First Scientific Retreat of the Department of Biology 30 years from foundation 1984-2014 February 26-27, 2015

Program Program • 14.00 -14.45Conference Session 1–Model organisms to study cell signalling -Chairman: Luca Scorrano 13.45 13.25 Proiezione 13.20 13.00 Thursday, 26 February • • • • Session 2–Evolution &Ecology -Chairman: Andrea Pilastro 16.30 -17.00 • • • • New perspectives in the study of the antioxidant defences in Antarctic fish: the peroxiredoxins Gianfranco Santovito 18.00 -18.20 Research Unit: Molecular Ecology Sturgeon conservation: from ex-situ planning to next-generation sequencing Congiu Leonardo 17.40 -18.00 Research Unit: and Evolutionary Ecoetology Biology mating inSex the tank: what guppies can tell about us sexual selection and sexual conflict before and after GaspariniClelia 17.20 -17.40 Research Unit: Philosophy and History of Life Sciences Two kinds of exaptation Telmo Pievani 17.00 -17.20 Research Unit: Neurogenetics and Chronobiology Cryptochrome and the temporal control of visual plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster Gabriella Mazzotta 16.10 -16.30 Research Unit: Regulative and Biology Translational Genetics Generation and application of transgenic reporter lines to study signaling pathway in zebrafish Andrea Vettori 15.50 -16.10 Research Unit: Developmental and Biology Morphogenesis Tunicates in immunity Innate Nicola Franchi 15.30 -15.50 Research Unit: Biochemistry Selective killing of cancer cells by modulation of ion channels: from in vitro to in vivo models Luigi Leanza 15.10 -15.30 Research Unit: Biochemistry, and Biology Physiopathology of Mitochondria vivo in metabolism The mitochondria shaping proteinOptic Atrophy 1 counteracts cellular damage and controls Tatiana Varanita 14.50 -15.10 Saluto del Prof. Magnifico GiuseppeRettore Zaccaria, dell’Università di Padova Saluto del Prof. Gerolamo Lanfranchi, Direttore del Dipartimento diBiologia Registrazione, apertura Cambridge, UK Massimo MRC Mitochondrial Zeviani, Unit Biology and University of

New mitochondrial disease genes and mechanisms Presentation 9 Presentation 8 Presentation 7 Presentation 6 coffee break Presentation 5 Presentation 4 Presentation 3 Presentation 2 Presentation 1

Friday, February 27 19.00 -19.30 • • • • 10.45 -11.30 Session 4–Genomics &Bioinformatics –Chairman: Giorgio Valle 10.10 -10.40 • • • • • Session 3–Physiopathology &Molecular genetics -Chairman: Rodolfo Costa A deep survey of alternative splicing in grape Nicola Vitulo 11.50 -12.10 Research Unit: Molecular Biology biomimetic peptides and nanocomposite scaffolds From bioinformatic design to regenerative medicine: enhanced neuronal differentiation combining Francesco Filippini 11.30 -11.50 Research Unit: Pathology General Angiogenesis in secondary syphilis: role of the bacterioferritin TpF1,antigen of Treponema pallidum Tommaso Pozzobon 09-50 -10.10 Research Unit: Biophysics, Molecular and Physiology Cellular Dopamine and oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease: an is antioxidant therapy valuable?” Marco Bisaglia 09.30 -09.50 Research Unit: Human Molecular Genetics population-based cohort. Deciphering the genetic landscape of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: genomic approaches on a Giovanni Vazza 09.10 -09.30 Research Unit: Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics in genetic instability Understanding DNA replication dynamics in the mammalian genome, and in loci specifically involved PalumboElisa 08.50 -09.10 Research Unit: of and Biology Endothelial Cells Regeneration In vitro assessment of anovel composite scaffold for articular cartilage restoration StoccoElena 08.30 -08.50 Research Unit: of Biodiversity Ecology and Sustainability Sustainable of use biodiversity? Which food, which strategies to feed the 9billion humans in 2050? Maurizio G.Paoletti 18.40 -19.00 Research Unit: Marine Ecology life-history their Combined effects seawaterof acidification and other stressors in marine bivalves at different stages of Marco Munari 18.20 -18.40 Research Unit: Environmental Physiology and Zoology Experimental Conference Stefano Gustincich, Neurobiology sector, SISSA, Trieste RNAs that activate translation SINEUPS: anew functional class of natural and synthetic antisense long non-coding

drinks &snacks drinks Presentation 18 Presentation 17 coffee break Presentation 16 Presentation 15 Presentation 14 Presentation 13 Presentation 12 Presentation 11 Presentation 10

Program Program 14.15 -15.00 Session 5–Plant Sciences –Chairman: Giorgio Casadoro 13.00 -14.00 • • 18.10 -18.30 remarks Concluding • • • Session 6–Systematics &Phylogeny –Chairman: Alessandro Minelli 16.30 -17.00 • • • • Research Unit: Evolutionary of Biology Arthropods Geophilomorph centipedes: diversity, phylogeny and evolution Lucio Bonato 17.40 -18.00 Research Unit: Palynology and Archaeobotany Praefectus of the botanical garden of Padova A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the collection of Roberto de Visiani (1800-1878), Moreno Clementi 17.20 -17.40 Research Unit: and Biology Systematics of and Algae Higher Plants Barcoding P.A.T.H.S.: DNA barcodes for reference plant samples Sciuto Katia 17.00 -17.20 Research Unit: Botany Molecular and hormonal regulation of fleshyfruit development ripeningand TrainottiLivio 16.00 -16.20 Research Unit: Plant Biology Cell Calcium-based communications in plant root endosymbioses: the microorganism perspective Lorella Navazio 15.40 -16.00 Research Unit: Photosynthesis and Plant Biotechnology molecules Molecular analysis of Nannochloropsis gaditana for the production of biofuels and high added value Alessandro Alboresi 15.20 -15.40 Research Unit: Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology Organelles ascritical players in plant cell communication network Michela Zottini 15.00 -15.20 Research Unit: Biology Cell MicroRNAs in the cellular response to stress Maddalena Mognato 12.30 -12.50 Research Unit: Functional Genomics metabolism of muscle fibers MiRNA-mRNA network at single cell level reveal the role of specific miRNAs in the regulation of Francesco Chemello 12.10 –12.30 Research Unit: Genomics and Bioinformatics

Lucia Colombo, Department of Biosciences, University of Milano Conference lunch drinks &snacks drinks Presentation 27 Presentation 26 Presentation 25 coffee break Presentation 24 Presentation 23 Presentation 22 Presentation 21 From to Seed: Ovule the female contribution Presentation 20 Presentation 19

First Scientific Retreat of the Department of Biology 30 years from foundation 1984-2014 February 26-27, 2015

Conferences Conferences respiratory chain, mtDNA metabolism, or Recently both. published and unpublished still be findingswill and patients, we have eachgenes, disease identifiednew several responsible of distinct defects the of organelle quality control, and mitochondrial pathways of apoptosis. By investigating families selected productionthe of reactive oxygen compromised , homeostasis, Ca2+ mitochondrial protein and ably predominant pathogenesis inthe of syndromes, specific suchalterations as of cellular redox status, effectivetreatment is nowadays available. In addition to bioenergetic failure, other mechanisms are prob erogeneity of mitochondrial disorders, agroup of invalidating highly human conditions, for no which DNAs. The genetic and intricacy of mitochondrialbiochemical bioenergetics explainsthe extreme het dual control of physically separated, but interrelated, functionally genomes, nuclear and mitochondrial cess of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), acomplex biochemical process out carried through the Mitochondria are major the source of ATP that is synthesized by respiratory the chain through pro the Abstract: New mitochondrial disease genes and mechanisms Massimo MRC Mitochondrial Zeviani, Unit Biology and University of Cambridge, UK presented during my presentation. process and that those control development. seed This intriguing female network of interactionsbe will ovule development have brought us to identification the of thatgenes are important forthe fertilization opment of ovules. Interestingly, and somehow abit our unexpected, study of key regulators that control My group has past inthe 15years on analysis the focused of regulatory pathways that control devel the intermediate parental the between sporophyte and next the generation. (haploid) phase and terminates formation inthe Therefore, of seed. the the canbe considered ovule the developmentOvule is characterized by transition the from sporophytic the (diploid) to gametophytic the Abstract: From to Seed: Ovule the female contribution Lucia Colombo, Department of Biosciences, University of Milano increase protein synthesis of potentially any gene of interest. ers adding layer an unexpected to post-transcriptional gene regulation and providing aversatile tool to SINEB2 sequence to UP-regulate translation. SINEUPs are thus first the example of inducgene-specific have namedecules SINEUPs been since requires function their activity of the an inverted embedded antisense non-coding RNAs that activate translation of protein-encoding sense their genes. These mol Analyzing non-coding the of part transcriptome, the we have identifiedgroup a of natural and synthetic interspersed nuclear element). (lncRNA) and repetitive sequences, such as SINEs (short interspersed nuclear element) and LINE(long generatingtranscribed avast repertoire of transcripts that includes mRNAs, long non-coding RNA ENCODE and FANTOM projects have proving been that majority the of mammalian the genome is Abstract: translation SINEUPS: anew functional class of natural and synthetic antisense long non-coding RNAs that activate Stefano Gustincich, Neurobiology sector, SISSA, Trieste controlmacological of mitochondrial biogenesis. exploited to implement therapeutic experimental strategies, on gene based and replacement, cell or phar proteins,these and physical their status innormal conditions. and disease These models have been also and micehave allowed out us to dissect molecular consequences the of ablation the or of defects some of presented analysis and Structural discussed. and creation the of recombinant adhoc lines inyeast, flies,

------First Scientific Retreat of the Department of Biology 30 years from foundation 1984-2014 February 26-27, 2015

Department presentations Department presentations mulation of fat. beige Moreover, offspring the from crosses of aconstitutiveknockout forthe structural apoptosis. Notably micewere Opa1tg leaner, displayed improved and and showed IGTT accu OGTT but protected from muscular atrophy, ischemic and heart brain damage, as well as from hepatocellular copy of isoform Opa1 1inapermissive Xchromosome didnot locus interfere with mouse development, tissue damage, intermediate metabolism and adipogenesis. Targeted of insertion atransgenic single innerthe mitochondrial membrane shaping protein Optic atrophy 1(OPA1) at crossroad the between vant invivo for tissue response to damage is unclear. Today our discuss we recent will results that place Mitochondrial morphology changes during apoptosis occur and autophagy, but are they whether rele Abstract: Research Unit: Biochemistry, and Biology Physiopathology of Mitochondria vivo The mitochondria shaping proteinOptic Atrophy 1 counteracts cellular damage and controls metabolism in Tatiana Varanita Presentation 1 maintaining specificity the toward Kv1.3-expressingsynthesized cells. newly The derivatives been have derivatives tumor to kill cells at significantly lower concentrationswith the to respect precursor, still derivatives. In vitro experiments using differentcancer lines cell demonstratethe ability these novelof crease solubility their as well as to increase bioavailability, their we have recently synthesized PAP-1 new Since membrane permeant Kv1.3 inhibitors are characterized by water poor solubility, inorder to in mouse treatment model: of micewith clofazimine reduced PDAC tumor weight by 50%. Recently, we obtained promising invivo data inaPancreatic also Adenocarcinoma Ductal (PDAC) sis-inducing ability of drugs. the together with an increased Kv1.3 expression to inB-CLLcells seems account for apopto selective the same patients and independently of currently the prognostic used factors. An increased ROS production Chronicprimary Lymphocytic Bcells (B-CLL), without Leukemia affecting cells normalthe of blood mouse melanoma model. Furthermore, Psora-4, PAP-1 and clofazimine were able also to selectively kill mune reduced melanoma diseases, volume up to 90%compared to untreated the mouse inan orthotopic Importantly, Kv1.3 the inhibitor clofazimine, inclinic already to used adrug treat leprosy and autoim expression when didnot drugs the occur of Kv1.3 was downregulated by siRNA. ization, production of mitochondrial ROS and release of cytochrome c.Apoptosis upon incubation with lines,cell absence eveninthe of by and Bax Bak, inducing mitochondrial membrane potential depolar meant blockers, Psora-4, PAP-1 and clofazimine, apoptotic triggered indeed death cell indifferentcancer Pharmacological inhibition of amitochondrial the potassium channel (mtKv1.3) by membrane per inapoptoticdria signaling. ion channels for regulation the of bioenergetics organelles inthese role and with crucial the of mitochon ion channels inmitochondria proved apromising to be strategy, inaccordance with essential the role of targets for development the of chemotherapeutic new Furthermore, drugs. pharmacological targeting of ulated expression indifferent tumor cells/tissues compared to healthy ones, representingthus possible Ion channels are emerging oncological targets. In particular, potassium-selective channels show ade-reg Abstract: Research Unit: Biochemistry Selective killing of cancer cells by modulation of ion channels: from in vitro to in vivo models Luigi Leanza Presentation 2 tissue damage invivo. OPA1-dependentthe remodeling cristae pathway targetable is acrucial, determinant of metabolism and in muscular atrophy and elicited asystemic IGF-1 driven catabolic response. results Our indicate that and biochemically improved. Conversely conditional inducible skeletal muscle Opa1 ablation resulted complex IV assembly factor transgenic Cox15 (Cox15sm/sm) micewere with Opa1 (Opa1tg) clinically complex Icomponent Ndufs4 (Ndufs4-/-), as well as of amuscle-specific conditionalknockout forthe

------• • • • Reference: complete elimination of tumor the mass without affecting healthytissues theand immune system. tested ex-vivo also (B-CLLcells) and invivo tumor promising models, yielding very results, i.-e. almost 2013) but can suggest possible applications field. sanitary inthe results 2014).Our e Ballarin, are interesting non only for general basic knowledge (Franchi etal., 2014b; presence of acomplement system much more complex than usually supposed for invertebrates (Franchi immunomodulatoryet al., 2014a;2011a), the activity of soluble (Franchi lectins etal., 2011b)and the oxygen and species intoxic detoxification metals (Ferroal., et 2013; Franchi 2013; Ballarin, Franchi e gations on tunicate immunity role the allowed us to of describe immunocytes inscavenging of reactive representthey simple organisms model for study the of innate immunity. recent Our investi innate processes anticipate which adaptive the responses. In addition, lacking an adaptive immunity, presenting sister the group of vertebrates. Ascidians, inparticular, share with vertebrates, many of the Tunicates are organisms model good for kind of this research are as they invertebrate re structures evolution inthe of chordates. are interested also to understand how molecules of innate specific immunity changedfunctionstheir and , adapted to various environmental conditions, evolved different strategies to face non-self. We of immunocytes ininvertebrates phylogenetically related to vertebrates. study Our aims to explain how interestOur evolution inthe of immunity us to led study molecular mechanisms the and behaviour the Abstract: Research Unit: Developmental and Biology Morphogenesis Tunicates in immunity Innate Nicola Franchi Presentation 3 • • • • • • elimination of tumors invarious invivo models. Manuscript inpreparation. Mattarei,Leanza, Manago etal, Novel derivatives of Kv1.3 inhibitors as efficienttools selective for I,ZorattiSzabo M(2014)Mitochondrial channels: ion fluxes and more. Physiol 94,519-608. Rev Oncogene. doi: 10.1038/onc.2013.578. L,ZorattiLeanza M,Gulbins I(2014)Mitochondrial E,Szabo ion channels as oncological targets. Curr Pharm 20,189-200. Des tween potassium channel expression and sensitivity to drug-induced death cell intumor lines. cell L,O’ReillyLeanza P, Doyle A,Venturini E,Zoratti M,Szegezdi I(2014)Correlation E,Szabo be therapeutic strategy inchronic 27,1782-1785. lymphocytic leukemia. Leukemia Clofazimine, Psora-4 and PAP-1, inhibitors of potassium the channel Kv1.3, and as anew selective L,TrentinLeanza KA, L,Becker Frezzato F, Zoratti M,Semenzato G,Gulbins I(2013) E,Szabo and Kv1.5 Potassium Channels. Curr Med 19,5394-5404. Chem L,ZorattiLeanza M,Gulbins I(2012)Induction E,Szabo of Apoptosis inMacrophages Kv1.3 via 577-593. chondrial Kv1.3 channels induce death Bax/Bak-independent of Mol cancer cells. EMBO Med 4, B, L,Henry Leanza Sassi N,Zoratti M,Chandy KG, Gulbins I(2012)Inhibitors E,Szabo of mito Biochim Biophys Acta 1817,1095-1106. radisi C,Zoratti M(2012)Cytotoxicity of amitochondriotropic quercetin derivative: Mechanisms. Sassi N,Biasutto L,Mattarei A,Carraro M,Giorgio V, Citta P, A,Bernardi Garbisa I,Pa S,Szabo brane of mitochondria. Pflugers Arch. 463,231-246. L,Gulbins I,Leanza Szabo E,Zoratti M(2012)Physiology of potassium channels inner inthe mem 427-438. – novel insights into molecular mechanisms the of Bax-induced apoptosis. Death and Diff18, Cell residue change of double function expressed and Bax Bcl-xL inBax/Bak-less knock-out MEFcells L,Zoratti M,Leanza I,Soddemann Szabo M.Gulbins E(2011)Single point mutations of alysine


Department presentations Department presentations • • • • • • References: • • • References: ic development. pathway, allowing us to previously identify unknown functions of important this regulators of embryon approaches inliving we interactionsmolecular dissected embryos, specific between different signaling times and/or inspecific performed be tissues. withthese particular multifaceted In genetic and cellular lapsetime analysis, imaging digital quantification and genetic and knock-downpharmacological can Stat3,such as Tgf-beta, Hif-1 and Hippo. animals These modified genetically are individuals which in a number of transgenic zebrafishtransgenic lines specific foractivity the reporting ofsignaling pathways pathway reporters. For reasons, this we recently took advantage from characteristics these to developed andties transgenic manipulability, make zebrafish tool an ideal forscreenings analytical and analysis of populations followed can be at single-cell resolution. transparency, Embryo and larval screening proper afterin which, transformation germline with reporter protein-coding genes, fluorescentspecific cell a simple modeling level to amore systematic science. The zebrafish isembryo one the of livingmodels In last the years, we have emergence the seen of different thattools have changedthefrom face of biology Abstract: Research Unit: Regulative and Biology Translational Genetics Generation and application of transgenic reporter lines to study signalling pathway in zebrafish Andrea Vettori Presentation 4 • • 58-67. in zebrafish: a model new forCharcot-Marie-Tooth 2A neuropathy.type Neuromuscul Disord 21, Developmental and defects neuromuscular alterations due to mitofusin 2gene (MFN2)silencing Vettori G,Moro A,Bergamin E,Vazza G,Polo G,Tiso N,Argenton F, Mostacciuolo ML(2011) reporter lines inzebrafish. Genomics.GenetMol 288,231-242. Zancan I,Milanetto M,Tiso N,Argenton F (2013) Generation and application of signaling pathway Moro E,Vettori A,Porazzi P, Schiavone O, A,Ek M,Rampazzo E,Casari Facchinello N,Astone M, 1606, 482-485. Smad3 transgenic reporter reveals TGF-beta control of zebrafish spinal cord development. A,SchiavoneCasari M,Facchinello N,Vettori A,Meyer D, Tiso N,Moro E,Argenton F(2014)A 216,725–736. gy mune roles of arhamnose-binding colonial inthe ascidian lectin Franchi N,Schiavon F, Carletto M,Gasparini F, G,Tosatto Bertoloni L(2011b)Im SCE,Ballarin gene in Franchi F, N,Boldrin L,Piccinni E(2011a)CiMT-1, Ballarin an unusual chordate metallothionein 260–266. ways involved inphagocytosis colonial inthe ascidian Franchi N,Schiavon F, L(2013)Insight M,Canesi L,Ballarin Betti on transduction signal path compound inthe cytes ascidian Franchi L(2013)Influence N,Ballarin cadmiumof the on morphology functionalityand of haemo dismutases ascidian solitary inthe (2013) Characterization and metal-induced gene transcription of two copper new zinc superoxide Ferro D, Franchi N,Mangano V, Cammarata R, Bakiu M,Parrinello N,Santovito L G,Ballarin an Franchi of allorecognition aspects N,Hirose L(2014b)Cellular compound E,Ballarin inthe ascidi intestinalis zation and transcription studies of aphytochelatin synthase gene tunicate from solitary the Franchi N,Piccinni E,Ferro D, G,Spolaore Basso B, Santovito L(2014a)Characteri G, Ballarin Bf and inhibition of C3opsonic activity by compstatin. Comp Dev Immunol 46,430–438. Franchi L(2014)Preliminary characterization N,Ballarin of complement inacolonial tunicate: C3, Botrylloides simodensis Botrylloides

Ciona intestinalis Ciona exposed to cadmium. Aquat exposed Toxicol 152,47–56.

genome: structure and expression 315A,90–100. studies. Zool JExp , Inv J11,219-223. Surv Botryllus schlosseri Ciona intestinalis Ciona . Comp Biochem Physiol 158C,29–35. . Aquat Toxicol 140-141,369–379. Botryllus schlosseri Botryllus schlosseri . JInvertebr Pathol 112, . Immunobiolo

Dev BiolDev Ciona Ciona ------daily fluctuations of lighting conditions. its and light environments, but has plasticity achieved ahigh inorder to optimize ability visual the inthe structure that not only has evolved to match with organisms’ for needs, example interms of feeding hab functions specific these structures. Oneof of such examplesthevisual system, is developed ahighly systemsoscillatory are present indifferent also peripheraltissues, where they temporally controlthe cadian pacemaker is located brain inthe and organizes overall the behavioural rhythms yet molecular fluctuations cyclic the the environmentof and notpassively respond them. to In the animals, main cir and behaviour. These rhythms are generated timekeepingby mechanismsthat allow them to anticipate Living organisms show daily rhythms varietyof inawide functions, from gene expression to physiology Abstract: Research Unit: Neurogenetics and Chronobiology Cryptochrome and the temporal control of visual plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster Gabriella Mazzotta Presentation: 5 comment on benefits the of an “extended of fitness” in studies concerning human evolution. relli 2011,quoted &Wagner, by Barve inNature, Aug. 2013,and by Tecumseh Fitch in 2012). Finally, we differentfunctions; functional co-optation 2) from non-adaptive structures (“spandrels”)Ser (Pievani & kinds of exaptation: shift, 1)functional i.e.the re-use by natural selection of a withstructure previously “adaptive vs.exaptive” evolutionary hypotheses (Pievani T., 2011).Then, E.Serrelli we differentiate two of term “exaptation”, the possible the operationalization of concept this and we sixways identify to test molecular biology, as well in human as particularly evolution. In we our firstly talk, theanalyze meaning an “anti-Darwinian” concept and, adopted since 1982,has been by many researchers inevolutionary and character,useful instead of it calling an “adaptation” by default. Exaptation is neither a“saltationist” nor improving and enlarging scientific the language available to researchers studyingevolutionthe of any Paleontologists Stephen J. Vrba and Gould Elisabeth introduced term “ex-aptation” the with aim the of Abstract: Research Unit: Philosophy and History of Life Sciences Two kinds of exaptation Telmo Pievani Presentation: 6 • References: physiology of structures. visual the different levels: functionalitythe componentson cascade thevisual of also andthe on morphology and plasticity. visual the These results suggestthat dCRY could modulate circadian plasticity inflies at two cadian variation, resulting indaily rhythms morphology and inthe physiology of neurons, important in formation the Both lobe). of presynaptic the T-Bars and BRP the abundance at structure this show cir on membrane the of presynaptic the active zone of lamina the first (the optic neuropil the of fly’s optic have that recently dCRY observed interacts with Bruchpilot also (BRP), ascaffolding protein localized could result inacircadian modulation of components. activity of the cascade visual the Moreover we protein that organizes phototransduction the complex, and we have hypothesized that interaction this dCRY interacts with components the of Drosophila by cascade visual binding INAD, scaffolding the phenotype dCRYand when is rescued wild-type the is selectively expressed photoreceptor inthe cells. ing response, is no longer maintainedlacking inflies the circadian photoreceptor Cryptochrome (dCRY) diurnalthe rhythmicity of two differentbehaviors,visual electroretinogram (ERG) and optomotor turn efficiency coding andsual visionoptimize under differentlight intensityregimes. Wethat observed have In Drosophila melanogaster circadian afunctional system clock visual inthe is important to control vi the visual system. visual the Proc Natl Acad USA15,6163-6168. Sci ing M,Grebler Helfrich-Förster R, Tosatto C,Mammi R, S,Costa SC(2013)Fly cryptochrome and Mazzotta G,Rossi A, Leonardi E,Mason L,Spolaore C,Caccin M,Bertolucci B, Martin AJ, Schlicht


Department presentations Department presentations • • • • • References: exaptive mechanisms matched with amosaic evolution model. Specifically, the on focus issuewill we of humanlanguage evolution, stressing outthe major role the of • • • • • • • • • References: mate choice to that of and male storage female sperm until fertilization. analyzed inlaboratory and natural conditions, and manipulated experimentally can be from stage the of representwhich system an ideal to investigate processes these as and male female interactions can be sexes.the between Guppiesflict (Poecilia reticulata) areviviparous small fish with internal fertilization include adaptations specific in males and which females generatepotentialthe for evolutionaryan con competitionthe among same the to batch males fertilize of have eggs appreciated. not fully been These Female promiscuity sexual is awidespread phenomenon innature, yet evolutionary the consequences of Abstract: Research Unit: and Evolutionary Ecoetology Biology inSex the tank: what guppies can tell about us sexual selection and sexual conflict before and after mating GaspariniClelia Presentation 7 • Pievani T(2012)Many ways of human. being 2002-2012:Stephen J. Gould’s to paleo-anthro legacy Girotto V, Pievani T, Vallortigara G(2014)Supernatural adaptations beliefs: life for or social Pievani T, E(2011)Exaptation Serrelli inhuman evolution: how to test adaptive vsexaptive evolu Fitch (2012)Evolutionary WT developmental and biology human language evolution: constraints A,WagnerBarve A(2013) Alatent capacity for evolutionary innovation through exaptation inmet dynamics of and male female genitalia. B:Biol 280,20130749. Proc Royal Scie Soc Evans JP, van Lieshout E&Gasparini C(2013)Quantitative genetic insights into coevolutionary the storage.with sperm 8,e64431. PLoSone Gasparini C,Evans fluid JP(2013)Ovarian mediatesthe temporalviability decline in sperm ina fish sperm B:Biol 280,20132047. Proc Royal Sci Soc Evans JP, Rosengrave P, Gasparini N(2013)Delineating C&Gemell roles the of and males females anddependence additive genetic variance inTrinidadian guppy ejaculate. Ecol Evo 3,4940-4953. A&Pilastro A(2013) Pattern Devigili R, Gasparini C,Dosselli of inbreeding depression, condition of reproductive investment by guppies. male Barrett LT, Evans JP, Gasparini C(2014).The effects perceived of mating opportunities on patterns of reproductive male investment inguppies. Letters Biology 10,20140166. Fitzpatrick LJ, Gasparini C,Fitzpatrick JL&Evans JP(2014)Male–female relatedness and patterns e105856. and traits postcopulatory selected stress reflects levels inguppies. sexually of dietary 9, PLoSone GMTurchini,MM Rahman, CGasparini, FNorambuena &Evans JP(2014)The expression of pre- omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids depresses competitiveness. sperm Biol Lett 10,20140623. CGasparini,MM Rahman, GMTurchini &Evans reduction JP(2014)Experimental indietary pies. Biol Lett Manuscript inpress (accepted 22October). Gasparini C,Kelley J&Evans JP(2014)Male storage sperm compromises motility sperm ingup pp. 41-61. In R.W. Sussman, Cloninger C.R. of Origins (eds.), Cooperation and Springer, Altruism, New York, toPievani cooperate? T(2011)Born as Altruism exaptation, and evolution the of human sociality. pology. JAnthropol 90,133-149. Sci Churchland, F. Waal, De S. Parmigiani, T. Pievani) 151,pp. 385–402. by-products of cognitive adaptations? Behaviour, issue The special Evolution of Morality (ed. by P. hypotheses.tionary JAnthropol 89,1-15. Sci on adaptation. Evol Biol 39,613–637. abolic systems. Nature 500,203-206.

PLoS onePLoS 9,e93780. - - -

- - Research Unit: Molecular Ecology Sturgeon conservation: from ex-situ planning to next-generation sequencing Congiu Leonardo Presentation 8 • • • • Research Unit: Environmental Physiology and Zoology Experimental New perspectives in the study of the antioxidant defences in Antarctic fish: the peroxiredoxins Gianfranco Santovito Presentation 9 • • • • • • • References: markers through also next-geretation sequencing technologies. nome of animals these that considered can be as living fossils, search v)the and establishment of forensic protocols for detection of the poliploidity iv) identification the of acivetransposable elementsthe in ge ii) studies the to finalized reintroductionthe development iii) species, extinct of locally of analytical managementthe of residual genetic variability through development the of ex-situ crossing programs, andmethods protocols with strong applicative value. Some of exploitable the themes are: i)strategies for to possibility the of exploring avariety of research themes, from research basic to development the of duced by International the Union for of Conservation the Nature (IUCN).Studying fishes these leads genetics of sturgeon, the group with highest the risk of as extinction, identifiedthe list in pro TheResearch Unit of amongEcology Molecular various lines of research, is studyingthe conservation Abstract: sturgeon (Acipenser ONE naccarii). PLoS 6,e18249. Managing polyploidy inexsitu conservation genetics: Thecase endangeredthe critically of Adriatic Congiu L,Pujolar JM,Forlani S,Dupanloup A,Cenadelli I,Barbisan F, A,Fontana Galli F(2011) Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii). Aquaculture 321,223-229. E,Barbisan F,Boscari Congiu L(2011)Inheritance pattern of microsatellite polyploid inthe loci 223-232. putatively active Tc1-like transposable element genome inthe of sturgeons Mol Phylogenet Evol 66, Pujolar JM,Astolfi E, Boscari L, VidottoBarbisan M, CongiuF, A, Bruson L(2013) Tana1, a new dation using sequencing. RAD Mol Ecol 22,3112-3123. C, Vidotto A,Congiu M,Sergeev L(2013)Sturgeon conservation genomics: SNP and discovery vali GharbiOgden R, K,Mugue N,Martinsohn J, H,Davey JW, Senn Pourkazemi M,McEwing Eland R, BMC Genomics 14,407. Transcriptome sequencing and denovo annotation of endangered critically the Adriatic sturgeon. Vidotto M,Grapputo E, Barbisan F, A,Boscari A,Grandi Coppe G,Kumar A,Congiu L(2013) 489-498. identification of sturgeon Amolecular caviar: new approachtrade. illegal to detect MolEcolRes 14, A,Pujolar E,Barmintseva P, JM,Doukakis Boscari Mugue N,Congiu L(2014)Species and hybrid on family groups inpolyploid sturgeons. ONE PLoS 9,e110951. E,Pujolar JM,Dupanloup CongiuBoscari L(2014)Captive R, I,Corradin breeding programs based fitnessthe guppy. in Evolution 66,532-543. A,Pilastro A(2012)Cross–generationalGasparini C,Devigili harassment effects sexual of on female locity. Naturwissenschaften 99,417-420. Gasparini C,Andreatta G,Pilastro fluid A(2012)Ovarian of receptive enhances females ve sperm ing fish.Ecol and Evol 3,61-66. Evans JP, Gasparini C(2013)The basis genetic of female multiple matingpolyandrous ina livebear 1756. pendent mating male preferences guppy. inthe B:Biol London 280no. Proc Sci Royal Series Soc Gasparini C,Serena G,Pilastro unattractive A(2013)Do make you friends better? look Context-de


Department presentations Department presentations the Bayesianthe inference and maximum The methods. expression likelihood these genesof indifferent ment comparison with orthologous sequences from other fish, and phylogenetictrees were usingbuild arctic chain. food The obtained nucleotide and sequencesamino acid were analyzed by multiplealign bernacchii In present the work molecular characterization the we described of five Prdx isoforms in organisms evolved an efficient antioxidant system. toed low temperature of waters (-1.9°C).In conditions, these ROS formation is favored and Antarctic conditions. Antarctic marine environment is characterized by increased oxygen concentration, correlat (ROS), production which can incremented easily inmany physiological, pathological and environmental well known that system this is first the line of defense incell protection against reactive oxygen species together with other components, enzymatic both and non-enzymatic, of antioxidant the system. cell It is ant antioxidant enzymes inmany enzymes animal These taxa. protect cells against oxidative stress, acting duce hydrogen peroxide, organic hydroperoxides and peroxynitrite, thus representing aclass of import Peroxiredoxins (Prdxs) are afamily non-selenium of (22–27kDa) small peroxidases that are able to re Abstract: term exposure to different demonstrated pHvaluesalso that OA theaffected juveniles the species, of two 2014),althoughal variation the pattern depending varied on and species the tissue the analyzed. Along- galloprovincialis valuessalinity influenced immune, biochemical and physiologicalparameters the adults in of different stages their lifeof history. The exposure to different combinations ofpH, temperature and five years we have been studying the combined effect of OA andotherstressors in marine bivalves at in other environmental parameters (such as temperature and or salinity) to pollutants. last the During OA is not only the stressor marine organisms have to face. OA could alter susceptibility the to changes to produce calcareous structures, at same the influencing time physiological responses growth.and But gressive acidification oceans.Ocean acidificationof (OA) may influence theability ofmarine organisms Increasing atmospheric concentration of CO Abstract: Research Unit: Marine Ecology life-history Combined effects seawaterof acidification and other stressors in marine bivalves at different stages of their Marco Munari Presentation 10 • • References: of Padova and University the of and Calabria) IBP-CNR the center of Naples. Italian XXIX the Antarctic Expedition (2013-2014)and involves two Italian universities University (the organismsthese to temperature changes, of inaperspective Warming. Global This projectwith started ian Program for Antarctic Research (PNRA), is which aimed to investigate physiological the responses of In addition, expression these data represent starting point the for aresearch project, by funded Ital the risk of oxidative stress. knowledgethe of antioxidant system evolution Antarctic inthe teleost, animal evolved under astrong The obtained results arethe first data on Prdx of Antarctic fish, and representfurthera contribution to and glutathione peroxidase. proaches, inrelation also to expression the of other antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase tissues (liver, muscle, spleen and gills, was heart) studied by biomolecular both and biochemical ap Toxicol. Manuscript inpreparation. expression study of fiveperoxiredoxins new the Emerald in rockcod Trematomusbernacchii. Aquat Tolomeo Place SP, AM,Carraro R, A,Bakiu Ferro D, Santovito G (2014)Characterization and gene thione peroxidases. Hydrobiologia. Manuscript submitted. cytoplasmic glutathione peroxidase 1of four Antarctic fish: insights intoevolutionthe of fish gluta Sattin Tolomeo R, G,Bakiu AM,Coppola D, Patarnello T, Santovito G(2014)Characterization of

, ateleost widely distributed inmany areas of Antarctica, that plays apivotal role Ant inthe

and and

Chamelea gallina

(Matozzo 2012and Vetal 2013,Chinellato 2010,Range etal Pet 2 , produced by human is activities responsible for pro the

Trematomus Mytilus Mytilus ------• References: develop predictive capabilities and response strategies. variety of simultaneously environmental occurring stressors on entire the life-cycle of marine bivalves to diclofenac. results Our for research need highlighted the further aimed to understand effects the of a growthand detrimental effects underon acidified survival conditionwere theobserved in presence of pH than diclofenac or interaction their (Munari 2012).Conversely, Metal most the inclam larvae, In adult bivalves, immune and oxidative stress-related parameters showed influenced to be mostly by flammatory were drug) investigated in of seawater CO To hypothesis the verify that OA alter marine organism susceptibility to pollutants, combined the effects tolerant than damage two the species, (Chinellato between 2010,Range 2014).Overall, etal Petal by altering normal their physiological rates, reducing and growth, survival and promoting severe shell Introduction. lesions Cartilage are to generally progress believed to severe forms of osteoarthritis Abstract: Research Unit: of and Biology Endothelial Cells Regeneration In vitro assessment of anovel composite scaffold for articular cartilage restoration StoccoElena Presentation 12 tion and control using appropriate bio-indicators. are innovative the drivers of sustainability. At same the current the time foodwebs arobust need evalua to non-conventional use Fungi plants Bacteria, wild species. and invertebrates, animals, small especially versity as scarcely the explored resource of planet the and strategies the matured intraditional societies New Foodwebs? more Ornew efficientstrategies to afford a crowded Our world? research focus is biodi Abstract: Research Unit: of Biodiversity Ecology and Sustainability Sustainable of use biodiversity? Which food, which strategies to feed the 9billion humans in 2050? Maurizio G.Paoletti Presentation 11 • • • • • 163, S4–S9. and diclofenac on immune parameters of clam the Munari M,Matozzo V, Chemello G,Marin MG (2012)Combined effects seawaterof acidification in bivalve juveniles? Mar Environ 99,136-148. Res D,Badocco Marin seawater MG (2014)Does acidification growth affect survival, and shell integrity Bressan M,Chinellato A,Munari M,Matozzo V, Manci A,Marceta T, Finos L,Moro I,Pastore P, climatic stressors. Environ Reg Change 14,19-30. CO san M,Matozzo V, Chinellato A,Munari Menif M,El NT, M,Chìcharo Dellali L(2014)Impacts of Range P, Chìcharo MA,Ben-Hamadou Pilò D, R, Fernandez-Reiriz MJ, U, Labarta Marin MG, Bres 157, S19. acidification effects on physiological responses in Chinellato A,Munari M,Matozzo V, Bressan M,Marin MG (2010)First attempts inevaluating mussel and the pHandcreased increased temperature values induce oxidative stress clam inthe Matozzo V, Chinellato A,Munari M,Bressan M,Marin MG combination (2013)Can the of de e33820. munomodulation inbivalves under seawater acidification and increased temperature. Plos ONE 7, Matozzo V, Chinellato A,Munari M,Finos L,Bressan M,Marin MG (2012)First of evidence im 2 -induced seawater acidification on coastal Mediterranean bivalves and interactionswith other

M. galloprovincialis 2 -driven acidification theand emerging contaminant diclofenac (a non-steroidal anti-in

Mytilus galloprovincialis Mytilus

to stress the conditions considered. M. galloprovincialis ? Mar Poll 72,34-40. Bull Mytilus galloprovincialis Mytilus Ruditapes philippinarum Ruditapes and clam inthe

Ruditapes philippinarum Ruditapes . Comp Biochem Physiol

. Comp Biochem Physiol C. gallina Chamelea gallina was less

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Department presentations Department presentations 1975) and homogenized acidsolution in10%acetic at 0°Cbefore lyophilisation. W’s Jand AC sections AC derived matrix. Tissue samples were according decellularized to Meezan (Meezan etal., Life Sci. adhesiondrocytes and proliferation: PVA the hydrogel alone, PVA/W’s the Jderived matrix; PVA/ the Methods. Three differentscaffold groups were investigated to theiranalyse ability in sustaining chon cordbilical Wharton’s jelly (W’s J)incomparison with more the (AC)cartilage specific articular matrix. particular, our attention on investigation the focused of an alternative ECMtissue derived from um the properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel and bioactive features of extracellular matrix (ECM).In how to realize ascaffold able to cartilage sustainregeneration. articular We have combined mechanical and bioactive, may represent an interesting solution to problem. this In work this we have investigated promising field forthe generation tissueof substitutestissue is engineering: acompositescaffold, strong of (Archer defects focal etal., JAnat. 2006;Nesic etal., Adv Deliv Rev. Drug 2006).An emerging and current therapiesfactory clinical have to search led the of strategies providing solutions to treatment the J.Orthop 2013;Yangpoor One etal., PLoS 2013).The regenerativepotential cartilage of theand unsatis changes joints inthe with consequent pain, inflammation functionaland disability (Farr al.,Open et (Giovannini etal., Eur Mater. Cell 2010;Harris Joint etal., JBone Surg Am. 2010),leading to pathologic • • References: upon PVA/W’s Jscaffolds. ture. Further investigations are to evaluate necessary maintenance the of chondrocyte phenotype grown adhesion,drocyte representing an idoneous biomimetic microenviroment eventhough its na aspecific Conclusions. W’s Decellularized Jmatrix is an attractive of reservoir macromolecules. It promotes chon from was day observable ber 7to day 14on PVA/ECM. hours from colonization seeding, of PVA/ECM scaffolds wasvisible. A progressive increase of cell num According to assay, SEM and MTT PVA didnot sustain adhesion cell and proliferation. Twenty-four CD151+/CD49c+/CD49e+/CD49f-/ CD26-. evaluationFlow demonstrated cytometry that immunophenotype specific cell is CD44+/CD73+/ collagen II,IXand oligomeric type X,cartilage matrix protein, aggrecan, SOX9, hyaluronan synthase. showed that AC-derived populations cell are active transcription inthe of typical chondrocyte mRNAs: state, showed they classic the round or polygonal shape membrane with small extroflessions. RT-PCR Freshly isolated chondrocytes demonstrated clear boundaries and distinct nuclei. At asubconfluence and mucus. matic histological analysis respectively; cycles showed that mainly both they consist of collagen fibers appearance.spongy W’s Jand AC tissues were completely with 3and decellularized 7detergent-enzy firstthe is quite regular, smooth andwith convolution-likesecond the structures, has a more irregular size ranging from 4to 10mm.PVA/W’s Jand PVA/AC scaffolds have adifferent surface morphology: According to SEM micrographs, PVA scaffolds show a quite homogenousporous distributionporewith residual strain subjected when to tensile strength, revealing elasticity. high for 25%PVA. PVA 16wt%hydrogel showed more to be elastic than 25wt%one; it didnot maintain the vestigated. Stress values relative to a100%elongation were to equal 0.35MPa for 16%PVA and 0.5MPa Results. The stretching and relaxationtwoof differentcurves PVA hydrogels (16% and 25%wt) were in proliferation cell seeding, was evaluated assay by and MTT SEM micrographs. fromcytes passage 1were cultured on scaffolds (20,000cells/cm2). After 24 hours, 7 and 14 days from mRNAscartilage specific and specific toidentify cell by flowcytometry immunophenotype. Chondro by Transcriptionacterized Reverse Polymerase (RT-PCR) Chain Reaction to evaluate expression the of chondrocytes were isolated from human by cartilage tissue digestion with 0.1%collagenase Band char after chondrocytes wasseeding investigated ScanningElectronby Microscopy (SEM). humanPrimary hydrogel samples underwent tensile tests. PVA and PVA composite scaffoldbefore morphology and son trichromic kits to assess maintenance the of properties. structural Hydrated 16and 25wt%PVA were stained with DAPI complete to ascertain decellularization and with Movat pentachromic and Mas ing applications. inprocess. Article PP, Grandi CNew propertiespolyvinyl of alcohol chemically modified hydrogels fortissue engineer Stocco L,Grandi E,Barbon S, Borgio F, Gamba Gaudio PG,Del C, Dalzoppo D, Lora S, Parnigotto PVA/ECM scaffolds for cartilage regeneration. BiomedRes Int 2014,762189. Stocco E,Barbon S,Dalzoppo D, Lora S,Sartore L,Folin M,Parnigotto PP, Grandi C(2014)Tailored


- - different replicationtiming sequenceand stability were considered Replication analyses. insingle-locus of replication the clusters, fork dynamics) of different non-cancer humanGenomic cells. regionswith ate. To contribute to subject, this we evaluated genome-wide replication profiles (fork rates, organization terns corresponding to deregulated events and/or to response cell after replication stress is not immedi genomic instability, but many because details of regular the process are unravelled, still identifying pat andpool to chromatin organization. It is well known that impairment of DNA replication may to lead usage and fork rates, and changes of replication the profiles according the compositionto of nucleotide Mammalian genomes are replicated under aflexible program, implying cell-to-cell variability in origin Abstract: Research Unit: Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics genetic instability Understanding DNA replication dynamics in the mammalian genome, and in loci specifically involved in PalumboElisa Presentation 13 Whole-Exome Sequencing. linkage study, Copy Number Variants (CNVs)analysis, Identical By Descent (IBD) estimation and proaches to genetic identify used risk factors for SCZand BD, include which mtDNA sequencing, The presentationsome highlight will recent results of our studythe genome-wideand describe ap susceptibility factors that should shared be among patients. mogeneous genetic background and, on other the hand, involvement the of number asmall of genetic to 37large with acommon all pedigrees ancestry.allows This us to hypothesize, the on one hand, a ho years,Since several we are studying apopulation sample of more than 250SCZand belonging BD cases turned towards identification the of rare population factorsgenetic in especially cases. and familial thatdenced common variants contribute heritability, to only of half observed the therefore attention has is complex and not still completely clarified.Recently, extensive genome-wide association studiesevi worldwidein the population. Despite an established heritability of about genetic 80%,their architecture Schizophrenia (SCZ)and Bipolar Disorder (BD) are neuropsychiatric disorders with aprevalence of 1% Abstract: Research Unit: Human Molecular Genetics tion-based cohort. Deciphering the genetic landscape of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: genomic approaches on apopula Giovanni Vazza Presentation 14 • • References: inherentthe instability of sequences. these stable however loci, adifferential use of replication andorigin replicationtiming maybe Associated to Finally, replication forks progress at same the conditions inregions showing genomic instability, and in sists innormal infact replication features, remain which genomic when undetected are methods applied. and types cell within genome. the Importantly, we demonstrated patterns that unexpected several con FACS results Our sorting. indicate existence the of general both and specific replication profiles among interphase FISH inasynchronous populations cell as well as inearly-to-late S-phase isolated fractions by profiles wereevaluated on stretched The molecules. replication timing loci wasdefinedspecific of by the GAA/TTC repeat expansion. GAA/TTC the Manuscript inpreparation. Stevanoni M,Palumbo E,Russo A.Altered replication timing of frataxin the gene presence inthe of 3093. normal human cells by genome-wide and molecular combing. single-locus 319,3081- Res Cell Exp Palumbo E,Tosoni E,Russo and A(2013)General specific replication profiles in are detected



Department presentations Department presentations Parkinson’s (PD), second the most common disease neurodegenerative disorder, is characterized by the Abstract: Research Unit: Biophysics, Molecular and Physiology Cellular Dopamine and oxidative stress in Parkinson’s disease: an is antioxidant therapy valuable?” Marco Bisaglia Presentation 15 • • References: Research Unit: Pathology General Angiogenesis in secondary syphilis: role of the bacterioferritin TpF1,antigen of Treponema pallidum Tommaso Pozzobon Presentation 16 • • • • • References: stress and, likely, progression of disease. the that SOD-mimetic compounds specific canbe effective in reducing toxicity Associated with oxidative endogenous and synthetic, as atool to maintain cellular homeostasis of ROS. findings Our demonstrate possibility the ed to exploit antioxidant the properties of superoxide dismutating radical both molecules, over, considering that most of, ifnot intracellular the all, ROS derive from superoxide anion, we evaluat product of dopamine could promote loss of selective the dopaminergic neurons inPD. observed More In present the communication, molecular mechanisms the discuss Iwill through oxidation the which reactive dopaminequinones (DAQs). dopaminergic neurons, is redox the of dopamine chemistry (DA) that to leads formation the of ROS and cies (ROS). Arelevant source of oxidative stress, could which account for degeneration selective the of endogenous the when occurs antioxidant systems are overcome by generation the of reactive oxygen spe mitochondrial dysfunction are considered central indopaminergic neurodegeneration. Oxidative stress helping delineate to partially molecular pathways the that to pathology. lead this Oxidative damages and monogenic, hereditable forms of representing disease, the important very has in 5–10%of been cases, all for synaptic communication. Although PD is generally asporadic neurological disorder, of discovery the preferential death of asubset of neurons mesencephalon inthe that dopamine use as neurotransmitter Cys-106 and Cys-53. JBiol 287,18738-18749. Chem Dopamine-derived quinones affectthe structure the of redoxsensor throughDJ-1 modifications at Girotto S,Sturlese M,Tessari M,Bellanda BisagliaM,Bubacco I,Cappellini L,Mammi R, S.(2012) ble implications for Parkinson’s PLoSOne7,e38026. disease. modification by dopamine quinones enzymaticaffects activity by promotingaggregation: its possi E,Tabares E,Bisaglia M,Lazzarini Belluzzi LC, Beltramini M,Bubacco L(2012)Human SOD2 pathogenesisthe of Parkinson’s Ageing 13,107-114. disease? Rev Res Beltramini M,Bubacco L(2014)AreBisaglia M,Filograna R, dopamine derivatives implicated in chaperone on acting SOD1 activation. JBiol 289,10887-10899. Chem Girotto S,Cendron L,BisagliaM,Tessari I,Mammi S,Zanotti G,Bubacco L(2014)DJ-1 is acopper to hamper progression the of neurodegenerative disorders. Manuscript inpreparation. worth AJ, Bisaglia M.Novel of use asuperoxide dismutating radical agent as atherapeutic approach VK,Sanchez-Martinez Godena Filograna L,Bubacco R, A,Ferrari L,Beltramini M,Whit E,Casella Hum 56,869-872. Genet Analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. J C,Magri C,BarlatiBertolin S,Vettori A,Perini GI,Peruzzi P, Mostacciuolo ML,Vazza G.(2011) for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder on chromosome 15q26.Mol Psychiatry 12,87-93. P,ruzzi Mostacciuolo ML. Vazza E,Vettori C,Scudellaro G,Bertolin A,Boaretto F, Rampinelli Sanctis G,Perini S,De G,Pe

(2007) Genome-wide supports scan existence the of asusceptibility locus

------contribute to systemic the dissemination of bacterium. the bydeed, promoting formation the vessels, of blood are which new inan permeable early phase, it could Collectively, data these support that idea the TpF1 role has acrucial pathogenesis inthe of syphilis: in of zebrafishlarvae. ability of TpF1 angiogenesis intriggering was confirmedvivo in by injecting systemthe vascular TpF1 in antigen,to bacterial the following activation the of two the transcription factors CREBand NF-κB. The effect is this mediated the by chemokine IL-8that is expressed and released by endothelial cells exposed proliferationthe and migration of cells the as well as assembly their into micro structures; capillary-like vates endothelial cells favouring organization their vessels. innew We demonstrated that TpF1 stimulates TpF1, abacterioferritin and major antigen of T. endowed pallidum, with immune modulant activity, acti endothelial cells promoting formation the vessels. of blood Aim new of study this whether was to verify reported tohas activate been endothelium, the thus suggesting possibility the that it may interact with sions of patients affectedmoreover, syphilis secondary by vascularised; appearbe highly to bacteriumthe Syphilis is achronic multisystem disorder caused by spirochete the Treponema Cutaneous pallidum. le Abstract: tionary adaptation.tionary can changemachinery inclosely related organisms can to lead some interesting hypotheses for evolu factors show afew, but marked differences very between genotypes. The finding thepart athat splicing genotypes.supported Thisfurther was that the by paneltheobservation Serine/Arginine-rich splicingof changes to aminor extent. Surprisingly, some distinctive splicing features between were observed also ing RNAs. Grape displays amarked AS tissue-specificity, while stress conditions produce splicing update existing the grape gene prediction genes coding with 2,258new and 3,336putative long non-cod RNAseq analyses from differenttissues, stress conditions and genotypes. the RNAseq We used data to ofIn alternative work this survey adetailed we describe splicing on (AS) ingrape 124SOLiD based Abstract: Research Unit: Genomics and Bioinformatics A deep survey of alternative splicing in grape Nicola Vitulo Presentation: 18 • References: for long-term neuronal growth and differentiation. nanocomposite scaffold peptides,thusthe and suggesting a prototype forthe development of implants positively modulate neuronal differentiation,which is synergistically improved the combinationby the of ment, synthetic designed derived we peptides, from also L1and LINGO1 proteins. Such could peptides differentiation of human neuronal cells. Moreover,from to mimicguidancecues the environ neural of multi-walled carbon nanotubes acidmatrix inapoly-L-lactic dispersed able to support growth and and to environment. neural mimicthe We developed abiocompatible composite scaffold, consisting growth and differentiationthanks their to ability stimuli,to conduct to interface electrical with cells Carbon nanotubes are attractive candidates for development the of scaffolds able to support neuronal Abstract: Research Unit: Molecular Biology metic peptides and nanocomposite scaffolds From bioinformatic design to regenerative medicine: enhanced neuronal differentiation combining biomi Francesco Filippini Presentation: 17 icine, Dec 27. doi:icine, Dec 10.1016/j.nano.2014.11.001. differentiation combining biomimeticpeptides andcarbon a nanotube-polymerscaffold. Nanomed Scapin P, G,Salice Tescari S,Menna Filippis E,De V, Filippini F(2014)Enhanced Neuronal cell


Department presentations Department presentations dant tissue of human the body. It consists of different types, but cell the motor units are myofibers that Skeletal muscle, performs which important metabolic functions and allows movement, is most the abun Abstract: Research Unit: Functional Genomics of muscle fibers MiRNA-mRNA network at single cell level reveal the role of specific miRNAs in the regulation of metabolism Francesco Chemello Presentation: 19 • References: pression profiles in humanperipheral lymphocytes blood subjected to IR and/or microgravity. From an two kinds of cellular stressors that may alone act or incombination. We analysed miRNA and gene ex mediate gene regulation inresponse also to cellular stress. Ionizing radiation (IR)and microgravity are tion of mRNAs. physiological their Besides role inavariety of important biological processes, miRNAs miRNAs to complementary target sequences intheir mRNAs may repress translation or induce degrada tors of gene expression, by interacting with 3’-untranslated regions (UTR)of target genes. The binding of MicroRNAs are endogenous noncoding small RNAs (18–24nt), as post-transcriptional acting modula Abstract: Research Unit: Biology Cell MicroRNAs in the cellular response to stress Maddalena Mognato Presentation 20 • • • References: rosis. process that may have significant implicationsthe insulin-resistance in and in amyotrophiclateral scle is able to reduce oxidative the miR-142-3p metabolism while is able to induce formation the of lipids, a of miRNA specific the in modulation metabolism.of fiber In particular, we have shown that miR-27-a integration of transcript and miRNA expression data at level, cell sigle enabled us to discover role the for sequencing (Biscontin at al. 2010),we have identified miRNAs expressedfrom single myofibers. The and are becoming increasingly important processes inthe of gene regulation. Thanks to a new protocol through mechanisms transcriptional or post-transcriptional. MicroRNAs operate according to latter, the contraction ofthemselves fibers the al. (Chemello et 2011). The regulation of gene expression occur can ysis of individual the fibers allowedhas the identification of genes regulated function in speed of the of that donot participate incontraction (egendothelial cells or immune system).transcriptional The anal what is happening motor specific inthe units the of muscle, also and brings in the itself problem of cells using whole muscle for enriched different classes of myofibers. This approach does allowevaluate not to of molecular processes that regulate specificity the the differentof fibers so types of was far conducted have different metabolisms depending performancetheir on the in process of contraction. The analysis Vitulo N,Forcato Carpinelli E,Telatin C,Corteggiani A,Campagna D, D’Angelo R, M,Zimbello lators of differentpathways metabolic in mouse skeletal muscle. Manuscript in preparation. Chemello F, (2014)Single-cell etal transcriptional networks miRNA identify 27aand 1423pas regu miRNA quantification. labeling for method bead-based BMC Mol Biol 11,44. Biscontin S, Tombolan S,Cagnin A,Casara Pittà A,Lanfranchi G,De L,Rosolen C(2010)New e16807. ysis inskeletal muscle: expression signatures of individual fast and slow myofibers. One 6, PLoS Chemello F, C,Cancellara P, Bean Laveder P, C,Lanfranchi G(2011)Microgenomic Reggiani anal BMC Plant 14:99. Biology in grape reveals changes splicing inthe related machinery to tissue, stress condition and genotype. M,VannozziCorso C,Lucchin A,Bonghi M,Valle of alternative survey G(2014)Adeep splicing

------• • • References: directly targeted by miR-27a. NA interactions. By means this we demonstrated that ATM, main the DDR inthe kinase pathway, is (DDR) and immunity. In vivo validation functional was to performed demonstrate miRNA-mR selected integrated analysis of miRNA-mRNA we identified miRNAstargeting genes of DNA-DamageResponse • • References: es, as organelle fission the or maintenance of cell homeostasis. Thelatterthem. be away could to establishbetween organelles, links providing coordination in process on mitochondria, chloroplasts and peroxisomes and on also dynamic the protrusions generated from dress topic, this we have working been on AtFIS1A (Ruberti etal. 2014),atail-anchored protein present only by exchange the of factors, signalling small but by also physical interactions among To them. ad It proposed has been that metabolic the inter-dependence of various organelles might mediated be not RS,suchthe as whirly2 and alx8. cells, organs and entire plant presented, be and will type mutant inwild both Arabidopsis lines altered in probe out. (Cameleon), carried has Results been on inter-organellar the calcium indifferent signalling al. MSinpreparation) indifferent conditions, experimental by employingCa2+ the encoded genetically of dynamics Ca2+ inplant mitochondria cytosol, (Loro etal. 2012),and chloroplasts/plastids (Loro et Insignalling. order to unveil among links functional different organelles,the comparative monitoring Species (RNSand ROS) and calcium are some of suggested signals the involved to be retrograde inthe nucleus and integrated at molecular level the remains however unknown. Nitrogen Reactive and Oxygen. integrate nuclear and organellar gene expression. How are signals transduced from organelles the to the of anterograde and retrograde regulatory pathways, implying existence the of network signalling apt to coordinated activity of chloroplastic, mitochondrial and nuclear compartments is under atight control sors mediating cellular responses to stimuli, external resulting inshort- and long-term responses. The Increasing suggests evidence that chloroplasts and mitochondria as environmental viewed can be sen Abstract: Research Unit: Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology Organelles ascritical players in plant cell communication network Michela Zottini Presentation 21 • • Girardi Pittà C,De G,Lanfranchi G,Celotti S,Sales C,Casara L,Mognato M(2014)Genome-wide Girardi Pittà C,De E,Romualdi S,Calura C,Casara C,Celotti L,Mognato M(2014)Integration Mognato M,Celotti L(2014)MiRNAs targeting genes of DNA-damage response to enhance ther tail-anchored protein, to three subcellular is compartments. localized Mol Plant 7,1393–1396. A,PedrazziniRuberti C,Costa Schiavo E,Lo F, Zottini M(2014)FISSION1A, an Arabidopsis in plant cells. Plant J71,1–13. ent subcellular compartments cytoplasmic/mitochondrial reveals astrict handling Ca2+ relationship Loro G,Drago I,Pozzan T, Schiavo Lo F, A(2012) Targeting Zottini M,Costa of Cameleon to differ man lymphocytes microgravity. under modeled ONE PLoS 7,e31293. miRNA and mRNA expression profilesalterations highlights inionizing radiation response of hu Girardi Pittà C,De G,Lanfranchi G,Celotti S,Sales C,Casara L,Mognato M(2012)Analysis of response to γ-radiation is affected by miR-27a inA549cells. Int J Sci 14,17881-17896. Mol Di Francesco Pittà A,De C,Moret F, Barbieri V, Celotti L,Mognato M(2013)The DNA-damage crogravity during DNA-Damage the Response to γ-rays. Fis Nat Sci Rend Lincei 25,53-57. analysis of microRNA and gene expression profiles in human lymphocytescultured mi in modeled tured microgravity. inmodeled BioMed Int Res 296747. analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression profiles in humanperipheral lymphocytes cul blood Editor’s invitation). apeutic response of tumor resistant (inpreparation inMedicinal cells. Mini-Reviews Chemistry at


Department presentations Department presentations tially differenttially from the natural habitatswhere these organismsevolved. A prerequisite for optimization inphotobioreactorsAlgae are growing environment inan artificial conditionsand experience substan thus to improve seminal lipids/biomass productivity of industrial algae cultivation. large economically scale competitive. Investigation of affecting is light molecular bases the efficiency use exploitedbe with highest the possible to efficiency optimize productivitycultivation make and their ona ation provides supporting energy the growth algae and lipid production and available the radiation must ity area per and to ability the to grow on marginal land without competition crops. with food radi Solar Microalgae are considered promising next-generation feedstock for biofuels thanks productiv to ahigh Abstract: Research Unit: Photosynthesis and Plant Biotechnology cules Molecular analysis of Nannochloropsis gaditana for the production of biofuels and high added value mole Alessandro Alboresi Presentation 22 (AM) symbiosis, respectively. interactions, In of types beneficial both demon firmly calcium been has to phylum the Glomeromycota, leading to nitrogen-fixing the symbiosis and arbuscular mycorrhizal In rhizosphere the plants engage inmutualistic associations with and rhizobial belonging fungi bacteria Abstract: Research Unit: Plant Biology Cell Calcium-based communications in plant root endosymbioses: the microorganism perspective Lorella Navazio Presentation 23 • • • • References: analysis of genes and proteins invivo. N. gaditana and provide research algae the community with well-defined material and methods forthe green chemistry. For aim, this we developed resources to significantlythe enrich molecular toolbox for applications going also beyond biofuels like production the of chemicals or enzymes largely employed in generationthe of new, more productive,be employed strains. will These for different biotechnological The information obtained is nowbeing exploited for Nannochloropsis genetic modification,looking for ing biomass and lipid production inNannochloropsis species. andsuccessfully run integration their is exploited for abetter understanding of mechanisms the underly lipids. To aim this physiological, biochemical, transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches have been using as organism amodel Nannochloropsis gaditana of because its remarkable ability to accumulate We are attention dedicating special to clarification the basisof controllingmolecular algae productivity, nutrient availability, supply. CO2 onfocus influence the of manyparameters suchillumination as lightregimes, distributionculture,the in of cultivation algae is understanding how environment artificial this affects productivity, special a with light use efficiency in algae in lightphotobioreactors. efficiency use Manuscript submitted. Meneghesso, Bernardi, Nikolaou, Bezzo, Chachaut, Morosinotto Computational models to improve PLoSONEcycles. 7,e38975. photosynthetic efficiency algae for growing ina photobioreactor using alternation oflight and dark Sforza E,Simionato D, Giacometti Aand Morosinotto GM,Bertucco T(2012)Optimization of apparatus. Euk 12,665-676. Cell of adecrease triacylglycerols, chloroplast galactolipids and areorganization of photosynthetic the sponse of Nannochloropsis gaditana to nitrogen starvation includes adenovo biosynthesis of Simionato D, N,Jouhet Rocca Block MA,La J, Maréchal E,Finazzi G,Morosinotto T(2013)Re profiling of Nannochloropsis gaditana innitrogen depletion. metti GM,Morosinotto T, Valle G(2014)Chromosome genome scale assembly and transcriptome Carpinelli E,TelatinCorteggiani A,Vitulo N,Forcato C,D’Angelo M,Schiavon Vezzi R, A,Giaco

Mol Plant 20147,323-335.

------• References: of types plantin both root endosymbioses. findings,Ca intracellular of delivery aequorin mediated by cell-penetrating the TAT peptide on our Based was used. expression. To analyse Ca into entry host the plantbacterial root, are involved as modulators of flavonoid-induced the ulation ( intracellular Ca less investigated.been By using aequorin-expressing rhizobial strains, we demonstrated that atransient diffusible microbialthe On signals. other hand,the systems signalling of symbiotic microorganisms have strated to play apivotal role ininitiating symbiosis the pathway signalling activated inhost plants by potential exploitation of findings. these and bHLHand MYBTFs,regulators of production the of valuable the anthocyanins, can exemplify the characterizationfunctional of genes peach inheterologous system for is underway candidates several tween auxin and ethylene. findings These new aopened research linerecently supported by UniPD. The thatto discovery the hormones peptide inclassical hormones’ might crucial be cross-talks like that be on an intricate relationship among classes of several transcription factors (TFs)and hormones, leading and transcriptomics tools have to unravel developed inpeach been networks. these shed Light has been feeding on Fruit them. development and ripening has to cope with internal and environmental signals latter an being important source of nutrients, vitamins and healthy for molecules animals and humans Fruits are inhelping structures useful protection seed or fleshy, andcanbe either dispersal. They dry the Abstract: Research Unit: Botany Molecular and hormonal regulation of fleshyfruit development ripeningand TrainottiLivio Presentation: 24 • • • • • • • 9, 206. perceptioned of plant symbiotic inaequorin-expressing signals A,MarianiMoscatiello S,Squartini Alberghini P, R, Navazio L(2009)Evidence for calcium-mediat leguminosarum Rhizobium Moscatiello A,Mariani Squartini P, R, Navazio L(2010)Flavonoid-induced calcium in signalling calcium measurements inplant cells. Plant Physiol Cell 52,2225-2235. gro A,Navazio L(2011)TAT-mediated aequorin transduction: an alternative approach for effective E,MoscatielloZonin Miuzzo R, N,DiPaolo M,Cavallarin ML,Sandonà D, Marin O, Brini M,Ne ling molecoles inrhizobium-legume communications. Moscatiello B, A,Mariani Baldan Squartini R, P, Navazio L(2012)Oligogalacturonides: novel signa Humana Press, New York, USA. ology, 953:77-93.In: Plant Mineral Nutrients: Methods and Protocols. Chapter 5.Maathuis FJMed. Moscatiello B, Baldan Navazio R, L(2013)Plant suspension cell cultures. Methods inMolecular Bi mass spectrometry. Proteomics 13,1961-1972. analysis of naringenin-inducible the proteome in Tolin S,Arrigoni G,Moscatiello Masi R, A,Navazio L,Sablok A (2013)Quantitative G,Squartini proteomic analysis. JProteome 12,5323-5330. Res ulation of genes for plant nodulation in Arrigoni G,Tolin S,Moscatiello Masi R, A,Navazio A(2013)Calcium-dependent reg L,Squartini arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus of TAT-aequorin reveals calcium-mediated sensing of environmental and symbiotic by signals the S,NoveroMoscatiello Sello R, M,Negro A,Bonfante P, Navazio L(2014)The intracellular delivery nod

2+ ) genes and that oligogalacturonides, fragments of plant the pectic generated wall cell upon seems to be acommon to seems be system signalling underlying plant-microbe the molecular dialogue


change is an step early flavonoid-NodD inthe necessary induction the of nod circuitry 2+ -mediated sensing mechanisms of AMfungi, anovel on the strategy based bv. viciae Gigaspora margarita . New Phytol 188,814-823. Rhizobium leguminosarum Rhizobium Rhizobium leguminosarum Rhizobium . New Phytol 203,1012-1020. Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 25,1387-1395. Mesorhizobium loti Mesorhizobium detected by detected iTRAQ quantitative

by and tagging isobaric . BMC Microbiol nod gene ------

Department presentations Department presentations • • • • • References: • References: potential,several, future developments. platformthe Barcoding P.A.T.H.S. is thus at same the ascientific time result as point well as a starting for lows researchers wishing to join project, the to create an account to share data. their The realization of arewho studying plant reference samples with technique the of DNA barcoding. The web platformal with search tools, such as BLAST algorithm) was transformed then into initiative, awider for those all our studies and make accessible easily them to research the community online (the platform is equipped The idea of bringing togetherdatabase ina data from derived the application of DNAbarcoding during isolated samples of with those standard samples, inhistorical preserved collections. especially level.species To solve problem this we to started compare DNA the sequences obtained from recently thattabase, is presence the of nucleotide sequences obtained from samples incorrectly identified the at encountered during our research and common also to other researchers online use who sequence da The need of generating DNAbarcodesfrom referencesamples was created primarily by a problem we of recent the climate changes. ples, study the of has which aconsiderable value, for example, instudies of phylogeography and inlight samplesthe (i.e. samples original type the existing and to species) historical to also describe used sam iswhich spreading to more and more taxonomic groups. With “plant reference samples” we refer to both is principle the of DNA barcoding, increasingly amethod invarious used fields of applied research and database of DNA to as bar unequivocally codes sequences used plant identify reference samples. This may originate. As first the result,this project the creation led to of an online platform, corewhose is a is acomplex project into multiple which lines of research are involved and from many which more lines thanBetter asingle line of research, Barcoding P.A.T.H.S. (Plant Type &Algal &Historical Specimens) Abstract: Research Unit: and Biology Systematics of and Algae Higher Plants Barcoding P.A.T.H.S.: DNA barcodes for reference plant samples Sciuto Katia Presentation 25 • • Busatto N,Md A,Trainotti Rahim L(2013)Peach ripening transcriptomics unveils and new unex Ruiz KB, Trainotti V, C,Ziosi L,Bonghi G,Torrigiani Costa P(2013)Early methyl jasmonate appli Longhi S,Hamblin MT, Trainotti L,Peace CP, Velasco FA Costa R, (2013)Acandidate gene based Tosetti Tardelli R, F, Tadiello A,Zaffalon V, Giorgi FM, Guidi L, TrainottiBonghi C, L, Tonutti P MA,BusattoRahim N,Trainotti L(2014)Regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis fruits. inpeach (Scenedesmaceae, Chlorophyta)(Scenedesmaceae, from Antarctica, with emended the description of genus the Cho Verleyen LA, Sciuto K,Lewis E,Moro N(2014) Rocca I, La ment BMC inpeach. Plant Biol 11,107. (2011) Amicroarray approach to genes identify involved cross-talk and develop inseed-pericarp C,TrainottiBonghi L,Botton A,Tadiello A,Ziliotto F, A,Rasori Zaffalon CasadoroRaminaV, A G, pairing ripening-related ethylene and auxin metabolism and Physiol signaling. Plant 146,86-98. Spermidine application to young developing to leads aslowing fruits peach down of ripening by im Torrigiani P, Bressanin D, Tadiello KBR, Carrasco A,Trainotti V, C,Ziosi L,Bonghi G(2012) Costa From plant genomics to plant biotechnology. Woodhead Publishing Limited, 165–182. targets forpected improvement the of quality. drupe Woodhead publishing inbiomedicine. series genes.ed JPlant Growth 32,852-864. Regul cation development delays to peach fruit/seed by altering expression the of multiple hormone-relat lus xdomestica BMC Plant Borkh). Biol 13,37. approach validates Md-PG1 as main the responsible for aQTL impacting texture fruit inapple (Ma L.Batsch) Postharvestca fruit. Biol Tec 90,40-51. (2014) Molecular and biochemical responses to wounding of (Prunus peach ripe inmesocarp persi PLANTA 240,913-929.

Chodatodesmus australis sp. nov.

------• • • • • • • • • References: nomenclature, creation the of is which strongly recommended by scientific the community. Heritage Library, archive the JStore Plant and Science future the archives of publications field inthe of opportunity to participate ininternational initiatives such Plants as Global the Initiative, Biodiversity the data skills, time and for tools useful other disciplines and for different fields of botany, while offering the is thus possible not only to performextremely documented typifications, but also to produce samethe at etc.), with an approach that combines botanical, historical and geographical With skills. research this it tion (Herbarium and Dalmaticum) related all materials, unpublished also (correspondence, manuscripts, yet typified. The research is as notfocused, usual, ona natural group of organisms, but onasingle collec back moretraced than names, 400valid many of are which currently accepted but -almost always- not deVisiani,Roberto prefectus Garden of Botanical the of Padua from work 1836to 1878,whose can be studies is to realize typification the of names. The research bethat will presented thefocuses on work of istic feature of last the twenty years of research field inthe of systematic. The objectiveprimary these of approaches (DNA-barcoding). The the collectionsof rediscovery is considered,therefore, a character are for crucial diffusion the and correct application of classificationtechniques on based molecular protectiontal and conservation of biodiversity, exacerbating taxonomic the challenge.same The data of taxonomy data, that are cornerstones of discipline this and central to initiatives the for environmen formulation principles of modern the of nomenclature, represents amajor obstacle to publication the aretaxa, landmarks for systematic botany. Thelack of studies the collectionson organizedbefore the Samples stored material original inhistorical the new that collections, inparticular to describe was used Abstract: Research Unit: Palynology and Archaeobotany the botanical garden of Padova A multidisciplinary approach to the study of the collection of Roberto de Visiani (1800-1878),praefectus of Moreno Clementi Presentation 26 Janković I,Kuzmanović N, Clementi D(2014)Lectotypification M,Lakušić Campanulaof secundi preparation. deVisianiRoberto and Josif Pančić inPlantae Rariores Serbicae aut Novae I.Manuscript –Decas in Clementi M,Vukojičić D, S,Lakušić Kuzmanović N(2014)Typification the of names published by preparation. deVisianiRoberto and Josif Pančić inPlantae Rariores Serbicae aut Novae II.Manuscript –Decas in Clementi M,Vukojičić D, S,Lakušić Kuzmanović N(2014)Typification the of names published by muds (Padova, Italy). Eur JPhycol, 45:143-154. acterization of athermo-tolerant filamentouscyanobacterium isolatedfrom the Euganean thermal N,SciutoMoro P, Rocca K,Albertano N,La I,Rascio Bruno L,Andreoli C(2010)Polyphasic char terium isolated from Ischia the (Naples, District Thermal Italy). Fottea, 11,31-39. N,AndreoliSciuto C,Moro K,Rascio I(2011). ranean and Atlantic Taxon taxa. 60, 1584-1595. Rhodophyta)(Ceramiales, from Venice lagoon (Adriatic Italy): Sea, comparative studies of Mediter Wolf MA,Sciuto K,Maggs CA,Barros-Barreto MBB, Andreoli C,Moro I(2011)Ceramium Roth Phormidiumselected strains (Cyanobacteria). 28,357-374. Cladistics, N,MoroSciuto Rocca N,La K,Andreoli I(2012)Polyphasic C,Rascio approach and typification of &hystorical type algal specimens. Taxon, 62,647-648. Sciuto K,Wolf MA,Schiavon M,Moro I(2013)Barcoding P.A.T.H.S.: database anew for plant & 73. for(Rhodophyta, species red anew algal Mediterranean Gracilariales): the Phycologia, Sea. 52,65- A,WolfSfriso MA,Sciuto K,Morabito M,Andreoli C,Moro I(2013) nov., sp. nov. JPhycol. Manuscript submitted. datodesmus, and circumscription of Acutodesmus dangeardii sp. nov. and Flechtneria rotunda gen.

Polyphasic characterization of ITD-01,acyanobac Gracilaria viri Gracilaria dis sp. nov. ------

Department presentations Department presentations Geophilomorpha centipedes: diversity, phylogeny and evolution Lucio Bonato Presentation 27 • • • • • • • • References: metameric the condition)particular of group this of animals. already underway, (trophic of ecology regime and intestinal symbiosis) and phenotypic evolution (in tive value. This phylogenybasicthe information is forseries of a studies of comparative analysis, part in of homoplasy that reveal or parallel converging evolutionary processes of characters with potential adap monophyleticthe nature of groups by recognized traditional taxonomy, inothers have highlighted cases parsimony and maximum The likelihood. results this of analysis,thoughsome in havecases confirmed phological (acquired by light and electron microscopy) and molecular data, and employing of methods reconstruct phylogenetic the relationships among major the clades of Geophilomorpha, using mor new communities of tropical and temperate regions, but are poorly studied. We conducted an analysis to and litter. The approximatelycurrently 1,000 species known are an important component of many biotic GeophilomorphaThe group is a as predators of terrestrial specialized arthropods, the interstitial in soil Abstract: Research Unit: Evolutionary of Biology Arthropods Clementi M,Miola A(2012) Are plant the collections held at University the of Padua useful? still Kuzmanović N,Clementi M,Kabaš E,Vukojičić S(2013)Retypification pal the of name Eryngium Clementi M,Kuzmanović D, Z,Lakušić N,Barina Vukojičić S(2014)Typification of five names pub Bogdanović S,Ljubičić I,Clementi M(2014)Aegilops uniaristata Vis. (Poaceae): typification and (Chilopoda, Geophilomorpha).(Chilopoda, Structure Arthropod and Development 43,17-25. Maruzzo D, Bonato L(2014)Morphology and diversity of forcipules the inStrigamia centipedes geophilomorph centipedes of Europe Geophilomorpha). (Chilopoda, 443,1-9. ZooKeys Bonato L,Minelli A,Lopresti P(2014)ChiloKey, M,Cerretti an interactive identification tool forthe onomic and nomenclatorial notes. 3770,1-136. Zootaxa Bonato Geophilomorpha L,Minelli A(2014)Chilopoda of Europe: list arevised of with tax species, morphologicalnew and 30,485-507. Cladistics molecular evidence. Bonato L,Drago L,Murienne J(2014)Phylogeny of Geophilomorpha inferred from (Chilopoda) 26-29 May 2011,p. 153-160,Padova: Padova University Press. Arranging and rearranging: planning university heritage for future. the University of Padova, Italy, A project to “put collections the to work for conservation”. In: S.TALAS, M.C.LOURENCO (eds). matum (Apiaceae). Phytotaxa 105,58–60. lished by deVisiani Roberto inPlantarum Pemptas. Serbicarum Phytotaxa 170,57–70. inCroatia.occurrence Acta Croata. Botanica In press. flora (Campanulaceae), a of species European concern. Manuscript submitted.

- - - - - First Scientific Retreat of the Department of Biology 30 years from foundation 1984-2014 February 26-27, 2015

Research units Research units Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit long-term modulation of development as well as autophagic the process. In reptiles, of liposoluble hormones and maternal steroid receptor mRNAs epigenetic in the tems, angiogenesis, and innate immunity. In zebrafish,the study concernsthe role gards and reproduction, asexual sexual development and evolution of sys nervous and re schlosseri/ researchthe is on mainly colonial the /Botryllus focused species of differentgy model animals, such as ascidians, zebrafish and reptiles.ascidians, In Research Giacomo Meneghetti, Filippo Schiavon, Tatjana Skobo, Fellows Research Technicians Faculties Ballarin) biology,cell biochemistry, electrophysiology and plant physiology. outcarried incollaborations and international with local groups, using state of techniques art the of of photosynthetic efficiency and of inter-organellar undercross-talk abioticstress. Most projects are intervention. In plant the kingdom, organellar ion fluxes are thestudied context in the of regulation ion channels/transporters might impact open way on the diseases, these topharmacological specific melanoma and pancreas adenocarcinoma. Understanding of molecular mechanisms the by which of Congenital X-Linked Ataxia Cerebellar and of different types cancer of including leukemias, membranes are main the topics. ion These fluxes are the in studied context of Parkinson disease, fluxes acrossthe mitochondrial inner membrane,the plasmamembrane and chloroplast/thylakoid and pathological conditions, inanimals both and plants. In particular, potassium and calcium Research Veronique Larosa, Luigi Antonella Leanza, Managò, Ottolini, Denis Teardo Enrico Fellows Research Technicians Faculties cancer (Scorrano). (Scorrano,genetic diseases Soriano, Cendron, Costantini), mitophagy PD and (Ziviani), (Ziviani), physiology, electron tomography Unit the and biology structural role the dissects of mitochondria in opment (Kasahara 2013).Using etal., Science acombination of genetics, advanced imaging, cell 2013)andon shape cristae mitochondrial etal., Cell (Cogliati morphology controls devel heart (PD) during mitophagy etal., PNAS (Ziviani 2011);(iv) respiratory chain supercomplexes depend (Gomes etal., Nat Biol 2011)and Cell is Mfn asubstrate of Parkin, mutated inParkinson’s disease ER stress (Debattisti Biol etal., 2014);(iii)mitochondria JCell change shape to control autophagy ERandbetween mitochondria (deBrito&Scorrano, Nature 2008)and that leads to deficiency Mfn Frezza 2006;Cipolat 2006);(ii)Mitofusin etal., Cell etal., Cell 2as first (Mfn) the molecular bridge staple holding membranes cristae tight is targeted during apoptosis (Cipolat etal, PNAS 2004; on findings,thelast these in 10 yearsthe unit discoveredthat dependent (i) Opa1 an molecular work changed classical tenets field inthe of apoptosis and mitochondrialpathophysiology. Building Research Schrepfer,Emilie Martina Semenzato, Tatiana Varanita, Marta Zaninello Nardin,Alice Pernas, Lena Aswin Pyakurel, Charlotte Dijana Quirin, Samardzcic, Claudia Savoia, stina Glytsou, Sowmya Lakshminaranayan, Mauro, Corrado Domenico Migliorini, Naon, Deborah Fellows Research Ziviani Elena Faculties rano)

: Laura Cendron, Paola Costantini, Luca Scorrano, Maria Eugenia Soriano Garcia Cuerva, : Loriano Ballarin, Francesca: Loriano Cima, Ballarin, Valle, Luisa Dalla Lucia Manni : Marisa Brini, Ildikò Szabò : The Unit concentrates its efforts the on studydevelopmental the of biolo : The Unit on intracellularfocusses ion fluxes and ion homeostasis under physiological : The Unit investigatesthe role of mitochondrial shape incell biochemistry.

: Biochemistry, and Biology Physiopathology of Mitochondria (Coordinator: Luca Scor : Developmental and Biology Morphogenesis (Coordinator: Loriano (Coordinator:: Biochemistry Ildiko Szabo) : Federico Caicci : Anna Segalla

: Francesca Ballin, Elisa Colletti, Nicola Colletti, Elisa : Francesca Franchi, Ballin, Fabio Gasparini, : Luca Carraretto, Tito Vanessa Calì, Checchetto, Sara Bortoli, Valeria De Elemer, Ruben Quintana Bean, : Camilla Cabrera, Marta Rosa, Giacomello, Edith De Chri

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Our previousOur - - - Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit scientificediting the exhibitsof the at “Garden of Biodiversity”. is strongly involved incommunication of and science as well, museology as demonstrated by the anthropologicalzoological, and collections botanical of University the of Padua. TheResearch Unit areCentury currently underway, focusing on Umberto inparticular D’Ancona and on role the of As regards of history the researches biology about Italian evolutionary Nineteenth inthe biology human evolution, suggesting that arelaxation of pressures selective may have played apivotal role. developmental constraints is inquired within emergence the inparticular of language articulated in approaches to evolution. The topic evolutionarythe of interplayselective between pressures and research aims to analyze historical the developments and conceptual the structure of multi-level the processesecological and major the regarding aspects hominin phylogeny; on other the hand, the on one the hand research the on relationships the is focused macro-evolutionary between and national projectHierarchy “The Group: ApproachingComplex Systems in Evolutionary Biology”, to progresses the of current the scientific programmeevolutionary in biology. Withinthe Inter Research Fellows Research Faculties technologies for analysis the of gene expression (microarray and RNA-Seq). cellular biology, recombinant strategies on targeted based RNA knockdown and of use genome wide complementary Drosophila and genetics, synergistic behavioural expertise: analyses, molecular and thologues of human genes mostly involved inmitochondrial disorders. The research unit combines orientedhas been to field the also functional of genomics, using Drosophila as a model to study or melanogaster as well as inhumans and Antarctic inthe More krill. recently research the interest on genetic, the molecular and analysis functional of circadian the clock Drosophila fruit-fly inthe of circadian chronobiology. Since many years, research the activity has concentrated inparticular Research omoli, Sartori Elena Caterina Rè,Corrà, Paolo Da Martini, Ottavia Fellows Research Technicians Faculties and invivo confocal microscopy. editing, production of mutants and transgenics, genotyping their and characterisation, NGS analysis ics and techniques biology cell range used from whole mount PCR, insitu hybridisation to genome transduction crosswalks and cross regulations The dissected. main can be molecular biology, genet as proliferation, differentiation and movement,canbe followedvivo in and b) pathwayregulatory To aims this lab the is to study mutant and transgenic fishwhich lines a)cellular in processes, such with many laboratories mitochondrial to dissect pathologies, dystrophy and other genetic diseases. main of focus lab the is Pancreas the and its neoplastic development, however Unit the collaborates Zebrafish to model regulative mechanisms involved in normal pathologicaland development. The Research Fellows Research Technicians Faculties analyses of cornification the processthe epidermis. in investigations are addressed to molecular, the morphological and immunological : Rodolfo Costa, Cristiano Pittà, De : Rodolfo Costa, Gabriella Mazzotta, Federica Sandrelli, Mauro Zordan : Francesco Argenton, Natascia Tiso : Telmo Pievani : TheResearch Unit in Philosophy and History worksof Biology alongpaths several related : The Neurogenetics Chronobiologyand Unit has an international reputationthe field in :The Unit Regulativeof and Biology Translational in Genetics is usingmainly focused : Neurogenetics and Chronobiology (Coordinator: Rodolfo Costa) : Regulative and Biology Translational (Coordinator: Genetics Francesco Argenton) : Philosophy and History of (Coordinator: Life Sciences Telmo Pievani) : Paola Cisotto : Luigi Pivotti : Elena Canadelli,: Elena Andrea Parravicini, Francesco Suman : Gabriele Andreatta, Biscontin, Alberto Paola Laura Caccin, Cusumano, Samantha : Giorgia Busolin, Oliver Martina Ek, Milanetto, Margherita Peron, Andrea Vettori

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Research units Research units Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit - Study of fossil microbial inamber from coenoses diverse periods. geological - Use of sunlight-activatable porphyrin formulates of on Diptera larvae vectors of pathogenic agents. activity on different subcellulartargets. trostatically decorated with aporphyrinic photosensitizer and with aNO donor playing anticancer cancer- Bimodal therapy implemented photoactivatable with functionalized nanoparticles elec health. detoxification abilities. Evaluation possibleof environmental effects on biocoenosis and on human mammalian cultures: cell mechanisms of damage, oxidative stress –responsive elements and special - Physiological and biochemical responses to xenobiotic agents inmarine Invertebrates and in cates, Drosophila and ciliated protozoa. antioxidantlogical defence systems invarious organisms such as Antarctic fish and molluscs, tuni and- Structural studies, functional inenvironmental also and evolutionary on perspective, physio concerns following the topics: Research Piero, Michele Rosso, Stoppini, Elisa Nicola Tormen Fellows Research Technicians Faculties lotti) nome/transcriptome characterizations. markers. Methodological approaches range from genotyping single locus throughput to high ge of Antarctic organisms, and iii)Genetics conservation of sturgeons, iv) Development of molecular of genetic connectivity among marine populations, ii)Population genetics and molecular evolution national visibility of our group is mainly due to following the general research areas: i)Estimation itance patterns, and species hybrids identifications and forensic applications. The national and inter population genetics, exsitu and insitu conservation genetics, analyses of mating systems and inher at genomic the and transcriptomic level, and application their instudies of molecular systematics, conservation and management features. The research activity includes markers development,both water Particular species. attention is devoted to endangered and species with to relevant species Research Marta Paterno, Josè Martin Pujolar, Michele Vidotto Fellows Research Faculties eration sequencing and bioinformatic tools, to develop efficient controlstrategies. studythe of evolutionary the processes associated with invasion the using of species, next alien gen fish forthe development of conservation strategies forthe sustainable exploitation these species; of tation warming to and global habitat degradation; study the of evolution the of life traits history in view, our research is developed along three main directions: role the adap inthe selection of sexual care, interactions and effect social the of evolutionthe on of signals. From a more appliedpoint of studies include influence the conflictthe evolution in sexual of of matingstrategies and parental characters involved inmate acquisition across difference mating systems in birds and fishes. These evolutionthe of ejaculates and its sexual interactions on acting secondary selection with sexual andproduction, competition. selection on sperm sexual inparticular Current research investigates Research Simone Pirrello, Andrea Riginella Fellows Research Rasotto Faculties

: Leonardo Congiu, Lorenzo Zane : Matteo Griggio, Alessandro Grapputo, Carlotta Mazzoldi, Andrea Pilastro, Maria Berica : Olimpia Coppellotti, Laura Guidolin, Paola Irato, Gianfranco Santovito, Laura Tallandini : The research activity the Environmentalof Zoology Physiology UnitExperimental and : The research the of Ecology Molecular Uniton non-modelis focused marine freshand research: Our interests encompass and basic applied topics inevolutionary of biology re : Molecular (Coordinator: Lorenzo Ecology Zane) and Evolutionary: Ecoetology (Coordinator: Biology Andrea Pilastro) : Environmental (Coordinator: Olimpia Physiology and Zoology Experimental Coppel : Franco Cattalini : Marta Bellio, Simone Bramuzzo, Monica Daniele Camerin, Codato, Stefania Del Chiara Caruso, Agostini, Anna Ilaria Marino, Boscari, Elisa : Cecilia Chiara Papetti, : Silvia Cattelan, Gasparini, Alessandro Locatello, Clelia Lisa Devigili, Federica Poli,


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Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit: Research Unit Health (ISS)Rome. Rome. Dr. Marco Crescenzi, and Department Biology of Neurosciences, Cell National Institute of Franchitto, Department of Environment Prevention, and Primary National Institute of Health (ISS) Toxicology, Unit of and Radiation Biology Human Health, Rome. ENEACasaccia, Dr. Annapaola Collaborations: Prof. Vera Bianchi, Dept. of Biology. Dr. Francesca Pacchierotti, Laboratory of and DNA replication. andited cancer. disease secondthe The on is relationshipfocused between chromosome instability mon site fragile instability inmammalian germ cells and its potential involvement inhuman inher mammalian somatic and germ cells. At present, two projects are ongoing: first the is exploring com Research Fellows Research Technicians Faculties (AC) matrix. umbilicalthe cord Wharton’s jelly (W’s J)incomparison with more the cartilage specific articular In particular, our attention on investigation focuses the of an alternative ECMtissue derived from properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel and bioactive features of extracellular matrix (ECM). gate how to realize ascaffold able to cartilage sustainregeneration. articular We combine mechanical ite scaffold, strong and bioactive, may represent an interestingsolution this to problem. We investi emerging and promising field forthe generation tissueof substitutestissue is engineering: acompos apies have to search led the of strategies providing solutions to treatment the of An defects. focal Research Fellows Research Faculties and semi-domesticated plants knowledge. and local on autolitothophicbased Invertebrates bacteria; and (insects minilivestock) for human Wild food; Chitinase and human digestion of chitin, interactions new disorders; with nerve New chains food versity, such as: Bio-indicators for sustainable of use agro-ecosystems and disturbed environments; Research Daniele Sommaggio, Fabio Stellin, Marina Zanardo Fellows Research Faculties distribution, thus obtaining information on anthropogenic pressures. biomarker responses, as well as by studying reproductive settlement and cycle, larval sizefrequency are carried field out surveys withthe aim evaluatingof the state of naturalpopulations by measuring are invarious assessed life stages of studied the organisms, from gametes to adults. At same the time, medium- and long-term laboratory experiments, cellular, biochemical and physiological responses marine invertebrates,ticles) inseveral mostly bivalves. Using amultistressor approach inshort-, changea global scenario, and exposure to emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals and nanopar effects of environmentalparameters water (sea temperature,salinity whichand pH), are relevant in Research Fellows Research Technicians Faculties of biodiversity, the of and species the habitats, for also education the and communication. - Sustainable of use natural resources as astrategic plan monitoring, inthe defense and conservation : Maurizio G.Paoletti, Renata Trevisan : Monica Bressan, Maria Gabriella Marin, Valerio Matozzo : Antonella: Russo : Marcella Folin : The research Unit investigatesthe mechanisms of genetic and chromosome instability in poor : The regenerativepotential cartilage of currenttheand unsatisfactory ther clinical Unit: the is involved indifferent lines of research concerningthe sustainable use of biodi : Main research of activities Marine the Unit Ecology on focus evaluation the of combined : Ecology of Biodiversity: Ecology and Sustainability (Coordinator: Maurizio G.Paoletti) : Marine (Coordinator: Maria Ecology Gabriella Marin) : Cytogenetics and Molecular (Coordinator: Genetics Antonella Russo) Biology of and Biology Endothelial Cells Regeneration (Coordinator: Marcella Folin) : Alessandro Marinello : Luciano Masiero : Elisa Palumbo,: Elisa Martina Stevanoni : Silvia Barbon,Stocco Elena : Leandro Dreon, Silvia Fusaro, Federico Gavinelli, Nicola Manno, Sacchetti, Linda : Tihana Marceta, Marisa, Ilaria Marco Munari


Research units Research units Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit applicability, for example intumor therapy. is to test we molecules the have characterized inmurine models to evaluate potential the therapeutic syphilis, caused by bacterium Treponema the (Tp). pallidum More ambitious of our purpose research and like pathologies the infectious from diseases, incurred infection by Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and properties, with objective the of expanding knowledge on onset the and progression of chronic certain antigensacterize produced by pathogenic bacteria to humans that immune-modulating possess Research Fellows Research Faculties key events inPD pathogenesis. propose where amodel early presynaptic coupled defects with late microglia over-activation represent LRRK2 as well as contribution the of neuronal oxidative stress inmicroglia activation. we Overall, flammation in PD progression. this To regard, we are investigatingthe relationship between a-syn and to early the stage symptoms of Accumulating disease. the support also evidence acentral role of in impaired neurotransmitter release could as first arise the pathway compromised in PD and contribute such as ATPase the NSF. A-syn plays also acentral role insynaptic vesicle suggesting exocytosis, that dynamicscytoskeletal and synaptic vesicles trafficking by phosphorylation ofkey presynaptic proteins 2(LRRK2).Inpeat kinase particular, we are exploring role the of LRRK2inorchestrating neuronal of PD by reconstructing molecular pathways the of two major PD genes: and a-syn re Leucine-rich that to lead PD. To regard, this we are studying cell-autonomous the and non cell-autonomous nature forms of PD have instrumental inproviding been mechanistic insights into molecular pathways the dopamine and between a direct pathology. link a-syn chemistry In last the fifteenyears, monogenic PD. Ofnote, we identified a-syn as robusttarget of dopamine-derived oxidation products, suggesting oxidationthe products of dopamine promote loss of selective the dopaminergic neurons in observed rodegenerative process, we are interested inunderstanding molecular mechanisms the through which cells. Asies of surviving redox the of dopamine chemistry is thought to play amajor role neu inthe and intracellular the accumulation of presynaptic the protein alpha-synuclein bod into (a-syn) Lewy cally, PD is characterized by loss the of dopaminergic neurons substantia inthe pars nigra compacta understand how anumber of brain processes are deregulated inParkinson’s (PD). Pathologi disease Research Sara Pizzato, Nicoletta Plotegher, Isabella Russo, Isabella Tessari Fellows Research Technicians Faculties transgenicnew animals created ad-hoc. conventional and 3D, and with invivo murine models, using pre-existing both disease strains and involve also which creation the of specific bio-informatics withtools, vitro in culture cell both models, to provide These studies diagnoses. medical are carried outwith insilico genome-wide approaches, and multifactorial disorders, including tumors, to both elucidate molecular pathogenesis their and vivo models. In particular, we study mutations and genomic variations involved indifferent inherited genetic and genomic analyses and (experimental computational of to alike) use the invitro and in basis of Mendelian and multifactorial diseases. Research Giulia Poloni, Claudia Salvoro Saccoman, Cecilia menico Cieri, Alessandro Coppe, Marzia Gaffo, Bortoli, Enrico De Alessandra Lorenzon,Eva Galletta, Fellows Research Technicians Faculties : Mariano Beltramini, Marco Bisaglia, Luigi Bubacco, Greggio Elisa : Stefania Bortoluzzi, Gianluca Occhi, Alessandra Rampazzo, Giovanni Vazza, Libero Vitiello : Marina Bernard De : The aim the of research carried out General the by Pathology Unit is to identify and char : The mainscientific interest the of Biophysics and Cell Molecular and groupPhysiology is to : The research activity the of Human Genetics Molecular Unitthe on is biological focused : Biophysics, Molecular and Physiology Cellular (Coordinator: Mariano Beltramini) : Human Molecular (Coordinator: Genetics Alessandra Rampazzo) : General Pathology: General (Coordinator: Marina deBernard) : Paolo DiMuro, Vanni Ferrari : Maurizio Rosa : Gaia Codolo, Matteo Pagliari, Tommaso Pozzobon, Maria Amparo Vila Caballer Laura Civiero,: Giulia Filograna, Berti, Adriano Roberta Gonnelli, Federico Lanciai, : Andrea Francesca Bisognin, Boaretto, Annagiulia Bonizzato, Martina Calore, Do

To aim this we various use approaches, ranging from


Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit Research Franzoi, Umberto Rosani, Gabriele Lucia Sales, Tombolan, Laura Varotto, Matteo Zampini Fellows Research Technicians Faculties ing and bioinformatics. tre of University the of Padua where it is responsible of for DNA facilities the and services sequenc genomicspersonal and epigenomics. group Ourm working is also at CRIBI the Biotechnology Cen 4) Human genomics, incollaboration with different departments of Medicine,particularly towards 3) Plant genomics, to sequence and characterize genomes such as grape, tomato, olive and wheat; 2) Functional genomics of muscle, of aimed some to muscle aspects clarify plasticity; 1) Microbial genomics; in four directions: a line of research is about microbial metagenomics. The main lines of research arecurrently directed Similarly, our group was first the in Italy to sequence genomeproducebacterial full theof a and now analysis; now one of research the lines is about genomics of yeast strains inwine industry. used we actively participated international inthe yeast genome project and to subsequent the functional tivities of our research group originate mostly from previous projects. For instance, many years ago researchthis field either as coordinator participantor as ininternational projects. current The ac Research Robin Targon, Andrea Telatin, Nicola Vitulo Feltrin, Claudio Forcato, Annarita Marrano, Chiara Rigobello, Riccardo Riccardo Rosselli, Schiavon, Fellows Research Technicians Faculties system to address question. this connected tocally ASD is unknown. We are planning up to set experiments insimplified biological individuals with disorder autism (ASD). spectrum However, how topoisomerases are mechanisti Topoisomerases are expressed throughout developing the and adult brain and are mutated insome ity. Therethat be seem to originatedare diseases several by a non-functional DNA Topoisomerase. and DNA Topoisomerases. on it In role the is focused particular of DNA ingenome topology stabil tion. Thelaboratory coordinated by Benedetti is interestedP. the in biological role of DNA Topology is able, incombination with biomimetic synthetic to peptides, support human neuronal differentia and process elongation/gidance and up set ananocomposite scaffold for regenerative thatmedicine, and related domains. We investigate also on molecular players and driving neurite cues outgrowth on subcellular the in particular trafficking protein the on Longinand especially machinery domain bioinformatic-driven characterization of protein domains and motifs. functional Research focuses Research Fellow Research Faculties characterizationiii) the of pro-angiogenic TpF1 antigen produced by Tp. systembest for administration of therapeutic the treatment and for its permanence bladder. inthe produced by HP, able to counteract growth the of bladder cancer inmouse The forthe developmentii) the of anovel formulation containing HP-NAP, an immune-modulating antigen fection by Hp. The assessment potentialtheir of impact associatedillnesses with on Hp. characterizationi) the of vesicles released by immune cells and epithelial gastric cells following in The main research lines of our unit are: : Pietro Francesco Benedetti, Filippini : Stefano Gerolamo Cagnin, Lanfranchi, Paolo Laveder, Chiara Romualdi, Paola Venier : Stefano Campanaro, Giorgio Valle, Alessandro Vezzi : TheResearch Unit of GenomicsFunctional is organizedthree in teams devoted to differ : TheResearch Unit Genomicsof and Bioinformatics involvedbeen has for many years in laboratory: the coordinated by F. FIlippini integrates and insilico wet analyses to perform : Molecular (Coordinator: Biology Pietro Benedetti) : Functional Genomics (Coordinator: Gerolamo Lanfranchi) : Genomics and Bioinformatics (Coordinator: Giorgio Valle) : Michela D’Angelo, Rosanna Zimbello : Caterina Millino, Pacchioni Beniamina : Adelaide Milani, Irene Righetto, Giorgia Scapin : Enrico Alessio,: Enrico Francesco Calura, Enrica Chemello, Stefania Domeneghetti, Marco : Giovanni Birolo, Davide Campagna, Fabio Pascale, De Georgine Faulkner, Erica

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Research units Research units Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit part of dedicatedpart activity is the also to investigation the of possible biotechnological applications of ronmental conditions and/or following adaptation to extreme environments like Antartica. A major dedicated to understanding the on how processes these are regulated inresponse to changes inenvi enabling photosynthetic organisms to convert light into energy biomass. Particular attention is Research Gerotto, Laura Giaretta, Andrea Meneghesso, Mattia Niero, Giorgio Perin, Diana Simionato Fellows Research Technicians Faculties andas rice grapevine. Molecular mechanisms leading to tolerance and adaptation to environmental stress incrop plants, The role of mitochondria as key organelles in orchestratingthe cellular response to stress. physiological and stress conditions. The signal dynamics calcium,of ROS and ininter- RNSacting and intra-cellular communication in endogenous and exogenous stimuli. In particular, on research we carry projects analysing: Research Juri Nascimbeni, Cristina Sudiro Fellows Research Technicians Faculties forms. chemo-therapeutic agents to cancer cells inmono and combined therapies with different nano-plat and nanoparticles functionalized inhuman cells. Efficiency and targeted ofdelivery photo- and cancer cells to ionizing radiation. Nanomedicine and cancer. Toxicity of differently engineered microRNAs DNA-Damage inthe Response and application their as therapeutic agents to sensitize Research Fellows Research Technicians Reddi Elena Faculties collaboratingThe teamalso strictly is with Venier andRomualdi groups fortheir projects. tors by revealed genomic the studies are using and cell deepen then technologies. molecular biology dystrophiesillness, and tumours are searched. also functional The role of specific pathways and fac in mouse and man. Pathological statuses of muscle, the such as atrophy/hypertrophy, inflammatory physiological conditions and dynamic variations are studied using an single-cell approach original tional genomics of skeletal and muscle. heart transcriptional The signatures of muscle indifferent The work team led Gerolamoby Lanfranchi, who coordinates the also funcUnit,withthe deals lincRNAs context inthe inparticular) of biological pathway and regulatory networks. approachesmethodological for integration the of differentsources of genomicdata (miRNAs and works for genomic data integration and analysis. Specifically we are working on applicative and The work team led ChiaraRomualdiby is interestedthe development in of computationalframe es, bivalves, fishes, humanwith cells) purposes. specific scriptional and genomic analysis are currently indiverse performed biological models (malacovirus infectious agents. Antimicrobial mussel exemplify peptides agroup of under study. molecules Tran aims to investigate genetic/epigenetic the basis of differential the susceptibility of bivalve to species The work team led by Paola withfunctional genomicsVenier deals of bivalves and, more recently, ent themes of genomics, functional using various animal models and approaches. experimental : Vera Bianchi, Lucia Celotti, Maddalena Mognato, Giovanna Pontarin, Chiara Rampazzo, : Elisabetta Bergantino,: Elisabetta Nicoletta Tomas Rocca, La Morosinotto : Fiorella Schiavo, Lo Michela Zottini : One of main the research of focus research the unit is clarification the the of mechanisms research: Our on study focuses the of transduction signal pathways inplants triggered by : Regulation of DNA precursors inmammalian cells: role of catabolic enzymes. Role of : Cell Biology (Coordinator: Biology Vera: Cell Bianchi) : Photosynthesis and Plant Biotechnology (Coordinator: Tomas Morosinotto) : Plant Physiology and Molecular (Coordinator: Biology Fiorella Schiavo) Lo : Elisabetta Barizza : Elisabetta : Paola Ferraro : Anna Segalla

: Pascal Albanese, Alessandro Alboresi, Beneventi, Caterina Elisa Alessandra Bellan, : Stefano D’Alessandro, Formentin, Elide Serena Bushra Golin, Ijaz, Giovanna Loro, : Francesca Moret, Franzolin Elisa

------Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit • • Effects of xenobioticsalgae in and higher plants Cyanobacteria and microalgae from extreme environments outlines carried by our group are: es range from and cyanobacteria microalgae to seaweeds and, only recently, plants. The research questions and on of behalf privates or public institutions. The organisms considered in our research more classical approach. The necessity thistype of of studies frombotharose purely systematic identification theand characterization of plant organisms, using molecular techniquesbesides a Research Fellows Research Technicians Faculties . offunction candidate genes is evaluated systems inmodel such as tomato ,tobacco and Arabidopsis and RNAseq experiments to genes identify that are possibly at of nodes regulatory the networks. The Researches are conducted through inpeach transcriptomics experiments by means of microarray • • • particular, efforts are aimed at understanding: Research Fellows Research Technicians Faculties integration of plastids plant inthe calcium signaling network. applicationtial inimproving crop productivity. Recent studies concern analysis the of functional the growth promotion and/or biocontrol are activities to develop selected microbial consortia for poten tissues of and grapevine legumes, are identified and characterized. Microbial strainswith plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis is analyzed. Moreover, endophytes, bacterial living ininner particular, involvement the of early calcium inthe signals stages of nitrogen-fixing the symbiosis plant-microbeficial interactions andcalcium-mediated signaling in photosynthetic organisms. In Research Tondello, Filippo Giacomo Zanella Fellows Research Technicians Faculties to reduceindustry environmental the impact of production. their ologous expression are to produce used recombinant by used enzymes can which chemical the be value or added biodiesel, molecules high enzymes. In latter the other systems also case for heter photosynthetic organisms like possibility the of using for or algae cyanobacteria production the of DNA Barcoding of Plant and Type Algal and Historical Specimens seaweedsAlien Mediterranean inthe Sea. pulp of fruit. ripe transcriptionalthe regulation that to leads accumulation the of anthocyanins and peel inthe ripening infruit; transcriptionalthe and hormonal networks active at transition the from maturation to itsfruit, ripening and its quality; relationships seed-pericarp the and how affectthe they progression the developmentof the of : Giorgio Casadoro, Trainotti Livio Lorella: Barbara Baldan, Navazio : Francesca Dalla Vecchia,: Francesca Dalla Isabella Moro : In last the years, our research group involved has been projects inseveral regarding the : The research unitBotany of withthe development deals ripeningand of fleshyfruits. In : The researchwiththe activity deals plant benefocus field, on cell special abiology with : Botany (Coordinator: Trainotti) Livio : Plant (Coordinator: Biology Barbara Baldan) Cell : Biology and: Biology Systematics of and Algae Higher Plants (Coordinator: Isabella Moro) : Luca Cesarotto, Emanuela Moschin : Anna Pavanello : Stefania Marcato : Katia Sciuto, Marion Wolf : Silvia Quaresmin, Francesca Resentini Moscatiello, Roberto Baldan, : Enrico Nigris, Sebastiano Simone Sello, Alessandra

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Research units Research units Research Unit Research Unit Research Unit order to study mechanism the of actionof above the inhibitors. of on PKA. obtained the Based invivo results up set invitro we will assays with purified proteins in tested also at be biochemicalactivity the will level by levels measuring and Ras2p-GTP activity the normal and mutant strains of Saccharomyces inhibition cerevisiae. Aspecific pathwayRas /cAMP of evaluated by measuring effect the growth,on cycle cell and response to stress vivoof in cultures of sis on some anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs). drugs Initially,thebe activity of individualwill molecules Research Faculties livingboth and on focus fossils, processes the with aparticular of growth and segmentation. iii)evolutioncoding; of post-embryonic the development of some of taxa anamorphic arthropods, and of molecular data; geophilomorph ii)feeding ecology centipedes, using techniques of DNA bar phylogeny, phylogeography, and morphological evolution of centipedes, using morphological both referenceparticular to group the of myriapods. There arethree main research areas:taxonomy, i) Research Fellows Research Faculties nity and public. documents aimsthese to increase value the of collections the and share with them scientific commu fectus of Padova the Garden Botanical 1836-1878).The multidisciplinary approach the to study of A different research topic concernsthe herbarium collection and letters de Roberto of Visiani (prae the environmental the struct connected history with of activities the prehistoric and Roman settlements (Altinum). We analyze plant macro and micro remains and non-pollen palynomorphs, to recon Research Fellows Research Technicians Faculties : Lucio Bonato, Giuseppe Fusco : Antonella Miola : Maurizio David Baroni : Evaluationpathway ofRas /cAMP effects the of inhibitors empha in withyeastparticular : The unit conducts researchthe development, in evolution withof ecology andarthropods, : The researchfrom on focus series the sedimentary Holocene North Adriatic coastal area : Evolutionary of (Coordinator: Biology Arthropods Giuseppe Fusco) : Palynology and Archaeobotany (Coordinator: Antonella Miola) : Cell Proliferation: Cell (Coordinator: Maurizio David Baroni)

: Luca Cesarotto : Francesca Sara Bortolin, Romanazzi Lefosse, Enrico : Moreno Clementi, Michele Maritan

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