyer of Luther Leagues of Eiston and tbia town married on Nov., 14th. He and tils bride worth League next ^und-y night. irpanlzjd on Thursday a Local Centre for will reside with'Mr. Albort's parents at Misses Cora nrd Heltjn Crnlg, who have ,hn mutual beutlUof the leagueti til both FllckNvllle. towns, Olllcors wero elected as follows: been spending a fortnight wlitt rolAtlven In President, Frank Denuliiger of St. John's Mrs. Prlmroso nnd Miss Blanche PrlsSy D'-ltiWHru, rutume.1 to lowu Wuduesday. church; Vice Pres., Miss Hattle Canahay returned to tbulr homes In Strondsburg S.muolSelfort moved hlsfimUy t» Piill- ofChrlat church; Rue. Sec, Johu Serfasa Saturday. Miss Frhby bad been on tor- Jipaburg on Monday. Ed ivard Sollldiy i x- of St. Luhe'tj cburcb; Cor. Sec, Mlaa talked by Mrs. John C. Kitchen and Mrs nicto to cccupy tho himio vacated by Hti- MEN'S Mabel toichlor of St. John's, and Treaa., Primroso by nor sister, Miss Mark Diet- furtaaho will dr.vit ttie store wagon for RutaJcIl K. Boadwee ofChrlat church. The rich, and ber nleci< ^Mra. M. L. Tlnsman ThotniB Craig aftor Doc. lit. otUcera are all of Easton. and Mrs. Clark tim J, and her ntphow, Our people have great exn< ctatlor.u ns to James Dietrich. ';'• AND The Second National Bank has boon tho result of tho bar. iar utid suppur to ho seloctod oa a Government reserve agent. The usual Wednesday night prayer held in tho church on Timtilctgiviui; night meotioc was omitted this week, Miia Lenora Parker of Mount Pleasant Mr. and Mrs Alva Oimun nt Z!on chapel Is visit In j* friends lu town. : Mr," and Mrs. Eohriam Dlotric"i nnd and Mr. nutl Mrs. S^muul Wt &t of Bridgc- their son, Ernest, of ROSDVIIIO, WHSIQ to.vn vlllo spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Ground has been broken for a new storo visiting choir children, Mrs. M. L. TIIIB- ; and residence for John Lark on Hecktnan Henry Freeman. man, Mrs. Ulark Smith and Jarota Diet- Elijah Parcel] of Mt. Bethbl wnn tho street. rich. BOYrCLOTHINe guest of his brother, Edward, on Sunday. Dr. William Kllno has purchased for Edward Bruglor has beon sick for tbo ^5,000 t ho residence of tho late J udge Roose past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burdge and Mr. «i d , Our'clot'iiing is better and our prices lower than the regular tailors'. J S juth Malti street. Mrs. Milton Craic expei-t to cat their Rev, H. P. Kine exchanged pulplta Sun- Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. aud Mrs. iR«iii tlie ..Appartl Gazelle, a leading authority in the trade: "It is a Rev. S. G. Wilson of Portland, Pa., WHS day with a minister from Bwariflwoud, Edward dbulor in Dover. mistake for tne man who must'economize, to patronize : the tailor who: heard by a largo audience Tnursday, on who preached a very interesting sermon. "Grace, Grit aud Greenbacks," at tbu Edwin Burdgo and Mls<< Alllo Shuler Too raising of tho framo for the new bl. advertises to m»ln, Mm. couitnenco houtulcuopii't; In Wi.at.lugton Emma Ward and Miss Susie Ward were at next Monday. Mr. and Mis Burd^o me No one is urged to buy; we simply urge you" tu investigate our duy, for tho repose of tbe soul of tbe Ulo both very popular in thh nel^hliorhn d dister M. Agues, wno was Ht one time tho home of Mrs. George Dapue at Mt. claims. We'll show you all that's new in suits and overcoats, and Hermou on Sunday. and they will bo very mu;h m H«(td in lh« Suporloress uf S;. Catherine's Academy of church whore they hive been active mem- try to make our place of all places the place to drop in. Miss Rose Peterson, Secretary Park- thlstowu. Gvmn Angel, aged IT, con of liana Angle of StofFdrs, firuiflrly of UolumbU, died btra for years. . Our stock of overcoats this season is the largest and best selected Today at the home of her paronta, Mr. suddenly nthU homo thero on Nov. lG;ti, Milton Craig spent Thursday and Friday dale Tennis Club, Chicago, from experi- ind Mis. William D Yoba, Alias Flora hi. The remains were brougut to Portland on in Newark. that we have ey,-Mvshown. They are built for solid comfort. No I'obo will become me wife of Cnaries H Wednesday wheru tho funoril nervices c Ledger of Lsmbertville. ^\ were held In tlie M. E. church with Inter- Wm. Tlrmnnn o P >T-t Mnmy Inf.dod n military shoulders'," n'ri.-pleats, no yokes, but nothing is sacrificed that ence advises all young girls who have pains ir with pigs tit itu BittUvitlu dt-pot on Because Mra. John Person refused to '*nt In the Columbia cemetery. coulJ improve the appearance; and last, but not least, the prices will give a trainp somethlug to out be tried (o Monday. and sickness peculiar to their sex, to rely on assault tier at her home in Frankllu town- Mrfl. Edward Carpenter is visiting friends meet with your approval, . ship on Thursday. Mr. Portion, with tbe out of town this week. ton of Nawt'ui weroauoMtsof Win. Berry Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. assistance of a noigubor, causbt the on F^id^y. They wore on a hunting trip. offender Hnd took him before 'Squire VHH lUtOADWAY. ja. Clinton rim 1th unrl children are OVERCOATS .... $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $20.00 and J25.00 How many beautiful yount* girls develop into worn, listless mid hopeless BlUlurd, wno commlttel hi>u t.ij ul. Ttia We aro p'-xl to learn that Mrs. Henry idine A fjrtni^tit with her parents In womon, simply buuiitise sutUineiit iittuntion lins not beon paid to their physical tramp gave hii uaniu HB George Washliii!- Butler Is somewhat improved at this writ- SUITS ...... $8.00, $10.00, SI2.00, $15.00 and $20.00 on Clay, and wtiilu In Mm presence of Mm develupiiiunt. ^*o woman is uxempt from physical weakness and periodic 'dqulro iiud Constable Omorne sildthut Mr, and MM. E;1U Oibori and Httlo pain, and young girls just liikUliny into womanhood should bo cnrofully he bad intuuded to »ot fl ru to .Mr. Portion's dnufilter ot Eisto.i have been upending KOCKSI5UKG. Our -.link tnis fall for boys shows first Rood taste; next, originality fjuidfd physically as well as morally. lam and kill Mrs. Person with an axe. U\n weeks with roUtlvos here mid at Aa- Milton Sltuicr entoitDiticdcoiDpany from bury, MIH Oabjru p lasod tbo latter part Allontnwn over tiuuduy. in designs; then comes the quality which balances the prices. If you know of any young lady who is side, and needs motherly The Indies Qf tbo Wesley M. E church of last week Ht tne home of her brother, LRmilord Ticer has hi d cut-nid from advice, ask her to .write toHrs. Vinkhuin at Lynn, Sluss., who will jwu u protltablu supper Thursday umi CJuries NIXJU; in your town. Our ai:n i< to give style to clothing for boys at popular prices, and give her adviee free, from a source of knowledge -which is un- Friday eveniUES. Bnonton, Morris coui.ty, Tor n wutk. : , Thieves tiro clennlrc up the lit-n rooi-K upon.invesi'gition \mi will concede our success. cqunlcd in the country. Do not hesitate about stating details Members of the Knight* of the Gold on Mrs. Euieno Opiyteo of Brusi Castle, ''which one 'may not like to talk about, and which areessential •Ugle tVom ttii-i town ntid E iston attondid while on a i-iiit httru'iU the home of bur ',1 h reported thut oue nimi was cHURlit in for a full understanding of the case. .. „ • -,. ;be institution, of a uew uaaUe iu Hdekotta- fttuer, P. P. dinito, was takea very ill on tbo act. TO KNOW WHAT IS BEST YOU MUST COME HERE. :own lust Thursday. Friday iiignt. David Tllman will move In tho «pHng to Hiss Hannah E.. flershon, Cqllings-. A corumisaion composed of Jatnej E. Tneinf.int children of Mrs. DJGMW and the farm of Mr. Hlloy, nciir Harmony. Moon, Michael Comiluiii of this town and Mrs. Jennie Struuk DJVO beau quite slot John H. Young spent a few days li'-t wood, N. J., says: Blair Kelsoy of Balvldere has boeu up- with broi.caUi-t. wtek in Trenton. " "I thought I •would writo nml tell you Ditnted t,i condemn the laud owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wm.-Ap?ar drove from Mr. Dutt found a young nian very much that, by following your kind advice, I feel like William Ritu and Joan Girrecht, fur the here on Siturday to vUtt her parents, Belviderud one night lastt wevk and took a new person. 1 was always, thin and .delicate, purpose of Rivlnn a riRtit of way to the Mr. and Mrs. daipui u), wao live at tlazen. him In and tbawed him out. Ho Malted 1 Centril railroad 10 hullri a spur track to him bouif asuuon as he was able to travel. and so weak that I. could hardly do"anything. be IageraoMarge.uit plant. Tho --.'Woman's ' Fureign- - Mlwinnnry jtlunstnuitiuii was irregular, • Souiety will nuet Ht the home of Miss Gooree Youne IIHH the fuend dion for a Waile speadlug alnn? neir the Dela- Christy Benra uu Friday afteruouu of this new shed coinpk'*'id. " I tried a "^ jot tie ut your Vegetable Com- ware bridge about S o'clock Friday, a week al 2:30. Mr. Wyckoff, the former landlord, has 222 and 224 Northampton St., Easton, Pa, pound iind licjj^ii to fuel better right away. I con-. trolley i'dr collided with ou« of Shipmau's Mr. and Mrs. W-liter Hunt of R^ston couches, c msing considerable damage. moved.to Phllllpiburg. tinned its use, and am now well and strong, and Lewis Williams, tne driver of tbe coacn, wore the gueacu of il-a, John E. Inactio on Uncle Billy Shropo is making his homo menstruate regularly. I cannot say enough for was thrown from hU so at and waa badly S aurday night and Suad \y. witn Emanuol Crcgar. what your medicine did for me." shaken up by tue fall, but escaped Berious Mrs Wm. Woodruff, accompanied by Howard Fine is building an addition to njury. Beyond a few bruises and lacera- Mi»s E nrcm Crat-", were on Sunday at the home of the farmer's daugnter, Jrlrs. bis house so as.to have more room for, tiuus HWUL iSto leg*, tha horsos, were not fiuminer boarders. . . , . V now Mrs. Pirikliaiii Helped hurt. Tne fender of the car waa demol- Wm. Wolf, atSteivartavUle. • ished. Miss Lottie Cres^man Is Bpending a week Fannie"~£ufnpe. Rev. Moore will occupy the pulpit here with friends in Ptiil&delphla. on Sunday.morning and evening. r. "DEAR Mus. PI'SKHAM: — I feel it is my duty to Miss Nellie Cooneyof Limbortvllle was M'8. Wilson and grandHmigbter roturne'V write and tell vou of the benefit I have derived from your advice and the guest of Miss Augusta Trudawind of Mrs. L'zzie Le.via entertained company on Fridiy to thtir botno in Philadelphia. the use of Lydia K. rinkiiam's Vegetable Compound. The pains South Main btreet over Sunday. over Sunday. MNs Edith Rice will ppend her Tnanks- - -j jlly Kooitluie was had by the twenty- Edward Bolton hnn accepted a position givlog AC ber boino iu Murksboro. in my T6ack and womb have all left me, and my menstrual troublc^is: rtve membara of the P. O. d. of A , of Read- as brakeauu on the D., L. W. R. R. ing, wbo visited Camp 3, Friday evening. Mrs. Poter Youneand Mrs. Frank Terrl- corrected. I am very thankful for the good advice you gave me, and I DeWitt Conklln of your borough was adel spent last week In Allamuchy. noticed in town on Sunday. shaU/reremmend your medicine to all who sutler from female "weakness," Es-Sieriff Uole seizad the proDerty of hllsi Edith Crutz Is epend'.ng n short Eastop.'s-Best Cloak, Suit and Fui-Store. —Miss FAXXIE KUMPE, 192-! Chester St., Little Rock, Ark. (Dec. 16,1000.) Aaron Kohl, tbe liquor dealer of 431 Soutb Miss Pearl Wlllever led the Epworth time wltn ber sister, Mrs, Samuel Hees. Main street, Thursday, on a judgment League meeting 00, Sunday night. It will Lydia E. Pinltham's \> and Robert InrU) and Wllli«m Butter, were ialtod relatives lu Washington over Sun- from what is seen elsewhere. famous shoes: ..'. ' arrested on complaint of Janitor Hawk of d.iv. the Livoil tcaool. They are charged Irwin Miller attended the Grange meet- To get fat you must eat wilh destroying thu school house flag. lug In Washington oa Siturd iy. The Columbia football eleven were de- Mr. and Mrs. Pater Kline entertained her ht. Scott's Emubion is a Banister, highest grade made, $5.00 to J feated by tbe AU-T>>>vn sluggers on Satur- parents from Blulratown over dunday. The Fit of our Garments is simply perfect. = day by a score of 17 to 0. Mrs. Miller anil daughter of Pnillipaburg great fattener.o a great Supt. Howell -atates ,that out of 190 'ere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amzl |- $7.00 per pair. J pupils enrolled at tne night school, 150 are Miller. strength giver. n regular attendance. Ml-« Lllllo Klefar spait a fewdiy3in - The Selection is very large. The initiatory degree were conferred on Phllllpsburg last week with her brother. Those who have lost flesh several new members by Warren Chamber, Mr. and Mrs. Mltmin and children of 1 Resilia Patent Cushion and Ventilating ( No. 4,' O. K. F., Saturday evening., Green's Bridge spent Sundxy with Mr. and want to increase ail body Boarding houses ard liotola will he built Mrs. Levi Woolever. - : tissues, not only fat. Scott's ! Shoe, $5.00 per pair. around- the Ingersdi 3argeant plant by County Sapt. Atwnod visited tho public local capitalists this winter. . ; school here last week. Emulsion increases them all, The Prices are very moderate—-less than you The Monarch bisketball team of this Mr. and Mra. G. B. Gardner' spent S itur- lowii defeated tho Allontoivn.Hlcin School iywlth":their son Harry^aud.family.at team by a Bcore of 19 to 3, Saturday even- bbone, -fieshi,:-blood;-and ing. Washington. *" ',"" .,'•!".'.., " " '" "o7~"_~~\voSlH~expect tli At the M. B. church parsonage, Saturday v Rev. L R. Burrows spent a few days in nerve. '• '"••".. evening. Miss Nullle Maud. Miller and ^ew York last week. : •./••" $!4,00 per pair. Robert Preston Paul, botn of this town, John Haudlong vlsitej'Jfi part of last For invalids, for con^ were married by Rev. E. V. King. week with Mr. and Mrs. if. Quick near Mt, Mrs. Eilziboth Wblte, widow of tbo late MIBS Annie Miller'spent Sunday with vakscents, forconsumptives, Samuel White, and^otcr .of Samuel and relatives ID Hazon. -....-. \ Uncle Sam, $3.00 and $3,50 per pair. - John Schooley of thia plnce, died. Sunday for weak children, for ail at her home near; Green's Bridge, aged 75 yearB. who need flesh, Scott's Wm. Butinell, a printor from Newton A deep Interest is taken In the revival If you want the correct'things, in Women's Outer Gar-i-= ' HAY LINE, $2.50-PER PAIR. while alighting from a train tbe other day, aeettngs. There have been eleven oon- Emulsion is a rich and com- fell and Hpriinftd tifa loft knee and will be .erta and the services are to be continued No better line.of S3.00 shoes advertised laid up for a f«w diiyB. ' ~ • yet this week. fortable food, and a natural ments and Furs, come to us; and, besides, we do Fur Re- A mass meeting was held Monday eve- OOur new Oiunty Superintendent, Rilph in. Easton.. pver p,- ir guaranteed ::""::"• ning to discuss the question of annexa- DeckeDeJeokeroc r ofr Sussex, visicevisiteda our MUHUUschoolI iu.alasut tonic; , ••'••#.j, tion of now land for tne greater Ptilllipa- Wednesday and said some encouraging pairing and Altering"of..'Fur Garments,of all kinds. s burg. Members of .the Council, Mayor words to tue pupils. .- Scott's Emulsion for bone, Tjjese goods in all leathers—Patent Calf, Enamel, j j Frost, Town Attorney Itelley and repre- Preparations are being made to improve sentatives of the laRernoll-dftrqeant com- the looks of the school room by papering flesh, blood and nerve. punv were presont. The| property owneM the walls which need it very much. and cltlzana of Phllllpsburg and the own- : : ers of the property under consideration MlssBBCora Cooper and' Linnle-Van : .:r,^-\Yti will setidiy.op.- woro unanimously In favor of enlarging Riper were very pleasantly entertained at a free sample. tho homo of their friend, Mi39 Blauobo the town limits. Tbe matter will proba- ; ; bly be ae,t;)ed before January., i- r Runton, Thursday.evening. ' ' r Be sure that this picture THE MI BOOT AND SHOE CO J John R. Ranion visited his slater, MM. in the form of a label is on J. Obamborlin, In your town, over Sunday. the wrapper of every bottle GRAND HOLIDAY OPENING SA.TUR- MISB ToreBfla-3taloy%roturnod here last a OPPOSITE THE OPERA HOUSE " . .\ »AY AT of Emulsion you buy. .. jIjiUBAOHd', EABTON, PA. week after spondlng Borne time with rela- Wo have made bfepropurations for tbe tives out of; town. ' CjVj J „- SCOTX& BOWNE, Holiday Opening on Saturday, November Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dennis passed last 339*Northampton; Street; Easton, Penna. 4 week with frionds in Port Jervis. " • •"-" CHEMISTS, 2flsh In our : Mammoth Ba«oment. Tbe 1 asBortment is larfjor and floor than we MniCr-S. Ooonor and granddaughter ,4P9 Pearl St.,;.N.Yi worb guesta at the'-former's Bon'a, Watson have over obown. Do not mlPB It. 50c. sr.d $11 all drujjliis. Wiit. LAUDiOH & 3ON, Eaaton, Pa. 0. Coope>7 in Newton, on Sunday. (I o THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1902.

'"ASBUICY.- Mm. ObarlM Welch ipant lwt Wednes- ^tooapouu day with friends ID Bloomsbnr;*1 ' .' spMrs. Jwob Boatty and dBOsht«r,BHt*ll'tl ent from Wednesday until Friday with Mrs. Eu^e'jo Perkins of Brooklyn Ja friendfri s at Lake Hopatcong. pasainRthlR week with her mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mra. E. M. Osman of Haoketta* Are You Convinced I Ellzi Soydar. town visited Mrs. O. J. Barber lost Friday. Mr. a-.d Mrs. W. P. Btneh'art* vlalted Mr. and Mra. Wm. WJlever, who hnve "more quickly by wHat you see relative at Gloa Gardner on Sunday. boon Bpending somo tlmo In Jersey City, lU-'z/Lioyd of NawYork olty supplied npentlastTttursdiy and F.-Idiy with his thf-palpit of the Presbyterian obuion ltut parents. than by what you hear ?; If so, Sunday and preached two Intereetlng Alvln Boatty entertalual his oiualn, .demons. Harry Burk of Nowark, from Friday until write for a sample policy issued ? r" Mr. and Mra, George A. Cooleyof Eaa- Moni;T. ton weee gaeats of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miss I'elJo Bercaagh onoerlaiaod Miss Welch over Sunday. " Anna Y«wger of uoir Port Colden over by The Prudential arid see for Mr, and Mra. Elmer E. Wyckoffof Now Bauday.: _A Hampton were entertained lant Sunday by Wm. Lunger of Rackettstown visited his yourself how many liberal pro- H. *f. Rlddlo and family. Mm. Enight grand part ntn last Friday. : s : of Clinton was a gaoit tbcro on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Beally Hpent Wed- visions it contains;. /• :• : ;:•,—: VUnlon ThanksglvIcK Bervlcoi will bo held nofld*y with frloada at Washington. iL'tho Presbyterian chu:-:h thlH (Thurs- W. O. Oregirof you-* town visited his '• FREE—See the Wonderful Mechanical City on 5th Floor.'' r: day) morning, Rev, G. P. Illman d pircn'-sSiturday and Suadiy. The IlvBrlng the fermon. ,. Somo of tho young poiplo gavo Mr. and James L. Smith and family of Buttzvillo Mra. Frank Anderson a serenade last Wed- were Ruestn of Mr. and Mrs. G. Tranaue nesday ni^bt. After so mo saootlnsr, ring- last Bunday,...... ••-. ing of bells and noiao of tin pans, our post- STRONG CLOTHING AR6UMENXS Ml^clibul Brown visited friends at High mnater nrdored tho bride and groom and Prudential Bridge during a part of the post weok. . attendmu; to, make their appearance which they did. Tne groom brought out Insurance Co. of America HERE is a shapeliness and style about our garments entirely lacking in the major- Win. M. 81 man ton, who hns boon under- refreshments and tiey quietly departed. T ity of clothing sold by stores who exercise less care in selection, and are slow to :olng treatment for rheumatism at Dr. 1 Jtrons'u Sanl'arium, returned homo on We aro justly proud of ono of our yonng Home Office: make exactions that they should of manufacturers :^ (Vri; whom they buy. Value Monday greatly bonefltted by tho vltlt. man who attended a social gathering re- Newark, N. J. J. 8. Willever of Jersey City, Mra cently. Hewasa*k to tatto a drink but and all things considered, our prices are lower lhan uthbrs would ask if they could. Frank S'irope of PhiUiuiburu, Harrv Car- refused. Tho bottle was then nut to his penter of Eaaton and filits Grace Warner HpH with tho name result. '-No!" la ever JOHN F. DKTDEXVrn«1drnt. MEN'S OVERCOATS. MEN'S OVERCOATS., MEN'S SUITS, of your borough wero recent visitors in ready at such times. We would be glad If LKSLIK D. \VA III). Vice 1'rpnldent. town. we had more tuch as ho. E1KJAK II. U'AKI). 2il Vl.le I'renl Black kersey, gray Oxford All wool Oxford gray and Single breasted styles of all W. R. Rnmlhy of Trflnton In npending A Mrs. Walter Mayborry and babv.Mflrlan, (k-ntnml COUUHHI.,. of Port Murray and Mrs. Miller Ruah were or black frieze and black or black frieze doth—berast wool black Clay diagonal, blue few daya in our villagB the guest of bis FOKKKSTF.DKYDKN.Sccretary Bister, Mru.J.J. Riddlo. ene^tfi of thoir paroutt, Mr, and Mra. H.C.nEDKICK. Awtr Everything. Gaois Delivered Free. PORT MUKBAY. So much easier to ..show-our immense•, NEW: HAMPTON. Mra. Mary A. Brown iBBpandlnir a couple Mrs. Mary A. Stannard of Trenton pa. -„ of wef ha at CafiHter I be guest of her daugh- last Thursday and Friday at the residence ter, Mrs. W. J. Lingdon. stock of Garments. Our modern de- of her brother, Godfrey Sharps. • -•'-•• Mibn LilHiii Funk waa thu ttutn\. uf Mr. 1. BAMBERGER & CO., NEWARK, N. Mrs. Hntnilton Bowlby i3on thoslcb lift. and Mrs. Harvey E. Cope at Stanhope on partment not only contains EVERY- Friday. JoBeph Frltta, who liaB put (n a naw pnL of gates at the mill dim and recently fin- We are glad to see K»v, D. Sma)ley about ished repairing the dam, hus nude some again. Ha has baenaufl jrlug with grip. ,.,THING in CLOAKS, SUITS and improvements about the residence of our Miss Florence Brown entertained two of miller, J. S. Wlaeburn. A new roof nan her classmates from HackJttatown Thanka- Furs for Ladies and Children, but a been pot on the barn and new steps added to the residence. ,. Commlssloaers of Appeal met here on host of Ready- to-Wear Garments of all • Itev. J. H. Euglot aod f«iiiily «uu -l^-.. atisfaction, or Your Money Back. Sarah Cramer will move from [mlaydale Mr.Meelter of O.'anga Is visiting Eov. GREAT BARGAINS to Clinton Hbout December lit. We regret and Mrs. Pimm. ..-,; kinds. Silk Waists, Wool ••'Waists, that such excellent neighbors are to leave This has been our motto for the last twenty-eight years. You take no risk, thciocplity, and wish tbem success ID their B. R. Tlosman was the guest of his par- v for we cheerfully refund your-money if you prefer it to the goods. It's our i, -'W location. ' enta.Thanks^lving. '••?£/ White Wains, Cotton Waists, Silk intention to give the greatest ipossible value for every dollar we take from Frank Anderson and Miss Nellie Daoley you. We are able to give greater values than others, because we buy in of Rockportwere marriea"at the Methodist Skirts, Mohair Skirts, Sateen Skirts, larger quantities for cash and watch our expense account carefully. parsonage last Wednesday. A number of [Continued from page C] their young; friends a united them at the Flannelette Skirts, Wrappers of all MONTE T T T ^ T M O\Y7 we on^r several articles at special price-''. The funeral services of the late Rev, Btore and when they made their appear- Oharlea Laltlew wero held in the M. E. ance pelted them with rice and old shoes. J U O . 1 IN \J W It will ppayy yyoou to buyy forr thee ffuturu e if yd l church on Wednesday morning. Among do nnt-newl fnr ImmfHintp ngp. Nathan Parks %nd Mrs. Absolem Purest : kinds, Rainproof Garments for Ladies the clergy who took part in the services are on the sick list. were Dra. Buttz, A. H. Tuttle, Geo. H. CARLO We would like you to inspect these goods, and remember we don't charge Whitney and J. G. Johnston. Charles Williver is working In New York. and Children, Infants' Long and Short you a cent extra for our long experience, and the fact that for so many years There will bs a comic entertainment In we have conducted not only a reliable pharmacy but a successful business, The presiding elder preached at the re- the Port Hurray school house on Friday ithe best proof of public appreciation. • vlval meeting ID the M. E. church Tues- evening, Dec 5;b. The program will con- Cloaks, Infants' Knit Jackets, etc., etc. day evening. sist of recitations, dialogue?, singing, and COATS Mrs. William Tratbeway and daughter the well known play, "The Bewitched are spending a week with relatives at Har- Closet." Mu-ic by the Z ibos. Following COUNTS DRUG STORE rlaon. & the entertainment there will ho a fishing -i.,-. in Tan, Castor.or Black. .. pond social;:-Proceeds"for'the tchool organ " Jv If. JjaSjiIIvSrFroprietor. RKAL KSTATK TRANSFERS. fund. List of real estate trantfera lodged for Visit Our Department for Anything and Everything record at the County Clerk's office since Nov. 15,1903 : Frank White and cousin" were guests of Good Kersey Goats, the former's grandmother, Airs. Rebecca E. J. Mackey and wlfa to W. J. Burd, in Ready-to-Wear Garments. M, D., of Belvldoro, dated Nov. 15, 1902, Sendersbot, Stturday and Sunday. FROM$8 50tJP. conveys property in Belvidero: consider- Mra. Elizabeth Shannon and Rranddaugb- ation, J=1 00 V> ~ tr of Belvldoro aro vfaitla^-lim.. (Juanes Cortrigot. iy?''- '' '••:""' Suits and Skirts at proportionately To Our Patrons, Greeting! Daniel VV. FTu'nm^rtrj Oilvln Parry of Mansfield, dated Nov. 11, 1902, conveys Mr. and Mrs. Reufc^n Runy.inapentS>m : land In Mansfield; consideration, {1,100. day with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Warr '•'*'' low prices. y, C. R. R, of N. J., to Enston & Amboy ren Wildrlck, In Washington, R R Oo., d^ted Nov. 20, 1903, convoys Undertaker Lyman Hlles and family have HOW ABOUT YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING? CHRIST- oved into-their now home vacated oy RUSH & Call and see our stock. land In Greenwfch; consideration, 5100. Centrnl R. R. of N. J., to Mrf-an & David Staple?, who moved to Belvidere. MAS BELLS WILL SOON BE RINGING MERRILY. HAVE Amboy R. R. Co., dated Nov. 20,1902, con- The friends of Mrs. Charles Cook are EASTON, PS/\. veys property lu Philllpjburg: consider- very sorry to. hour of her serious Illness. YOU SELECTED YOUR. GIFTS?-.«' :: :: !: :: •.-. ation, $1 00. Wo hope she will soon regiln her usual H, BRENNER F. B. Miller and wife ot at. to Samuel J. health. Brokaw of B&lvldore. d.itud Nov. 4, 1902, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kinne7.are the UEHLEIN BLOCK. conveys lot in Lopatcong; consfderatlou, proud parents of a young daughter. If not, you cannot do better than visit our expo- $120. Mr. and Mrs. George Devore nnd daugh- R. H. Macy t Co 's Attractions Are Their Low Prices. F. B. Miller, et ala. to Lizzie LIpoencott ter, Lillian, spent Sunday at Delaware. sition of all that is artistically choice in our line. of Phlllfpabure, datod Nov. 4, 1902, con- Several from this town took ndvantngo The selection displayed of •' veys lot In Lopatcong; consideration, $120. of the excursion from here to Hiaton Tueu- -THE NEW YORK WORLD Peter Paeget and wife to John H. Hafjer- day. The fare was 76 cents round trip. Thrlce-n-Week Edition. ''"••' ty of Phllllpabum, dated Nov. 13, 1902Th, e regular price is a dollar. conveys laud In W hi taker: consideration, Diamonds, $1.00. Steam Engineers' Union No, .68 will pre- The MoBt Widely Read News- W. Hi Wattnrs to Lovl M.,Allshoufie of sent to the Legislature a bill for the better paper in Apierica. Fine Watches, Pennsylvania/dated Oot. 15,^1902. conveys protection-of stationary engineers. The, Iftvay at 6th Are. ^*& 34th to 35th St. lots in Whltakor; conBideratl6i^$200 union wants all New Jersey engineers Wm. M. Davis and wife to PhllipOaborn ^NEW; YORK CITY. —~--iiniis has demonstrated that-the" Thrice-a- of Phillipsburg, dated Nov. 5,1902, conveys lioonsed,' to proteot them from UcBneed Week World stands alone in its class. Other land in Lipatcong; consideration, $00.-. engineers coming from' other States and papers have imitated Its form but not its 1 success. That is because it tills all the news Easton & Amboy R. R. Co,,toO.R, R. ;etllDg their positions. S all the time and tolls it impartially, whether of N. J., dated O;t. 21, 1902, conveys pro- that news be political or otherwise. It is in Cut Glass, perty In Eblllipaburg; consideration, $1.00. fact almost a daily at the price of a weekly Wm. Rspp to Wm. S. WolQngor of Ox- and you cannot afford to be without it. ford Furnace, dated Nov/20,1902, convoys Republican and Democrat alike can read 'Silverware,' laml in Oxford Furnace:-consideration, the Thrice-a-Week World with absolute con- ?700. i- . tts- • .. : fidence in its truth., A Startling SurnjVy"), Their New Store In addition to news, it publishes first-class and-Novelties Very few could beliovo in looking nt A. serial stories and other features suited to the T.Hoadley, a healthy .robust blacksmith of home and fireside. -•— has ir.uch to recommend it. !t is the best we ever TUden, Ind., that for too years he suffered The Thrice-a-Week World's regular sub- such tortures from Rheumatismiiis fow scription price is only Si.oo per year and this •.have shown, and you>know what we have done could euduro and live. But a wonderful pays for 156 papers ". in the past seven, years since we established the -••; change followed his taking Electric Bit- Wo offer this unequalled newspaper and ters. 'Two bottles wholly cured mo," bo writes, "and I havo'not folt a twingo in Thejttar together one year for $2.00. present greatly admired and foremost jewelry over a year," They regulato tho Kidneys, The Old Macy System at tile New Macy Store. The regular subscription price for the two store in JSJorthern New' Jersey. ,-There is wis- - purify trio blood and euro Rheumatism, papers Is Sa 5°yO ,<•» ''•//••. : m c ass !: Neuralgia, Nervousness, Improve digestion .1. .Address all orders to,.the STARWaSlilnKr. ..j.\' ^?. 1^'^H^P.R *!?*? ' 9{ fi9°i?s from reputable nnd'Civo pcrfcot:hca!th..^:Try.thom.:.Onls'. 1 1 50 eta. at F. N. Jenkins* Warren County dealer);, and t"hen ybLr'know^HGw~¥asily~reach-, i". "^ Drug Store ' O ' 1 able prices always are'at ,-, .•••• -. • j <, -. r.-.-^.'".,, J \YeGive;''No Discounts. %:,

;L8adin and Two men who said they resided In Phil- V\ A VS rWOlxI'Q- J Trustworthy Jeweler, Hpabura; and South Bethlehem hired a from now. until Christmas will Mo, Commissions. „ Hoinored Irom'Eftston.to A^JL^A V I L^^5\Jl>t O WASHINGTON, N. J. b'ortis and cerriago from^Harry A. Smith, be found a free game, amusing an Allentown liveryman, over n ,week ago, and instructive—50 different ^ Cheaper Th^ '*' ;. . 936 Washington Street, P; S.—Watch our show windows. Special Watch and snyiog they wanted to drive to Fullertou 1 ..;:. '. Diamond "displays every Saturday untiUXinasr "- and would relurn In five or six hours. Mr. L-kiridS."'..-. .- -••.:--:•..-•; •-:---.-..-.: V; ? .: ... ~--.T-.V- HOBOKEW N. J, ••' Get Lion Coffco and a Free Oame • -—• • • " ' • ^ ' ;•"; Smith \B Htltl awaiting the return of tho • AnvTOther ':i men with his property. •-o • at Your Grocers. •• fHE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, ^NOVEMBER 27.• 1902-

Commission to expend 9125,000 for the extension of the Stite Eoaee gronnde, that tho plan was volnntarlly aban- doned, after all Arrangements had been HORIUS COUNTY made for acquiring the land for tho ltl executive mansion. Ida thought that a majority of the SAVINGS BANK HUtlrtCUtl'TtONH rAVAlli-B IS ADVASCK. legislature will not favor an appropri- , Morrlstown, New Jersey. 1 YEAR, SI .60; 6 MOS..76c;3 MOS., 40c ation for the build log of a home ; Mw'UNT-HENRY W. MILLER, '•'-'•" '.'. ; :: fflUBEHS'I SINGIE COPIES, 5 CENTS. for the Governor, as the will of tho Vlce-PniliO(hT—AURELIUS B. HULL. people Is so adverse to It. They be- SitBtTAST ANQ THEAIUNER— H. T. HULL. fc EASTON.PA. ',..'• Democrat to Cuucu« Cull. lieve they would be condemned, re- In nccur.lnncu with tlie tiiluxKorerninic the gardlesa of party, should they favor a ASSETS, - - - - $2,506^66 25 This store would not be, what it pretends to be if it werev Dcmncmtlc jiHrty, iiilo(itfil Pii-ernbt-r Uth, 1807, Hie tifiiiucriitli: v»»lci> i>! ttie County scheme that doea not meet wlfi public LIABILITIES,;- •-* — 2,271,337.50^ not equippedjWith just the sort of merchandise that you buy ol \V»im-n will nxt-t nt die iil'ti-tf <>l liuliMntc theUm KfiiiTiil flection ,i>olln Is willing to face public criticism and nr>* aaA July of each year from the ( Hlinll remain »ftm utiill :t profiU of Ihc previous six months' busi- wln-ti vncli 1-:leetliiii 1H«t -- assume the responsibility of the passage ness, . • -: ' true value in buying is at all times the truest kind of economy.' me[iili> r of the Kxrruttrr Coni'i Itliv. of his pet scheme of State extravagance. ©HI'OSITS made on n-ail nloint to ttiem In lic opinion. , : Fresh lots to show you. As the the twwiu-i' »iC M iiir-Uritf inwl wltm-Mei! demand for these .-tylish Coats in- Very popular have these Flan-, liy ttit' Secretary'- nml ii.! gave checks, to dlll'jrotit farmers for thf Ills vote iiiul Muni' to receive tin- name IIIIWH IX KVIiltVTIlING :: :: ton Vflvets, Velvets, Body Brussels, Roxbury Brus- 1 ahull lie mink' fully mitlrilVtl thilt he t* on-amounts duo them. But Mr. Carter bad sels, Tapestry Brussels, Al[ thU i-teal-m no A. number of these cars were loaded wit*" Vi>lt this department on second floor.:. Flanellete Waists nine styks, 59c. afford to pay...... ronllm: in ilie riilt> unit rvatitatit" •* L'i»v .rii. I>o|iti1nr »torff. i-i-ti.tw nl a mei t —p'e< shipped by Mr. Carter, and whic French Flannel Waists at Si,40, $200 iilln- C -in nil tic' "• t>"li>n . inoujut wer«a«ftfly stortil ia tho l'iU«- 11 Fur Scarls trom Si.21; to 512.00.. , ijijandSs'oS.-"'.-. - ;•• • ' ' • ! loitlfl Hiwrober 1-4. t^'JT ir^ commission house when be sen' DGN'T FORGET Black Mercerized Walsts.llkesilk, J[ 00 Fur Boas from S6.75 to $12.00. it thu checks. Too "house" piid th Unit we tm» i'rt|k*tft«llv im'pnrvd to till pliywl- St tya up to Si.rjS. Children's Fur Sets trom $t.4o to $5.00. 'uilirSffittluii'l-'r thl» cull "1" •t fur fruit received but declined t I'lirtiT rt lone cxperlpiu'e iittiiHklllful IIIWIU'IIMIT e^ White Pique and Flannel Waists. 1 A Leader in the tiny, nji thoso for that caught Io tho j tm a viy itr.mtl ol nurcoii-tiintly fniTfiiwlnt: put MILLINERY. MILLINERY. . - "l"Ullir-ll"KlLtu\]t H. SMITH. ttsburg, tho consequence was considers iiiuiKf In tlilH.iiuil. In tiu-t. In t'Vt-ry uitior Clmlrninn IVmnerntU; Cuiimy Commute paper went to protest. ' Nothwlth nc. We tr\- to clvt- milUfiu'ilou Itpti.vH Warm Winter Underwear. Mere cheapness does not pay; Anbury, Nov. -J\, ll<0-\ •udlug that Mr. Carter had paid out t' H. nml tt will pay you to puri'liune nil you Cloak Department. There's brisk underwear stllin, there's no economy in it for buyer II. l-'OUP HKNIIV. St" mnt In ttn1 Uru^ 11 in1 at rmers nearly jS.OOO for apples, and 1 To introduce our new Cloak and Suit Department even now. A week's nipping fros or seller. Come to the Bee Hive Ito of protest ttlons that all would b would add much to that briskness lid in a few dayB, attachments wor we are offering one of the greatest values in Walking and pet the best for your money in With a new $11,000 bathroom in the Skirts we have ever sold. They are well made; M||- Why not anticipate a little an style and workmanship. Big values '.•; osficutive apartments in the State juedasalnst his personal property, an so acalnst apples bought and deliverc \ ton Cloth in three shades ot gray, also navy an'd choose now from the following: in this department. bouse, Governor Murphy's adminiatra- it not ,yet shipped. The situation w black; slitched and neatly strapped with hulton ttim- Men's heavv tleeced. Underwear, sin& _ tion should prove a clean one—at least ilieved of its embarrassing features, how mings. These skirts in the regul.tr way are sold at or double breasted, 30c and 40c. Blankets and Comfortables. "on the surface.—Newark News. \*er, in a few days, just us Mrs. Cart " S3.9S, but we are anxious to have you become more Men's natural and led wool Underwear. We think you will find it to your lid It would be. Tbo apples delay* acquainted with this popular Ready to-wear Depart- Ladies' heavy lUeced Underwear, at It is to be toped that the Governor nally reached the Plttabure commisBl( 25c,20c and 40c: \v interest-to visit the section devoted ouse and all protested check9 woro pal ment, and offer these skirts at $2.75 each.. Come to "comfortable" selling during the will Rnd batter material.of which to The in and see them. Take the elevator to the second Ladies' wool Underw eir, natural and red, make a Supreme Oourt Justice or Vice at -;c and i)8c. --.•;:-'• I next few'Jays. Values will pleas- floor, where you will see the finest and most comfort- •:• ~~~ antly surprise yuu. Chancellor than the once over-estlmat- Gift Season able Suit Department in this city. :. "Z^§ Bin line ol Children's Underueir in ^ edFost=r M. Voorheea. The newspaper JAUB&OBS' CLOAK DEPAHTME. _ , Heeded and all wool, from i2}tne magnetic bargiilna to draw you there'. tiful and so practical as siaTttojpurcrraseDryG3odSiNdi 320-336 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. -~*3 1 . A persiatant advocate of tariff reviB- LhU week we place on sale one ofjthe 'one of Shoes. Your money's worth or your money back. ion 1B Rnpresentative Bibcock Of Wis-rreatest v.ilusa ia a Wilklo* Skirt we consin, chairman of the Republican oave ever sold. Tiie material \i Melton [n three shades of grey, navy and black, oimmoiis OongreBaional Committee. He is re leatly stitched and trimmed with button'. J. WARREN FITTS. ported to have sai