International Department 2017

Date and location Event and contact

20 January Turkish Islamic Finance and Insurance group - Panel discussion

London [email protected]

16 February Doing Legal Business in the Nordic-Baltic region. Seminar and reception

London [email protected]

24 February European Presidents Conference

Vienna, Austria [email protected]

27 February- UK Trade mission to Bishkek 1 March [email protected] Bishkek, 16 March UN side event (independence of the legal profession)

Geneva, Switzerland [email protected]

20-24 March Commonwealth Lawyers Conference

Melbourne, [email protected]

22 March Business Council for Annual Debate

London [email protected]

23 March English Law Forum

Kyiv, [email protected]

30 March Roundtable discussion on Brexit

Berlin, [email protected]

31 March Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer (BRAK) Conference

Berlin, Germany [email protected]

March Launch of the Rule of Law Portfolio

London [email protected]

25-29 April ABA Section of International Law Spring Meeting

Washington DC, US [email protected]

10 May Seminar in partnership with the Conseil national des barreaux (CNB) with sessions on Business and Human Rights, Technology, Brexit Paris, [email protected]

11-12 May British Italian Lawyers Association conference and roundtable discussion on Brexit Rome, [email protected]

17 May Seminar with the human rights lawyer Jorge Molano from

London, UK [email protected]

June International Human Rights training for the International Action Team

London [email protected]

15-17 June Swiss Lawyers Conference

Switzerland [email protected]

June British-Brazilian Lawyers' Exchange

London [email protected]

June English Law Day

Almaty, [email protected]

August ABA annual

NYC, USA [email protected]

August AIJA annual

Tokyo, [email protected]

5 September Seminar and reception with lawyers from Wuxi city,

London, UK [email protected]

18-21 September LAWASIA annual conference

Tokyo, Japan [email protected]

September English Law seminar

Tokyo, Japan [email protected]

September Seminar on 'Investing in Central and Eastern Europe'

London [email protected]

October Union International des Avocats (UIA) annual congress

Toronto, [email protected]

October Conseil national des barreaux (CNB) Annual Conference

Bordeaux, France [email protected]

October Opening of the Legal

London [email protected]

8-13 October International Bars Association (IBA) conference

Sydney, Australia [email protected]

October ABA SIL fall

Miami, USA [email protected]

6 November - 1 Commonwealth Professional Fellowship - incoming visit from East Africa December [email protected] London, UK

14 November Second roundtable on Women and the Law

London, UK [email protected]

20-24 November English Law Week in Moscow

Moscow, [email protected]