EASD EASD EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF DIABETES ASSOCIATION EUROPEENE POUR L’ETUDE DU DIABETE · EUROPÄISCHE GESELLSCHAFT FÜR DIABETOLOGIE News Section Rheindorfer Weg 3 · D-40591 Düsseldorf · Germany · Tel: +49-211-7 58 46 90 · Fax: +49-211-75 84 69 29 10/2002 E-mail:
[email protected] · Homepage: http://www.easd.org Michael Berger, in memoriam 02.06. 1944–18.08.2002 Balodimos Award, New England Diabetes Associa- tion, Boston, USA (1973); the Ferdinand Bertram Award, German Diabetes Association (1978); the Kellion Award, Australian Diabetes Association (1982); the Arnold Durig Award, Austrian Association for Nu- trition (1982); Louis-Pasteur Medal, ALFEDIAM (1988); the Albert Renold Medal, European Associa- tion for the Study of Diabetes (1980); the 1993 Medal of Honour, Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University, Bulgaria (1993); the Mizuno Award Osaka, Japan (1993); and the Claude Bernard Lecturer of EASD (1995). Michael Berger became honorary member of the following associations: Union de Travailleurs Sci- entifique, Bulgaria (1977); Diabetes Association of Argentina (1984); Diabetes Association of Paraguay (1984); Rumanian Association for Nutrition and Met- Professor Michael Berger, former President of EASD abolic Diseases (1985); Association for Diabetes and and Editor-in-Chief of Diabetologia, died in Düssel- Nutrition of Uruguay (1990); Bulgarian Association dorf on 18 August 2002, following a long and severe for Internal Medicine (1993); Hungarian Diabetes illness which he bore with courage and dignity. Born Association (1994). He was Guest Professor of Inter- in Schmalkalden, Thüringen, Germany on 2 June nal Medicine, University of Benghazi, Libya (1983); 1944, Michael Berger went to medical school from Honorary President, Diabetes Association of Ecuador 1963-1969 at the universities of Würzburg/Germany, (1986) and a Member of the Academy of Medicine of Galway/Ireland and Düsseldorf/Germany and received Romania (1994).