Bibliography of Thai

Herb Swanson

Last update: August 2004



The purpose of this bibliography is to provide an extensive list of English-language research materials useful for the study of Christianity in .

The standard for inclusion in the bibliography is that each entry is about and contributes something useful to the study of Christianity in Thailand. While the inevitable exceptions have undoubtedly crept in, as a rule items that are about Christianity in Thailand but, in my judgment, not useful to its study are excluded. Sources that may be very useful to the study of Christianity in Thailand but are not about it directly have also been excluded. By the same token, some well-known works by Thai Christians and who served here are not contained in the bibliography because they are not about Thai Christianity as such. Individual articles found in the publications listed in the section "Newspapers, Magazines, and Journals" are generally excluded in order to preserve space. In some cases, however, important individual articles are included, especially ones from major journals.

While the intention of the bibliography is to be as ecumenical and inclusive as possible, its content clearly reflects my own research interests and expertise. First, it is overwhelmingly weighted towards and, in fact, began as an exclusively Protestant bibliography. While some Catholic sources are now included, they remain relatively few in number and are by no means representative of what could and should be included. Second, within the Protestant domain, the bibliography is strongest for the old nineteenth-century missions, for Presbyterian missions down to the present, and for the Church of Christ in Thailand generally. Finally, it should be emphasized again that the bibliography contains what I personally and professionally think is "useful" to the study of Christianity in Thailand .

This is not an annotated bibliography, but in a some cases it does provide a brief note on the subject of an item [in brackets] if the subject of the entry is not clear from its bibliographic information. The bibliography uses a Chicago Manual of Style (13th edition) format, and in keeping with an accepted convention Thai authors are alphabetized by first name.

Each entry in the bibliography, except in the section on Periodicals ends with an abbreviation in brackets, which indicates where I located the entry. Those locations are as follows:

BBC Bible College Library, Bangkok [30 entries] BC Hutchins Library, Berea College [3 entries] CTC Cross-Cultural Training Center, [17 entries] FC From a Citation in another work [178 entries] MFT McGilvary Faculty of , Chiang Mai [25 entries] OH Office of History, Chiang Mai [123 entries] OL On Line items [12 entries] OMC Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven [6 entries] PHS Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia [12 entries] PS Private Source [4 entries] PTS Speer Library, Princeton Theological Seminary [12 entries] PUA Payap University Archives, Chiang Mai [137 entries] SP Suan Plu Baptist Seminary Library, Bangkok [9 entries] SS Siam Society Library, Bangkok [9 entries] YDS Divinity School Library, Yale University [40 entries]

FC [From Citation] indicates that the entry comes from a citation in a bibliography or a source note. I have not seen the item personally. FC entries are not always consistent with this bibliography's format, depending on the information provided in the citation itself.

OL [On Line] indicates sources that were found on the Internet. The OL citations include an "as of" date indicating when the link was last checked. My own articles in HeRB are not included in this bibliography; those by other authors are included, if they are about Protestantism in Thailand.

PS [Personal Sources] indicates sources that I have seen, but are in private hands. They are not available in the public domain, so far as I know, and are included, again, in the interest of completeness.

The bibliography also includes a number of citations taken from the on line catalogs of several libraries as well as from the American Theological Library Association's on line periodical index (accessed through Hutchins Library, Berea College). I have not seen these items personally and the entries are based on the information given in the catalogs. These on line resources are:

ATLA ATLA Periodical Index [44 entries] EUL Edinburgh University Library [6 entries] FTS McAlister Library, Fuller Theological Seminary [15 entries] LC Library of Congress [16 entries] SOAS School of Oriental & African Studies, London Univ. [4 entries] UTS Union Theological Seminary Library, NYC [4 entries]

Abbreviations for dissertation and thesis degrees:

B.Th. Bachelor of Theology M.R.E. Master of Religious Education D.Min. Doctor of Ministry M.S. Master of Science D.Miss. Doctor of Missiology M.Th. Master of Theology M.A. Master of Arts M.T.S. Master of Theological Studies M.C.S. Master of Christian Studies Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy M.Div. Master of Divinity Th.D. Doctor of Theology M.Miss. Master of Missiology

I trust you will find this bibliography useful. If you discover any errors or inconsistencies in it or have recommended additions to the entries, please let me know. Enjoy!

Herb Swanson [email protected] Archival Collections

Chu rch of Christ in Thailand, Correspondence 1922-1956. At the International Council Archives, World Council of Churches, Geneva. Microfiche copy at YDS. [YDS]

Eakin Family Papers. [PUA]

Journal of . At the Oberlin College Archives . Microfilm copy PUA. [PUA]

McGilvary Family Papers. [PUA]

Min utes of the North , Presbyterian Church U.S.A. At the Presbyterian Historical Society. Microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

Min utes of the North Laos Presbytery, Presbyterian Church U.S.A. At the Presbyterian Historical Society. Microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

National Christian Council of Siam, Minutes 1930-1941. At the International Missionary Council Archives, World Council of Churches, Geneva. Microfiche copy at YDS . [YDS]

Papers of Dan Beach Bradley At the Oberlin College Archives. Microfilm copy PUA. [PUA]

Pap ers of the Dan Beach Bradley Family. At the Oberlin College Archives. (See: [FC]

Papers of Edwin C. and Mabel Cort. [PUA]

Pap ers of George B. McFarland. At the South/Southeast Asia Library Service, University of California, Berkeley. [FC]

Papers of S. C. and Sarah Peoples. [PUA]

Rec ords of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society. At the American Baptist Historical Society, Rochester, U.S.A.. Photocopies and microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

Rec ords of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. At Houghton Library, Harvard University. Microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

Rec ords of the American Missionary Association. At the Amistad Research Center, Dillard University, New Orleans, U.S.A.. Microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

Records of the American Presbyterian Mission. [PUA]

Rec ords of the Board of Foreign Missions, Presbyterian Church U.S.A. At the Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, U.S.A.. Microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

Rec ords of the Church of Christ in Thailand, including its Departments, Agencies, Offices, Projects, Institutions, Districts, and Churches. PUA. [Largely in Thai] [PUA]

Rec ords of the London Missionary Society. At the School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London. Microfilm copy at PUA. [PUA]

Records of the Thailand Baptist Missionary Fellowship. [PUA]

Records of the United Christian Missionary Society in Thailand. [PUA]

Reference Works

Asian Christian : A Research Guide to Authors, Movements, Sources. Vol. 2, Southeast Asia, edited by John C. England, et. al. Delhi: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (ISPCK), 2003. Contains Chapter 8, "Contextual Theology in Thailand 1800-200." [OH]

Bachmann, E. Theodore and Mercia Breene Bachmann. Lutheran Churches in the World: A Handbook. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg, 1989. Contains "Thailand." [YDS]

Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions, edited by Gerald H. Anderson. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 1998. Contains entries by William B. Smalley on key missionaries in Thailand. [BC]

Blackwell Dictionary of Evangelical Biography, edited by Donald M. Lewis. Oxford: Blackwell, 1995. Contains Scott W. Sunquist, "Bradley, Dan Beach." [OMC]

Christianity in South East Asia: A Bibliographic Guide, edited by Gerald H. Anderson, New Haven: Yale University, 1966. Contains "Thailand," 24-8. [PTS]

Con cise Dictionary of the Christian World, edited by Stephen Neill, et. al. London: Lutterworth Press, 1970. Contains Ray C. Downs, "Thailand." [MFT]

A Dictionary of Asian Christianity, edited by Scott W. Sundquist. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 2001. Contains numerous entries on Christianity in Thailand. [OH]

Dictionary of Third World Theologies, edited. by Virginia Fabella and R.S. Sugirtharag ah. Maryknoll, Ne w York: Orbis Books, 2000. Contains Seree Lorgunpai, "Thai Theology." [FC]

Encyclopedia of Missions. 2d ed., edited by Henry Otis Dwight, H. Allen Tupper, & Edwin Munsell Bliss. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1904. Contains several entries on missions in Siam. [BC]

Encyclopedia of Southern Baptists. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman Press, 1958. Contains Ada Stearns, "Thailand, American Baptist Mission in," and Frances Hudgins, "Thailand, Southern Baptist Mission in." [YDS]

Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions, edited by A. Scott Moreau. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 2000. Contains Thomas N. Wisely, "Thailand." [PTS]

Hug hes, Philip J.Thai Culture, Values, and Religion: An Annotated Bibliography of English Language Materials. Chiang Mai: Manuscript Division, Payap College, 1981. [OH]

Interpretive Statistical Survey of the World Mission of the Christian Church, edited by Joseph I. Parker. New York: International Missionary Council, 1938. Contains John L. Eakin, "Siam" and W.A. Pruett, "French Indo- and Eastern Siam." Also several statistical tables relevant to Siam. [YDS]

Law , Gail. Chinese Churches Handbook. Hong Kong: Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelization (CCCOWE), 1982. Contains "Thailand." [YDS]

The Mennonite Encyclopedia, Volume V, edited by Cornelius J. Dyck and Dennis D. Martin. Scottsdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1990. Contains "Thailand." [YDS]

New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2d ed. Detroit, Michigan: Gale, 2003. Contains S. Chumsriphan, "Thailand, the in" and K. I. Rabenstein, "Thailand, Seven Martyrs of, BB." [YDS]

The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church, edited by J. D. Douglas. Exeter, England: The Paternoster Press, 1978. Contains Harold R. Cook, "Thailand." [MFT]

The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Rev. ed, edited by Stanley M. Burgess. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2002. Contains D. D. Bundy and D. W. Dayton, "Thailand." [OMC]

Religious Traditions Among Tai Ethnic Groups: A Selected Bibliography, edited by Shigeru Tanabe. Ayutthaya: Ayutthaya Historical Study Centre, 1991. [OH]

Sev enth Day Adventist Encyclopedia, Second Revised Edition M-Z. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Contains "Thailand," "Thailand Publishing House," and "Thaild Training School." [YDS]

The United States in Asia, edited by David Shavit. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1990. Contains several entries for American missionaries in Siam. [PHS]

Wor ld Christian Encyclopedia. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Contains David Barrett, "Thailand." [FC] 2nd ed. Edited by George T. Kurian and Todd M. Johnson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. Contains, volume 1, "Thailand." [YDS]


Adventist Review

Alliance Witness

American Baptist Magazine

American Missionary

Assembly Herald [Presbyterian Church U.S.A.]

Asian Missions Advance

Bangkok Calendar

Bangkok Recorder

Baptist Missionary Magazine Bible Translator [United Bible Societies]

The Chiang Mai Mission Board Newsletter.

Chiang Mai Searchlight, 1949-1961. [Presbyterian missionary publication]

East Asia Millions [Overseas Missionary Fellowship]

Echoes [Ecumenical Office, Church of Christ in Thailand]

Foreign Missionary [Presbyterian Church U.S.A.]

Foreign Missionary Chronicle [Presbyterian Church U.S.A.]

International Review of Missions

Laos News. Continued as North Siam News. [Presbyterian Laos Mission]

Lingo. [Overseas Missionary Fellowship]

Missionary Herald

Missionary Review of the World

North Carolina Presbyterian

Outlook [Seventh-day Adventists]

Pacific Challenge: Thailand, New Guinea, & the Philippines. [New Tribes Mission]

Pentecostal Evangel [Assemblies of God]

Practical Anthropology

Presbyterian Life

Siam Outlook [Presbyterian Siam Mission]

Siam Repository

Thailand Tattler [Thailand Baptist Missionary Fellowship]

The Call of French Indo-China and East Siam [C&MA]

The Christian

The Disciple

The Millions [China Inland Mission] The Task of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Siam

Woman's Work for Woman [Presbyterian Church U.S.A.]

World Call

World Vision



Abba Bhamorabutr. The Story of American Missionaries, Who Introduced Modern Technology at the Beginning of the Bangkok Period. Bang kok: Department of Corrections Press, 1981. [SS]

______. Western Civilization in Thailand Being Introduced to Thailand by King Chulalongkorn: Picturing and Narrating with the Story of American Missionaries. Bangkok: Department of Corrections Press, 1986. [SS]

Abe el, David. Journal of a Residence in China and the Neighboring Countries from 1829 to 1833. New York: Leavitt, Lord and Company, 1834. [SOA S]

______. Journal of a Residence in China , and the Neighboring Countries from 1830 to 1833. London: James Nisbet, 1835. [SOAS]

______. Journal of a Residence in China, and the Neighboring Countries. 2nd ed. New York: J. Abeel Williamson, 1836. [FC]

Aho nen, Lauri K. "A Report on a Self-Supporting Program in ." Unpublished paper, Biola University, 1985. [FC]

Ait ken, Judy. "Refugee Sorrow/Christian Joy." In Adventist Mission in the 21st Century, edited by Jon L. Dybdahl, 225-231. Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1999. [YDS]

Ame rican Bible Society. "ABS History: Distribution Abroad, Essay #15, VI-F-5: Siam, 1901-1930." Unpublished essay, American Bible Society, n.d. [OH]


Backus, Mary, ed. Siam and Laos as Seen by Our American Missionaries. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1884. [PUA] Microfiche cop y: [ATLA] fiche 1986-0783. [YDS]

Bangkok Adventist Hospital. Spray of Golden Showers. Bangkok: Thailand Publishing House, 1987. [FC]

Baw Tananone. "A Call for Solidarity: A Thai Experience." CTC Bulletin 8.3 (1989). [FC] Beard, Augustus Field. A Crusade of Brotherhood: A History of the American Missionary Association. 1909. Reprint. Boston: Pilgrim Press, 1972. [PUA]

Beebe, Lyle Jerome. Open Doors in Laos. New York: Willett Press, 1913. [PHS]

Bel l, Sister F. X. "Thai Sisters and Community Development." M.A. thesis, Ateneo de Manila, 1970. [FC]

Ben japorn Mochai. "On Being a Woman: Thailand." PTCA Bulletin 12, 1 & 2 (June & December 1999): 47-8. [OH]

Beugler, Dorothy. Central Thailand: Heart of the Orchid. London: China Inland Mission, 1954. [FC]

______. "The Religion of the Thai in Central Thailand." Paper presented to the Overseas Missionary Fellowship Thailand Field Conference, 19-22 October 1954. [FC]

______. "In Thailand’s Gospel Vacuum." China’s Millions (September 1952): 63. [FC]

Blanford, Carl E. Chinese Churches in Thailand. Bangkok: Suriyaban, n.d. [PUA]

Boa rd of Foreign Missions, Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam. Philadelphia: Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, 1915. [PTS]

______. Letters From Siam. New York: Board of Foreign Missions, Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1946. [PUA]

______. Siam Mission: Centennial Series. New York: Board of Foreign Missions, 1937. [PHS]

______. Siam: the Need, the Opportunity. New York: The Board of Foreign Missions, 1916 [FC]

______. Things Siamese. New York : Board of Foreign Missions, 1914. [PTS]

Bob ilin, Robert. Revolution from Below: Buddhist and Christian Movements for Justice in Asia: Four Case Studies from Thailand and Sri Lanka. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1988. [FTS]

Boc k, Carl. Temples and Elephants: the Narrative of a Journey of Exploration Through Upper Siam and Lao. London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1884. Reprint. Bangkok: White Orchid Press, 1985. [OH]

Boc k, Valerie. Teng's Story: A Tale of Modern Thailand. London: The Leprosy Mission International, n.d. [CTC]

______. The Umbrella Girl. A Painting Story Book from Thailand. London: Leprosy Mission, ca. 1975. [EUL]

______. Wendy's Gift: A Painting Story Book from Thailand. London: Leprosy Mission, ca. 1975. [EUL]

Boo nratna Boayen. "The Issues of Church Management in the Thai Church." D.Min. dissertation, School of Theology at Claremont, 1982. [FC]

Boo nsri Glinhawm. "Western Missions in Thailand and a New Impetus." Asian Mission Advance (May 1981): 10-1, 19. [FC]

Bow ring, John. The Kingdom and People of Siam. 2 vols. 1857. Reprint. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1977. [OH]

Boyd, Carolyn. The Apostle of Hope: The Dr. K riengsak Story. Chichester: Sovereign World, 1991. [OH]

Bradley, Dan Beach. Abstract of the Journal of Rev. Dan Beach Bradley, M. D. Medical Missionary in Siam 1835-1873. Edited by George Haws Feltus. n.p.: Dan F. Bradley, 1930, [YDS]. Published as: Abstract of the Journal of Rev. Dan Beach Bradley, M. D. Medical Missionary in Siam 1835-1873. Edited by George Haws Feltus. Cleveland: Pilgrim Church, 1936. [PUA] Microfilm copy, Microfilm 30600 BV. [LC]

______A Letter to American Christians: Being an Account of the Expulsion of Rev. Messrs. Bradley and Caswell from the Service of the A.B.C.F.M. Oberlin, Ohio: J. M. Fitch, 1848. [YDS]

______Simo: The Story of a Boy of Siam. Chicago: The Ram's Horn Company, 1899. [PS]

Bradley, William L. "Prince Mongkut and Jesse Caswell." Journal of the Siam Society 54, 1 (January 1966), 29-41. [FC]

______. Siam Then: The Foreign Colony in Bangkok Before and After Anna. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1981. [PUA]

______"What a Christian has Learned from the Buddhists." ; In In Memoriam Phya Anuman Rajadhon, edited by Tej Bunnag and Michael Smithies, 359-369. Bangkok: Siam Society, 1970. [OH]

______"The White Man's Burden." [on Dan Beach Bradley] Asian Studies (Quezon City) 12, 1 (April 1974): 180-99. [FC]

Bradt, Charles Edwin, et. al. Around the World: Studies and Stories of Presbyterian Foreign Missions. Wichita, Kansas: Missionary Press, 1912. [PUA]

Breazeal e, Kennon. "English Missionaries Among the Thai." In Anuson Walter Vella, edited by Ronald D. Renard, 208-228. Honolulu: University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1986. [OH] [about the London Missionary Society]

Bressan, Luigi. King Chulalongkorn and Pope Leo XIII: Siam and the Vatican in the 19th Century. Bangkok: Catholic Mission of Bangkok, 1998. [SS]

Briggs, L. F. "The Aubert Versus Bradley Case at Bangkok 1866-67." Far Eastern Quarterly 6 (May 1947): 262-282. [OH]

Briggs, W. A. "Missions Among the Laos of Indo-China-I," The Missionary Review of the World 12 (April 1899): 268-272. [PUA]

______. "Missions Among the Laos of Indo-China-II," The Missionary Review of the World 12 (May 1899): 332-339. [PUA]

Brown, Arthur J. The Expectation of Siam. New York: Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 1925. [PUA]

______. "Missions in Siam." In One Hundred Years, 908-68. New York: Revell, 1936. [FC]

______. Report of a Visitation of the Siam and Laos Missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions . New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1902. [PTS] Microfiche copy: [ATLA] fiche 1991-2275. [YDS]

______. Rising Churches in Non-Christian Lands. New York: Presbyterian Department of Missionary Education, 1915. [PUA]

Bro wn, Russell E. Doing the Gospel in Southeast Asia. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Judson Press, 1968. [PUA]

Bue hrer, Judi. "Enduring Legacies." Sawadi 41, 2 (Second Quarter 1996): 18-24. [PUA] [Bangkok's Protestant Cemetery]

But t, John W. "The Challenge of Interreligious Understanding for Asian Christian Colleges and Universities: The Payap University Example." Quest: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Asian Christian Scholars 1, 1 (November 2002): 49-62. [OH]


Caleb Project. Reaching the Peoples of Bangkok. Littleton, Colorado: Caleb Project, 1988. [CTC]

Canfield, Carolyn L. One Vision Only: A Biography of Isobel Kuhn. n.p.: n.d. [SOAS]

Caswell, Jesse. Abstract of the Missionary Journal of Jesse Caswell. Edited by George Haws Feltus. Typescript, Troy, NY, 1931. [PUA]

Cau then, Baker J. and Others. Advance: A History of Southern Baptist Foreign Missions. Nashville: Broadman, 1970. [SP]

Cha i Samarn Church, Many Shall Come From the East...And Sit...In the Kingdom of God. Printed brochure in magazine form, Chai Samarn Church, n.d. [PUA]

Cha iwat Chawmuangman. "A Comparison of the Nature of Parables in the Synoptic Gospels and the Nature of Parables in the Thai Culture." Th.D. dissertation, Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary, Philippine Branch, 1993. [SP]

Cha iyun Ukosakul. "A Study in the Patterns of Detachment in Interpersonal Relationships in a Local Thai Church." Ph.D. dissertation, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1994. [FC]

______. "A Turn from the Wheel to the Cross: Crucial Considerations for Discipling New Thai Christians." Th.M. thesis, Regent College, Vancouver. 1993. [FC]

Cha na Seung Hoi Chung. "A Study on Church Planting Strategy of Korean Missions in Thailand" D.Min. dissertation, California Graduate School of Theology, 1992. [BBC]

Cha yan Hiranpan. "History of the Thai Protestant Church." In Asia and Christianity, edited by M. D. David, 78-84. Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House, 1985. [FC]

Catholic Bishop's Conference of Thailand. "Master Pastoral Plan for the Year 2000-2010 of the Catholic Church of Thailand." East Asian Pastoral Review 40, 2 (2003):186-197. [OMC]

Chinda Singhanet. Dr. Cort of Chieng Mai. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1962. [FC]

Chr istian & Missionary Alliance. Father Forgive Them. New York: Christian & Missionary Alliance, 1953. [about Paul & Priscilla Johnson, C&MA missionaries] [FC]

______. A Ministry of Mercy: Leprosy Work on Foreign Fields of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. New York: The Alliance, 1958. [FC]

______. Thailand. Korat: Thailand Mission, Christian & Missionary Alliance, n.d. [FC]

Chu leepran Srisoontorn Persons. "A Contextual Approach to Pastoral Care and Counseling in Northern Thailand." Th.D. dissertation, Boston University, 1995. [OH]

______. "Pastoral Counseling for Thai Women in Thailand." STM thesis, Andover Newton Theological School, n.d. [PS]

______. "Thai Resources for Pastoral Counseling." PTCA Bulletin 10, 2 (December 1997):14-18. [OH]

Chu mpol Maniratanvongsiri. "Religion and Social Change: Ethnic Continuity and Change Among the Karen in Thailand with Reference to the Canadian Indian Experience." M.A. thesis, Trent University, 1993. [OH]

Chu rch of Christ in Thailand. Constitution, Parliamentary Procedures, Discipline and Government. Translated by Francis M. Seely. Ton Buri: Thai Terd Thum Press, 1970. [FC]

Church, Pharcellus. Notices of the Life of Theodosia-Ann Barker Dean. Boston: Heath, 1851. [YDS]

Clark, David J. "The Hilltribes Handicrafts Sales 1972-1992: Aims, Achievements and Problems." M.A. thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1 993. [FC]

______. "The Impact of Christian Scriptures in Selected Minority Languages of Thailand: A Preliminary Investigation. In The Bible in Cultural Context, edited by Helena Pavlincová and Dalibor Papouek, 69-79. Brno: Czech Society for the Study of Religions, 1994. [FC]

______. "Translation Problems in Galatians." In: The Apostle Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: Problems of Translation, Philology, History, Interpretation and Theology (Proceedings of the 8th Congress of Orthodox Biblical Scholars, Nesebur, Bulgaria, 10-14 September 1995), 183-194. Thessaloniki: Pournara., 1997. [FC]

Clark, David W illiam. "An Evaluation of Doctrine as Taught in Southeast Asia." D.Min. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1994. [FC]

Clark, Mary. Stories From Pagoda Land. Leeds, U.K.: Churches of Christ Foreign Mission Committee, n.d. [PUA]

Cod man-Wilson, Mary Louise. "Thai Cultural Identity and Understanding of Well-Being in the U.S.: An Ethnographic Study of an Immigrant Church. " Ph.D. dissertation, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 1992. [FC]

Coh en, Erik. "Christianity and : The 'Battle of the Axes' and the 'Contest of Power.'" Unpublished paper, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, n.d. [OH] Published in Social Compass 38, 2 (1991): 115-140. [OH]

______. "Christianization and Thaification: Contrasting Process of Religious Adaptation in Thailand." Unpublished paper, International Workshop on "Indigenous Responses to Western Christianity," Jerusalem, June 29-July 3, 1987. [OH] Published as "Christianizat ion and Indigenization: Contrasting Process of Religious Adaptation in Thailand." In Indigenous Responses to Western Christianity, edited by S. Kaplan, 29-55. New York: New York University Press, 1995. [FC]

______. "The Missionary as Stranger: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Christian Missionaries' Encounter with the Folk Religions of Thailand." Review of Religious Research 31, 4 (June 1990): 337-50. [ATLA]

Cole, Julia A. The Call to Siam and Laos. New York: Woman's Board of Foreign Missions, 1908. [PHS]

Con klin, James E. "Fishing in Deep Waters Among Karen in Thailand.& quot; In Church Growth in the Third World, edited by Roger E. Hedlund, 228-43. Bombay: Gospel Literature Press, 1977. [MFT]

______. "Worldview Evangelism: A Case Study of the Karen Baptist Church in Thailand." D.Miss. dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1984. [FC]

Con klin, James E., and Idaleen Conklin. "Leaders for the Hill Tribes." In Gospel Tide in Thailand, edited by Helen Powers, 33-7. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: American Baptist International Ministries, 1973. [PUA]

Coo ke, Joseph. "The Gospel for Thai Ears." Mimeographed paper, presented at an ecumenical discussion group, 1978. [PUA] Published in Lingo 18 (January 1983): 21-34. [CTC]

Coo per, A. Willard. Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam. Philadelphia: Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 1915. [PTS]

[Co oper, John J.] Report of the Evaluation of Seventeen Schools of the Church of Christ in Thailand. Chiang Mai: Payap College, 1982. [OH]

Cor t, Mary Lovina. Siam or The Heart of Further India. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, 1886. [PUA]

Crane, Allan. Fierce the Conflict: the Story of Lilian Hamer. London: China Inland Mission, 1960. [FTS]

Cressy, Earl H. City Churches in East Asia. New York: Missionary Research Library, 1955-56. [YDS]

______. City Churches in Thailand: Including Village Churches with 100 Members or Over. Hong Kong: Earl Herbert Cressy, 1956. [FTS]

______. A Program of Advance for the Christian Movement in Thailand. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1959. [PUA]

Crooks, Florence. Tales of Thailand. Norwood, Massachusetts: Privately printed, 1942. [PUA]

______. A Tribute to a Gallant Soldier of the Cross: Dr. Charles H. Crooks, Medical Missionary to Siam, 1904-1940. no city: n.p., 1951. [FTS]

Cum mings, Marjorie J. Sunrise Furlough. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1969. [about C&MA missionaries Paul and Priscilla Johnson]. [YDS]

Cur tis, Lillian Johnson. The Laos of North Siam. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1903. [PUA] Reprint. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 1998. [FC]

Cus hing, J. N. "A Journey into Northern Siam." Baptist Missionary Magazine 64 (October 1884): 372-374. Serialized in 17 issues, ending with 66 (May 1886): 127-129. [PUA]


Dadee-en (Daniel) Saengwichai. ""Kit-Pen" Theological Education Model: A Methodology for Contextualizing Theological Education in Thailand." D.Miss. dissertation, Asbury Theological Seminary, 1998. [FC]

Dam rong Rajanubhab, Prince. "On American Missions in Siam." Missionary Review of the World. 53 (May 1930): 331-336. [FC]

Danpongpee, Esther. "Karen Stories of Creation." Unpublished paper, Programme for Theology & Cultures in Asia Regional Theological Seminar-Workshop, Chiang Mai, 13-18 January 2000. [OH] Published on line at HeRB: Herb’s Research Bulletin 1 (March 2002): 12-29. (see HeRB 1) [OL as of April 2003]

Davis, John R. "Cross-cultural Church Discipline." Practical Anthropology 13 (September-October 1966): 193-98. [ATLA]

______. "Towards a Contextualized Theology for the Church in Thailand." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Birmingham, 1990. [BBC] Published as Poles Apart? Contextualizing the Gospel. Bangkok: Kanok Bannasan, 1993. [OH] Poles Apart: Contextualizing the Gospel In Asia. Rev. ed. Bangalore: Theological Book Trust, 1998. [FC]

Deininger, Friedrich W. "Folk Buddhism as a Challenge in Preaching the Gospel in Thailand." M.A. thesis, Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions, 1991. [FC]

DeNeui, Gretchen. "The Making of a Sodality in Northeastern Thailand." Paper, published on line at Thailand Covenant Church Website ( [OL as of March 2003]

DeNeui, Paul. "Contextualizing with Thai Folk Buddhists." Unpublished paper, 2002. [OH]

______. "The Development of a Multi-Dimensional Approach to Contextualization in Northeast Thailand." M.Th. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2002. [FC]

______. "Songs from the Heart of the Children of God: a Theological Content Analysis of Worship Songs from Northeast Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2002. [OH]

______. "Strings: A Powerful Media for the Communication of the Gospel in Northeast Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2002. [OH]

______. "Voices from Asia: Communicating Contextualization through Story." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2001. [OH] Also published on line at Thailand Covenant Church Website ( [OL as of March 2003]

Dettmore, Kim Marie. "Christianizing the Karen." M.A. thesis, Arizona State University, 1987. [FC]

Dickerson, Doris H. "Possible Conflicts as Karens Approach Integration." Practical Anthropology 17, 1 (January-February 1970): 1-9. [FC]

Dickerson, Thomas B. "Some Characteristics of High and Low Adopters in Karen Village Society, North Thailand." M.S. thesis, Cornell University, 1967. [OH]

Dierck, Lorraine. "The Relevance of the Food of Life Curriculum to Thai Churches: A Contextualized Study." M.A. thesis, Pacific College of Graduate Studies, 1991. [BBC]

Din kins, Larry. "Response to Bangkok Post Article on Why Missionaries Have Failed." Lingo 22 (June 1988): 14-18. [CTC]

Dobson, Kenneth C. "Acharn: Pastoral Counseling in Pastoral Care in Protestant Churches in Thailand." D.Min. dissertation, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1987. [PUA]

______. Ban Ti Chronicles. Typescript, Chiang Mai, 1989. [PUA]

______. Emerald Valley Chronicles: Stories of a Team of Christian Seminary Students at Work in Village Churches in Thailand. Typescript, Alton, Illinois, 1994. [PUA]

Dod d, Edward M. "Doctor and Friend: James W. McKean, M.D." In Answering Distant Calls, edited by Mabel H. Erdman, 89-96. New York: Association Press, 1942. [FC]

Dod d, W. Clifton. The Tai Race. Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Torch Press, 1923. [PUA] Reprint. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 1996. [FC]

Dos s, Ted. "Revival in a Land of Darkness: The Amazing Story of Pastor Chareonwongsak." Charisma and Christian Life Magazine 15, 7 (February 1990): 59-63. [FC]

Dow ns, Ray C. "The Developing Church in Thailand." McCormick Speaking 7, 4 (January 1954): 13- 15. [PUA]

______. "Thailand: A Struggling Church in a Stable Land." In Christ and Crisis in Southeast Asia, edited by Gerald H. Anderson, 29-54. New York: Friendship Press, 1968. [MFT]

Dripps, J. P. Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam and Among the Laos under the Care of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, 1881. [PTS] Microfiche copy: [ATLA] fiche 1991- 2977. [YDS] Later edition: Historical Sketch of the Missions in Siam under the Care of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 7th ed. Revised by A. Willard Cooper. Philadelphia: Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, 1915. [FC] Microfiche copy: [ATLA] fiche 1991-2973. [YDS]

Dus anee Boonyasangawong. "The Development of Christian Hymn Service in the Church of Christ in Thailand." M. A. Thesis, Mahidol University, 2000. [OH]

Dybdahl, Jon. Missions: A Two-Way Street. Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press, 1986. [Seventh Day- Adventist missions] [FC] E

Eakin, John A. Boon-It in Siam. New York: Women's Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, n.d. [PUA]

______. "Happy Years and Many of Them: The Story of an Ordinary Man, Chosen, Constrained, Consecrated [An Autobiography]." Typescript, n.d. [PUA]

______. "The Rugged Road: A Romance of Siamese Christian Life and Work." Typescript, n.d. [PUA]

Eakin, Mary A., et. al. The Eakin Family in Thailand. Bangkok: Prachandra Press, 1955. [PUA]

Eakin, Paul A. Buddhism and the Christian Approach to Buddhists in Thailand. Bangkok: R. Hongladaromp, 1956. [LC] Also published under the same title by Bangkok: Rung Ruang Ratana, 1960. [PUA]

______. "Wheels With the 'Wheel of the Law' in Siam," International Review of Missions 20 (1931): 440-49. [FC]

Ehl ers, Jeff. "An Asian Urban Ministry Model: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Thailand Field Strategy." Missio Apostolica 7, 1 (March 1999): 47-54. [ATLA]

Eld er, Gove. "Responses of Thai-Chinese churches to the Ancestor Problem." In Christian Alternatives to Ancestor Worship, edited by Bong Rin Ro, 225-33. Taichung, Taiwan: Asia Theological Association, 1985. [OH]

Eld er, Newton Carl. "A Study to Determine a Workable Program for the Training of Leadedrs for Service in the Church of Christ in Siam." S.T.M. thesis, Oberlin College, 1938. [FC]

Ens , Marie. Journey to Joy: the Story of Norman and Marie Ens. Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Christian Publications, 1994. [Christian & Missionary Alliance missionaries in Cambodia and Thailand] [FC]

Eub ank, L. Alan. "Consideration of the Problem of Ancestors in Planting the Lao-Song Church." Unpublished paper, Yale University Divinity School, 1966. [PUA]

______. God! If You Are Really God?Ask and Receive.Chiang Mai: Acts Co., 2003. [OH]

______. "The Planting of the Church Among the Lao Song People of Thailand." Unpublished paper, Yale University Divinity School, 1965. [PUA]


Fahrni, Audrey M. No Turning Back. London: OMF Books, 1973. [PTS]

Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, Executive Committee of the Eighth Congress. Siam General and Medical Features. Bangkok: Bangkok Times Press, 1930. [PUA]

Faris, John T. "The Apostle to the Lao: Daniel McGilvary's Half Century of Eager Preaching." In Reapers of His Harvest, by John T. Faris, 87-97. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1915. [OH]

Farrington, Anthony, ed. Early Missionaries in Bangkok: The Journals of Tomlin, Gutzlaff and Abeel, 1828-1832. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 2001. [OH]

Fel tus, George Haws. Abstract of Misionary Journals of Rev. Asa Hemenway (1810-1892) and of His Wife Lucia Hunt Hemenway (1810-1864), Missionaries to Siam, 1839-1850. Troy, New York, n.p., 1930. [FC]

______. "Biographical Sketch of Rev. (1866-1899)." Bangkok Times. 4 December 1928, [FC]

______. Centenary of Protestant Missions in Siam. Bangkok: Bangkok Times Press, 1929. [FC]

______. Missionary Journals of Rev. Jesse Caswell and of the Rev. and Mrs. Asa Hemenway of Siam. Troy, New York, n.p., 1931. [FC]

______. Samuel Reynolds House of Siam. New York: Revell, 1924. [PUA]

Feu dge, Fanny Roper. Eastern Side: or Mission Life in Siam. Philadelphia: Bible and Publication Society, 1871. [PHS]

Fie rs, A. Dale. This Is Missions: Our Christian Witness in an Unchristian World. St. Louis: Bethany Press, 1953. [PUA]

Fil beck, David. "Abuse in Marriage." [Case Studies from North Thailand]. Missiology 2 (April 1974): 225-35. [FC]

______. Called! To Preach Where Christ was not Known. [Chiang Mai]: [privately published], 2002. [PUA]

______. "Observations on the Prospects of a Translation into Northern Thai." Bible Translator 25, 2 (April 1974): 222-31. [ATLA]

Fleeson, Katherine Neville. Laos Folk-lore of Farther India. New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1899. [FC]

For d, Norman. "A History and Evaluation of the C&MA Mission in Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982. [BBC]

For dham, Graham S. "Ancestors and Christians in Rural Northern Thailand." Journal of the Siam Society 81, 1 (1993): 117-28.[ATLA]

______. "Protestant Christianity and the Transformation of Northern Thai Culture: Ritual Practice, Belief and Kinship." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Adelaide, 1991. [PUA]

For est, Alain. "But God wasn't Siamese." Unpublished paper, presented to the Conference on Christianity as an Indigenous Religion in Southeast Asia, Cebu City, Philippines, 1986. [FC]

______. "Insights for Frontier Missions to Buddhists." International Journal of Frontier Missions 10 (July 1993): 125-128. [CTC] Also published on line at International Journal of Frontier Mission Website ( [OL as of February 2004]

Fow ke, W. H. A Century of Worship 1864-1964: The Protestant Union Chapel and Christ Church, Bangkok. Bangkok: Christ Church, 1964. [PUA]

______. Christ Church, Bangkok: A Jubilee Booklet. Oxford: Church Army Press and Supplies, 1954. [SS]

Fow ler, Dorothy. "A History of Protestant Missions in Thailand." M.A. thesis, Graduate School of Missions, Columbia Bible College, 1955. [FC]

Franklin, Stephen T. "A New Christian Community and Its Surrounding Culture in Northeast Thailand." Missiology 11, 1 (January 1983): 75-94. [OH]

Freeman, John H. An Oriental Land of the Free. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1910. [PUA] Microfiche copy: [ATLA] fiche 1986-0045. [YDS]

Fridell, Elmer A. Baptists in Thailand and the Philippines. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1956. [PUA]

Ful ler, Paul H. "The Christian Approach to Hinayana Buddhism in Siam." B.Th. thesis, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1929. [PUA]


Geh man, Richard J. Let My Heart be Broken…With the Things that Break the Heart of God: Japan, Korea, Formosa, Hong Kong, Thailand and India as Seen by Dr. Bob Pierce, Missionary Statesman. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1966. [EUL]

God bey, J. E. Light in Darkness; or, Missions and Missionary Heroes. An illustrated history of the missionary work ... taking up principally the work in India, Burmah, Siam, China ... being a history of these countries. St. Louis and San Francisco: Holloway & Company, 1887. [LC] Published under the same title by, St. Louis, Missouri: F. M. Harter, 1892. [LC]

Gol d, Leon B. "Thailand." In The Church in Asia, edited by Donald E. Hoke, 625-41. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975. [MFT]

Gordon, Norman G. "The Missiological Problem of Patron-Client Relationships: A New Perspective on Protestant Missions in Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1990. [OH]

Graham, Walter Armstrong. A Brief History of French Catholic Missions in Siam. Bangkok: Wo Hing, 1903. [FC]

Gravers, Mikael. "God's Army—The Karen Twins, the Invisible Army and the Media." NIA Snytt: Nordic Newsletter of Asian Studies no. 2 (July 2001): 12-6. [FC]

Grether, Herbert. "The Cross and the Bodhi Tree." Theology Today 16, 4 (January 1960): 446-58. [FC]

______. "The Revision of the Thai Bible." Bible Translator 8 (January 1957): 9-19. [FC]

______. "When Faith Meets Faith." South East Asia Journal of Theology 10, 2-3 (October 1968- January 1969): 141-147. [FC]

______. "Treasure in Eastern Vessels." South East Asia Journal of Theology 6, 1 (1963): 6-8. [FC]

______. "The Word of God in 'The King's Thai.'" International Church Times 4, 2 (April 1963): 1-2. [PUA]

Guide to Christian Work in Thailand (Protestant). Bangkok: Rajadaromp Printery & Typefoundry, 1964. [FTS]

Gus tafson, James W. "The Historical Development of the Center for Church Planting and Church Growth in Northeast Thailand." Unpublished paper, World Relief Phase III Workshop, Udon Thani, Thailand, 14 February-4 March 1983. [FC]

______. "Integrated Holistic Development & the World Mission of the Church.” Paper, 1983, published on line at Thailand Covenant Church Website ( [OL as of March 2003]

______. "The Integration of Development and Evangelism." Missiology 26, 2 (April 1998): 131- 142. [ATLA] Also published on line at Thailand Covenant Church Website ( [OL as of March 2003]

______. "The Issaan Development Foundation: A Rural Development Approach in Northeast Thailand." Paper, published on line at Thailand Covenant Church Website ( [OL as of March 2003]

______. "Pigs, Ponds and the Gospel." In Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader. 3d ed., edited by Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne. Pasadena, California: William Carey Library, 1999. [FC]

______. "To Serve the World." In Bound to Be Free: Essays on Being a Christian and a Covenanter, edited by James R. Hawkinson, 113-26. Chicago: Covenant Press, 1975. [ATLA]] Also on line at Thailand Covenant Church Website ( [OL as of March 2003]

______. "Syncretistic Rural Thai Buddhism." M.A. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1970. [FC]

______. "Syncretistic Thai Religion and Church Growth." Unpublished paper, First All Thailand Church Growth Seminar, Bangkok, 1971. [FC]

Gut zlaff, Charles. Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832, and 1833, and Notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands. London: Westley & Davis, 1834. [FC] Later edition under the same title: London: T. Ward, [1840]. [LC] Reprint. Taipei: Cheng-wen Publishing Co., 1968. [FTS]

______. The Journal of Two Voyages Along the Coast of China in 1831-1832; the First in a Chinese Junk, the Second in the British Ship Lord Amherst; with notices of Siam, Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands. New York: J. P. Haven, 1833. [LC]

Gut zlaff, Karl Friedrich August. A Visit to the Coasts of China and Siam, with notices of Corea, and the Loo-Choo Islands. London: T. Ward, n.d. [YDS]


Hall, Doris Catherine. "ABS History, Essay #15, Part VII-F-5: Distribution Abroad: Thailand, 1931- 1966." Unpublished essay, American Bible Society, 1968. [OH]

Ham ilton, Guy W. "Siam Missions." In World-Wide Evangelization: The Urgent Business of the Church, 315-18. New York: Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1902. [BC]

Ham lin, E. John. "The Chain of Speaking and Hearing." South East Asia Journal of Theology 5, 1 (July 1963): 9-14. [MFT]

______. God: Builder of Society. the Importance of the Old Testament Prophets for the Southeast Asian Church. Bangkok: Suriyaban, 1992. [FC]

______. "The Levites: Model for the Pastoral Ministry." Hundredth Anniversary Lecture. Chiang Mai: McGilvary Faculty of Theology, Payap University., 1989. [FC]

______. "Purposes and Aims of Thailand Theological Seminary." South East Asia Journal of Theology 14, 1 (1972): 83-7.[ATLA]

Hana, Claralice. Letters From Hazel. Typescript copy, n.d. [PUA]

Hansen, Elly and Mary H. Wallace. Following Jesus All the Way. Hazelwood, Missouri: Word Aflame Press, 1987. [United Pentecostal Church] [FC]

Hanson, Harold. "The Functions and Fruits of a Christian Hospital." International Church Times 4, 2 (April 1963): 3-6. [PUA]

Harris, William. "Recollections by William Harris for My Grandchildren." Typescript, 1950. [PUA]

Hartzell, Jessie MacKinnon. Mission to Siam; the Memoirs of Jessie MacKinnon Hartzell. Edited by Joan Acocella. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2001. [YDS]

Hatton, Howard A. "Translating YHWH: Experience in Thailand and Micronesia." Bible Translator 43, 4 (October 1992): 446-48. [ATLA]

______. "Translation into Thai Poetry." Bible Translator 25, 1 (January 1974): 131-39. [OH]

Haug, Kari Storstein and Knut Holter. "No Graven Image? Reading the Second Commandment in a Thai Context." Asia Journal of Theology, 14, 1 (April 2000): 20-36.[ATLA]

Hawley, Joshua David. "The Kingdom of God is Near: Christian Conversion and Political Change in the Highland Zone of Mainland Southeast Asia." M.A. thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. [PUA]

Hawley, Sandra M. "ABS History, Essay #15, Part V-F-5: Siam, 1861-1900." Unpublished essay, American Bible Society, n.d. [OH]

Hayami, Yoko. "Karen Tradition According to Christ or Buddha: The Implications of Multiple Reinterpretation for a Minority Ethnic Group in Thailand." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 27, 2 (September 1996): 334-349. [FC]

______. "Ritual and Religious Transformation among Sgaw Karen of Northern Thailand: Implications on Gender and Ethnic Identity." Ph.D. dissertation, Brown University, 1992. [OH]

Headen, Jerry. "The Eastern Church Fathers and Christian Spirituality in Thailand." Unpublished paper, n.d. [OH]

______. "An Outline of Christian Spirituality for Thailand." Unpublished paper, n.d. [OH]

Hec kendorf, George. "A Church Growth Survey: An Accurate Picture of the Gospel Church of Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [BBC]

______. "Divine Healing: A Dynamic Factor in the Growth of the Christian and Missionary Alliance." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [BBC]

______. "The Fledgling Indigenous Missionary Movements in Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [BBC]

______. "Leadership Training in Northeast Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [FC]

______. "A Preliminary Case Study of T. E. E. Centers in Northeast Thailand." Unpublished paper, Khon Kaen, Thailand. [FC]

______. "Transforming Thai Cultural Forms in Northeast Thailand." Unpublished paper, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [BBC]

Heimbach, M. At Any Cost: The Story of Graham Ray Orpin. London: China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1964, [EUL] Reprinted with an additional chapter as: At Any Cost: The Story of Graham Ray Orpin. London: Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1976. [EUL]

Hen sman, J. Mark. "Beyond Talk: the Dialogue of Life as the Locus of Non-Verbal Interreligious Dialogue." East Asian Pastoral Review 36, 3 (1999): 323-337. [Catholic-Buddhist Dialogue] [OMC]

______. Mark. "Beyond Talk: the Dialogue of Life as Set in the Context of Two Communities in Western Thailand. Communication and Cognitive Theories Provide the Theoretical Framework. Two Villages in Which a Buddhist Community and a Catholic Community Live as Neighbours, Provide the Case Study." Th.D. dissertation, Melbourne College of Divinity, 1999. [FC]

Herring, Richard S. "Spiritual Formation at Six Thai Evangelical Theological Institutions." D.Min. dissertation, Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions, 1999. [SP]

Hervey, G. Sinfred. The Story of Baptist Missions in Foreign Lands. St. Louis, Chancy R. Barns, 1886. [PUA]

[Hill, Mrs.] Rufus Hill: the Missionary Child in Siam. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1854. [PTS] Electronic edition on Makers of America, University of Michigan (http// [OL as of March 2003]

Hill, Ronald C. Bangkok: An Urban Arena. Nashville: Foreign Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, 1982. [BBC]

______. "An Outline History of Thailand Baptist Work Related to Southern Baptists." Mimeographed report, Southern Baptist Mission, 1976. [PUA]

______. "Thailand Baptist Church Growth 1952-1974." Mimeographed report, Southern Baptist Mission, n.d. [FC]

Hiltunen, Pekka Y. "Light in the Shade: A Christian Encounter with Popular Buddhism in Thailand: LITE Study Material 1/1999." Photocopied document, Lutheran Institute of Theological Education, 1998. [PUA]

Hoare, Timothy Douglas. "On the Aesthetic and the Religious Dimensions of the Classical Theatre of Thailand: Performance as a Theological Agenda for Christian Ritual Praxis." Ph.D. dissertation, Graduate Theological Union, 1992. [FC]

Hoh necker, Susanne. "The Contextualization of the Biblical Story of Creation in Thai Culture: A Model for Contextualization." M.A. thesis, Columbia International University, 1995. [CTC]

Holzmann, John. "Caleb Project Research Expeditions." Urban Mission 8, 4 (March 1991): 43-55. [FC]

Horn, Ernst. "Traditional and Biblical 'Phii' Concepts Within the 'Church of Christ' in Northern Thailand." D.Min. dissertation, Columbia International University and School of Missions, 1996. [FC]

Hos ack, James. "The Arrival of Pentecostals and Charistmatics in Thailand." Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies 4, 1 (January 2001): 109-117. [OH]

Hou se, Samuel R. "History of Missions in Siam and Laos, 1829-1883." Manuscript copy, n.d. Presbyterian Historical Society. [PHS]

Hou se, Mrs. Samuel R. "Siam and Laos: Questions and Answers." Philadelphia: Women's Foreign Mission Society of the Presbyterian Church, n.d. [FC]

Hov emyr, Anders P. "From the Maritime Provinces to the Karen in Siam: An Almost Forgotten Episode in the History of the Spread of Christianity Among the Karens in Siam." Unpublished typescript, University of Uppsala, n.d. [PUA]

______. In Search of the Karen King: A Study in Karen Identity with Special Reference to 19th Century Karen Evangelism in Northern Thailand. Uppsala: Studia Missionalia Upsaliensia, 1989. [OH]

______. "Towards a Theology of the Incarnation in the Thai Culture." East Asia Journal of Theology 1, 2 (1983): 78-83. [MFT]

Hov emyr, Maria. A Bruised Reed He Shall Not Break: A History of the 16th District of the Church of Christ in Thailand. Chiang Mai: Office of History, 1997. [OH]

Hudgins, Frances E. Temples of the Dawn. Nashville: Convention Press, 1958. [SP]

Hudson, Cornelia Kneedler. [Biography of Daniel McGilvary]. Unpublished manuscript, n.d. [OH]

______. "Daniel McGilvary in Siam: Foreign Missions, the Civil War, and Presbyterian Unity." American Presbyterians 69, 4 (Winter 1991): 283-293. [OH]

Hud spith, Edwin J. "Tribal Highways and Byways: A Church Growth Study in Northern Thailand." M.A. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1969. [PUA]

Hug hes, Philip J. "Accepting the Christian Faith in Thailand." Pointers: Bulletin of the Christian Research Association 6, 4 (December 1996): 6-9. [OH]

______. "The Assimilation of Christianity in the Thai Culture." Religion. 14 (1984): 313-336. [OH]

______. "Christianity and Buddhism in Thailand." Journal of the Siam Society. 73 (January-July 1985): 23-41. [OH]

______. "Christianity and Culture: A Case Study in Northern Thailand." Th.D. dissertation, South East Asia Graduate School of Theology, 1983. [PUA]

______. "Dialogue and Identity in the Protestant Churches of Northern Thailand." Australian Religious Studies Review 7, 1 (Autumn 1994): 31-37. [OH]

______. Proclamation and Response: A Study of the History of the Christian Faith in Northern Thailand. Chiang Mai: Manuscript Division, Payap College, 1982. [OH] 2d ed. Chiang Mai: Payap University Archives, 1989. [OH]

______. "Social Change and Its Impact on Religion in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand." In Sociology for a New Millennium: Challenges & Prospects, edited by M. Collis, L. Munro, and S. Russell, 427-32. Melbourne: TASA Conference Proceedings, 1999. [OH]

______. "Theology and Culture: Implications for Methodology of a Case Study in Northern Thailand." Colloqium 18, 1 (October 1985): 43-53. [OH]

______. "Values of Thai Buddhists and Thai Christians." Journal of the Siam Society. 72, 1 & 2 (January-July 1984): 212-227. [OH]

Hun tley, David Anthony. "Video and Missions: A Consideration of the Missiological Use of Video, with Special Reference to the Thailand Hospital Video Venture together with a Study of the Likely Impact of Video and Teletext in Missiological Applications in Developing Countries." Th.M. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1981. [FTS]

Hut chinson, E. W. "The Earliest Translation of the Gospel." Journal of the Siam Society 28 (1935): 197-99. [FC]


Inte rnational Congress on World Evangelization, Lausanne. Status of Christianity Country Profiles. Monrovia, California: Missions Advanced Research and Communication Center, 1974. [UTS]

Inte rnational Missionary Council. "Findings of the Bangkok Conference called by John R. Mott, LL.D., Chairman of the International Missionary Council. Bangkok, Siam. February 27-March 4, 1929." Bangkok: Bangkok Times Press, 1929. [PUA]

Irw in, Edwin F. With Christ in Indo-China: The Story of Alliance Missions in French Indo-China and Eastern Siam. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Christian Publications, 1937. [FTS]


Jackson, G. C. "Report from Bangkok." International Review of Missions 53 (July 1964): 307-17. [FC] Jacobs-Larkcom, Dorothy. "Mission Work in Northern Siam." Standard (Bangkok) 598 (14 June 1958): 11, 19, 26. [FC]

Jeng, Timothy. "Leadership Training for Thailand." Masters' thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982. [FC]

______. "Strategizing Leadership Training in Thailand." D.Miss. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1983. [FC]

Joh nson, Clifton Herman. "The American Missionary Association, 1846-1861: A Study of Christian Abolitionism." Ph.D., University of , 1958. [YDS] [pp. 380-397 are on the Siam Mission]

Joh nson, Jay Stapp. "Some Methods and Functions of Evaluation for Cross-Cultural Clinicians: A Case Study of Attitude Change in a Thai Voluntary Organization." Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1967. [PUA]

Joh nston, Howard Agnew. How a Governor in Siam Found Christ. Philadelphia: Woman's Foreign Missionary Scoiety of the Presbyterian Church, 1908. [PHS]

Jones, B. "Thailand Crusades: A Year of New Beginnings." World Vision (April 1978): 4-7. [FC]

Jon es, Eliza G. The Burman Village in Siam: A Missionary Narrative. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1853. [FC]

______. Memoir of Mrs. Eliza G. Jones: Missionary to Burmah and Siam. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication and Sunday School Society, 1842. [LC] Later published as, Memoirs. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publishing Society, 1853. [PUA]

Jud d, Laurence. "Chao Rai Thai: Dry Rice Farmers in Northern Thailand." Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University, 1961. [FC] Published with restudy as Chao Rai Thai: Dry Rice Farmers in Northern Thailand. Bangkok: Suriyaban, 1977. [PUA]

______. "Social Change in Commune Baw, 1958-1967." In Social Organization and the Applications of Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Lauriston Sharp, edited by Robert J. Smith. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1974. [FC]

______. A Vision to Some..... A Case Study of Rural Development Activities by a NGO in Thailand: The Rural Life Department of the Church of Christ in Thailand, 1961-1970. Bangkok: Suriyaban, 1987. [PUA]


Kam merer, Cornelia Ann. "Customs and Christian Conversion among Akha Highlanders of Burma and Thailand." American Ethnologist 17, 2 (1990): 277-91. [FC]

______. "Discarding the Basket: The Reinterpretation of Tradition by Akha Christian of Northern Thailand." Unpublished paper, Association for Asian Studies, Chicago, 1990. [FC] Published in Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 27, 2 (September 1996):293-319. [OH]

______. "Transformations in Kinship Among Akha (Hani) Christians of Highland Northern Thailand." In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Thai Studies. Vol. 1, 330-338. Kunming, China: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1990. [YDS]

Kam ol Arayaprateep. "Covenant - Tool in Bible Study." South East Asia Journal of Theology 18, 1 (1977). [FC]

Kang, Dae-heung. "A Study of Self-Supporting and the Church of Christ in Thailand." M.Th., University of Edinburgh, 2001. [OH]

Key es, Charles F. "Being Protestant Christians in Southeast Asian Worlds." Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 27, 2 (September 1996): 280-292. [FC]

______. "Why the Thai Are Not Christians: Buddhist and Christian Conversion in Thailand." In Conversion to Christianity: Historical and Anthropological Perspectives on a Great Transformation, edited by Robert W. Hefner, 259-283. Berkeley: University of California, 1993. [OH]

Kho , Samuel. 150 Years of Thankfulness: A History of Maitrichit Chinese Baptist Church (1837- 1987). Bangkok: Published by author, 1987. [OH]

Kim , Hwal-Young. "From Asia to Asia: A History of Cross-Cultural Missionary Work of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Hapdong), 1959-1992." D.Miss. dissertation, Reformed Theological Seminary, 1993. [BBC]

Kim , Jung Woong. "Informal Leadership Training in Northern Thailand." In Essays by and for David Cho in Honor of His Sixtieth Birthday, edited by the East-West Center for Missions Research and Development, 293-316. Seoul: East-West Center for Missions Research and Development, 1976. [FC]

______. "Third World Mission-Church Relationship: A Korean-Thai Model." D.Miss. dissertation, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1985. [BBC]

Kim , Samuel. "The Unfinished Mission in Thailand: The Uncertain Impact on the Buddhist Heartland." D.Miss. dissertation, East-West Centre for Mission, Seoul, 1980. [FC] Published as The Unfinished Mission in Thailand. Seoul: East-West Center for Missions, 1980. [PUA]

Kin g, Hamilton. A Visit to the North Laos Mission. New York: Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, n.d. [ca. 1906]. [PHS]

Kin gshill, Carolyn Ryberg. "He Has Put A New Song in Thai Mouths." South East Asia Journal of Theology 5, 1 (July 1963): 15-17. [MFT]

Kiriti Bunchua. The Catholic Parishes of the Portuguese and Annamite Descendants in Bangkok. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University, 1982. [FC]

______. "History of the Church in Thailand." In Asia and Christianity. edited by M. D. David. Bombay: Himalaya Publishing, 1985. [FC]

Kos on Srisang. "Cultural Heritage and Political Vision: Northern Thai Perspective on Political Ethics." East Asia Journal of Theology 3, 1 (April 1985), 62-75. [OH]

______. "Dhammocracy in Thailand: A Study of Social Ethics as a Hermeneutic of Dhamma." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1974. [FC]

______. "Free and Compassionate: A Perspective on Religious Foundations of Political Ethics." Unpublished paper, Presbyterian Church Seminar on "Theological Reflection for Political Action," Stony Point Center, New York, 17-21 July 1983. [FC] Published in Liberation and Ethics: Essays in Religious Social Ethics in Honor of Gibson Winter, edited by Charles Amjad-Ali and W. Alvin Pitcher, 215-27. Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1985. [[ATLA]S] Published in Doing Theology With Asian Resources: Theology and Politics, edited by Yeow Choo Luk, 69- 102. : ATESEA, 1993. [MFT]

______, ed. Liberating Discovery: An Asian Enquiry into Theological Reflection on Tourism. Bangkok: Ecumenical Coalition on Third World Tourism, 1986. [FC]

______. "On Reinterpreting the Dhamma: Towards an Adequate Thai Social Ethics." In Radical Conservatism: Buddhism in the Contemporary World, edited by Sulak Sivaraksa, 469-487. Bangkok: The Inter-Religious Commission for Development and International Network of Engaged Buddhists, 1990. [FC]

______. "Recovering the Power of Life." Ecumenical Review 32, 1 (January 1980): 66-74. [FC] Published in Living Theology in Asia, edited by John C. England, 126-135. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1982. [MFT]

______. "Religious Recovery and Social Change in Thailand." In Issues of Justice: Social Sources and Religious Meanings, edited by Roger D. Hatch, 205-23. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1988. [ATLA]

______. Towards a Village University." In Catalysing Hope for Justice, edited by Wolfgang R. Schmidt, 204-09. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1987. [OH]

Koy ama, Kosuke. "Aristotelian Pepper and Buddhist Salt." Practical Anthropology 14, 3 (May-June 1967): 97-102. [PUA] Reprinted in Readings in Missionary Anthropology II. Enlarged ed., edited by William Smalley,.109-114. South Pasadena, California: William Carey Library, 1978. [YDS]

______. "Bangkok, Wittenberg and Jerusalem" South East Asia Journal of Theology 10 (July 1968): 3-5. [FC]

______. "From Water Buffaloes to Asian Theology." Japan Christian Quarterly 30 (July 1964): 167-69. [ATLA] Reprinted in International Review of Mission 53 (October 1964): 457-58. [ATLA]

______. "God is Disturbed." Frontier 7, 2 (Summer 1964): 107-110. [ATLA]

______. "The Lord's Controversy with Thailand." International Review of Mission 61, 243 (July 1972): 229-35. [ATLA]

______. "MTS and the Ministry in Thailand." South East Asia Journal of Theology 5, 1 (July 1963): 38-41. [ATLA]

______. "Prelude to a 'Neighbor-ology': Confessing the Faith in Thailand Today." South East Asia Journal of Theology 8, 1 & 2 (July-October 1966): 171-75. [ATLA]

______. "The Role of Theology in Asia Today." India Journal of Theology 17, supplement (1968): 1-22. [ATLA]

______. "Thailand: Points of Theological Friction." In Asian Voices in Christian Theology, edited by Gerald H. Anderson, 65-86. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1974. [MFT]

______. Water Buffalo Theology: A Thailand Theological Notebook. Singapore: n.p., 1970. [OH] Published as Water Buffalo Theology. London: SCM Press, 1974. [MFT] Also published as Water Buffalo Theology. New York: Orbis Books, 1976. [FC] Chapter 1 reprinted in What Asian Christians Are Thinking: A Theological Source Book, edited by Douglas J. Elwood, 16-40. Quezon City: New Day Publishers, 1976. [MFT]

______. "Water Buffalo Theology—After 25 Years." PTCA Bulletin 12, 2 (December 1998): 5-9. [ATLA]

______. "Water Buffalo Theology—After 25 Years." McGilvary Journal of Theology 1/1999 (April 1999): 63-71. [OH]

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______. "'Wrath of God' vs. Thai Theologia Gloriae." South East Asia Journal of Theology 5, 1 (July 1963): 18-25. [MFT] Reprinted as, "The 'Wrath of God' and the Thai Theologia Gloriae." In Christ and the Younger Churches: Theological Contributions from Asia, edited by George F. Vicedom, 42-50. London: SPCK, 1972.[ATLA]

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Kriengsak Chareonwongsak. "Hope of Bangkok: A Visionary Church Growth and Church Planting Model." Report, Church Planting in Asia Consultation, President Hotel, Singapore, 2-5 January 1989. [FC] Published as "Hope of Bangkok: A Visionary Model of Church Growth and Church Planting." Urban Mission 7, 3 (January 1990): 25-35. [ATLA]

Kuh n, Isobel. Ascent to the Tribes: Pioneering in North Thailand. London: China Inland Mission/Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1956. [PUA] Also published by Chicago: Moody Press, 1956. [LC] Reprinted with revisions by London: Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1968. [LC]

______. North Thailand, the Golden Clime. London: China Inland Mission, 1954. [FC]

Kum mool Chinawong, and Herbert R. Swanson. "Religion and the Formation of Community in Northern Thailand: The Case of Christianity in Nan Province." Unpublished paper, Fifth International Conference on Thai Studies, London, July 1993. [OH] Edited and reprinted in HeRB: Herb's Research Bulletin 4 (December 2002): 5-30. [OL as of May 2003]

Kun stadter, Peter. The Lua' (Lawa) of Northern Thailand: Aspects of Social Structure, Agriculture, and Religion. Princeton: Princeton University, Center of International Studies, 1965. [FC]


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______. "In His Steps: A Biography of Dan Beach Bradley, Medical Missionary to Thailand, 1835-1873." Ph.D. dissertation, Western Reserve University, 1964. [PUA] Published as Mo Bradley and Thailand. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 1969. [PUA]

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______. "Creation of Man: Th eological Reflections Based on Northern Thai Folktales." East Asia Journal of Theology 3, 2 (October 1985): 222-227. [MFT]

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______. "Progress and Problems of the Church of Christ in Thailand, 1957-1971." M.Th. thesis, Silliman University, 1972. [MFT] Microfiche copy: Yale Divinity School, Fiche B40. [YDS]

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______. "Khrischak Issara: The Independent Churches in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Thailand, their Historical Background, Contextual Setting, and Theological Thinking." Licentiate thesis, Åbo Akademi, 1993. [OH] Revised and published as Khrischak Issara: The Independent Churches in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Thailand, their Historical Background, Contextual Setting, and Theological Thinking. Åbo: Åbo Akademi University Press, 2000. [OH]

Malcom, Howard. Travels in South-Eastern Asia: embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China; with notices of numerous missionary stations, and a full account of the Burman empire. 10th American ed. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 185?. [LC]

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McDonald, H. H. Child Life in Siam and Laos: By Our American Missionaries. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1884. [FC]

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McFarland, Bertha Blount. McFarland of Siam. New York: Vantage Press, 1958. [PUA]

______. Our Garden Was So Fair. Philadelphia: Blakiston, 1943. [PUA]

______. "The Siamese Government and Missionary Work." International Review of Missions 20 (1931): 122-29. [FC]

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______. Reminiscences of Twelve Decades of Service to Siam 1860-1936. n.p, n.d. [PUA]

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______. A Half Century Among the Siamese and the Lao. New York: Revell, 1912. [PUA] Reprint. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 2001. [OH] Microfiche copy, Yale Divinity School, B4000 [ATLA] fiche #1988-3252. [YDS]

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McR ae, Loren. "The Indigenous Church in Thailand." Unpublished paper, Assemblies of God Graduate School, 1976. [FC]

Merrian, Edmund F. A History of American Baptist Missions. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1900. [PUA]

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Min alainen, Lea-Raija. "The Work of FFFM and The Development of Thailand During 1965-1991." M.R.E. thesis, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 1992. [FC]

Morgan, Bruce. Thai Buddhism and American Protestantism in their Social, Cultural, and Historical Setting. Sinclair Thompson Lectures, no. 4. Chiang Mai: Thailand Theological Seminary, n.d. [PUA]

Morris, Louise. Stronger Than the Strong. Littleton, Colorado: OMF Books, 1998. [Pwo Karen in northern Thailand] [FC]

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Murphy, Helen Knox. Common Nobility: A Family Story. Houston; Kitchen Table Top Publishers, 2002. [PUA]


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Nantawan Boonprasat Lewis. "Asian Women Theology: A Historical and Theological Analysis. East Asia Journal of Theology 4, 2 (1986). [FC]

______. "In Search of an Integral Liberation: A Study on the Thai Struggle for Social Justice from a Christian Perspective—The Contemporary Thai Farmers' Movement as a Case Study." Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1982. [MFT]

______. "A Study of Christian Mission in Thailand." East Asia Journal of Theology 2.1 (1984). [FC]

Narong Tongsuk. "A Study of Soteriology in the Johannine Gospel and the Hinayana Buddhist Concept of Nibbana." M.Div. thesis, Oriental Theological Seminary, 1996. [SP]

Nelson, Rupert. "Upland-Lowland Conflict: The Missionaries' Role." Unpublished paper, 15th Annual Mission Conference, American Baptist Mission in Thailand, August 1969. [PUA]

Narin Sritandon. "Thailand." In Church in Asia Today: Challenges and Opportunities, edited by Saphir Athyal, 238-65. Singapore: Asia Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 1966. [PTS]

Ngaihte, Ginnei Thang. "Developing Emerging Leadership for the Associated Churches of Thailand in Bangkok." D.Min. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, Schoo l of World Mission, 1999. [FTS]

Ngu yen-van-Khoi, Joseph. "A Study of the Impact of Christian Missionaries on Education in Thailand, 1662-1910." Ph.D. dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1972. [PUA]

Nickerson, Ruth. Promise of Dawn: Pages from a Thailand Diary. Tring, England: Lion Publishing, 1982. [UTS]

Nightingale, Rita. Free! True Release in a Bangkok Jail. London: Marshall Pickering, 2000. [YDS]

Nishimoto, Robert. "Survey of Pentecostal Missions in Thailand." Bangkok: Published by author, 1993. [FC]

North Laos Mission. Reports of Tours of Missionary Exploration in Siamese, French, Chinese and British Laos Territory. Cheung Mai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1898. [PHS]

Not ley, Danny S. "A Short History of the Assemblies of God Missionary Effort in Thailand." Unpublished paper, Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, 1987. [OH]


O'Brien, O. Cambodian Evangelical Christianity on the Thai-Cambodian Border. Aranyaprathet, Thailand: CAMA Services, 1991. [LC]

Oh, Young Chul. "Forming a Mission Strategy for Thai Karen in a Remote Region: Research into Effective Communication in Evangelism." Dipolma in Missiology thesis, Free Church of Scotland College, 2002. [PUA]

Orr, W. M., Jr. "Ledger & Diary of Emilie Royce Bradley." n.p., n.d. [FC]

Ove rseas Missionary Fellowship. Central Thai Language Committee. Clues to Thai Culture and to Cross-Cultural Adjustment, Communication and Innovation. Bangkok: Kanok Bannasan, 1981. [BBC]

______. Dawn Wind. Sevenoaks, Kent, England: Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1980. [BBC]

______. One Small Flame. Sevenoaks, Kent, England: Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1978. [FC]


Pachara Chootoochana-Saengwichai. "Reflections on Communicating the Four Spiritual Laws in Thai Context." M.T.S. thesis, Alliance Biblical Seminary, 1988. [CTC]

Pallegoix, Jean-Baptite. Description of the Thai Kingdom or Siam: Thailand under King Mongkut. Translated by Walter E. J. Tips. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, 2000. [OH] [Originally published as Description du Royaume Thai ou Siam, 2 volumes, 1854, Mission de Siam, Paris.]

Parichart Suwanbubbha. "Grace and Kamma: A Case Study of Religio-cultural Encounters in Protestant and Buddhist Communities in Bangkok and Its Relevant Environs, Thailand." Th.D. dissertation, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1994. [OH]

Paw, Louise. "Karen Baptists of Burma Meet with Karen Baptists in Thailand." Burma News 73, 1 (January-February 1960): 20-22. [YDS]

Peabody, H elen. Mary Margaretta Campbell: A Brief Record of a Youthful Life. Cincinnati: Silvius & Smith, 1881. [PUA]

Peet, Verda. Sometimes I Prefer to Fuss. Singapore: OMF Books, 1985. [BBC]

Perschky, Ronald William. "A Profile of Urban Evangelism." Urban Mission 12, 1 (September 1994): 51-7.

______. "Training Rural Thai Church Leadership." M.A. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1988. [FTS]

Persons, Don. "Inculturation in Thailand: Issues in Religious Education and Research." Unpublished paper, Third Lausanne International Researchers' Conference," Chiang Mai, 4-8 September 2001 . [OH]

Persons, Larry. "Sociological Study of the Gospel Church of Thailand." Unpublished paper, 1988. [CTC]

Pho rn Ratanasuwan. Mental Health and Religion: Lectures delivered at the Thailand Theological Seminary, Church of Christ in Thailand. Bangkok: Home of the Psychical Research, 1972. [LC]

Pin ya, "A History of the French Missions to Siam." Asiatic Quarterly Review 3d Series, 11 (April 1901): 331-43; 12 (July 1901): 120-33; and, 13 (January 1902): 91-105.

Pis nu Akkapin. "Present Status and Theological Foundations for Social Work in the Church of Christ in Thailand." S.T.M. thesis, Union Theological Seminary, 1961. [PUA]

Platt, LaVonne. "Walking Tall in Bangkok: How an American Christian is Helping the Poor Find Justice." Other Side, 146 (November 1983): 16-19. [about Max Ediger, Mennonite work] [ATLA]

Platz, Roland. "Buddhism and Christianity in Competition? Religious and Ethnic Identity in Karen Communities of Northern Thailand." Journal of Southeast Asain Studies 34, 3 (October 2003): 473-490. [YDS]

Pon gsak Limthongvirun. "The Shaping of the Lutheran Mission in Thailand for Tomorrow." M .Div. thesis, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong, 1983. [OH]

Pop p, Richard L. "American Missionaries and the Introduction of Western Science and Medicine in Thailand, 1830-1900." Missiology 13, 2 (April 1985): 147-57. [OH]

Pow ers, Helen M. Gospel Tide in Thailand: American Baptists World Mission Study. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: American Baptist International Ministries, 1973. [PUA]

Pradit Takerngrangsarit. "The Relevance of Western Biblical Scholarship to the Teaching of the Old Testament in the Thai Church: A Study of Selected Representative Texts and a Proposal for a Responsible Thai Scholarship." Th.D. dissertation, Melbourne College of Divinity, 1993. [MFT]

Pracha Thaiwatcharamas. "A Church Growth Plan for the Thailand Baptist Churches Association." Th.D. dissertation, Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary, 1997. [SP]

Prajuab Tirabutana. "My Contact with Christians in Thailand." Practical Anthropology 6 , 6 ( 1959): 277-81. [ATLA]

Prakai Nontawasee. "Bible Studies 1 and 2." In Freed for Service in Vulnerable Situations in Asia: Bible Studies CCA 8th Assembly. Singapore: CCA, 1985. [FC]

______. "Confrontation of Phii-ka and Christianity: A Case Study." International Review of Missions 76, 301 (January 1987), 82-5.[ATLA]

______. "The Japanese Image in Thailand." Japan Christian Quarterly 41, 2 (1975). [FC]

______. "Jesus Empowering Women." PTCA Bulletin 12, 1 & 2 (June & Dece mber 1999): 8-9. [OH]

______. "Liberation: The Thai Christian View." Reformed World 36, 2 (1980): 67-71. [ATLA]

______. "Reflection on the WCC Draft 'Economy as a Matter of Faith.'" Reformed World 42, 3 (September 1992): 101-05. [ATLA]

______. "To Seek in Order to Give: Insiders, Not Outsiders." In Faith in the Midst of Faiths, edited by S. J. Samartha. Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1977. [FC]

Praphas Chantraboon. "St. Paul 's Teaching on Salvation in the Epistle to the Romans." B.Th thesis, Thailand Theological Seminary, 1965. [FC]

Prasert Kusawadi. "Presenting the Gospel Using the Body, Mind, and Spirit Circles." Lingo 18 (January 1983): 5-20. [CTC]

Prasit Sae Tang and Pikul Nantachaipan. A Synthesis of Knowledge from Direct Experience: Home Care for HIV Infected Persons, AIDS Patients and Their Families by the Church of Christ in Thailand (1991-2000). Translated by Koson Srisang. Chiang Mai: CCT AIDS Ministry, Church of Christ in Thailand, 2001.

Pro Mundi Vita. The Church in Thailand. (PMV Bulletin); A Church Survey in Thailand. PMV Dossier, 1976. [FC]

______. Thailand in Transition: The Church in a Buddhist Country. Brussels: Pro Mundi Vita, 1973. [SS]

Pur nell, Herbert C., Jr. "Thai Response to the Gospel." Practical Anthropology 4 (1985): 115-121. [FC]



Rajah, Ananda. "Transformations of Karen Myths of Origin and Relations of Power." In Patterns and Illusions: Thai History and Thought, edited by Gehan Wijeyewardene and E. C. Chapman, 235-74. Canberra: Department of Anthropology, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1993. [SS]

Rob inson, David. "Bangkok Church Planting: How to Get Started." Urban Mission 14, 4 (June 1997): 49-52. [ATLA]

Ros edale, Roy Stanley. "Evaluation of Campus Crusade for Christ's Strategy for Planting Churches in Rural Thailand." D.Miss. dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1992. [BBC] Microfiche copy: Yale Divinity School, Fiche B5045. [YDS]

Roy ce, Nancy. A Sketch of the Life and Character of Mrs. Emelie Royce Bradley. New York: American Tract Society, n.d. [PUA]

Ruo homäki, Jouko. "The Finnish Free Foreign Mission in Thail and in 1946-1985: A Descriptive History." M.R.E. thesis, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 1988. [BBC]

______. "Teaching in the Indigenous Church." M.R.E. thesis, Pacific Western School of Religion, Evangelical College, and Seminary, 1982. [BBC]

Rut ledge, Paul James. Central Thai Buddhism and Modernizati on: An Academic Study. Bangkok: Dhammapradipa Association, 1992. [FC]

Ryb urn, Horace W. "The American Presbyterian Mission in Siam." Standard (Bangkok) 131 (2 July 1949): 16-36. [FC]

______. "The Challenge to the Church in Thailand." International Review of Mission 41 (July 1952): 288-300. [FC]

______. "The Church of Christ in Thailand, 1934-1978: A Memoir." Photocopy of a typescript, n.d. Presbyterian Historical Society. [PHS]


Saad Chaiwan. The Christian Approach to Buddhists in Thailand. Bangkok: Suriyaban, 1975. [MFT]

______. "A Study of Christian Mission in Th ailand." East Asia Journal of Theology 2, 1 (April 1984): 62-74. [ATLA]

______. "A Study of the Impact of Christian Missions on Thai Culture from the Historical Perspective (1662-1985)." Th.D.. dissertation, Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, 1985. [FC]

Sah lberg, Corrine. Please Leave your Shoes at the Door: the Story of Elmer and Corrine Sahlberg. Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Christian Publications, 1992. [YDS]

Sal menkivi, Aarno. "The Development of the Curriculum of the Full Gospel Bible Training Center." M.R.E. thesis, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 1991. [BBC]

Sam anchit, Bishop L. Thienchai. "The Evangelization in Thailand." East Asian Pastoral Review 25, 4 (1988): 399-402. [FC]

Samrit Wongsang. "From Seminary to the Slum." Church Labour Letter 93 (1964). [FC]

______. The Church's Industrial Work in Prapadaeng. Bangkok: CCT Urban Industrial League for Development, 1971. [FC]

Sam son Shou Shan Kao. "The History and Development of the Sixth District Church and the Strategies for its Growth." M.Th. thesis, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1990. [MFT]

Sch arrer, Immanuel. "A History of the Marburg Mission in Thailand. English Summary." M.A. thesis, Columbia Biblical Seminary and Graduate School of Missions, 1991. [OH]

Sch euzger, Otto. The New Trail Among the Tribes in North Thailand. Translated by Joyce Baldwin. London: China Inland Mission, 1963. [SS] Republished as The New Trail. Translated by Joyce Baldwin. London: OMF Books, 1976. [EUL]

Schreiner, S. A., Jr. My Uncle Charlie: Angel Doctor of Siam. Bangkok: YWCA, 1985. [OH]

Sch wartz, Frederick J. Thailand and the Seventh-day Adventist Medical and Missionary Work. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University, 1972. [YDS]

See ly, Francis M. "Some Problems in Translating the Scriptures into Thai." Bible Translator 8, 2 (April 1957): 46-61. [FC]

______. "Thai Buddhism and the Christian Faith." South East Asia Journal of Theology 10, 2-3 (October 1968-January 1969): 132-140. [MFT]

Selden, Charles A. "Christianity in Asia Today." Ladies Home Journal (June 1927): 170, 189, 193, 195. [OH] Seree Lorgunpai. "The Book of Ecclesiastes and Thai Buddhism." Asia Journal of Theological Reflection 8, 1 (1994): 155-62. [ATLA]

______. "World Lover, World Leaver: The Book of Ecclesiastes and Thai Buddhism." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Edinburgh, 1995. [BBC]

Seri Phongphit. "Dialogue and Development: A Christian Search for an Alternative Model of Development in Thailand." East Asian Pastoral Review 22, 4 (1985): 368-378. [YDS]

______. The Relation Between the Catholic Church and Thai Society from 17c to Today. Tokyo: Sophia University, 1985. [FC]

Sew ell, Stanely M. "Tongues of Men and To ngues of Angels." South East Asia Journal of Theology 5, 1 (July 1963): 26-37. [MFT]

Sha ffer, Ervin A. Missions-Thailand: Under the Shade of the Coconut Palms. Bangkok: Thai Gospel Press, 1974. [Early Pentecostal History in Thailand] [FC]

Shi elds, Weston F. Glimpses of Laos Land, its People and Missionary Work Among Them. New York: Winthrop Press, 1897. [PHS]

Shi n, Hong-Shik. "Principles of Church Planting as Illustrated in Thai Theravada Buddhist Context." Th.D. dissertation, Dallas Theological Seminary, 1981. [FC] Published as Principles of Church Planting as Illustrated in Thai Theravada Buddhist Context. Bangkok: Kanok Bannasan, 1989. [BBC]

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______. William A. Briggs M.D.: the Founder of Overbrook Hospital. Bangkok: Rajadaromp Printery & Typefoundry, 1962. [FTS]

Siraporn Sahitsilatham. "The Importance of the Gospel and Effective Ways to Evangelize Thai Bud dhists." M.Div. thesis, Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission, Seoul, 1989. [CTC]

Siroj Sorajjakool. "Theological and Psychological Reflection on the Functions of Pastoral Care in the Context of Child Prostitution in Thailand." Journal of Pastoral Care 54, 4 (Winter 2000): 429-439. [ATLA]

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