Happenings in January …

BROOKLANDS OXFORD Next meeting 2nd February followed by 2nd March Next Meeting: Monday 29th February, The Talk at the New Inn, Send, Surrey GU23 7EN House, Stanton St. John, 7.30pm. Brooklands Group Christmas dinner 0n 27th February at the Canadian Pavilion, Bisley SCANDINAVIAN Viking Run in Horsens is a positive alternative if EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT travel and weather are impossible. First Tuesday, every month. The Bull, Woolpit, 12 noon.. SOUTH COAST Wednesday, 17th February, 8.00 pm. Six Bells, EAST MIDLANDS Chiddingly. Next meeting Wednesday Feb 17th, 6pm till late, come and join us. SOUTH EAST Future meetings FAR FAR SOUTH WEST Saturday 6th February – The Swan, Horndon-on- Feb 5th Black & White breakfast meet, Fox & The-Hill Hounds, Scorrier, 10.00am Wednesday 3rd February – Wednesday Irregulars Feb 9th. VSCC Group meeting, Hawkins Arms, Wednesday 17th February – Wednesday Irregulars Zelah, 7.30pm Wednesday 2nd March – Wednesday Irregulars Feb 18th MTWC Group meeting, Fox & Hounds, Saturday 5th March – The Swan, Horndon-on-The- Scorrier, 7.30pm. Hill Feb 21st. VMCC Run, Tesco, Wadebridge, 10.30am. SOUTH WEST FAR SOUTH WEST Meetings Summary Feb - March 2016 Next meeting:-The Westward Inn, Lee Mill, Third Sat 6th Feb 12:00 hrs, The Park Hotel GL12 8DR Tuesday of the month. lunch Tue 16th Feb 12:00 hrs, New Mill, GL12 8DR lunch HERTS, BEDS AND BUCKS. Sat 1st Mar 12:00 hrs, Hare and Hounds, EX10 3rd Wednesday, every month: Noon, The Swan, 0QQ lunch Northall, Beds. LU6 2EY. Next meeting Wednesday 17th February. WEST MIDLANDS Wednesday 27th January, Monthly Meeting. The LANCS and LAKES Clent Club 20:00 Thursday 18th February – group meeting at The Royal Wednesday, 10th February, Mid-month Meeting. Oak, Garstang 8pm (eating from 6.30) Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 Sat / Sun 7th & 8th May – opening run weekend visiting Wednesday, 24th February, Monthly Meeting. The the Yorkshire Dales Clent Club 20:00 Wednesday, 9th March, Mid-month Meeting. NORTH WEST Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 10 February, Wednesday lunch, 12.30 at the Crown Inn, Goostrey. YORKS, NOTTS and DERBY 26 February - Friday meeting at The Whipping Next meeting Stocks, A 50, Lower Peover. Again, should we 9th February - The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, J35, consider alternating with The Windmill? A629 Rotherham, 3rd left Scholes, Sat Nav S61 2RQ.

Cover Photo: Grahame Joseph

Contents: 3 Editorial Pontification 18 39 Scandinavian Run Adrian M-L’s Conrod 20 NEW MORGAN 40 CCM Resume /Big nuts (holes) 41 Nev’s Index and 5 Competition report 22 Gearbox Lug Answer 7 Nice Photos 23 42 New Members / F-Type 8 Drive Chains 24 Mogspares Corrections 25 S Coast Holly Run 44 Floggery/GPRLPND 10 OPENING RUN 26 UPE/Valence School 48 Page 48 14 Letters/postcards/emails Hillclimb 16 Exeter Trial Morgan 30 Group Reports 49 only visible to the ardent followers of Mrs Trellis

2 Vol. 71 February 2016 No. 2 THE BULLETIN

AFFILIATED TO THE ACU: NON - TERRITORIAL CLUB WEBSITE: www.mtwc.co.uk Editorial Welcome to the February magazine of the Its not often that the other Morgan gets a Best Single Marque Three Wheeler Club look in … Yes I know there are those focusing entirely on Morgans. “purists” who detest the four wheeled Plenty inside this month to enthuse you for cousins (I don’t .. I have three - so there) the forthcoming season … The Opening Run and many of the threewheeler members also for starters .. plus trips abroad, camping have a four wheeler in their garage. weekends for the real outdoor enthusiast, and On page 21 is a review of a new book by a smattering of articles to tempt you into the Andreas Hensing and Dagmar Otte This is garage beforehand. not the ordinary car On page 10, Eric Eadon history but a tour of has written an paean of the factory with the praise of the White Peaks, car being made, over the area of the Opening a period of seventeen Run - the prime event in days and profiling the the start of the season. factory staff Set in glorious country- intimately involved in side, the Opening Run now the process. There is provides an excellent the usual history at the opportunity to make a beginning with a fair weekend of the event. slice of threewheelers. Eric has certainly done Inevitably there is the area justice and must the odd error (who am encourage a record attend- I to offer criticism!). ance - DO NOT MISS!! For those of you who ‘It was a mistake to ask Dave* and content is superb enjoy European adventure, if he could . . ‘turn me up a bit?’ and a thoroughly there are notices of the He turned me down!’ enjoyable read and a Dutch and Scandinavian very worthy addition events and in UK a Vintage Rally and to the Morgan connoisseur’s library. Hillclimb “demonstration” at the Valence Dave Anscombe has written an article on School near Westerham in Kent and the a Morgan that entered the Exeter Trial, Ford second running of the Chateau Impney hill Expert Tony Birks describes Ford cylinder climb where Morgan ThreeWheelers feature. heads and Paul Jowitt relates his return to …. and don’t forget the 20th Grand Prix three wheeler driving. Retro at Le Puy Notre Dame - huge fun. Finally - *Late News* the Morgan Factory Instead of a the usual style of competition has announced a twelve million pound invest report this month, Pete Clews gives an intro- -ment in the production of electric Morgans duction to the sporting side of the Club - - a brave step into the future. This is fact and what to do to acquire a racing licence and not mole-searching rumour-mongering….see how to prepare your Morgan. This should the new M3W on page 20! Nick inspire more onto the track. * A reference to Dave Pittuck, Turner in Chief to the South Coast Group - allegedly

3 Connecting Rod Adrian Murray-Leslie It sounds like there has been a lot of the He has brought exceptional skills to the usual seasonal activity despite the rain, PR side, developing and nurturing relation- floods, coughs and colds. Thanks go to GOs ships with the Factory, with dealers and with and others who have made it all happen. I many individuals besides. He has brought a hope too that there is rebuilding activity level of professionalism to the presentation despite cold garages and workshops. Gary of the AGM that is unprecedented and above Caroline told me that he got so cold plotting all he has been an unfailingly warm and opening and closing times on various 60deg smiling presence wherever he has been. JAP camshafts that he had to give up because Thank you Richard, enjoy your break and I he was writing down some very strange hope that you will be back soon. things. Hypothermia is well known for I am hoping that on 7th February, the producing mental derangement. He was Committee will approve the development of claiming hypothermia anyway . . . a database on which to store and access In relation to cold garages, I have to previous AGM, EGM and Committee confess to a bit of what might be thought to decisions. This should go a long way to be decadence in that I have installed a central preventing us re-inventing the wheel by heating radiator in my mine. My excuse going back over old ground and worse, for being that I am doing a paint job on the example, unwittingly making decisions in Super Aero (or should it be Aero Super Committee that seek to change AGM Sports?) and I am told I need 20deg C for the decisions. paint to go off. The trouble with doing the Also I have asked Steve Uprichard to look paint is that everything has to come off and into setting up a Google Calendar on the the car has to come to pieces (well, I think it website. The idea is that Committee does) and that means no more excuses about members (including GOs of course) will sorting the difficult-to-reach bits. Anyway, I have permissions to insert events and the rest have the deadline of the Opening Run and of the Club will be able to see what is going new style Night Trial to meet so I aim to get on both on a local and national level. I realise it done well before that. that it may be a challenge for some As to Club business, Richard Atherton is Committee members and GOs who don’t use taking a break from Club activities due to computers, but it should be possible for them other pressures in his life, so we will need to find another member who will do it for someone to organise the AGM weekend this them (Eric, Heather, YND, please note!) year. Volunteers? However, the AGM weekend is far from all that Richard has done Adrian for the Club.

Enlarged 3-Speed wheel nut holes Jim Taylor

Goby Gobalian of New Jersey found Jim Taylor of California (and Panama) loose lug nuts on his rear Dunlop Magna mentioned that one could buy pre-shaped wheel and brought it up for discussion on inserts from a Ford Model T stockist. Late the Morgan Yahoo discussion group, Model Ts with welded wire wheels suffer the whereupon the common problem of same problem, and these inserts have been wallowed-out bolt holes came up. available for many years. “The bolt hole is Solutions ranged from welding formed correct for our Magna wheels and the inserts washers to the wheels to placing a machined seem to self-center and swage themselves plate over the hub to distribute the load into place when the wheel nuts are gradually across the wheel center. tightened. This has worked for me.” says Jim


Competition Report Pete Clews

I have always found the behaviour of human What you need. beings fascinating. Why would a man choose The Car to row across the Pacific Ocean single handed  A Morgan Three Wheeler. The cheapest or a woman fly an old biplane from England to way in is an F-Type but a Twin or a 5 Australia? The answer, like most human Speeder is perfectly acceptable! (This behaviour, is more complicated than it might choice may be biased.) appear. Often, like the mountain, it is because it is there or because of the rush of excitement  A Green Card for a pre-1953 Morgan or a when we are participating. Others find the Blue Card for a 5 Speeder from the challenge to do something first, or at all, the Eligibility Scrutineers whose address is in motivating factor. To yet others it is the sense the ‘Officials’ page of The Bulletin. This of self satisfaction or entertaining others but requires some form filling and an we all achieve gratification in some way from inspection of your car following which it what we do. will be placed in Standard, Touring Racing a Morgan Three Wheeler fits all of Modified or Racing Class. the above and more. If you own a Morgan The Clothing then the opportunity to go racing is, like the  A Crash Helmet with the latest ACU Gold mountain, there and you can race it very Sticker. These vary in price and quality but economically compared to other types of car beware of used ones as the helmet must racing. The rush of excitement more correctly have the sticker and be undamaged in any termed adrenalin is there every time you leave way. the assembly area and head for the start. The  A set of one piece motorcycle leathers. challenge awaits and what you do in terms of preparation, tuning, driver skills and the  A pair of good leather motorcycle gloves hunger to win determines whether you are a but make sure that you can operate the winner or are happy just to take part. controls of your Morgan in them. There are many forms of satisfaction in  A pair of Racing Boots which come above racing; finishing your first race, even at the your ankles. back of the field is a sense of satisfaction that  You will need an rigid identification tag is never repeated. Lapping a racetrack faster with your name and DOB on a breakable than you have ever done before or making a cord to fit comfortably around your neck. faster climb of a hill is a satisfaction that can be repeated over and over. You also gain  Keep all your kit together in a bag. satisfaction knowing you have entertained the The Racing Licence spectators when they clap as you finish and  You will need an annual Competition gather around your Morgan in the paddock Licence issued by the ACU. There is a asking what made it go so well. Racing a facility to buy a One Event Licence for a Morgan Three Wheeler makes you part of a Sprint or Hillclimb on the day of the Event. unique group who like Tracey Curtis Taylor  Before you apply for your licence you need are keeping part of history alive. Finally you to obtain a Unique Number from myself are giving something back to your club. which ensures to the ACU that you are a So you might ask where is this going, well current member of the MTWC. Contact me there are those who might be persuaded that by email or phone to obtain this.. racing a Morgan Three Wheeler is something they want to do and our esteemed Chairman a classroom suggested at the Sporting AGM that I included based assessment to ensure that you under- something in the Report to help those who stand the regulations and procedures of would like to race but were unsure of what this racing. You will also need to take a Basic entailed so I thought it wise to start with what Rider Assessment (BRA) to show that you you get from it before moving on to what you can control your Morgan on a Racetrack. need to do to take part. Both of these courses are arranged at various

5 venues across the country with a list  Make a checklist well before the event published on the ACU Website. covering the things you intend to take and When you have completed the courses you use it to make sure you have everything can apply for your Licence either online or by before you set off. downloading a form from the ACU web-site. Read the notes with the form carefully and  Don’t forget your Licence, Technical Card complete all parts you are required to. You and club membership card which you will will also need an Orange Vest so tick the box need when you sign on at the meeting. for this on your form. At the end of the form  Give yourself plenty of time to get to the you will find a box for your Unique Number. circuit. It is surprising the amount of time it Assuming everything is completed correctly takes to get sorted at the circuit. and you enclose any medical documents  Give yourself time to walk the circuit before required you should receive your Licence in a the event if you are allowed to so that you few days. get familiar with the corners and start. Preparing your car  Talk to more experienced racers. We are a  Our Technical Officials Phil Bridge and very friendly group and you will get lots of Dave Hodgson will be happy to give you support and help. advice on this and as these are the people  Get to the assembly area quickly when who will be checking it at each meeting called before you are allowed to race, contact them, let them know about the car and listen  Don’t forget your gloves and close your to their recommendations. visor when you leave the assembly area. You are off to start your race and experience  You will need to ensure that your car is in all the highs and lows of Morgan Three good mechanical/electrical condition before Wheeler Racing. you start preparing it for the track. Useful Contacts  If you have lights fitted you will need to ACU website: www.acu.org.uk tape them across with insulation tape. Technical Officials:  You will need to wire any plugs from which Dave Hodgson: oil can escape such as sump and gearbox. It [email protected] is also best to wire critical mounting points Phil Bridge: [email protected] such as the bolts holding the gearbox in Eligibility Scrutineer: Jonathan Garside place. This will vary dependent on your car email [email protected] so talk to the Technical Officials who will I do hope that is of help if you are thinking of help. joining the MTWC Sporting group and we will Getting ready for your first Race make you very welcome. If you have any  Read the Supplementary Regulations and questions or just want a chat about taking part any Final Instructions that arrive with your drop me an email. entry. [email protected]

...and Morgans

6 Some Jolly Photos Various

“Is this the real thing or just photoshopfanatasy?” From Facebook ...

An early Grand Prix sv JAP (editor’s favourite) Rick Harvey … last century (aren’t we all?)

Probably the youngest driver ever in a 5-Speeder, Owner Andrew Morison comment: “excellent” - see the report of the Training Day 2015 ….. This is one of the editor’s favourite photos!

7 Drive Chains Graham Chivrall Oil the chain regularly. because once teeth start pinging off the rear In the olden days you were supposed to sprocket (you can sometimes hear them) they take the chain off and boil it in grease but will soon all go. I used to use old engine oil you risked getting crumbs and bits of old for the chain, but now use chainsaw oil, bacon rind on it from the kitchen. This which is cheap enough and should cling well. practice survived until perhaps the 1970’s With the 2-speeder I have a pipe from the when we were supposed to boil the chains in JAP breather which blows oil mist around tins of Linklife, but I have not seen on sale both the front sprockets. for years. Check the chain tension every 200 miles or Always carry a spare chain and split link. so when you check the back wheel and tyre. Check the split link chain connector One inch (25mm) total up and down occasionally and don’t ever put one back if movement in the middle of the run at the the pins are loose in the plate. Fit the closed tightest point is the target. As the fork bosses end of the clip at the front as it goes round of and front sprocket are concentric on 3- course. (Doesn’t everybody know this?) If Speeders and the last 2-Speeders there is no you can hear a cyclic clicking as you pass need to allow for loading….brilliant. It will reflective things like walls and banks or in always be tight and easy though due to tunnels the chances are it’s a loose uneven wear or eccentric sprockets, set it at connecting link, loose pins, making the noise 25mm at the tightest point. and getting ready to fail. I’ve had this happen With 3-Speeders adjust the chain using the twice, the second time I noticed the noise and two adjusting screws and retain alignment by changed the link before it failed. counting the flats after/or by centralising the Morgans of course never fitted chain oilers, rim between the forks. This assumes a certain the barbarians, though HFS may have symmetry with the car, which you cannot considered the oozing grease from a 2-speed really rely on. Don’t forget to do up the bevel box to be adequate lubrication for the locknuts. I’m not certain that using laser chains. devices like Nev Lear does is in keeping with My chain oiler on the F4 feeds the lower run the “tradition”, too accurate and not difficult of the chain behind the front sprocket. It enough. needs checking and adjusting occasionally as When setting up the rear end try and get the the chain sometimes clouts it. The oiler chain sprockets in line with a straight edge, consists of a little pump oilcan with big holes you might find shims on the gearbox cross- in the reservoir submerged in and old shaft for this reason. Swarfega tin (which you can’t get any more) Two speeders are a lot more trouble in the bolted to the chassis. A flexible pipe goes to chain department. I think HFS originally the chain and the oilcan pump is worked by cleverly arranged the gearing so the car had cable activated by an old motorbike valve two chains the same length so you could lifter lever on the left of the drivers seat box. swap the top and bottom gear chains over to The gearbox breather can go into the chain even out the wear. Even if you can achieve oiler tin, it might do some good. Oil the this adjusting 2-Speeder chains is a chain often when you feel like it, more in the nightmarish compromise because the rain and when the chain gets noisy. Too swinging arm pivots and sprocket axis is not much oil coats the rear tyre and might cause coincident like it is on 3-Speeders (and the skids if it’s wet. It shouldn’t do much harm last 2-Speeders) and you are working with to the tyre, they don’t last long enough. two chains. Better too slack than too tight. Using this system, chains last for ages, they Sometimes you might need to use a cranked can get much much worse than the pundits link, best not to. claim before you need to replace them. Watch out though, don’t let it get too bad cont/….


With B-Types you can bash a piece of wood afford it). It’s a roller chain 19.05mm (3/4" in the gaps in the front ladder frame for slack inch) pitch Renold reference 110066. Never chains to rub on. I can just get a 19-tooth use chains with curled rollers, the rollers just sprocket on my narrow B-type bevel box. fall to bits. Watch out for metric chains that If you lose a chain in the road let it cool look the same. down before you pick it up, that’s if you can A properly lubricated chain in an oil bath find it. If you have a two speeder you can get chain case has an efficiency of 98.5% home with just one chain. In the very olden (implanted in my brain as a Renold Graduate days the racers used to have a weak link in Trainee). Few vehicle manufactures bother the bottom gear chain and deliberately snatch arrange proper chain lubrication, or use and snap it once under way so they could go proper chain transmission systems at all. faster. Some even use rubber bands to work We smug Morganists can point out that HFS camshafts so the vehicle is scrapped WHEN was using swinging arms 40 years before they fail. That’s why I found it so difficult to most of the motorcycle industry. choose a replacement “modern” car. Morgan chains are ¾” pitch. Use British Standard Renold chain (if you can get or

Regalia/The F4 “Gerald” Custodian Ross Herbert

The ‘Gerald’ F4 No news on the ‘Gerald’ this month, she is tucked up in the workshop. Regalia Matters January Sale! We have a number of fleeces, sweatshirts and t-shirts in stock so we have reduced prices for a limited period. Coaster TR11 £5

Sweatshirts in blue or green £12 (normally £17) Fleeces in blue or green £20 (normally £28) T-shirts in green £5 (normally £10) Remember: All clothing items are available in a range of colours by special order at the normal price. All prices ex.postage. Sizes are limited. Please email [email protected] Mug TR10 £5 for availability.

9 Take a Short Break in the White Peak Eric Eadon

I hope you know that this year’s Tissington Hall ‘Opening Run’ will be at ‘Crich Tramway Village’, Derbyshire on the 24th April. A bit further north than usual, so in order to make the journey worthwhile, why not take a couple of extra days to explore the area? Within the Peak District National Park the area is famous for its scenery, high limestone tors and deep valleys – perfect for a Morgan, hard work on foot but courtesy of the indus- trial revolution canals were built to transport coal and textiles which have level towpaths. (www.haddonhall.co.uk) which shows the The Cromford Canal, near Crich is ideal for a lifestyle of the ruling classes during the 16th short walk or, if you go on the right day, a and 17th century Tudor times. And, of course boat ride starting from Cromford Mill, the there is The Chatsworth Estate, house, gar- world’s first water powered spinning mill dens, farm yard, shops, garden centre and built by Richard Arkwright in 1771 parkland (www.chatsworth.org). The house (www.arkwrightsociety.org.uk). and Capability Brown designed gardens are very grand but entrance fees can be seen as Cromford Mill expensive but you can drive through the park on the B6012 with great views of the house and sometimes the deer herds for free. There are several internationally known small towns and country villages in the surrounding area with many a camp site, hostel, B&B, guest house, hostelry, right up to the grandest of hotels. Places such as Bakewell known for its puddings (www.bakewell.gov.uk), Mat- lock and Matlock Bath – Victorian spa town, Eyam, plague village, Castleton source of

Railways were also a feature, however in Matlock Bath the 1960s many of the branch lines were closed by Dr Beeching and have now been Blue John and Ashbourne. The cities of mainly converted into foot and cycle paths Sheffield, Nottingham and Derby offer high which use the embankments, bridges and street and shopping centre retail therapy, viaducts to make the best of the views (bikes theatres and extensive night life are also with- can be hired). in 20 miles of Crich. The area is well worth a The Monsal Trail incorporating Bakewell visit and there are plenty of things for all to and Tissington trail are both renowned. If justify extending your stay. social history and/or houses and gardens are Eric Eadon your thing there’s Tissington Hall and its P.S. If you think I am biased towards Derby- ‘tied village’ which is still administered from shire please note I am born, bred and still live ‘the big house’ but on slightly more demo- in God’s own county – Yorkshire ... cratic lines than in the past, or Haddon Hall

10 Opening Run Weekend: April 23rd – 24th 2016

Following consultations with YND members, our suggestion is that: Saturday 23rd April: A road-based navigation and problem solving event be held in time to finish no later than 11pm somewhere in the Peak District, start/finish within about 30 miles of the Opening Run site. Dave Hodgson has volunteered himself and Danny (not sure if Danny knows about this!) to run it.

Sunday 24th April: The Opening Run at Crich Tramway Museum DE4 5DP http:// www.tramway.co.uk

restoration workshop, “village” that includes The Red Lion pub and the cafe . There is a small adventure playground for children and a woodland walk. The deal would be that “Interesting” vehicles (not just Morgan Three- wheelers) can go in and the drivers go free. The passengers get an almost half price concession of £8 adult, £7 concession and £5 children. Those arriving in boring vehicles have to pay normal rates or £14, £11 and £8. Opening hours are 10am – 4.30pm. I haven’t negotiated the erection of a marquee. I don’t think there is any way of arranging a global payment like the one we had this year. The weekend takes place in one of the most scenic areas of the UK and for those who want to take advantage of other attractions there are Chatsworth House, Haddon Hall, Matlock, Bakewell, and further north, Eyam (the “Plague Village) and Castleton with its many caverns. How about a Saturday afternoon North/South cricket/rounders match? Hotels haven’t been researched, but that could come later if required. Adrian

The Pub/Café …. with a tram and an old car The Pub/Café …. with another tram


SAVE 25% ON CHATEAU IMPNEY HILL CLIMB TICKETS SATURDAY 9–SUNDAY 10 July 2016 Use promo code MTWC16 when buying online to save 25% – limited discounted tickets available! BUY TICKETS FROM www.chateauimpneyhillclimb.com

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Chateau Impney Hill Climb, Chateau Impney Hotel & Exhibition Centre, Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire WR9 0BN Applies to general admission tickets only. For full terms and conditions, visit www.chateauimpneyhillclimb.com

Morgan Motor Company RecognisedMorgan Three Motor Wheeler Company Specialist Recognised Three Wheeler Specialist ENGINES ENGINESJAP MATCHLESSJAP MATCHLESSRACING RACINGROAD REBUILDSROAD NEWREBUILDS BUILDS NEW BUILDS CHASSIS CHASSISBODIES REPAIRSBODIES RESTORATIONSREPAIRS RESTORATIONSSERVICING IMPROVEMENTSSERVICING IMPROVEMENTSUPGRADING UPGRADING The World’s most comprehensive in-house facility for TheThe World Morgan’s most Three comprehensive Wheeler Contactin-house the facility specialists for The Morgan Three Wheeler Situated onlyContact half a mile the from specialists the Morgan Factory, why not visit us. Situated only half a mile from the Morgan Factory, Unit 8 and 9 Howsellwhy not Industrial visit us. Estate, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1UJ CAMERON ENGINEERING AND MOTORSPORT Email: [email protected] Floor Warehouse Tel: 01684Unit 899084 8 Spring Mob: lane 07815 north 119 447 Or visit Malvern,or website Worcestershire, www.cameronracingengines.com WR14 1BU

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01684 899084 Mob: 07815 119 447 Or visit or website www.cameronracingengines.com

13 Letters, emails, postcards JAP Machining by email “Blue is NOT the Colour...” by email JAP crankcases were machined as a pair. In reply to Brian Watts letter entitled "Blue If one half needed to be matched, the JAP is the Colour..." I beg to differ as it certainly factory asked for the good half to make was not as quoted from the factory records them fit each other. that my 1937 Morgan Super Sports MX2 left Matchless crankcases were all to the same the factory originally in black as quoted: dimensions, so halves were interchangeable. Brief history so far: Matchless boasted about that and the front Hello Mr Weiner, of one of the magazines advertised the fact. I have searched our records which show In the 1930s times were very hard and that D1745 was originally built as a Super factories struggled to survive. My father Sports and dispatched from the factory 8th was qualified as a Mechanical Engineer and April 1937 to Whant & Son, Eye, Suffolk, Electrical Engineer. When I was born he England. The car was originally fitted with was glad to be Manager of a garage in an overhead valve air-cooled Matchless Wincanton. Brian Watts engine serial number MX2/669, Gearbox number 2483, and Body number 1239 and as a pair - with unmatched flywheels there finished in black. the mainshaft and crankpin centres … Ed.) Best wishes The wheel cover picture you added is of Martyn Webb one made as I described! You can see the Archivist outline of the disc. Aircraft panels were Morgan Motor Company often stretched into shape by this method. In the words of that other esteemed motor This one was made by Clarrie as a present for manufacturer Henry Ford who said to his Christine for her 1934 Family - you may well customers that: "Y ou can have any color you have helped with the fabrication Brian! … Ed want, as long as it's black". 2 Present Parky by telepathy Geoff Weiner I got two Christmas presents this year and Move Along Please ... by email both were from Eric Eadon ! I suppose This morning, my electronic dictionary before I go any further I should clarify the advised me that the word of the day is: situation in case anyone gets the wrong impression. At the spares fair in September and unbeknown to me my wife bought me Mogging: To move along gently, slowly the book by Eric, Morgan 3 Wheelers 1909- and steadily. 1952 and also the glass model with a 1910 Morgan Runabout inside. The detail of Keep up the good work Nick . . and here's which is amazing. to good health and contentedness to everyone I was so pleased with the informative throughout 2016. book and the quality of the model that I rang Regards John Evans Eric to tell him so. Of course we soon got COWLEY RESTORATIONS ALL ASPECTS OF RESTORATION WORK REPAIRS, SERVICING, MoT PREPARATION 4 Osmaston Lane End, Yeldersley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire DE6 1LS, UK [email protected] 01335 348718

14 on to talking about the Opening Run on 24th and original road reports so if required I can April in Derbyshire. He did such a good job produce one, with photographs of selling it to me that I promptly looked for However a resumé. accommodation in the area. As it is a tourist 1. Different chassis, see page 8 of my Ford spot the prices were quite high per night in Hand Book both Bakewell and Matlock so I looked a 2. Different Radiators, has been covered little further afield. I found a Premier Inn in before, see p 10 of my Ford Hand Book. Ripley, only 8 miles from Crich Tramway 3. Different bonnets, shape and louvers. Museum. The bargain price of £35 per night 4 .Different wings for a double / twin room and a pub on site led 5. Different brakes to me booking four rooms for two nights. 6 Different steering wheels. Friday 22nd and Saturday 23 rd So 8 South Tony Birks West Group members will be touring the From Mrs Trellis in North Wales... sights of the area and looking to sample the Dear Piers Moron Bakewell Tarts if possible. I must draw your attention to several errors As Eric says there is a wide range of places in The Bulletin of late. I know you take your to stay or see Premier Inn/Ripley on Google preparation work for it very seriously and to get a bargain deal. Ian Parkinson. that you spend hours in your bedroom trying F-Type Variations to get it all in between the covers and I don’t Regarding Dennis Plater's comments on page know how you manage to keep it up for so 11 of the December Bulletin: Unfortunately long. However, I retain my sense of humour, due time constraints including meeting your and if you ever do slip up it always gives me deadline, I cannot give a full write-up on the differences between the F Types. the giggles and makes me smile when I have a number of Morgan factory brochures you put it incorrectly and cont/..p 49

[email protected].


Many of you will know that Morgan Three- I recently stumbled upon a YouTube video showing an episode of during trials competition vehicles, notably the three which Tiff Needell was featured taking part “Classic” Motor Cycle Club trials: the in the 2015 Exeter Trial. (http:// Edinburgh, the Land’s End and the Exeter www.actc.org.uk/fifth-gear-do-the-exeter- HFS himself successfully entered these, and trial/). He apparently gained a very other trials, with his earliest vehicles (See the creditable Gold award on his first time out by excellent “Morgan Sweeps the Board by Jake completing the entire route without failing to Alderson and Dennis Rushton). climb any of the very challenging trials These demanding events provided very sections (possibly assisted by the 170bhp Mk effective publicity for the Morgan Motor Co. 1 Escort he was lent to drive). that their Part of the programme’s preamble showed vehicles not only had a good power to weight a very fleeting clip (at about 2min 40secs) of ratio but were very tough and the company’s a Mog hanging its tail round a hairpin bend advertisements for many years prominently on a trial, possibly in the early 1930s. featured recent trials successes. , Unfortunately, the severe nature of the I have managed to get a good enough screen- trials’ “Observed Sections” these days makes shot to identify the registration as YE 3202. participation in a Mog very arduous and only Note that the photo shows the “mobile a limited number of die-hards (notably ballast” in the passenger seat leaning out to Richard Hoskin) have attempted to maintain assist stability but the driver leaning the other the tradition. way intently watching the outside front However, I myself have been amazed at the severe punishment that such a seemingly wheel to avoid hitting the bank on his right. flimsy machine can absorb without breaking I am no Aero expert but I also notice that and completed five out of the six Exeter trials the headlight visible on the right hand cross- that I entered with my F-type (I abandoned the tube looks much larger than standard, sixth when the torque tube started coming possibly a useful modification on an event and which requires considerable night-time the whole car was bending in the middle. It driving, often on rough and/or muddy tracks. was still driveable but not happy!)


Bulletin but, unfortunately, the car hasn’t been known to the MTWC since then and may well no longer exist. If anyone has any more information on either the car or its owners, I am sure that the Registrar would be very interested to hear from you.

Thanks to the efficiency of successive Please note that the video is available on club Registrars and our Librarian, it has our excellent Club website been confirmed that this car was a 1927 http://www.mtwc.co.uk/2016/01/mcc-exeter- OHV JAP Aero and its owner in 1956 was trial-january-2016/ …. And if you have not a club member, J.W.M. Read of Fremantle yet signed up for the website - now is as Road, High Wycombe. Mr. Read was good an opportunity to discover the wealth of mentioned on Page 5 of the March 1958 information available …. Ed.


Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Cooper Stewart Replica speedometers Rebuilt speedometers Rebuilt speedometers Rebuilt speedometers for late M chassis and for Sports and Family for Super Sports for our Continental early three speeders models models members models 0-85 mph dial 0-70 mph dial 0-90 mph dial 0-130 kph dial

Speedometers are shipped postage paid within the UK, rest of world at cost.

New Speedometer Cables for three NEW speeder Sports and Super Sports Models Replica wiper motor driven by the front controls. off side wheel £60.00 plus shipping at £85.00 cost from the UK, $100 plus shipping at Cables are shipped from the USA at cost. cost from the USA.

Contact Brian Pollock at [email protected] Phone +1-206-228-1814 (8 hours behind GMT)

17 A Tale of Two Cylinder Heads Tony Birks A Tale of Two Ford Cylinder Heads, sorry at the front. It had a bracket bolted to it to Three. ...with apologies to Charles Dickens take the later Ford dynamo and an ‘L’ shaped followers. bracket bolted under the nuts on the head studs. Although the dynamo was 6 volts and with the Gerald Carr F4 cylinder head, I hope smaller, it allowed it to be pivoted in the the following may be of interest. Regarding ‘modern’ style to adjust the fan belt, with an the Ford E93A and ‘Y’ type engines fitted by Morgan to the F Types. Spigot mounted dynamos: The early engine cylinder heads had a small casting at the front, with a vertical hole and a had a pillar bolted to it, referred to as the Platform Head spigot, which had a flat machined along its length. The spigot went into the vertical hole and could be moved up or down to adjust the hole a cotter pin, with a nut, similar to the ones used on the old bicycle crank was pushed. The cotter pin mated with the flat on the spigot holding it in place while the nut was tightened. There were problems with this adjustable slot in the front bracket to take the arrangement, the nut could strip, or loosen locking nut and bolt. off and the spigot slide down or vibration The platform head is the most popular head from the belt, making the dynamo rock. used to be able to convert to take a 12 volt dynamo. The ‘L’ shaped bracket has to be moved back about ¼ inch, the holes have to be drag filed. The bracket on the platform casting has to be removed, so that the slot for adjusting the dynamo can be removed, the 12 volt dynamo is larger than the 6 volt. Tip: I obtained an adjustment ‘crescent’ off a more modern car, drilled a hole in the front bracket to take a nut and bolt so that the ‘crescent’ could be moved to align with the dynamos adjustment bolt when the fan belt is at the correct adjustment setting. Remember there are four nuts and bolts to tighten. I should mention with both types of cylinder head there are both 8 horsepower and 10 horsepower. The 12 volt dynamo conversions are the same. Platform mounted dynamos: Identifying the difference between the 8hp I am not sure when Ford changed to the and 10hp heads if fitted. It is easily done by next type of cylinder head, my 1948 F Super looking at the distributor mounting point. was fitted to a spigot type dynamo. My The 10hp head has a ‘V’ depression cast into father’s 1952 Ford Pop has the later type of it approximately ⅛ inch deep. The 8hp head cylinder head which is known as the platform is best described as flat without any head. The cylinder head has a platform cast depression.

18 previous Bulletins. The most common used for tuning is the ‘Aquaplane’ head and all other ‘Aquaplane’ accessories. I understand they are being remanufactured although second hand parts should be available. The ‘Alta’ head is a complete change to the valve system, the exhaust valves are left in the block as normal, the inlet valves are in the ‘Alta’ cylinder head and operated by

Compression ratios between a 10hp head and the 8hp head if fitted onto a 10hp engine: The standard 10hp head on a10hp engine with a copper asbestos gasket is 6·1:1. If the 8hp head is fitted on to the same engine with a copper asbestos gasket the ratio increases to7·6.1. I strongly recommend if you have to remove the cylinder head or want to fit a different one have it checked for flatness. If you are fitting the 8hp head or have fitted one you may find you have to retard the ignition slightly. The third cylinder head I have seen is 8hp rockers and push rods. This is known as inlet with no dynamo mounting cast on to it. The over exhaust, i.o.e. The ‘Alta’ conversions mounting is a single pressed steel plate to be are few and far between, I was offered one bolted under the cylinder head nuts with the many years ago but the seller lost interest dynamo mounted similar to the platform when I informed him it could be advertised in head. the Club Bulletin. If you are lucky enough to Different cylinder heads: find one, make sure all the parts are there and I have come across three types of different make sure it is for the Ford engine as ‘Alta’ heads which could be fitted to the Ford 10hp made a conversion for the Morris Minor. engine. It is a far far better thing I did, after having The ‘Silvertop’ this head was fitted to a my 8hp head skimmed and started using 97 number of F Types although it was porous octane petrol. and corroded and has been covered in

MERLIN ENGINEERING 01384 571936 Producers of the press-fit flywheel assemblies

with con-rods for 25 years Machinists of all castings for Morgan V-Twin Engines Available NOW Matchless MX2/4 Crankcases

19 The Latest Morgan News from the internet Morgan announces million dollar investment to prep factory for hybrid and EV manufacturing Morgan has announced that it will spend almost $12 million investing in hybrid and pure- electric powertrains and upgrade its current manufacturing facility to prepare for the new technology. The small Malvern-based British sportscar- maker also said it will team up with hybrid and pure-electric experts Potenza Technology, Delta Motorsports and the Advanced Propulsion Centre to fast-forward the development of its future ultra-low emission engines. The move to hybrid and pure-electric drivetrain technology, says Morgan, is compelled by a “jump in demand” for cleaner sports cars. Later this year Morgan will launch its very first pure-electric sports car based on the 3 Wheeler it recently launched in Australia. The electric 3 Wheeler concept unveiled at last year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed 100km/h in less than six seconds and have a came powered by a single rear-mounted top speed approaching 200km/h. 75kW electric motor, the new electric It’s not known whether Morgan plans to Morgan is said to weigh less than 450kg and begin re-engineering its current range of cars cover up to 250km between charges. with hybrid or pure electric powerplants or if Significantly quicker than the less powerful it plans to introduce a new stand-alone petrol 2.0-litre V-twin version, the new vehicle to showcase its new technology. electric 3 Wheeler is expected to sprint to Commenting on the new million dollar investment, Morgan’s MD, Steve Morris, said: “This is a very exciting project for us. We have been involved in the research and development of new propulsion techno- logy since the inception of the LifeCar project almost 10 years ago. We are now ready to develop the best hybrid and electric drivetrain solutions for production implementation before the end of the decade.”

20 The Latest Morgan Book Ivor Neight Just before Christmas but not in time for The manufacturing process of the Morgan review in the last issue, came the publication Motor Company is unique in these days of of yet another Morgan Book. But ...hold on a building by robot and computer controlled minute … just a quick look inside is enough the determine that this is not just another hand made by term-served craftsmen. generic type of marque history or factory Though almost as nod to modern 21st century visit … this has something more. The layout manufacture by the mass producers, Morgan is very attractive, there’s quite a bit of history is not averse to employing state-of-the-art and picture of threewheelers and this is a bit processes and ideas where beneficial yet special. Worth a little investigation… or without intruding on the “hand-made” ethos. maybe more … element as usual but what sets it apart is the emphasis on the characters and person- alities of the craftsmen making the car. The engaging text follows the process over the seventeen days of manufacture, supplementing the text with excellent images, in a modern style of layout which is easy on the eye. One element offends the writer - and this is very much a personal observation is that the block of text do not quite match the layout of the images - the photographs and layout sometimes appear to take precedence, with the result of widow lines - a few words or lines which carry on to the next page. As stated - this is a personal note with which many will not agree and consider inconsequential. As this review is written for consumption by the ThreeWheeler aficionado there must be mention of the early history that forms the introduction to the main subject. But first the Prologue, wherein Hensing From a small publishing house in Germany describes how, when he put his proposal the Hanseatischer Buchverlag comes this very Morgan MD, Steve Morris “it took him less readable book by Andreas Hensing and than five minutes to grant his approval”. Dagmar Otte. Not the first from this team, as Hardly surprising. the level of expertise and professionalism in Morgan family history and the development production immediately stands out, Hensing of the threewheeler fills 17 pages, with evidently knows what makes a book worth plenty of illustration. The fourwheeler covers selecting … and buying. another 17 pages with 2 pages on the M3W. Andreas Hensing was born in Hamburg in Overall impression a fascinating and 1954 started his professional career as a intimate insight into the manufacture with a Naval Officer and during this time studied brief biography of each individual craftsman. social science and HR-Management at the The reviews on Amazon are 5-star and well Federal Armed Forces University in deserved. Although concentrating on the Hamburg. He has long been a Morgan fourwheeler it is an enjoyable read and enthusiast and a regular poster on Facebook. should be on your bookshelf.


“Space is filling up and we need your reservations pronto!” It is disappointing that of the 162 Morgans Come and join us this year by booking your booked to come to All Morgans Day on 3rd place with Derek and Carolyn Wright July at Blenheim Palace so far, only TWO at :[email protected] ...... are Three Wheelers. https://www.facebook.com/allmorgansday/


Round Date Venue Club Event 1 April 9th/10th Mallory Park BHR Circuit Race

2 April 16th/17th Loton Park H&DLCC Speed Hill Climb th 3 May 5 VSCC Circuit Race 4 May 6th Darley Moor BHR Circuit Race th 5 June 5 Curborough MTWC Twisty Sprint 6 June 25th/26th BHR Circuit Race th th 7 August 28 /29 Mallory Park BHR Circuit Race 8 September Cadwell Park BHR Circuit Race 24th/25th

All meeting dates are subject to confirmation The best 6 scores out of the 8 rounds are to count towards both the Championship and the Catalogue Engine Trophy awards Points are scored on the basis of: 1st place = 10 points and in descending order to 10th place = 1 point Please note that at a two day meeting the first race on the first day that includes Morgans will be the qualifying round unless otherwise specified If you would like to receive any information by e-mail please send your details to Jonathan Garside at [email protected]

22 This year we will be in the Southern parts of the province Friesland. The runs will be held on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th (Whit Sunday). One run is through the lake- district and the other run will bring us in old, little harbour city’s alongside the former Zuiderzee. We will travel mostly on small and quiet roads, have coffee and lunch now and then, and off again through rustic small towns and hamlets with three houses. There are places too, where you see nothing, but nature: lapwings and godwits, flying low over our threewheelers. We will make several stops: to see something inside a town, maybe to go into a museum, to eat and/or drink something and to meet each other. We have started our work for the days, but the fine tuning still has to be done and when it’s May we will be ready.

The most important thing is arranged: we have found a small hotel, which will be the epicentre for the sounds we produce. The hotel is a former stud- farm, lies away from the road and has around 30 rooms plus enough space for our threewheelers and (on a field in the woods behind the hotel) for tow cars and trailers.

Huisterheide 7, 8521 NC Sint Nicolaasga email:[email protected]). We have arranged a fixed price for the days and they gave us 18 rooms in option TILL MARCH 15th. Later: on availability. Bookings must be made DIRECTLY to the hotel. Please use the code: MTWC. Arranged prices for the weekend: Euro 165 for one person and Euro 330 for two persons, for not too much space. When two persons want a bigger room (closed veranda) they have to ask and pay Euro 390. Included are: room, breakfast, dinner/ buffet on 3 evenings and tax. Extra nights: Euro 51 for one person and Euro 77 or 92 for two persons, for room, breakfast and tax. The hotel can charge you for no show: see www.khn.nl/uvh-en and look under Individuals. Please inform us too (by e-mail: privé@vdboonfb.nl) when you have booked, so we know what we have to do for further arrangements. We are looking forward to meet you!! Janny Hoekstra and Marten van der Boon

23 Charles Smith Mogspares Co-ordinator 01926 852228 [email protected] Three speeder gearbox bearings. Gary Caroline with Bob has the following in stock: Mike Guess’ help R137/147/149 Front, centre & rear bearing has been measuring set. Price £83.70 plus VAT. JAP LTOW/LTOWZ R155/156 Cross shaft bearing set. Price rocker boxes. Gary £76.95 plus VAT. sent me the Buying Mogspares items: following note: Ordering: You order spares from the “We know that appropriate Sales Officers, (see below), who keep setting the rocker to stocks of spares. (In general, items that are not valve angle correctly is key to avoiding JAP, Matchless or Ford are dealt with by the problems. When looking through my Transmission Sales Officer.) rocker box collection I checked 8 original Payment: When a Sales Officer sends your JAP castings (Ed. Since this note the order, he includes an invoice and remittance sample has been significantly increased), advice. Payment is due on receipt of items, and which I have owned for 40-50 years, and should be sent to the Mogspares Financial found a significant variation in the Administrator - not to the Sales Officer. mounting heights. The measurement from Payment can be made by: the face of the mounting pillar to centre 1. Cheque payable to "Mogspares" line of bearing varied from 0.865 inches to 2. BACS electronic transfer (internet or telephone 1.046 inches. This further illustrates the banking) directly into the account stated on the impossible task of providing one length of remittance form. Please state your name and the invoice number so that we can identify payment. valve to suit all and endorses the advice given that members must check geometry 3. PayPal. Please email the Administrator and you will then be sent an email requesting the on assembly.” payment. Due to bank charges there will be a surcharge of 5.5% plus VAT where applicable. (and other parts) were made to precise 4. Bank Card. Please contact the Administrator by dimensions but over time manufacturers telephone, email or letter giving card details and revise their designs for many different the invoice to be paid. Due to bank charges reasons (quality, performance, cost etc.). there is a 1.5% surcharge should payment be So no matter what part you are fitting to made by UK debit card, and 5.5% if made by your car you must check the geometry other cards plus VAT where applicable. of its fit. Administration: The Mogspares Co-ordinator manages the Mogspares system and arranges the ordering of new spares and ‘may’ be contacted about problems and queries.

JAP sales Andrew Morison, Tursiops Cottage, Durford Wood, 01730 890 199 Petersfield, Hants GU31 5AW [email protected] Matchless sales Roger Orford, Nethergreen Farm, Ridgeway Cross, Tel/fax 01886 880 387 Malvern, Worcs WR13 5JS (Mobile 07969 950015) [email protected] Transmission sales Bob Derricott, The Laurels, Langley Road, Lower Penn, 01902 762 017 South Staffordshire WV4 4XX [email protected] Ford sales Dave Young, The Garden Cottage, West Cross, 01580 766637 Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6JL [email protected] Financial David Harman, Rufus Oak, The Vauld, Marden, 01568 797041 Administrator Herefordshire, HR1 3HA [email protected]

24 “I could tell you were getting tired when Following a delicious and reviving lunch you swore at that woman on the horse” was for twenty-eight in the very grand Council Mrs. C.’s rather blunt commentary on my Chamber your correspondent, with all-too- behaviour that day as we “sped” home from predictable delusions of grandeur, said a few Lewes in the failing late-afternoon light after words from the raised dais and presented the a memorable Holly Run on 13th December. Holly Trophy, awarded for the furthest In my own mitigation, eighty-four miles of distance driven from home, to Andy Brown. quite tricky terrain - peppered with unpredictable livestock and their keepers - in a car with direct steering and no front -wheel brakes would severely test any Morganiste’s stamina and good manners. During the morning ten MTWs, two 4/4s and a TR3a had collected in the centre of Lewes, departure being time- tabled for 11.30. A Morgan exodus is always impressive and this was a particularly pleasing one as the cavalcade thundered up the ancient high-street amid wild, hopefully supportive, gesticulation from bystanders. Fiona Courage had planned a tough route taking us in a great South Coast GF (Grand Fromage) Stephen Clark northward loop across Ashdown Forest ministering to the assemblage … he’s the one in the middle and back, cleverly avoiding all but the shortest stretches of main road and including Andy’s embarrassment at winning for the some gorgeous scenery, corrugated lanes, third year in succession was entirely fords and - for those of us with vestigial misplaced; having risen at 4.30 that morning brakes - death-defying hills. After two to catch the ferry to Portsmouth, he deserved hours’ driving over forty-four bladder- a medal. distending miles there was something of a Then we toured the historic and labyrin- rush to locate the civic plumbing once the thine building. The mayor’s private sitting- cars were safely installed in the area reserved for us behind Lewes Town Hall – our club with the ceremonial grandeur, I imagine exclusive venue for the afternoon. of a masonic lodge. In a glass case at one end of the cavernous “Corn Exchange” stands a great copper lion – a nineteenth-century pub-sign rescued from the demolition of the White Lion in the 1930s. Recently, the missing tail was skilfully reconstructed - at long distance in Ottawa - by our very own baroque trumpet-smith, Bob Barclay. You can hardly see the join. Sincere thanks to Brian Courage and family and Fiona Garth for The much-trammelled travelledAndy Brown clutching the Holly putting on such an enjoyable day. Award for the greatest distance driven to the event, comparing the magnificence of his award to the paltry collection.

25 Used Parts Exchange David Browne PARTS WANTED FORD Passr side Dogear barrel (DB) ; passr side “Silvertop” cyl head 50° Rockerbox barrel (JS) ; 2 speeder steer- TRANSMISSION ing column (DG) ; pr JAP LTZ detachable Mix of gears F & Twin ; Coventry gearset heads (NT) ; 60°cb cam for O’ Shea assy with new cluster & input , all shafts ; selector (GC) ; 2 speeder brakeless front hub & pr forks & rods ; 3 speeder clutch cover assy, Lucas R510 headlamps (RO) ; pr sound MX release fork pivot brackets & several release barrels (IH) . If you can help with any of the plates ; 2 spd clutch cone & cross shafts Wanted items, take your pick from the Parts HUBS , DRUMS , BRAKES , WHEELS for Exchange, send me your Parts Wanted 2 spd front wheels – trailer spec ; new Wide list , have a parts credit or money. B rear hub spindle Thanks to : Austin Dance , Nev Lear , Dave STEERING & SUSPENSION Winbow , David Appleton , Graham Phil- New pr medium front springs & pr long F lips , Brian Watts & Eric Bayley for helping Super ones with spare ; trackrod & draglink with wanted items in the last two issues. ends ; pr good twin sliders PARTS FOR EXCHANGE INSTRUMENTS & ELECTRICAL JAP OHV & COMMON SV Vokes tubular vacuum w/s/w for spares ; Assortment of cams & camfols 50°& 60° Smiths rev count drive 1:1 , with adaptor JAP SV plate KTW barrels ; DTZ inlet manifold ; mix of CARBS & CONTROLS large & small port camfols Amal TT9 carb for spares ; type 29 clip fit MATCHLESS carb assy Mix of MX camfols & cam Valence School Vintage Car Show and Hillclimb

15 May 2016 the Friends of Valence School are staging our inaugural VINTAGE CAR SHOW including a DEMONSTRATION HILL CLIMB. In subsequent years the Hill Climb will be a timed event. We would be grateful if you would let your members and colleagues know about this Event in the hope that some may wish to attend. For full details go to www.friendsofvalence.com Valence School is a special day and residential school for children and young people aged 4 to 19 with physical disabilities and complex medical needs. We are the only State school of its kind in the UK. Our charity the Friends of Valence School RCN 275686 is raising funds for much needed specialised facilities

26 Officers of the Club President: Vacant Vice-Presidents: Rose Hoar, Laurie Weeks, Gary Caroline Directors of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club Ltd. Adrian Murray-Leslie, Steve Lister, Mike Guess

Chairman Adrian Murray-Leslie, Woodside House, New Road 01246 819021 Barlborough, Sheffield S43 4HY [email protected] Secretary Maria Parkinson 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277852 TA1 2ER [email protected] Treasurer Gerald Lawford, 10 Honeylight View, Abbey Meads. [email protected] Swindon, Wiltshire SN25 4XS 01793 702107 Membership Secretary Eric Bayley ) Bulletin Editor Nick Taylor ) See page 28 for details. Website Officer Steve Uprichard ) Joint Eligibility Jonathan Garside, 174 Victoria St, Newton, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 4AS Scrutineers [email protected] mob: 07979541223 0161 366 5015 Dave Hodgson, 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected] Competition Sec Pete Clews, 141 Stallington Road, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent 01782 396762 Staffs ST11 9PB mob: 07759 983993 [email protected] Registrar Steve Lister, West End Farm, West End, Elton, Matlock, 01629 650 933 Derbys. DE4 2BZ [email protected] Librarian Peter Thompson, Snapdragons, Gold Hill North, Chalfont St Peter, 01895 270422 Bucks SL9 9DS mob: 07711717741 [email protected] Regalia Secretary Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, 01886 884362 and F4 Custodian Whitbourne Worcs. WR6 5RF [email protected] Archivist Jake Alderson, 36 Stone Delf, Fulwood, Sheffield S10 3QX 0114 230 7197 Mogspares Charles Smith, 10 Elizabeth Way, Kenilworth. Warks. CV8 1QP 01926 852228 Coordinator [email protected] Mogspares Financial Dave Harman, Rufus Oak, The Vauld, Marden, 01568 797041 Administrator Herefordshire, HR1 3HA [email protected] JAP sales Andrew Morison, Tursiops Cottage, Durford Wood, Petersfield, Hants. GU31 5AW Phone: 01730 890199 Fax: 01730 890189 [email protected] Matchless sales Roger Orford, Nethergreen Farm, Ridgeway Cross, Tel/fax 01886 880 387 Malvern, Worcs WR13 5JS mob: 07969 950015) [email protected] Transmission sales Bob Derricott, The Laurels, Langley Road, Lower Penn, 01902 762 017 South Staffordshire WV4 4XX [email protected] Ford sales Dave Young, The Garden Cottage, West Cross, 01580 766637 Tenterden, Kent TN30 6JL [email protected] Used Parts David Browne, Gorse Farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, 01507 534 315 Exchange Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Technical Adviser Chris Booth , 65 High Street, Rolvenden, Cranbrook, 01580 241 234 2-speeders Kent TN17 4LP [email protected] Technical Adviser Bob Angell, Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, 01244 532 714 3-speeders Flintshire CH5 3BZ Technical Adviser Colin Harris 375 Amersham Road, Hazlemere, 01494 716 463 F-types Bucks HP15 7HR [email protected] Greg Bibby, The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, 0116 279 2129 (eves) Kibworth Beauchamp, Leics, LE8 0HJ Overseas Liason Bruce Campbell, 7 Bishops Close, Seaford, E Sussex, 01323 895512 BN25 2NW. [email protected] Event Liaison Ian Parkinson, 26 Hamilton Road, Taunton Somerset , 01823 277852 (non-committee post) TA1 2ER [email protected]

27 Contacts

Bulletin distribution Advertisements One-off Morgan-related small advertisements The Bulletin is distributed for the Club by the printers: Lavenham Press. in The Floggery are free for members. Details should be received by the 5th of the For queries regarding non-arrival previous month. Continuous free ads at the of your copy of the magazine, discretion of the editor. please contact: To submit an advert please contact: Doug Forbes Membership Secretary 2 Woods Batch Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Street Newquay, Somerset BA16 OBH Cornwall, TR7 3AH. 01458 841418 Tel: 01637 872618 [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Requests for commercial advertisements or Bulletin enclosures should be discussed with the Editor.

Subscriptions and membership records New membership forms, subscription renewals, and notification of changes of address and non-arrival of your Bulletin should be sent to the Membership Secretary Eric Bayley, 8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 3AH. Tel: 01637 872618 E-mail: [email protected]

Editorial Material Group Reports Material submitted for publication Group officers should submit their reports MUST reach the Editor before the 10th and dates of events and meetings, BEFORE day of the month preceding the date of the 10th day of the month preceding the issue, except when earlier delivery has date of issue, to the Assistant Editor been agreed or by contacting: with a copy to the Editor

Nick Taylor Doug Forbes Harts House 2 Woods Batch Gloucester Road Street Almondsbury SOMERSET BS32 4JB BA16 OBH 01454 617002 01458 841418 [email protected] [email protected]

Website Officer Back issues and the Index

Steve Uprichard Back issues of the Bulletin up to the year 5 Hall Drive 2010 can be read on the CDs advertised in Mottram-in-Longdendale, Regalia. Hyde,Cheshire, SK14 6LH Nev Lear‘s Index of Bulletin articles +44 (0)1457 762682 [email protected] is also included .

Articles and advertisements in The Bulletin are the copyright of the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club, and must not be reproduced either whole or in part without the written permission of the Editor. Views or opinions expressed in The Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Club Committee. Reference to products or services does not imply the endorsement of the Club or Mogspares.

28 Group Organisers/Contacts

Australia Terry Doyle, 94 Disraeli St, Kew 3101, Victoria, Australia 03 9853 1908 Brooklands Trevor Seymour, 1 Chequer Tree Close, Knaphill, 01483 480 388 Woking, Surrey GU21 2PB email: [email protected] East Anglia Pete Jones, Spring Cottage, Tucks Yard, Manea, 01354 680430 Cambs, PE15 0JE email, [email protected] East Anglia Mike Pilgrim, Little Orchard, Bredfield, Woodbridge 01394 382773 (Woolpit) Suffolk IP13 6AW E Midlands Malcolm Bull, 53 Macdonald Road, Wyken, 02476 444 282 Coventry CV2 5FE email: [email protected] Far SW Mike Goldring, Rohan Coombeshead Rd, Newton Abbot, 01626 353717 Devon, TQ121PY 0777 3884256 email: [email protected] Far Far SW Eric Bayley,8 Manewas Way, Newquay, Tel. 01637 872618 Cornwall.TR7 3AH email; [email protected] Herts, Beds Angus Tozer, 57 Beechcroft Way, Dunstable, Tel. 01582 606812 and Bucks Beds. LU6 1EE email; [email protected] Lancs Steve Hughes, 5 Chelmsford Walk, Leyland, Tel. 01772 453054 and Lakes Lancs. PR26 7AA email; [email protected] North West Mike Guess, 189 Chester Road, Grappenhall, 01925 262 264 Warrington, Cheshire WA4 2QB email: [email protected] Oxford Bob Cragg, 1 Manor Farm, Culham, Abingdon, 01235 532 565 Oxon OX14 4NP email: [email protected] Scandinavia Lennart Nilsson, Skogsvillan, Grytetorpsvägen 6, SE-647 51 Åkers Styckebruk, Sweden mob +46 (0)708 937603 email: [email protected] Scotland Dan Smith, 26a Quality Street, Edinburgh, 0131 312 8330 EH4 5BS 07713099010 South Coast Stephen Clark, Lower Sandhill House, Bodle St, 01435 830161 Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4QU. e-mail: [email protected] South East Dennis Plater, 5 Wakelin Chase, Ingatestone, 01277 352 867 Essex CM4 9HH South West Dick and Sue Fripp, Medway Cottage, Kent Street 01934 743378 Cheddar, Somerset BS27 3LG e-mail:[email protected] North America Duncan Charlton. 1121 Lower Elgin Rd, Elgin, Texas. 512 965 7583 USA 78621 e-mail: [email protected] W Midlands Dave Anscombe, 80 High Park Avenue, Wollaston, 01384 372 307 Stourbridge DY8 3NA email: [email protected] YND Dave Hodgson 74 Union Road, Low Moor, Bradford 01274 674381 BD12 0DF [email protected] CONTACT ONLY Germany Ulrich Middelanis. Westenzaeune 38, Kamen D-59174 Germany email [email protected] Italy Alessandro Natali. Via Prov. Lucchese, Pescia 003 905 724446 Pl 5107 Italy email [email protected] Space is reserved (hopefully) for additional volunteer organisers/contacts Maybe from Spain/Portugal or Japan

In accordance with the Club principles, no officer of the Club, nor the Club itself will enter into any mediation between any member and a commercial organisation over any dispute or complaint, even if the said organisation advertises in The Bulletin.

29 I have ensured there is enough accommodation Group Reports for all who wish to stay over and enjoy the BROOK LANDS ambience of the breakfast in the morning. We met up at Brooklands Museum New 365 words Trevor Seymour Years Day. I have never seen the Museum nd nd so crowded. They had pulled out all the Next meeting 2 February followed by 2 March at the New Inn, Send, Surrey GU23 7EN stops to invite a great variety of cars from Brooklands Group Christmas dinner: 27th February different ages. A great success for the at the Canadian Pavilion, Bisley. museum but no so for the visitors. Sadly the on-site facilities were simply over-run EAST ANGLIA with long queue for WCs drinks and food. The group's pre Christmas Bash, was a great I started going to Brooklands New Years success, held at The No1 Fish & Chip Day as the pubs where vintage cars Restaurant in Cromer. That’s the fine Victorian gathered were crowded. resort on top of Norfolk, (for people who don't By mid-day we gave up. A number of us get about). Panoramic views of the coast line left to find a pub for lunch. It was even and pier. We welcomed Maurice and Eileen difficult to get out through the press of Cook, occasional visitors to our meetings, from Classic Cars were still arriving. “The right the distant 'Broads'. He presented his new crowd without crowding” did not apply publication 'Electronics Simplified' to the this year. gentlemen, great Christmas reading for us While at Brooklands I spotted Geoff simpletons! (available from him, please Belcher a long term club member, once tel.01692 535399) very active on road and track. He still has Also nice to see Brian Finch (suffolk) and his Morgans and is still very enthusiastic Simon and Sylvia Rayfield (France) who are but life distractions intervened. I invited wintering back in sunny Norfolk. Later we him along to the January group meeting. promenaded and ended with tea, at the Old Life He was soon engrossed in conversation Boat Museum. (Oh I Do Like To Be Beside catching up with those he already knew The Seaside). and meeting others. He appeared delighted nd with the lively meeting and I hope he will lunch meet at The Bull, Litcham, on Jan 22 . become a regular. A calendar full of events being planned for later We have a growing number of regular 5- months. Hopefully a volunteer will arise speed owners at the meetings. Dave James to organise the traditional Spring Cauliflower- new red 5-speeder graced the car park Broccoli-Asparagus-Opening Run. Please give alongside my 3-speed Sports Family. It me a call? M. Josnes. Next group meeting, 3rd Tuesday of month. was noticed that throughout the evening 'Hare Arms' Stow Bardolph. 8 pm Gary was spotted out side staring at the 5- speeder. EAST ANGLIA – WOOLPIT It is always interesting to hear of all the A gloomy forecast saw only unremarkable different projects that are underway within tinware at our January lunch. Ken brought a the group, very health for the club. copy of the new 5-Speeders book, anxious not The Vintage Sports Car Club held their to embarrass the Christmas gift donor who driving tests at Brooklands during January. duplicated what he had already bought. It was This report was written before it took place quickly snapped up by an avid enthusiast for but I am sure the MTWC members such as pre-war twins, how odd. All expressed Gary Caroline and Andy Messent put on a condolences to Mike & Ann, who lost their good show. elder son to cancer during the Christmas I have sent out the booking forms for the holiday. Jeremy was progressing with his Brooklands Group Dinner which takes Aero’s transmission. Robert Cassidy, that place on the 27th February. If you have not highly respected precision engineer at Leiston, received it, phone or email me. I do not had straightened the bent prop-shaft for him, have a complete list of group habituals. and East Anglian Bearing Service were helpful in providing new bearings. As usual, cont/... 30 Graham accompanied Fireman Frank, who same night as our meeting, but near was affronted to find his sausages again Evesham. I have told them I would not be served up inadequately case-hardened. able to attend that meeting, but any members Martin had sent his apologies, needing to from further away, that could make our wait at home for a call to announce another meeting are welcome to join us. I have addition to his family. But Trevor came all invited both the MOC and MEC to our the way from Felixstowe, showing distance meetings before, including our Saturday need be no hurdle to attending these Lunch time meets, but none have come in the enjoyable meetings. Will you come next past, may be we will get some in the future. I month ? Raedwald” believe they were involved in our type of events in years gone by, so it would be good EAST MIDLANDS to see other trikes join us. It is good at our meetings to be able to but it chat about common interests beside just was good to see Ann and John back with us. Morgan, come and join us and find out about Chuck was telling us about his crack ... in the interests we all have as well as Morgans! his rear internal flywheel that is. Pat Bastock The month ended with a joint CCM and is sorting it out, as he is machining a new Mogspares meeting. It was good to hear how most of the club is moving along well, but for him, maybe the car will make it on to the most disappointing to hear that both road this year. Mogspares and Regalia will be making a substantial charge for people paying via being credit cards. I am a member of a lot of clubs made from a World War 2 V rocket case and none charge for the use of credit cards. A material, obtained when a V2 factory was few are so small they do not use the facility captured! News about his car is that he has but others, especially if selling parts, find it is now done some 80 miles since the engine such a quick and reliable method of getting was put back together, after the problems he the money in quickly, as apposed to normal had returning from the AGM, it appears that banking, I am sure that we have not been the camshaft driving the ignition cam had the using it to the full benefit of members, but spindle pressed into it and after it got warm then again if normal banking has been it was slipping. Rob had an oversize spindle thought to be better for the club, may be we pressed in, also having some cracks in the will see Mogspares prices become more competitive! crankcase welded while it was apart. st It will be good to see this lovely car out Next meeting Wednesday April 21 , by and about this season. After such a thorough which time I will be retired from paid work!! , (early I must add) the ignition system had been suspect, and has 641 been changed several time, so now he intends Malcolm D Bull to stay with the 2CV coil set up he borrowed January meeting Wednesday 20th, 6pm till late 29th to 31st July 2016 SILVERSTONE CLASSIC, from he, as while it is working he dose not book early, you will not be disappointed. want to change things, not a bad idea. We have had an invite to Woodford Halse FAR, FAR SOUTH WEST Parish Fete, on Saturday 10th July, it looks to Not too much happening down here in the be a good event and a little different to the Far Far South West, everyone hunkering normal rally. There is an entry charge but the down while our Cornish wild weather does it money is for the community, so maybe worth worst. Apart from our regular group meeting supporting. I passed round some forms but if at the Fox & Hounds in December, followed you are interested please contact me details. by a VMCC Christmas lunch and their end of I also mentioned that the MEC - of which year run, not a lot to report. I am a member, have asked me to be the Morgan-wise, the four speed gearbox conversion for the F2 is finally local rep, they have started a meeting, on the cont/...

31 completed and in the car, engine is out for a sat down to dine including the very welcome return of Roger Davis, Alan Goodwin's lady, for piston rings, go to Andy Bunt of Bridge Heather, and a couple rejoicing under the , title of Oily Pete and Marie, whom I seem to old-skool, highly recommended. Hopefully, I remember from somewhere! should have the Morgan back on the road to I had intended arriving on three wheels road test the gearbox by the month end. but ,struggling with a flu-like lurgi ,and given the inclement weather on the night, I Sweeps the Board" - what a great read, full surrendered to the advice of my family and came in the heated Saab. I shall attempt three wheels as part of my New Year resolution at 150 the next meeting. Eric Bayley. I wish all Club members and their families a Feb 5th: Black & White breakfast meet, Fox & very Happy New Year and look forward to a Hounds, Scorrier, 10.00am th Vintage 2016. Feb 9 : VSCC Group meeting, Hawkins Arms, Mike Goldring. Zelah, 7.30pm Next meeting: The Westward Inn, Lee Mill, Feb 18th: MTWC Group meeting, Fox & Hounds, Scorrier, 7.30pm. Third Tuesday of the month. Feb 21st: HERTS, BEDS AND BUCKS. WEST Did yer miss me? . . (See The Bulletin, Jan. As planned, the group Christmas lunch took 2016, page 32)... which goes to prove that place on the normal meeting night, and you should never make any aside remarks to having scoured the internet to review the anyone with a journalistic bent! ... Thanks local hostelries, I booked us in at the Nick! (But mainly have your 'copy' available Westward Inn, Lee Mill, where we used to at the requested time). I have however meet some years ago. Venues, particularly received a very supportive communication public houses, can "go downhill" over a from another G.O. who also suffers with period of time and this had led to us moving members who apparently don't read their about half a mile away to our Bulletins! Blow the Adverts – read All the present venue. Upon searching the very Group Reports – see how much everyone else is using their Mogs! recent reviews of the Westward Inn however, th I came upon several reflecting the same Christmas Lunch on 16 December was disappointment in the past but all another success thanks for coming! agreeing total satisfaction and lauding the Your scribe was away in both the North establishment on its superb menu and service East and South West over the festive season under the new Management .Suffice it to say but others were enthusiastically flying the the food and service exceeded our MTWC flag at local traditional events. Glynn expectation to the extent that a unanimous Chambers, Howard Andermahr and Richard decision was taken to return to the inn for our Bowerman were at The Boot at Sarratt on future meetings. Please note the change of Boxing Day which was 'heaving' with venue in the front of the Bulletin. Fourteen everything 'old vehicle', including two 1920's charabancs, but no vintage cycles this year. Ian and Marian Whitehead were seen with their Matchless Family which behaved well - starting on third swing at leaving time. An anonymous Aero with OHV Blackburne engine was also spotted. New Year's Day saw Glynn and Howard at the VMCC meet at The John Bunyan at Cole Green near Wheathampstead. This was also attended by Chris Hewitt who had energetically walked from his home in nearby Harpenden. cont/...

32 Where were you in your Mog this year? think it was the only day it didn’t rain in Thank you Brothers Fripp and all South December so they had a good run. We look West group members attending the New forward to their joining us at our group Year's Day Westonzoyland Pumping Station meetings. meet, for making myself and family By the time you read this we will also have members most welcome and ensuring my 11year old great nephew had a ride in so I hope that it will have been successful Richard's JAP Super Sports. and will report on that next time. Colin Harris ( F Type Technical Advisor) Plans are in place for our opening run is organising a visit to The Fawley Hill weekend to the Dales and we have booked all Railway near Henley-on-Thames on Sunday of the twelve rooms at the inn in Fearby, near 8th May 2016. This is a prestigious railway Masham, for our dinner and overnight stay site run by Sir William McAlpine (of civil on Saturday 7th May. Please get in touch engineering fame) and clubs attend by with us ASAP if you are planning to come on invitation only. Colin is hoping to field a the run and haven’t already confirmed this minimum of 15 Morgans of all flavours. with us as accommodation is very limited. More details to follow in The Bulletin and We will be able to arrange additional bed and direct contact with Colin whose details breakfast accommodation nearby if required appear on page 27 of The Bulletin. Also try but this needs to be done well in advance. 'Googling' Fawley Hill Railway it looks good December has been extremely busy for us with fun for all. with Morgan work including six gearbox The Rambling sub-section have petitioned rebuilds for Peter P (SS), Alan T (Sports me to say that they do still ramble locally. Family), Val H (F4), Ian H (Family), and Clare Tozer-Roodt has declared herself Barrie J (SS) so I hope that’s the last of those Group Secretary - Mmm we shall see - I've for a while! heard helpful grown-up daughters can be opinionated? State at your own peril Angus ...Ed Belated Seasonal Greetings to Everyone. road That’s all for now Folks! in time for our opening run. Ian has been 413 home for 4 weeks so has been busy painting Angus Tozer the new Family woodwork, ably assisted by 3rd Wednesday, every month: Noon, Verity for a few days. I wonder if anyone The Swan, Northall, Beds. LU6 2EY. th else does bodywork in the conservatory? Next meeting Wednesday 17 February. (much more pleasant than the garage at this LANCS AND LAKES time of year!). As the days begin to lengthen again slowly Both Peter and Ian are finally assembling we are looking forward to the new season’s their chassis with newly rebuilt gearboxes events which will soon be upon us and hope- and engines and can at last see some real fully it will have stopped raining by then! progress with their cars after much trouble It has certainly been an exceptionally wet but and heartache. Keep up the good work chaps! mild end to 2015 and start to the new year Mike Smith (Colne) has now got the engine thus far. starting “on the button” on his Matchless Our New Year lunch meeting at the Calf’s Sports and he has been working hard trying Head was very well supported with 32 to restore some stopping power to the front members attending including most of the F- brakes (Morris Minor), so perhaps we may type racing contingent from the other side of also see that car back on the road sometime the big hill (Yorkshire) and everyone seemed this year. Santa brought Bryan a rebuilt to have enjoyed it. We were very pleased to 100E distributor for his F4 so that should have 2 potential new members join us on the continue to serve him well this year. day (Phil and Claire Bleazey from Lancaster) Deryck’s JAP is back up and running well and they put us all to shame by being the again but needs a little more attention from only ones turning up in a three wheeler. I the satanic mechanics to cure an cont/...

33 ignition related misfire before the start of the up several small holes in the exhaust pipe, season. new rubber support mount and touch up Finally, congratulations to Freddie Frot on paint behind the exhaust. When I get time his well deserved retirement from full time plan to ring S & S to see if they have work at Christmas. He should now be able to experienced a similar problem. Would be give a little bit more time to rebuilding the interested if any member has had the same Darmont and the Amilcar in between all the experience.” planning and preparation work he is already Dale Barry of California, who suffered injury in a racing incident in his F2 last year, 594 says: “I will make some changes to BGO 8 Steve Hughes before I race it again - basically, move the Thursday 18th February – group meeting at The front wheels outward about 1½" on both Royal Oak, Garstang 8pm (eating from 6.30) th th sides and that should make it more stable“ Sat / Sun 7 & 8 May – opening run weekend Larry Ayers of California invites all visiting the Yorkshire Dales Morgan three wheeler enthusiasts to attend NORTH AMERICA. Goby Gobalian of New Jersey found MogWest, the annual gathering of Morgans in California. This year it will be held from loose lug nuts on his rear Dunlop Magna July 15 through 17th, perhaps in Cambria, as wheel and brought it up for discussion on the in recent years. Registration details will be Morgan Yahoo discussion group, whereupon announced here at a later date, so put it on the common problem of wallowed-out bolt your calendar now. If there is sufficient holes came up. Solutions ranged from interest, he plans to conduct daily tech welding formed washers to the wheels to placing a machined plate over the hub to sessions. Owning a running trike is not a requirement for attendance! distribute the load across the wheel center. I hope my fellow Morganauts can get their Jim Taylor of California (and Panama) trikes out in the weather soon (or make mentioned that one could buy pre-shaped progress on their restoration). inserts from a Ford Model T stockist. Late 458 Model Ts with welded wire wheels suffer the Duncan Charlton same problem, and these inserts have been available for many years. “The bolt hole is NORTH WEST correct for our Magna wheels and the inserts Inevitably things have been a bit quiet seem to self-center and swage themselves over the last month. The appeal of a cold into place when the lug nuts are gradually garage and workshop seem rather less than they did 50 or 60 years ago. Come to think of Graeme Addie of Georgia shared a recent it, 60 years ago I had neither and the Morgan experience with his 5-speeder. He was resided on my parents’ front path under a returning from a short jaunt to a coffee shop cover of war time barrage balloon fabric when the car started to fire on only one which was waterproof but not condensation cylinder. “As I only had about 1 mile to go I proof.. The diabolical weather obviously decided to try to get home. Big mistake on my deterred some travellers to the December part. Although it was not firing, the missing meet but we are expecting a bigger turnout cylinder turned fairly quickly into a Blow for the January one. At that meeting, and Torch. Apparently the fuel management running into February, we are expecting system keeps pumping fuel into the exhaust, feedback from members on the topic of and a section of exhaust pipe adjacent my doing away with the distinction between Full seat turned cherry red and started a small (owner) members and Associate members. fire in the overheated rubber mounts I am aware of strong feelings in both supporting the exhaust. directions and it is important that all opinions Initial problem was caused by spark plug are fed back fairly to the Club Committee. grommet unscrewing itself inside the rubber With Pete Clews’ sporting programme and other major Club events, the new year’s calendar is filling fast. One or two cont/...

34 ideas have been offered for more local outings and we are exploring these for earlier by Reginalines. That was expected by parking, feeding and other conveniences. the Danish members but now it is announced More news soon. on the website of Reginalines as well. Even if We are pleased to be able to report that it seemed hopeless we had of course a dream Wendy Rushton’s long haul back from her that it should be true. It is really crazy that shoulder op now seems to be well under way lack of communication makes life less although she is not yet up to winding up amusing in our time. But a Viking Run in Dennis’ 2-Speeder! Horsens is a positive alternative. 252 Looking forward to see you there Mike Guess 167 10th February, Wednesday lunch, 12.30 at the Lennart Nilsson Crown Inn, Goostrey. 26th February - Friday meeting at The Whipping SCOTLAND and NORTH EAST Stocks, A 50, Lower Peover. Again, should we Report at one remove this month - I am in a consider alternating with The Windmill? rather wet Auckland just now but have some OXFORD news of the group. We spent the New Year in wild, wet and Firstly, an account from Paul of the recom- windy Wales, so missed the New year's Eve missioning of his MX4 barrelback, which I meeting. However, we did go to a meeting of pass on verbatim. See p ?? the Cardigan Classic Car Club on the Sunday Otherwise, Keith Hayes reports that the morning which was great fun. According to flooding in Dumfriesshire has remodelled his Tony Tebby, the only Morgans at the garden and curtailed any Mog action, Abingdon Arms were his Plus 8 and the although he still has time to check for stone Darbyshires F Super, although there were chips underneath the treasured beast! about a dozen members present. Apparently Ron Spinks has been in contact and hopes Sants Claus gave Roger Hall a new battery to join in activities again in 2016 with his for the F-4, so hope to see the Morgan on the Super Sports. road again soon. Finally, with the invaluable help of Bob Brough (garage space) and Tom Rae is closed on Mondays, which is why the (trailering) I have the Mog back home, February meeting will be at the Talk House. shoehorned into the single garage again - a It's not an ideal alternative, but unless anyone small thing, but mine own. can suggest a better venue for the occasional 121 Monday meeting, it will have to do. Dan the Hopefully In Time ..yes ..Ed. 135 SOUTH COAST Bob Cragg Clearly, strong racing blood flows Next Meeting: Monday 29th February, The Talk through Linfield veins. John – sadly no House, Stanton St. John, 7.30pm. longer with us – won the GP SCANDINAVIAN championship in 2012. This year, after hard- If December was unusually warm, January fought heats to eliminate their twenty-six is the other way round. Now it is 18 degrees, challengers, Maureen and her granddaughter more than 30 degrees down in a couple of Jessica emerged as finalists and their weeks. No time to get used to it and driving supercharged grit and focus held the room in an open Morgan is not tempting. But the thrall for the neck-and-neck twenty-lap duel. planning for our Viking Run has resulted in a Eventually youth triumphed over experience very interesting program as you can see in and Jessica won the silver fowl, now strutting the Bulletin advert this month. See p??The tall again on freshly-Araldited ankles. Her Danish ’oldtimer’ race events can include grandfather would have been thrilled. 107 everything from veteran to classic cars and Stephen Clark are often quite spectacular. Wednesday, 17th February, 8.00 pm. Six Bells, Unfortunately there seems to be no ferry Chiddingly. cont/...

35 SOUTH EAST The photograph was taken on a bright At the Swan Hotel on Saturday 5th warm day is of a Wednesday Irregulars’ December SE Group members had to give meeting in the summer/autumn of 2015 way and go to an upstairs room in view of under the car port at the home of Brian Watts the hordes of Elvis Presley fans who formerly occupied by Brian’s Morgan three- gathered there to pay homage to their rock wheeler. Brian’s head is obscuring the idol. Fortunately the room had been imposing figure of Dave James. The only redecorated and had better lighting than members missing are the photographer, when it was our former meeting room and Eddie Gibbard, and possibly Dave Fripp who made the effort of negotiating the steep stairs may be hidden beyond Brian Watts. In the to get to it slightly more worthwhile. photo are (from the left) Eddie Carter, Don There was a good attendance at the meeting Taylor, Colin Tatlow, Martin Brown, Dennis with those coming from south of the River Plater, Dave James, and Brian Watts. The Thames just outnumbering those from north arrival of the first course, sausage rolls, of the river. It was the first meeting Eddie accounts for the look of eager anticipation on Eyes has attended for some time (courtesy of the faces of those present. 501 good Samaritan Ed Gibbard). Duoika The highlight of the evening was when the Wed 3rd Feb: Wednesday Irregulars Sat 6th Feb: The Swan, Horndon-on-The-Hill Group Enthusiast Award for 2015 was th presented to Keith Coyle. Keith was the only Wed 17 Feb: Wednesday Irregulars Wed.2nd March: Wednesday Irregulars member to actually drive a three-wheeler Sat. 5th March: The Swan, Horndon-on-The-Hill Morgan to the camping weekend at Stiffkey and even slept under canvas! SOUTH WEST Jerry Rea cried off at the last minute from Sixteen People turned up for our mid- attending the Wednesday Irregulars pre- th December meeting at Farrington Farm Shop, Christmas lunch held on 9 December, the Book Barn nearby and later for lunch at having to stay at home because of the less the Farrington Inn. Four twin three-wheelers than helpful attitude of the plasterer who was attended, including father and son Stephens due to do some of the work needed in Jerry’s in their MX2 SS. Mike Sythes set out from new home. Jerry, we hope that you lived up home in his F Super but the chain spring link to expectations and gave the plasterer hell parted company after a couple of miles, the when he finally turned up. spare did not fit so he had to get a tow home 15 enjoyed an excellent meal, and thanks before joining us in his modern (car). are due to Dennis Plater for organising it and We had a brilliant joint meeting with the MSCC on New Year’s Day. The weather was for sorting what was owed by each diner at awful, with heavy showers and flooded the end of the meal. There was only one three roads. Three three-wheelers and 5 four- -wheeler Morgan in the car park, Dave wheelers (along with upwards of 35 people) James’ red 5 speeder. Dave was the first to arrived at the Ring O’ Bells at Moorlinch for arrive despite having to drive the furthest an excellent lunch at mid-day. We were distance! It was good to see former member made really welcome by the publicans and a return in better weather is definitely on the now semi-retired and living in Suffolk, near cards. After lunch, a cavalcade proceeded to to the Essex border. At least they were aware Westonzoyland Pumping Station where a of the date which is more than can be said for puffing, wheezing display of vintage and Colin Tatlow whose absence was ended by a antique industrial steam engines was in phone call from Dave Fripp, well into the operation. Members from outside the MTWC proceedings, SW group included Angus and Dorothy Apparently Colin had in mind that Tozer from Beds with 3 other members of the meal was a week later! Eddie Carter their family and Ted French, not wanting to m , get bogged down, bringing the Super Aero on but it was later found by one of the staff. a trailer from Devon.

36 The next meeting in February will be at from an overnight stay in Sutton Coldfield another new venue, The Park Hotel on the and driving around the route. Proceedings A38, north of Bristol near Falfield on were also graced by an unexpected visit from Saturday 6th February. our Registrar, Steve Lister. Although his car We plan to return to the New Mill near had too many wheels and was propelled by a Taunton on the 16th February at 12:00 hours larger number of chains than the average and the Hare and Hounds at Sidbury again on Mog, since he was on his way home from a Saturday, 1st March. Frazer-Nash meeting I guess this can be For the Prescott Bike Festival on Sunday excused. 17th April, we are looking for a number of The Christmas Eve pensioners’ lunch was volunteers to exhibit their cars on our SW well-supported, despite a last-minute change Group stand. Please let me know if you are of location as the original venue disclaimed willing. Exhibitors will get free entry as an all knowledge of any booking for that day. award! Please see poster in ‘The Bulletin’ for Most people seem to have heard about the more information. change, although one West Midland regular Keep a lookout for more details of all the claims to have had a lonely lunch at the the above meetings, along with news in the original pub. regular ‘round robin’ emails (including the My trip down to the New Year VSCC progress of the GO’s battle with his vacuum meet at the Royal Oak seemed to be an early windscreen wiper).348 foretaste of the Daffodil Run as I spotted a Dick and Sue clump of them in full bloom on a roadside Sat 6th Feb 12:00 hrs, The Park Hotel verge (see photo below) GL12 8DR lunch Tue 16th Feb 12:00 hrs, New Mill, GL12 8DR lunch Sat 1st Mar 12:00 hrs, Hare and Hounds, EX10 0QQ lunch WEST MIDLANDS Less cars than usual took part in the 2015 Holly Run. I guess this was partly due to the very wet weather but mechanical (and other) misfortunes also played their part. One arrived from Oxfordshire, but with the ignition key locked in its boot it remained in the car park, despite protracted efforts to The gathering provided its usual chaotic break in, including the attentions of the AA. mixture of vehicles and I counted at least - sixteen Mogs, probably maintaining our five mile trip to bring the spare keys I retired record of the largest one-make contingent swiftly to a safe distance (the sight of blood taking part. upsets me). Proceedings were enlivened by the arrival The Mog tally of attrition was also of a do-it-yourself steam wagon, reputedly impressive with two push-starts, one blown constructed from the engine and boiler of a head gasket, two cars requiring a tow home Foden shunter grafted into an ERF chassis. I (one of which had attempted to also spotted a strange French three-wheeled Those who device which, to compensate for its did complete the course seem to have “incorrect” wheel arrangement, sported two enjoyed themselves and the breakfast before large casters under its front corners, and lunch afterwards were appreciated. presumably to help keep it sunny side up. Two other items of note were Paul Jowitt It was particularly encouraging to see Tim from Edinburgh, who had just collected his Cameron arrive behind the wheel of his hand 1937 MX4 from Tom Cowley and very -controlled family and I was further bravely elected to try it out coming down impressed to hear that he intended to cont/...


The enormous Foden The Three Wheelers … and the Winbow Four wheeler. compete in the Clee Hills trial if his DTZ patch at Crich Tramway Village. Adrian, trials car can be similarly converted in time. Brian and I went there before Christmas and Good on you Tim. 463 they were very helpful, modern car and Dave Anscombe trailer parking looks fine and Morgans and Wednesday, 10th February, Mid-month Meeting. anything interesting will be parked in the Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 th village in front of the tramsheds. Wednesday, 24 February, Monthly Meeting. We will have our regalia marquee and have The Clent Club 20:00 Wednesday, 9th March, Mid-month Meeting. Fruiterer’s Arms, Ombersley 20:00 MTWC archive films will be shown -and provide an area for refreshments and shelter YORKS., NOTTS. & DERBYS. should the weather intervene! My concern at Sorry ladies and gentlemen – Blackburne this stage is the need for about 10 volunteers is spelt with an ‘E’ at the end and The to act as stewards on post at 09:30hrs ready Chairman’s engine is a KMC not a KMB, for 10:00 opening (I don’t think my alarm though I am sure he would like it to be and it works on the Sabbath dad .. Hx). wasn’t even him who noticed the error! I have five already, the bulk of the 11 were at club night, a little down without stewarding will be during the morning, car the Leeds/Bradford contingent, please don’t parking and keeping trams and Morgans work away too often, but at least the photo of apart en route to the display area so there will Verity plus JAP made up for her absence! be plenty of time to meet old and new The March club night needs to be the friends, get a tram ride, look round the priority – The Spring Buffet. I need 25 village the displays and various trams and firm bookings by 1st March and definite th artifacts, any volunteers contact Adrian, numbers by the 5 to allow Alison to prepare Brian or myself the sooner the better. the food. We are aiming for a relaxed See you all at the February meeting were I evening similar to last year – food, good shall bring my notebook and money bag for company, fun, games, presentations and all your buffet reservations and voluntary prizes (Morgans taking a back seat – not commitments!!!378 everyone has a ‘Family’ (dad Hx) and all for Cheerio £6.50. Give me names and money at a club Eric Eadon (and Heather) night, ring on 01709 379037 or email 9th February - The Bay Horse, Scholes. M1, J35, [email protected]. rd th A629 Rotherham, 3 left Scholes, The next month Sunday 24 April will be Sat Nav S61 2RQ. the opening run, which this year is on our

38 Address: Fængslet Horsens / Horsens State Prison, Fussingsvej 8 DK – 8700 Horsens The town Horsens is our base, placed in a scenic area of East Jutland. We believe we have a nice mixture of events, beautiful drive and technical expedition. Friday the 5 August, we will arrive and meet at 12.00 hours, at the Horsens State Prison. Greetings, rooms, program and lunch will be served. Later in the afternoon a small scenic drive. Evening dinner at 19.00 hrs. Saturday the 6 August, full program including Lunch and Three-course Dinner. Sunday the 7 August, The Morgan Club Denmark (four wheels) is invited to visit our Three Wheelers from 09.00 to 11.00. At 11.00 hrs. we have the pleasure to invite you all to the Munkebjerg Hillclimb 2016, part of the Danish National Hillclimb Competition. Munkebjerg is about 60 minute’s scenic drive from Horsens. We will NOT be part of the competition. We will have an exhibition at the main area, for our cars. At 14.00 hrs. we will in convoy drive the same race track, as where about 100 oldtimer is competing. Booking and Cost: Including: Friday / Saturday / Sunday –Room– Lunch – Dinner – Entrances – Hillclimb show and track race in convoy. Excluding Lunch Sunday and all beverages. Double room: Dkr. 2.450,00 per person. Single room: Dkr. 2.860,00 When booking, please Bank transfer value in DKr to: Nordea Bank Europa out side Denmark: IBAN: DK3720000729588911 SWIFT/BIC: NDEADKKK From Denmark reg. nr.: 2264 konto Nr.: 0729588911 If you wish, it is possible to arrive earlier and or leave later.

Please book as early as possible. We will through, keep rooms available for late bookings. Booking latest 1 July 2016 For booking, in writing only, please mail Søren Moesmann, Mail: [email protected] Any questions concerning bookings, please call or mail Poul Pagaard With you booking, via mail, please include: Your name and spouse or co-driver Address and Country Phone and mail contact Car Details Model 2 / 4 seats Registration no. Year Color Additional days, dates and room General information’s please contactPoul Pagaard Tel. +4528351470. Mail: [email protected] Information: Munkebjerg Hillclimb website: munkebjerghillclimb.dk Visit Horsens website: visithorsens.dk

The Group organizer Contacts: Information Booking: General Mogens Dalsgaard Søren Moesmann Poul Pagaard Tel. +4528351470 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

39 Summary of the minutes of the on 29.10.2015.

The Club Committee Meeting held on 29th It was confirmed that, except in the most November 2015 at the Stone House Hotel exceptional circumstances, decisions made was attended by 19 members of the by The Club in general meeting would not be Committee and five other members of The countermanded by the CCM. Due to a Club. misunderstanding overseas members In considering the matters arising from the attending the Annual Weekend had been minutes of the CCM held on 5 July 2015 it charged for their meal at the annual dinner. was noted that Nev Lear was assessing the It was agreed that such members be offered a cost of producing a revised F Type refund and given an apology. handbook. It was questioned whether a It was noted that the format of the Annual revised edition was necessary. There was a Weekend would be returning to the suggestion that it be divided into sections, so traditional format with all events being based that parts common to F Types and other at The Abbey Hotel. The dates for 2016 had models could be covered without duplication. been agreed as 17th and 18th September It was reported that Tony Birks had offered A sub-committee was formed to consider the to produce a handbook for the V Twin question of Associate Membership and to models. prepare a proposal for consideration at the The Chairman introduced the new treasurer, next CCM. Gerald Lawford, who outlined his plans to Consideration was given to the benefits improve the Club's accounting routines to gained from exhibiting at the Classic Car more readily provide up to date information Show at the NEC. After discussions it was and to reduce accountancy charges from the agreed that the costs outweighed the benefits auditors. He also outlined his plans to of exhibiting annually and that the next rationalize the operation of the Club's bank appropriate date would be the 75th accounts. anniversary of The Club in 2020. The The membership secretary reported that the Chairman was asked to write to those introduction of PayPal had made it easier for members, who had given freely of their time overseas members to renew their to make the Show a success. membership. The next CCM was to be held on 7 February It was noted that the Night Trial would be to 2016 at the Village Hall, Upper Tadmarton. a different pattern this year with the event Summary of the minutes of the EGM held starting around tea-time and finishing before on 29 November 2015. midnight. At the extraordinary general meeting held The Goggles and Gauntlets event for 2016 would be held in August at a date yet to be to amend the articles of The Morgan Three- settled. It would be held at Compton Abbas Wheeler Club Ltd. to avoid any future in Dorset. technical breach of the article, relating to the It was agreed that a Training Day would time limit for submission of The Club's again be held in 2016. accounts to the members, as occurred in 2015was passed unanimously.

4037 Bulletin Index Jan. 1962 to Dec. 2015 Nev Lear Another Christmas break means I have 4. For an electronic copy send me a memory found the time to update my index of stick or a writeable CD disc Technical and Historical articles extracted together with an SAE for its return. from the Bulletins from January 1962 to Please specify in which format you would December 2015 present. Now updated to like the file saved for your system. version 20, with a category list at the front, it Word 2003 is the preferred format, runs to 59 single sided pages of A4. although sometimes I have had success, by Copies are available to club members as sending members versions as an RTF file follows: (Rich Text Format), as a Document Template or any of the earlier versions of 1. The most easy option is to find it as PDF Microsoft Word . version on our excellent club website. The advantages of an electronic copy are 2. I can e-mail you a copy: contact me at considerable as you can use the edit / find [email protected] options on your computer to reference to 3. I can send you a 59 page hard copy. your chosen subject or author. This can be Please send me your mailing address quicker than using the word search facility together with £5.00 (a five pound note provided with the Club ‘Bulletin’ CD’s, will do) to cover postage & photocopying excellent as they are. costs. Using the CDs, which already include My address is : one of the previous versions, (v.15) of my Toad Hall, index, or the Club library in conjunction 14, St. Michael’s Gardens, with my index, will open a whole new South Petherton, world to you! If you would like a Somerset TA13 5BD copy, I’ll be delighted to send you (Tel. 01460 240978) one.

Nev Lear’s F-Type Gearbox Lug Query Brian Watts

constant mesh pinion wearing away. Before it becomes important there is enough play produced to take care of the usual amount of flexing. The rate of wear subsides to a low level. I can see this big bearing protecting the bush in the constant mesh pinion at the expense of the front splines. Not a good idea. I attach a sketch to show what is inside the F If a Morgan chassis is so bad the doors fly type lug. open on bends and the clutch splines only David James had one of those lugs on his last 2000 miles, Colin Harris suggests strips 1938 F Super Sports. See Floggery of 1/8" thick steel be welded onto the December 2015. underside of the Z section chassis. I did my F I must admit I do not see the use of this big Super as it was such a good idea. I found the bearing. With F types when all is new the metal rack at B&Q had the exact size. chassis flexes and the propshaft gets heavily Use a professional welder as the strip must loaded by the bending force. be welded in short sections to avoid This sorts itself out by the splines at the distortion. clutch end and the bronze bush inside the Great success!

4142 New Members Eric Bayley

UK Roger Hawes. Cwmou, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1RS Jake Hibbert. Fenny Drayton, Nuneaton, Leics, CV13 6BG. Margaret Howitt. Bream, Lydney, Glos, GL15 6LB. Douglas Gray. Toynton St Peter, Spilsby, Lincs, PE23 5BT. Kris Plumley & Ripley, Derbys, DE5 3BA. Hayley Hibberd. Melvin, Chris & Hockley Heath, Solihull, B,ham, B84 6QQ. Holly Poel. Susan Fripp. Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3LG. Donald & Eileen Layburn, N.Yorkshire, DL8 5EP. Dalton. Doreen Drinkwater. London NW6 7DZ. Mark Henry. Finchampstead, Wokingham, Berks, RG40 4TZ. Michael, Janet & Thomas Chivers. Shirley, Croydon, CR0 8TY. Jasper Tebby. Church Hanborough, Witney, OX29 8AB. Hamish Cameron. Castle Morton, Malvern, Worcs, WR13 6LQ. Kevin & Tracie Ickleford, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 3YJ Morgan. George Kyll. Ickleford, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 3YJ Ellis Hodgson. Eggborough, Goole, N.Yorks, DN14 0LL. Nick Clegg. Eggborough, Goole, N.Yorks, DN14 0LD. EU+ Mark Verhasselt. Zemst, 1980, France. RoW Harold Stebelton. Carroll, Ohio 43112, USA. John Stanley. Hook River, Oregon, 97031, USA. Terence Crouch. St Lawrence, Jersey, JE3 1FD.

More F-Type Corrections A few mistakes in the 'Experts' F type article.  Those of you with eagle eyes and a F- Super and Super Sports chassis are certain knowledge of F-types may have longer and wider than the F4 / F2 item. spotted a mistake in my piece in the All the F-Super and Super Sports as far as January Bulletin about the F2-Seater, F- I know had curved top screens these are Super and F-Super, to do with the length also a bit wider and taller. The F-Super and width of their respective chassis. I Sports had folding brackets of a fancier stated that the new F-Super chassis was design more like a 4/4 series 1 longer and narrower than the F2/F4  If you look closely at the early F2 photo chassis when in fact it is the opposite. The you will see the screen top is flat and there F-Super chassis is 4 inches shorter and 4 are 2 pins on the ends for a hood top rail, inches wider! Sincere apologies for the later F2s had a very small cured top error. Chris Drinkwater screen. Terry Foxen

42 MORGAN 3 WHEELERS 1909 - 1952 . A reference book for both newcomer and expert alike. £8.50 + pp ( £1.00 UK, £4.00 EU, £6.00 RoW ) (Cheque or PayPal accepted) Contact e-mail: [email protected] or Eric Eadon, 8 Ridgeway Rd, Brinsworth, Rotherham, S60 5HL phone: +44(0)1709 379037

JAP magneto bevel-drive gear sets, £80.00 pr; twin mag set, £115.00 Plus postage £2 UK, £2 Europe, £3 overseas. Square ML magneto pick-up and brush; £10. each incl p&p anywhere. JAP D shaped bevel-gear covers £25. incl p&p anywhere JAP half-round bevel-gear covers for late KT series engines with mechanical oil pumps: £25. incl p&p anywhere. (must be finish-bored in timing cover ) 50°/60° JAP engine plate sets £40. plus pandp £8. UK, £32 Europe. If you are not entirely satisfied with goods supplied, please do not hesitate to return them for a refund. David Browne, Gorse farm, Fulletby, Horncastle, Lincolnshire LN9 6LA Tel: 01507 534315

43 FLOGGERY FOR SALE: A pair of original F Super rear springs in superb condition £75. New domed FOR SALE:1934 Morgan Sports family chrome petrol/oil cap £18. New chrome 1100 JAP. This car belonged to Mike Evans, radiator cap of push down and turn fit £18. ex-treasurer of the MTWC, and has been in Ford 8hp cylinder head fits the 10hp engine. the family for 48 years. Mike restored it from Compression same as an original Morgan the chassis up and drove it on various outings "silvertop" head. 10% more power across the including the Malvern AGMs, France and board. £30. Brian Watts. Tel 01245 354116. Germany trips. More recently it has been [email protected] driving it to evening group meetings by his FOR SALE: 1937 Morgan Super Sports son Andrew who is now arranging the sale. Barrel-back. Air-cooled MX2 Matchless. Mike was meticulous in his restoration, Fully restored, parts supplied by and under recorded within a whole folder of information supervision of 'Morgan Guru' Chris Booth. including the V5. Considering the prices they Factory & MTW club records confirming have been going for recently, I feel that £36K original chassis, engine and build numbers. price asked for is fair. (Please see photographs Serviced & supplied by Verralls Classic MC's below) Interested parties, please contact: with FSH including 1949 tour of Europe. Andrew Evans (F3039 South coast group) Recently starred in 'Masterpiece' antiques road [email protected] or Mobile show (to be shown Spring 2016). Featured 07876 274161 see photos below at 'Ace Cafe' run, 'Brightona' MC shows and 'London to Brighton VCC' Madeira Drive display. Probably the finest example in Europe (Bonhams USA recently sold a similar un-restored MX2 for $88,000). Offers over £35,000 considered. (see picture below). This is my own personal vehicle reluctantly for sale as I have a new Morgan on order for the new year. Full details with photos from: G.G. Weiner [email protected] You can call me on 01273 622722 or 07890 836734 (but no texts please, thank you) to discuss.

WANTED: Technical articles, hints and WANTED: BSA A10 front brake drum tips, recommendations of 1st class suppliers, desperately needed to get back on track anything from imperial nuts and bolts, steel, without locking up brakes (see picture of brass, nickel-silver, timber, machining … dramatically flat-spotted tyre on page 10, Anything that would help other members. June 2015 Bulletin). Chas Reynolds 01260 Please send to the Editor: details on p 28 25278, [email protected]


FOR SALE: Morgan F2 1938 lovingly restored/rebuilt in excellent condition throughout. 12 volts electrics, rebuilt 100E engine, hydraulic brakes and much more. (See pictures below) Very rare car. Spares available. Photographic record of restoration. Martin and Alison Oglesby on

Tel 01482 867575, for photos email, [email protected]. £13,950 or OVNO. FOR SALE:

1 F type L shape bottom hose £5.00 1 10 HP front cover cracked free

Found on the Internet: Your Junior Reporter

Dr. Antonín Klatovský with his Morgan Aero JAP at the start of the 1929 race from Zbraslav - Jíloviště in Czechoslovakia. Winner of his class.

45 Is your car insurance due? Get a quote from the motor-insurance specialists. It will cost you nothing; it could save you a lot. SPECIAL SCHEME RATES FOR MORGANS

Morgan Insurance Consultants William Curtis House, Lenton Street, Alton, Hants. GU34 1HH. 01420 594242.

WHEEL BUILDING All types - Heavy-duty spokes. Well-proven. 2 and 3 speeder rims in stock. Other wheels: price on application. Wheels can be collected and delivered to race meetings. Quick service. Also Morgan paintwork undertaken by long-term enthusiast. Phone Greg Bibby on 0116 279 3048 (day) or 0116 279 2120 (evenings). Mobile 07860 237 945. E-mail: [email protected] The Nurseries, Fleckney Road, Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire, LE8 0HJ

The Gerald Carr F4: now available for borrowing by members

The car has had extensive restoration to woodwork, bodywork and rear suspension, and the insurance has been re-negotiated.

Note that there is still an age limit of 25 years minimum.

To borrow the car for a long weekend, we suggest a donation of £45, to cover insurance and maintenance. To keep the operation going successfully, more bookings are required. . . . so get planning!

Contact; Ross Herbert, Hareley Farm, Linley Green Road, Whitbourne, Worcestershire. WR6 5RF Tel: 01886 884362 email: [email protected]


Super stainless parts to complement your Morgan in 2013. New: Front hub protection plates, laser-cut for accuracy and flatness. £15.00 per pair. Beetleback catches. As original but with internal spacers to prevent crushing; polished stainless steel. Drawings showing fitting details and clip positions available if required. £110.00 per set of four. Morgan heat shields. ‘Morgan’ in script with or without the wording ‘Super Sports’ in small print underneath, or just a set of holes like a cheese- grater. Polished stainless ready to clamp to your exhaust pipes - no more burnt elbows. £100.00 per pair. Front spring covers, in polished stainless; £100.00 per car set. Hi and low level exhaust systems for all twins in stainless steel, p.o.a. All prices plus post and packing. Castle Bank Cottage, Ewloe, Deeside, Flintshire CH5 3BZ Tel. 01244 532 714 [email protected]

The Bulletin is printed by Lavenham Press Limited, Water Street, Lavenham, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 9RN. Tel: 01787 247436


Page 48 …

Bernard Regnier in his 1926 Darmont Special

Tim and Rose Cameron in his MX Family - specially modified by Ewan to all hand control so that his dad Tim can drive it following his recent debilitating fall. Evidently, the small matter of being in a wheelchair is not going to prevent a man of Tim’s resolve to keep him out of a Threewheeler! Great stuff!! Well done the Camerons! Photo: Dave Anscombe