Inte C Hoi, a Stic Leaguer
'.;::' .,:,,........:. ...*-.-«iWk^,.v.,.x^., INTE C HOI, A STIC LEAGUER VOL. XIV AUSTIN, TEXAS, MARCH, 1931 NO. 7 School Gets 90 Participation Improvised Tennis Courts 1922 'Meet Says One-year Transfer Rule LETTEK 5OX and In Its Local League Try-outs Will Work Beneficial Result PERSONAL ITEMS The Interest of Pupils Is Says 1-Year Transfer West Texas Man Favors Rule tO Secured by Proper Against Small School Ironclad Migratory r« 1 . i\ i Mrs. Virginia Newman, of Sher- Organization Graduation Delay man, offers helpful suggestions con (By F. T. Edwards, Clifton) Provision cerning revision of the spelling lists Having read the articles by both (By Supt. M. H. Duncan, Lubbock) and rules in a letter of February 16. (By ONE1TA CHERRY) Mr. Duncan and Mr. Norwood, and It Is Found That Football Play- She is pleased with the sub-junior list IN the Fairview schools, Thrift, also your editorial in the December HEN a football contestant ers Prefer Next Year's Eli this year saying .that it is "most ex issue of THE LEAGUER, I feel that.I " Texas, Interscholastic Lea W changes schools the super gibility to Diploma cellent." She is.also pleased with as would be unfair to the smaller schools intendent or principal of the signments to the State Adopted Spell- gue work is merged with the of the state, who need every prospec school from which he changes WE PUBLISH below a letter'from curriculum. C. R. Owen, super tive athlete who happens to move into intendent, advocates that in ad their district, if I did not take a posi must' sign a certificate saying Superintendent Bonnet' 'Friz- tion unalterably opposed to the one- that, in his opinion, the contes zell, of Palestine, to the other Class A tljfRITES 0.
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