I. Indentured Servants A. Indentured servants were used as a labor force in the Chesapeake colonies before African slaves 1. Indentured servants served on average between 5-7 years in servitude 2. There will be major problems with freed indentured servants later on in the Chesapeake B. Many indentured servants were brought into the Chesapeake through the Headright System 1. The Headright System gave 50 acres of land to any individual willing to pay the way to the colonies for an indentured servant 2. The Headright System leads the way to large plantations in the South C. Due to problems with indentured servants (Bacon’s Rebellion), it will eventually be replaced by African slaves

II. The West Indies A. The West Indies are the islands of the Caribbean; Old Indies becomes known as the East Indies B. The main crop of the West Indies is sugar cane 1. Sugar Cane hard to grow; need slave workers 2. The Barbados Slave Codes were passed in the West Indies that denied all rights to slaves & gave masters complete control; very strict and harsh; later used in the South C. As sugar plantations began to crowd out small farmers, many residents moved into what will be

III. The Carolina’s A. The Carolina colonies were created in 1670 after the restoration in England of Charles II as monarch 1. The primary goal of the Carolina’s is to grow foodstuffs for the sugar plantations in Barbados plus export non-English products like wine, silk, and olive oil 2. Rice will become the main cash crop in Carolina; marshes ideal B. Charlestown (Charleston) will become the most active seaport in the South 1. Charleston became a center for aristocratic, younger brothers of English aristocrats

IV. A. North Carolina created from the poor & religious outcasts from South Carolina and 1. North Carolina the most democratic of all the English colonies 2. North Carolina the most independent of all English colonies; close 3. North Carolina is the least aristocratic of all the English colonies

V. A. Georgia was the last British colony founded in 1733 by England 1. Georgia founded by James Oglethorpe 2. Georgia founded as haven for English debtors; debtor’s prisons 3. Georgia also created as a buffer state against Spanish & Indian attacks from the South ()

VI. Characteristics of the Five A. The five Southern colonies are composed of , Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Georgia 1. All of the Southern colonies grew agricultural products like tobacco, rice, & indigo 2. Slavery is eventually used in all Southern colonies; lower South worst 3. Large plantation owners found in all Southern colonies; most in deep South 4. All of the Southern colonies permitted some religious freedom; MD Act of Toleration 5. The official Church of England is most dominant religious group in Southern colonies