CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS IN NEW BRUNSWICK The Algonquin The social centre of Canada's most fashionable seashore St. Andrews, N.B. summer resort. Two golf courses (18 and 9 holes), bathing, yachting, boating, bowling green, deep sea and fresh water fishing, tennis, etc. In summer has through sleeping car service to Montreal. Open Summer months. American plan. McAdam Hotel A commercial and sportsman's hotel at an important junction McAdam, N.B. point. Open all year. American plan. IN The Pines Nova Scotia's premier summer resort. Golf, tennis, swimming in Digby, N.S. a glass-enclosed sea-water pool, sailing,deep sea fishing, motor trips to Annapolis Valley, etc. Open Summer months. American plan. Lakeside Inn Designed in the bungalow style, this new hotel opens June Yarmouth, N.S. 1931 for the summer months. American plan. Corn wall is Inn A commercial and tourist hotel in the leading centre of the Kentville, N.S. Annapolis Valley. Motor rides to beaches and to Grand Pre, in Evangeline's country. Open all year. American plan. The Lord Nelson Operated by the Company. Halifax, N.S. A beautiful new hotel in Nova Scotia's capital, facing the Public Gardens. Suited equally to the requirements of the tourist or of the commercial visitor. Open all year. European plan. IN QUEBEC Chateau Frontenac The social centre of the most historic city in North America. Quebec, Que. Golf, motoring and easily reached fishing are available. Excursions can be made to Montmorency Falls, the shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre, etc. Open all year. European plan. The A charming hotel in Canada's largest city. The Place Viger Montreal, Que. adjoins Place Viger Station and is \yi miles from Windsor Station. Open all year. European plan. IN ONTARIO Royal York Hotel The largest hotel in the British Empire and one of the most Toronto, Ont. palatial in the world. Royal York Hotel Golf Club for guests' convenience. Subway connection with Union Station. Open all year. European plan. ON THE PRAIRIES Royal Alexandra Hotel A popular hotel in the largest city of Western Canada. Open , Man. all year. European plan. At station. A new hotel in the old capital of the Northwest Territory. Regina, Sask. Most central hotel for the prairies. Open all year. European plan. Hotel Palliser A handsome hotel in this prosperous city of Southern Alberta. Calgary, Alta. Open all year. European plan. At station. IN THE ROCKIES A Scottish baronial hotel in the heart of Banff National Park. Banff, Alta. Open Summer months. (Special rates for two weeks and over.) European plan. A wonderful hotel facing an exquisite Alpine Lake. Open Lake Louise, Alta. Summer months. European plan. Emerald Lake Chalet A charming chalet in Yoho National Park. Open Summer near Field, B.C. months. American plan. Hotel Sicamous Junction for the orchard districts of the Okanagan Valley. Sicamous, B.C. Open all year. American plan. ON THE PACIFIC COAST The largest hotel on the north Pacific coast. Open all year. Vancouver, B.C. European plan. Empress Hotel A luxurious hotel in Canada's Evergreen Playground on the Victoria, B.C. Pacific coast. Crystal Garden for swimming and music. Open all year. European plan. MARITIME

LEAMING sands bordering a rugged between the British and the French, the shore line, deep indented bays lead­ tragic story of Evangeline, the courage of G ing back to forest-fringed streams; the United Empire Loyalists and the fertile valleys criss-crossed with orchards or unremembered deeds that are but part lush meadows, and a cool, invigorating and parcel of the story of a land where men breeze tempering the summer's heat—such is go down to the sea in ships. the background of the Maritime playground. Judge a resort area by the accommodation New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince it keeps and the Maritimes can welcome Edward Island—life there passes with a comparison. Not that they have been verve and a swing. One moment an commercialized until it is difficult to see immaculate, laughing group goes past with the scenery for the hotels but where hotels dangling tennis rackets; another follows have been built they have been designed with the impedimenta of the Royal and with a rare appreciation of the settings Ancient Game. In sheltered coves or glass- they adorn. Such hotels include the enclosed pools are happy bathers; a car Algonquin at St. Andrews, the Pines at speeds by with a merry load bent on Digby, the Lakeside Inn at Yarmouth, the exploring the romantic beauty spots of those Cornwallis Inn at Kentville, the Admiral storied Provinces. Serious fishermen get Beatty at Saint John and the Lord Nelson up betimes and seek their favorite stream; at Halifax. in the Fall the sportsman packs a gun. This delightful land is easily reached. For the appeal of the Maritimes is From Montreal the Canadian Pacific wings distinctively an affair of the outdoors. The you east to the Atlantic coast and old Saint artificialities of stuffy city drawing rooms John. A fast, turbine, oil-burning steam­ are at a discount. Bracing, tonic-like air ship, the new Princess Helene, takes you and healthy recreation put a spring in the across the Bay of Fundy to Digby and you most jaded step and flood the most anaemic are at the gates of Nova Scotia, traversed cheek with color. by the Dominion Atlantic Railway. A glance at the map at the end of this booklet And always, impalpable but very real shows the variety of routes available there is that charm of a romantic and historic for tourists from New York, Boston atmosphere, for the Maritimes are redolent and other United States points. They may of the days of the French explorers, the wars come by land or sea—at their pleasure.

One Printed in Canada—1931 mm, mvLwniuMii* it

The Slipway, Saint John military route to Quebec. In 1812 the Historic New Brunswick 104th New Brunswick regiment marched HE history of New Brunswick dates to Quebec in the depth of winter on snow- T from 1534 when Jacques Cartier shoes. The distance of 435 miles was first sighted its shores and landed some­ accomplished in 16 days without the loss where near the present site of Chatham. of a man. In 1837 this feat was repeated But colonization was not attempted until in almost the same time by the 43rd Light nearly a hundred years later when de Infantry. Monts, accompanied by Champlain, estab­ Saint John lished his settlement on an island in the St. Croix river. The vast territory was then OU are not surprised to learn that the and for many years later known as Acadia. Y grey and ancient city of Saint John During the forty years following de is the oldest incorporated town in British Monts' unsuccessful enterprise, the out­ North America. It is also the largest city standing figure in New Brunswick's history in the Province of New Brunswick. Of its was that of Charles de la Tour whose wife so harbor facilities it is justifiably proud. It bravely defended his fort at the mouth of has one of the largest dry docks in the the Saint John river during his absence. world, 1,150 feet long and capable of Then in the 17th century struggles for docking the largest ship afloat. Much of supremacy in this country were frequent the waterfront is reclaimed land and bears between the French and English, "Acadia" little resemblance to that which de la Tour being held first by one and then the other. found in the days when he and Charnisay In 1763 it definitely passed to the British contested for supremacy at the mouth of and, by the time the American Revolution the river Saint John. Nor would the burst upon the continent, there was a Loyalist settlers recognize their "landing considerable representation of English place" although it is now marked with a settlers to welcome the staunch United giant stone. Fire and tide have changed Empire Loyalists when they arrived at the face of old Saint John but at heart it Saint John in 1783. is still a City of the Sea. • The Napoleonic wars and that of 1812 Saint John had the world's first steam retarded the progress of the province and fog whistle. It was erected on Partridge harassed its shipping. In those days the Island, called by Champlain "The Isle of Saint John river (named by Champlain Pheasants"—one of the numerous suburban because it was on St. John's day that he residences of Glooscap, the mythical first saw it) played an important part as a Micmac hero.

Two *!*% UjLWJtlHftfJM;

The Reversing Falls, Saint John

The Airport Beautiful Squares F Saint John is proud of its harbor Saint John is justly proud of its half- I facilities, it is no less proud of its airport. dozen open spaces called squares, not parks. Second to none in Eastern Canada, it is They were provided for when Paul Bedell ideally located within the city limits, safe laid out the city in 1784. King Square and easy of approach and equipped with a is one of the loveliest of these. It lies in the sweeping, sheltered water area close by for heart of the city and close by is the old seaplanes. There are two runaways, one Loyalist Burying Ground where you can 1,500 feet and the other approximately sit surrounded by the ancient tombstones, 3,000 feet. by the fragrance of the flowers, listening to the soft melody of gentle fountains and A Romantic Background the murmur of pigeons. ALF the charm of Saint John will be Behind you rises The Admiral Beatty, H lost to the visitor who does not revive the newest and finest of Saint John's several its romantic, historical background. The story hotels. In front stands the building once of Madame de la Tour, for example, is but called Waverley, formerly headquarters of one of the romances which intensify the the Governor when he visited the city. appeal of the city in which her body lies Beyond is the Royal—the Mallard of other in an unidentified grave. An appreciation days—where the first provincial election of the events prior to the construction of was held in 1785 and in which the first Fort Howe makes climbing to the scarred Parliament opened, a year later. In the eminence where its ruins moulder very much Mallard, too, was staged the first dramatic more worth while. High above the city, performance in Saint John. you look down upon the magnificent harbor strewn with swinging ships. In sunlight Trinity Church the panorama is superb but in thin fog, when grey ghosts of vessels move stealthily N Trinity Church, whose melodious to the clamor of bells and hoarse-voiced I chimes (which are a memorial to the horns, when their green lights quiver and Loyalist founders) mark every quarter hour, their red ones look like a faint blush in the the visitor will find a coat-of-arms taken mist, the sheer beauty of the scene is from the walls of the Boston Council beyond words. Chamber by Judge Edward Winslow. The


Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton

possession of this relic had been hotly and pushes and triumphs, squeezing in contested but, as it belonged to Boston by between those tortured rocks, and, for a virtue of that city's allegiance to the British distance, actually running "uphill." A Crown, and as this relationship was severed splendid view of this freakish performance in the American Revolution, the Loyalist may be obtained from the general traffic emigrants argued that its rightful place bridge'—the longest spandrel steel bridge was beside the Union Jack, and so in in the world. Trinity Church it hangs. The "Old Stone Church" was consecrated more than a hundred years ago. Its building material So much To see was imported from England, and dis­ OT much space to mention other tinguished it from the usual frame structures N attractions! We've not mentioned in Saint John. Here was the Governor's Rockwood Park, 512 acres in area, with carved pew, conspicuous with its Royal lovely public gardens adjoining. We've not Arms. In this church also, may be seen touched on Cobbett's Well nor the Martello the colors of the 3rd New Brunswick Tower; neither have we searched, as so Brigade, Canadian Artillery, founded in many others have done, for the resting 1793, the second oldest artillery militia place of Governor Villebon. We have not unit outside the British Isles. A peculiar referred to Benedict Arnold, who lived in interest attaches to the Roman Catholic Saint John and probably found the climate Cathedral in that the novelist Israel a trifle warm even before his body was Zangwill's book, "The Master," identifies burned in effigy. Then there's the fine its hero with Saint John and puts him to Natural History Museum, housing amongst work in this very building. "ther treasures the famous Utopian Medal­ lion, yellowed maps, rare Indian relics and "The Reversing Falls" are one of the most fascinating models of ancient ships vivid memories you will carry from the city. Two visits (one at high tide and one at low) should be made to the 450-foot gorge The Golf Clubs through which the river must pass in order to reach the harbor. When the tide is out, DRIVE either to the Westfield or occasioning a drop of some twenty-six A Riverside Golf Clubs is very well worth feet, an incredible volume of water rushes while. En route to the former, a natural down. But six hours later Fundy thrusts tunnel, six miles long and roofed with back the advance of the river—thrusts trees, will engulf you—a sight you will HHtiflttft MM

Tennis at the Algonquin, St. Andrews

never forget. The Riverside Club overlooks the beautiful Kennebecasis River, on whose St. Andrews shores Rothesay, a charming summer colony TNTRODUCING St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, is situated. Fifteen miles along this road from A the most resplendent of Eastern Canada's Saint John brings you to Gondola Point. summer resorts, is like extolling to an Loch Lomond is another favorite objective, audience a world-famous person. Historians taking you into a district of continuous know it, artists adore it, golfers and sports­ lakes ten miles in extent. men delight in it, and mere luxury-loving pleasure-seekers accept it with long-drawn sighs of satisfaction. In proportion to its Fredericton size and population, St. Andrews contains UT the most impressive trip is that up more magnificent homes and attracts more B the Saint John River to New Brunswick's prominent people than any other resort in capital, lovely tree-bowered Fredericton, Canada. formerly St. Ann's Point, and the centre The serene and smiling little town slips of rather heated controversy when Governor down between the St. Croix River and Pas- Carleton chose it for the Capital. Members samaquoddy Bay, a stone's throw from the of Parliament had to drive over the frozen coast of Maine. It is linked with Saint river to attend sessions. In 1792 the House John, Montreal, Portland and Boston by gave practical thought to educational the . At one matters, and voted £100 in support of a and the same time, it is easily accessible Provincial Seminary—the present Univer­ and happily remote. sity of New Brunswick. Fredericton is a popular base for hunting The Algonquin Hotel and fishing expeditions. An ideal way of HROUGH somewhat formal driveways, reaching it is by one of the river boats Tmargined with superb and radiant bloom, from Saint John. Small craft can penetrate your car swings up to the Algonquin Hotel even farther, to Grand Falls. In autumn —a building the architecture of which will this latter trip is truly memorable. It be appreciated by even the most insensi­ presents a spectacle of scenic grandeur tive person. The hotel is, of course, a that is almost unrivalled; a pageantry of fireproof building—concrete and stucco— nature that no artifice can equal. Many and has adequate garage accommodation. visitors go up by boat and return by train— A pleasant touch of antiquity is achieved by or vice-versa. the cultivation of creeping vines and flowers. Five *m mmiwm mm wz*


Bathing at Katie's Cove, St. Andrews Nearly every one of its 250 rooms commands fresh-cut flowers. The design is changed a glorious view of the bay which washes daily—also the color scheme. Surmounting St. Andrews on three sides. No attempt is this stand great platters of blushing lobster, made at ostentation, but the furnishing of pale and aristocratic chicken in aspic, the Algonquin reflects that taste and sumptuously browned capons, a bewildering simplicity whose outward result is pleasure array of salads wearing their hearts-of- to the eye and comfort to the physical lettuce on their sleeves. Like children in a frame. sweet shop, guests crowd about the table, Flowers in rich profusion form a decora­ shamelessly pointing and exclaiming, "I'll tive note no less inside than out t he lounge, have some of this, and a bit of that, and where French windows frame a glowing you might just let me taste a morsel of the picture of colorful beauty, the music, other, too!" card and dining rooms, flaunting great The Casino masses of bloom. VERY afternoon, and three evenings each Afternoon tea is one of the most popular E week as well, a musicale of high order institutions sponsored by the hotel. Served is given by an excellent quartette orchestra. on a beautiful verandah overlooking the On alternate evenings a 9-piece orchestra putting and bowling greens, surrounded by produces in the Casino the peppiest jazz hedges of balsam and sweet peas, and off that restless feet could desire. On the in the distance Passamaquoddy Bay (which remaining nights, the Algonquin manage­ could mean nothing save "smiling waters") ment offers, also in the Casino theatre, —well, this is afternoon tea at the Al­ motion pictures. gonquin ! Tennis courts, bowling greens and putting Said Dr. Johnson, "The man who takes greens are kept in perfect condition. no interest in his stomach will be interested Bathing ? Of course! The repentant ghost of in nothing else"—a comforting pronounce­ Katie Mcintosh calls you to her cove, ment for those who do not feel that emphasis which today is thronged with amphibians. upon gastronomic enjoyment is vulgar. To obviate tidal variation, a dam has been Also it removes any hesitation we might constructed across the mouth of the cove have felt in speaking of the Cold Meat and this ensures a safe and even water level. Table. As a combination of art and utility, Annual aquatic sports are held and hand­ it has no equal. Picture a long table whose some trophies for successful contestants cloth is composed entirely of fresh-cut ferns are ranged in the Algonquin lobby beside and whose pattern is woven therein with cups for golf and tennis tournaments.

Six iwmtwm mm MW

Golf at St. Andrews Two Golf Courses Magnificent Estates OLF is, perhaps, the most popular UMMER residents of St. Andrews are G diversion, and with reason, for the two S amazingly hospitable in allowing visitors courses—one 18 holes and one 9—are the privilege of viewing their estates. One numbered amongst the outstanding links of the handsomest lies on Minister's Island in Canada. Feature holes—tricky spots— (so called because the first clergyman, the are "Cedar Lane," "Joe's Point" and "the Rev. Andrews, lived there), and is the home Grove." Watch 'em! The par going out is of Lady Van Home. Part of each day the 36 and everything must break right to get island is joined to the mainland by a narrow it. And coming in ? Well, you won't forget strip of shining pebble-encrusted sand; but the 10th, 15th or 16th holes. six hours later twenty feet of water cover the tracks made by your motor. The Baroness Shaughnessy and the present The Churches Lord Shaughnessy have beautiful homes near the hotel. Show places, also, are the HE churches of St. Andrews tell many homes of Mrs. Hayter Reed, Mr. Home Tan interesting story. The English Church Russell, the well-known artist, Mr. Norman was the first and for several years the only Wilson and Sir Thomas Tait. house of worship in the town. Then Excellent highways and glorious scenery appeared the doughty Captain Scott, whose invite you to walk, ride or motor in every hope of salvation lay solely through Presby­ direction. The trip to St. Stephen leads terian pastures green. In a fit of noble rage by the turquoise waters of the St. Croix he swore to complete the half-finished kirk, River. Up this river, three hundred years sending his ships to the tropics for mahogany ago and more, de Monts conducted his and his men into the woods for maple, motley assemblage of "gentlemen, artisans and constructing therefrom a wondrously and vagabonds," and, finding at the conflu­ beautiful pulpit. An immense oak tree ence of Oak Bay and the Waweig River carved on the tower tells all and sundry some resemblance to a Latin cross, gave that Greenock Church was finished in 1862. it this name. On Isle St. Croix, which can The Roman Catholic Church is especially be seen from the road, his hopes of coloniza­ notable for the exquisite altar-rail—Baroness tion literally lie buried. For scurvy came Shaughnessy's memorial to her husband, and de Monts sailed away to make another Lord Shaughnessy, for many years President and more successful attempt on the shores of the Canadian Pacific Railway. of Port Royal, in Nova Scotia.

Seven giaM wmmwamiiit

McAdam Hotel, McAdam

EW Brunswick is roughly a square in in northern Maine and Quebec, flows a N shape with the Height-of-Land cutting distance of 450 miles before emptying into diagonally across. The principal sporting the Bay of Fundy. Besides numerous other regions are the South-West Miramichi, large rivers and streams, there are countless Tobique, Nepisiguit, Salmon River, Mada- lakes of unsurpassed beauty, whose eternal waska, Shogomoc, and Magaguadavic. All stillness is seldom broken except for the of these can be reached from McAdam, leap of the trout, the crack of the rifle, the Fredericton or Saint John, the entry points hoot of the owl, or the plunging stride of being as a rule conveniently situated on the wading moose. railway lines radiating from those centres. Year by year McAdam is becoming more The moose, the largest game animal of this favorably known as a stopping off place continent, can be hunted here to good or centre from which vast areas of the advantage. These animals have increased finest sporting country can be reached. in number in recent years until today A cosy little hotel is operated there by the there are many of them roaming freely in Canadian Pacific. the woods of the province. Deer are plentiful New Brunswick is one of the foremost sporting regions of this continent. Of its 17 million odd acres of land, at least 9 million are woodland and good hunting grounds, and, what is even more re­ markable, a vast game pre­ serve. The enactment and enforcement of wise game laws have resulted in big game in New Brunswick increasing rather than diminishing in numbers. Few countries in the world are so well watered. The Saint John River, originating

Eight n immcmt* urn

Anywhere in New Brunswic\

and there is a fair chance for bear. Two lakes and streams back from the settle­ methods of moose hunting are followed— ments. Sea-trout fishing can be obtained "calling" and "still hunting." in the Miramichi during the latter part of May and June. Fishing OME of the large rivers of New Bruns­ Canoe Trips S wick are famed for their salmon fishing, OST of the best fishing is obtained, of and so far as this royal sport is concerned M course, on canoeing trips. One may have few superiors in the world. While travel by canoe through the most primitive the greater part of the salmon waters are sections of New Brunswick; there are hun­ leased by clubs or individuals, in certain dreds of lakes where a quiet week or month sections some pools are open to the public can be profitably spent. The Tobique- on payment of a rod license; and many Nepisiguit River trip is considered the of the guides control rights on the waters equal of any in North America; that down to which they take sportsmen. the Cains River is another fine one. Canoe­ Trout are plentiful, especially in the ing, of course, connotes camping. New Brunswick has a large, and efficient corps of regis­ tered guides—competent, wil­ ]gSSSSBBSB3BitSi ling fellows, woodsmen to the manner born. They are pract­ ically all white men. Every guide who operates on his own account has exclusive territory on which he has expended money and labor and equipped comfortable log camps, swamped out trails, etc. For full information write General Tourist Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, MS^mmBssssmss&E* »sss Montreal. Nine 0i m m r«m

The Canadian Pacific "Princess Helene' The Dominion Atlantic Railway serves Nova Scotia the beautiful western coast, running from HE Province of Nova Scotia is one of Yarmouth through the widely-famed Anna­ Tthe finest natural playgrounds on the polis Valley, past the historic land of North American continent. Its peerless Evangeline, and then turning across the summer climate, its historical background, province to Halifax. At Windsor, N.S., its unspoiled scenic loveliness, the diversity the main Dominion Atlantic Railway line of its attractions and the comfort and inex- branches to Truro, N.S., where connections pensiveness of its many resorts make holi­ may be made for Eastern Nova Scotia daying there a delightful experience that points, including the Bras d'Or lake resorts, will be eagerly repeated. Cape Breton Island. The province, lying from three to six degrees nearer the Equator than the most Quaint Villages southerly point in Great Britain, and often OVA SCOTIA'S shores are counted the called the "Atlantic Wharf of Canada" is N most productive lobster region in the connected by an isthmus with New Bruns­ world, and cod, haddock, halibut.swordfish, wick. It is easily accessible by both land "horse mackerel," tuna, herring and other and sea. From Boston, and New York toothsome sea-food are taken in great quan­ during the summer, a steamship service tities from her waters. Up on the table-land, runs to Yarmouth, at the southern extrem­ sequestered lakes of inky blackness attract ity, and from Saint John, a Canadian moose, caribou and deer, not to mention Pacific steamer crosses daily (except Sun­ smaller game such as hare, ruffed grouse, day) to Digby. geese and ducks. For trout fishing, these lakes are peerless. Numbered among the natural resources Princess Helene justly belong a score of quaint fishing vil­ This Canadian Pacific steamer is the new lages, particularly those bordering the turbinurbine oil-burner, ththee "Princess Helene", Annapolis Valley and Minas Basin. Here built especially for Bay ofi Fundunay service. the traveller is welcomed with an old- Of 4000 tons gross register, she has 44 fashioned hospitality from which commer­ staterooms for night occupancy and carries cialism is refreshingly absent. 500 passengers. There is accommodation, too, for 59 automobiles. The journey across They called it "Arcadia" the Bay is made in roughly 3 hours and N 1524 Verrazano, describing his voyage prprovideo s a pleasing interlude in the rail I along the American coast, spoke of a shore journeyinnrnpv . "which we baptized Arcadia on account of Ten m, m m

View from the Veranda of the Pines Hotel, Digbv the beauty of the trees." This shore was nets, the floats of which look like the to the south of what later was called vertebrae of ancient sea-beasts riding gently Acadia, but the name became transferred on the deep. on the maps to what is now the Canadian On the right rises Partridge Island, the Atlantic coast. quarantine station. Once past that and French colonization dates from the estab­ the black and shiny porpoises, Fundy lishment of Port Royal in 1605. A tablet glitters and shimmers far ahead, where the marking "Champlain's Habitation" may be North and South mountain ranges swerve seen opposite Annapolis Royal in Lower from the land and try to clasp hands across Granville. In 1622 James I granted Acadia the sea. They fail by half a mile, their to Sir William Alexander, who felt that trappean cliffs forming "Tee-wee-den," because there was a New Spain, New the "Little Hole" of the Micmacs—other­ England, and New France, there should be wise Digby Gap, or locally, Digby Gut, a New Scotland: hence, "Nova Scotia." through which Fundy's tides pour their The 300th anniversary of the landing of green and silver floods for forty miles Alexander and his party in 1629 was cele­ into the Annapolis Valley. Point Prim brated at Annapolis Royal in July of Light sentinels the bare brown rocks on 1929. It was not until 1710, however, that the right, but you scarce notice it at the the district came permanently under British time. Your eyes are held by the white rule. gleam of the Pines Hotel and the extra­ The Saint John-Digby steamer connects ordinary expanse of red mud that creeps with an excellent through service from out from what should be the shore. Montreal. Arrival at Saint John is made early in the morning and an appetizing Digby Cherries breakfast is served on board the "Princess HE famous Fundy tide being out, you Helene" immediately after sailing. Tslip in below the normal level of the dock and climb to the wharf above. Almost The Bay of Fundy before you have recovered your breath, a OW you are in the Bay of Fundy— small boy accosts you. "Cherries, lady ?" N "fond de la baie" of the early French— Forgotten is your luggage. These great a much misunderstood body of water. black, velvetty balls drive everything else It has its calm and gracious moods. Smooth from your mind. Of course, you buy a it lies, scarcely breathing, while you pick box—every one else does—and shamelessly a careful way between brown-sailed boats cram cherries into your mouth while being and a little fleet of fishermen setting their found by The Pines porter.


!*i «r#^

The Pines, showing the Swimming Pool The New Pines at Digby Lots To Do All the Time TNDISPUTABLY the New Pines Hotel at HE swimming pool, with salt water J. Digby is Nova Scotia's premier summer T pumped in every day, tennis courts, resort. The hotel, with its surrounding log bowling alleys and a billiard room provide cabins, occupies the centre of a 16-acre part of the amusement programme. An tract of resinous pine and hardwood, a excellent nine-hole golf course lies within few minutes drive from the wharf and over­ walking distance of the hotel. In addition looking the fifty square miles of water known there is the superb new 18-hole golf course as Digby Basin. High above its roof, at built in connection with the Pines. To the the rear, rises Beeman's Mount, a hike dancing pavilion, The Pines five-piece over which will satisfy the most ardent orchestra repairs four nights a week and Alpine climber. The location of The New on Sunday evenings the public is invited Pines is particularly interesting because for community singing. it was once part of the land granted to Digby's first clergyman, the Rev. Robert Motor-bus and motor-boat trips are made Viets, whose descendants are still numbered daily to points within a radius of 35 miles. amongst the residents of the town. Those to Bear River, Smith's Cove and The New Pines is owned and operated by Annapolis Royal are especially popular. the Canadian Pacific—so successfully, in­ Point Prim offers a delightful objective for deed, that 75% of its patrons are those who a sail. Your little boat rides at anchor below signed the register at its opening. The the hotel in The Raquette (meaning hotel has been designed to meet the exacting wishes of a discriminating clientele and it is probably "Indian Shield"). It's like a very what it was intended to be, a modern hotel tiny cockleshell in the wide waters of the with every modern convenience—in the Basin. Shoreward, the long nose of the main house and bungalow accommodations, Government Pier thrusts its length beyond and facilities for recreation. the stubbier docks, where shimmering The rooms are all outside, many of them pyramids of fish await shipment. Back on en suite with private baths. Accommoda­ the land, "flakes" proclaim that hundreds tion in the cabins, many of which are newly of hake, haddock, and halibut are drying. built, is eagerly sought. They are construct­ Of course, there are herring, too—the small ed with one to three bedrooms, a living ones known the world over as "Digby room (and fire place) bath, electric light and Chickens" and the larger ones as "Yarmouth spacious verandah. Bloaters." Fourteen gf.lHfu

Lord Nelson Halifax Two Interesting Points Halifax ULLODEN Cove and Point Prim will LONG step to Halifax, Nova Scotia's G repay a visit. The former, with the A capital and largest city, is now recom­ Bay of Fundy House peeping out, is an mended. The most interesting spots can ideal picnic ground. The latter with its be picked up on the return. You are Light is a picturesque haven amidst rocky desolation known not only to mariners but travelling on the "Bluenose" or the "New to astronomers from the fact that a former Yorker"—the fast trains of the Dominion keeper, William Ellis, discovered the comet Atlantic Railway, and everything reminds which bears his name. you of Evangeline—the menu, the ginger ale, the wrappers containing soap. Also, Smith's Cove > ou are reminded of the great pioneers who played their heroic role in the dim dawn of FEW minutes travel on the Dominion the Dominion's early settlements; for each A Atlantic takes you from Digby to Im­ bertville, the railway point for the delightful locomotive bears the name of one such log-cabin colony at Smith's Cove. Here figure—de Monts, Poutrincourt, Champlain there is a wonderful bathing beach on which and a dozen more. Indian relics may still be found. It is the • largest individual colony in the province Arrived at Halifax, even the short drive and provides amazing pleasure and comfort from station to hotel will impress you with at small expense. the picturesque harmony of ancient and modern buildings. The Cornwallis settlers Bear River landed here in 1749 and began immediately ALF of fascinating Bear River lies in to erect log houses and build wharves. H Annapolis County and half in Digby The Citadel, the only one of Halifax's many County. An interesting landmark is the forts open to visitors, rises 271 feet above old hotel—a ghost-grey building from whose the town and overlooks one of the finest drooping verandah Joe Howe often har­ harbors in the world. It also looks down angued his electors. The walls are entirely upon the old Clock Tower, built about 1794 covered with oil paintings said to be the when the Duke of Kent commanded the work of a remittance man whose anti- Halifax forces. From the Citadel, guns are prohibition tendencies left him always in the landlord's debt. The annual cherry car­ fired at noon and half-past nine. Here, too, nival at Bear River, held in the middle the time-ball gives its signal to mariners of July, is a riotously gay affair. at sea. Fifteen fit w m

The N

Evangeline Beach, Grand Pre

Windsor Wolfville ORTY-SEVEN miles west of Halifax lies HE trip to Grand Pre and Evangeline's FWindsor, one of the terminals of the first T Memorial Park is made most convenient­ railway of Nova Scotia. Established there ly from Wolfville, a lovely, leafy town where for many years was King's College, the the dome of Acadia University gleams oldest colonial university in the British alabaster white between the trees, like a bit Empire, but within recent years it has of the Taj Mahal. The first apple orchard been moved to Halifax. Windsor was the in King's County was planted here and is home of Judge Thomas C. Haliburton— still doing business. The planter, who was "Sam Slick"—one of this continent's also the first apple shipper, lived to see the earliest humorous writers. fruit of his labors. Wolfville is a village of Another interesting landmark is Fort cool crisp lawns, warmed by flowers; it is hemmed by miles of reclaimed land upon Edward, built when Acadia came under which amazing crops are grown, and towards British rule, to control the entire Minas those barriers of dykes the tide creeps with Basin. Here plans were matured for the jealous and progressive stealth. Sentinels Acadian Expulsion. patrol the dykes in spring, signalling with Fundy performs in this vicinity its most fires that look like glowing sparks against spectacular feats, not only rising to an the immensity of dark. almost incredible height, but gathering itself into quite an impressive "bore." It is most interesting to watch the vessels The Gaspereau Valley sprawling at low tide like drunken sea- monsters over the undulating mud flats, UT in the meadows curious little then straighten up, stand erect, and swing O wooden tables dot the landscape. On out on the Avon's brick-red waters, as high these, marsh hay is piled to dry. It cannot tide carries them to sea. A thriving manu­ be left on the ground, for the tide would facturing centre is Windsor and in the sweep it out to sea. Much of it' must be surrounding country sheep-raising is profit­ cut at night by "moon mowers," whose ably carried on. scythes cut rhythmic silver circles under Between Avonport and Horton Landing Nature's pale lamp, for then the hay is wet a great black iron cross marks the spot from and submissive to the blade. You must see which the Acadians embarked on their sad the Gaspereau Valley, approached through pilgrimage to lands unknown. Deep Hollow Drive, and you must fish in

Seventeen zmmmmixmiMm

Evangeline Statue and Memorial Church, Grand Pre the Gaspereau River, in whose brackish heart, found him after years of searching pools great fat salmon hide. And by all only to surrender him to Death. means walk to the stile at evening and try The ancient Acadian village, which to count the farms and orchards that Colonel Winslow and his New Englanders crisscross the sun-drenched hills. In that depopulated so effectively in that eventful country horses—not cows—wear bells. autumn of 1755, is supposed to have Drive to Cape Blomidon, pushing its extended in a long, thin line from about purple bulk far out to sea and snaring on where the Grand Pre station now stands to its purple head any clouds that come its somewhere near the next station of Horton way. To do so, you must pass the Look-off, Landing. Immediately opposite the en­ hanging, like Mahomet's coffin, mid-way trance of the Park stands a cross constructed between earth and sky. A good deal of the from the foundation stone of the original Nova Scotian world lies below—four church, and marking the graveyard. A few counties, including Minas Basin, Evange­ paces beyond is "Evangeline's Well." line's Beach, beautiful Cornwallis Valley, Nothing remains of the priest's garden save and three thousand acres of meadowland, a row of whispering willows—trees which an eternal monument to the patience and throughout the entire country stand as a industry of the Acadians. monument to the French who planted them. Grand Pre The Memorial Chapel (St. Charles) is a stone replica of the old frame building and RAND PRE—"The Great Meadow"— was built by voluntary subscriptions from G was the birthplace of Canada's wartime Acadians scattered all over the continent. premier, Sir Robert Borden, and in the It contains Acadian relics and a beautiful graveyard of the old Covenanter Church copy of Murillo's Madona in Carrara many distinguished members of his family marble. lie in their long sleep. Proceeding down the hillside and under a Norman arch, you pass The Evangeline Statue into Evangeline's Memorial Park—into EBERT'S remarkable bronze idealiza­ Acadia! Yes, and into Normandy itself! H tion of Evangeline stands a few feet A gentle melancholy enfolds you. Voices from the chapel and deserves more than pass­ are hushed as the guide reviews the sorrow­ ing mention. Begun by Philippe Hebert, ful story of Longfellow's "Evangeline," the R.C.A., finished by his son Henri, the beloved Acadian heroine who, expelled from lifeless metal gives an impression of breath­ her country and separated from her sweet­ ing beauty.

Eighteen mm smmxtm- nm

The new Cornwallis Inn, Kentville

Cape Split rises, a gaunt obelisk of black Parrsboro against a saffron sky, and near at hand ARRSBORO lies at the end of a two-hour clusters of summer cottages and swarms of Pdelight (which ordinary people call a youngsters on the beach announce your sail) across the Minas Basin. When the tide arrival to Parrsboro. has climbed fifty-odd feet up the Wolfville wharf, get quickly aboard the "Kipawo," Strange Sights whose captain wastes not the fraction of a second in port. He knows there is many a F strange sights interest you, drive past glorious mile to travel before a red-brown I the Ottawa House to East Bay, whose wash of sea rushes away from the far barren shore is shadowed by immense cliffs, shore, indifferent to the craft (as large as in the clearly-defined strata of which the ocean-going vessels) crying for water high romance of the earth is written. High up on the land. above the tide, foot-prints in stone testify to the presence of pre-historic beasts as well as to a vastly different land formation. Blomidon This place is for geologists a veritable UT in the blue, landlocked Basin, you paradise. O really see Cape Blomidon—"Blow-me- Kentville down," originally, because of the stiff, determined wind that swirls around its T Kentville you will be received with stern old crest. You can almost see the A delightful hospitality and wrapped violet quartz or amethyst, still found, about with exceeding comfort (and very lit­ despite the inroads made upon its masses, tle expense) at the new modern, fireproof on the beach. Tradition tells us that Cornwallis Inn—a Canadian Pacific Hotel. crystal and amethyst from this spot found Built in Tudoresque style, the hostelry has their way into the crown of a departed every convenience for the summer visitor queen. Why not ? or the commercial man. One hundred bed­ Glooscap, the wonder-working Micmac rooms, ten sample rooms, a spacious dining hero—unfortunately mythical—lived on room with a terrace overlooking the garden, Blomidon, and was much annoyed by the fine public lounges, a billard and card Great Beaver, his tribal enemy, at whom he room are at the disposal of the visitor. would occasionally hurl great chunks of At Kentville, too are the head office of the stone. The Five Islands resulted from some Dominion Atlantic Railway and an Experi­ such state of irritability. Farther out to sea, mental Farm. Not far from the town a row Nineteen mmmmmmmmmm

Fort Anne, Annapolis Ro^al

of ancient stables tells of coaching days, Here, Canada's first grist-mill was built, when Kentville was one of the busiest relay agricultural pioneers reaped the first points on the post-road between Halifax harvest of cereals and roots taken from the and Yarmouth. The Ken-wo Golf Links New World soil, the first ships were con­ is a smart nine-hole course whose support structed, the first Indian—Chief Member- is shared by Kentville and Wolfville; tou—was converted to Christianity, and and Grand Pre, the Gaspereau Valley, the first dramatic performance was staged. Canning, Kingsport, Scot's Bay, Blomidon Here, too, Champlain instituted his "Order and other points of interest are within of Good Cheer," an organization that played easy motoring distance. A delightful walk no small part in keeping courage in his takes you to the top of Cape Split, dividing men's hearts during those soul-testing the Bay of Fundy from Minas Basin. days. Annapolis Royal Fort Anne HE lover of history will find keen enjoy­ FTER the demolition of de Monts' fort, Tment in Annapolis Royal, the first per­ A a second was destroyed. Then the third manent European settlement, after St. Au­ fortification erected during French occupa­ gustine, Florida, on the continent of North tion—the present Fort Anne at Annapolis America. At Port Royal, afterwards Anna­ Royal—was built. Fort Anne is a relic of polis, close by the site of the present Fort great historical importance not only to Anne, de Monts and his associates, includ­ Canadians but to descendants of the early ing Poutrincourt and Champlain, estab­ colonists along the Atlantic Coast. It is a lished their colony. This was in 1605 and for wonderland of priceless curios, including one hundred and fifty years the little maps, charts, tablets, war-implements, settlement was the scene of part of the paintings, books and the great fortress key long and bitter struggle between French —the last, delivered by the French into and English for possession of the New British hands and carried to Boston, where World. From its founding until 1710 when it lay for 212 years before finding its it passed into the hands of the English, its way home. The Fort contains, too, an exact story is an endless succession of captures, replica of an Acadian room. Surrounding recaptures, and changing masters; and the building are twenty-seven acres of even for forty years after 1710 it was in an ground. They form one of Canada's almost continuous state of siege. The fort National Parks. is still in good repair. Many visitors imagine that having seen

Twenty •BHNMg II

The new Lakeside Inn, Yarmouth

the Fort they have absorbed all the interest of the place. But visit the Memorial Town Yarmouth Hall then stop at the corner between JUMP to Nova Scotia's southwest the old cemetery and the Court House and A corner, through Digby again is now examine a willow stump (once the whipping suggested. Yarmouth lies 240 statute miles tree) where many a man has felt the lash from Boston and is the usual starting point of discipline on his naked back. Go to for tourists from the Eastern United States. Devil's Rock on the Allain Road; drive to She is a busy clearing station for both pas­ Wishing Rock, once a signal point used by sengers and freight, her wharves hum with both French and British, and test its magic. activity, and whistles cough hoarsely. For, having made a wish at its base, it is Norse explorers visited Yarmouth centuries only necessary for you to achieve the top before Columbus wheedled Queen Isabella without stumbling to know that your wish out of her Crown jewels. The Runic Stone, will come true. And if that wish concerns housed in the Library, says so! Hedges the perennial mirage—Captain Kidd's elu­ rise eighteen feet high, gardens blazing sive treasure—go to Goat Island, where behind them. Drives radiate in every tradition says it really is buried. Only direction. recently another search was made for it. Serving this important port of call of Near the Fort stands St. Luke's Anglican the Eastern Steamship Company is the Church, containing a magnificent Book new Lakeside Inn, a Canaaian Pacific of Common Prayer, bound in red-tooled hotel. It is commandingly situated about a morocco and embellished with gold and mile from Yarmouth near the main highway precious stones. It was the gift of King to Digby, but is separated from the highway George IV. The Library of St. Thomas' by a pleasant lake. A bridge provides the Roman Catholic Church contains the Missal approach to the hotel. The Inn is used in the Mass said for the Acadians designed in the bungalow style and has just before their expulsion. spacious public rooms, including a sun Hillsdale House, a charming old residence, room in the Spanish style. (Opening date has been converted into a modern summer June 1931). hotel, where antiques, rare and beautiful, From Yarmouth, take your ticket to form the furnishing—a Napoleonic sofa, Little Brook, which consists of a small Hancock desk, Duncan Pfyffe tables, station, a sobbing motor, and the post­ Wedgewood, Staffordshire and pewter—all man's ancient democrat. The latter bears these are in every-day use. The register you groggily past sweet-smelling fields, shows that the present King was a guest where women stand high in ox-drawn hay- there as a midshipman in 1884. carts, to the edge of St. Mary's Bay.

Twentyone r/ASHllHMS; MM MM

^f^ Gathering Kelp The French Shore enjoy the procession on Acadian Day, August 15th, when the entire district OLLOWING the shore in an unbroken marches to Mass at Church Point. Nor F line, a succession of French villages joins will you quiver with ecstasy at the sunset, hands. Their inhabitants are descended when a flaming mass of splendor dips down from the exiled Acadians who, after years of behind Digby Neck with an actual sizzle banishment in the south, were permitted and leaves the sky and Bay a perfectly to return to Canada. They settled here, in impossible magenta. You won't even appreci­ County Clare. Comeauville is perhaps the ate the long luminous nights when your slum­ most interesting village. Its "hotel" (God ber is soothed by the song of the restless sea. bless the naivete) is 135 years old. Its management has never strayed outside You won't think it funny that everyone the family of the original grantees, and who can muster a few faltering English save for a coat of paint it has never been words cries to the heedless oxen "Op-pa- insulted by a rejuvenating touch. The law" (hop along—and to oxen, mark you), furnishing is quaintly simple, including or demand with cordial interest, "Is it hot George Ill's deed for land, the yearly in Boston ?" Patently, everywhere that is rental of which was one farthing per year! not Comeauville is Boston. No, if you You mark your stay by autographing a don't like this sort of thing, stay right on common clothes-pin and mounting it upon the train until you get to Weymouth. a wire frame obviously designed to uphold a flock of photographs. The stove, remem­ Weymouth bered in connection with the most delectable steamed clams, is sixty years old, the brick EYMOUTH is a place utterly lacking oven claims a life nearly three times as long, Win marshlands. On the outskirts of the and guests may sleep in engulfing feather beds. town there is a splendid Boy's Camp, "Alder- cliff. '' supervised by men from some of the lead­ Returned Exiles ing U.S. universities. Also, there is Bay View Farm, an ideal summer resort in an ideal F you are bored by doing nothing in par­ location. The town supports a theatre I ticular—sitting in a boat while a gnarled that might well be envied by places treble Acadian sets his nets, helping (?) mow the its size, and visitors are always interested fragrant hay, or watching the unerring in the English Church and its memorial to shuttle thrown by an ancient at an old James Moody, a British soldier, who escaped hand-loom—don't on any account stop at from Washington's army and settled here, Comeauville. Probably you won't even where his descendants still reside.

Twenty' two HUH!KMEEEI w mm

Good Fishing on every Stream

OVA SCOTIA is one of the last remain­ Some Famous Resorts Ning of the unspoiled first-class sporting countries. Her woods are still a real O select particular points may be in­ wilderness; in the depth of those woods are Tvidious, but there are several very literally thousands of lakes and rivers well-known sporting regions served by the wonderfully adapted to the glorious sport Dominion Atlantic Railway. Annapolis of cance cruising, combined with fishing. Royal is the gateway to a number of such re­ The air laden with the fragrance of ever­ gions. These include South Milford, Kedge- greens, the exercise with paddle and rod, makooge, White Point Lodge, Lake Munro the fascination of hooking, playing and and the Maitland River. These, although netting a jewelled "whopper," the intimate widely separated, are really one and the same acquaintance with nature and her wild thing, for the Liverpool River links them creatures—there is no other vacation like it! all together in a maze of cance trips and leads Nova Scotia's inland waters are primarily their waters to the Atlantic Ocean, on the trout waters and nowhere else on the eastern coast. From them, one can work continent are better or sportier speckled into other river systems and come out in the beauties found. But salmon and lake trout Bay of Fundy, or into the Tusket River and are also widely distributed. Exciting sport come out at Yarmouth. is to be obtained at most of the coast- The Milford House at South Milford (15 resorts in the way of salt water fishing, miles from Annapolis Royal), Minard's especially trolling or fly-fishing for pollock. Camp at Kedgemakooge and the Kedgema- For the hunter, Nova Scotia affords some kooge Rod and Gun Club (36 miles) are very fine opportunities of meeting the king favorite centres. of all forest animals, the moose, which is In other parts of the province, Merry's plentiful on the long hump of the southern Camps at Albany Cross (15 miles from peninsula. Deer and bear are also found, Middleton station), and the Musquodoboits, and there is good bird shooting. in Halifax County, are highly recommended. Nova Scotia sporting camps and sport­ Full information regarding fishing and ing hotels are well and favorably known, hunting in Nova Scotia can be obtained comfortably furnished, well appointed, from the Passenger Department, Dominion with good cooking and fairly moderate Atlantic Railway, 413 Barrington Street, charges. There is a plentiful supply of Halifax, N.S., or 12 Milk Street, Boston, guides, both Indian and white, all good Mass., or from the General Tourist Agent, woodsmen and cooks. Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal. Twenty'three 1 'mm m%mmm\mwmm

Quidi Vidi, near St. Johns, Newfoundland Cape Breton Island Newfoundland ALIFAX is one terminus of the Domin­ EWFOUNDLAND—a separate British H ion Atlantic Railway but we can con­ N country—stands at the mouth of the tinue our journey from here,—or through the St. Lawrence Gulf like a veritable guardian Truro gateway if desired—by rail to Cape of Canada. One of the finest sporting] re­ Breton Island, which is really a group of gions of this continent, it is renowned for islands, at the extreme northeast of the its salmon and trout fishing—to say nothing province. The Bras d'Or cuts the group in of its deep sea fishing for cod. The non­ two. For about fifty miles its waters are resident license for salmon fishing is $10. sheltered from the ocean of which it forms a The rugged 4,000 mile coast line of New­ part and in this length it expands into bays, foundland, its frowning cliffs, beautiful inlets and romantic havens, with islands, fjords, lakes, deep forests and- moors • peninsulas and broken lines of coast—all make a magnificent background for a de­ combining to form a scene of rare beauty. lightful vacation. test^--.5"*. The Bras d'Or waters have a surface area Newfoundland can be reached from'North of 450 square miles and, while the width is Sydney, N.S., whence a ferry service runs as much as eighteen miles in one place, there regularly to Pont-aux-Basques. From the are times when less than a mile separates latter point the Newfoundland Railway shore from shore. Whycocomagh, Baddeck runs through approximately the middle of and Great Narrows are three of the most the entire Island to St. Johns, the capital. popular summer resorts. The Margaree Situated on a splendid harbor, it looks river, famed for its salmon and trout straight out across the Atlantic to Ireland. fishing, flows through one of Nova Scotia's Another route is by steamer from Montreal typically beautiful valleys. Sydney, an or Quebec, down the St. Lawrence river important industrial centre in Cape Breton, to the Gasps Peninsula and thence across has a magnificent harbor, dotted in summer to Corner Brook, Nfld. Corner Brook, a with yachts, motor boats and canoes. newly developed paper-making city on the Louisburg, with its old fortress ruins, is picturesque Humber river, is on the main forty miles away by the Sydney and Louis­ line of the railway which can be joined here. burg Railway. At St. Johns there is a fine hotel, designed Intending visitors to Cape Breton Island with the requirements of the tourist busi­ should communicate with the nearest Can­ ness well in mind. Steamship services adian Pacific or Dominion Atlantic Railway also operate from Halifax and Boston, Agent, who will arrange through reserva­ affording another delightful way of reaching tions to all points. this sporting paradise. Twenty-four )RLD

.ley Bldg. Ic Station ylston St. Pearl St. ic Station son Blvd. nalBldg. •ster Ave. •by Bldg. jtonBlvd. ilic Bldg. May St. lham St. ngton St. ames Sts.

MAPS alnut St. agton St. mond St. and Ave. OF THE ;er Bldg. asin Ave. re. South. Building St. West c Station Vard Sts. 44th St. Canadian Pacific eet West parks St. eorge St. .ocust St. ROUTE TO .xth Ave. '•roadway i Station c Station King St. ocust St. DurthSts. Maritime Resorts arket St. ond Ave. Jueen St. lrth Ave. ~t. North TOGETHER WITH LIST OF nk Bldg. jiflc Ave. Building Building oom 367 eet West ment St. HOTELS e.,N.W. 3t., West Portage Jordaens BOARDING HOUSES gal Place a Square s Parade *he-Max. iwell St. rdamm 9 CAMPS er Head s, S.W. 1 ;.,E.C. 3 AND ;y Street apucines No. 91 te Road GOLF COURSES lake Pier la-Machi >xasBldg he Bund shita-cho

-W. TOURIST HOTELS, BOARDING HOUSES NOVA SCOTIA—Continued AND CAMPS Rate Rate Distance Town Proprietor or Plan No. of per per from Whilst every attempt has been made to insure accuracy in this Manager Rooms Day Week Station directory, the Canadian Pacific Railway cannot accept responsibility CLEMENTSPORT (D.A.R.) for mistakes or changes in this information, all of which has been Fairview Farm.. . Mrs. H. W. Lowe. ASC 7 $2.00 $12.00 up M mile supplied by the proprietors of the various hotels, etc., themselves. Hillside Farm Miss M. G. Jones. A 10 1.75 10.00 2 miles Hillside Hotel.... R. K. Burns ACS 25 3.00 15.00 100 yards This particularly applies to rates. Nor can the Canadian Pacific Lucerne House... Mrs. F. Tupper. . A 16 3.00 12.00 M mile Railway be responsible for the standards of service and accom­ Riverside Cottage.Mrs. F.S.Jones. . ACS 6 2.50 15.00 Y mile modation of any hotels except those under its own management. Travellers who use this list and find any additions or corrections DARTMOUTH (Ferry from Halifax) necessary, would confer a favor upon users of subsequent editions Thorndyke H.R.Walker.... A 44 3.00up 12.00 uP300yards by reporting such changes to the General Publicity Department, DELHAVEN (Station, Canning, D.A.R.) Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal, who also publish a full list of Riverside Farm. .Mrs. W. E. Irving AS 6 1.50 10.00 3 miles hotels at business centres along the Company's system as well as DEEP BROOK (D.A.R.) this tourist list. Evangeline H. C. Bigelow. . . AC 30 2.50 12.00up 2 miles The Hollow V. F. Curphey ... A 5 1.25 8.00 1 mile The following abbreviations are used in this Directory: Hillside Farm R. H. Henshaw. . AS 6 2.00 12.00 1 mile A American Plan (i.e., rate includes room and meals). Sea Breeze R. V. Ditmars & B Hotel sends out its own booklet to enquirers. Son ABCS 45 3.50 16.00up Y mile C Hotel has also cottages to rent. E European Plan (i.e., rate means room only). DIGBY (D.A.R. or steamship from Saint John) S Open in Summer only, in some cases extending into Fall. All other hotels not The New Pines..Can. Pac. Ry... . ABCS 200 9.00 up Apply % mile so marked are (so far as is known) open all the year. Acacia Cottage... Mrs. W.H.Redding AB 8 2.50 15.00 up 5 min. RAILWAY STATION. The railway station (or port or landing) for every point Armstrong Cottage. Mrs. C. E. is always that bearing the same name as the town unless otherwise Armstrong AB 8 2.50 up 12.00 up 15 min. mentioned. Elm Cottage Mrs. G. W. Dunn. A 8 2.00 12.00 K mile Eureka Cottage.. Mrs.G.M.Trohon. A 6 3.00 15.00 up lOOyards POST-OFFICE ADDRESS. The post-office address of the hotel is always that Excel Inn T. B. Cossaboom. ABS 20 4.00 up 25.00 up Y± mile of the station, unless otherwise mentioned. Fairview E. B. Cossaboom. AS 30 3.00 15.00 up ^ mile DISTANCE. The distance shown is that from the station mentioned. Lour Lodge C. J. Eldridge.... ABCS 100 4.00 up 25.00 up Yv mile RATES. The rates quoted are the lowest stated by the hotel itself. Myrtle House... . A. T. Spurr ABCS 75 6.00 up 25.00 up Y2 mile New Manhattan. W. S. Troop ASB 75 4.00 up 20.00 uP350yards The Hillcrest.... Mrs. S. W. Titus.. ABS 12 3.00 up 18.00 up Y2 mile The Winchester. . Mrs. M. H. Winchester A 30 3.00 up 18.00 up 200yards NOVA SCOTIA Waverley W. J. Agate A 30 3.00 up 15.00 up 2 min. Wayside Farm Inn. A. E. Gidney.... AS 8 2.50 12.00 22 miles Rate Rate Distance Wightman House. Mrs.G. Wightman ABS 30 3.00 Y mile Town Proprietor or Plan No. of per per from Manager Rooms Day Week Station EVANGELINE BEACH (Station, Grand Pre, D.A.R.) Evangeline Beach ANNAPOLIS ROYAL (D.A.R.) Hotel F. H. Manning... ASC 10 3.50up 2 miles Annapolis Royal.. Mrs. J. R. Wallace A 16 $2.50 $10.00 > mile Hillsdale House & GRAND PRE (D.A.R.) Cabins W. R. Perkins. . . ABCS 75 4.50 up 25.00 up Y mile Grand Pre Inn... Miss M.H.Eaton. AS 7 3.50 21.00up K mile Queen W. D. Crosby.... A 35 4.00 up 300yards GRANVILLE FERRY (Station, Annapolis Royal, D.A.R.) AUBURN (D.A.R.) Blaney House... . S. H. Blaney A 4 2.00 10.00 5 miles Grove Cottage. . .E. M. Gidney.... A 5 1.00 up Apply liles Locust Cottage.. Mrs. J. Magstaff. AS 2.50 14.00 M mile Oliver House Mrs. K. L. Oliver. A 10 1.50 8.00 1 mile BARTON (D.A.R.) (Station, North Range) Barton House. . . . Mrs.C.E.Lambert- son AB 10 3.00 12.00 2 miles HALIFAX (D.A.R.) Lord Nelson E.G.Borden EB 200 4.00 up Y2 mile BAY VIEW (Station, Digby, D.A.R.) Carlton W. Mon- Hartland Farm. ..H. Hayden AS 10 2.00 12.00 AY miles bourquette.... AB 100 5.00 up Apply Y mile 2 Glendale Hotel.. . K. F. Powell E 35 1.00 up 6.00 up300yards BEAR RIVER (D.A.R.) Halifax E.L. MacDonald. AB 175 6.00 up Y mile Commercial E. E. Chalmers.. . AB 20 3.00 10.00 up 4 miles Hillside Hall F. G. Eaton A 75 3.50 up 13.00 up 3 min. Grand Central. . . W. D. Chute A 25 3.00 15.00 up AY miles Queen A. G. Sampson.. . AB 150 6.00 up 42.00 up 3 blocks Hillside Cottage. . Mrs. J. H. Wright A 5 2.00 12.00 4^ miles The Armdale House . . C. F. Bowes AB 35 5.00 Apply Close River View Lodge.B. C. Clarke AS 18 3.50 18.00 3 Y2 miles The Oaks G. W. Croscup. . . AS 7 2.00 10.00 up 4 miles The Elmwood... Mrs. E. E. Adams AB 38 3.50 up 16.00 up 1 block The Nova ScotianH. W. Aslin EB 170 4.00 up 6.00 up Close BEDFORD (D.A.R.) Waverley House . Mrs. W. H. Naylor A 33 3.00 up 18.00 up 5 min. Bedford Hotel... J. A. Costen A 14 4.00 14.00 j mile HANTSPORT (D.A.R.) BRIDGETOWN (D.A.R.) Churchill's Elm Cottage Mrs. E. B. Miller. AS 2 2.50 17.00 2 min. Tourist Home.. Mrs. R. W. Fairfield Farm . . . Mrs. F. Fowler... A 5 2.50 15.00 j mile Churchill ABSC 15 3.00 16.00 ^ mile Riverside Inn. . . . A. K. MacGregor. A 1 7 3.00 15.00 up lOOyards Hantsport L. M. Wall AB 28 3.00 lOOyards Sunnyside Farm.. D. Forsythe ABS 8 3.00 1 7.50 5 miles HEBRON (D.A.R.) BURLINGTON (Station, Weston, D.A.R.) The Gables Mrs. J. N. Moses. A 12 2.50 14.00 5 min. Farm House Mrs. N. V. Bickwith A 6 1.50 8.00 7 miles KEDGEMAKOOGE (Station, Annapolis Royal, D.A.R.) K edgemakooge CANNING (D.A.R.) Rod and Gun DeWitt House. . .L. DeWitt AS 20 2.50 1 5.00 6 miles Club C. W. Mills ABS 12 4.00 up 25.00 up 35 miles Farm House Mrs. M. Brine. A 14 2.00 10.00 up Y2 mile Lyndhurst Farm KEMPTVILLE (Station, Brazil Lake, D.A.R.) Inn Mrs. O. Boarding House. . E. Reeves AS 6 2.00 3 miles Schafheitlin.... ABS 6 3.50 15.00 up 1 mile The Potter Home. Mrs. E. Potter. . . AS 4 3.00 15.00 34 mile FOR EXPLANATION OF SIGNS, SEE PAGE 1 1 2 Printed in U. S. A. NOVA SCOTIA —Continued 1 NOVA SCOTIA —Concluded Rate Rate Distance Rate Rate Distance Town Proprietor or Plan No. of per from Town Proprietor or Plan No. of per per from Manager Rooms Day Week Station Manager Rooms Day Week Station TRURO (D.A.R.)—Continued KENTVILLE (D.A.R.) Scotia . R. H. Davison ... A 75 $4.00 up 50 yards Cornwallis Inn.Can. Pac. Ry... . A 100 $4.00 up $25.00up lOOyards Stanley House . . . A. S. Stevens A 60 3.50 up 100 yards Lyons A. Franey A 25 3.00 up 12.00 50 yards Victoria G. Miller A 30 2.00 200 yards

KINGSPORT (D.A.R.) WEYMOUTH (D.A.R.) Boarding House. . Mrs. J. M. Cross. . A 4 Apply Apply Y mile Aldercliff Camp Chestnuts Cottage.Mrs. J. G. Glover A 3 2.50 10.00 Y mile (Boys) R. S. Claycomb . . ABS £30.00 3 miles Goodwin H. L. Amirault... A 30 3.00 21.00 300 yards LAKE ANNIS (D.A.R.) The Outlook R. A. Mullins A 6 3.00 15.00 3 miles Camp Mooswa (Boys) . .G. H. Cain ABS 30.00 Y mile WHITE POINT BEACH (Station, Annapolis Royal. D.A.R.) White Point Lodge P. Moore AC 50 6.50 42.00 LAWRENCETOWN (D.A.R.) Elm House T. A. Elliott AB 20 3.00 18.00 14 mile WINDSOR (D.A.R.) Comer Inn Mrs. M. Maynard A 6 2.50 12.50 500 yards LITTLE RIVER (Station. Weymouth. D.A.R.) Haliburton Inn.. .E. M. Smith AS 10 4.00 up 25.00 UP 10 min. Denton Cottage. . W. V. Denton A 2.00 10.00 25 miles Somerset House.. Mrs. M. J. Poole.. A 12 2.50 12.00 220 yards Hillcrest Mrs. M. Denton. . A 5 2.00 12.00 25 miles Victoria O. Doran A 35 3.00 up 2 blocks River Side Windsor Mrs.H.O.Wier.. A 12 2.00 '8166 400 yards Cottage Mrs. M. F. Trask A 6 2.00 10.00 25 miles Sunset Cottage... J. C. Trask A 8 2.00 10.00 25 miles WOLFVILLE (D.A.R.) Acadia Lodge. ...CM. Gormley. . . A 12 2.00 up 10.00 up Kmile MAXWELLTON (D.A.R.) Acadia Villa Rockwell & Co. . . AS 60 4.50 up 20.00 UD 4 blocks Robichau's Camps.J. L. P. Robichau AC 3.00 15.00 200 yards Broadview Mrs. E. Eldridge. AS 10 2.50 14.00 3Y miles Evangeline Inn.. .T. S. Sanford .... A 50 4.50 up 25.00 up 300 yards METEGHAN RIVER (D.A.R.) Evangeline Cottage.Mrs. A. N. Perry A 26 3.25 18.00 Mmile Riverside J. T. Callahan.. . . ABS 35 4.00 25.00 3 miles Foster House. . . .Mrs. E. Foster. . . A 10 2.50 up 5 min. Herbin House Mrs. J. F. Harbin AS 5 2.50 15.00 1 mile MIDDLETON (D.A.R.) Hillside Hall Mrs. M.J.Warren. A 16 3.00 up 18.00 up 3 min. American House.. F. B. Armour. ... A 30 3.50 up 15.00u p Y mile Ingleside Mrs. A. S. Dawson. A 3 2.00 1 2.00 UD 6 min. Beaurley Gardens.Mrs. B. E. Parker AS 18 3.00 18.00 1 mile Pleasant View Cottage Miss B. M. Bishop A 7 2.50 12.00 up ^mile PARRSBORO (Steamer from Wolfville) The Cottage Mrs.M.L.Johnson AS 3 2.50 15.00 1 mile Cumberland R. A. Mclnnis ... A 20 3.50 20.00 100 yards The Devonshire. . Miss Harwood.... A 10 3.00 18.00 400 yards Evangeline C. B. Knowlton. . A 21 2.50 10.00 lOOyards The I3imock Ottawa House. . . A. O. Seaman.. . . ABS 20 4.00 up 21.00 3 miles House M. L. Dimock.... AS 9 2.50 up 12.00 UD 14 mile The Brodrick. . . . R. A. Mclnnis.... A 25 3.50 20.00 500 yards YARMOUTH (D.A.R.) PORT GEORGE (Station, Middleton, D.A.R.) Braemar Bungalow Sea View M. O. Rafuse ABC 10 1.50 9.00 6 miles Colony J. D. Burton ABCS 27 5.00 up 30.00 up 11 miles Grand G. W. Kenney . . . AB 100 5.50 up Y mile PORT WADE (Station, Digby, D.A.R.) Hawthorne T. S. Judge A 25 3.00 % mile Basin View Lakeside Inn . . . Can. Pac. Ry.... A 70 1 mile Cottage Mrs. A. G. Casey AB 8 2.00 12.00 4 miles (Open June 193 1) Maple Leaf Cottage.Mrs. F. B. Rustic Harbor Inn Mrs. C. N. Congdon ASB 5 4.00 25.00 1 mile Mussells A 10 1.75 8.00 3 miles ROUND HILL (D.A.R.) Riverview NEW BRUNSWICK Tourist House . A. S. Bailey AC 8 2.50 17.50 Y mile AROOSTOOK ST. BERNARD (Station, Weymouth, D.A.R.) Hotel J. C. Young A 24 $2.50 $12.00 100 yards Bay View House. . D Weaver AS 5 2.00 10.00 23^2 miles BATH SALMON RIVER (Station, Hectanooga, D.A.R.) Day's. . H. F. Tompkins . . A 30 3.00 14.00 Y mile Buena Vista W. J. Foley A 20 2.50 12.00 8 miles Rest Rooms S. Brennan AB 8 3.25 12.00 Y mile SANDY COVE (Station; Digby, D.A.R.) BEN LOMOND (Station. Saint John) Brookside House . C. Saunders AC 12 2.50 15.00 20 miles Johnston's Mrs. G. T. Poplar House. . . .H. Johnson AS 12 2.50 14.00 up 20 miles McCafferty AS 20 3.00 up 16.00 10 miles Ross Cottage. .. .Mrs. J. E. Dakin. A 8 2.50 12.00 up 20 miles BENTON Riverside House. Mrs. A. Murchland A 5 2.50 8.00 20 yards SMITH'S COVE (D.A.R.) Chestnut Cottage.Mrs. E. B. Taylor AS 4 2.50 15.00 5 rnin. BRISTOL Harbor View Hotel Mrs. E. Miller. . . A 5 2.00 7.00 Y mile House E. S. Cossaboom. . ABCS 30 6.00 "30.00 up lOOyards Welcome Inn Mrs. W. Bell A 7 2.50 8.00 Y mile , (Station, Imbsrtville) Mountain Gap BURTTS CORNER Inn E. A. Thornton. . . ABCS 40 4.00 up 28.00 up 300 yards Burtts Corner. . . .H. D. Burtt A 20 2.00 9.00 Yl mile ^ r , w (P.O. Joggin Bridge) Out-of-the-Way DEBEC Debec House. . . . A. J. Wadsworth . A 8 2.25 12.00 75 yards Inn E. R. Thomas. . . . ABS 40 3.00 15.00uP220yards (Station, Bear River) DEVON (Station, No. Devon) Seaside Rest C. L. Snow A 8 2.50 12.00 Y mile Riverside E. N. Reynolds. . A 14 1.70 7.00 220 yards SOUTH MILFORD (Station, Annapolis Royal, D.A.R.) EAST FLORENCEVILLE (Station, Florenceville) i ivnitord House & Florenceville B. C. Mclsaac ... A 12 3.00 18.00 1 50 yards , Cabins A. D. Thomas . . . ABCS 100 3.50 18.00 1 5 miles EDMUNDSTON TRURO (D.A.R.) Grand Central. . . R. Sirois A 50 3.50 up 20.00 Y mile Balmoral Miss M. L. Bent. . E 10 1.00 7.00 Y mile Madawaska Inn. . Mrs. T. Hebert. . . A 55 4.00 up 28.00 Y mile Boarding House. . Mrs. W. H. New Royal J. S. Cyr A 50 3.50 up 15.00 Y mile Crocker A 5 3.50 18.00 300 yards Queens E. Ouellette A 30 2.00 10.00 300 yards Jubilee House M. Maddin A 17 2.50 12.00 3 min. Windsor Mrs. L. Simmons. A 20 3.00 15.00 200 yards FOR EXPLANATION OF SIGNS, SEE PAGE 1 FOR EXPLANATION OF SIGNS SEE PAGE 1 3 4 r~ NEW BRUNSWICK—Continued NEW BRUNSWICK—Concluded Rate Rate Distance Rate Rate Distance Town Proprietor or Plan No. of per per from Town Proprietor or Plan No. of per per from Manager •looms Day Week Station Manager Rooms Day Week Station FREDERICTON SAINT JOHN—Continued Barker House.. . .S. L. C. Coleman. A 45 $4.00 up Apply Y mile Johnstone's Hotel.Mrs. G. T. City W. B. Lint A 28 2.50 $8.00 Y mile McCafferty AS 26 $3.00 $16.00 Lansdowne House.Mrs. K. A. FREDERICTON—Continued Dupuys A 16 2.50 up 12.00 up 220 yards Grand B. Kitchen A 26 2.00 7.00 Y mile La Tour M. C. Whitehead . E 52 1.50 up 8.00 up Y mile Queen T. V. Monahan . . A 100 4.50 up Y mile New Dufferin. . . .G. J. Ning E 42 1.00 up 5.00 up 25 yards Waverley H. E. Dewar & Park J. D. Seely E 50 1.00 up 6.00 up Y mile Son A 65 2.00 10.00 % mile Royal H. J. Lyons A 150 5.00 up 30.00 4 blocks Windsor W. M. Thurrott.. A 100 4.00 up Y mile York G.H.Young A 33 2.00 '6166 Y mile ST. LEONARD ; •;! Cyr C. J. Gaudet A 60 3.50 up 15.00 up c, FREDERICTON JUNCTION Close Canadian G. R. Patterson . . A 15 2.50 12.00 Opposite ST. STEPHEN Boarding House. .J. H. Pinkerton. . . A 22 Apply Apply Y mile GRAND FALLS Johnson's Hotel. .J. H. Gill A 34 2.50 9.00 up 25 yards Curless M. Johnston A 45 3.00 up 20.00 Y mile Mitchell's Home.. Mrs. L. B. Mitchell A 12 2.50 12.00 Y mile Minto W. Pirie A 19 3.00 14.00 Y mile Queen J.W.Smith A 50 3.50 up 24.50 up lOOyards Watson House . . . Mrs. F. A. Coffey. A 8 1.50 10.00 Y mile HARTLAND Exchange G. A. Day A 18 2.00 up 7.00 up 40 yards WESTFIELD Riverside J. C. Day A 16 21.00 100 yards Cosman House.. . E. A. Cosman. ... A 12 2.50 12.00 up 2 miles The House of the HAWKSHAW (Station, Otis) Seven Gables . . Mrs. A. B. Pipes. . AS 20 3.00 up 20.00 up Y mile Stairs' "Riverside" . . . P. Stairs A 7 2.00 7.00 1 ZY miles WESTFIELD BEACH (P.O., Lingley) Maple Inn Mrs. B. Norman. . ASC 12 2.00 12.00 1 mile LAKE GEORGE (Station. Harvey) Lake View R. M. Nicholson.. AS 8 1.50 10.00 10 miles WEST SAINT JOHN Western House.. . A. Wilson A 40 2.50 10.00 Y mile LEPREAU Lepreau WOODSTOCK Harbor House.. W. K. Galbraith.. A 5 2.00 9.00 2 miles Aberdeen G. W. Boyer A 27 3.00 Y mile Riverdale Hotel. . Mrs. A. Clark A 10 1.50 8.00 Close Carlisle J. E. Merriman . . A 55 4.50 up Y mile Wright House Mrs. A. A. Wright A 8 2.00 10.00 2 miles Central Hotel. . . .A. W. Lutz A 25 2.00 ' 8.66 Y mile New Capital M. McDade A 22 2.50 8.00 Y mile McADAM JUNCTION The Bessie Ann . . The Misses McAdam Can. Pac. Ry A Apply Apply At station Griffith ASC 3 Apply Apply 23^ miles MACE'S BAY (Station, Lepreaux) FOR EXPLANATION OF SIGNS, SEE PAGE 1 Boarding House. . W. Mawhinney... A 2.00 10.00 63^2 miles MAGAGUADAVIC Wildwood Island Camps.. M. D. Scott ACSB 10 2.50 20.00 6 miles

NICTAU (Station, Plaster Rock) Miller House Mrs. M. J. Miller. A \7 3.00 15.00 31 miles

OAK BAY Young House. . . .F, M. Young. ... E 11 3.00 21.00 4 miles

PERTH Perth V. J. Shaw A 20 2.00 9.00 300 yards Johnson D. T. Day A 24 3.50 10.50 up 200 yards

PLASTER ROCK Tulquac Camps. .Ogilvy Bros ABCS 20 5.00 up 14 miles Turner House. ... R. Smythe AC 22 2.50 9166 \i mile

• POQUIOCK (Station, Otis) , Moore's G. B. Moore A 5 2.50 15.00 1 mile

ST. ANDREWS-BY-THE-SEA Algonquin Can. Pac. Ry... .ABCS Apply Apply 1 mile Garden Corner... Mrs. W. A. Carson EB 8 1.50 up 10.00 up 350 yards Kennedy's A. Kennedy & Son ABS 60 4.00 up 28.00 up Y mile Seaside Inn Miss M. V. Clarke A 20 3.50 18.00 up 2 blocks Shady Nook Inn. Mrs. J. A. Thompson A 10 2.50 12.00 200 yard The Homestead . . Mrs. N. Miller AS 12 2.50 17.00 Y mile


Murray House & • Camps L. W. Murray... . ACB 20 3.00 up 21.00 1 50 yards

SAINT JOHN Admiral Beatty . . E. B. Sweeney... . EB 250 2.50 up 220 yards Clifton House.. . . Reynolds & Fritch A 36 3.50 up Y mile Edward J. Howard E 40 1.00 up 220 yards ' FOR EXPLANATION OF SIGNS, SEE PAGE 1 5 6 • GOLF CLUBS IN NEW BRUNSWICK

Reached by Canadian Pacific Railway

Edmundston 9 holes Fredericton 9 holes St. Andrews two courses, 18 holes and 9 holes Saint John Riverside (18 holes) and Westfield (9 holes) Woodstock 9 holes


Reached by Dominion Atlantic Railway

Annapolis Royal 9 holes Bedford (near Halifax) 9 holes Dartmouth (near Halifax), Brightwood 18 holes Digby two courses, 18 holes and 9 holes Halifax (Ashburn) 18 holes Halifax (Gorsebrook, public course) 9 holes Kentville 9 holes Truro 9 holes Windsor 9 holes Yarmouth 9 holes r

i ti T B is Pi tv" sh iFn P< cc of as ar sh ar pc ri fie t> in hi w: L( fo bi sh ac Ai tic CANADIAN PACIFIC AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD CANADA AND UNITED STATES Atlanta Georgia- K. A. Cook, General Agent Passenger Dept 1017 Hcaley Bldg. Banff Alberta •J. A. McDonald, District Passenger Agent Canadian Pacific Station Beaten Massachusetts—L. R. Hart, General Agent Passenger Dept .405 Boylston St Buffalo... New York—W. P. Wass, General Agent Passenger Dept ieo Pearl St! Calgary Alberta—G. D. Brophy, District Passenger Agent Canadian Pacific Station Chicago Illinois—T. J. Wall, General Agent, Rail Traffic .71 East Jackson Blvd Cincinnati Ohio—M. E. Malone, General Agent Passenger Dept 201 Dixie Terminal Bldg. Cleveland Ohio—G. H. Griffln, General Agent Passenger Dept 1010 Chester Ave Dallas Texas—A. Y. Chancellor, Travelling Passenger Agent 906 Kirby Bldg. Detroit Michigan—G. G. McKay, General Agent Passenger Dept 1231 Washington Blvd. Edmonton Alberta—C. S. Fyfe, City Ticket Agent Canadian Pacific Bldg Fort William Ontario—H. J. Skynner, City Passenger Agent 108 So. May St. Guelph Ontario—W. C. Tully, City Passenger Agent 30 Wyndham St. Halifax Nova Scotia—A. C. MacDonald, City Passenger Agent 413 Barrington St. Hamilton Ontario—A.Craig, City Passenger Agent Cor. King and James Sts Honolulu T.H—Theo. H. Davies & Co. Juneau Alaska—W. L. Coates, Agent. Kansas City Missouri—R. G. Norris, City Passenger Agent 723 Walnut St. Ketchikan Alaska—E. Anderson, Agent. Kingston Ontario—J. H. Welch, City Passenger Agent 180 Wellington St. London Ontario—H. J. McCallum, City Passenger Agent 417 Richmond St. Los Angeles California—W. Mcllroy, General Agent Passenger Dept 621 So. Grand Ave. Memphis Tennessee—M. K. McDade, Travelling Passenger Agent ..Porter Bldg. Milwaukee Wisconsin—F. T. Samson, City Passenger Agent 68 East Wisconsin Ave! Minneapolis Minnesota—H. M. Tait, General Agent Passenger Dept 611 2nd Ave. South. p E Mo„+r„a i A,„hP<. / - - Glngras, District Passenger Agent Dominion Square Building wueuw, y F c Lydon, General Agent Passenger Dept 201 St. James St. West Moose Jaw Saskatchewan—T. J. Colton, Ticket Agent Canadian Pacific Station Nelson British Columbia—J. S. Carter, District Passenger Agent Baker and Ward Sts. New York New York—F. R. Perry, General Agent, Rail Traffic Madison Ave. at 44th St.' North Bay Ontario—C. H. White, District Passenger Agent 87 Main Street West Ottawa Ontario—J. A. McGill, General Agent Passenger Dept 83 Sparks St. Peterboro Ontario—J. Skinner, City Passenger Agent George St. Philadelphia Pennsylvania—J. G. Patteson, General Agent Passenger Dept 1500 Locust St. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania—W. A. Shackelford, General Agent Passenger Dept 338 Sixth Ave. Portland Oregon—W. H. Deacon, General Agent Passenger Dept 148A Broadway Prince Rupert.. .British Columbia—W. C. Orchard, General Agent. Quebec Quebec—C. A. Langevin, General Agent Passenger Dept Palais Station Regina Saskatchewan—J. W. Dawson, District Passenger Agent Canadian Pacific Station Saint John New Brunswick—G. S. Beer, District Passenger Agent 40 King St. St. Louis Missouri—Geo. P. Carbrey, General Agent Passenger Dept 412 Locust St. St. Paul Minnesota—W. H. Lennon, General Agent Passenger Dept.,Soo Line, Robert and Fourth Sts. SaSaskatoon Franciscn o Saskatchewan—.California—FR. L. Nason, General Agent Passenger Dept 675 Market St. Sault Ste. Marie Ontario T. Wilson, City Ticket Agent 115 Second Ave. Seattle Washington J. O. Johnston, City Passenger Agent 529 Queen St. Sherbrooke Quebec—EJ . L. Sheehan, General Agent Passenger Dept 1320 Fourth Ave. Skagway Alaska—L A. Metivier, City Passenger Agent 91 Wellington St. North H. Johnston, Agent. Spokane Washington—E. L. Cardie, Traffic Manager, S. I. Ry Old Nat. Bank Bldg. Tacoma Washington—D. C. O'Keete, City Passenger Agent 1113 Pacific Ave. Toronto Ontario if W.FultoS E. Corbin nAssistan Generat lGenera Agentl, PassengePassengerr AgenDeptt CanadiaCanadiann PacifiPacificc Building B. Burpee, District Passenger Agent Union Stn., Room 367 Vancouver British Columbia—F. H. Daly, District Passenger Agent 434 Hastings Street West Victoria British Columbia—L. D. Chetham, District Passenger Agent 1102 Government St. Washington. .District of Columbia—C. E. Phelps General Agent Pass'r Dept 14th and New York Ave., N.W. Windsor Ontario—W C. Elmer, City Passenger Agent 34 Sandwich St., West Winnipeg Manitoba—C. B. Andrews District Passenger Agent Main and Portage EUROPE Antwerp Belgium- E. A. Schmitz 25 Qua! Jordaens Belfast. Ireland- W. H. Boswell 14 Donegal Place Birmingham England- W. T. Treadaway 4 Victoria Square Bristol England- A. S. Ray 18 St. Augustine's Parade Brussels Belgium- Glasgow Scotland—WG. . LStewar. M. Servait s 98 Blvd2. 5 Adolphe-MaxBothwell St. Hamburg Germany—T. H. Gardner Alsterdamm 9 Liverpool England—H. T. Penny Pier Head / C. E. Jenkins 62-65 Charing Cross, S.W. 1 London England \G. Saxon Jones 103 Leadenhall St., E.C. 3 Manchester England—J. W. Maine 31 Mosley Street Paris France—A. V. Clark 24 Blvd. des Capucines Rotterdam Holland—J. Sprlngett Coolsingel No. 91 Southampton England—: Taylor 7 Canute Road ASIA Hong Kong China—G. E. Costello, General Agent Passenger Dept Opposite Blake Pier Kobe Japan—B. G. Ryan, Passenger Agent 7 Harima-Machi Manila Philippine Islands—J. R. Shaw, General Agent 14-16 Calle David, Roxas Bldg Shanghai .. .China—A. M. Parker, General Agent Passenger Dept No. 4 The Bund Yokohama Japan—E. Hospes, General Agent Passenger Dept 21 Yamashita-cho AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ETC. J. Sclater, Traffic Manager, Can. Pac. Ry., for Australia and New Zealand, Union House, Sydney, N.S.W. A. w. Essex, Passenger Manager, Can. Pac. Ry., for New Zealand, Auckland. N.Z. Adelaide South Australia—Macdonald, Hamilton & Co. Auckland New Zealand—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) Brisbane Queensland—Macdonald, Hamilton & Co. Christchurch New Zealand—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) Dunedln New Zealand—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) Fremantle West Australia—Macdonald, Hamilton & Co. Hobart Tasmania—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) Launceston Tasmania—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) / H. F. Boyer, Pass'r Rep., Can. Pac. Ry. 59 William St. Melbourne Victoria ^ union s.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) Perth West Australia—Macdonald, Hamilton & Co. Suva Fiji—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand ((Ltd.) Sydney New South Wales—Union S.S. Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) / J. T. Campbell, Trav. Pass'r. Agt. Can. Pac. Ry., II Johnston Street. Wellington. .New Zealand Union Co. of New Zealand (Ltd.) Always Carry Canadian Pacific Express Travellers' Cheques—Good the World Over CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY I LINES