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[email protected]). An offprint from GLASS OF THE ROMAN WORLD Hardcover Edition ISBN 978-1-78297-774-2 Digital Edition ISBN 978-1-78297-775-9 Edited by Justine Bayley, Ian Freestone and Caroline Jackson © Oxbow Books 2015 Oxford & Philadelphia Published in the United Kingdom in 2015 by and in the United States by OXBOWBOOKS OXBOWBOOKS 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EW 908 Darny Road, Havertown, PA 19083 in association with THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE HISTORY OF GLASS © Oxbow Books and the individual authors 2015 Hardcover Edition ISBN 978-1-78297-774-2 Digital Edition ISBN 978-1-78297-775-9 A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Glass of the Roman world / edited by Justine Bayley, Ian Freestone, and Caroline Jackson. pages cm Summary: "These 18 papers by renowned international scholars include studies of glass from Europe and the Near East. The authors write on a variety of topics where their work is at the forefront of new approaches to the subject. They both extend and consolidate aspects of our understanding of how glass was produced, traded and used throughout the Empire and the wider world drawing on chronology, typology, patterns of distribution, and other methodologies, including the incorporation of new scientific methods.