DRAFT Environmental Impact Report (EIR) APPENDICES Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub State Clearinghouse No. 2016101050

May 2017

City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering Department of Public Works, Environmental Management Group Bureau of Engineering

Front cover: Aerial photograph of the proposed cable landing site at Dockweiler State Beach, Los Angeles Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project, www.Californiacoastline.org

Appendix A IS-NOP AND SCOPING OUTPUTS -Page Intentionally Left Blank-

A.1: Notice of Preparation

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A.2: Initial Study

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A.3: Scoping Comments

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Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix A Draft EIR [Administrative] IS-NOP and Scoping Comments


Appendix A includes a copy of the Initial Study (IS) and Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the proposed Project, copies of all comment letters received on the NOP during the public comment period, and an indication of where each individual comment is addressed in the Draft EIR (Table A-1).

A Public Scoping Hearing was held at 6 PM on October 25, 2016, at the Westchester Community Room in Los Angeles, California. A transcript is included at the end of this appendix.

NOP comment letters are included below in the following order, followed by Table A-1, documenting where comments are addressed in the Draft EIR.

1. California Coastal Commission (CCC) (11/14/2016) 2. California Department of Transportation, District 7, Division of Planning ‐ LD‐IGR Branch (Caltrans) (11/15/2016) 3. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) (11/9/2016) 4. Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation (11/17/2016) 5. Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council (11/18/2016)

A-1 1-1 1-1










DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7-0FFICE OF TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 100 S. MAIN STREET, MS 16 LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 PHONE (213) 897-9140 Serious drought. FAX (213) 897-1337 Help save water! www.dot.ca.gov

November 15, 2016

Mr. William Jones City of Los Angeles, Bureau of Engineering 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, MS 939 Los Angeles, CA 90015 RE: Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR SCH#2016101050 IGR#07-LA-2016-00235 (FL) Vic. LA/ 01/ PM 25.2 Dear Mr. Jones:

Thank you for including the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) in the environmental review process for the above referenced project. The proposed project includes installation and operation of up to four transpacific submarine cable systems, which would connect the US to various Asia-Pacific, starting with Hong Kong.

The nearest State facility to the proposed project is SR-1. A truck/traffic construction management 2-1 plan is needed for this project to evaluate any potential traffic impacts on the State Highway System. If one has been prepared, please submit for Caltrans' review.

As a reminder, any transportation of heavy construction equipment and/or materials, which requires 2-2 the use of oversized-transport vehicles on State highways will require a Caltrans transportation permit. Caltrans recommends that large size truck trips be limited to off-peak commute periods.

In addition, any work performed within the State-Right-of-Way will need an encroachment permit. For 2-3 information on the Permit process, please contact Caltrans District 7, Office of Permit at (213) 897- 3631.

Storm water run-off is a sensitive issue for Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Please be mindful of 2-4 your need to discharge clean run-off water and it is not permitted to discharge onto State highway facilities.

If you have any quef ons or concerns regarding these comments, please contact project coordinator, Frances Le at (21 ·/ 897-0673 or electronically at [email protected].

"Provide a safe, sustainable, integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's economy and livability " South Coast Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4178 (909) 396-2000  www.aqmd.gov November 9, 2016

[email protected] Mr. William Jones, Environmental Supervisor II City of Los Angeles, Development of Public Works Bureau of Engineering, EMG 1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Notice of Preparation of a CEQA Document for the Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Project

The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) staff appreciates the opportunity to comment on the above- mentioned document. The SCAQMD staff’s comments are recommendations regarding the analysis of potential air quality impacts from the proposed project that should be included in the Draft EIR. Please send the SCAQMD a copy of the Draft EIR upon its completion. Note that copies of the Draft EIR that are submitted to the State Clearinghouse are not forwarded to the SCAQMD. Please forward a copy of the Draft EIR directly to SCAQMD at the address in our letterhead. In addition, please send with the Draft EIR all appendices or technical documents related to the air quality and greenhouse gas analyses and electronic versions of all air quality modeling and health risk assessment files. These include original emission calculation spreadsheets and modeling files (not Adobe PDF files). Without all files and supporting air quality documentation, the SCAQMD will be unable to complete its review of the air quality analysis in a timely manner. Any delays in providing all supporting air quality documentation will require additional time for review beyond the end of the comment period.

Air Quality Analysis The SCAQMD adopted its California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Air Quality Handbook in 1993 to assist other public agencies with the preparation of air quality analyses. The SCAQMD recommends that the Lead Agency use this Handbook as 3-1 guidance when preparing its air quality analysis. Copies of the Handbook are available from the SCAQMD’s Subscription Services Department by calling (909) 396-3720. More recent guidance developed since this Handbook was published is also available on SCAQMD’s website here: http://www.aqmd.gov/home/regulations/ceqa/air-quality-analysis-handbook/ceqa-air- quality-handbook-(1993). SCAQMD staff also recommends that the Lead Agency use the CalEEMod land use emissions software. This software has recently been updated to incorporate up-to-date state and locally approved emission factors and methodologies for estimating pollutant emissions from typical land use development. CalEEMod is the only software model 3-2 maintained by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) and replaces the now outdated URBEMIS. This model is available free of charge at: www.caleemod.com.

The Lead Agency should identify any potential adverse air quality impacts that could occur from all phases of the project and all air pollutant sources related to the project. Air quality impacts from both construction (including demolition, if any) and operations should be calculated. Construction-related air quality impacts typically include, but are not limited to, emissions 3-3 from the use of heavy-duty equipment from grading, earth-loading/unloading, paving, architectural coatings, off-road mobile sources (e.g., heavy-duty construction equipment) and on-road mobile sources (e.g., construction worker vehicle trips, material transport trips). Operation-related air quality impacts may include, but are not limited to, emissions from stationary sources (e.g., boilers), area sources (e.g., solvents and coatings), and vehicular trips (e.g., on- and off-road tailpipe emissions and entrained dust). Air quality impacts from indirect sources, that is, sources that generate or attract vehicular trips should be included in the analysis.

The SCAQMD has also developed both regional and localized significance thresholds. The SCAQMD staff requests that the 3-4 lead agency quantify criteria pollutant emissions and compare the results to the recommended regional significance thresholds found here: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/scaqmd-air-quality-significance-thresholds.pdf. In addition to analyzing regional air quality impacts, the SCAQMD staff recommends calculating localized air quality impacts and comparing the results to localized significance thresholds (LSTs). LSTs can be used in addition to the recommended regional significance thresholds as a second indication of air quality impacts when preparing a Draft EIR document. Therefore, when preparing the air quality analysis for the proposed project, it is recommended that the lead agency perform a localized analysis by either using the LSTs developed by the SCAQMD or performing dispersion modeling as necessary. Guidance for performing a localized air quality analysis can be found at: http://www.aqmd.gov/home/regulations/ceqa/air-quality-analysis- handbook/localized-significance-thresholds. Mr. William Jones -2- November 9, 2016

In the event that the proposed project generates or attracts vehicular trips, especially heavy-duty diesel-fueled vehicles, it is 3-5 recommended that the lead agency perform a mobile source health risk assessment. Guidance for performing a mobile source health risk assessment (“Health Risk Assessment Guidance for Analyzing Cancer Risk from Mobile Source Diesel Idling Emissions for CEQA Air Quality Analysis”) can be found at: http://www.aqmd.gov/home/regulations/ceqa/air-quality-analysis- handbook/mobile-source-toxics-analysis. An analysis of all toxic air contaminant impacts due to the use of equipment potentially generating such air pollutants should also be included.

In addition, guidance on siting incompatible land uses (such as placing homes near freeways) can be found in the California Air 3-6 Resources Board’s Air Quality and Land Use Handbook: A Community Perspective, which can be found at the following internet address: http://www.arb.ca.gov/ch/handbook.pdf. CARB’s Land Use Handbook is a general reference guide for evaluating and reducing air pollution impacts associated with new projects that go through the land use decision-making process.

Finally, should the proposed project include equipment that generates or controls air contaminants, a permit may be required 3-7 and the SCAQMD should be listed as a responsible agency and consulted. The assumptions in the submitted Draft EIR would also be the basis for permit conditions and limits. Permit questions can be directed to the SCAQMD Permit Services staff at (909) 396-3385, who can provide further assistance.

Mitigation Measures In the event that the project generates significant adverse air quality impacts, CEQA requires that all feasible mitigation 3-8 measures that go beyond what is required by law be utilized during project construction and operation to minimize or eliminate these impacts. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15126.4 (a)(1)(D), any impacts resulting from mitigation measures must also be discussed. Mitigation Measure resources are available on the SCAQMD CEQA Air Quality Handbook website: http://www.aqmd.gov/home/regulations/ceqa/air-quality-analysis-handbook

Data Sources SCAQMD rules and relevant air quality reports and data are available by calling the SCAQMD’s Public Information Center at (909) 396-2039. Much of the information available through the Public Information Center is also available via the SCAQMD’s webpage (http://www.aqmd.gov).

The SCAQMD staff is available to work with the lead agency to ensure that project emissions are accurately evaluated and mitigated where feasible. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Gordon Mize, Air Quality Specialist by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (909) 396-3302.


Jillian Wong Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Planning and Rules Manager Planning, Rule Development & Area Sources


LAC161101-19 Control Number 5 GABRIELENO BAND OF MISSION INDIANS – KIZH NATION Historically known as The San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians recognized by the State of California as the aboriginal tribe of the Los Angeles basin

William Jones

RE: AB52 consultation response for the Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub

Dear William, Oct 11, 2016 Please find this letter in response to your request for consultation dated Nov 17, 2016. I have reviewed the project site and do have concerns for cultural resources. Your project lies in an area where the Ancestral territories of the Kizh (Kitc) Gabrieleño’s villages adjoined and overlapped with each other, at least during the Late Prehistoric and Protohistoric Periods. The homeland of the Kizh Gabrieleño was probably the most influential Native American group in aboriginal southern California (Bean and Smith 1978a:538), was centered in the Los Angeles Basin, and reached as far east as the San Bernardino- Riverside area. The homeland of our neighbors the Serranos was primarily the San Bernardino Mountains, including the slopes and lowlands on the north and south flanks. Whatever the linguistic affiliation, Native Americans in and around the project area exhibited similar organization and resource procurement strategies. Villages were based on clan or lineage groups. Their home/ base sites are marked by midden deposits often with bedrock mortars. During their seasonal rounds to exploit plant resources, small groups would migrate within their traditional territory in search of specific plants and . Their gathering strategies of ten left behind signs of special use sites, usually grinding slicks on bedrock boulders, at the locations of the resources.

Due to the project location and the high sensitivity of the area location, we would like to request one of our certified Native American Monitor to be on site during any and all ground disturbances (including but not limited to pavement removal, post holing, auguring, boring, grading, excavation and trenching) to protect any cultural resources which may be effected during construction or development. In all cases, when the Native American Heritage 4-1 Commission states there are “no records of sacred sites in the project area” the NAHC will always refer lead agencies to the respective Native American Tribe because the NAHC is only aware of general information and are not the experts on each California Tribe. Our Elder Committee & Tribal Historians are the experts for our Tribe and are able to provide a more complete history (both written and oral) regarding the location of historic villages, trade routes, cemeteries and sacred/religious sites in the project area. While the property may be located in an area that has been previously developed, numerous examples can be shared to show that there still is a possibility that unknown, yet significant, cultural resources will be encountered during ground disturbance activities. Please not e, if they haven’t been listed with the NAHC, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t there. Not everyone reports what they know.

The recent implementation of AB52 dictates that lead agencies consult with Native American Tribes who can prove and document traditional and cultural affiliation with the area of said project in order to protect cultural resources. However, our tribe is connected Ancestrally to this project location area, what does Ancestrally or Ancestral mean? The people who were in your family in past times, Of, belonging to, inherited from, or denoting an ancestor or ancestors http://www.thefreedictionary.com/ancestral. Our priorities are to avoid and protect without delay or conflicts – to consult with you to avoid unnecessary destruction of cultural and biological resources, but also to protect what resources still exist at the project site for the benefit and education of future generations. At your convenience we can Consultation either by Phone or Face to face. Thank you


With respect,

Andrew Salas, Chairman cell (626)926-4131

Andrew Salas, Chairman Nadine Salas, Vice-Chairman Christina Swindall Martinez, secretary Albert Perez, treasurer I Martha Gonzalez Lemos, treasurer II Richard Gradias, Chairman of the council of Elders

PO Box 393 Covina, CA 91723 [email protected] [email protected] Record of Communication – Robert Dorame of the Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council

Telephone Call: 11/18/2016

On November 18, 2016, Robert Dorame of the Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council responded to the invitation to comment on the undertaking. Mr. Dorame stated that he had been raised in the area, and was aware of cultural sites in the vicinity that might not be included in the SCCIC database. Additionally, Mr. Dorame stated that changes in vegetation 5-1 might also indicate the presence of previously unknown sites, and requested the presence of a Native American monitor and an archaeological monitor during ground disturbance activities. Table A-1 NOP Comments and Location Addressed in the EIR

NOP Comment Agency / Affiliation Name of Commenter Where Addressed in EIR Number Summary of consistency with Coastal Act policies provided in Section 3.11, Land Use and Recreation, with cross-references to other sections 1-1 CCC Dr. Kate Huckelbridge as relevant.

1-2 CCC Dr. Kate Huckelbridge Section 4.1, Alternatives Analysis Section 2.0 Project Description CCC 1-3 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge

CCC 1-4 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge Section 4.1 Alternatives Analysis The pre-lay grapnel run (PLGR) is conducted immediately prior to cable installation, in order to physically remove any debris in the path CCC 1-5 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge of the cable. The PLGR would not be conducted over hard bottom areas. Accepted industry practices use the sea plow as the most effective way to achieve burial to the target depth in soft sediments. CCC 1-6 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge Section 3.5, Marine Biological Resources CCC 1-7 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge Section 3.5, Marine Biological Resources CCC 1-8 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge Section 3.6, Cultural and Paleontological Resources CCC 1-9 Dr. Kate Huckelbridge Section 3.11, Land Use and Recreation

2-1 Caltrans Frances Lee Section 3.14, Traffic and Transportation 2-2 Caltrans Frances Lee Section 3.14, Traffic and Transportation 2-3 Caltrans Frances Lee Comment noted 2-4 Caltrans Frances Lee Section 3.10, Hydrology and Water Quality 3-1 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Section 3.3, Air Quality Section 3.3, Air Quality and 3-2 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Appendix C: AQGHG NOP Comment Agency / Affiliation Name of Commenter Where Addressed in EIR Number 3-3 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Section 3.3, Air Quality 3-4 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Section 3.3, Air Quality 3-5 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Section 3.3, Air Quality 3-6 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Comment noted 3-7 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Comment noted 3-8 SCAQMD Jillian Wong, Ph.D. Section 3.3, Air Quality Gabrieleno Band of Mission 4-1 Andrew Salas Section 3.6, Cultural and Paleontological Resources Indians Kizh Nation Gabrielino Tongva Indians of 5-1 Robert Dorame Section 3.6, Cultural and Paleontological Resources California Tribal Council 1











11 Public Hearing

12 Held Tuesday, October 25, 2016

13 6:00 p.m.










23 Location:

24 Westchester Community Room 7166 West Manchester Avenue 25 Los Angeles, California 90045


Coalition Court Reporters | 213.471.2966 | www.ccrola.com 2

1 WHEREBY, on October 25, 2016, a public

2 meeting was held at the Westchester Community Room in Los

3 Angeles, California, scheduled for 6:00 p.m.

4 WHEREBY, at 6:10 p.m. the meeting was opened

5 and at 6:30 p.m. said meeting was adjourned because no

6 members of the public were present and in attendance.






12 Present:

13 William Jones, City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau 14 of Engineering, EMG

15 Kathryn Waters, TE Subcom Senior Manager 16 Permitting and Regulatory Services

17 Denise Toombs, Partner Environmental Resources Management 18 Nikki Payne, P.E., Senior Project 19 Engineer, Impact Assessment Team Environmental Resources Management 20 Andrea Carter 21 Environmental Resources Management






Coalition Court Reporters | 213.471.2966 | www.ccrola.com 3


2 ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) 3 ______)



6 I, Anita B. Alderson, a Certified Shorthand

7 Reporter, in and for the State of California, Certificate

8 License No. 11843, do hereby declare:

9 I was present at the public hearing at the

10 Westchester Community Room in Los Angeles on October 25,

11 2016 to take down the minutes of the public hearing.

12 That there was also present William Jones, Kathryn

13 Waters, Denise Toombs, Nikki Payne and Andrea Carter.

14 That the above persons, including the reporter,

15 waited until 6:30 p.m. by which time there were no members

16 of the public present and the meeting was adjourned.

17 In witness whereof, I subscribe my name.


19 Dated: November 17, 2016


21 ______

22 Anita B. Alderson, CSR No. 11843





Coalition Court Reporters | 213.471.2966 | www.ccrola.com

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-Page Intentionally Left Blank- Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix B Draft EIR [Administrative] Equipment List


Table B-1: Provisional Construction Equipment for Terrestrial Construction Activities

Equipment Cable Landing Site Marine Directional Bores 1 small (20-50 ft) crane for setup and demobilization Vermeer Navigator D330x500 Drill Rig High Pressure Mud Pump 144m3/hour @ 50bar Mixing Unit 200m3/hour flow Recycling Unit 280m3/hour Sludge pump 280m3/hour 1 equipment and supply trailer Ocean Ground Bed Installation 1 backhoe 1 well-drilling machine 1 one ton truck 1 pickup truck 1 equipment and supply trailer Restoration Asphalt truck Equipment Roller Terrestrial Conduit Construction Trench Construction 1 concrete/asphalt saw 1 backhoe, trencher, or excavator 1 pickup truck 1 dump truck 1 asphalt truck 1 pavement roller 1 equipment and supply trailer 2 handheld vibratory compactors Conventional Boring (Mini-HDD) 1 bore machine 1 backhoe or excavator 1 supply and equipment trailer 1 pickup truck 1 saw cutter 1 handheld vibratory compactor Manhole Installation 1 excavator 1 delivery truck with boom 1 dump truck 1 equipment and supply trailer 1 handheld vibratory compactor

ERM Appendix B-1 4/19/2017 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix B Draft EIR [Administrative] Equipment List

Equipment Terrestrial Cable Installation Innerduct and Terrestrial Cable Pulling 1 cable-pulling truck 1 pickup truck with cable reel trailer 1 supply and equipment truck Marine Cable Installation (Shore End Landing) Marine Cable Pulling 1 backhoe 1 pickup truck 1 hydraulic winch 1 crane or boom truck 1 generator 1 equipment and supply trailer

ERM Appendix B-2 4/19/2017


-Page Intentionally Left Blank- Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

Appendix C – AQGHG Calculations

C.1 Introduction The following appendix details the methodology used to estimate air and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the proposed Project and applies appropriate thresholds. This includes a discussion of the approach employed to estimate emissions from terrestrial construction equipment and vessels used during construction. Both terrestrial construction equipment and vessels generate emissions from diesel particulate matter (DPM), which is a known carcinogen in California; therefore, the analysis also evaluates the potential health impacts from Project emissions of DPM.

C.2 Terrestrial Construction Emissions Calculation Methodology Emissions from Project terrestrial construction equipment were estimated using the CalEEMod Version 2016.3.1 emissions estimation model. CalEEMod is approved by the California Air Pollution Control Officer’s Association (CAPCOA) and recommended for use by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). CalEEMod calculates emissions from construction activities associated with a project based on its size and land use classification, which for this Project was identified as “light industrial.” Construction emission sources include fugitive dust from earthmoving and ground disturbance, as well as on-road and off-road vehicle exhaust and entrained road dust. Construction equipment usage was based on information provided by the Applicant with some CalEEMod defaults used for equipment horsepower. Equipment usage is estimated for each terrestrial activity associated with the Project, including beach manhole installation, ocean ground bed construction, marine boring installation, terrestrial conduit installation, terrestrial cable pulling, and terrestrial support for the shore-end landing. Assumptions regarding terrestrial equipment used and level of use are provided in Table C-1. CalEEMod produces emissions estimates in terms of tons of criteria pollutant emissions per year. Daily emissions were obtained by dividing the annual emissions for a given activity by the number of days for that activity and converting to pounds. Table C-2, included as an attachment to this appendix, summarizes the annual and daily emissions for each terrestrial construction activity.

C-1 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

Table C-1: Equipment Required for Terrestrial Construction Activities Equipment Hours Per Day Horsepower Load Factor1 Phase: HDD - Marine Directional Bores (20 days/phase) Vermeer Navigator D330x500 Drill Rig 20 221 0.5 Mixing Unit 200m3/hour flow 20 9 0.56 Recycling Unit 280 m3/hour 20 9 0.56 1 small (20-50 feet) crane for setup and 20 231 0.29 demobilization High Pressure Mud Pump 144 m3/hour @ 50bar 20 84 0.74 Sludge pump 280 m3/hour 20 84 0.74 1 equipment and supply trailer Treated as onroad truck Asphalt truck Treated as onroad truck Phase: Ocean Ground Bed Installation (4 days/phase) 1 well-drilling machine 10 221 0.5 1 backhoe 10 97 0.37 1 one-ton truck Treated as onroad truck 1 pickup truck Treated as onroad truck Phase: Terrestrial Conduit Installation (Trenching) (130 days/phase) 1 concrete/asphalt saw 2 81 0.73 1 dump truck 2 16 0.38 1 asphalt truck 4 402 0.38 1 pavement roller 4 130 0.42 2 handheld vibratory compactors 1 8 0.43 1 backhoe, trencher, or excavator 8 78 0.5 1 pickup truck Treated as onroad truck 1 equipment and supply trailer Treated as onroad truck Phase: Beach Manhole Installation (12 days/phase) 1 dump truck 2 16 0.38 1 excavator 10 158 0.38 1 delivery truck with boom 4 402 0.38 1 handheld vibratory compactor 1 8 0.43 Phase: Terrestrial Cable Pulling (6 days/phase) 1 cable-pulling truck 8 402 0.38 1 pickup truck with cable reel trailer Treated as onroad truck 1 supply and equipment truck Treated as onroad truck Phase: Shore-End Landing (1 day/phase) 1 crane or boom truck 2 231 0.29 1 generator 10 84 0.74 1 hydraulic winch 10 172 0.42 1 backhoe 10 97 0.37 1 pickup truck Treated as onroad truck

Notes: HDD = horizontal directional drilling; m3 = cubic meters 1. Assumed default Load Factor for CalEEmod, which uses default OFFROAD2011 load factors

C-2 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

C.3 Vessel Emissions Calculation Methodology

C.3.1 Study Area The air quality analysis considers the installation of the marine cable routes within Regulated California Waters (RCW), defined by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as waters within 24 nautical miles (nmi) of the California Baseline (i.e., the coastline and islands) (CARB 2016). In the vicinity of the proposed cable routes, the RCW boundary is approximately 98 nmi from the mainland, and includes approximately 105.8 nmi of the Pacific Light Cable Network (PLCN) marine cable route.

C.3.2 Cable Ship Emissions from vessels were also estimated using equipment type and duration of use. According to CARB (2011), diesel-electric vessels have diesel engine sets that provide power for both auxiliary and propulsion power needs. Therefore, auxiliary engine calculations were not necessary for the cable ship.

C.3.3 Load Factors Load factors for the cable ship were adjusted to appropriately represent auxiliary and propulsion engine power based on ship type and activity mode. The auxiliary to propulsion ratio for cruise ships from Table 2-4 of US EPA (2009) was assumed to be similar to that of the cable ship due to their diesel-electric engines. This ratio was applied to the total power of the cable ship in order to obtain relative propulsion power (7,184 kilowatt [kW]) and auxiliary power (2,766 kW). The cable ship is assumed to have two activity modes: transit and cable laying. During transit, the cable ship is moving between locations at 12 knots or less within RCW. During cable laying, the ship is assumed to have an average lay speed of 1.18 knots, based on the speed and distance that the ship will travel through soft-bottom and hard-bottom areas during the installation and burial of the cable. The propeller law was applied to find the load factor for the propulsion engine.

( ) = ( ) 3 퐴퐴퐴퐴퐴퐴 푆푆푆푆푆 푘푘푘�푘 퐿퐿 � � Table C-3, included as an attachment to푀 this�푀푀푀 appendix�푀 푆푆푆푆푆 contains,푘푘푘�푘 the load factor calculations used for the cable ship.

C.3.4 Emission Factors Emission factors for the cable ship were obtained from Table II-8 of CARB (2011). The cable ship was assumed to run on marine distillate 0.1 percent sulfur content under medium speed. Low- load adjustment factors are not necessary for the cable ship because it is an electric drive ship.

C-3 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

C.3.5 Work Boats and Support Vessels

C.3.5.1 Load Factors The work boats and support vessels are expected to be vessels of opportunity from nearby ports. Given the similarity and proximity of the Project to the Hermosa Beach Transpacific Fiber-Optic Cables Project, this analysis drew upon the conservative assumptions used for work boats in the air quality calculations for the EIR for that project (City of Hermosa Beach 2016). These include a load factor of 0.38 for propulsion engines and 0.32 for auxiliary engines.

C.3.5.2 Emission Factors Emission factors for the work boats were obtained from CARB (2007) for carbon monoxide

(CO), nitrous oxides (NOx), particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (Respirable)

(PM10), and volatile organic compounds (VOC), and from Port of Los Angeles (2014) for sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4). The deterioration factors were obtained from Port of Los Angeles (2014). The useful life was set to be the same as the age of the engine for the deterioration emission factor adjustments calculations. The emission factors were calculated as:

퐸=𝐸𝐸𝐸� 𝐹𝐹� 퐹 푔 푔 푍𝑍� 퐻𝐻� 퐸𝐸𝐸𝐸� 𝐹𝐹�퐹 � 𝑜 � � 𝐹𝐹 퐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶� 𝐹𝐹�퐹 � ℎ� − ℎ� 푘푘 − ℎ� 1 +

퐶𝐶𝐶𝐶�퐶� 퐻𝐻𝐻 � 퐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 𝐹𝐹�퐹 � � Where: 퐶𝐶𝐶𝐶�𝑣 퐻𝐻𝐻 𝑎 �ℎ� 𝑒� �표 𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑙𝑙

• g = grams • hp = horsepower • hr = hour • kW = kilowatt

C.3.6 Marine Activities The following assumptions were used for the “main lay” portion of the cable installation (i.e., cable laying and burial from the end of the bore pipe seaward). As discussed in Section C.1.2.1, vessel emissions from the cable installation are calculated for all activities within RCW, which includes 105.8 nmi of the PLCN cable route, and 100 percent of the Trans-Pacific Cable Segment. The analysis includes installation by cable ship of the PLCN cable from the bore pipe exit to the edge of the outer continental shelf (1,200 m water depth). After installing the cable to the edge of the shelf, the ship would turn around and retrace the route back to the bore pipe exit while conducting Post-Lay Inspection and Burial (PLIB). Once it reaches the bore pipe exit, the cable ship would begin the installation of the Trans-Pacific Cable Segment, following the same steps

C-4 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

outlined above, then return to the port where the Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) would disembark, before returning to sea. The distances traveled during each leg described above are outlined in Table C-4 and Table C-5.

Table C-4: Cable Ship Activities and Distance Assumptions used in the Emission Calculations for PLCN Cable Installation Cable Ship Leg Activity Approximate Distance(nmi) Leg 1 Transit from edge of CRW to Port of LA 129 Leg 2 Transit from Port of LA to bore pipe exit 25 Cable lay and burial from bore pipe exit Leg 3 104 through CRW PLIB - Cable ship turns around and retraces Leg 4 104 route back to bore pipe exit

Notes: nmi = nautical mile

Table C-5: Cable Ship Activities and Distance Assumptions used in the Emission Calculations for Trans-Pacific Cable Segment Installation Cable Ship Leg Activity Approximate Distance(nmi) Cable lay and burial from bore pipe exit to end Leg 5 3.4 of Cable Segment PLIB - Cable ship turns around and retraces Leg 6 3.4 route back to bore pipe Leg 7 Transit from bore pipe exit to Port of LA 25 Leg 8 Transit from Port of LA to edge of CRW 129

Notes: nmi = nautical mile Vessel emissions were calculated using the following equation: =

Where: 퐸 푃�푃𝑃 � 퐴퐴퐴𝐴�퐴퐴 � 퐿퐿 � 퐸� � 𝐹�

• E = emissions, grams/year • Power = rated power of the engine, kW or hp • Activity = activity, hours/year • LF = load factor (ratio of average power used during normal operations as compared to maximum rated power), dimensionless • EF = emission factor, grams of pollutant per unit of work, g/hp-hr or g/kW-hr • FCF = fuel correction factor to reflect changes in fuel properties that have occurred over time, dimensionless

Duration, power, and other detailed assumptions for all vessels used for marine Project activities are included in Table C-6, included as an attachment to this appendix.

C-5 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

C.4 Calculation of Criteria Pollutant Emissions

C.4.1 Regional Significance Thresholds The SCAQMD California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidance provides Regional Significance Thresholds for seven common criteria pollutants. The thresholds represent the maximum emissions from a project that are not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of the most stringent applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard. The thresholds are summarized in Table C-7 below.

Table C-7: SCAQMD Regional Emissions Thresholds Emissions Thresholds (pound per day) Pollutant Construction Operation

NOx 100 55 VOC 75 55

PM10 150 150

PM2.5 55 55

SOx 150 150 CO 550 550 Lead 3 3

Source: SCAQMD 2015a Notes:

CO = carbon monoxide; NOx = nitrous oxides; PM2.5 = particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (Fine); PM10 = particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (Respirable); VOC = volatile organic compounds

C.4.2 Overlapping Activities In order to calculate total maximum daily Project emissions for comparison against the regional significance thresholds, a preliminary Project schedule was used to determine potential overlap across construction activities, including the marine and terrestrial components of the Project. Table C-8 summarizes the expected overlapping activities on the highest emission days for each month of Project construction.

C-6 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

Table C-8: Overlap between Project Activities Month Overlapping Activities1 Terrestrial: marine directional bores (terrestrial HDD), terrestrial conduit January 2018 installation Marine: marine HDD monitoring Terrestrial: HDD of the Marine Directional Bores, BMH Installation, and February 2018 Terrestrial Conduit Installation Marine: marine HDD monitoring, marine HDD support Terrestrial: terrestrial conduit installation March 2018 Marine: shore end landing (PLCN) Terrestrial: terrestrial conduit installation April 2018 Marine: PLIB (PLCN) May 2018 Terrestrial: terrestrial conduit installation

Notes: HDD = horizontal directional drilling; PLCN = Pacific Light Cable Network; PLIB = Post-Lay Inspection and Burial 1. Overlapping activities are listed for the day with the highest daily construction emissions

C.4.3 Maximum Daily Emission Calculations Tables C-9 and C-10, respectively, summarize the daily emissions for each construction activity and the combined maximum daily emissions for each month, accounting for the overlap of activities from both terrestrial and marine equipment as outlined in Table C-8 above. Table C-9 and Table C-10 are included as attachments to this appendix. As detailed in Table C-9, only the NOx highest daily maximum emissions are above the SCAQMD threshold.

C.5 Localized Significance Thresholds The SCAQMD (2008) CEQA guidance provides Localized Significance Thresholds (LST) to represent the maximum emissions from a project that are not expected to cause or contribute to an exceedance of the most stringent applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard, and are developed based on the ambient concentrations of that pollutant for each source receptor area and distance to the nearest sensitive receptor. This guidance provides allowable emission rates in look-up tables based on the geographic area (source-receptor area), proximity to receptors, and size of the project as either 1 acre or 2 acres. If project emissions are below these emission rates, the impact would be below the LST. In Southwest Coastal Los Angeles County, the LSTs for a 1-acre construction project located 25 meters from a sensitive receptor are as follows:

• NOx = 91 pounds per day (lb/day) • CO = 664 lb/day • PM10 = 5 lb/day • PM2.5 = 3 lb/day

C-7 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

The SCAQMD LST analysis is suggested only for emissions sources located within 500 meters of a receptor. Construction and installation of the terrestrial conduit and terrestrial cable pulling would be the only Project activities to take place within this distance of sensitive receptors. Table C-2 provides estimated emissions (lb/day) for the above pollutants for each Project activity.

C.6 Health Risk Screening Methodology A risk screening assessment of potential health risks from DPM emitted by construction equipment was conducted according to guidance in SCAQMD (2015b). A Tier 1 risk screening assessment involves comparing expected project emissions to screening thresholds defined by the distance to the nearest receptors. Terrestrial cable pulling and terrestrial conduit installation are the only two Project activities that would take place in the vicinity of sensitive receptors, as defined by SCAQMD. The sum of annual emissions from these two activities, estimated at 83 lb/year, exceeds the DPM Tier 1 screening emission level of 0.00514 lb/year (see Table C-11).

Table C-11: Tier 1 Risk Screening Assessment

Exh PM10 No. Days in (or DPM) 2018 (lb / year) Terrestrial Cable Pulling 6 0.001

Terrestrial Conduit Installation (Trenching) 130 0.041

Total DPM Emissions N/A 82.96

Tier 1 Level Screening Threshold: Emissions within 25 meters N/A 0.00514 of a Receptor

Exceeds Tier 1 Level? Yes


DPM = diesel particulate matter; PM10 = particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (Respirable); lb = pound

Since annual emissions exceed the Tier 1 screening level, a Tier 2 risk assessment was conducted. The Tier 2 risk screening calculates Maximum Individual Cancer Risk (MICR) and Chronic HI values based on the annual DPM emissions from the project activity and the presence of nearby sensitive receptors. The sensitive receptors located within 25 meters of the project emissions are residents; therefore, the MICR for workers was not calculated. An acute HI calculation was not necessary because there is no acute reference exposure level (REL) value for DPM. The SCAQMD guidance provides look-up tables for values presented in the equations below, based on the size of activity and proximity to sensitive receptors. The look-up tables are provided in Attachment M of the SCAQMD risk assessment procedures (SCAQMD 2016).

C-8 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

= / 10 −6 Where: 푀푀�푀 퐶� � 푄𝑄� � �ℎ� 푄 � 퐶𝐶 � 푀� � � 푀𝑀�

• MICR = Maximum Individual Cancer Risk • CP = Cancer potency factor • Qtpy = Emissions, tons per year • Chi/Q = dispersion factor • CEF = Combined exposure factor • MWAF = molecular weight adjustment factor • MP = multi-pathway adjustment factor (= 1 for inhalation only pathway)

( / ) =

푄𝑄� � �ℎ� 푄 � 푀� � 푀𝑀� 푇𝑇𝑇 퐻𝐻 Where: 퐶ℎ𝑟𝑟� 𝑅� • HIC = Hazard Index Chronic • Qtpy = Emissions, tons per year • Chi/Q = dispersion factor • Chronic REL = chronic reference exposure level • MP = multi-pathway adjustment factor (= 1 for inhalation only pathway) • Chi/Q was based on assuming worst case building area (< 3000 ft2) in LAX and closest downwind distance (25 m) allowed by the methodology per Table 4.1 of SCAQMD (2009). The CP, Chronic REL, MWAF, and MP can be found in Table 8.1 of SCAQMD (2009). MP was set to one because the DPM only contributes to risk from inhalation. CEF is listed under Table 9.1 and 9.2 of SCAQMD (2009).

Table C-12 provides the outputs of the Tier 2 risk assessment for construction of the terrestrial conduit and terrestrial cable pulling.

C-9 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

Table C-12: Tier 2 Risk Screening Assessment

Per-Day Area of Toxic Air CP Qtpy Chi/Q Cancer Risk CEF MP x 10-6 MWAF MICR Source Contaminant (mg/kg-day) (tons/yr) [(ug/m3)/(tons/yr)] (ft2) Terrestrial Conduit <3,000 DPM 1.1 0.000312077 13.61 676.63 1 1.00E-06 1 = 3.16E-06 Installation (Trenching) Terrestrial Cable <3,000 DPM 1.1 0.000151667 13.61 676.63 1 1.00E-06 1 = 1.54E-06 Pulling Chronic Hazard Toxic Air Qtpy Chi/Q REL MP MWAF HIC Risk Contaminant (tons/yr) [(ug/m3)/(tons/yr)] (ug/m3) Terrestrial Conduit DPM 0.000312077 13.61 1 5 1 = 8.49E-04 Installation (Trenching) Terrestrial Cable DPM 0.000151667 13.61 1 5 1 = 4.13E-04 Pulling

Notes: Following Tier 2 approach as specified in the South Coast Air Quality Management District Risk Assessment Procedures for Rules 1401, 1401.1 and 212, version 8.0, June 5, 2015. Chi/Q is based on assuming worst case building area (< 3000 ft2) and closest downwind distance (25 meters) allowed by methodology. CEF = combined exposure factor; Chi/Q = Dispersion factor; CP = Cancer potency factor; DPM = diesel particulate matter; ft2 = square feet; MICR = Maximum Individual Cancer Risk; MP = multi-pathway adjustment factor (= 1 for inhalation only pathway); MWAF = Maximum Individual Cancer Risk; Qtpy = Emissions, tons per year; REL = Reference Exposure Level (= 5 for inhalation); ug/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter

C-10 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

As discussed above, a Tier 2 risk screening assessment was conducted for the terrestrial conduit installation and terrestrial cable pulling activities. Due to the linear progression of these activities, DPM would be emitted near sensitive receptors only on the day that work is being done on a given 500-foot segment of conduit. Thus, the daily emissions for a segment were used

to represent the Qtpy in the risk calculation above. Project activities at the landing site including HDD of the marine directional bores, installation of the ocean ground bed, beach manhole, and marine cable pulling would take place at Dockweiler State Beach Parking Lot 3, which is located more than one mile from sensitive receptors. Therefore, a risk screening analysis was not undertaken for these activities.

C.7 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Table C-13 details expected GHG emissions from the Project, by activity. According to the SCAQMD CEQA guidelines, GHG emissions exceeding 10,000 metric tons per year would be considered significant. Project emissions would be below the GHG threshold.

Table C-13: Annual Project GHG Emissions CO2e Project Activity (metric tons per year) Marine Construction & Installation 770 Terrestrial Construction 168 TOTAL Phase I Construction Emissions 938 Operational Emissions 1 107

Phase II/III/IV Construction Emissions (per cable installation) 714 Operational Emissions (per cable system) 92

Notes: 1. Operational emissions estimate represents one marine cable burial verification survey for the PLCN cable and Trans-Pacific Cable Segment, undertaken 5 years after cable installation.

C-11 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

C.8 References CARB (California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board). 2007. Emissions Estimation Methodology for Commercial Harbor Craft Operating in California. ---. 2011. Emissions Estimation Methodology for Ocean-Going Vessels, Appendix D. ---. 2016. Advisory to Owners or Operators of Ocean-Going Vessels Visiting California Ports: California Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Regulation to Remain in Effect Subject to Reevaluation in Two Years. Accessed: March 8, 2017. Retrieved from: https://www.arb.ca.gov/ports/marinevess/documents/marinenote2016_1.pdf City of Hermosa Beach. 2016. Transpacific Fiber-Optic Cables Project Draft Environmental Impact Report, Appendix C. State Clearinghouse No. 2015041004. Port of Los Angeles. 2014. Inventory of Air Emissions for Calendar Year 2013. Retrieved from: https://www.portoflosangeles.org/pdf/2014_Air_Emissions_Inventory_Full_Report.p df SCAQMD (South Coast Air Quality Management District). 2008. Localized Significance Threshold Methodology. June 2003, revised July 2008. Accessed: November 15, 2016. Retrieved from: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/localized-significance- thresholds/final-lst-methodology-document.pdf?sfvrsn=2 ---. 2009. Appendix C - Mass Rate LST Look-up Table. Revised October 21, 2009. Accessed: November 15, 2016. Retrieved from: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default- source/ceqa/handbook/localized-significance-thresholds/appendix-c-mass-rate-lst- look-up-tables.pdf?sfvrsn=2 ---. 2015a. SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds. March 2015. Accessed: November 15, 2016. Retrieved from: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default- source/ceqa/handbook/scaqmd-air-quality-significance-thresholds.pdf ---. 2015b. Risk Assessment Procedures for Rules 1401 and 212, Version 8.0. Accessed: January 19, 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.aqmd.gov/home/permits/risk-assessment/risk- assessment-procedures-for-rules-1401-and-212 ---. 2016. Permit Application Package “M”. Accessed: January 19, 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.aqmd.gov/docs/default-source/permitting/attachment-m.pdf?sfvrsn=4 United States Environmental Protection Agency. 2009. Current Methodologies in Preparing Mobile Source Port-Related Emission Inventories. Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/moves/current-methodologies-preparing-mobile-source-port- related-emission-inventories-final-report

C-12 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix C Draft EIR [Administrative] AQGHG Calculations

Attachment 1

Air Quality Calculation and Input Tables

Table C-2: LAX Cable - Summary of Emissions from Terrestrial Operations

VOC NOx CO SO2 Fug PM10 Exh PM10 Total PM10 Fug PM2.5 Exh PM2.5 Total PM2.5 CO2 * CH4 * CO2e * Directional Bores Marine No. days in 2018 = 20 ton/yr 0.05 0.50 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.02 65.50 0.01 65.83 lb/day 5.1 50.4 32.2 0.1 0.0 2.5 2.5 0.0 2.4 2.4 6549.9 1.3 6582.8 OGB Installation No. days in 2018 = 4 ton/yr 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 2.92 lb/day 0.7 8.6 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 1447.4 0.4 1458.5 Terrestrial Cable Pulling No. days in 2018 = ton/yr 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.73 0.00 3.76 lb/day 0.8 8.5 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3 1242.4 0.4 1251.8 Beach Manhole Installation No. days in 2018 = 12 ton/yr 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.26 0.00 7.32 lb/day 0.8 8.2 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3 1210.0 0.4 1219.4 Terrestrial Conduit Installation (Trenching) No. days in 2018 = 130 ton/yr 0.08 0.74 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.04 85.67 0.02 86.26 lb/day 1.2 11.3 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.6 1318.0 0.4 1327.1 Shore End Landing No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.96 lb/day 1.8 17.7 13.5 0.0 2.00E-02 1.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 1.0 1908.9 0.4 1919.3 * Units in metric tons

Definition: CO = carbon monoxide CO2 = carbon dioxide

CO2e = carbon dioxide equivalent CH4 = methane NOx = nitrous oxides PM10 = particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (Respirable) PM2.5 = particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (Fine) SO2 = sulfur dioxide VOC = volatile organic compounds Table C-3: Load Factor Calculation for Cable Lay Vessel

Total Power (kW) 9,950 Auxiliary to Propulsion Ratio 1 0.278 Propulsion Power (kW) 7,183.9 Auxiliary Power (kW) 2,766.1

Cable Lay Vessel - Soft and Hard Bottom2 Propulsion Speed LF 3 Power Transit 9 0.16 1,115.01 Cable Laying 1.18 0.02 143.68 Auxiliary Speed LF 1 Power Transit 9 0.27 746.85 Cable Laying 1.18 0.45 1,244.75 Total Speed LF Power Transit 9 0.19 1,861.85 Cable Laying 1.18 0.14 1,388.42


1. Load Factor based on Auxiliary to Propulsion Ratio from ICF International, Current Methodologies in Preparing Mobile Source Port- Related Emission Inventories , April 2009 - Table 2-4 for Cruise Ship and Table 2-7 for Miscellaneous (RSZ and Maneuver load factors).

2. Description: Reliance Class Vessel (diesel electric generator set)

3. According to ICF 2009, at service or cruise speed, the propulsion load factor is 83%. Therefore, max speed is 16.75 knots. Use Propeller Law to find LF: LF = (Actual Speed/Maximum Speed)^3. If LF is below 0.02 (per propeller law), it should be set to 0.02

Definition: LF = Load Factor kW = kilowatts Table C-6: Marine Emissions Calculation for California Regulated Waters - 2018

Number Hours per Total Number of Distance Activity/ Equipment Type Active No. Workdays Speed (knots) Total Power (kW) HP Load Factor Emissions (lb/day) Emissions (ton/year) Day Hours (nm) Engines

Marine Directional Bore Support VOC NOx CO SOx PM10 CO2 CH4 VOC NOx CO SOx PM10 CO2 * CH4 * Primary Work Boat - Dive Platform Propulsion Engine 2 2 8 16 521.99 350.00 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.0000 0.00 2.07 0.00008 Auxiliary Engine 2 8 8 64 89.48 60.00 0.32 1.07 9.33 3.88 0.00 0.50 329.28 0.02 0.004 0.04 0.02 0.00001 0.0020 1.19 0.00006 HDD Monitoring Dive Boat Propulsion Engine 2 4 20 80 134.23 90 0.21 0.27 4.59 1.19 0.00 0.18 162.07 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.01 0.0000 0.00 1.47 0.00004 Auxiliary Engine 2 16 20 320 11.93 8 0.32 0.43 1.23 1.31 0.00 0.11 87.81 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.0000 0.00 0.80 0.00005 Cable Lay Vessel Comes into Port

Propulsion Engine - Transit - Leg 1 5 14 1 14.30 9 9,950 128.61 0.19 30.52 815.89 64.57 23.48 14.67 40500.97 5.28 0.015261 0.407945 0.03 0.012 0.007337 18.37 0.00240 PLCN: Shore End Landing Cable Lay Vessel - Landing Propulsion Engine - Transit - Leg 2 5 3 1 2.80 9 9,950 25 0.19 5.98 159.75 12.64 4.60 2.87 7930.26 1.03 0.002988 0.079877 0.01 0.002 0.001437 3.60 0.00047 Propulsion Engine - Stationing 5 20 1 20 9,950 --- 0.19 42.69 1141.10 90.30 32.84 20.52 56644.71 7.39 0.02 0.57 0.05 0.02 0.01 25.69 0.00335 Primary Work Boat - Dive Platform Propulsion Engine 2 2 1 2 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.000766 0.01 0.002 0.000003 0.000494 0.26 0.00001

Auxiliary Engine 2 10 1 10 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.000667 0.0058 0.002 0.000002 0.000312 0.19 0.00001

Secondary Work Boat - Anchor Support/Shuttle

Propulsion Engine 2 2 1 2 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.000766 0.01 0.002 0.000003 0.000494 0.26 0.00001

Auxiliary Engine 2 10 1 10 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.000667 0.0058 0.002 0.000002 0.000312 0.19 0.00001

Secondary Work Boat - Support, Patrol & Shuttle Propulsion Engine 2 2 1 2 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.000766 0.01 0.002 0.000003 0.000494 0.26 0.00001 Auxiliary Engine 2 10 1 10 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.000667 0.01 0.002 0.000002 0.000312 0.19 0.00001 LCN: Diver Jetting and Articulated Pipe Installation Primary Work Boat - Dive Platform Propulsion Engine 2 2 5 10 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.00383 0.05 0.011 0.00001 0.00247 1.29 0.00005 Auxiliary Engine 2 10 5 50 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.00334 0.03 0.012 0.000011 0.00156 0.93 0.00005 PLCN: Pre-lay Grapnel Run Work Boat Propulsion Engine 2 12 3 36 521.99 350 0.38 9.19 130.82 27.01 0.04 5.92 3421.44 0.13 0.01 0.20 0.04 0.0001 0.01 4.66 0.00017 Auxiliary Engine 2 12 2 24 89.48 60 0.32 1.60 14.00 5.82 0.01 0.75 493.92 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00001 0.0007 0.45 0.00002 PLCN: Cable Laying and Plowing Cable Lay Vessel - Lay Cable Propulsion Engine - Cable Laying - Leg 3 5 24 24 568.60 1.18 9,950 104.26 0.14 38.20 1021.13 80.81 29.39 18.37 50689.35 6.61 0.45 12.10 0.96 0.35 0.22 544.69 0.07105 PLCN: TDM TDM Vessel - ROV Propulsion Engine - TDM - Leg 9 5 24 24 568.60 1.18 9,950 104.26 0.14 38.20 1021.13 80.81 29.39 18.37 50689.35 6.61 0.45 12.10 0.96 0.35 0.22 544.69 0.07105 PLCN: Offshore PLIB Cable Lay Vessel Propulsion Engine - Cable Laying - Leg 4 5 24 4 96 1.18 9,950 104.26 0.14 38.20 1021.13 80.81 29.39 18.37 50689.35 6.61 0.08 2.04 0.16 0.06 0.04 91.97 0.01200 T-P Cable Segment: Shore-End Landing Cable Lay Vessel - Landing Propulsion Engine - Stationing 5 20 1 20 9,950 --- 0.14 31.83 850.94 67.34 24.49 15.30 42241.13 5.51 0.02 0.43 0.03 0.01 0.01 19.16 0.00250 Primary Work Boat - Dive Platform Propulsion Engine 2 2 1 2 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.000766 0.01 0.002 0.000003 0.000494 0.26 0.00001 Auxiliary Engine 2 10 1 10 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.000667 0.0058 0.002 0.000002 0.000312 0.19 0.00001 Secondary Work Boat - Anchor Support/Shuttle Propulsion Engine 2 2 1 2 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.000766 0.01 0.002 0.000003 0.000494 0.26 0.00001 Auxiliary Engine 2 10 1 10 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.000667 0.0058 0.002 0.000002 0.000312 0.19 0.00001 Secondary Work Boat - Support, Patrol & Shuttle Propulsion Engine 2 2 1 2 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.000766 0.01 0.002 0.000003 0.000494 0.26 0.00001 Auxiliary Engine 2 10 1 10 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.000667 0.01 0.002 0.000002 0.000312 0.19 0.00001 Number Hours per Total Number of Distance Activity/ Equipment Type Active No. Workdays Speed (knots) Total Power (kW) HP Load Factor Emissions (lb/day) Emissions (ton/year) Day Hours (nm) Engines T-P Cable Segment: Diver Jetting and Articulated Pipe Installation Primary Work Boat - Dive Platform Propulsion Engine 2 2 5 10 521.99 350 0.38 1.53 21.80 4.50 0.01 0.99 570.24 0.02 0.00383 0.05 0.011 0.00001 0.00247 1.29 0.00005 Auxiliary Engine 2 10 5 50 89.48 60 0.32 1.33 11.67 4.85 0.00 0.62 411.60 0.02 0.00334 0.03 0.012 0.000011 0.00156 0.93 0.00005 T-P Cable Segment: Pre-lay Grapnel Run Work Boat Propulsion Engine 2 12 1 12 521.99 350 0.38 9.19 130.82 27.01 0.05 5.92 3421.44 0.13 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.0000 0.00 1.55 0.00006 Auxiliary Engine 2 12 1 12 89.48 60 0.32 1.60 14.00 5.82 0.01 0.75 493.92 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00000 0.0004 0.22 0.00001 T-P Cable Segment: Cable Laying and Plowing Cable Lay Vessel - Lay Cable Propulsion Engine - Cable Laying - Leg 5 5 12 1 12 1.18 9,950 3 0.14 19.10 510.57 40.40 14.69 9.18 25344.68 3.31 0.01 0.26 0.02 0.01 0.00 11.50 0.00150 T-P Cable Segment: TDM TDM Vessel - ROV Propulsion Engine - TDM - Leg 11 5 12 1 12 1.18 9,950 3 0.14 19.10 510.57 40.40 14.69 9.18 25344.68 3.31 0.01 0.26 0.02 0.01 0.00 11.50 0.00150 T-P Cable Segment: Offshore PLIB Cable Lay Vessel Propulsion Engine - Cable Laying - Leg 6 5 12 1 12 1.18 9,950 3 0.14 19.10 510.57 40.40 14.69 9.18 25344.68 3.31 0.01 0.26 0.02 0.01 0.00 11.50 0.00150 Propulsion Engine - Transit - Leg 7 5 3 1 2.78 9 9,950 25 0.19 5.93 158.49 12.54 4.56 2.85 7867.32 1.03 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.00 3.57 0.00047

T-P Cable Segment: Cable Ship transit offshore

Cable Lay Vessel Propulsion Engine - Transit - Leg 8 5 14 1 14.29 9 9,950 128.61 0.19 30.50 815.32 64.52 23.46 14.66 40472.52 5.28 0.02 0.41 0.03 0.01 0.01 18.36 0.00239 TOTAL EMISSIONS 1.14 29.70 2.49 0.83 0.56 1324.12 0.17 *Units in metric tons

Comments/Assumptions: Assumptions for working hours and number of days per activity were based on information provided by the Applicant and from similar projects (City of Hermosa Beach 2016, CSLC 2008).

Assumptions: Cable Ship Emissions The duration of cable lay activities and transit for the cable ship were calculated by ‘leg’, using the estimated durations of work provided by the Applicant and cross-checked with similar projects for reference. Emission calculations for the cable ship assume that the ship is traveling at 9 knots when transiting (i.e. moving but not laying cable) inside the study area, which aligns with the Precautionary Zone (PZ). The average speed of ships within the PZ is 9 knots (Port of Los Angeles 2014); this was also the speed assumed for transit of the cable ship in the EIR for the recent SEA-1 installation (City of Hermosa Beach 2016). Per Port of Los Angeles 2014, the propulsion engine Maximum Continuous Rated Power (MCR) diesel-electric ships is the combined rated electric propulsion motor rating. According to CARB 2011, diesel-electric vessels have diesel engine sets that provide power for both auxiliary and propulsion power needs. Low Load Adjustment factors were not used because the cable ship is an electric drive ship. Emission Factors were based on the assumption that the cable ship runs at medium engine speed with Marine Distillate 0.1% Sulfur fuel from Table II-8 of CARB 2011. The distance traveled from Port of LA to bore pipe exit was estimated using Google Earth

Assumptions: Work Boats and Support Vessel Emissions All activities requiring work boats or support vessels were assumed to use boats with similar specifications as the work boat from City of Hermosa Beach 2016 since it would output the most conservative values. The boat used for HDD monitoring was assumed to be a smaller dive boat. Hours per day for propulsion engines represents time spent transiting to and from the site, since the main engine is primarily used to propel the boat at sea. For simplicity, hours per day for auxiliary engines is assumed to represent time spent on-site (i.e. everything other than transiting). for Emission Factors. for CO, NOx, PM10 and VOC can be found in CARB 2007. Emission Factors for SO2, CO2 and CH4 can be found in Port of Los Angeles 2014b. Engine deterioration factors are based on Port of Los Angeles 2014a. The cumulative hours at the end of useful life was set to be equal to the age of the engine. Assumes that the cable ship has the same Load Factor. during the cable pulling activity (or "stationing") and transit, per City of Hermosa Beach 2016. Assumes that the cable ship has the same Load Factor during PLIB and cable laying per City of Hermosa Beach 2016. For the HDD monitoring activity, assumes two port calls for shift changes – approximately 1 hour each way - 20 hours monitoring (auxiliary mode). A float chaser boat would be used for 12 hours or less on the day of the landing. As a zodiac craft that is not equivalent to an extra vessel. This has not been included in the calculations.

Conversion/Definition: 1 brake horsepower = 0.7457 kilowatts NOx = nitrous oxides 1 km = 0.53995 nm PM10 = particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (Respirable) CO = carbon monoxide PM2.5 = particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (Fine) CO2 = carbon dioxide SO2 = sulfur dioxide CO2e = carbon dioxide equivalent Transit: emissions from vessel operations between ports CH4 = methane VOC = volatile organic compounds lb/day = pound per day Maneuver: slow speed vessel operations while in-port areas

References: CSLC (California State Lands Commission). 2008. Draft Environmental Impact Report for the AT&T Asia America Gateway Fiber Optic Cable Project. CARB (California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board). 2007. Emissions Estimation Methodology for Commercial Harbor Craft Operating in California. ---.2011. Emissions Estimation Methodology for Ocean-Going Vessels, Appendix D. City of Hermosa Beach. 2016. Transpacific Fiber-Optic Cables Project, Appendix C. State Clearinghouse No. 2015041004. Port of Los Angeles. 2014. Inventory of Air Emissions for Calendar Year 2013. Retrieved from: https://www.portoflosangeles.org/pdf/2014_Air_Emissions_Inventory_Full_Report.pdf Table C-9: Terrestrial and Marine Emissions in the California Boundary

LAX Cable - Summary of Emissions from Terrestrial & Marine Operations through California Regulated Waters

VOC NOx CO SO2 Fug PM10 Exh PM10 Total PM10 Fug PM2.5 Exh PM2.5 Total PM2.5 CO2 * CH4 * CO2e * Directional Bores Marine & HDD Monitoring & Marine Directional Bore Support No. days in 2018 = 20 Terrestrial: ton/yr 0.05 0.50 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.02 65 0.01 65.83 Marine: ton/yr 0.02 0.18 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 6 0 5.54 ton/yr 0.07 0.69 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.03 71.03 0.01 71.36 Terrestrial: lb/day 5.14 50.4 32.2 0.1 0.0 2.5 2.5 0.0 2.4 2.4 6549.9 1.3 6582.78 Marine HDD Support: lb/day 2.60 31.1 8.4 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.49 0.0 1.5 1.49 899.5 0.0 900.48 Marine HDD Monitoring: lb/day 0.70 5.82 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.29 0.00 0.29 0.29 249.88 0.01 250.13 lb/day 8.4 87.3 43.1 0.1 0.0 4.3 4.3 0.0 4.2 4.2 7699.3 1.4 7733.38 OGB Installation No. days in 2018 = 4 ton/yr 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.89 0.00 2.9 lb/day 0.7 8.6 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.4 1447.4 0.4 1458.5

Terrestrial Cable Pulling

No. days in 2018 = 6 ton/yr 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.73 0.00 3.8 lb/day 0.8 8.5 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3 1242.4 0.4 1251.8 Beach Manhole Installation No. days in 2018 = 12 ton/yr 0.00 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.26 0.00 7.3 lb/day 0.8 8.2 6.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3 1210.0 0.4 1219.4 Terrestrial Conduit Installation (Trenching) No. days in 2018 = 130 ton/yr 0.08 0.74 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.04 85.67 0.02 86.3 lb/day 1.2 11.3 7.3 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.6 1318.0 0.4 1327.1 Cable Lay Vessel Comes into Port No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.015 0.408 0.032 0.012 0.000 0.007 0.007 0.000 0.007 0.007 18.371 0.002 18.43 lb/day 30.522 815.889 64.567 23.479 0.000 14.674 14.674 0.000 14.674 14.674 40500.969 5.283 40633.04 PLCN: Shore End Landing No. days in 2018 = 1 Terrestrial: ton/yr 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 1.00E-05 0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.96 Marine: ton/yr 0.03 0.70 0.07 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00E+00 0.01 0.01 30.63 0.00 30.72 ton/yr 0.03 0.71 0.07 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 31.58 0.00 31.68 Terrestrial: lb/day 1.80 17.70 13.50 0.02 0.02 1.04 1.06 0.00 0.98 0.98 1908.88 0.42 1919.30 Marine: lb/day 57.26 1401.27 131.00 37.47 0.00 28.23 28.23 0.00 28.23 28.23 67520.50 8.55 67734.24 lb/day 59.1 1419.0 144.5 37.5 0.0 29.3 29.3 0.0 29.2 29.2 69429.4 9.0 69653.54 VOC NOx CO SO2 Fug PM10 Exh PM10 Total PM10 Fug PM2.5 Exh PM2.5 Total PM2.5 CO2 * CH4 * CO2e * PLCN: Articulated Pipe Installation No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.007 0.084 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.004 0.000 0.004 0.004 2.227 0.000 2.23 lb/day 2.866 33.471 9.352 0.010 0.000 1.610 1.610 0.000 1.610 1.610 981.842 0.042 982.90 PLCN: Pre-lay Grapnel Run No. days in 2018 = 5 ton/yr 0.015 0.210 0.046 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.010 0.000 0.010 0.010 5.104 0.000 5.11 lb/day 10.794 144.822 32.827 0.041 0.000 6.671 6.671 0.000 6.671 6.671 3915.364 0.154 3919.20 PLCN: Cable Laying and Plowing No. days in 2018 = 24 ton/yr 0.452 12.095 0.957 0.348 0.000 0.218 0.218 0.000 0.218 0.218 544.688 0.071 546.46 lb/day 38.201 1021.133 80.809 29.385 0.000 18.366 18.366 0.000 18.366 18.366 50689.353 6.612 50854.64 PLCN: TDM (Alternative) No. days in 2018 = 24 ton/yr 0.452 12.095 0.957 0.348 0.000 0.218 0.218 0.000 0.218 0.218 544.688 0.071 546.46 lb/day 38.201 1021.133 80.809 29.385 0.000 18.366 18.366 0.000 18.366 18.366 50689.353 6.612 50854.64 PLCN: Offshore PLIB No. days in 2018 = 5 ton/yr 0.076 2.042 0.162 0.059 0.000 0.037 0.037 0.000 0.037 0.037 91.969 0.012 92.27 lb/day 38.201 1021.133 80.809 29.385 0.000 18.366 18.366 0.000 18.366 18.366 50689.353 6.612 50854.64 T-P Cable Segment: Shore End Landing No. days in 2018 = 1 Terrestrial: ton/yr 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.96 Marine: ton/yr 0.02 0.48 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 20.50 0.00 20.56 ton/yr 0.0 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.5 0.0 21.5 Terrestrial: lb/day 1.8 17.7 13.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.06 0.00 1.0 0.98 1908.9 0.4 1919.30 Marine: lb/day 40.4 951.4 95.4 24.5 0.0 20.1 20.14 0.00 20.1 20.14 45186.7 5.6 45327.57 lb/day 42.2 969.1 108.9 24.5 0.0 21.2 21.2 0.0 21.1 21.1 47095.5 6.1 47246.9 T-P Cable Segment: Articulated Pipe Installation No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.007 0.084 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.004 0.000 0.004 0.004 2.227 0.000 2.23 lb/day 2.866 33.471 9.352 0.010 0.000 1.610 1.610 0.000 1.610 1.610 981.842 0.042 984.13 T-P Cable Segment: Pre-lay Grapnel Run No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.005 0.072 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.003 0.000 0.003 0.003 1.776 0.000 1.78 lb/day 10.794 144.822 32.827 0.055 0.000 6.671 6.671 0.000 6.671 6.671 3915.364 0.154 3919.20 T-P Cable Segment: Cable Laying and Plowing No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.010 0.255 0.020 0.007 0.000 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.005 0.005 11.496 0.001 11.53 lb/day 19.100 510.567 40.405 14.693 0.000 9.183 9.183 0.000 9.183 9.183 25344.676 3.306 25427.32 T-P Cable Segment: TDM (Alternative) No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.010 0.255 0.020 0.007 0.000 0.005 0.005 0.000 0.005 0.005 11.496 0.001 11.53 lb/day 19.100 510.567 40.405 14.693 0.000 9.183 9.183 0.000 9.183 9.183 25344.676 3.306 25427.32 VOC NOx CO SO2 Fug PM10 Exh PM10 Total PM10 Fug PM2.5 Exh PM2.5 Total PM2.5 CO2 * CH4 * CO2e * T-P Cable Segment: Offshore PLIB No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.013 0.335 0.026 0.010 0.000 0.006 0.006 0.000 0.006 0.006 15.065 0.002 15.11 lb/day 19.100 510.567 40.405 14.693 0.000 9.183 9.183 0.000 9.183 9.183 25344.676 3.306 25427.32 Cable Segment: Cable Lay Vessel Transit Offshore No. days in 2018 = 1 ton/yr 0.015 0.408 0.032 0.012 0.000 0.007 0.007 0.000 0.007 0.007 18.358 0.002 18.42 lb/day 30.501 815.316 64.521 23.462 0.000 14.664 14.664 0.000 14.664 14.664 40472.525 5.279 40604.50 *Units in metric tons Table C-10: Maximum Daily Construction Emissions

Scenario VOC NOx CO SO2 Fug PM10 Exh PM10 Total PM10 Fug PM2.5 Exh PM2.5 Total PM2.5 CO2 * CH4 * CO2e * Highest Daily Max With Overlap for January 2018 (lb/day) 7.0 67.5 42.0 0.1 ------3.4 ------3.3 ------Highest Daily Max With Overlap for February 2018 (lb/day) 10.4 107.2 56.7 0.1 ------5.3 ------5.1 ------Highest Daily Max With Overlap for March 2018 (lb/day) 60.2 1430.3 151.8 37.5 ------29.9 ------29.8 ------Highest Daily Max With Overlap for April 2018 (lb/day) 43.4 1032.5 116.2 29.4 ------21.8 ------21.7 ------Highest Daily Max With Overlap for May 2018 (lb/day) 1.2 11.3 7.3 0.0 ------0.6 ------0.6 ------Regional Sign. Threshold (lb/day) 75 100 550 150 ------150 ------55 ------Highest Daily Max for One Terrestrial Location (assume no overlap) --- 11.3 7.3 ------0.6 ------0.6 ------LST Sign. Threshold (lb/day) --- 91 664 ------5 ------3 ------

GHG EMISSIONS FROM PROJECT Annual Project GHG Emissions (Mton/yr) ------935 --- 938 GHG Sign. Threshold (Mton/yr) ------10,000 --- 10,000

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D.1: Special-Status Species Table (Terrestrial)

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Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

Plants Sandy soils in coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, and coastal scrub. Elevation: 3-1,000 feet (1-305 meters). Blooms: March-June Outside known species range. Known primarily from the vicinity Aphanisma blitoides aphanisma - - 1B.2 (CNPS 2016). N of the Palos Verdes Peninsula (CDFW 2016a). Sandy openings in freshwater or brackish marshes and swamps. Elevation: 10-558 feet (3-170 meters). Blooms: May-August Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort FE SE 1B.1 (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. In recently burned or disturbed areas, usually on sandstone with carbonate layers. In chapparal, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 13-3,000 feet (4-640 meters). Astragalus brauntonii Braunton's milk-vetch FE - 1B.1 Blooms: January-August (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Coastal dunes, coastal scrub, as well as the edges of coastal salt or brackish marshes and swamps. Only one natural population Suitable habitat present; however, this species is known from Astragalus pycnostachyus var. left, near Oxnard. Elevation: 3-115 feet (1-35 meters). Blooms: only one population near Oxnard and all closer populations have lanosissimus Ventura marsh milk-vetch FE SE 1B.1 June-October (CNPS 2016). N been extirpated (CNPS 2016, CDFW 2016a).

Coastal dunes, mesic coastal prairie, and sandy coastal bluff Suitable habitat may be present; however, last known scrub. Often found in vernally mesic areas. Elevation: 3-164 feet observations of this species in the Project vicinity are very old Astragalus tener var. titi coastal dunes milk-vetch FE SE 1B.1 (1-50 meters). Blooms: March-May (CNPS 2016). N and species is likely extirpated from the area (CDFW 2016a).

Alkaline or clay soils in coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 10-1,509 feet All nearby occurrences are extirpated (CDFW 2016a). Not Atriplex coulteri Coulter's saltbush - - 1B.2 (3-460 meters). Blooms: March-October (CNPS 2016). N expected to occur in Project vicinity. Playas, coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, and coastal scrub. Elevation: 0-459 feet (0-140 meters). Blooms: March-October Outside known species range. Known primarily from the vicinity Atriplex pacifica South Coast saltscale - - 1B.2 (CNPS 2016). N of the Palos Verdes Peninsula (CDFW 2016a). Alkaline soils in playas, vernal pools and chenopod scrub. Elevation: 82-6,233 feet (25-1900 meters). Blooms: June-October Atriplex parishii Parish's brittlescale - - 1B.1 (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Alkaline areas in coastal scrub and coastal bluff scrub. Elevation: Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii Davidson's saltscale - - 1B.2 33-656 feet (10-200 meters) Blooms: April-October (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Sandy or gravelly soils in chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal scrub and riparian scrub. Elevation: 898-2,707 feet (274- Suitable habitat not present. Project area is below species Berberis nevinii Nevin's barberry FE SE 1B.1 825 meters). Blooms: March-June (CNPS 2016). N elevation range. Chaparral, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 1,050-3,280 feet (320-1,000 meters). Blooms: March- Suitable habitat not present. Project area is below species Calochortus clavatus var. gracilis slender mariposa lily - - 1B.2 November (CNPS 2016). N elevation range. Vernal pools, marsh and swamp margins, and vernally mesic valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 0-1,575 feet (0-480 Centromadia parryi ssp. australis southern tarplant - - 1B.1 meters). Blooms: May-November (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Suitable habitat occurs in Project's dune habitats; however, recorded occurrences in the dunes are over 30 years old and this species has not been seen more recent botanical surveys conducted in th eproject vicinity (CDFW 2016a; LAX 2012). Chaenactis glabriuscula var. Coastal dunes and sandy coastal bluff scrub. Elevation: 0-328 Furthermore, the El Segundo Dunes and all high quality dune orcuttiana Orcutt's pincushion - - 1B.1 feet (0-100 meters). Blooms: January-August (CNPS 2016). N habitat will be avoided.

ERM 1 of 12 PLCN PERMITTING/0332596.06 - 4/19/2017 Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

Suitable habitat may be present; however, last known Coastal dunes. Elevation: 33-100 feet (10-30 meters). Blooms: observation of this species in the Project vicinity is from 1904 Chenopodium littoreum coastal goosefoot - - 1B.2 April-August (CNPS 2016). N (CDFW 2016a).

Chloropyron maritimum ssp. Coastal dunes, and coastal salt marshes and swamps. Elevation: Outside known species range. Range extends from Long Beach maritimum salt marsh bird's-beak FE SE 1B.2 0-98 feet (0-30 meters). Blooms: May-October (CNPS 2016). N southward (CDFW 2016a). Sandy coastal scrub and valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: Chorizanthe parryi var. San Fernando Valley 490-4,005 feet (150-1,220 meters). Blooms: April-July (CNPS Suitable habitat not present. Project area is below species fernandina spineflower FC SE 1B.1 2016). N elevation range.

Rocky areas in chaparral and coastal scrub. Elevation: 920-2,495 Suitable habitat not present. Project area is below species Deinandra menthronii Santa Susana tarplant - SR 1B.2 feet (280-760 meters). Blooms: July-November (CNPS 2016). N elevation range.

Suitable habitat may be present; however, last known Coastal dunes and sandy coastal scrub. Elevation: 10-165 feet (3- observations of this species in the Project vicinity are very old Dithyrea maritima beach spectaclepod - ST 1B.1 50 meters). Blooms: March-May (CNPS 2016). N and species is likely extirpated from the area (CDFW 2016a). Rocky volcanic or sedimentary soils in chaparral and coastal scrub. Elevation: 492-5,495 feet (150-1,675 meters). Blooms: Suitable habitat not present. Project area is below species Dudleya cymosa ssp. ovatifolia Santa Monica dudleya FT - 1B.1 March-June (CNPS 2016). N elevation range. Often on clay soil in chaparral, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 50-2,590 feet (15-790 meters). Dudleya multicaulis many-stemmed dudleya - - 1B.2 Blooms: April-July (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Rocky substrates in coastal bluff scrub and coastal scrub. Elevation: 16-984 feet (5-300 meters). Blooms: April-June (CNPS Dudleya virens ssp. insularis island green dudleya - - 1B.2 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Mesic areas in coastal scrub, vernal pools, and valley and foothill Eryngium aristulatum var. grassland. Elevation: 66-2,035 feet (20-620 meters). Blooms: April- parishii San Diego button-celery FE SE 1B.1 June (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Coastal dunes and coastal bluff scrub. Known mostly from the Channel Islands. Has not been seen since 1966. Elevation: 0-985 Erysimum insulare island wallflower - - 1B.3 feet (0-300 meters). Blooms: March-July (CNPS 2016). N Likely extirpated from mainland (CNPS). Coastal salt and freshwater marsh and swamps. Elevation: 33- 5,495 feet (10-1,675 meters). Blooms: August-October (CNPS Helianthus nuttallii ssp. parishii Los Angeles sunflower - - 1A 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Sandy or gravelly substrate in maritime chaparral, cismontane woodland, and coastal scrub. Elevation: 230-2,660 feet (70-810 Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia - - 1B.1 meters). Blooms: February-September (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Chaparral and sandy, disturbed areas in coastal scrub. Elevation: Isocoma menziesii var. 33-443 feet (10-135 meters). Blooms: April-November (CNPS Suitable habitat not present. Nearest occurrences are either decumbens decumbent goldenbush - - 1B.2 2016). N extirpated or over 40 years old (CDFW 2016a). Playas, vernal pools, and coastal salt marshes and swamps. Elevation: 3-4,005 feet (1-1,220 meters). Blooms: February-June Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Coulter's goldfields - - 1B.1 (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Coastal bluff scrub and coastal dunes. Elevation: 16-492 feet (5- No recorded occurrences within Project vicinity. Most Leptosyne maritima sea dahlia - - 2B.2 150 meters). Blooms: March-May (CNPS 2016). N populations south of Camp Pendleton (CDFW 2016a).

ERM 2 of 12 PLCN PERMITTING/0332596.06 - 4/19/2017 Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment? Chaparral and cismontane woodland. Known only from the Santa Monica, Santa Ynez, and Sierra Madre mountains. Monardella hypoleuca ssp. Elevation: 165-5,005 feet (50-1,525 meters). Blooms: April- hypoleuca white-veined monardella - - 1B.3 December (CNPS 2016). N Outside known species range.

Marshes and swamps on lake margins and riverbanks. Elevation: Nama stenocarpa mud nama - - 2B.2 16-1,640 feet (5-500 meters). Blooms: January-July (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Freshwater or brackish marshes and swamps. Elevation: 16-1,083 Nasturtium gambelii Gambel's watercress FE ST 1B.1 feet (5-330 meters). Blooms: April-October (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Assorted shallow freshwater marshes and swamps, and chenopod scrub, playas and vernal pools. Elevation: 98-2,149 feet Navarretia fossalis spreading navarretia FT - 1B.1 (30-655 meters). Blooms: April-June (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Mesic areas in coastal scrub, vernal pools, meadows and seeps, prostrate vernal pool and alkaline valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 10-3,970 Navarretia prostrata navarretia - - 1B.1 feet (3-1,210 meters). Blooms: April-July (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Nemacaulis denudata var. Coast dunes. Elevation: 0-328 feet (0-100 meters). Blooms: April- No nearby occurrences. Nearest record of Species is near Long denudata coast woolly-heads - - 1B.2 September (CNPS 2016). N Beach (CDFW 2016a). Vernal pools. Elevation: 49-2,165 feet (15-660 meters). Blooms: Orcuttia californica California Orcutt grass FE SE 1B.1 April-August (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Rocky and clay substrates in chaparral openings, coastal scrub, and valley and foothill grassland. Elevation: 98-2,067 feet (30-630 Pentachaeta lyonii Lyon's pentachaeta FE SE 1B.1 meters). Blooms: March-August (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Suitable habitat may be present; however, last known Coastal dunes and coastal scrub. Elevation: 3-1,315 feet (1-400 observations of this species in the Project vicinity are very old stellaris Brand's star phacelia - - 1B.1 meters). Blooms: March-June (CNPS 2016). N and species is likely extirpated from the area (CDFW 2016a). Brackish meadows and seeps. Likely extirpated. Elevation: 0-7 Potentilla multijuga Ballona cinquefoil - - 1A feet (0-2 meters). Blooms: June-August (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Extirpated. Sandy, gravelly soils in chaparral, cismontane woodland, coastal Pseudognaphalium scrub, and riparian woodland. Elevation: 0-6,930 feet (0-2,112 leucocephalum white rabbit-tobacco - - 2B.2 meters). Blooms: July-December (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Sandy and clay loam substrates in closed-cone coniferous forest, chaparral, and coastal scrub. Elevation: 49-1,312 feet (15-400 Quercus dumosa Nuttall's scrub oak - - 1B.1 meters). Blooms: February-August (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Alkaline and mesic areas in chaparral, coastal scrub, lower montane coniferous forest, playas and Mojavean desert scrub. Elevation: 49-5,020 feet (15-1,530 meters). Blooms: Mar-Jun Sidalcea dumosa salt spring checkerbloom - - 2.2 (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Rocky or sandy substrates in Sonoran desert scrub. Extirpated from California. Elevation: 1,120-2,200 feet (365-670 meters). Spermolepis laterifolia western bristly scaleseed - - 2A Blooms: March-April (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Extirpated. Coastal salt marshes and swamps. Elevation: 0-16 feet (0-5 Suaeda esteroa estuary seablite - - 1B.2 meters). Blooms: May-January (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

ERM 3 of 12 PLCN PERMITTING/0332596.06 - 4/19/2017 Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment? Near ditches, streams and springs in coastal scrub, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, marshes, meadows, seeps, swamps, and vernally mesic valley and foothill grasslands. Elevation: 7-6,693 feet (2-2,040 meters). Blooms: July- Symphyotrichum defoliatum San Bernardino aster - - 1B.2 November (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Mesic. Broadleafed upland forest, chaparral, cismontane woodland, lower montane coniferous forest and riparian woodland. Elevation: 985-6,595 feet (300-2,010 meters). Blooms: Suitable habitat not present. Project area is below species Symphyotrichum greatae Greata's aster - - 1B.3 June-October (CNPS 2016). N elevation range. Thelypteris puberula var. Meadows, seeps, and streams. Elevation: 164-2,001 feet (50-610 sonorensis Sonoran maiden fern - - 2.2 meters). Blooms: January-September (CNPS 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Invertebrates Known to occur in El Segundo Dunes. Also recently present in Found in the El Segundo sand dunes ecosystem. Requires dune small strip of restored dune west of Vista Del Mar (CDFW 2016a; buckwheat (Eriogonum parvifolium ) for all four life stages and is USFWS 2008a). Dune habitats with host plant provide suitable Euphilotes battoides allyni El Segundo blue butterfly FE - usually associated with loose sand (USFWS 2008a). Y habitat for this species.

Require one of two larval host plants: coast locoweed (Astragalus trichopodus lonchus ) or deerweed (Acmispon glaber ). Found in Glaucopsyche lygdamus coastal sage scrub habitat. Current distribution limited to the palosverdesensis Palos Verdes blue butterfly FE - vicinity of the Palos Verdes Peninsula (USFWS 2014). N Suitable habitat not present and outside known species range. Vernal pools and other non-vegetated ephemeral pools >12 inches in depth in (1) inland areas of Riverside, Orange, and San Diego counties; and (2) coastal areas of San Diego County and Streptocephalus woottoni Riverside fairy shrimp FE - Baja Mexico (USFWS 2008b) N Suitable habitat not present and outside known species range. Fish Shallow coastal lagoons and the uppermost brackish zone of larger estuaries. Rarely found in marine or freshwater environments. Typically associated with still water, less than 3.3 feet (1 meter) deep, with salinites of less than 12 parts per Eucyclogobius newberryi tidewater goby FE SSC thousand (USFWS 2005). N Suitable habitat not present. Southern coastal streams in habitats characterized by slow- moving water, mud or sand substrate, and depths greater than 40 centimeters. Have also been found in pool habitats with gravel, cobble, and boulder substrates. Adapted to survive in low oxygen waters and wide temperature fluctuations (Moyle et Gila orcuttii arroyo chub - SSC al 2015). N Suitable habitat not present. Endemic to the Mohave River, but currently only exists at Soda Springs, China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station, Lark Seep, and Siphateles bicolor mohavensis Mohave tui chub FE SE/FP Camp Cady (USFWS 2009). N Suitable habitat not present.

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CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

Amphibians Ponds/streams in humid forests, woodlands, grasslands, coastal scrub, and streamsides with plant cover in lowlands or foothills. Breeding habitat = permanent or ephemeral water sources; lakes, ponds, reservoirs, slow streams, marshes, bogs, and swamps. Ephemeral wetland habitats require burrows or other moist refuges for estivation when the wetlands are dry. From sea Rana draytonii California red-legged frog FT SSC level to 5,000 feet (1,525 meters) (Nafis 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Reptiles Found in coastal dune, valley-foothill, chaparral, and coastal scrub communities. Often found where substartes are slightly moist, and they typically bury themselves in loose substrate or Known to occur in the El Segundo Dunes (LAX 2012). Suitable Anniella pulchra pulchra silvery legless lizard - SSC under leaf litter (CDFW 2016b) Y habitat in dunes on both sides of Vista Del Mar. This subspecies is found in coastal Southern California, mostly west of the Peninsular Ranges and south of the Transverse Ranges, and north into Ventura County. Ranges south into Baja, California. Found in a variety of ecosystems, primarily hot and dry open areas with sparse foliage - chaparral, woodland, and Nearby occurrences are restricted to mountainous areas. No Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri coastal whiptail - SSC riparian areas. (Nafis 2016). N records of species in hughly urbanized lowlands (CDFW 2016a). Associated with permanent or nearly permanent water in a wide variety of habitats. Requires basking sites such as logs, rocks, Emys marmorata western pond turtle - SSC vegetation mats, or open banks (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Inhabits open country, especially sandy areas, washes, flood plains, and wind-blown areas in a variety of habitats. Ranges up Recorded occurrences in El Segundo Dunes and numerous to 4,000 feet (1,219 meters) in the Sierra Nevada foothills, and up occurrences throughout Project vicinity (CDFW 2016a; LAX to 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) in the mountains of southern 2012). Dunes and other areas with friable soil provide suitable Phrynosoma blainvillii coast horned lizard - SSC California (CDFW 2016b). Y habitat for this species. Highly aquatic. Associated with permanent and semi-permanent water bordered by dense vegetation in a variety of habitats from sea level to 8,000 feet (2,400 meters) (CDFW 2016b). Thamnophis hammondii two-striped gartersnake - SSC N Suitable habitat not present.

Southern California coastal plain from Ventura County to San Diego County, and from sea level to about 2,790 feet (850 meters). Marsh & upland habitats near permanent water with good strips of riparian vegetation (CDFW 2016d). Thamnophis sirtalis ssp south coast gartersnake - SSC N Suitable habitat not present. Birds Colonial nester. Associated with freshwater marsh habitats dominated by cattail (Typha ) or bulrush (Schoenoplectus ); blackberry (Rubus ) thickets; willow (Salix ) riparian; and grain Agelaius tricolor tricolored blackbird FCT SSC fields (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present.

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CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment? Frequents dense, dry or well-drained grassland, especially native grassland with a mix of grasses and forbs for foraging and nesting. Uses scattered shrubs for singing perches (CDFW Ammodramus savannarum grasshopper sparrow - SSC 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Ranges from sea level to 11,500 feet (3,833 meters). Habitat typically composed of rolling foothills, mountainous areas, sage- Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle - FP juniper flats, and deserts (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present.

Found in open, treeless areas with elevated sites for perches, and dense vegetation for roosting and nesting. Associated with perennial grasslands, prairies, dunes, meadows, irrigated lands, Asio flammeus short-eared owl - SSC and saline and fresh emergent wetlands (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present.

Open areas with mammal burrows. Habitats include dry open rolling hills, grasslands, fallow fields, sparsely vegetated desert scrub with gullies, washes, arroyos, and edges of human disturbed lands. Inhabit golf courses, airports, cemeteries, vacant Suitable habitat present in the El Segundo Dunes. Wintering Athene cunicularia burrowing owl - SSC lots, and road embankments, with friable soils (Bates 2006). Y owls have been observed in the Dunes (LAX 2012).

Nests in fresh emergent wetlands bordering open water, typically along the edges of lakes. Nests are built out of emergent vegetation and usually built over shallow water, less commonly Aythya americana redhead - SSC on dry ground or over deep water (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Nests in stands with few trees in riparian areas, juniper-sage flats, and oak savannah in the Central Valley. Forages in adjacent grasslands, agricultural fields and pastures. Mostly a transient in Buteo swainsoni Swainson's hawk - ST southern California (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable nesting habitat not present. Forest habitats, preferably old-growth. Require cavities for nesting. Cavities usually in trees, but have been known to use Chaetura vauxi Vaux's swift - SSC man-made structures (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Coastally, this species nests on sandy marine and estuarine Beach and dune areas provide suitable nesting habitat for this shores. Nest may be on barren, but most commonly is near or species. In addition, designated critical habitat for plover occurs under objects such as driftwood, defoliated bushes or rocks approximately 850 feet north of the Project area. Known to nest Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus western snowy plover FT SSC (CDFW 2016b). Y on Dockweiler State Beach (DFG 2009).

Frequents open plains with low, herbaceous or scattered shrub vegetation below 3,200 feet (1,000 meters). Does not breed in California, only winters (CDFW 2016b). Frequently uses fallow, Charadrius montanus mountain plover - SSC grazed, or burned sites (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present.

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CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

Uses fresh emergent wetlands, lakes, ponds, moist grasslands, and agricultural fields for breeding. Can use coastal wetlands Chlidonius niger black tern - SSC and offshore habitats during migration (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present.

Nest on the ground in patches of dense, tall vegetation in undisturbed areas. Breed and forage in variety of open habitats such as marshes, wet meadows, weedy borders of lakes, rivers and steams, grasslands, pastures, croplands, sagebrush flats, and Circus cyaneus northern harrier - SSC desert sinks (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Restricted to freshwater and brackish marshes dominated by Cistothorus palustris clarkae Clark's marsh wren - SSC cattail or bulrush (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Valley foothill and desert riparian habitats. Inhabits extensive deciduous riparian thickets or forests with dense, low-level or understory foliage, abutting slow-moving watercourses, backwaters, or seeps. Willow almost always present (CDFW Coccyzus americanus occidentalis western yellow-billed cuckoo FT SE 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Preferred habitat is late-successional conifer forests with open canopies. Often associated with edges, openings, or clearings (man-made or natural), and are most often found at mid to high Contopus cooperi olive-sided flycatcher - SSC elevations (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Current breeding range limited to south of Salton Sea in Imperial Valley and southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley. Nesting occurs mostly in rice fields, but may also occur in freshwater marshes with dense stands of emergent or floating vegetation Dendrocygna bicolor fulvous whistling-duck - SSC (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Outside known species range.

Inhabits coastal and valley lowlands and is rarely found away from agricultural areas. Substantial groves of broad-leafed Elanus leucurus white-tailed kite - FP deciduous trees used for nesting and roosting (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present.

Breeds in relatively dense riparian tree and shrub communities associated with rivers, swamps, and other wetlands, including lakes (e.g., reservoirs). Most of these habitats are classified as forested wetlands or scrub-shrub wetlands. Habitat requirements for wintering are not well known, but include brushy savanna edges, second growth, shrubby clearings and Empidonax traillii extimus southwestern willow flycatcher FE SE pastures, and woodlands near water (USFWS 2002). N Suitable habitat not present. Breeds near wetlands lakes, rivers, or other waters on cliffs, banks, dunes or mounds, mostly in woodland, forest and coastal habitats. Nest is a scrape on a depression or ledge in an open site. May use man-made structures, snags, or trees for nesting Falco peregrinus peregrine falcon FD SD, FP (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present.

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CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

Does not nest in California. Forage in agricultural fields and grasslands. Roost sites are in a variety of wetland habitats Grus canadensis canadensis lesser sandhill crane - SSC (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Prefers open habitat with shallow lakes and fresh emergent wetlands. In winter, also inhabits dry grasslands and croplands, especially near wetlands. Breeds only in far northern portion of Grus canadensis tabida greater sandhill crane - ST, FP the state (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Chaparral, coniferous forest and oak savannah in southern and central California. Nest in cliff cavities, large rock outcrops, or large trees. Roost on large lifts or trees near feeding areas Gymnogyps californianus California condor FE SE, FP (USFWS 1996). N Suitable habitat not present. Nests in large, old-growth, or dominant live tree with open branchwork, especially ponderosa pine. Requires large bodies of water or rivers with abundant fish, and adjacent snags (CDFW Haliaeetus leucocephalus bald eagle FD FP 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Nesting habitat characterized as early successional riparian habitat with a well-developed shrub layer and an open canopy Icteria virens yellow-breasted chat - SSC (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present.

Common summer resident at Salton Sea and Colorado River in dense emergent wetlands near freshwater and in desert riparian (saltcedar scrub). Likely nests only in emergent wetlands. Rare in Ixobrychus exilis least bittern - SSC deserts and coastal lowlands (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Breed in shrublands or open woodlands with a fair amount of grass cover and areas of bare ground (Shuford and Gardali Suitable habitat present. Has been observed in previous Lanius ludovicianus loggerhead shrike - SSC 2008). Y biological surveys in the El Segundo Dunes (LAX 2012). Laterallus jamaicensis Yearlong resident of saline, brackish, and fresh emergent coturniculus California black rail - ST, FP wetlands (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present.

Breeds in Mexico, with some irregular, isolated records of breeding attempts in San Diego County. In California, this species flocks mostly at the Salton Sea. Often found foraging in shallow waters and roosting in partially submerged trees or on Mycteria americana wood stork - SSC snags near the water's edge (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Passerculus sandwichensis Coastal salt marshes of southern California. Associated with beldingi Belding's savannah sparrow - SE dense pickleweed (Zembal and Hoffman 2010). N Suitable habitat not present. Passerculus sandwichensis Does not breed in California. In California, associated with Suitable breeding habitat not present. No impact to non- rostratus large-billed savannah sparrow - SSC shorelines (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N breeding birds as a result of Project activities. Breed primarily in mature riparian woodland with extensive cottonwood canopy, some records of orchard nesting. Need tall, Piranga rubra summer tanager - SSC shady trees (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present.

ERM 8 of 12 PLCN PERMITTING/0332596.06 - 4/19/2017 Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment? Scrub dominated plant communities, strongly associated with coastal scrub, sage scrub, and coastal succulent scrub communities. Distribution ranges from southern Ventura County down through Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, Polioptila californica californica coastal California gnatcatcher FT SSC and San Diego counties (USFWS 2010). N Suitable habitat not present.

A yearlong resident along the Colorado River, especially in vicinity of Blythe, Riverside County. Nesters inhabit cottonwood, willow, mesquite, and other vegetation in desert riparian habitat adjacent to irrigated fields, irrigation ditches, pastures and other open, mesic areas in isolated patches throughout central Pyrocephalus rubinus vermilion flycatcher - SSC southern California (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Coastal wetlands of southern California and northern Baja, Rallus longirostris levipes light-footed clapper rail FE SE, FP California (Zembal et. al 2014). N Suitable habitat not present. Rallus longirostris obsoletus California clapper rail FE SE, FP Tidal salt and brackish marshes (USFWS 2013). N Suitable habitat not present. Riparian areas with sandy, vertical bluffs or riverbanks. Also nest in earthen banks and bluffs, as well as sand and gravel pits Riparia riparia bank swallow - ST (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. No vertical bluffs present.

Requires calm, shallow water for foraging, and sand bars, beaches, or dikes for roosting and nesting (CDFW 2016b). Because of its ground nesting habit, this highly social colonial waterbird requires large areas of bare earth sufficiently isolated from terrestrial predators and other disturbances. Colonies most often form on small constructed islands or on isolated sections of Suitable nesting habitat not present. Species may forage along Rynchops niger black skimmer - - eroded impoundment levees (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N beaches, but will not be impacted by Project activities. Riparian vegetation in close proximity to water along streams and in wet meadows. Occur throughout California, exist in Central Valley and arid southeast portions of the state (Shuford Setophaga petechia yellow warbler - SSC and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present. Nest in colonies on relatively open beaches kept free of vegetation by natural scouring from tidal action. Nest is a scrape Sternula antillarum browni California least tern FE SE, FP in the sand (USFWS 2006). Y Beach provides suitable habitat for this species.

Breed in early to mid-successional riparian areas with dense Vireo bellii pusillus least Bell's vireo FE SE shrub cover and a structurally diverse canopy (Kus 2002). N Suitable habitat not present.

Nest in marshes with tall, emergent vegetation (e.g., tulles and Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus yellow-headed blackbird - SSC cattails) adjacent to deep water (Shuford and Gardali 2008). N Suitable habitat not present.

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CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

Mammals Day roosts are in caves, crevices, mines, and occasionally in No recent occurrences in vicinity of Project. All records are over Antrozous pallidus pallid bat - SSC hollow trees and buildings (CDFW 2016b). N 45 years old (CDFW 2016a). Open, semi-arid to arid habitats, including conifer and deciduous woodlands, coastal scrub, annual and perennial grasslands, palm oases, chaparral, desert scrub, and urban areas. Roosts in crevices on vertical cliff faces, high buildings, trees, Eumops perotis californicus western mastiff bat - SSC and tunnels (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Associated with intermediate canopy stages of shrub habitats, San Diego black-tailed and open shrub/herbaceous and tree/herbaceous edges (CDFW Suitable habitat not present. No occurrences recorded in vicinity Lepus californicus bennetti jackrabbit - SSC 2016b). N of Project site (CDFW 2016a). Occurs in narrow band of marsh communities and associated grasslands in the coastal zone from Ventura County to northern Microtus californicus stephensi south coast marsh vole - SSC Orange County (Bolster 1998). N Suitable habitat not present.

Common to abundant in Joshua tree, pinyon-juniper, mixed and chamise-redshank chaparral, sagebrush, and most desert habitats. Also found in a variety of other habitats. Moderate to dense canopies preferred. Desert woodrats are particularly abundant in rock outcrops and rocky cliffs and slopes. Most abundant in rocky areas with Joshua trees. Elevational range Neotoma lepida intermedia San Diego desert woodrat - SSC from sea level to 8,500 feet (2,600 meters) (CDFW 2016b). N Suitable habitat not present. Colonial and roosts primarily in crevices of rugged cliffs, high rocky outcrops and slopes. It has been found in a variety of plant associations, including desert shrub and pine-oak forests. The species may also roost in buildings, caves, and under roof tiles Nyctinomops femerosaccus pocketed free-tailed bat - SSC (WBWG 2016). N Suitable habitat not present.

Mainly an inhabitant of rugged, rocky habitats in arid landscapes. It has been found in a variety of lowland plant associations, including desert shrub, woodlands, and evergreen forests. Roosts mainly in the crevices of rocks in cliff situations, although there is some documentation of roosting in buildings, Nyctinomops macrotis big free-tailed bat - SSC caves, and tree cavities (WBWG 2016). N Suitable habitat not present. Occur on fine-grain, sandy or gravelly substarte in coastal Suitable habitat present; however, all recorded populations of Perognathus longimembris habitats such as coastal sage scrub, dunes, beach strand, and this species in the vicinity of the site have been extirpated pacificus Pacific pocket mouse FE SSC river alluvium (Bolster 1998). N (CDFW 2016a).

Southern coastal salt marshes dominated by Salicornia and southern California saltmarsh characterized by dense vegetative cover, protected nesting sites Sorex ornatus salicornius shrew - SSC above mean tide, and moist surroundings (Bolster 1998). N Suitable habitat not present.

ERM 10 of 12 PLCN PERMITTING/0332596.06 - 4/19/2017 Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment? Open shrub, forest and herbaceous habitats with friable soils. Associated with treeless regions, prairies, park lands and cold desert areas. Range includes most of California, except the North Dense urban surroundings likely preclude the presence of this Taxidea taxus American badger - SSC Coast (CDFW 2016b). N species.

Species list generated from queries of CNPS 2016, CDFW 2016a, and USFWS 2016. * Species not identified in database queries, but considered locally important

Key Federal & State Status CNPS Rare Plant Rank (FE) Federal Endangered Rareness Ranks (FT) Federal Threatened (1A) Presumed Extinct in California (FC) Federal Candidate (1B) Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California and Elsewhere (FD) Federally Delisted (2) Rare, Threatened, or Endangered in California, But More Common Elsewhere (SE) State Endangered (3) More Species Information Needed (ST) State Threatened (4) Limited Distribution Concern Threat Ranks (FP) Fully Protected (0.1) Seriously threatened in California (0.2) Fairly threatened in California (0.3) Not very threatened in California

ERM 11 of 12 PLCN PERMITTING/0332596.06 - 4/19/2017 Table D-1: Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Project Vicinity

CNPS Included in Federal State Scientific Name Common Name Rare Plant General Habitat Characteristics Impact Rationale Status Status Rank Assessment?

References Bates, C. 2006. Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia). In The Draft Desert Bird Conservation Plan: a strategy for reversing the decline of desert-associated birds in California. California Partners in Flight. http://www.prbo.org/calpif/htmldocs/desert.html Bolster, B.C., editor. 1998. Terrestrial Mammal Species of Special Concern in California. Draft Final Report prepared by P.V. Brylski, P.W. Collins, E.D. Pierson, W.E. Rainey and T.E. Kucera. Report submitted to California Department of Fish and Game Wildlife Management Division, Nongame Bird and Mammal Conservation Program for Contract No.FG3146WM. Busby, P.J., T.C. Wainwright, G.J. Bryant, L.J. Lierheimer, R.S. Waples, F.W. Waknitz, and I.V. Lagomarsino. 1996. Status review of wet coast steel head from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC- 27. Seattle, WA.

California Department of Fish and Game (DFG). 2009. The Western Snowy Plover in Los Angeles County, California: 2008 Annual Report. Prepared by Ryan Ecological Consulting, Los Angeles Audubon, Santa Monica Bay Audubon, and Pelgadic LLC California Department of Fish and WIldlife (CDFW). 2016a. BIOS Viewer 5. https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Data/BIOS California Department of Fish and WIldlife (CDFW). 2016b. California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System Life History Accounts and Range Maps (online edition). CDFW Biogeographic California Department of Fish and WIldlife (CDFW). 2016c. California Grunion Facts and Expected Runs. https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Fishing/Ocean/Grunion#28352307-grunion-facts-and-faqs California Department of Fish and WIldlife (CDFW). 2016d. RareFind 5. https://www.wildlife.ca.gov/Data/CNDDB/Maps-and-Data California Native Plant Society (CNPS). 2016. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (online edition, v8-01a). CNPS; Sacramento, CA. Kus, B. 2002. Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus ). In The Riparian Bird Conservation Plan: a strategy for reversing the decline of riparian-associated birds in California. California Partners in Flight. http://www.prbo.org/calpif/htmldocs/riparian_v- 2.html Moyle, P.B., R. M. Quiñones, J. V. Katz and J. Weaver. 2015. Fish Species of Special Concern in California. Sacramento: California Department of Fish and Wildlife. www.wildlife.ca.gov Nafis, Gary. 2016. California Herps: A Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of California. http://www.californiaherps.com/ Shuford, W.D. and Gardali, T., editors. 2008. California Bird Species of Special Concern: A ranked assessment of species, subspecies, and distinct populations of birds of immediate conservation in California. Studies of Western Birds 1. Western Field Ornithologists, Camarillo, California, and California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 1996. Recovery Plan for the California Condor. USFWS; Portland, OR. USFWS. 2002. Final Recovery Plan Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empinodax traillii extimus). USFWS; Albuquerque, NM. USFWS. 2006. California Least Tern 5-Year Review. USFWS; Carlsbad, CA. USFWS. 2008a. El Segundo Blue Butterfly 5-Year Review. USFWS; Carlsbad, CA. USFWS. 2008b. Riverside Fairy Shrimp 5-Year Review. USFWS; Carlsbad, CA. USFWS. 2009. Mohave tui chub (Gila bicolor mohavensis = Siphaletes bicolor mohavensis) 5-Year review: Summary and Evaluation. USFWS; Ventura, CA. USFWS. 2010. Coastal California Gnatcatcher 5-Year Review. USFWS; Carlsbad, CA. USFWS. 2013. California Clapper Rail 5-Year Review. USFWS; Sacramento, CA. USFWS. 2014. 5-Year Review for Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly. USFWS; Carlsbad, CA. Western Bat Working Group (WBWG). 2016. Western Bat Species Accounts. http://wbwg.org/western-bat-species/ Zembal, Richard and Susan M. Hoffman. 2010. A Survey of the Belding's Savannah Sparrow in California, 2010. Final Report to California Department of Fish and Game. Huntington Beach, CA. Zembal, Richard, Susan M. Hoffman, and John Konecny. 2014. Status and Distribution of Light-footed (Ridgeway's) Clapper Rail in California. California Department of Fish and Wildlife. San Diego, CA.

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D.2: Database Query Results

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11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview CNDDB 9-Quad Species List 353 records. CA Element Common Federal State CDFW Rare Quad Quad Scientific Name Element Code Data Status Taxonomic Sort Type Name Status Status Status Plant Code Name Rank Animals - California Animals - Amphibians - Rana draytonii red-legged AAABH01022 Threatened None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Amphibians Ranidae - Rana frog draytonii Animals - California Animals - Beverly Amphibians - Rana draytonii red-legged AAABH01022 Threatened None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Amphibians Hills Ranidae - Rana frog draytonii Animals - California Animals - Amphibians - Rana draytonii red-legged AAABH01022 Threatened None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Amphibians Ranidae - Rana frog draytonii Animals - Gertsch's Arachnids - Animals - Socalchemmis socalchemmis ILARAU7010 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Tengellidae - Arachnids gertschi spider Socalchemmis gertschi Animals - Gertsch's Arachnids - Animals - Socalchemmis Beverly socalchemmis ILARAU7010 None None - - 3411814 Mapped Tengellidae - Arachnids gertschi Hills spider Socalchemmis gertschi Animals - Birds - Animals - Cooper's Accipiter cooperii ABNKC12040 None None WL - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds hawk Accipiter cooperii Animals - Birds - Animals - Cooper's Accipiter cooperii ABNKC12040 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds hawk Accipiter cooperii Animals - Birds - Animals - FP , Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle ABNKC22010 None None - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds WL Aquila chrysaetos Animals - Birds - Animals - FP , Aquila chrysaetos golden eagle ABNKC22010 None None - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds WL Aquila chrysaetos Animals - Birds - Animals - ferruginous Buteo regalis ABNKC19120 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds hawk Buteo regalis Animals - Birds - Animals - Swainson's Beverly Buteo swainsoni ABNKC19070 None Threatened - - 3411814 Mapped Accipitridae - Birds hawk Hills Buteo swainsoni Animals - Birds - Animals - Swainson's Buteo swainsoni ABNKC19070 None Threatened - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Accipitridae - Birds hawk Buteo swainsoni Animals - Birds - Animals - northern Circus cyaneus ABNKC11010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds harrier Circus cyaneus Animals - Birds - Animals - white-tailed Elanus leucurus ABNKC06010 None None FP - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds kite Elanus leucurus Animals - Birds - Animals - Pandion haliaetus osprey ABNKC01010 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Accipitridae - Birds Pandion haliaetus Animals - Birds - Animals - Eremophila California Alaudidae - ABPAT02011 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds alpestris actia horned lark Eremophila alpestris actia Animals - Birds - Animals - Aythya americana redhead ABNJB11030 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Anatidae - Aythya Birds americana Animals - Birds - Animals - Aythya americana redhead ABNJB11030 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Anatidae - Aythya Birds americana Animals - Birds - Animals - Branta bernicla brant ABNJB05010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Anatidae - Branta Birds bernicla Animals - Birds - Animals - Dendrocygna fulvous Anatidae - ABNJB01010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Birds bicolor whistling-duck Dendrocygna bicolor https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 1/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Animals - Birds - Animals - Chaetura vauxi Vaux's swift ABNUA03020 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Apodidae - Birds Chaetura vauxi Animals - Birds - Animals - Ardea alba great egret ABNGA04040 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Ardeidae - Ardea Birds alba Animals - Birds - Animals - great blue Ardea herodias ABNGA04010 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Ardeidae - Ardea Birds heron herodias Animals - Birds - Animals - great blue Ardea herodias ABNGA04010 None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Ardeidae - Ardea Birds heron herodias Animals - Birds - Animals - great blue Beverly Ardea herodias ABNGA04010 None None - - 3411814 Unprocessed Ardeidae - Ardea Birds heron Hills herodias Animals - Birds - Animals - Botaurus American Ardeidae - ABNGA01020 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds lentiginosus bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Animals - Birds - Animals - Egretta thula snowy egret ABNGA06030 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Ardeidae - Egretta Birds thula Animals - Birds - Animals - Ixobrychus exilis least bittern ABNGA02010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Ardeidae - Birds Ixobrychus exilis Animals - Birds - black- Animals - Nycticorax Ardeidae - crowned ABNGA11010 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds nycticorax Nycticorax night heron nycticorax Animals - Birds - black- Animals - Nycticorax Ardeidae - crowned ABNGA11010 None None - - 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Birds nycticorax Nycticorax night heron nycticorax Animals - Birds - black- Animals - Nycticorax Redondo Ardeidae - crowned ABNGA11010 None None - - 3311874 Unprocessed Birds nycticorax Beach Nycticorax night heron nycticorax Animals - Birds - Animals - Gymnogyps California Beverly Cathartidae - ABNKA03010 Endangered Endangered FP - 3411814 Unprocessed Birds californianus condor Hills Gymnogyps californianus Animals - Birds - Charadrius Charadriidae - Animals - western Beverly alexandrinus ABNNB03031 Threatened None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Charadrius Birds snowy plover Hills nivosus alexandrinus nivosus Animals - Birds - Charadrius Charadriidae - Animals - western Redondo alexandrinus ABNNB03031 Threatened None SSC - 3311874 Unprocessed Charadrius Birds snowy plover Beach nivosus alexandrinus nivosus Animals - Birds - Charadrius Charadriidae - Animals - western Mapped and alexandrinus ABNNB03031 Threatened None SSC - 3311884 Venice Charadrius Birds snowy plover Unprocessed nivosus alexandrinus nivosus Animals - Birds - Charadrius Charadriidae - Animals - western alexandrinus ABNNB03031 Threatened None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Charadrius Birds snowy plover nivosus alexandrinus nivosus Animals - Birds - Animals - Charadrius mountain Charadriidae - ABNNB03100 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Birds montanus plover Charadrius montanus Animals - Birds - Animals - Mycteria Ciconiidae - wood stork ABNGF02010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds americana Mycteria americana Animals - Birds - Coccyzus western Cuculidae - Animals - americanus yellow-billed ABNRB02022 Threatened Endangered - - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Coccyzus Birds occidentalis cuckoo americanus occidentalis

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southern California Animals - Birds - Animals - Aimophila ruficeps Beverly Emberizidae - rufous- ABPBX91091 None None WL - 3411814 Unprocessed Birds canescens crowned Hills Aimophila ruficeps sparrow canescens southern Animals - Birds - California Animals - Aimophila ruficeps Mapped and Emberizidae - rufous- ABPBX91091 None None WL - 3411813 Hollywood Birds canescens Unprocessed Aimophila ruficeps crowned canescens sparrow Animals - Birds - Animals - Ammodramus grasshopper Emberizidae - ABPBXA0020 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds savannarum sparrow Ammodramus savannarum Animals - Birds - Animals - Ammodramus grasshopper Emberizidae - ABPBXA0020 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Birds savannarum sparrow Ammodramus savannarum Animals - Birds - Passerculus Belding's Emberizidae - Animals - sandwichensis savannah ABPBX99015 None Endangered - - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Passerculus Birds beldingi sparrow sandwichensis beldingi Animals - Birds - Passerculus Belding's Emberizidae - Animals - Mapped and sandwichensis savannah ABPBX99015 None Endangered - - 3311884 Venice Passerculus Birds Unprocessed beldingi sparrow sandwichensis beldingi Animals - Birds - Passerculus large-billed Emberizidae - Animals - sandwichensis savannah ABPBX9901D None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Passerculus Birds rostratus sparrow sandwichensis rostratus Animals - Birds - Animals - Brewer's Spizella breweri ABPBX94040 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Emberizidae - Birds sparrow Spizella breweri Animals - Birds - Animals - Brewer's Spizella breweri ABPBX94040 None None - - 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Emberizidae - Birds sparrow Spizella breweri Animals - Birds - Animals - Falco columbarius merlin ABNKD06030 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Falconidae - Falco Birds columbarius Animals - Birds - Animals - Falco mexicanus prairie falcon ABNKD06090 None None WL - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Falconidae - Falco Birds mexicanus American Animals - Birds - Animals - Falco peregrinus peregrine ABNKD06071 Delisted Delisted FP - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Falconidae - Falco Birds anatum falcon peregrinus anatum Animals - Birds - Animals - Grus canadensis lesser sandhill Beverly Gruidae - Grus ABNMK01011 None None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Birds canadensis crane Hills canadensis canadensis Animals - Birds - Animals - Grus canadensis greater ABNMK01014 None Threatened FP - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Gruidae - Grus Birds tabida sandhill crane canadensis tabida Animals - Birds - Animals - Haematopus black Haematopodidae - ABNNC01020 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds bachmani oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani Animals - Birds - Animals - Haematopus black Redondo Haematopodidae - ABNNC01020 None None - - 3311874 Unprocessed Birds bachmani oystercatcher Beach Haematopus bachmani Animals - Birds - Animals - Riparia riparia bank swallow ABPAU08010 None Threatened - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Hirundinidae - Birds Riparia riparia Animals - Birds - Animals - tricolored Candidate Mapped and Agelaius tricolor ABPBXB0020 None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Icteridae - Agelaius Birds blackbird Threatened Unprocessed tricolor Animals - Birds - Animals - tricolored Candidate Mapped and Agelaius tricolor ABPBXB0020 None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Icteridae - Agelaius Birds blackbird Threatened Unprocessed tricolor Animals - Birds - yellow- Animals - Xanthocephalus Icteridae - headed ABPBXB3010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Birds xanthocephalus Xanthocephalus blackbird xanthocephalus https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 3/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Animals - Birds - yellow- Animals - Xanthocephalus Icteridae - headed ABPBXB3010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds xanthocephalus Xanthocephalus blackbird xanthocephalus Animals - Birds - Animals - loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus ABPBR01030 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Laniidae - Lanius Birds shrike ludovicianus Animals - Birds - Animals - Chlidonias niger black tern ABNNM10020 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Laridae - Birds Chlidonias niger Animals - Birds - Animals - Chlidonias niger black tern ABNNM10020 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Laridae - Birds Chlidonias niger Animals - Birds - Animals - Hydroprogne Laridae - Caspian tern ABNNM08020 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds caspia Hydroprogne caspia Animals - Birds - Animals - Larus californicus California gull ABNNM03110 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Laridae - Larus Birds californicus Animals - Birds - Animals - Sternula antillarum California Mapped and ABNNM08103 Endangered Endangered FP - 3311884 Venice Laridae - Sternula Birds browni least tern Unprocessed antillarum browni Animals - Birds - Animals - Sternula antillarum California Mapped and ABNNM08103 Endangered Endangered FP - 3311873 Torrance Laridae - Sternula Birds browni least tern Unprocessed antillarum browni Animals - Birds - Animals - Thalasseus Laridae - elegant tern ABNNM08040 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds elegans Thalasseus elegans Animals - Birds - Animals - yellow- Icteria virens ABPBX24010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Parulidae - Icteria Birds breasted chat virens Animals - Birds - Animals - yellow- Icteria virens ABPBX24010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Parulidae - Icteria Birds breasted chat virens Animals - Birds - Animals - Setophaga yellow Parulidae - ABPBX03010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds petechia warbler Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds - Animals - Setophaga yellow Parulidae - ABPBX03010 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Birds petechia warbler Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds - Animals - Setophaga yellow Beverly Parulidae - ABPBX03010 None None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Birds petechia warbler Hills Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds - Animals - Setophaga yellow Parulidae - ABPBX03010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Birds petechia warbler Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds - Animals - Setophaga yellow Redondo Parulidae - ABPBX03010 None None SSC - 3311874 Unprocessed Birds petechia warbler Beach Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds - Animals - Setophaga yellow Parulidae - ABPBX03010 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Birds petechia warbler Setophaga petechia Animals - Birds - Pelecanus Pelecanidae - Animals - California Mapped and occidentalis ABNFC01021 Delisted Delisted FP - 3311884 Venice Pelecanus Birds brown pelican Unprocessed californicus occidentalis californicus Animals - Birds - Pelecanus Pelecanidae - Animals - California Redondo occidentalis ABNFC01021 Delisted Delisted FP - 3311874 Unprocessed Pelecanus Birds brown pelican Beach californicus occidentalis californicus Animals - Birds - Animals - Pelecanus California Pelecanidae - Birds occidentalis brown pelican ABNFC01021 Delisted Delisted FP - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Pelecanus californicus occidentalis californicus https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 4/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Animals - Birds - Pelecanus Pelecanidae - Animals - California occidentalis ABNFC01021 Delisted Delisted FP - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Pelecanus Birds brown pelican californicus occidentalis californicus Animals - Birds - double- Animals - Phalacrocorax Phalacrocoracidae crested ABNFD01020 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds auritus - Phalacrocorax cormorant auritus White- Animals - Birds - Animals - Picoides headed ABNYF07070 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Picidae - Picoides Birds albolarvatus woodpecker albolarvatus Animals - Birds - Laterallus Rallidae - Animals - California Mapped and jamaicensis ABNME03041 None Threatened FP - 3311884 Venice Laterallus Birds black rail Unprocessed coturniculus jamaicensis coturniculus Animals - Birds - Laterallus Rallidae - Animals - California Beverly jamaicensis ABNME03041 None Threatened FP - 3411814 Unprocessed Laterallus Birds black rail Hills coturniculus jamaicensis coturniculus Animals - Birds - Laterallus Rallidae - Animals - California jamaicensis ABNME03041 None Threatened FP - 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Laterallus Birds black rail coturniculus jamaicensis coturniculus Animals - Birds - Animals - Rallus longirostris light-footed ABNME05014 Endangered Endangered FP - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Rallidae - Rallus Birds levipes clapper rail longirostris levipes Animals - Birds - Animals - Rallus longirostris light-footed ABNME05014 Endangered Endangered FP - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Rallidae - Rallus Birds levipes clapper rail longirostris levipes Animals - Birds - Animals - Rallus longirostris California Rallidae - Rallus ABNME05016 Endangered Endangered FP - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds obsoletus clapper rail longirostris obsoletus Animals - Birds - Animals - Numenius long-billed Scolopacidae - ABNNF07070 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds americanus curlew Numenius americanus Animals - Birds - Animals - burrowing Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Strigidae - Athene Birds owl cunicularia Animals - Birds - Animals - burrowing Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Strigidae - Athene Birds owl cunicularia Animals - Birds - Animals - burrowing Redondo Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None SSC - 3311874 Unprocessed Strigidae - Athene Birds owl Beach cunicularia Animals - Birds - Animals - burrowing Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Strigidae - Athene Birds owl cunicularia Animals - Birds - Animals - burrowing Mapped and Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Strigidae - Athene Birds owl Unprocessed cunicularia Animals - Birds - Polioptila coastal Sylviidae - Animals - Mapped and californica California ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC - 3311884 Venice Polioptila Birds Unprocessed californica gnatcatcher californica californica Animals - Birds - Polioptila coastal Sylviidae - Animals - Mapped and californica California ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Polioptila Birds Unprocessed californica gnatcatcher californica californica Animals - Birds - Polioptila coastal Sylviidae - Animals - Beverly Mapped and californica California ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC - 3411814 Polioptila Birds Hills Unprocessed californica gnatcatcher californica californica Animals - Birds - Polioptila coastal Sylviidae - Animals - Redondo Mapped and californica California ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC - 3311874 Polioptila Birds Beach Unprocessed californica gnatcatcher californica californica https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 5/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Animals - Birds - Polioptila coastal Sylviidae - Animals - Mapped and californica California ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Polioptila Birds Unprocessed californica gnatcatcher californica californica Animals - Birds - Polioptila coastal Sylviidae - Animals - Mapped and californica California ABPBJ08081 Threatened None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Polioptila Birds Unprocessed californica gnatcatcher californica californica Animals - Birds - Animals - summer Beverly Piranga rubra ABPBX45030 None None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Thraupidae - Birds tanager Hills Piranga rubra Animals - Birds - Animals - white-faced Plegadis chihi ABNGE02020 None None WL - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Threskiornithidae - Birds ibis Plegadis chihi Animals - Birds - Animals - Cistothorus Clark's marsh Troglodytidae - ABPBG10021 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds palustris clarkae wren Cistothorus palustris clarkae Animals - Birds - southwestern Animals - Empidonax traillii Tyrannidae - willow ABPAE33043 Endangered Endangered - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Birds extimus Empidonax traillii flycatcher extimus Animals - Birds - southwestern Animals - Empidonax traillii Tyrannidae - willow ABPAE33043 Endangered Endangered - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Birds extimus Empidonax traillii flycatcher extimus Animals - Birds - southwestern Animals - Empidonax traillii Tyrannidae - willow ABPAE33043 Endangered Endangered - - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Birds extimus Empidonax traillii flycatcher extimus Animals - Birds - southwestern Animals - Empidonax traillii Tyrannidae - willow ABPAE33043 Endangered Endangered - - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Birds extimus Empidonax traillii flycatcher extimus Animals - Birds - Animals - Pyrocephalus vermilion Tyrannidae - ABPAE36010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Birds rubinus flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus Animals - Birds - Animals - least Bell's Vireo bellii pusillus ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered - - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Vireonidae - Vireo Birds vireo bellii pusillus Animals - Birds - Animals - least Bell's Vireo bellii pusillus ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered - - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Vireonidae - Vireo Birds vireo bellii pusillus Animals - Birds - Animals - least Bell's Vireo bellii pusillus ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vireonidae - Vireo Birds vireo bellii pusillus Animals - Birds - Animals - least Bell's Vireo bellii pusillus ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered - - 3311884 Venice Mapped Vireonidae - Vireo Birds vireo bellii pusillus Animals - Birds - Animals - least Bell's Beverly Vireo bellii pusillus ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered - - 3411814 Mapped Vireonidae - Vireo Birds vireo Hills bellii pusillus Animals - Birds - Animals - least Bell's Mapped and Vireo bellii pusillus ABPBW01114 Endangered Endangered - - 3411815 Topanga Vireonidae - Vireo Birds vireo Unprocessed bellii pusillus Animals - Crustaceans - Animals - Streptocephalus Riverside Mapped and ICBRA07010 Endangered None - - 3311884 Venice Streptocephalidae Crustaceans woottoni fairy shrimp Unprocessed - Streptocephalus woottoni Animals - Crustaceans - Animals - Streptocephalus Riverside ICBRA07010 Endangered None - - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Streptocephalidae Crustaceans woottoni fairy shrimp - Streptocephalus woottoni

Animals - Animals - Fish - Fish Gila orcuttii arroyo chub AFCJB13120 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Cyprinidae - Gila orcuttii Animals - Fish - Animals - Siphateles bicolor Mohave tui Cyprinidae - AFCJB1303H Endangered Endangered FP - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Fish mohavensis chub Siphateles bicolor mohavensis https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 6/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Animals - Fish - Animals - Eucyclogobius tidewater Gobiidae - AFCQN04010 Endangered None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Fish newberryi goby Eucyclogobius newberryi Animals - Fish - Animals - Eucyclogobius tidewater Gobiidae - AFCQN04010 Endangered None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Fish newberryi goby Eucyclogobius newberryi Animals - Fish - Animals - giant sea Stereolepis gigas AFCQA02010 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Polyprionidea - Fish bass Stereolepis gigas steelhead - Animals - Fish - Animals - Oncorhynchus southern Mapped and Salmonidae - AFCHA0209J Endangered None - - 3411815 Topanga Fish mykiss irideus California Unprocessed Oncorhynchus DPS mykiss irideus Animals - - Animals - Crotch Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee crotchii Animals - Insects - Animals - Crotch Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee crotchii Animals - Insects - Animals - Crotch Beverly Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3411814 Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee Hills crotchii Animals - Insects - Animals - Crotch Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee crotchii Animals - Insects - Animals - Crotch Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee crotchii Animals - Insects - Animals - Crotch Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee crotchii Animals - Insects - Animals - Crotch Redondo Bombus crotchii IIHYM24480 None None - - 3311874 Mapped Apidae - Bombus Insects bumble bee Beach crotchii western tidal- Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela gabbii flat tiger IICOL02080 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Carabidae - Insects beetle Cicindela gabbii Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela hirticollis sandy beach Mapped and Carabidae - IICOL02101 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Insects gravida tiger beetle Unprocessed Cicindela hirticollis gravida Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela hirticollis sandy beach Redondo Mapped and Carabidae - IICOL02101 None None - - 3311874 Insects gravida tiger beetle Beach Unprocessed Cicindela hirticollis gravida Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela hirticollis sandy beach Beverly Carabidae - IICOL02101 None None - - 3411814 Mapped Insects gravida tiger beetle Hills Cicindela hirticollis gravida Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela hirticollis sandy beach Mapped and Carabidae - IICOL02101 None None - - 3311884 Venice Insects gravida tiger beetle Unprocessed Cicindela hirticollis gravida Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela hirticollis sandy beach Carabidae - IICOL02101 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Insects gravida tiger beetle Cicindela hirticollis gravida Animals - Insects - Animals - Cicindela senilis senile tiger Mapped and Carabidae - IICOL02121 None None - - 3311884 Venice Insects frosti beetle Unprocessed Cicindela senilis frosti Animals - Insects - Animals - Busck's Carolella busckana IILEM2X090 None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped Cochylidae - Insects gallmoth Carolella busckana Animals - Insects - Animals - Busck's Beverly Carolella busckana IILEM2X090 None None - - 3411814 Mapped Cochylidae - Insects gallmoth Hills Carolella busckana Animals - Insects - Animals - Busck's Carolella busckana IILEM2X090 None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Cochylidae - Insects gallmoth Carolella busckana Lange's El Animals - Insects - Animals - Mapped and Onychobaris langei Segundo IICOL4W010 None None - - 3311884 Venice Curculionidae - Insects Unprocessed Dune weevil Onychobaris langei https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 7/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Animals - Insects - Dorothy's El Animals - Trigonoscuta Mapped and Curculionidae - Segundo IICOL51021 None None - - 3311884 Venice Insects dorothea dorothea Unprocessed Trigonoscuta Dune weevil dorothea dorothea wandering Animals - Insects - Animals - Mapped and Panoquina errans (=saltmarsh) IILEP84030 None None - - 3311884 Venice Hesperiidae - Insects Unprocessed skipper Panoquina errans Animals - Insects - Animals - Euphilotes El Segundo Mapped and Lycaenidae - IILEPG201B Endangered None - - 3311884 Venice Insects battoides allyni blue butterfly Unprocessed Euphilotes battoides allyni Animals - Insects - Animals - Euphilotes El Segundo Redondo Mapped and Lycaenidae - IILEPG201B Endangered None - - 3311874 Insects battoides allyni blue butterfly Beach Unprocessed Euphilotes battoides allyni Animals - Insects - Glaucopsyche Lycaenidae - Animals - Palos Verdes Redondo lygdamus IILEPG402A Endangered None - - 3311874 Mapped Glaucopsyche Insects blue butterfly Beach palosverdesensis lygdamus palosverdesensis Animals - Insects - Glaucopsyche Lycaenidae - Animals - Palos Verdes Mapped and lygdamus IILEPG402A Endangered None - - 3311873 Torrance Glaucopsyche Insects blue butterfly Unprocessed palosverdesensis lygdamus palosverdesensis Animals - Insects - Rhaphiomidas El Segundo Mydidae - Animals - Redondo terminatus flower-loving IIDIP05022 None None - - 3311874 Mapped Rhaphiomidas Insects Beach terminatus fly terminatus terminatus Animals - Insects - Rhaphiomidas El Segundo Mydidae - Animals - terminatus flower-loving IIDIP05022 None None - - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Rhaphiomidas Insects terminatus fly terminatus terminatus monarch - Animals - Insects - Animals - Danaus plexippus California Mapped and Nymphalidae - IILEPP2012 None None - - 3311884 Venice Insects pop. 1 overwintering Unprocessed Danaus plexippus population pop. 1 monarch - Animals - Insects - Animals - Danaus plexippus California Beverly Mapped and Nymphalidae - IILEPP2012 None None - - 3411814 Insects pop. 1 overwintering Hills Unprocessed Danaus plexippus population pop. 1 monarch - Animals - Insects - Animals - Danaus plexippus California Mapped and Nymphalidae - IILEPP2012 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Insects pop. 1 overwintering Unprocessed Danaus plexippus population pop. 1 monarch - Animals - Insects - Animals - Danaus plexippus California Redondo Mapped and Nymphalidae - IILEPP2012 None None - - 3311874 Insects pop. 1 overwintering Beach Unprocessed Danaus plexippus population pop. 1 monarch - Animals - Insects - Animals - Danaus plexippus California Nymphalidae - IILEPP2012 None None - - 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Insects pop. 1 overwintering Danaus plexippus population pop. 1 monarch - Animals - Insects - Animals - Danaus plexippus California Mapped and Nymphalidae - IILEPP2012 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Insects pop. 1 overwintering Unprocessed Danaus plexippus population pop. 1 Animals - Insects - Animals - Belkin's dune Mapped and Brennania belkini IIDIP17010 None None - - 3311884 Venice Tabanidae - Insects tabanid fly Unprocessed Brennania belkini Animals - Insects - Animals - globose dune Coelus globosus IICOL4A010 None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped Tenebrionidae - Insects beetle Coelus globosus Animals - Insects - Animals - globose dune Beverly Coelus globosus IICOL4A010 None None - - 3411814 Mapped Tenebrionidae - Insects beetle Hills Coelus globosus Animals - Insects - Animals - globose dune Coelus globosus IICOL4A010 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Tenebrionidae - Insects beetle Coelus globosus Animals - Insects - Santa Monica Animals - Aglaothorax Tettigoniidae - shieldback IIORT32020 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Insects longipennis Aglaothorax katydid longipennis

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Henne's Animals - Insects - Animals - hennei eucosman IILEM0R390 None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped - Insects Eucosma hennei Animals - Mammals - Perognathus Animals - Pacific pocket Heteromyidae - longimembris AMAFD01042 Endangered None SSC - 3311884 Venice Mapped Mammals mouse Perognathus pacificus longimembris pacificus Animals - Mammals - Perognathus Animals - Pacific pocket Redondo Heteromyidae - longimembris AMAFD01042 Endangered None SSC - 3311874 Mapped Mammals mouse Beach Perognathus pacificus longimembris pacificus Animals - Mammals - Perognathus Animals - Pacific pocket Heteromyidae - longimembris AMAFD01042 Endangered None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Mammals mouse Perognathus pacificus longimembris pacificus Animals - San Diego Mammals - Animals - Lepus californicus black-tailed AMAEB03051 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Leporidae - Lepus Mammals bennettii jackrabbit californicus bennettii Animals - Mammals - Animals - Eumops perotis western Beverly AMACD02011 None None SSC - 3411814 Mapped Molossidae - Mammals californicus mastiff bat Hills Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Eumops perotis western Mapped and AMACD02011 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Molossidae - Mammals californicus mastiff bat Unprocessed Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Eumops perotis western Redondo AMACD02011 None None SSC - 3311874 Unprocessed Molossidae - Mammals californicus mastiff bat Beach Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Eumops perotis western AMACD02011 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Molossidae - Mammals californicus mastiff bat Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Eumops perotis western Mapped and AMACD02011 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Molossidae - Mammals californicus mastiff bat Unprocessed Eumops perotis californicus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Nyctinomops pocketed AMACD04010 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Molossidae - Mammals femorosaccus free-tailed bat Nyctinomops femorosaccus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Nyctinomops pocketed AMACD04010 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Mapped Molossidae - Mammals femorosaccus free-tailed bat Nyctinomops femorosaccus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Nyctinomops big free-tailed AMACD04020 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Molossidae - Mammals macrotis bat Nyctinomops macrotis Animals - Microtus Mammals - Animals - south coast californicus AMAFF11035 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Muridae - Microtus Mammals stephensi marsh vole californicus stephensi Animals - Microtus Mammals - Animals - south coast Beverly californicus AMAFF11035 None None SSC - 3411814 Mapped Muridae - Microtus Mammals marsh vole Hills stephensi californicus stephensi

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Animals - Microtus Mammals - Animals - south coast Mapped and californicus AMAFF11035 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Muridae - Microtus Mammals marsh vole Unprocessed stephensi californicus stephensi Animals - Microtus Mammals - Animals - south coast californicus AMAFF11035 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Muridae - Microtus Mammals marsh vole stephensi californicus stephensi Animals - San Diego Mammals - Animals - Neotoma lepida desert AMAFF08041 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Muridae - Mammals intermedia woodrat Neotoma lepida intermedia Animals - Animals - American Mammals - Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Mammals badger Mustelidae - Taxidea taxus Animals - Animals - American Beverly Mammals - Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 None None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Mammals badger Hills Mustelidae - Taxidea taxus Animals - Animals - American Mammals - Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Mammals badger Mustelidae - Taxidea taxus Animals - Animals - American Mammals - Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Mammals badger Mustelidae - Taxidea taxus Animals - southern Mammals - Animals - Sorex ornatus California Mapped and AMABA01104 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Soricidae - Sorex Mammals salicornicus saltmarsh Unprocessed ornatus shrew salicornicus Animals - Animals - Mapped and Mammals - Antrozous pallidus pallid bat AMACC10010 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Mammals Unprocessed Vespertilionidae - Antrozous pallidus Animals - Animals - Beverly Mapped and Mammals - Antrozous pallidus pallid bat AMACC10010 None None SSC - 3411814 Mammals Hills Unprocessed Vespertilionidae - Antrozous pallidus Animals - Mammals - Animals - Lasionycteris silver-haired Beverly Mapped and AMACC02010 None None - - 3411814 Vespertilionidae - Mammals noctivagans bat Hills Unprocessed Lasionycteris noctivagans Animals - Mammals - Animals - Lasionycteris silver-haired AMACC02010 None None - - 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Vespertilionidae - Mammals noctivagans bat Lasionycteris noctivagans Animals - Mammals - Animals - Lasionycteris silver-haired AMACC02010 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Vespertilionidae - Mammals noctivagans bat Lasionycteris noctivagans Animals - Animals - Beverly Mammals - Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat AMACC05030 None None - - 3411814 Mapped Mammals Hills Vespertilionidae - Lasiurus cinereus Animals - Animals - Mammals - Lasiurus cinereus hoary bat AMACC05030 None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Mammals Vespertilionidae - Lasiurus cinereus mimic tryonia Animals - Mollusks Animals - (=California Tryonia imitator IMGASJ7040 None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped - Hydrobiidae - Mollusks brackishwater Tryonia imitator snail) mimic tryonia Animals - Mollusks Animals - (=California Tryonia imitator IMGASJ7040 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Mapped - Hydrobiidae - Mollusks brackishwater Tryonia imitator snail)

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Animals - Mollusks Animals - Anodonta California - Unionidae - IMBIV04020 None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Mollusks californiensis floater Anodonta californiensis Animals - Mollusks Animals - western Gonidea angulata IMBIV19010 None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed - Unionidae - Mollusks ridged mussel Gonidea angulata Animals - Mollusks Animals - western Beverly Gonidea angulata IMBIV19010 None None - - 3411814 Unprocessed - Unionidae - Mollusks ridged mussel Hills Gonidea angulata Animals - Reptiles Animals - Anniella pulchra silvery legless Beverly - Anniellidae - ARACC01012 None None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Reptiles pulchra lizard Hills Anniella pulchra pulchra Animals - Reptiles Animals - Anniella pulchra silvery legless - Anniellidae - ARACC01012 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Reptiles pulchra lizard Anniella pulchra pulchra Animals - Reptiles Animals - Anniella pulchra silvery legless Mapped and - Anniellidae - ARACC01012 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Reptiles pulchra lizard Unprocessed Anniella pulchra pulchra Animals - Reptiles Animals - Anniella pulchra silvery legless Redondo - Anniellidae - ARACC01012 None None SSC - 3311874 Unprocessed Reptiles pulchra lizard Beach Anniella pulchra pulchra Animals - Reptiles San Diadophis - Colubridae - Animals - Bernardino punctatus ARADB10015 None None - - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Diadophis Reptiles ringneck modestus punctatus snake modestus Animals - Reptiles San Diadophis - Colubridae - Animals - Bernardino punctatus ARADB10015 None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Diadophis Reptiles ringneck modestus punctatus snake modestus California Animals - Reptiles mountain Animals - Lampropeltis - Colubridae - kingsnake ARADB19063 None None WL - 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Reptiles zonata (pulchra) Lampropeltis (San Diego zonata (pulchra) population) Animals - Reptiles Animals - western pond Mapped and Emys marmorata ARAAD02030 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga - Emydidae - Emys Reptiles turtle Unprocessed marmorata Animals - Reptiles Animals - western pond Emys marmorata ARAAD02030 None None SSC - 3311884 Venice Mapped - Emydidae - Emys Reptiles turtle marmorata Animals - Reptiles Animals - Thamnophis two-striped - Natricidae - ARADB36160 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Reptiles hammondii gartersnake Thamnophis hammondii Animals - Reptiles Animals - Thamnophis two-striped - Natricidae - ARADB36160 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Reptiles hammondii gartersnake Thamnophis hammondii Animals - Reptiles Animals - Thamnophis sirtalis south coast Beverly - Natricidae - ARADB3613F None None SSC - 3411814 Unprocessed Reptiles ssp. gartersnake Hills Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. Animals - Reptiles Animals - Phrynosoma coast horned Beverly - Phrynosomatidae ARACF12100 None None SSC - 3411814 Mapped Reptiles blainvillii lizard Hills - Phrynosoma blainvillii Animals - Reptiles Animals - Phrynosoma coast horned - Phrynosomatidae ARACF12100 None None SSC - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Reptiles blainvillii lizard - Phrynosoma blainvillii Animals - Reptiles Animals - Phrynosoma coast horned Mapped and - Phrynosomatidae ARACF12100 None None SSC - 3311873 Torrance Reptiles blainvillii lizard Unprocessed - Phrynosoma blainvillii Animals - Reptiles Animals - Phrynosoma coast horned - Phrynosomatidae ARACF12100 None None SSC - 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Reptiles blainvillii lizard - Phrynosoma blainvillii

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Animals - Reptiles Animals - Phrynosoma coast horned Mapped and - Phrynosomatidae ARACF12100 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Reptiles blainvillii lizard Unprocessed - Phrynosoma blainvillii Animals - Reptiles Animals - Aspidoscelis tigris coastal - Teiidae - ARACJ02143 None None SSC - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Reptiles stejnegeri whiptail Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri Animals - Reptiles Animals - Aspidoscelis tigris coastal Beverly - Teiidae - ARACJ02143 None None SSC - 3411814 Mapped Reptiles stejnegeri whiptail Hills Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri Community - California Community California Walnut Beverly Terrestrial - Walnut CTT71210CA None None - - 3411814 Mapped - Terrestrial Woodland Hills California Walnut Woodland Woodland Community - California Community California Walnut Terrestrial - Walnut CTT71210CA None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped - Terrestrial Woodland California Walnut Woodland Woodland Community - California Community California Walnut Terrestrial - Walnut CTT71210CA None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped - Terrestrial Woodland California Walnut Woodland Woodland Community - Southern Southern Coast Terrestrial - Community Coast Live Beverly Live Oak Riparian CTT61310CA None None - - 3411814 Mapped Southern Coast - Terrestrial Oak Riparian Hills Forest Live Oak Riparian Forest Forest Community - Southern Community Southern Coastal Redondo Terrestrial - Coastal Bluff CTT31200CA None None - - 3311874 Mapped - Terrestrial Bluff Scrub Beach Southern Coastal Scrub Bluff Scrub Community - Southern Community Southern Coastal Terrestrial - Coastal Salt CTT52120CA None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped - Terrestrial Salt Marsh Southern Coastal Marsh Salt Marsh Community - Community Southern Dune Southern Terrestrial - CTT21330CA None None - - 3311884 Venice Mapped - Terrestrial Scrub Dune Scrub Southern Dune Scrub Southern Community - Southern Sycamore Terrestrial - Community Sycamore Alder Alder CTT62400CA None None - - 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Southern - Terrestrial Riparian Woodland Riparian Sycamore Alder Woodland Riparian Woodland Southern Community - Southern Sycamore Terrestrial - Community Sycamore Alder Alder CTT62400CA None None - - 3411815 Topanga Mapped Southern - Terrestrial Riparian Woodland Riparian Sycamore Alder Woodland Riparian Woodland Plants - Vascular - Eryngium Apiaceae - Plants - San Diego aristulatum var. PDAPI0Z042 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Eryngium Vascular button-celery parishii aristulatum var. parishii Plants - Vascular - Eryngium Apiaceae - Plants - San Diego aristulatum var. PDAPI0Z042 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Eryngium Vascular button-celery parishii aristulatum var. parishii Plants - Vascular - western Plants - Spermolepis Apiaceae - bristly PDAPI23080 None None - 2A 3411815 Topanga Mapped Vascular lateriflora Spermolepis scaleseed lateriflora Plants - Vascular - Plants - Centromadia southern Asteraceae - PDAST4R0P4 None None - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Vascular parryi ssp. australis tarplant Centromadia parryi ssp. australis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Centromadia southern Mapped and Asteraceae - PDAST4R0P4 None None - 1B.1 3311873 Torrance Vascular parryi ssp. australis tarplant Unprocessed Centromadia parryi ssp. australis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Centromadia southern Asteraceae - PDAST4R0P4 None None - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular parryi ssp. australis tarplant Centromadia parryi ssp. australis https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 12/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Plants - Vascular - Plants - Centromadia southern Asteraceae - PDAST4R0P4 None None - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular parryi ssp. australis tarplant Centromadia parryi ssp. australis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Centromadia southern Beverly Asteraceae - PDAST4R0P4 None None - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Vascular parryi ssp. australis tarplant Hills Centromadia parryi ssp. australis Plants - Vascular - Chaenactis Asteraceae - Plants - Orcutt's glabriuscula var. PDAST20095 None None - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Chaenactis Vascular pincushion orcuttiana glabriuscula var. orcuttiana Plants - Vascular - Santa Plants - Deinandra Asteraceae - Susana PDAST4R0J0 None Rare - 1B.2 3411815 Topanga Mapped Vascular minthornii Deinandra tarplant minthornii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Deinandra paniculate Asteraceae - PDAST4R0N0 None None - 4.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Vascular paniculata tarplant Deinandra paniculata Plants - Vascular - Plants - Helianthus nuttallii Los Angeles Asteraceae - PDAST4N102 None None - 1A 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular ssp. parishii sunflower Helianthus nuttallii ssp. parishii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Isocoma menziesii decumbent Asteraceae - PDAST57091 None None - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Vascular var. decumbens goldenbush Isocoma menziesii var. decumbens Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lasthenia glabrata Coulter's Asteraceae - PDAST5L0A1 None None - 1B.1 3311873 Torrance Mapped Vascular ssp. coulteri goldfields Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lasthenia glabrata Coulter's Asteraceae - PDAST5L0A1 None None - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Vascular ssp. coulteri goldfields Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lasthenia glabrata Coulter's Beverly Asteraceae - PDAST5L0A1 None None - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Vascular ssp. coulteri goldfields Hills Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lasthenia glabrata Coulter's Asteraceae - PDAST5L0A1 None None - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular ssp. coulteri goldfields Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lyon's Pentachaeta lyonii PDAST6X060 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311873 Torrance Mapped Asteraceae - Vascular pentachaeta Pentachaeta lyonii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Pseudognaphalium white rabbit- Asteraceae - PDAST440C0 None None - 2B.2 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular leucocephalum tobacco Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum Plants - Vascular - San Plants - Symphyotrichum Asteraceae - Bernardino PDASTE80C0 None None - 1B.2 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular defoliatum Symphyotrichum aster defoliatum Plants - Vascular - San Plants - Symphyotrichum Asteraceae - Bernardino PDASTE80C0 None None - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Vascular defoliatum Symphyotrichum aster defoliatum Plants - Vascular - Plants - Symphyotrichum Greata's Asteraceae - PDASTE80U0 None None - 1B.3 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular greatae aster Symphyotrichum greatae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Symphyotrichum Greata's Beverly Asteraceae - PDASTE80U0 None None - 1B.3 3411814 Mapped Vascular greatae aster Hills Symphyotrichum greatae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Nevin's Berberis nevinii PDBER060A0 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Berberidaceae - Vascular barberry Berberis nevinii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Beverly Nama stenocarpa mud nama PDHYD0A0H0 None None - 2B.2 3411814 Mapped Boraginaceae - Vascular Hills Nama stenocarpa

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Plants - Vascular - Plants - Nama stenocarpa mud nama PDHYD0A0H0 None None - 2B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Boraginaceae - Vascular Nama stenocarpa Plants - Vascular - Plants - Hubby's Phacelia hubbyi PDHYD0C0R4 None None - 4.2 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Boraginaceae - Vascular phacelia Phacelia hubbyi Plants - Vascular - Phacelia south coast Boraginaceae - Plants - ramosissima var. branching PDHYD0C416 None None - 3.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Phacelia Vascular austrolitoralis phacelia ramosissima var. austrolitoralis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Brand's star Phacelia stellaris PDHYD0C510 None None - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Boraginaceae - Vascular phacelia Phacelia stellaris Plants - Vascular - Plants - Brand's star Phacelia stellaris PDHYD0C510 None None - 1B.1 3311873 Torrance Mapped Boraginaceae - Vascular phacelia Phacelia stellaris Plants - Vascular - Plants - Brand's star Redondo Phacelia stellaris PDHYD0C510 None None - 1B.1 3311874 Mapped Boraginaceae - Vascular phacelia Beach Phacelia stellaris Plants - Vascular - Plants - beach Redondo Dithyrea maritima PDBRA10020 None Threatened - 1B.1 3311874 Mapped Brassicaceae - Vascular spectaclepod Beach Dithyrea maritima Plants - Vascular - Plants - beach Dithyrea maritima PDBRA10020 None Threatened - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Brassicaceae - Vascular spectaclepod Dithyrea maritima Plants - Vascular - Plants - beach Beverly Dithyrea maritima PDBRA10020 None Threatened - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Brassicaceae - Vascular spectaclepod Hills Dithyrea maritima Plants - Vascular - Plants - beach Dithyrea maritima PDBRA10020 None Threatened - 1B.1 3411815 Topanga Mapped Brassicaceae - Vascular spectaclepod Dithyrea maritima Plants - Vascular - Plants - island Erysimum insulare PDBRA160D1 None None - 1B.3 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Brassicaceae - Vascular wallflower Erysimum insulare Plants - Vascular - Plants - Erysimum suffrutescent Brassicaceae - PDBRA160D2 None None - 4.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Vascular suffrutescens wallflower Erysimum suffrutescens Plants - Vascular - Plants - Erysimum suffrutescent Redondo Brassicaceae - PDBRA160D2 None None - 4.2 3311874 Unprocessed Vascular suffrutescens wallflower Beach Erysimum suffrutescens Plants - Vascular - Plants - Erysimum suffrutescent Brassicaceae - PDBRA160D2 None None - 4.2 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Vascular suffrutescens wallflower Erysimum suffrutescens Plants - Vascular - Plants - Nasturtium Gambel's Brassicaceae - PDBRA270V0 Endangered Threatened - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular gambelii water cress Nasturtium gambelii Plants - Vascular - Plants - marsh Arenaria paludicola PDCAR040L0 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Caryophyllaceae - Vascular sandwort Arenaria paludicola Plants - Vascular - Plants - Aphanisma Chenopodiaceae - aphanisma PDCHE02010 None None - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Vascular blitoides Aphanisma blitoides Plants - Vascular - Plants - Aphanisma Redondo Chenopodiaceae - aphanisma PDCHE02010 None None - 1B.2 3311874 Mapped Vascular blitoides Beach Aphanisma blitoides Plants - Vascular - Plants - Coulter's Redondo Atriplex coulteri PDCHE040E0 None None - 1B.2 3311874 Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltbush Beach Atriplex coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Coulter's Atriplex coulteri PDCHE040E0 None None - 1B.2 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltbush Atriplex coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Coulter's Beverly Atriplex coulteri PDCHE040E0 None None - 1B.2 3411814 Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltbush Hills Atriplex coulteri Plants - Vascular - Plants - Coulter's Atriplex coulteri PDCHE040E0 None None - 1B.2 3411815 Topanga Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltbush Atriplex coulteri https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 14/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Plants - Vascular - Plants - south coast Atriplex pacifica PDCHE041C0 None None - 1B.2 3411815 Topanga Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltscale Atriplex pacifica Plants - Vascular - Plants - south coast Beverly Atriplex pacifica PDCHE041C0 None None - 1B.2 3411814 Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltscale Hills Atriplex pacifica Plants - Vascular - Plants - south coast Redondo Atriplex pacifica PDCHE041C0 None None - 1B.2 3311874 Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltscale Beach Atriplex pacifica Plants - Vascular - Plants - south coast Atriplex pacifica PDCHE041C0 None None - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular saltscale Atriplex pacifica Plants - Vascular - Plants - Parish's Atriplex parishii PDCHE041D0 None None - 1B.1 3311873 Torrance Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular brittlescale Atriplex parishii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Parish's Redondo Atriplex parishii PDCHE041D0 None None - 1B.1 3311874 Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular brittlescale Beach Atriplex parishii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Parish's Beverly Atriplex parishii PDCHE041D0 None None - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular brittlescale Hills Atriplex parishii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Parish's Atriplex parishii PDCHE041D0 None None - 1B.1 3411815 Topanga Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular brittlescale Atriplex parishii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Atriplex serenana Davidson's Chenopodiaceae - PDCHE041T1 None None - 1B.2 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular var. davidsonii saltscale Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Atriplex serenana Davidson's Chenopodiaceae - PDCHE041T1 None None - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Vascular var. davidsonii saltscale Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Chenopodium coastal Chenopodiaceae - PDCHE091Z0 None None - 1B.2 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular littoreum goosefoot Chenopodium littoreum Plants - Vascular - Plants - estuary Suaeda esteroa PDCHE0P0D0 None None - 1B.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Chenopodiaceae - Vascular seablite Suaeda esteroa Plants - Vascular - Plants - estuary Suaeda esteroa PDCHE0P0D0 None None - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Chenopodiaceae - Vascular seablite Suaeda esteroa Plants - Vascular - Plants - woolly Suaeda taxifolia PDCHE0P0L0 None None - 4.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Chenopodiaceae - Vascular seablite Suaeda taxifolia Plants - Vascular - Plants - lucky Calystegia felix PDCON040P0 None None - 3.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Convolvulaceae - Vascular morning-glory Calystegia felix Plants - Vascular - Plants - Peirson's Calystegia peirsonii PDCON040A0 None None - 4.2 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Convolvulaceae - Vascular morning-glory Calystegia peirsonii Plants - Vascular - small- Plants - Convolvulus Convolvulaceae - flowered PDCON05060 None None - 4.2 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Vascular simulans Convolvulus morning-glory simulans Plants - Vascular - Plants - Convolvulus small- Redondo Convolvulaceae - Vascular simulans flowered PDCON05060 None None - 4.2 3311874 Beach Unprocessed Convolvulus morning-glory simulans

Plants - Vascular - small- Plants - Convolvulus Convolvulaceae - flowered PDCON05060 None None - 4.2 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Vascular simulans Convolvulus morning-glory simulans Plants - Vascular - Plants - Dichondra western Convolvulaceae - PDCON08060 None None - 4.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Vascular occidentalis dichondra Dichondra occidentalis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Dichondra western Convolvulaceae - PDCON08060 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Vascular occidentalis dichondra Dichondra occidentalis

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Plants - Vascular - Plants - Dudleya cymosa Santa Monica Crassulaceae - PDCRA040A5 Threatened None - 1B.1 3411815 Topanga Mapped Vascular ssp. ovatifolia dudleya Dudleya cymosa ssp. ovatifolia many- Plants - Vascular - Plants - Dudleya multicaulis stemmed PDCRA040H0 None None - 1B.2 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Crassulaceae - Vascular dudleya Dudleya multicaulis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Dudleya virens island green Redondo Crassulaceae - PDCRA040S2 None None - 1B.2 3311874 Mapped Vascular ssp. insularis dudleya Beach Dudleya virens ssp. insularis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus Braunton's Fabaceae - PDFAB0F1G0 Endangered None - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular brauntonii milk-vetch Astragalus brauntonii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus Braunton's Beverly Fabaceae - PDFAB0F1G0 Endangered None - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Vascular brauntonii milk-vetch Hills Astragalus brauntonii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus Braunton's Fabaceae - PDFAB0F1G0 Endangered None - 1B.1 3411815 Topanga Mapped Vascular brauntonii milk-vetch Astragalus brauntonii Plants - Vascular - Astragalus Ventura Fabaceae - Plants - pycnostachyus var. Marsh milk- PDFAB0F7B1 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411815 Topanga Mapped Astragalus Vascular lanosissimus vetch pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus Plants - Vascular - Astragalus Ventura Fabaceae - Plants - Beverly pycnostachyus var. Marsh milk- PDFAB0F7B1 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Astragalus Vascular Hills lanosissimus vetch pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus Plants - Vascular - Astragalus Ventura Fabaceae - Plants - pycnostachyus var. Marsh milk- PDFAB0F7B1 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Astragalus Vascular lanosissimus vetch pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus tener coastal dunes Fabaceae - PDFAB0F8R2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular var. titi milk-vetch Astragalus tener var. titi Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus tener coastal dunes Beverly Fabaceae - PDFAB0F8R2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Vascular var. titi milk-vetch Hills Astragalus tener var. titi Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus tener coastal dunes Fabaceae - PDFAB0F8R2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular var. titi milk-vetch Astragalus tener var. titi Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus tener coastal dunes Fabaceae - PDFAB0F8R2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Vascular var. titi milk-vetch Astragalus tener var. titi Plants - Vascular - Plants - Astragalus tener coastal dunes Fabaceae - PDFAB0F8R2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3411815 Topanga Mapped Vascular var. titi milk-vetch Astragalus tener var. titi Plants - Vascular - Plants - Nuttall's scrub Beverly Quercus dumosa PDFAG050D0 None None - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Fagaceae - Vascular oak Hills Quercus dumosa southern Plants - Vascular - Plants - Beverly Juglans californica California PDJUG02020 None None - 4.2 3411814 Unprocessed Juglandaceae - Vascular black walnut Hills Juglans californica southern Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juglans californica California PDJUG02020 None None - 4.2 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Juglandaceae - Vascular black walnut Juglans californica southern Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juglans californica California PDJUG02020 None None - 4.2 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Juglandaceae - Vascular black walnut Juglans californica southern Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juglans californica California PDJUG02020 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Juglandaceae - Vascular black walnut Juglans californica

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Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juncus acutus ssp. southwestern Juncaceae - PMJUN01051 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Vascular leopoldii spiny rush Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juncus acutus ssp. southwestern Juncaceae - PMJUN01051 None None - 4.2 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Vascular leopoldii spiny rush Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juncus acutus ssp. southwestern Redondo Juncaceae - PMJUN01051 None None - 4.2 3311874 Unprocessed Vascular leopoldii spiny rush Beach Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Juncus acutus ssp. southwestern Juncaceae - PMJUN01051 None None - 4.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Vascular leopoldii spiny rush Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lepechinia fragrant Lamiaceae - PDLAM0V030 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Vascular fragrans pitcher sage Lepechinia fragrans Plants - Vascular - Monardella Lamiaceae - Plants - white-veined hypoleuca ssp. PDLAM180A3 None None - 1B.3 3411815 Topanga Mapped Monardella Vascular monardella hypoleuca hypoleuca ssp. hypoleuca Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Catalina Liliaceae - PMLIL0D080 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Vascular catalinae mariposa-lily Calochortus catalinae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Catalina Liliaceae - PMLIL0D080 None None - 4.2 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Vascular catalinae mariposa-lily Calochortus catalinae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Catalina Beverly Liliaceae - PMLIL0D080 None None - 4.2 3411814 Unprocessed Vascular catalinae mariposa-lily Hills Calochortus catalinae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Catalina Redondo Liliaceae - PMLIL0D080 None None - 4.2 3311874 Unprocessed Vascular catalinae mariposa-lily Beach Calochortus catalinae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Catalina Liliaceae - PMLIL0D080 None None - 4.2 3311873 Torrance Unprocessed Vascular catalinae mariposa-lily Calochortus catalinae Plants - Vascular - Calochortus Liliaceae - Plants - slender clavatus var. PMLIL0D096 None None - 1B.2 3411815 Topanga Mapped Calochortus Vascular mariposa-lily gracilis clavatus var. gracilis Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Plummer's Mapped and Liliaceae - PMLIL0D150 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Vascular plummerae mariposa-lily Unprocessed Calochortus plummerae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Plummer's Beverly Liliaceae - PMLIL0D150 None None - 4.2 3411814 Mapped Vascular plummerae mariposa-lily Hills Calochortus plummerae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calochortus Plummer's Liliaceae - PMLIL0D150 None None - 4.2 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Vascular plummerae mariposa-lily Calochortus plummerae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Sidalcea Salt Spring Beverly Malvaceae - PDMAL110J0 None None - 2B.2 3411814 Mapped Vascular neomexicana checkerbloom Hills Sidalcea neomexicana Plants - Vascular - Plants - Sidalcea Salt Spring Malvaceae - PDMAL110J0 None None - 2B.2 3411815 Topanga Mapped Vascular neomexicana checkerbloom Sidalcea neomexicana Plants - Vascular - Plants - Calandrinia Brewer's Montiaceae - PDPOR01020 None None - 4.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Vascular breweri calandrinia Calandrinia breweri Plants - Vascular - Plants - seaside Redondo Cistanthe maritima PDPOR09020 None None - 4.2 3311874 Unprocessed Montiaceae - Vascular cistanthe Beach Cistanthe maritima https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 17/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Plants - Vascular - Plants - red sand- Abronia maritima PDNYC010E0 None None - 4.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Nyctaginaceae - Vascular verbena Abronia maritima Plants - Vascular - Lewis' Plants - Camissoniopsis Onagraceae - evening- PDONA030X0 None None - 3 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Vascular lewisii Camissoniopsis primrose lewisii Plants - Vascular - Lewis' Plants - Camissoniopsis Onagraceae - evening- PDONA030X0 None None - 3 3411813 Hollywood Unprocessed Vascular lewisii Camissoniopsis primrose lewisii Plants - Vascular - Lewis' Plants - Camissoniopsis Onagraceae - evening- PDONA030X0 None None - 3 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Vascular lewisii Camissoniopsis primrose lewisii Plants - Vascular - Chloropyron Orobanchaceae - Plants - salt marsh maritimum ssp. PDSCR0J0C2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.2 3311873 Torrance Mapped Chloropyron Vascular bird's-beak maritimum maritimum ssp. maritimum Plants - Vascular - Chloropyron Orobanchaceae - Plants - salt marsh Beverly maritimum ssp. PDSCR0J0C2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.2 3411814 Mapped Chloropyron Vascular bird's-beak Hills maritimum maritimum ssp. maritimum Plants - Vascular - Chloropyron Orobanchaceae - Plants - salt marsh maritimum ssp. PDSCR0J0C2 Endangered Endangered - 1B.2 3411815 Topanga Mapped Chloropyron Vascular bird's-beak maritimum maritimum ssp. maritimum Plants - Vascular - Plants - Hordeum Poaceae - vernal barley PMPOA380E0 None None - 3.2 3311883 Inglewood Unprocessed Vascular intercedens Hordeum intercedens Plants - Vascular - Plants - Hordeum Poaceae - vernal barley PMPOA380E0 None None - 3.2 3311884 Venice Unprocessed Vascular intercedens Hordeum intercedens Plants - Vascular - Plants - California Orcuttia californica PMPOA4G010 Endangered Endangered - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Poaceae - Orcuttia Vascular Orcutt grass californica Plants - Vascular - Plants - spreading Navarretia fossalis PDPLM0C080 Threatened None - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Polemoniaceae - Vascular navarretia Navarretia fossalis Plants - Vascular - prostrate Plants - Navarretia Polemoniaceae - vernal pool PDPLM0C0Q0 None None - 1B.1 3311883 Inglewood Mapped Vascular prostrata Navarretia navarretia prostrata Plants - Vascular - prostrate Plants - Navarretia Polemoniaceae - vernal pool PDPLM0C0Q0 None None - 1B.1 3311873 Torrance Mapped Vascular prostrata Navarretia navarretia prostrata Plants - Vascular - prostrate Plants - Navarretia Polemoniaceae - vernal pool PDPLM0C0Q0 None None - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular prostrata Navarretia navarretia prostrata Plants - Vascular - prostrate Plants - Navarretia Polemoniaceae - vernal pool PDPLM0C0Q0 None None - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular prostrata Navarretia navarretia prostrata San Plants - Vascular - Plants - Chorizanthe parryi Fernando Proposed Polygonaceae - PDPGN040J1 Endangered - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular var. fernandina Valley Threatened Chorizanthe parryi spineflower var. fernandina Plants - Vascular - Cercocarpus island Rosaceae - Plants - betuloides var. mountain- PDROS08022 None None - 4.3 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Cercocarpus Vascular blancheae mahogany betuloides var. blancheae Plants - Vascular - Plants - Horkelia cuneata Rosaceae - mesa horkelia PDROS0W045 None None - 1B.1 3311884 Venice Mapped Vascular var. puberula Horkelia cuneata var. puberula Plants - Vascular - Plants - Horkelia cuneata Rosaceae - mesa horkelia PDROS0W045 None None - 1B.1 3411813 Hollywood Mapped Vascular var. puberula Horkelia cuneata var. puberula https://map.dfg.ca.gov/bios/printTablePreview.html 18/19 11/8/2016 IMAPS Print Preview

Plants - Vascular - Plants - Horkelia cuneata Beverly Rosaceae - mesa horkelia PDROS0W045 None None - 1B.1 3411814 Mapped Vascular var. puberula Hills Horkelia cuneata var. puberula Plants - Vascular - Plants - Horkelia cuneata Redondo Rosaceae - mesa horkelia PDROS0W045 None None - 1B.1 3311874 Mapped Vascular var. puberula Beach Horkelia cuneata var. puberula Plants - Vascular - Plants - Ballona Potentilla multijuga PDROS1B120 None None - 1A 3311884 Venice Mapped Rosaceae - Vascular cinquefoil Potentilla multijuga Plants - Vascular - Santa Plants - Galium Beverly Rubiaceae - Barbara PDRUB0N0J0 None None - 4.3 3411814 Unprocessed Vascular cliftonsmithii Hills Galium bedstraw cliftonsmithii Santa Plants - Vascular - Plants - Lycium brevipes Catalina Redondo Solanaceae - PDSOL0G0N0 None None - 3.1 3311874 Mapped Vascular var. hassei Island desert- Beach Lycium brevipes thorn var. hassei Plants - Vascular - Thelypteris Thelypteridaceae - Plants - Sonoran puberula var. PPTHE05192 None None - 2B.2 3411815 Topanga Unprocessed Thelypteris Vascular maiden fern sonorensis puberula var. sonorensis

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11/8/2016 CNPS Inventory Results

Plant List

63 matches found. Click on scientific name for details

Search Criteria

Found in 9 Quads around 33118H4

Rare Plant State Global Scientific Name Common Name Family Lifeform Rank Rank Rank Abronia maritima red sand-verbena Nyctaginaceae perennial herb 4.2 S3S4 G4 Aphanisma blitoides aphanisma Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G3G4 perennial Arenaria paludicola marsh sandwort Caryophyllaceae 1B.1 S1 G1 stoloniferous herb Astragalus brauntonii Braunton's milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb 1B.1 S2 G2 Astragalus pycnostachyus var. Ventura marsh milk-vetch Fabaceae perennial herb 1B.1 S1 G2T1 lanosissimus Astragalus tener var. titi coastal dunes milk-vetch Fabaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G2T1 Atriplex coulteri Coulter's saltbush Chenopodiaceae perennial herb 1B.2 S1S2 G3 Atriplex pacifica South Coast saltscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G4 Atriplex parishii Parish's brittlescale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1G2 Atriplex serenana var. davidsonii Davidson's saltscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S1 G5T1 Calandrinia breweri Brewer's calandrinia Montiaceae annual herb 4.2 S4 G4 perennial Calochortus catalinae Catalina mariposa lily Liliaceae 4.2 S4 G4 bulbiferous herb perennial Calochortus clavatus var. gracilis slender mariposa lily Liliaceae 1B.2 S2S3 G4T2T3 bulbiferous herb perennial Calochortus plummerae Plummer's mariposa lily Liliaceae 4.2 S4 G4 bulbiferous herb annual rhizomatous Calystegia felix lucky morning-glory Convolvulaceae 3.1 SH GHQ herb perennial Calystegia peirsonii Peirson's morning-glory Convolvulaceae 4.2 S4 G4 rhizomatous herb Camissoniopsis lewisii Lewis' evening-primrose Onagraceae annual herb 3 S4 G4 Centromadia parryi ssp. australis southern tarplant Asteraceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G3T2 Cercocarpus betuloides var. island mountain- perennial evergreen Rosaceae 4.3 S4 G5T4 blancheae mahogany shrub Chaenactis glabriuscula var. Orcutt's pincushion Asteraceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G5T1T2 orcuttiana Chenopodium littoreum coastal goosefoot Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G2 Chloropyron maritimum ssp. annual herb salt marsh bird's-beak Orobanchaceae 1B.2 S1 G4?T1 maritimum (hemiparasitic) San Fernando Valley Chorizanthe parryi var. fernandina Polygonaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G2T1 spineflower Cistanthe maritima seaside cistanthe Montiaceae annual herb 4.2 S3 G3G4 small-flowered morning- Convolvulus simulans Convolvulaceae annual herb 4.2 S4 G4 http://www.rareplants.cnps.org/result.html?adv=t&quad=33118H4:9 1/3 11/8/2016 CNPS Inventory Results glory perennial Deinandra minthornii Santa Susana tarplant Asteraceae 1B.2 S2 G2 deciduous shrub Deinandra paniculata paniculate tarplant Asteraceae annual herb 4.2 S4 G4 perennial Dichondra occidentalis western dichondra Convolvulaceae 4.2 S3S4 G3G4 rhizomatous herb perennial Dithyrea maritima beach spectaclepod Brassicaceae 1B.1 S1 G1 rhizomatous herb Dudleya cymosa ssp. ovatifolia Santa Monica dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb 1B.1 S1 G5T1 Dudleya multicaulis many-stemmed dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb 1B.2 S2 G2 Dudleya virens ssp. insularis island green dudleya Crassulaceae perennial herb 1B.2 S3 G3?T3 annual / perennial Eryngium aristulatum var. parishii San Diego button-celery Apiaceae 1B.1 S1 G5T1 herb Erysimum insulare island wallflower Brassicaceae perennial herb 1B.3 S3 G3 Erysimum suffrutescens suffrutescent wallflower Brassicaceae perennial herb 4.2 S3 G3 perennial Helianthus nuttallii ssp. parishii Los Angeles sunflower Asteraceae 1A SH G5TH rhizomatous herb Hordeum intercedens vernal barley Poaceae annual herb 3.2 S3S4 G3G4 Horkelia cuneata var. puberula mesa horkelia Rosaceae perennial herb 1B.1 S1 G4T1 Southern California black perennial Juglans californica Juglandaceae 4.2 S3 G3 walnut deciduous tree perennial Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii southwestern spiny rush Juncaceae 4.2 S4 G5T5 rhizomatous herb Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri Coulter's goldfields Asteraceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G4T2 Leptosyne maritima sea dahlia Asteraceae perennial herb 2B.2 S1 G2 Santa Catalina Island perennial Lycium brevipes var. hassei desert-thorn Solanaceae deciduous shrub 3.1 S1 G5T1Q Monardella hypoleuca ssp. white-veined monardella Lamiaceae perennial herb 1B.3 S2S3 G4T2T3 hypoleuca annual / perennial Nama stenocarpa mud nama Namaceae 2B.2 S1S2 G4G5 herb perennial Nasturtium gambelii Gambel's water cress Brassicaceae 1B.1 S1 G1 rhizomatous herb Navarretia fossalis spreading navarretia Polemoniaceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 prostrate vernal pool Navarretia prostrata Polemoniaceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 navarretia Nemacaulis denudata var. coast woolly-heads Polygonaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G3G4T2 denudata Orcuttia californica California Orcutt grass Poaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Pentachaeta lyonii Lyon's pentachaeta Asteraceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Phacelia hubbyi Hubby's phacelia Hydrophyllaceae annual herb 4.2 S4 G4 Phacelia ramosissima var. south coast branching Hydrophyllaceae perennial herb 3.2 S3 G5?T3 austrolitoralis phacelia Phacelia stellaris Brand's star phacelia Hydrophyllaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Potentilla multijuga Ballona cinquefoil Rosaceae perennial herb 1A SX GX Pseudognaphalium white rabbit-tobacco Asteraceae perennial herb 2B.2 S2 G4 leucocephalum perennial evergreen Quercus dumosa Nuttall's scrub oak Fagaceae 1B.1 S3 G3 shrub Sidalcea neomexicana salt spring checkerbloom Malvaceae perennial herb 2B.2 S2 G4 http://www.rareplants.cnps.org/result.html?adv=t&quad=33118H4:9 2/3 11/8/2016 CNPS Inventory Results Suaeda esteroa estuary seablite Chenopodiaceae perennial herb 1B.2 S2 G3 perennial evergreen Suaeda taxifolia woolly seablite Chenopodiaceae 4.2 S4 G shrub perennial Symphyotrichum defoliatum San Bernardino aster Asteraceae 1B.2 S2 G2 rhizomatous herb perennial Symphyotrichum greatae Greata's aster Asteraceae 1B.3 S2 G2 rhizomatous herb Thelypteris puberula var. perennial Sonoran maiden fern Thelypteridaceae 2B.2 S2 G5T3 sonorensis rhizomatous herb

Suggested Citation

CNPS, Rare Plant Program. 2016. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (online edition, v8-02). California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA. Website http://www.rareplants.cnps.org [accessed 08 November 2016].

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© Copyright 2010-2014 California Native Plant Society. All rights reserved.

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E.1: Geophysical Route Survey Charts

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M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1 - Geophysical Survey Maps_rev3.mxd Created By: GF Date: 2/16/2017 Project: 0332596³³

Malibu Santa Monica

Playa del Rey !@ A C B Hermosa Beach Rancho Palos Verdes D

PacificPacific OceanOcean


0 6 12 Nautical Miles Kilometers 0 15 30 Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N

Legend Dominant Substrate Sand PLCN Cable Route Figure 3.5.1 Geophysical Survey Charts Environmental Resources Management Clay Rock Trans-Pacific Cable Segment Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Map Index Telecommunications Cable Hub !@ Cable Landing M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1-A - Geophysical Survey Maps_rev3.mxd Created By: GF Date: 2/16/2017 Project: 0332596 Malibu Santa Monica ³


Playa del Rey !@

PacificPacific OceanOcean Hermosa Beach


-200 -900


-500 -600

0 1 2 -700 Nautical Miles -800 Kilometers -900 0 3 6 -500 Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N

Notes: - Contours are drawn in 100m and 500m intervals Legend Dominant Substrate Sand !@ Cable Landing Figure 3.5.1-A Geophysical Survey Charts Environmental Resources Management Clay Rock PLCN Cable Route Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Trans-Pacific Cable Telecommunications Cable Hub Segment M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1-B - Geophysical Survey Maps.mxd Created By: GF Date: 1/19/2017 Project: 0332596 -300 -100 -200 -300 -400


-600 ³



PacificPacific OceanOcean

-900 0 1 2 -800 Nautical Miles -700 Kilometers 0 3 6 Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N Notes: Legend - Contours are drawn in 100m and 500m intervals Dominant Substrate Sand !@ Cable Landing Figure 3.5.1-B Geophysical Survey Charts Clay Rock PLCN Cable Route Environmental Resources Management Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Telecommunications Cable Hub M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1-C - Geophysical Survey Maps.mxd Created By: GF Date: 1/19/2017 Project: 0332596 -200 -400 -300

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-1400 PacificPacific OceanOcean

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-1700 -600 -1800 -500

0 1 2 -400 Nautical Miles

-1900 Kilometers -300 0 3 6 Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N Notes: Legend - Contours are drawn in 100m and 500m intervals Dominant Substrate Sand !@ Cable Landing Figure 3.5.1-C Geophysical Survey Charts Clay Rock PLCN Cable Route Environmental Resources Management Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Telecommunications Cable Hub M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1-D - Geophysical Survey Maps.mxd Created By: GF Date: 1/19/2017 Project: 0332596 -400 -500 -500 -800 -800 -700 -900 -600 -1000


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-200 -400 -1100 -1200 -1300 -500 -1400 -1500


-1600 -1300 -1700 PacificPacific OceanOcean



-1900 -1300

-400 -1800



0 1 2 Nautical Miles Kilometers 0 3 6 Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N Notes: Legend - Contours are drawn in 100m and 500m intervals Dominant Substrate Sand !@ Cable Landing Figure 3.5.1-D Geophysical Survey Charts Clay Rock PLCN Cable Route Environmental Resources Management Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Telecommunications Cable Hub M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1-E - Geophysical Survey Maps.mxd Created By: GF Date: 1/19/2017 Project: 0332596



-1000 ³-300

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-900 -1000

-600 PacificPacific OceanOcean

-1000 -1100


-1100 0 1 2 -800 -700 -500 -400 -300 Nautical Miles Kilometers 0 3 6 Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N Notes: Legend - Contours are drawn in 100m and 500m intervals Dominant Substrate Sand !@ Cable Landing Figure 3.5.1-E Geophysical Survey Charts Clay Rock PLCN Cable Route Environmental Resources Management Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Telecommunications Cable Hub M:\Projects\0332596_TE_Subcom\MXD\EIS\Biology\Marine Bio\3.5.1-F - Geophysical Survey Maps.mxd Created By: GF Date: 1/19/2017 Project: 0332596 -1000 -900

-1000 -1100

-1200 -1100 -1000 -900 -800 -700 -600 ³



-1200 -1000

Pacific Ocean -800 Pacific Ocean -1100




-1100 0 1 2 -1000 Nautical Miles


Kilometers -900 0 3 6 -800 -700

Source: BasemapSource Aerialor Source, Flight Date,and Resolution NAD1983 UTM Zone11N -1100 Notes: Legend - Contours are drawn in 100m and 500m intervals Dominant Substrate Sand !@ Cable Landing Figure 3.5.1-F Geophysical Survey Charts Clay Rock PLCN Cable Route Environmental Resources Management Los Angeles Trans-Pacific www.erm.com ERM Silt Subcropping Rock Telecommunications Cable Hub

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E.2: Special-Status Species Table (Marine)

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Summary of Marine Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Study Area

Key Federal Status State Stauts E - Endangered (FESA) FP - State Fully Protected P - Protected (MMPA or MBTA) ST - State Threatened - CESA T - Threatened (FESA) SE - State Endangered -CESA FC - Federal Candidate General MMPA - Marine Mammal Protection Act MBTA - Migratory Bird Treaty Act NS/ND - Not Strategic Stock/Not Depeleted (MMPA) S - Strategic Stock (MMPA) D - Depleted (MMPA) Federal State Impacts Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Rationale Status Status Analyzed Invertebrates Project does not cross suitable rocky Inhabits rocky intertidal and subtidal habitats from mean intertidal or rocky subtidal habitat. high water line to a depth of approximately 20 feet (6 meters) All intertidal and subtidal areas Haliotis cracherodii black abalone FE - relative to mean low water line. Ranges from Point Arena, N overlapping with project are either CA to Bahia Tortugas and Isla Guadalupe, Mexico (CDFW sandy bottom habitat, or will be 2011; CDFW 2016a; NOAA 2013). avoided via HDD. Found in open low and high relief rock or boulder habitat interspersed with sand channels. Usually found at depths of Uncommon. Project does not cross 80-100 ft (25-30 m), but may occur in deeper water up to 200 suitable habitat. All areas of suitable Haliotis sorenseni white abalone FE - ft (60 m). Ranges from Point Conception, CA to Punta N depth for species overlapping with Abreojos, Baja California. Not common along California project are either sandy bottom coastline, encounters typically occur at the Channel Islands habitat, or will be avoided via HDD. (CDFW 2011; CDFW 2016a; NOAA 2016) Fish

DPS includes naturally spawned anadromous O. mykiss originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers Based on documented sightings from the Santa Maria River, San Luis Obispo County ofthis species in Los Angeles County, steelhead; southern California (inclusive) to the U.S.-Mexico Border (62 FR 43937; 67 FR and the establishment of critical Oncorhynchus mykiss FE - Y DPS 21586). Small colonization events documented during 1996 habitat in the Santa Monica Bay area through 2002 in Topanga and San Mateo Creeks - represented impacts for this species should be a few spawning individuals or observation of a single considered. individual (Fox 1998; NMFS 2016b). Coastal; pelagic; found in oceanic waters over continental and insular shelves, and adjacent to deeper waters. Range from intertidal and surface to depths of up to 1,700 ft (515 m), scalloped hammerhead; Eastern occasionally diving to deeper waters. Has also been Sphyrna lewini FE - Y Suitable habitat present. Pacific DPS documented in enclosed bays and estuaries. Aggregations common near offshore islands, with pup and juvenile aggregations more common nearshore nursery habitats (NMFS 2014).

Appendix MBIO-B 1 of 5 Summary of Marine Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Study Area

Federal State Impacts Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Rationale Status Status Analyzed Reptiles Due to rareness of sightings and Rare in California. Occupies three habitats that are lifestage observations, coupled with the lack loggerhead sea turtle; North dependent: oceanic, neretic, terrestrial (nesting only). Not of ideal foraging habitat along the Caretta caretta FE - N Pacific DPS known to nest on the California coast, but does forage along proposed cable route, it is unlikely the coast of the state (CDFW 2016b; CSLS 2013; NMFS 2014b). that the project would affect this species. Mostly aquatic, but known to bask onshore. Offshore behaviors can also include basking at the surface, active around midday (NMFS & USFWS 1998). Known to occur year round off the coast of southern California with the highest number of individuals observed between July and Based on year-round presence in Los September. Commonly found foraging along the coast on green sea turtle (East Pacific Angeles County, this species should Chelonia mydas FT - marine algae, seagrass, small invertebrates and fish, however Y DPS) be considered for potential project foraging grounds are not well known or delineated (CSLC impacts. 2013; NMFS & USFWS 1998). Present year-round in the San Gabriel River, Los Angeles County, exploiting warm water outfalls from industry (Totten 2015). This DPS is not known to nest within the continental United States (CDFW 2016c; NMFS & USFWS 1998; NMFS 2016c).

Nearshore and benthic habitats along Known to nest sporadically along Baja Peninsula, the cable route do not possess the occasionally this species may be sighted off the coast of optimal features essential for California feeding. Hawskbills may be more likely to be foraging. Due to rareness of sightings sighted in Southern California waters during El Nino years, Eretmochelys imbricata bissa Pacific hawksbill sea turtle FE - N and observations, coupled with the and instances of warmer water off the coast. Features lack of ideal foraging habitat along essential for foraging include large stands of macroalgaeand the proposed cable route, it is seagrass beds (CDFW 2016d; CSLC 2013; Nafis 2016a; NMFS unlikely that the project would affect 2014c). this species. Due to rareness of sightings and Primarily pelagic but may inhabit coastal areas, including observations, coupled with the lack bays and estuaries. This species is distributed globally, of ideal foraging habitat along the Lepidochelys olivacea olive ridley sea turtle FT - occurring in the Eastern Pacific from Southern California to N proposed cable route, it is unlikely Northern Chile. They are not known to nest in the United that the project would affect this States (CSLC 2013; Nafis 2016b; NMFS 2014d). species. Pelagic, but occasionally enters shallower waters. Highly migratory species, known to occur off California coast during summer and fall months following seasonal aggregations of jellyfish, their primary food source (cnidarians). This species forages in open ocean and coastal habitats primarily on Based on construction schedules it is pelagic species (77 FR 4170). Critical habitat for this species possible that this species may be Dermochelys coriacea Pacific leatherback sea turtle FE - has been designated in California, north of Point Conception N present but unlikely due to low rates (beginning at Point Arguello) which the project does not have of occurrence. potential to impact. This species has been observed along the California coast, primarily in northern California waters, and near the Channel Islands, with some occurrences near San Clemente and San Diego (CSLC 2013; Nafis 2016c; NMFS 2016d).

Appendix MBIO-B 2 of 5 Summary of Marine Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Study Area

Federal State Impacts Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Rationale Status Status Analyzed Birds

It is possible that this species may be Occurs in California as a spring and fall migrant; passing migrating through the area during mainly offshore in the fall, and close inshore in the spring. project activities; however, no Primary food source is eel grass. Other habitat requirements Branta bernicla brant - SSC Y eelgrass beds align with the project. include well-protected, shallow marine waters with intertidal This species does not breed in eelgrass beds, primarily within bays and estuaries. This California; thus, no impacts to species does not breed in California (CDFW 2008a; 2008b) nesting birds would occur. Most abundant in southern California during midwinter through spring with breeding occurring on the Channel Fratercula cirrhata tufted puffin - SSC N Suitable nesting habitat not present. Islands from late April through September (CDFW 2008a; 2008c) Fairly common in estuarine and subtidal habitats from September through May. Requires deep freshwater lakes Gavia immer common loon - SSC N Suitable nesting habitat not present. with sufficient food for reproduction. No longer breeds in California (CDFW 2008a; 2016e). Nests on the Channel Islands but occurs year-round at sea in Oceanodroma homochroa ashy storm petrel - SSC waters over and just seaward of the continental slope (CDFW N Suitable nesting habitat not present. 2008a; 2008d). Breeding range extends from Baja and the Gulf of California into the Southern California Bight to include the Channel Islands. This species occurs off the coast of southern Oceanodroma melania black storm petrel - SSC California year-round in waters overlying the continental N Suitable nesting habitat not present. shelf. California nesting visits begin in mid- to late April with breeding typically occurring from mid-May to October. They feed on pelagic fish and zooplankton (CDFW 2008a; 2008e).

Common in southern California with peak densities from June to October, especially within 19 miles of shore but Suitable foraging habitat present; regularly out to 109 miles. Lowest densities April to May. however, unlikely to roost on Pelecanus occidentalis occidentalis California brown pelican - FP Breeds on Channel Islands from March to early August. Y landforms in project area. Nesting Feeds in early mornings or late afternoons almost entirely on habitat not present. fish caught by diving. Rests on rocks, open water, mudflats, beachees, wharfs and jetties (CDFW 2016f) Only juveniles of this species are known to migrate to the west coast of the US post-fledging, with satellite tag data showing presence along the offshore and coastal regions of Interaction/impacts to this species Phoebastria albatrus Short-tailed albatross FE SSC southern California. Feed on pelagic species (squid, fish, and N are not expected to result from invertebrates). Juveniles may be present off the U.S. west project activities coast foraging between summer and early fall but are likely to be very rare (USFWS 2009; 2014)

Appendix MBIO-B 3 of 5 Summary of Marine Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Study Area

Federal State Impacts Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Rationale Status Status Analyzed Occurs in offshore waters year-round with abundance Area of concern is during breeding increasing in nonbreeding season (September through season which occurs on Channel February). nests on islands along the California coast. Ptychoramphus aleuticus Cassin's auklet P SSC N Islands. Since project activities are not Breeding season is variable by year can range from January expected to impact this area, impacts through August but generally in the earlier months in to this species are not expected. southern California (CDFW 2008a; 2008f). Typically found at sea and nest on Channel Islands. Known to occur within Los Angeles County with a limited breeding Synthliboramphus hypoleucus May encounter during offshore work Scripps's murrelet FC ST distribution (77 FR 70014). Form nocturnal congregations at- Y scrippsi depending on cable route. sea. Swim underwater and feed on pelagic fish and zooplankton (USFWS 2012). Mammals Mysticetes

Sei whales are rare in California waters. Shipboard surveys conducting transect surveys off California have documented Unlikely to occur near project Balaenoptera borealis borealis Sei whale FE - N several sightings between 1991 and 2008, none off the coast of activities. Southern California (CSLC 2013; NMFS 2011)

Fin whales occur year-round off the coast of California, their wintering patterns are not well known, however abundance Balaenoptera physalus physalus Fin whale FE - appears lower in winter/spring. Seasonal abundance Y May encounter during offshore work. differences suggests movement outside of California coastal waters during colder months (CSLC 2013; NMFS 2014e). The US West Coast is one of the most important areas for feeding in summer and fall months, with six biologically important feeding areas have been established off the coast of Southern California. Most of this stock is believed to migrate Balaenoptera musculus musculus Blue whale FE - Y May encounter during offshore work. south during the winter and spring. Numerous sightings have been made from aerial and shipboard transect surveys conducted during the spring and autumn (NMFS 2015a; CSLC 2013). Found throughout shelf waters. The California coast supports two different feeding groups of humpback whales. This species exhibits strong site fidelity to feeding areas. The groups that commonly feed in California migrate towards Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale FE - Mexico/Central America or out to Hawaii during the winter Y May encounter during offshore work. months for breeding. Mapped feeding tends to congregate in the coastal regions of central and northern California with few sporadic documented sightings south of Santa Barbara County waters (NMFS 2014f; CSLC 2013) Primarily occur in coastal or shelf waters in northern May be present off California during Eubaelena japonica North Pacific right whale FE FP latitudes, occur in lower latitudes and coastal waters during Y migratory season in fall while headed winter/calving (NMFS 2015b; CSLC 2013). south.

Appendix MBIO-B 4 of 5 Summary of Marine Special-Status Species with the Potential to Occur in the Study Area

Federal State Impacts Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Rationale Status Status Analyzed Odontocetes Sperm whales are found year-round in California waters, reaching peak abundance April through mid-June, and from Physeter macrocephalus Sperm whale FE - the end of August through mid-November. Typically found Y Suitable habitat present. in deep, offshore waters over 650 ft (200 m) (CSLC 2013; NMFS 2015c). Pinnipeds

Distributed throughout the coastal regions of the eastern Common throughout southern Pacific south to the tip of Baja. They typically breed and give California waters. May interact or Mirounga angustirostris Northern elephant seal - FP Y birth on offshore islands from December to March, and have the potential to be impacted by haulout to molt between March and August. (NMFS 2015d) project activities.

Commonly pup and breed in Baja California; however, some pups have been born at San Miguel Island, and stranded Generally outside of range and not north of Bodega Bay near Russian River. Generally outside of Arctocephalus townsendi Guadalupe fur seal FT ST, FP N likely to interact or be impacted by range, occasionally stranded on California beaches, occasional project activities. pups found at Channel Islands. Many recorded as stranded offshore in California in 2015 and 2016 (NMFS 2000). Mustelid Occupy nearshore waters along the California coastline from San Mateo to Santa Barbara County. Rare south of Pt. Rare in project area, not likely to Enhydra lutris nereis Southern sea otter FT FP Conception, with one experimental colony population N interact or be impacted by project documented at San Nicholas Island off the coast of Ventura activities. (NMFS & USFWS 2014).

Appendix MBIO-B 5 of 5 References

CDFW (California Department of Fish and Wildlife). 2008a. Bird Species of Special Concern. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=84247&inline ---. 2008b. Studies of Western Birds: Brant (Branta bernicla). 1:79-84. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=10379 ---. 2008c. Studies of Western Birds: Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata). 1:213-217. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=1837 ---. 2008d. Studies of Western Birds: Ashy Storm-Petrel. 1:117-124. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=10386 ---. 2008e. Studies of Western Birds: Black Storm-Petrel. 1:125-129. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=10388 ---. 2008f. Studies of Western Birds, Cassin's Auklet. 1:205-212. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=10403 ---. 2011. Status of the Fisheries Review: Abalone. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=65495&inline ---. 2016a. Natural Diversity Database Special Animals List. Periodic Publication. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=109406 ---. 2016b. Species Explorer Database Details for Loggerhead. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/taxaquery/SpeciesDetail.aspx?taxonid=72&STitle=Caretta+car etta&PTitle=Loggerhead ---. 2016c. Species Explorer Database Details for Green Turtle. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/taxaquery/SpeciesDetail.aspx?taxonid=71&STitle=Chelonia+m ydas&PTitle=green%2bturtle ---. 2016d. Species Explorer Database Details for Hawksbill. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/taxaquery/SpeciesDetail.aspx?taxonid=74&STitle=Eretmochely s+imbricata&PTitle=Hawksbill ---. 2016e. California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System, CDFW, California Interagency Wildlife Task Group: Common Loon. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=1545 ---. 2016f. California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System, CDFW, California Interagency Wildlife Task Group: Brown Pelican. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=1559 CSLC (California State Lands Commission). 2013. Mitigated Negative Declaration Low Energy Offshore Geophysical Permit Program Update. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.slc.ca.gov/Programs/OGPP/Final_MND.pdf

Appendix MBIO-B Fox, S. 1998. Rare steelhead trout seen in Topanga Canyon Creek. Los Angeles Times. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://articles.latimes.com/1998/sep/01/local/me-18436 Nafis, G. 2016a. Pacific Hawksbill Sea Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata bissa. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.californiaherps.com/turtles/pages/e.i.bissa.html ---. 2016b. Olive Ridley Sea Turtle - Lepidochelys olivacea. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.californiaherps.com/turtles/pages/l.olivacea.html ---. 2016c. Leatherback Sea Turtle - Dermochelys coriacea. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.californiaherps.com/turtles/pages/d.coriacea.html NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service). 2000. Guadalupe Fur Seal (Arctocephalus townsendi): Mexico Stock. Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pdfs/sars/po2000segf-mx.pdf ---. 2011. Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis borealis): Eastern North Pacific Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/pdfs/sars/po2010whse- en.pdf ---. 2013. False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens) Index. Last Updated: August 14, 2013. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/mammals/cetaceans/falsekillerwhale.htm ---. 2014a. Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna lewini) Index. Last Updated December 19, 2015. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/pr/species/fish/scalloped-hammerhead-shark.html ---. 2014b. Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) Index. Last Updated December 15, 2014. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/loggerhead.html ---. 2014d. Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) Index. Last Updated October 30, 2014. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/oliveridley.html ---. 2014e. Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus physalus): California/Oregon/Washington Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/2013/po2013_finwhale-caorwa.pdf ---. 2014f. Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae): California/Oregon/Washington Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/2013/po2013_humpback-caorwa.pdf ---. 2015a. Blue Whale (Balaenoptera musculus musculus): Eastern North Pacific Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/pdf/stocks/pacific/2015/bluewhale- enp_2015.pdf ---. 2015b. North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica): Eastern North Pacific Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/pdf/stocks/alaska/2015/ak2015_northpacificrig htwhale.pdf

Appendix MBIO-B ---. 2015c. Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus): California/Oregon/Washington Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/pdf/stocks/pacific/2014/po2014_sperm_whale- cow.pdf ---. 2015d. Northern Elephant Seal (Mirounga angustirostris): California Breeding Stock Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/pdf/stocks/pacific/2014/po2014_nelephant_seal -ca.pdf ---. 2016b. Southern California Coast Steelhead Index. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.westcoast.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected_species/salmon_steelhead/salmo n_and_steelhead_listings/steelhead/southern_california/index.html ---. 2016c. Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Index. Last Updated April 6, 2016. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/green.html ---. 2016d. Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) Index. Last Updated February 10, 2016. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/turtles/oliveridley.html NMFS & USFWS (National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). 1998. Recovery Plan for the U.S. Pacific Populations of the East Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). Silver Spring, MD. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://ecos.fws.gov/docs/recovery_plan/981201f.pdf ---. 2014. Southern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris nereis): Southern Stock. Assessment. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/sars/pdf/stocks/pacific/2015/seaotter2014_ca.pdf NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). 2013. Black Abalone (Haliotis cracherodii). Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/species/invertebrates/blackabalone.htm ---. 2016. White Abalone (Haliotis sorenseni). Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/pr/species/invertebrates/abalone/white- abalone.html#distribution Totten, S. 2015. Green Sea Turtles in the San Gabriel River. KPCC. Pasadena, CA. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: http://www.scpr.org/news/2015/02/19/49901/green- sea-turtles-in-the-san-gabriel-river-scienti/ USFWS (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 2009. Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) Threatened and Endangered Species Factsheet. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://www.fws.gov/alaska/fisheries/endangered/pdf/STALfactsheet.pdf ---. 2012. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species Assessment and Listing Priority Assignment Form. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/candidate/assessments/2012/r8/B098_V01.pdf ---. 2014. Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation. Anchorage, AK. Accessed: January 2017. Retrieved from: https://ecos.fws.gov/docs/five_year_review/doc4445.pdf

Appendix MBIO-B Appendix F NOISE CALCULATIONS -Page Intentionally Left Blank- Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix F Draft EIR [Administrative] Noise Calculations

Appendix F – Noise Calculations

F.1 Introduction This document provides information on the methodology and calculations used to estimate noise and vibration impacts of the proposed Project.

F.2 Noise Several of the significance criteria used to assess the degree of impact from noise utilize information on background noise levels in the Project area. Background noise levels were based on data provided by the Los Angeles World Airways (LAWA) (Dan Yeung, Pers. Comm., November 18, 2016). The LAWA data summarize Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) in the Project area; however, the significance thresholds are based on short-term noise levels (assumed to be hourly). Appendix D from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment (FTA 2006) (FTA Guidelines) provides a method to derive rough estimates of hourly noise levels based on CNEL: For measurements between 7am and 7pm the FTA Guidelines specifies the following equation:

2 (Equation 1)


 Leq: Hourly equivalent A-weighted noise level  D: Actual distance to receptor

 Ldn: Day-night average noise level

In Equation 1, Ldn is assumed to be the same as A-weighted decibel level (dBA) CNEL. This equation states that Leq can be estimated to be roughly 2 dBA higher than the CNEL during the day time hours. Alternatively, Table 5-7 of the FTA Guidelines also provides general noise levels from different types of roadways and populations. This table generally assumes that the Ldn is approximately equal to the daytime Leq. Thus, for the purposes of this analysis, using the more conservative approach, it is assumed that the background Leq in the Project area would be equal to the CNEL provided by LAWA. The noise level for each piece of construction equipment was estimated using the FTA Guidelines (Table F-1 and Table F-2). These estimates generally require the use of reference noise levels for each piece of equipment at 50 feet. Reference noise levels were obtained from Table 12-1 of the FTA Guidelines (FTA 2006) and Table 9-1 of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Construction Noise Handbook (FHWA 2016).

F-1 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix F Draft EIR [Administrative] Noise Calculations

At any one time, more than one piece of equipment may be used; therefore, the combined noise level needs to be estimated. The equation below is used to estimate noise from multiple sources.

10log 10 10 ⋯ (Equation 2)

To account for noise impacts at different distances, the equation listed below from the FTA Guidelines for stationary sources can be used to convert a reference noise level at 50 feet to a noise level at a desired distance.

20log (Equation 3)


 Leq: Noise Level  D: Actual distance to receptor

 Leq(ref): Noise Level at reference distance (50 feet)

 Dref: Reference Distance (50 feet)

The above equation assumes a hard ground surface between the equipment and receptor, which would result in conservatively higher noise estimates. This represents a conservative estimate, since sections of the Project area consist of sand, soil, and grass, which would reduce noise levels more than estimated in Equation 3. In some cases, noise attenuation from rows of buildings between the noise source and receptor is accounted for in the analysis. In those cases, the following assumptions are made, which are consistent with the FTA Guidelines:

 First row of buildings: -4 dBA  -1.5 dBA for every other row of buildings up to a maximum of 10 dBA

In addition, it is assumed that all construction equipment is located at the same distance from a sensitive receptor. As recommended in the FTA Guidelines for general assessments, the two noisiest equipment are assumed operating at the same time. The combined background noise and Project impact noise level can be calculated using Equation 2 above. The increase above the background noise level as a result of the Project can then be determined using the following equation.

(Equation 4)

Tables F-3 and F-4 provide the noise level estimates for the terrestrial conduit route and the cable landing site, respectively.

F-2 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix F Draft EIR [Administrative] Noise Calculations

F.3 Vibration Short-term vibration impacts were also estimated using the FTA Guidelines (FTA 2006). Typically, the vibration impact of most concern during construction is damage to buildings. The vibration levels associated with damage to buildings are characterized in terms of the following two descriptors.

 Peak particle velocity (PPV) with units of inch per second (in/sec)  Vibration Level (Lv) with units of VdB

The following equation can be used to estimate the PPV.

1.5 ( PPVequip=PPVref x (25/D) Equation 5)


 PPVequip : Peak particle velocity at selected distance  D: Actual distance to receptor

 PPVref: PPV at reference distance (25 feet)

Similarly, the following equation can be used to estimate Lv.

Lv = Lr-30Log(D/25) (Equation 6)


 Lv: Vibration level at selected distance  D: Actual distance to receptor

 Lr : Vibration at reference distance (25 feet)

The reference vibration levels for various equipment were taken from Table 12-2 of the FTA Guidelines (FTA 2006). Vibration levels from the equipment generating the highest vibration level were calculated. Table F-5 provides the estimated vibration levels associated with the Project.

F.4 Results Tables F-1 though F-5 provide additional detail on the estimated noise levels generated by Project equipment and the final estimates of noise and vibration levels associated with Project activities.

F.5 References FTA (Federal Transit Administration). 2006. Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment. May 2006.

F-3 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix F Draft EIR [Administrative] Noise Calculations

FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). 2016. Construction Noise Handbook. Accessed: December 1, 2016. Retrieved from: from:http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/construction_noise/handbook/h andbook09.cfm Dan Yeung of LAWA, email message regarding noise modeling data, November 18, 2016.

F-4 Los Angeles Trans-Pacific Telecommunications Cable Hub Appendix F Draft EIR [Administrative] Noise Calculations

Attachment 1

Summary of Estimated Noise and Vibration Levels from the Proposed Project

Table F-1: Predicted Noise Levels From Terrestrial Equipment at 50 Feet.

Noise Level at Source of Reference Reference Equipment on Reference Noise FTA Equivalent Distance (dBA) Distance (ft) (1) or off (0) Level (see note) Trench Construction 1 concrete/asphalt saw Saw 90 50 1 FHWA 1 backhoe, trencher, or excavator Backhoe 80 50 0 FTA 1 pickup truck Truck 75 50 0 FHWA 1 dump truck Truck 88 50 0 FTA 1 asphalt truck Truck 88 50 1 FTA 1 pavement roller Roller 74 50 0 FTA 1 equipment and supply trailer Truck 88 50 0 FTA 1 handheld vibratory compactor Compactor 82 50 0 FTA 1 handheld vibratory compactor Compactor 82 50 0 FTA Total 92 Conventional Boring (HDD)

Horizonal Boring 1 bore machine Hydraulic Jack 82 50 0 FHWA 1 backhoe or excavator Backhoe 80 50 0 FTA 1 supply and equipment trailer Truck 88 50 1 FTA 1 pickup truck Truck 74 50 0 FHWA 1 saw cutter Saw 90 50 1 FHWA 1 handheld vibratory compactor Compactor 82 50 0 FTA Total 92


FHWA Construction Noise Handbook, http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/construction_noise/handbook/handbook09.cfm Source: FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, May 2006 Assuming a maximum of two equipment are operating at the same time. Table F-2: Predicted Noise Levels From Terrestrial Equipment at 50 Feet at Beach

Noise Level at Source of Reference Reference Usage Reference Noise FTA Equivalent Distance (dBA) Distance (ft) Factor Level (see note) Manhole Installation (Beach and Along Terrestrial Route) 1 excavator Excavator 81 50 0 FHWA 1 delivery truck with boom Truck 88 50 1 FTA 1 dump truck Truck 88 50 1 FTA 1 equipment and supply trailer Truck 88 50 0 FTA 1 handheld vibratory compactor Compactor 82 50 0 FTA Total 91 Innerduct and Terrestrial Cable Pulling 1 cable-pulling truck Truck 74 50 0 FHWA 1 pickup truck with cable reel trailer Truck 88 50 1 FTA 1 supply and equipment truck Truck 88 50 1 FTA Total 91 Ocean Ground Bed Installation 1 backhoe Backhoe 80 50 0 FTA 1 well-drilling machine Auger Drill Rig 84 50 1 FHWA 1 one ton truck Truck 74 50 0 FHWA 1 pickup truck Truck 74 50 0 FHWA 1 equipment and supply trailer Truck 88 50 1 FTA Total 89 Marine Directional Bores 1 small (20-50 ft) crane for setup and demobilization Crane, Mobile 83 50 0 FTA Vermeer Navigator D330x500 Drill Rig Auger Drill Rig 84 50 1 FHWA High Pressure Mud Pump 144m3/hour @ 50bar Pump 76 50 0 FHWA Mixing Unit 200m3/hour flow Drum Mixer 80 50 0 FHWA Recycling Unit 280m3/hour Drum Mixer 80 50 0 FHWA Sludge pump 280m3/hour Pump 76 50 0 FTA 1 equipment and supply trailer Truck 88 50 1 FTA Total 89 Noise Level at Source of Reference Reference Usage Reference Noise FTA Equivalent Distance (dBA) Distance (ft) Factor Level (see note) Marine Cable Pulling 1 backhoe Backhoe 80 50 0 FTA 1 pickup truck Truck 74 50 0 FHWA 1 hydraulic winch Generator 81 50 0 FTA 1 crane or boom truck Truck 88 50 1 FTA 1 generator Generator 81 50 0 FTA 1 equipment and supply trailer Truck 88 50 1 FTA Total 91 Notes:

FHWA Construction Noise Handbook, http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/construction_noise/handbook/handbook09.cfm Source: FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, May 2006 Assuming a maximum of two equipment are operating at the same time. Table F-3: Predicted Noise Levels at Different Distances Along the Terrestrial Conduit Route Location

El Segundo El Segundo El Segundo Along El Segundo Along Los Angeles Los Angeles Along Imperial Along Imperial California and Maple California and Maple (Distance 1) (Distance 2) (Distance 1) (Distance 2) (Distance 1) (Distance 2) Operation Trenching Trenching Trenching Trenching Trenching Trenching Construction Impacts at 50 ft (dBA) 92 92 92 92 92 92

Distance to Residence/Receptor (ft) 473 50 50 410 25 600

Construction Impacts at Residence Without 72.6 92.1 92.1 73.8 98.1 70.5 Attenuation From Rows of Buildings (dBA)

Assumed Number of Rows of Buildings 0 0 0 2 0 3 Between Source and Receptor Assumed Reduction Due to Rows of Homes 0 0 0 -6 0 -8 (dBA) Construction Impacts at Residence With 72.6 92.1 92.1 67.8 98.1 63.0 Attenuation From Rows of Buildings (dBA)

Background Noise Level (dBA CNEL) (a) 70 70 64 64 59 59 Assumed Background Hourly Noise Level 70 70 64 64 59 59 (dBA) Background Noise + Project Impact With 74.5 92.2 92.1 69.3 98.1 64.5 Building Attentuation(dBA)

Short term Increase above Baseline (dBA) 5 22 28 5 39 5

Notes: (a) CNEL background noise level based on noise levels from Los Angeles World Airports noise monitors as provided by Dan H. Yueng from Los Angeles World Airports. Assuming hourly noise levels are approximately equivalent to lowest CNEL. (b) When account for shielding associated with homes: -4.5 dba first row of builings, -1.5 for every other row up to a max of 10 db (FTA, 2006) (c) Above conservatively does not account for actual attenuation when noise travels over "soft" surfaces. Instead assumes traveling over "hard" services.

(d) El Segundo distance to residence/receptor is closest distance to residence. Los Angeles distance includes closest distance to residence and closest distanceot any receptor (beach receptors). Table F-4: Predicted Noise Levels at Cable Landing Site Receptor Receptor Beach Users (Distance 1) Beach Users (Distance 2) Highest Construction Impacts at 50 ft (dBA) 91.0 91.0 Distance to Receptor (ft) 50 415 Construction Impacts at Receptor (dBA) 91.0 72.6 Background Noise Level (dBA CNEL) 70 70 Background Noise Level Assumed in Analysis (dBA) 70 70 Background Noise + Project Impact (dBA) 91.0 74.5 Increase above Baseline (dBA) 21 5

Notes: (a) CNEL background noise level based on noise levels from Los Angeles World Airports noise monitors as provided by Dan H. Yueng from Los Angeles World Airports. Assuming hourly noise levels are approximately equivalent to lowest CNEL. (b) Within Los Angeles, impacts are evaluated in more detail for activities that are within 500 feet of noise sensitive receptors. F-5: Predicted Vibration Levels in Terms of PPV (in/sec) PPVref (25ft) PPVequip(D) Lv ref (25ft) Lv (D) Equipment (in/sec) (in/sec) (VdB) (VdB) Vibratory Roller 0.210 0.210 94 94 Bulldozers/Caisson Drilling 0.089 0.089 87 87 Loaded Trucks 0.076 0.076 86 86

Construction Vibration Damage Criteria Building Category PPV (in/sec) Lv (VdB) Reinforced-concrete, steel or timber (no plaster) 0.5 102 Engineered concrete and masonry (no plaster) 0.3 98 Non-engineered timber and masonry buildings 0.2 94 Buildings extremely susceptible to vibratin damage 0.12 90 Source: FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, May 2006