Clallam County Rare County list

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status

Abronia umbellata var. breviflora pink sand-verbena Sea shore Nyctaginaceae E SC Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge Agoseris elata tall agoseris tops Asteraceae S Arabis olympica Olympic Nuttall's rockcress R1 Astragalus australis var. olympicus Cotton's milk-vetch High elevation, talus slopes Fabaceae T SC W side (high elevation), E side Astragalus microcystis least bladdery milk-vetch gravelly to sandy areas Fabaceae S Boschniakia hookeri Vancouver ground-cone Forests near saltwater Orobanchaceae R1 Carex obtusata obtuse sedge High elevation Cyperaceae S Carex pauciflora few-flowered sedge Sphagnum bogs, acidic peat Cyperaceae S Carex pluriflora several-flowered sedge wetlands, prairies, streambanks Cyperaceae S Carex stylosa long-styled sedge wet meadows, wetlands, rock Cyperaceae S Ceratophyllum echinatum smooth hornwort Ceratophyllaceae R1 Cimicifuga elata var. elata tall bugbane forests Ranunculaceae S SC

Claytonia multiscapa ssp. pacifica Pacific lanceleaved springbeauty Portulacaceae T rock bluffs, gravel sand along tidal Cochlearia groenlandica scurvygrass plains Brassicaceae S Coptis aspleniifolia spleenwort-leaved goldthread Forests, riparian areas Ranunculaceae S

Coptis trifolia threeleaf goldthread bog, acidic soils, cool moist areas Ranunculaceae T Draba cana lance-leaved draba high elevation Brassicaceae S

Draba lonchocarpa var. vestita lance-fruited draba high elevation Brassicaceae R1 Draba longipes long-stalked draba high elevation Brassicaceae T Clallam County Rare Plants County list

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Dryas drummondii var. drummondii yellow mountain-avens steep rocky dry clifts Rosaceae S Erigeron aliceae Alice's fleabane sub alpine zone,moist Asteraceae S Erythronium quinaultense Quinault fawn-lily rock ledges, openings in forests Liliaceae T Erythronium revolutum pink fawn-lily moist, swampy forest openings Liliaceae S Gentiana douglasiana swamp gentian wet meadows, wetlands, forests Gentianaceae S Hedysarum occidentale var. occidentale western sweetvetch high elevation Fabaceae S Lobelia dortmanna water lobelia aquatic Campanulaceae T Lycopodiella inundata bog clubmoss wetlands Lycopodiaceae S Microseris borealis northern microseris wetlands Asteraceae S Montia diffusa branching montia Douglas-fir forests Portulacaceae S meadows, moist forests, dry open Oxalis suksdorfii western yellow oxalis areas Oxalidaceae T

Oxytropis borealis var. viscida sticky crazyweed high elevation Fabaceae S

Oxytropis campestris var. cusickii slender crazyweed Fabaceae R1 prairies, mt meadows, gravelly flood plains, dry south facing rock Oxytropis campestris var. gracilis slender crazyweed outcrops Fabaceae S Plantago macrocarpa plantain wetlands Plantaginaceae S

Poa laxiflora loose-flowered bluegrass Moist woods to rocky open slopes Poaceae S woody thickets, moist forests, prairie, Polemonium carneum great polemonium fencelines Polemoniaceae T

5300+ ft elevation, moist meadows, Potentilla breweri Brewer's cinquefoil streambanks, open exposed slopes Rosaceae T Clallam County Rare Plants County list

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Sanguisorba menziesii Menzies' burnet wetlands, bogs, streams Rosaceae T Saxifraga hyperborea pygmy saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae S Saxifraga tischii Tisch's saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae R1 Silene scouleri ssp. scouleri Scouler's catchfly Caryophyllaceae S Sparganium fluctuans floating bur-reed wetlands Sparganiaceae T aquatica var. Shallow water of lakes, ponds, americana water awlwort streambanks Brassicaceae R1 Synthyris pinnatifida var. lanuginosa cut-leaf synthyris high elevation Scrophulariaceae T Utricularia intermedia flat-leaved bladderwort wetlands, aquatic Lentibulariaceae S Viola renifolia kidney-leaf white violet coniferous forest to high elevation Violaceae S on south facing openings in Whipplea modesta Yerba de Selva conferious forests Hydrangeaceae R1 Clallam County Rare Plants Wetlands, Riparian

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Carex pauciflora few-flowered sedge Sphagnum bogs, acidic peat Cyperaceae S Carex pluriflora several-flowered sedge wetlands, prairies, streambanks Cyperaceae S Carex stylosa long-styled sedge wet meadows, wetlands, rock Cyperaceae S Coptis aspleniifolia spleenwort-leaved goldthread Forests, riparian areas Ranunculaceae S

Coptis trifolia threeleaf goldthread bog, acidic soils, cool moist areas Ranunculaceae T Erythronium revolutum pink fawn-lily moist, swampy forest openings Liliaceae S Gentiana douglasiana swamp gentian wet meadows, wetlands, forests Gentianaceae S Lobelia dortmanna water lobelia aquatic Campanulaceae T Lycopodiella inundata bog clubmoss wetlands Lycopodiaceae S Microseris borealis northern microseris wetlands Asteraceae S Plantago macrocarpa Alaska plantain wetlands Plantaginaceae S Sanguisorba menziesii Menzies' burnet wetlands, bogs, streams Rosaceae T Sparganium fluctuans floating bur-reed wetlands Sparganiaceae T Shallow water of lakes, ponds, Subularia aquatica var. americana water awlwort streambanks Brassicaceae R1 Utricularia intermedia flat-leaved bladderwort wetlands, aquatic Lentibulariaceae S Clallam County Rare Plants Forests, Meadows

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status

Agoseris elata tall agoseris Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge tops Asteraceae S Boschniakia hookeri Vancouver ground-cone Forests near saltwater Orobanchaceae R1 Carex pluriflora several-flowered sedge wetlands, prairies, streambanks Cyperaceae S Cimicifuga elata var. elata tall bugbane forests Ranunculaceae S SC Coptis aspleniifolia spleenwort-leaved goldthread Forests, riparian areas Ranunculaceae S Erythronium quinaultense Quinault fawn-lily rock ledges, openings in forests Liliaceae T Erythronium revolutum pink fawn-lily moist, swampy forest openings Liliaceae S Gentiana douglasiana swamp gentian wet meadows, wetlands, forests Gentianaceae S Montia diffusa branching montia Douglas-fir forests Portulacaceae S

Oxalis suksdorfii western yellow oxalis meadows, moist forests, dry open areas Oxalidaceae T

prairies, mt meadows, gravelly flood plains, Oxytropis campestris var. gracilis slender crazyweed dry south facing rock outcrops Fabaceae S

Poa laxiflora loose-flowered bluegrass Moist woods to rocky open slopes Poaceae S woody thickets, moist forests, prairie, Polemonium carneum great polemonium fencelines Polemoniaceae T Viola renifolia kidney-leaf white violet coniferous forest to high elevation Violaceae S on south facing openings in conferious Whipplea modesta Yerba de Selva forests Hydrangeaceae R1 Clallam County Rare Plants Rocky Slopes or Gravelly, Sandy Areas

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status

Abronia umbellata var. breviflora pink sand-verbena Sea shore Nyctaginaceae E SC

Agoseris elata tall agoseris Meadows, open woods, rocky ridge tops Asteraceae S

Astragalus australis var. olympicus Cotton's milk-vetch High elevation, talus slopes Fabaceae T SC Carex stylosa long-styled sedge wet meadows, wetlands, rock Cyperaceae S

Cochlearia groenlandica scurvygrass rock bluffs, gravel sand along tidal plains Brassicaceae S Dryas drummondii var. drummondii yellow mountain-avens steep rocky dry clifts Rosaceae S Erythronium quinaultense Quinault fawn-lily rock ledges, openings in forests Liliaceae T

prairies, mt meadows, gravelly flood plains, Oxytropis campestris var. gracilis slender crazyweed dry south facing rock outcrops Fabaceae S

Poa laxiflora loose-flowered bluegrass Moist woods to rocky open slopes Poaceae S Clallam County Rare Plants High Elevation

Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status

Astragalus australis var. olympicus Cotton's milk-vetch High elevation, talus slopes Fabaceae T SC W side (high elevation), E side gravelly to Astragalus microcystis least bladdery milk-vetch sandy areas Fabaceae S Carex obtusata obtuse sedge High elevation Cyperaceae S Draba cana lance-leaved draba high elevation Brassicaceae S

Draba lonchocarpa var. vestita lance-fruited draba high elevation Brassicaceae R1 Draba longipes long-stalked draba high elevation Brassicaceae T Erigeron aliceae Alice's fleabane sub alpine zone,moist Asteraceae S Hedysarum occidentale var. occidentale western sweetvetch high elevation Fabaceae S

Oxytropis borealis var. viscida sticky crazyweed high elevation Fabaceae S

5300+ ft elevation, moist meadows, Potentilla breweri Brewer's cinquefoil streambanks, open exposed slopes Rosaceae T Saxifraga hyperborea pygmy saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae S Saxifraga tischii Tisch's saxifrage high elevation Saxifragaceae R1 Synthyris pinnatifida var. lanuginosa cut-leaf synthyris high elevation Scrophulariaceae T Viola renifolia kidney-leaf white violet coniferous forest to high elevation Violaceae S Rare Status Codes

State Status State Status of plant species is determined by the Natural Heritage Program. Factors considered include abundance, occurrence patterns, vulnerability, threats, existing protection, and taxonimic distinctness.

E = Endangered. In danger of becoming extinct or extripated from Washington. T = Threatened. Likely to become endangered within the near future in WA if the factors contributin to pop decline or habitat loss continue. S = Sensitive. Vulnerable or declining and could become endangered or threatened in the state without active management or removal of threats X = Possibly extinct or Extirpated. Documented to have previously occurred within WA, but no longer thought to be present here. P1 = Priority 1. Rare nonvascular plant but with insufficient information to assign another rank. P2 = Priority 2. Nonvascular plant of concern but with insufficient information to assign another rank. R1 = Review group 1. Of potential concern but needs more field work to assign another rank. R2 = Review group 2. Of potential concern but with unresolved taxonomic questions. W = Watch. Species that are more abundant and/or less threatened in WA than previously thought, no longer a focus of conservation efforts.

Federal Status Federal Status under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (USESA) as published in the Federal Register. For complete definitions see

LE = Listed Endangered. The plant is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. LT = Listed Threatened. The plant is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. PE = Proposed Endangered. A plant that is proposed to be listed as endangered and is undergoing a review process. PT = Proposed Threatened. A plant that is proposed to be listed as threatened and is undergoing a review process. C = Candidate species. A plant for which FWS or NOAA Fisheries has on file sufficient information on biological vulnerability and threats to support a proposal to list as endangered or threatened. SC = Species of Concern. An informal term referring to a species that might be in need of conservation action. Such species receive no legal protection and use of the term does not necessarily imply that a species will eventually be proposed for listing. NL = Not listed. Used when two portions of a taxon have different federal status.

Washington Natural Heritage Program Washington Dept. of Natural Resources, PO Box 47014, Olympia, WA 98504-7014