We stand beside the men who have been indicted for support of draft resistance. If they are sentenced, we, too, must be sentenced. If they are imprisoned, we will take their places and will continue to use what means we can to bring this war to an end.

We will not stand by silently as our government conducts a criminal war. We will con­ tinue to offer support as we have been doing to those who refuse to serve in Vietnam and to those indicted men and all others who refuse to be passive accomplices in war crimes. The war is illegitimate and our actions are legitimate.

Rev. Robert McAfee Brown Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Thomas Parkinson David Krech Ava Helen Pauling Mary Clarke Paul Lauter Frederic Crews Sidney Peck Edward Gottlieb Robert Lowell Hillary Putnam Paul Goodman Harry Rubin Florence Howe Herbert Magidson Franz Schurmann Jane Jacobs Susan Sontag Donald Kalish Rev. Richard Mum m a Louis Kampf Conor Cruise O'Brien Rt. Rev. Harlan Weitzel


This statement was prepared by "RESIST" and'is being circulated by the War Resisters League and other concerned organizations. For additional copies, write us immediately. Return the Statements of Support as quickly as possible to: WRL, 5 Beekman Street, , N.Y. 10038.