Bacillus anthracis, a bug with attitude! Les Baillie* and Timothy D Read†

The sequencing of the anthracis genome and species in this group based on 16S rRNA sequences. virulence represents the greatest advance in However, amplified fragment length polymorphism research in the past 100 years. The data will provide the (AFLP) and multiple-locus VNTR (variable number tan- foundation of all future work on this organism and will be dem repeat) analysis (MLVA analysis) have provided clear invaluable to researchers in their battle to understand the basis evidence that B. anthracis can be distinguished reliably of the host–microbe interaction. from other members of the [5,6••]. In practical terms, the demonstration of virulence constitutes the principle Addresses point of difference between typical strains of B. anthracis *Pathobiology, Biomedical Sciences, DERA Porton Down, Salisbury and those of other anthrax-like organisms [4•,7]. SP4 0JQ, UK; e-mail: [email protected] †The Institute for Genomic Research, 9712 Medical Center Drive, Disease in man Rockville, MD 20850, USA; e-mail: [email protected] Man generally acquires the disease directly, from contact Current Opinion in Microbiology 2001, 4:78–81 with infected livestock (known as non-industrial anthrax) 1369-5274/01/$ — see front matter or indirectly in industrial occupations concerned with © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. processing animal products (known as industrial anthrax) [4•].

Abbreviations EF oedema factor Three forms of the disease are recognised in humans: cuta- LF lethal factor neous, pulmonary (inhalation) and gastrointestinal PA protective antigen . The gastrointestinal and pulmonary forms are regarded as being most frequently fatal, owing to the fact Introduction that they can go unrecognised until it is too late to instigate In this review, we will describe Bacillus anthracis, its viru- effective treatment with the agents currently available lence factors and what is known about the basis of the [8••]. There is an obvious need to develop therapies that host– interaction. The work that is in progress to can be used to treat these individuals. determine the genetic sequence of the organism will also be described and the exploitation of this data discussed. Cutaneous anthrax This form accounts for the majority of human cases (>95%) Anthrax is a disease caused by the bacterium B. anthracis. [8••] and is usually caused by the handling of infected ani- Although primarily a disease of animals, it can also infect mals or their products. The organism gains access through man, sometimes with fatal consequences. The disease has a break in the , and forms a primary lesion within two been evident since biblical times: the fifth and sixth plagues to seven days. A ring of vesicles develops around the cen- of Egypt (Exodus, chapter 9) are considered to have been tral papule, which ulcerates and rapidly dries to form a anthrax. More recently, the organism was instrumental in the characteristic black lesion. Most such carbuncular cases founding of two modern sciences: bacteriology (Koch, 1877) recover without treatment, but in 20% of cases, the infec- and immunology (Pasteur, 1881) [1]. Since then, little atten- tion will progress into a generalised septicaemia with tion has been focused on understanding the biology of the poor prognosis [8••,9]. organism, save for the fact that it possesses properties that make it ideally suited as a biological weapon. It forms heat- Pulmonary (inhalation) anthrax resistant that are easy to produce using commercially Although commonly used, the term ‘pulmonary anthrax’ is available technology and can infect via the aerosol route. a misnomer. The lung is not the primary site of infection and a better description is ‘inhalation anthrax’. Following It has been reported that at the time of the Gulf War, inhalation, spores are phagocytosed by alveolar produced large quantities of anthrax spores and had and transported to hilar and tracheobronchial deployed SCUD/Al-Hussein missiles equipped with lymph nodes, where the spores germinate and multiplica- biological weapons warheads [2,3•]. tion of vegetative bacilli occurs [10•]. Fatal bacteraemia and toxaemia then ensue, with a mortality rate of >80% [8••,9]. The organism B. anthracis is the only obligate pathogen within the genus Gastrointestinal anthrax Bacillus, which comprises the Gram-positive aerobic or fac- Gastrointestinal anthrax is extremely rare and occurs ultatively anaerobic -forming, rod-shaped . It mainly in Africa, the Middle East and central and south- is frequently convenient to class B. anthracis informally ern Asia. It is rarely seen in man where the disease is within the ‘B. cereus group’, which, on the basis of pheno- infrequent or rare in livestock. Most cases of intestinal type, comprises B. cereus, B. anthracis, B. thuringiensis and anthrax result from eating insufficiently cooked meat from B. mycoides [4•]. It is not possible to discriminate between anthrax-infected animals [11]. Bacillus anthracis, a bug with attitude! Baillie and Read 79

Pathogenesis the chemotactic response of polymorphonuclear leucocytes Despite the early understanding of the cause of anthrax, and may inhibit subsequent [6••,13]. the pathogenic process in humans is ill-defined. Animal studies have shown that the interaction of the organism Protective antigen with the is the key event in the disease PA derives its name from the fact that it is the key protective process [12–14]. The spore appears to require the environ- immunogen in the current human vaccine [18]. The ability ment of the macrophage to stimulate germination. The of PA to transport proteins into the cytoplasm of eukaryotic resulting vegetative cells are able to survive the harsh envi- cells has been exploited to deliver antigens to the major ronment of the macrophage and escape the by means histocompatability complex (MHC) class 1 pathway [19•]. as yet undetermined. It is known that the organism expresses a toxin called lethal factor (LF), to which the Capsule macrophage is particularly sensitive. At low levels, LF Fully pathogenic strains produce an antiphagocytic capsule stimulates the production of the shock-inducing media- composed of poly-D-glutamic acid. The controlling tors, tumour necrosis factor α and interleukin-1β. At higher capsule synthesis — CapB, CapC and CapA — are located levels, the toxin causes the death of the macrophage and on pXO2. An additional , dep, located downstream the release of the cytokines into the blood stream. Thus, it from the Cap genes, may also play a role in virulence [20]. is likely that death is caused by a combination of massive bacteraemia and cytokine-induced shock [12,13]. Coordinate regulation of major virulence factors Capsule and toxin synthesis and the expression of a num- By understanding the biology of this interaction, it may be ber of genes encoding nontoxins of unknown function are possible to design therapeutic approaches that tip the bal- enhanced in the presence of serum, CO2 and bicarbonate ance in favour of the macrophage and stop the infection [4•,7,21,22]. This effect is mediated via two trans-acting before it starts. regulators: acpA, located on pXO2 (which activates expres- sion of capB), and atxA, located on pXO1 (which activates Virulence factors expression of the toxin genes and also appears to regulate It is likely that the organism expresses a range of virulence acpA transcription to some degree). This system enables factors. The two major factors, a tripartite toxin and an the organism to sense changes in the host environment and antiphagocytic capsule composed of poly-D-glutamic acid, upregulate the expression of virulence genes. are encoded by genes carried on two plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2. The loss of either results in a marked Minor virulence factors reduction in virulence [7]. In addition to the major factors already described, the organism expresses other plasmid- and chromosome- The tripartite is considered to be the major encoded genes that contribute to the pathogenesis of the . The three proteins of the exotoxin are organism [14,20,23–25,26•,27,28]. protective antigen (PA), LF and oedema factor (EF). The toxins follow the A–B model, in which the A moiety is the Plasmid-encoded virulence factors catalytic domain and the B moiety is the receptor-binding The first step toward genomic characterisation of B. anthracis domain. PA acts as the B moiety and binds to an as yet was the sequencing of the pXO1 virulence-associated unknown cell-surface receptor, whereupon it is cleaved by megaplasmid from an isolate of the Sterne strain by Rich the cell-surface protease furin to release an amino-terminal Okinaka’s group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory 20 kDa fragment. Following proteolytic activation, PA [29••]. The 181654 base pair (bp) sequence contained 143 forms a membrane-inserting heptamer that translocates identifiable open reading frames (ORFs), which comprised the toxic enzymes, LF and EF, into the cytosol [15]. only 61% of the plasmid [29••]. The pXO1 G+C content (32.5%) is close to that of the chromosome (34%) and the Lethal factor codon usage in pXO1 genes matches that of the putative set LF is the central effector of shock and death from anthrax. of B. anthracis generated in the preliminary stage of genome It contains a thermolysin-like active site and zinc-binding sequencing (TD Read, unpublished data). This suggests consensus motif HexxH, and has been shown to act as a that most genes acquired horizontally originated in bacteria Zn2+ metalloprotease on a variety of substrates, including closely related to B. anthracis. The pXO1 plasmid includes a peptide hormones and mitogen-activated protein kinase of 44.8 kilobases (kb), bounded by kinase [16,17]. It is now believed that the intracellular IS1617 elements in inverted orientation, which contains the hydrolysis of important host protein substrates is responsible lef, cya, pag, atxA and pagR genes [7,22]. The whole 44.8 kb for the cellular toxicities associated with LT [13]. pathogenicity island can be found in inverted orientation in different pXO1 plasmids, showing the potential mobility of Oedema factor this region [30]. Other possible pXO1-encoded virulence EF causes fluid loss through elevation of cellular cAMP con- genes include an that encodes a germination gene centrations in the affected tissues. The contribution of EF and homologues of pneumoniae polysaccharide to the infective process is ill-defined and appears to inhibit capsule genes hasA–C [14,28,31]. 80 Host–microbe interactions: bacteria

Sequencing of pXO2 has been completed and the analy- the B. anthracis/B. cereus/ B. thuringiensis group based on sis should be published in the near future (R Okinaka, AFLP [5] or MLVA using VNTR regions [6••]. Detection personal communication). assays based on these data are invaluable for advanced warning of possible biowarfare attack. Chromosomal-encoded virulence factors In addition to plasmid-encoded factors, there is experi- Conclusions mental evidence that genes carried on the chromosome In the majority of this review, we have dwelt on the estab- contribute directly to virulence [13,23,26•,27,28]. Genome lished virulence factors of B. anthracis, which, up until now, sequencing of a B. anthracis Ames isolate, which is closely- have been the targets of most attempts to develop thera- related to the Sterne isolate [6••], is currently underway at pies. Access to the genome sequence of B. anthracis will The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) in Rockville, enable researchers to study the biology of the organism in Maryland. The bacterium sequenced was cured of pXO1 detail and identify new targets for the development of vac- and pXO2 plasmids by heat treatment (C Redmond, cines and post-exposure therapies. The post-genomic era of unpublished data). The sequence information can be anthrax research is about to begin, and hopefully it heralds searched through the TIGR website (http://www.tigr.org) the end of the threat posed by this ancient curse. and will be updated regularly until project completion. By July 2000, random sequencing of small-insert libraries Acknowledgements cloned into pUC19 and pBR origin plasmids had been TD Read was funded by grants from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) (N00014-96-1-0604) and the US Department of Energy — completed, and the process of closing gaps between Chemical and Biological National Security Program (DOE–CBNP). assemblies is in progress. As expected, the closest neigh- bour to the genomes already sequenced is B. subtilis [32]. References and recommended reading About 2500 out of 4200 B. subtilis proteins have ortho- Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as: logues in the B. anthracis genome currently, with an • of special interest average similarity of 72% [32]. •• of outstanding interest 1. Turnbull PCB: ; past, present and future. Vaccine An obvious early priority will be the identification of genes 1991, 9:533-539. that contribute to virulence. Candidates for study may be 2. Zilinska RA: Iraq’s biological weapons. J Am Med Assoc 1997, similar to known virulence genes; preliminary analysis of the 278:418-424. sequence data has identified homologues to a number of vir- 3. www.anthrax.osd.mil/ ulence genes that have been described in the closely related • This web site is run by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and provides a great deal of information about anthrax and the DoD’s anthrax B. cereus and B. thuringiensis. They include homologues to vaccine programme. It has links to a number of other related sites. genes encoding extracellular proteases, haemolysins, 4. Turnbull PCB: Definitive identification of Bacillus anthracis —a enterotoxins and phospholipases [33,34,35•,36,37•]. • review. J Appl Microbiol 1999, 2:237-240. This review is published in an issue of the Journal of Applied Microbiology that reports the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Anthrax. Into the post-genomic future 5. Keim P, Kalif A, Schupp J, Hill K, Travis SE, Richmond K, Adair DM, The completion of the chromosomal and megaplasmid Hugh-Jones M, Kuske CR, Jackson P: Molecular evolution and sequences will free researchers from burdensome piecemeal diversity in Bacillus anthracis as detected by amplified fragment acquisition of genetic information and allow them to study length polymorphism markers. J Bacteriol 1997, 3:818-824. the biology of the organism with the whole-genome dataset. 6. Keim P, Price LB, Klevystka AM, Smith KL, Schupp JM, Okinaka R, •• Jackson PJ, Hugh-Jones ME: Multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis reveals genetic relationships with Bacillus The function of the large number of unknown genes iden- anthracis. J Bacteriol 2000, 182:2928-2936. The first comprehensive B. anthracis typing system is described. tified to date will be uncovered using a variety of 7. Little SF, Ivins BE: Molecular pathogenesis of Bacillus anthracis approaches, including global transposon mutant characteri- infection. Microbes and Infection 1999, 2:131-139. sation, protein-linking experiments and proteomics. The 8. Dixon TC, Meselson M, Guillemin T, Hanna P: Anthrax. New Engl J development of an ORF array (a project currently under- •• Med 1999, 341:815-826. way at TIGR) will enable researchers to monitor expression This paper is a concise review of anthrax and current knowledge of the of individual genes in vivo and in vitro, and determine what infection process. contribution, if any, they make to the virulence of the 9. Franz DR, Jahrling PB, Friedlander AM, McClain DJ, Hoover DL, Bryne WR, Pavlin JA, Christopher GW, Eitzen EM: Clinical organism. This approach will enable researchers to identify recognition and management of patients exposed to biological new targets for vaccine and therapy development. warfare agents. J Am Med Ass 1997, 278:399-411. 10. Guidi-Rointani C, Weber-Levy M, Labruyere E, Mock M: Germination • of Bacillus anthracis spores within alveolar macrophages. Mol Future microbial genome projects will increase the knowl- Microbiol 1999, 31:9-17. edge base further; in the case of B. anthracis, the genome The authors describe a model system they developed for studying the sequences of closely related B. cereus and B. thuringiensis interaction of the organism with the macrophage. would be particularly helpful. Comparative studies also 11. Baillie LWJ: Bacillus anthracis. In The Encyclopaedia of Food Microbiology, vol 1. Edited by Batt CA, Robinson RK, Patel PD. allow for identification of strain- and species-specific DNA London: Academic Press; 2000:129-135. and protein signatures. Much effort has been spent recently 12. Hanna P: Anthrax pathogenesis and host response. Curr Top developing methodology for distinguishing members of Microbiol Immunol 1997, 225:13-35. Bacillus anthracis, a bug with attitude! 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13. Hanna PC, Ireland JA: Understanding Bacillus anthracis 29. Okinaka RT, Cloud K, Hampton O, Hoffmaster AR, Hill KK, Keim P, pathogenesis. Trends Microbiol 1999, 5:180-182. •• Koehler TM, Lamke G, Kumano S, Mahillon J et al.: Sequence and organisation of pXO1, the large Bacillus anthracis plasmid 14. Guidi-Rontani C, Pereira Y, Ruffie S, Sirard J-C, Weber-Levy M, harboring the anthrax toxin genes. J Bacteriol 1999, Mock M: Identification and characterisation of a germination 181:6509-6515. operon on the virulence plasmid pXO1 of Bacillus anthracis. Access to the sequence of this plasmid will enable researchers to determine Mol Microbiol 1999, 33:407-414. its origin with a view to answering the following question: is B. anthracis a 15. Petosa C, Collier RJ, Klimpel KR, Leppla SH, Liddington RC: Crystal strain of B. cereus that acquired an additional plasmid? The megaplasmid structure of the anthrax toxin protective antigen. Nature 1997, contains no genes or signatures reminiscent of any known replication sys- 385:833-838. tem. Fifteen of 143 putative open reading frames were homologous to the genes encoding transposase, integrase or resolvase. Three genes were sim- 16. Pellizzari R, Guidi-Rontani C, Vitale G, Mock M, Montecucco C: Anthrax ilar to IS231, known to be associated with the B. thuringiensis, B. cereus lethal factor cleaves MKK3 in macrophages and inhibits the and B. anthracis chromosomes. The pathogenicity island containing the toxin LPS/IFNγ release of NO and TNFα. FEBS Lett 1999, 462:199-204. virulence regulon genes also contained a cluster of spore germination response genes (gerXA, gerXB and gerXC). 17. Duesbery NS, Webb CP, Leppla SH, Gorodon VM, Klimpel KR, Copeland TD, Ahn NG, Oskarsson MK, Fukasawa K, Paull KD, 30. Thorne CB: Bacillus anthracis. In Bacillus subtilis and other Vande Woude GF: Proteolytic inactivation of MAP-kinase-kinase Gram-positive Bacteria. 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Variations on this approach are currently being developed subtilis. Nature 1997, 390:249-256. by two other groups to deliver other epitopes to the Th1 system. 33. Bach H-J, Errampalli D, Leung KT, Lee H, Hartmann A, Trevors JT, 20. Ezzell JW, Welkos SL: The capsule of Bacillus anthracis, a review. Munch JC: Specific detection of the gene for extracellular neutral J Appl Microbiol 1999, 87:250. protease of by PCR and blot hybridization. Appl Environ Microbiol 1999, 65:3226-3228. 21. Hoffmaster AR, Koehler TM: The anthrax toxin activator gene atxA is associated with CO2-enhanced non-toxin gene expression in 34. Prub BM, Dietrich R, Nibler B, Martlbauer E, Scherer S: The Bacillus anthracis. Infect Immunol 1997, 65:3091-3099. hemolytic enterotoxin HBL is broadly distributed among species of the Bacillus cereus group. Appl Environ Microbiol 1999, 65: 22. Hoffmaster AR, Koehler TM: Autogenous regulation of the Bacillus 5436-5442. anthracis pag operon. J Bacteriol 1999, 181:4485-4492. 35. Fletcher P, Logan NA: Improved cytotoxicity assay for Bacillus 23. Fouet A, Namy OD, Lambert G: Characterisation of the operon • cereus diarrhoeal enterotoxin. Lett Appl Microbiol 1999, encoding the alternative Sigmaβ factor from Bacillus anthracis 28:394-400. and its role in virulence. J Bacteriol 2000, 182:5036-5045. This is the first report of B. anthracis possessing enterotoxogenic activity. 24. Dixon TC, Hanna PC: A study of anthrax-mediated macrophage 36. Titball RW: Bacterial phospholipases. Soc Appl Bacteriol Symp Ser cytotoxicity: evidence for plasmid regulatory crosstalk and novel 1998, 27:127S-137S. virulence factors in Bacillus anthracis. Abstract IL B/D-105 of the 99th ASM General Meeting: 1999 May 30–June 3; Chicago. 37. Agaisse H, Gominet M, Okstad OA, Kolsto, A-B Lereclus D: PLcR is a • pleiotropic regulator of extracellular virulence factor gene 25. Guidi-Rontan C, Pereira Y, Ruffie S, Sirard J-C, Weber-Levy M, expression in . Mol Microbiol 1999, Mock M: Identification and characterisation of a germination 32:1043-1053. operon on the virulence plasmid pXO1 of Bacillus anthracis. Mol This regulator appears to be common to the B. cereus group. It is an acti- Microbiol 1999, 33:407-414. vator of a number of virulence factors. A highly conserved palindrome has been identified in the promoter region of PLcR-regulated genes that may 26. Stepanov AS, Mikshis NI, Eremin SA, Bolotnikova MF: Contribution • act as a binding site for the protein. B. anthracis PLcR contains a signifi- of determinants located in Bacillus anthracis chromosomes, in cant deletion, yet there are numerous incidents of the conserved palindrome pathogenic properties of the pathogen. Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol. in the genome sequence. 1999,1:20-23. This paper highlights the contribution of chromosomally located virulence factors to the pathogenesis of the organism. Now in press 27. Pomerantsev AP, Staritsin NA, Mockov YuV, Marinin LI: Expression of The work referred to in the text as (R Okinaka, personal communication) is cerolysin AB genes in Bacillus anthracis vaccine strain ensures now in press: protection against experimental hemolytic anthrax infection. Vaccine 1997, 15:1846-1850. 38. Okinaka RT, Cloud K, Hampton O, Hill K, Keim P, Lamke G, Kumano S, Manter D, Martinez Y, Svensson R et al.: Bacillus 28. Hanna P, Ireland J: The immediate-early stage of anthrax. Abstract anthracis plasmid pXO2, complete sequence. 2000, National 25 of the 2nd International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Center for Biotechnology Information URL: Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus thuringensis: 1999 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Entrez/index.html. GenBank Accession Aug 11–13; New Mexico. NC_002146.