Want to post on GEOList? Read our “How To” here. From: Leila Martini [
[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2016 Good Afternoon, I am interested in finding examples of job descriptions for the following types of titles: Director of Policy Director of Research Program/Project Officer Director of Advocacy Director of Evaluation/Assessment Thank you! Leila Martini, DrPH, MPH, MLS Director of Policy & Research Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg From: Jennifer Lee [
[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Dear Leila, Attached please find job descriptions that match the positions you were interested in finding examples of, as noted in a recent GEO listserv post: • Senior Director of the Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute (The Massachusetts Medicaid Policy Institute, a program of our Foundation’s, is an independent and nonpartisan source of information and analysis about the Massachusetts Medicaid program. Its mission is to promote the development of effective Medicaid policy solutions through research and policy analysis.) • Director of Evaluation and Strategic Initiatives • Senior Program Officer If we can provide additional information, please don’t hesitate to be in touch. Best of luck in your job development efforts! All the best, Jennifer Lee Senior Program Officer Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation From: Kelci Price [
[email protected]] Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 Hi Leila – Here are a set of job descriptions I’ve been collecting related to evaluation positions. Depending on how the organization approaches evaluation, these types of positions may require expertise in research/social sciences, but in many organizations they can lean towards someone with a strategic mindset and skills related to organizational development/learning.