DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION - GENERAL The Douglas Promenade Improvement Works have been developed on the basis of restoring both the prominence and prestige to the Promenade as a 'Place' as opposed to solely a . This approach will once again give Douglas a Promenade worthy of it's status.

Drawing Notes 1. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other planning drawings and submission documentation. 2. All dimensions are in metres (m) unless noted otherwise. 3. All level information provided is based on Ordnance GPS Datum (Douglas 02). 4. LIGHTING - GENERAL INFORMATION: Street Lighting design to be provided by Douglas Borough Council. Lighting to be in accordance with BS 5439 Pt1 (2013): Lighting Class CE1; Environmental Zone E4. DISABLED 5. KERB FACE HEIGHT - GENERAL INFORMATION: Between Victoria Street and Castle Mona Ave Pedestrian Crossings 0 - 6mm (maximum) Stops ( Kerb) 160mm (maximum) All Other Locations 75mm (minimum) 6. SURFACE MATERIAL - GENERAL INFORMATION: Carriageway (mixture of):

DISABLED i. Tarmac; ii. ; iii. Granite composite paving; Footways (mixture of): i. Granite composite paving;

TAXIS ii. Tarmac;

COACHES ONLY COACHES iii. Concrete block paving; Cultural Quarter (mixture of): TAXIS i. Granite paving;

COACHES ONLY COACHES ii. Granite composite paving. Corridor

TAXIS i. Concrete; COACHES ONLY COACHES ii. Tarmac (pedestrian crossings). 7. PARKING BAY DIMENSIONS (minimum)

COACHES ONLY COACHES Villa Marina i. Echelon 4.35m x 2.4m ii. Parallel 5.5m x 2.5m (minimum) iii. Disabled 6.6m x 2.5m (parallel) iv. Motorcycle 3.0m x 1.2m 8. All vehicular and pedestrian visibility requirements to meet

DISABLED the minimum standards recommended in guidance notes 'Manual for Manx ' and 'UK Tram'.

9. Paving pattern highlighted outside the Central Apartments LOADING ONLY Broadway and adjacent to the Villa Marina to be a simialr arrangement to the existing arrangement outside the Central Apartments

(see Drawing P133).

LOADING ONLY Proposed Finishes Key: Mona Castle

Tarmac (Carriageway/Parking)

Tarmac (Footway)

Granite Paving (Footways)

Granite Composite Paving (Footways) Ref. Revision Date By Chk.

The Cavern The

Granite Composite Paving (Footways) Hotel Richmond AMENDMENTS

Granite Composite Paving (Vehicular Crossings) Status The

Granite Composite Paving (Area Allocated for Street Furniture) Compton PLANNING

Granite Composite Paving (Carriageways)

Court Apts Pandora

Granite Composite Paving (Footways) House Corrib

Concrete (Tram Corridor) House Clarence No. 8 No.

Concrete (Tram Corridor) House Clarence infrastructure Esplanade No. 9 No. Esplanade Mews Imprinted Concrete (Carriageway) highway services bun troggalys~shirveishyn raaidey

Granite Composite Paving (Zebra Crossings) Tarmac (Bus Laybys) 2 No. / 1 No.

Flats Highway Services - Design Tactile Paving House Crofton Ellerslie Depot Crosby QUO

Bus Shelter / Tram Shelter Location Isle of Man CUNQUE STABIT JE CER IS Blossms IM4 2HA Isle of Man Government

Belisha Beacon Reiltys Ellan Vannin Howarth Telephone: (01624) 686681

Traffic Light Adelaide

Soft Landscape TL The Esplanade Seafield Client: HIGHWAY SERVICES

Disabled Parking Bay No. 8 No. Location provided for Street Furniture Job Title

No. 9 / No. 10 No. / 9 No. Douglas Promenade Place Marker (Street Furniture) Flats Regeneration Scheme Stone Bench / Planter

Lighting Column SHEET Drawing Title Lighting Column ALLOCATION and General Arrangement LOCATION COLOUR Sheet 4 of 4 REFERENCE

Drawn By P.Barnett Date December 2017

Checked By K.Podmore Scale 1:500

Job Ref Drawing No Rev. 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m 70m 80m HW/3523 P105