SPORTS: Spartans put Aztecs on ice Weather: Highs in the 60s

p g . 6 Mostly suitny titer morning fbg 1.ows in the 40s an a II Sits iihi4 Sao osa. State Sint t I 93 I 11111): yk%.515ii...ilii Rob Student-created credit union Give it hurts teaches skills Alumni recall value of internships By Ed ()herweiser itt sti his 5.1111 III 111,1Ilt Ow light Spartan Dail) Star I Wntat t min.( toms Oil ottgit the credit SISII. %s is ked as onion and the SISt! la. (thy to he intei 115 at the 11',i5finigtion Squat.' «,nsuIvied when a position Frdeial ( hi [won. said the "I'm" ui"It 111. \. expetien, , ibex gained diet(' llitc !edit union was funned in .111 11111.111 1.1111 Ill SI S11.1) lii111111 IA a sltitlant Keith ( .11 eVIN lliesLtt t%11., needed [Ince extia it -this itt giadliate. and lam 1 Ile, %/XIV 11%11111.1 all 1114 11 11111 Rit.t.. SISI linant 4111111511 5.115 11.111111111 t tIii tilling I. , teatit,11 anti the t taihnintig ,1,11iig it. Li, tilts ..1(hisci hitant 1,31 mit ttI the 51 tulttti iii lttilt 1,1,11,1 ttggc. I lit,ko inn ("edit 11111,111 tin Ft tilts ai H(tst. ,rlicittl a duce- IA ni's , ittlit "lei I i waling .1 t tedit It OS ( ..11 giadilat unit tit and Ow Rs" t.1 thcin ed how NISI' in Poll btanitil a tedtial 1.1111 a Imam I. tlygitt haitelill 1914ti, 66 l'ehllniigge awl IS itan a situ k 1 the 11111111) bloke! kvith the liesko is the 111,, bran. ii 11 the Imam analvm tin the credit union is oisysteins, nanttnal imt..11111111 the ..iiiipan% that film S1111111 11.11 Ile% 'students 11'17 '1 ng, "1 (111 111,111,1 11 1N.1S 111115 the .1 (III 111 1 I cs11111 t PI 1115 ,111) atilt lint,1111,utlgttte anak/ing nia, hint.s 11.111 .11 1%.1,11111g11 .11 S1111.11 1' motto should be iistt1 in wan% I (pan slit tps. Feldloinggt that all, ast tl IttgtI 'you «inI said 1111s rat Ittlisi said Ow %Sas the Lit until vim lind ...1 titgls tilt ttinag, until I 1541 ta lit tints IllhIf sll tl wpiticonent*. %slier; lie Ii it 11t1 111 hut, ill's 'WWI ’s 1)th .1 "111'11 III Rich Lyon (left), an SJSU teaching credential student, pre- Monday's blood drive in the Student Union. Franeene Feldbmge 1. Idlitogge 11111/ liii 1111.1111 l I./ 111111 11 .11 pares to donate blood at the hands of Carol Bunn, R.N. at 11Ie 1 11,111 11111..11 Fat tilts atDnort III. slut 1.U111 " I Ill 111111111 "It go, sit lii 1/1 1de expel it ii tit 99 /11 Is siti(1,111s sal langsilt aging .1 titian. i,iI 111511 it Ills , I I 1[1111 Ng/. said -I lie stilt 'Tis the season to donate blood nitnin,- tii ..1111 intuit %on rxtwiirn,, it 'it sitodd lii ttttll t till luau. itist itiiii it. 1,11,15..11 Iii iTil 51.1, hold St till lulii'I ii By Mark Kregel one of die an . %%Ito oigammil the lsttli 411 111./111.1gIllg mid inakiiig Irplac 11.111 I Spulan IMO, Staff Nine/ students .1. tul.uluutg Itlu tt iti lust Ihni then biota! tested 1.)1 4 ulIlIllIll- de, 101015, k..II 1.11111. tht ( I.( ti the itdit 11111.111 %,1141 adihtle. litable 111SIV.ISCS 1tlli It test, then the laaenti.t1 (founts ate kW IN' %hat Ws Jilt /tit gi in 41.ugilitII /AU %mild haw beril 111111111 1/1 Olt 1101 111 111.1 11111 inlet [(Ascii to wake `Ant 1111's 11.11.1. 111/1 %HIV(' .011 1 11111111 DVS 111.11 .11l tregg Rtst isis itt Ill, 1.1 .4;1' "I lit' s!!!! iii !1,11 111111 11/1 111(. 111111 111 111 1\1', is sliiiltuuis 1111111 the gllnutIs in tin I .1111.1 It .1I 111k lin II/111111111111.114C 111,...11 111.4’.1,1%, sot hi as m.11.111,1 th, itt Ill 11111..11 "I'' ' I"I t" i" that 1"'st"") It" hula Ballo snit itt I)ttuuutus lilt. h.,,, mi m .111 and 'is iii his bin lie still "We had .1 good 1111 nom. IS 11 is suit pi 'sing but mist its 111..11 it tiiiitl his einent aliet sdo ow, 11,. mid. bed 01 ,1 .1/ mini hag .1firt donating. v.Aiiiiteris iteai gbithiateil font] sISI ti l’,"7 I I, I 5,S.uliuis, i itom ,1111,..1 ilStttt , lilt,, 1...kit 5 ai,,1 1St II ks 101 1111, tools 1111111 4111 Red tors. 1 Ins go,. al mint tin t5lttt al slit said. he , Anse 1/111/1 km 15 ( 5iiident and legillat down, gitiog Nina! inamilat iiiiltig tit ill III 1.0.1 1 II. I1 1 111111 l I dining ihr li.ilidaks, the nerd lot 1,1.111 gt giatInalt 1a1111 said 's I call% ca..% slit- said "Pet plc tIttli.1 law% litIs 1..155 .11111 1/.1111 1.6151 5.11I1 III 4.11111 I Hi% alualIt Illtitwt1 Illt 11,1515I'll. iu,ulttt .11 t 11111115 111.11 11.11,111 !lir 11.011( I phis ha liii tit.tht 11S% 11 5" Spet wit( i I t alD02,iitt 5.11(1 ni.ittia Ii ItIlti tiggt. sant, is the 111' 111 Ilt %,111 f t/111111111 5,1.111111,..1.1% hut/111 I I .1 III 11/.1 I/ Ill at the I, a hit I ittlil mitt .ti vdwit if NISI Si 11.11,1c1 t,I 5,tiittltl SIT Sf Itl% 51thtitSltliiI 11111 1%, Is uliu fito Is! Slildt Ills sslitt %SIDI k111 same 1,', t ,1 tit (Act% stint,tri ,!. Ilit ti 1, ,11illi, lilt .11151 apponioni 111...111' 1111 tSS.11, Baia kfAIlti111, 1, Is MI 1111,It gitai upptti twin% to help the I ttuilliItItltis, s.tttl ii I is It, IT lii It!it ls.til 1)11 I itclit uihhiltit mid II t it Ilit II II, Ill iiI.tItt II 11.4. 1 1,1111 iiggt I. a I sold I III s "" I ii In to Iii! liii I" 1 111"1"Ig 1" N"1"11s .1 `"11"."' hwaw 5 tI .1 ittIttaltle 1.4 In iii '.11ilin%alt. %%it h ttiht %.t.1 Iti st I ts f 1111 I 1 1 1111 110 I / 1/ 11/ 1 Ii.isi It if Downtown fare tasty and varied

By Randy Fiiihel ti t 11,11 ttt5tll 110111IIItg sia, ;al a al 11 1.11111, ss hile los ions lit pit al S pr. /al in lit. lIalIt ,115...111,15 115..111 . tIllSI it Ills St II plants 51111111% stand gnat,' ill the dew. awl 5. mop. 111. ie 5,1"*"' I, Whewvo gri Iii drive "11111 1 u"" I'l'" "dm` in .11.a, 5 In the Iii, kgt I. ifir lei old Canned food 11%. I ttl 'NISI'. 11,1.'111.11)K I I HI it StI II I lit ihit. e;inii( lts.,:111 heal gintat ..1 se .111d 111,111f I/ /11I the whale walk], when 1 II, "." %,11, It 1.111 \s.Ilik ii it .1 I ,ulds Ill the 5,51.11 III, olpf' MO \itilh 11111 ,.11111 \If 1.),1,1111 5 \ hut th,. .it I,.itus ( at 1.11 111), lit .1 you walk int() (1 benefits many lood ssulI 1., 111 , said Sdke San Frinando Si. at South ,0,11111; lit Ow ,.11 Ittsi ,11(1)aliald's. you bane 55 it land, tat/ gt Fttilllli Sioet. ily .I1 It/Ss 1111 liy Sarah ( hint 11,11,, r.. t luuiig lilt Iii' 55 il \sst tt14111111. 11111 1 AI l slit 11 111 1111111 (111 1111111S 511 114 II t fIll Ike A Sp./ 1.1 141 thr 1//nl, lilt III I ill, 1'211 I N1.1111.1111, III 1 Ile 111 1%111111.111 what the load will lie 55I, Ii sl" 55.15 "."1114". She 10.111 5Siihl hius lu,tt It t., ihui- limit lit ,,,,, 5 INS1`.., slit I, king ..1111 .11( .1 IS 1111 NISI 11/1 .111.11 siuitt.ults III KS'S" "1". ' "1’!"’ St tiIltt It III, 111111 1 111 I111 01 1111g 1 1,1111(.4 itt it it stands .11 Ilit it tltitih'l Ii ii ..1111 tilithlgs IS 111 III 1 11, /11 S S11.11 I. .11 1111St t f1 enough food oil 1 11,1.1 dining th,lii 1,151 Ii like. 111111 111 1(k1 ti1 1111141 ,11111 I 11111111' 411111 1/1111,IIII f litt Its shinning ihr IC/A.1111.1111S Al, I r.1(111% di 1 1,...11111' a m.o.!' hoot p, itt,ti it. San 1 1111 1111.1 111' listtius 111 i Dilates? in iitsiiiittg \mem .111 time in 'taw In San Illst ttat.. Ilt/111 1111 1.11111/111 Sae Wiebuld 5 its tI ii,, ttttt,I it, I "In high 5, 1111111 %,f 1st -ill 'Phi .1 lit- is Isuttliug 1,.1 till ,olet Itt wt. AllII ha. 5 it, expel 111111 Si (Wrnian gradual...411dt III S si'ihi and I 1.11,.. II II, I.. ill lilt \SI Mr .11 list It it/ Cal 1111 1 .111 1111. ‘ tit' `1."'It Ill' ii 111.1111 1 1111111 11, Wttsell 11111r noinal ...ow .1 I tttti dm( Itpp, I 11' ‘111,’it 151,0 an% \to \lc I hill.11,1 sits11.1%. 1 111' 11111111 11,1, wally u hanged," 1 hi, t 155 tilt t, it liSt it 1111. 11111111 1 1111111 1.11/1'1,11 1. 111.11 Is If I/11 11 111 11,11,11s till sail! Nil, Rot kit, jinn ...mita, is ii 1.11111 'tilt S,111 15 ,1 slitf 1 11..111, .11111 .1 gift Id Illf 5,1111,IIII illf t 155 awl plat ,5 slime's Ott IllS ntis 11.1111 OW ['akin mid mass, Itlitllltlithl anon., VI/1'1111' SISI S III kill 1111 11,111 '1111,, I \I.IIklI Itti 10 11.15. I ),.11.01,.11..111 S./ 111111 k11.1.1 11111 S111 1 1, flit it is Iiic Ill ill set Wm al Stttilli liD,1 and Rio kei said he nolo rd that the it 1111111 11.1s t.1111 Illg% 11/1 11:11 11/111. I I11 art...teas 1.ta% hut (.,11 111.11, fulg l't , main and Salt ( at it ,s %lulls, al III, 'Ian lin hull l'ho lam, a it 1"’""’"" ""I V" ’11’ "" 11,011 flit s. r1,111',111 .11111 il0,1111.1Po I It I like 1 111.1k, i dale!. 1,, , 1.1% StIlt,' Ott S 11.11,111% gct into, 5. ,uitiuSi lit 111,111 I . III1 S11.11.1 Salt .1,1.4 11..11111 Illg 11111 11111 111111W. ha% 1A1/411111rd Its lilt It/ 1111' 110,1 Ii igal 5.1111 slimon le finings. 1%.SIS tl,tilaiittii. .11 1111- .\Intatlen lilh1111 Is 1111 .1 llIs 1111/. 1'111 1 /1/1..111 VIt 111.11111 st .11111 (.11111eSe IASI 11 off! 11111111 111 /111111111111 11/ 111111(111.1. 111(. iii.inagt-t "1 ,f II tI Iis 'tubs tutu Nit a c. 11111..4111.111\r. (let idet1 it, .11111111,1111111% .11111 1 .111., (..nifen 1.1 1,41i .11111 III, 111%11 its (.111114 Chen 1 Ill/1111rd 1.4111.1s G.11(1111 1111W I Ili, I If ill(' III IIIISI/11 1114'S Will A World of Choices of 1 and , iihme ill St Ill. at ,INI 111.11 1/1.11.1111 is ei ing the low! 'St tu Olt I loose at 1011 51,10 It 1 !mil 11..11111C% lit I' 111,111-s, bathe( tied -Slim log 1"w' builds howls , - 11,11111, a/.11/1% tht RI /.111 5,0-0 i,iItl Si iuiI,tlatill iiinollt I Ilinhinati,111% said tuTu ltt1ltllttg si lame. Finial, ( hi S.1111111.11 Ille% lilt Ii the Mill the 1 1.,iiiestead stole befoli' Si 1111 111111%11 111/11 tti S011111 and Shill. st tlyval is ( whit, 11.411 Ilt% It ( (.,,Ilege ut Prlhaf's a las" Ple II1//.1 "' his It/ Sat i1111 1 11.III I It ',tube.. 1 !mil awl San (..itlos stirets, a 1..0 tIlt1 at 117 San (ii Ills Si, ne,,,t III Ihie 1151,11114111S III t t 5,1tttitt Si I oiding I/, lilt ote I ;MI111111111% S1 1%11 is NlIcie they Ii tiilul he lfst',itttt large, 'male! tu Sit II, lII,h1lI5 Sel %V% wouild it ad to dessel t at its neigh MCA. I.lulS flolS11.1 ttlIcr sintlynt 5.1111 Niel/1;11V II ,u u.uthit 1),Inds att. 111.111t 11111 olds 11111 1 1111 pal kaged tilt hag' ihilt ItIttOs and Sit iii iii, 111111 plut 1111's 14111'1 Inn Ben and I, if it's too dist I utITIt but has alita liable meal TItlIst' 51111 Mr sliming food then iltIn. 1, d the food lit 11,0,1% Irlf%isi.lit tutu 111.111,1 "A111/, benig WiSC I tiltiiiall gastto /1/111" towled Ii Iguanas Lopiet la at 111%115 likt. it. daily $4 2", Ionn it spi.- cit Ind 1I/III .15 WI'll atisq oW11111W11. 11/11 SVC .1 11/1 tI honie ,i11 tIlt with toile tfl the highest 330 South 1 int rf Si oi if need .1.11 that tIIIIS IWO 3 I/ III. less inopli 111'.11 1 14,1f.% is t tIThe t Ill T ati It it'll I lit/11(.541111 lict tins( ta, '11 licatt gni anti %our I (1111 V1111.111, 11/ 14111k 111/ .111 .11/1/11111% lit 111 I 111 Ideas about whet e to eat 11111 iii While 5-1511111g stiange and 1Xt H- thrill." IS II'S*, 11/.111 1,,t1 111111111r% 111/111 1111' 1111/1/ 11111/ %1'1111S111111' 1.111111/S 111111 abound in the immediate SISII! ang plat 111,15 he 1 /III 111 I 1..11 11 fin f 111111 III I aini,n. (IOW Ili! .1 111114 Illk 111111 neiglihoi Iltuittl Iuu Ihis little most who are I alight lip in Ilie d it is ca.% ill Itnget 111.11 11.111 Sti angel things happen %VIM. 1/I tIllfISC 1111/11-W111 111%, 111C tI existrint 1. ila SJSU Dateline tt, tlav struggle f1111111 11 itfll 11; tirigii hallengt 151 Inaising 1/111% 1/111.. thyrisity sill rounding all sindriii. sisittti. I he hain I, ised tvnh OW taIDIMIs asso,lawd Inn gei has almost hal (nne synoti. Ian's Carden fa rah It 01,1 it a journalmit Thai iksgiing Floliclay abundant. lilt 115 5511 11 \mei mid I Ile glow of th, late-at fel ath ma eel alma ling tIfuleatt "rile hung' y I .iti hicially it .1%(.1 Ill Nowinlier 2/4 itI-!tsIiti St. Itonal,k is die gold II' on Noveinbei %tin illuminates with hi% itt het tongue. Along the 51.111(latil Ilil both I hits lia%. nix It ti the newly-panited so, Itt is tuiti till sick at et. it of Sati Fernando north I. lilt of tile burger market spat klingi Iran Boots of the dining Street between South Set owl and 1111. le,' .1111 .111(1 f11,1/111. 11iSh 111 Itlithit FII5111,, f III Bowels grat 2 Tuesday, November 26, 1996 OPINION San Jose State University Spartan Daily

Pope squanders influential role Catholic Church gives no guidance hi 1-.41()IxIsveiseI of the world's major fisheries had teat lied or exceeded their natural TwWitweeks ago, an aula.ting limits. Fish is a maim source of harangue. appealed in the food for many profile. Humanity Spat t.en Dads In Fr 1)ave began unsustainably mining that NIt.r1r1, the 111.1111.1111 t A the tesotitee two seats agt/. Catholi( Campus !slims?! , about Ae«n ding the Population how "there is a (Jeep-seated .iii I. Referent e Pi(.15 Work! Catholic bias in out eultute in out Population Data Sheet, the popu- sex iety." lation if the planet will double, at The father extolled the vii rues ics t m ern gtOWth late, in 45 years and progiessive thinking if some to I I billion, 404 million people. C.ailitilie indivielmels ami gave the latest pronotimement from lair that lit', as a, has a the Pope is that overpopulation is female super visot as Iii iii that the' not one of the i auses itt 1.1111111r. Catholic le.ligion doesn't regard tual «muse, lii tending to women iLS W11111(1-1 lass till/ens. him, is the inequity of the alio( a- Priests 11(1 upy a low rung on the lton of 11,11111( VS, ladder of tin Cathollt hie' mi hi.. Paid Ellie In, the pepulation biol- Above. 111,1111111 Sin( erding levels ogist who wrote "'The Population ate Iiishops, rnonsignots, eatelinals Bomb" and the -File Population anti jut pt's. None of them have Explosion" would definitely take ever 1X.11111111111111. issue with that assessment of reali- .11.111 C;t11111/11( I ellg1( /11 is title Ili ty. rill' 11111S1 111,1141 fill and wealthy The Catholie Clime h with its ones in the world. Its global vast wealth and power should be a sin ,kestrian, the Pope, influences foie e fini hatige in A Wn1 seem- Ruminations of a Masculine Milquetoast and clic tate., the be.haviin of bil- ingly bent on stlf-dtstr iiiflint lions ol 111111111 Vail WNW!, rather than a fort t fen continuing On the trail of a girl .1111t C.11111/1111 ( .111111111 IS tin' n1111 4. latent pia( Ines. named Rebecca: iehionos on gain/Minn that has is Instead, it has failed to provide. its 1111.4111111.111cIS All 111(111/111(11111 mina' guidan« by txample and Mare - V.1111.111(.11). It was granted has brought on ally "anti-Catholie A tale from the Milquetoast's casefile this in ivile.ged 1.1,111111/V 1111111( taller bias" through its 1/W11 ar tii than Italian die tato! Benito W’Itilt there ate 111.111V progres- Finding Rebecca: Part 1 could hold against us, times to try to talk to me, but 1 Mussolini with the Lai« an 1 leafy sive. thinkers and doers whet are Immediately, they started to impro- stood firm for my cause and of 1)120 44 here do I begin? I WILLIAM vise lewd remarks about us; sick brushed her away. MI11\1111111 aka/ gust' the V,Itie an The Catholic last saw Rebel t a stuff using words we didn't tinder- "That fourth day of class, I real- 750 1111111.111 1111 til SM1 11111111/11 al about Ill years ago, JESKE stand, lied my strategy worked. The the 1'120 rate of txe hange. III its' seventh grade. Well, actually, "I mean, daninit!, when you are teacher was still taking roll call and Mussolini Aka/ guaranited the Church is the within Ott Iiist week of the seventh a kid, parents and teachers always when she got to her name, I heard mil odue min id Catholit ! tiogionts grade. say that the best way to keep from her remind herself out loud that teat lung III all pn1/11( high se hools only religious "Helte«a and I, we were best being bullied is to ignore them Rebecca had transferred out, in lials and the crone instittimm In lends sitter Anted the middle of mul they'll go way. Hut, you can't "My camaraderie with the jerks w.ts plat ed mid« (anent law, whit hi organization kineletgat ten. I think we bee ante "I turtle:libel how just insanely ignore something like that. You Wits short-lived and that day in P.E. i Med out dist at ii. instant blends when she and I ited she was to lie going to a simply 4.en't fillet out words Cu m- class I Was ridiculed for my perfor- 1 he (..etliohe I :hunt II 4 tit a Inc e that has as its weir plas mg on the shut' ill the 111.1V S111111/1. We figured, net more ing at you from tutu lose. Nini can't mance, anti in the weeks and eltal with Hid« and his I hint 1,1.19204mnd and esen though the mean tem hens on getting deten- help but lint lure the se env they months later I would be jibed for Reit Ii with (..tielinal Eugenie, headquarters tem he, had t ailed the odic! kids tion for dumb least ins. It was like make fen V(111, it von and your best missing a catch or striking out, and I'm «la die Iraeling m1,44,11,04.: win, Ikee k mm fen something. I think it finishing a tow it duty at an insti- ,,fititituncl l hurting and int 'testing each beaten when I talked back. mume litelrel a orals null Nail was slots time, wine h I icitiumbet !Mimi itt iirsci %Anted I() he al ill "I figured, I would explain what (.11111.111% Ile later bet .ilne Pope an indepen- kvas both out last n ite tune ut the the lust pla«, and va finished it, "And now bet mist. col their I did for Rebecca that day and she l'ilis XII SI inttil 11.1%. .111(1 We Illsa 11111St nut and this time, at tuns new s( him!, Minimums and rims Allen( inabili- would thank me for getting her A e.« Int ialiu. roil t it 111, titans dent state - %la% outside playing on the slide we t tudd slat t again. tv and shin t« imings, she w,is gtting out. I would apologite profusely With 1111111 WAS file kill 11111SI1111.1 and it nasti4 until about a gni oct 'I hat lust week (of the seventh tit be punished ailing with rile. and She W011111 forgive Mr. (111111111 its ) %VIM 11 gas(' beincen Vatican City. It Ilse minutes that the lem 11(1 grade. of itimin high, wt made in "And, the tem het was never 1 never saw her again. She was- 8 and Ili pen tilt 4,1 11111 /111C 1.IX rum unit welt. still (nit there that herr'. %Ve were enrolled in the at itind to heat inns tit this, they nit at Schotil that next day, I'd call 11111111111 In ( (tiiii.iiis it, the was granted she «tiled 11%111.4nel %sr 1.1111( rat to same histm s glass fun first pet II Id. newt ate her home, but her said for l'i(ilt simil Anil I .1111( ill, t Ilillt 111, sent iii thltet ent c cot net s cot Ihr Illlit1111111.11111, st NUM' figuted I had tut do smite- Inc not to call again. I.ater, I If .t e iti/vii didn't 1%4111 111 II.1% illIS this privileged lass' c mom wild the mid iii shills 141111jut ks Innun ins I E t lass. thing I had to SAW the tine IWIS.1111 !canned her family had moved LIS, 111.11 ( itiirti hod it, 11111111111C -.111.11 11.1SS in 111V hie I rated set much atxmt away, and I didn't know where to, his til 1111 t vhgol on an 'option' ''"insists. that's Ills l'.11 111S1 1111111 gr rat, ono cone kilts% cos, 1,se didn'l limn having to endure punish- Tiler didn't say and my parents few c locose status by la% ill 1111 111111.11.110 Think kumitis .11111.1111'1'111., annul 11.1111. (11 111 ment foi having t 4 immitted the didn't know. In trim it, Pi opt Pins XII irliisucl tit ansthing III. together kilt,S 1%11.11 f111111 111(11(1111 NA% 1'11'1(.11118111g I/1,1 hien& "Ms very best friend, who I t() ex« minium( Mr I Mitt hit his none other 1t. virtu rum 1111' c11111111I.11% "I ( ouldn't delynd het if I want- shared over half of my childhood ll WI'S 1 III' pope tiset1 the st hint! and 11.1t1 Mira iii 11111 -%.111. 1%11111 that first l'F. ( lass ed to flue jet Is n out(' easilv hurt with, I snubbed and dismissed in a noble U1(111%1( 111.1I 11111r W111. IllaIl% than Italian ( lasses togethet 1 u «number we'd ( aim-, I leaf tied pita how mud 114.1 and ine it I made even the' what I considered aft, c(041 ( ..1111t till S WIll 1 WI 1111d Miller III lose talking and gossiping almtut mune of them ( ould be 11e wen. slightest snide rental k abs nit them, mr the one pervin I cherished as I soon fount(' tout later. So. I fig- most, i 41111.111% .11111 its (it (111111(1111111111( dictator %hit It tea( huts view the int est. 1111111rd tit (Ito some exci ( 111,1i 111' 1,11/1111111111R .11111 11111(1 and %Ito was the meanest, and something SI/ 1111' u 41,11 Ii If m11111 wt. med, if 1 muldn't make this safe "Eitt 51 wry. I (11110 Illearl ill take I learned these astounding fae is Benito itemi dot implesions of the iflt.111 1k11.11 ilt had 11/ isitu k null I t aitt plait' full het, then I %tumid have to this long to explain all this, I had - In trading 1).1%0 1 Abp.% book -In tall, A1111 11% 1,111111(1411%1111 rentrenbel %hat ne had rum iii, a., si Hurdling no get her toit safer nut figuted it %amid take this long. tone 'Film I it tffs ''S attic - V11'.11 talk aim out the toilet IsiliS A1111 think it might hake been lutilmig %mild mean getting het "Sit, unit, do sou think sou I guess it nas t )1% tot Mussolini. t(%111111ing in 1111111111% ot something 1.111.11111cl 141.111.111111 I Less help nut?" -lint, I knew shy wouldn't hornets...auk and anyone nlii, did ..111111111 S.1111. It lilt I of pow.' rill, -1%t (I haw slerpmet 's at eat It Rug.iiilluss, I sin kut1 it it. want 14/11.111’ all/Ile III 111.11( lass with til lichtse in the sup« lot its 4,1 the Vali, anti isieldnig Olt intost null "11"1s }""isr ""Iit, 'I "P ." Plu"’"il‘, Iss,ts "'" Pattie"' in na 'Mimi iii't hi III' 1, I11111 It /IIIIIII'll cm e has been a 'legalise bate long .1% kw t mild %Lis anake %sat tamed «du Mr 1111III 1111 1/11111 nit tviks I had to Flow out a was it gri hem 11111%1%r I 111411(111 al hinl intuit AI 11 /SS 111V .11111 1111111111c11 111. % %so 11111 ilium ss."% '11.1"k!,' talk about escis thing. like in( isle, kids 'virile id thelli %sett 111 that wk.(' "Sm. Thal Ilt,111.1% III fit st pettitx1 desk 1% bons tut towed and ins i ..1111, all S all lilt' "" and whit II at tots %mild lie in smite btmst.ti u 1 1.10 .04 Ine And ft" I"' ''''`."'"" "I histois m \I'M.. %%hilt- Ilit .11111s lus(Fillo I's planet 110111 IlltnIt's. tor muuu 1.1%.11111' Itet ut lass. V.111(11 lillya leeks start- I Inn testing 4,11 Ills Intuit kle1. 1 ed to make lend m .111111111111 about mu tossed runs legs and sal .11111111c Siii ill"! 1 sssIcilis All Citing In s nu" I'. Si. I'lrstt ii unig "' lii It loteaktast ut11 .11. 111 it iit 11/111111W 1st t Allic tutu Its Ihut' IIIXl 1,111 11(1,111111111111/ I le mull them I opened the lkookbag 54,44'4111am all) di .11 i 444 ill., hintian tut 1111( Al it at It is" ItIlllig lis ht 11% ti .111%..111,111 and 'h."' "'" ""1"11bit -I used the ugh plitases. the pet- pulled tint SIIIIIV 11111.%1111g prIsains inla population ,ilid 1114 11 stilling I "111111. t "III 1111. 11.11 %I' 1 II 1.1 he. .11111 tar (1 .111%.11% I/1114 111/ 11111.111., .11/./111 licit" did"1" 1 hit's'sill' t1 stI fed timid mt....lines I ( on still hunts .11 il1itit . Ihe «lin 1.11 (..(1,1 hillii Is Ito sin!, letting 1%t ht. 111%111 %attic Sit%t latiiir make letting states, snit kt'rnrtg irinetiihm the It k eon 1111 fair, of I hong du u Ilit it is 111,0 midi( 1111111.1 I'll In it ligions and stint %inking S11111111.1% NIV...11% 1111'111 sat smruluiml S11111 .111,1111 III% inhaled ugh Ins tittse l' atom ohm. t1111114. of disbelief and and t Clinton is 1. n111,1.11'11 as .1 global ( muumuus tut heal the "Slit %as like the sport I newt ses abilities and t all mitt' 'lag' en gave him a half grital looked lectiasal usirs seemed tit lx lilln III tint' rscs \c c "tiling 111 I 1111111 \ .111111)S eatth and all its lntnnng ( femme,. had and sea she nas more than a .14111111. til '1111,0.1. 1111.111W I W.1%111 st training to let teals Inust from 11.11.I, 754 1111111-111 til 1111( 14111111's V1t ate not alit it' tint' ti.ttini 111111 1 1%.1111111 lot (It/ 1,11% )411%11.11 spill IS "Ell take the 1 a%l 1111111. 1/111 1111.% W11111110 poilM1.111i(ii ii%. III 1111111 1%,1111 14,11111 'iii' At 1' 11.111 i .111.11111(1111'11 it 111,11 11111111111 "Krim mu a 111'.1111 .111 Id this and in 1./11111' Slue 1S1,111(1111 lel 1111111 1.11111111c is lit'l c illt'it' Alt' 111.111% Ili III till 1111' I1111.11 Illtills 1111 Slip to (libel of tis v.t.:(1 Curl (WNW% title if the mint bold and noble 11/Ine She 1:1,1/111/71 leske It the .Spartan //nth 11.0111,1a endin eel this, disased. the whole 4 turnment hIstm the next two [Plat 111 Irig e ailioln 4. nlio lane. 1""I ss'iu'tiiIhAl hi h.utu' 1"1 " IN S11..11.111'11 1 /I Si111 Mint, I 1111 (.11111 dn. Slur laa.ti told that at n41114.11 tn1111.1 1111111%11111 t11,11 111( 11441'11111 11111101 All% 1.11111 It. III% .111(1 n11111111111 t 1,1ss itt od nlurnn% 1.'111,11'1(1,ml adnai II IIIII III Is 11,11.111 tiltlit III it tll 1.111111% thing We pie mused that to I'M 11 Ito 11,11 plc king till 1111 1/4,1 i1111111 -I lie test of that elas, I n utmtium mming ',num% ,me he hat invertigat until !mug In ((insult I. lit(t tit an anuttrur invesnottn Finn rot 111.11111111g I.! Hbel i% tem 11.1111 Shill "III" 'II "11 111..111011rd 11(.1111111 1 tic 1 \ saoll on PP( I 111,i1 all 17 tinter "11111 tutu u 11111. Illt 11,111111 111,11.111, 1111' 111 Is 14,4,k it as inanOci V1.1 111(111 SIX Ike the lest I it PIMP! flprCIJI, PT,PYI wady siumut, Ihing ((seri tinny than !hes the 11.1%, though she truth (4,11.11 Letters to the Editor

Restrooms' plumbing 110111 tit a 11 I 111111s 1111111111, at al1. tti iettiriting I his is not an aesthent all% here Mid is bit Illf' neser ending units kir 1 .111S1 .111 1/%1 1 III \\i .111 ... a situation pleasing stilorei t. 1 Intuit, Imt 11,A, 1).1 is it alto tut a Lit I of molt«, let's use s tif 111111 1111,1101,111111011 ,1 Till Si i 11111 01111 creates overflow situation kt"11,14 I" has, I" )4' I" fu,mt' 1""iess"""Ils the u onside !Able di illations SIM' appears .11I 11011 glum ongls cob% icons .1111.01c which has become Ai( 1111 It SIIILII11111. I li( rum Cite (ill things that nill du« tls hem I.1,/1111111. R.11111 I 111.111.p, 1141,A, I .11111111.11i ill(11.11s %shoo lo mm main ilhisonts. C 1mm hut wait t that flu staff and fat ults has its tusti fit students, mot just the iiiiisersilS's 1.)111)11( s 1,11/111111.11i 1111, i 1111.111% lilt (sing 11111.11111S 1.111111%. 111,1 II111111.11I I 1st II .1110.111111111%N abominable: The it summit. and I ( Amin' ant st tit the 1 till inn mgi' III III. .11'..1 1.11111/11,, 011 111111111111.1111111 111( t .11111111S tb isalk ulmmntunms OH It III lint It rust alit out gnat silt add ii, hi intuit It( (ol it II s1111.1 mumg mhiurtimghi %%Aft 1. tn 111/ 11111, [lights of milt( I Ili( kilinunisti.ilnin iii lints Smsen Virdrioartii hi, It 'nigh! ',I 111011 111111 h bias alt.rmitialth mlii shuns in old( I In ansist I 11.111111' all malfunctioning susuritug «Immune:nal studies 111.1111111i ii. tinning us..nn n sit st wimp. 1111 lttilitll 111(11111, It Acting this knok% 4 Iran, itt 44 king uitlei Nat 11% %,11.1i I 1111..111 1' unit 1%4111111.111 1.11' I . tutu Ilia talking altolli 111.111111 Ilan( t women's Stotictits ut,Hot need iti.okeri ctittant 111.11 Is all 11111/111i.1111 liii St1/.11.111 1%slit 1 slitokf II lit 111.1114 I 111.11S .1 (OM% to hod u inn alit t 1.11111M%. 11111 NC elo ant talking u..tun basil plumbing %shit In %CI All. .1111 n Sill. %%lit 11 silt' 1111'.111, restrooms. rt tome i 111.11111).ra( e emileorts u itt e tie( ate

Editorial Staff Advertising Advertising Dire.. tot Opinion Page Policies Xet ollVti I ditor Spartan Daily All Spartan Daily readers are encouraged to express (herb- Art Director 1.1, Assigning tailor .1. : , selves on the ()pinion page frith a Letter to the Editor, which Reporters Detail Manager Firl,tv Produc Iltin I data should he SOO swords or less. ,I rstas. Acnn Itcon lithe kstrem Kir Li National Manager I, s1.1 Letters or viesrpoinu (4/mum I ditor Rocas, nergnodu must be typed and may be. hfl 5 I I rut,. Liu:anal. John Ltauts. u yule ml,c'rossin. Martteting Manager sorodra caminza ttput in the Letters to the Editor box at the Spartan Daily allot Sports Ithior In Dwight Bente! Hall. Kat, II hrraretwr, Matt Peril,: ',ILI:Kam, Marketing Assistant Ii It collo room WV Ph t (Odor Downtown Manager I .11%1 *faxed to (408) 924-353? or Mits. thiphagett MN. us Walion Yuki Wellenweer T.,t,ot..hall Chic! Phottvrapher Entertainment Manager Aflurlt rill,snueva *mailed to the Spartan Daily Opinion Page Editor. School Of Contributing Writers Journalism and Mass CommunIcations, San Jost Stam the Scene I thior Detail Account his,1111¢11 Chnstonc. Kocsidisc coothan Po,o anitiaiin Iturrili ',ell) Chan Demi) Echely University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 951114-0149. the St env Design I thior Viacc,,,cevci Naliashalla "liar, 'n Submissions become the property of the Spartan Daily and On line I duo,. c. Photographers 1., tun W,,.s1 Cailicrine Yeh may he edtied for clarity, grammar, libel and length. 1( it1 (.11C11, ktosalineta tiarza. Darren Phillips AtIttsf) st1OZZI Ihcantown Account Icnrcv sAccicr Christine leimaileas met ~aim Os assaest mans. Illkus, New, hAiti (40s) 024 %NO hancl:e Itrylini Hammer Executives ....mitt, Kaisto I ivar his!. 'r Mime simben sissaan nod maim lii ,r24 12S Graphics Specialists Entertainment Executives Kele IScrinet Itostiroc ',its I. honk c MAMMY me winos IIi and my tbs amposire of Os AcIvcrtisitw 527,' Art Executives Car, ,Ivn I 4.rstrii,on tsran,l.qc them, !, Swim Didly1101s11. sel tie Oldt Nita. Kaspar ; sTins Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily Advisers reflect the views of the Spartan Daily, the School of loumaltsm c, h. and Mass Communkatiorts or SJSU

atlhalas.. Tuesday, November 26, 1996 3 Spartan Daily San Jose State University

Gay Lesbian Bisexual Alliance No regular meeting; call Beth 441-7206 PEOPLE SpaiRTFI Library Donations k Sales Unit All the gossip that's fit to print Ongoing Book Sale was 17, runs an annual fund-raising campaign for Donations welcome; 10 a.m.-3 Thomas talks about SCTV the cause. p.m.; Donations & Sales Unit; ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) Dave Thomas had no "I don't know who (the donor) is Fin just GUIDE Wahlquist Library North 408 choice but to write a hook about his days on the going around hugging everybody," he said last & Clark Lobby; call Acq. Dept. Weekly Calendar classic Canadian TV comedy series "Second City week. Sfitis 4-2705 TV" He already had raised more than $400,000 with a "I had to, Thomas, now a co-star on ABC's celebrity car race that drew more than 10,000 fans Re-Entry Advisory Program "Grace Under Fire," told USA Today. "One, I was to the Nashville Speedway in October. The at lllll Striving Black Brothers & (REAP) TODAY there when it happened, and two, 1 have all the races have raised inure than SI million in three Sisters *No regular evening advising material." years. o c pus mstry General meeting; 6 p.m.; No regular Brown Bag Lunch St 'XV ran for eight years in Canada and Collie's hits int lode "'Huey Words, 'two Heat ts, *Daily mass; 12:05 p.m.; John Montalvo room. Student Union; call Jane 9245950 ; appeared in the United States in syndication and One Night" and "Even the Man in the Moon Is XIII Center, across from the call Michelle 924-7915 on NBC and Cinemax. Other alumni includeit din Crying." SJSU theater; call Ginny 938- Arnold Air Society Candy, Martin Short, Rick %mains, Catherine 1610 Afghan Student Association American Red Cross Blood O'Hara iuul Harold Riunis. Dari Studies; I:30 - 3:30 p.m.; Drive; 11-2 p.m.; Loma Prieta Thomas says the book, "SCTV: Behind the Library Donations & Sales Guadalupe room, Student Union; Mark Lone Ranger tells all Room, Student Scenes," is not a "literary opus. Just an attempt to Unit Union; call (510)794-7735 924-2969 collect my memorabilia :Ind have all of us recon- LOS :ELES The spirit of "The lAme Ongoing book sale dona- struct our point of view about what the show was Rangel" lit l's ()II ill (laytiiii MO( /le. tions welcome; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Financial Management of Professional Society about." "I believe, truly and always, in the lime Ranger's Wahlquist Library North, Association Journalists Creed," the 82-you -old itt to' said ends while room 408 & Clark Library Speaker Myren Mau of Last meeting is on Dec. 5. Be promoting his memoirs, "1 %Vas I hat !slasked Man." lobby; call Acquisitions Dept. Prudential Preferred Financial there!: call Rowena 286-7193 The Creed ins hides lines sus Is as "I belie%e that 924-2705 Services; Guadalupe room, Sweeney life on Broadway to have a friend, a 111.111 1151151 be One," .11111 "I Student Union; call 249-4759 believe that all men .11 lotted equal and that Department of Nutrition N NORK (AI') Julia Sweeney looked death everyone has within hiniselt the powei to make this Food SJSU Advertising aub Science in the lace and gleaned a tine-woman Broadway' a belie' wt." Id." 2 for Meeting; Engineering bldg, 1 Body fat testing; 1-3 show hot» the experieme. Now she's tur ll i ll g it !simile poi it aye(' the masked %Vestein hew, who room 331; 7 p.m. p in.; Central Classroom build- into a hook. tined silver bullets at evildoers while I [(ling the It on- ing, room 103; call Kim 924- Bantam Books said Monday it will publish the tiei with leis blend Mimi, on Ali( rim 11040 to 3110 1057. 1115110M Me( Seated the gen- WEDNESDAY derless s lima( ter Pat lot "Sattarda% Night live" and Abel the set ies ended, Mooms.. appealed tumult! National Association of Black the emumis tot von s, stir) ies and handing is apiwaiing in her one-woman, autobitigraphical telling Accountants Episcopal Canterbury out copies of the 1 A Range' ( :iced and silver bul- Sparta (wide is !reel! And available play "( net Said. liar General meeting; 6 p.m.; Community lets. to students, tat alt) & staff associa- Sweeney has mut Ii in tell. "God Said, Dar Almaden room, Student 'Thanksgiving Dinner: "I have always been careful not hulls a thw- 1)eatilinr is noon, duce days denci-lini: the nightmarish year in which her termi- Union; call 295-2232 Everyone Welcome! Please call rut I briote publication Fauna available nally ill bi tithe, and their parents moved in with arter of the Lone Range' oi demean the image in to sign up; Trinity Cathedral; 81 may be edited ;Ind as 209. Entries hei, while she newly divot( ed developed can- am. way," !slot it t 55i ote in his hook Second St. near St. John St.; 1,, all, viv lot spas r irssnrUofls Associated Student Program t et howl!. Board 5:30-7 p.m. real - "( 1,1 the things I learned dm mg this awful Double feature movie "El *Weekly Holy Eucharist every- The %car was how gi eat my family is, SWeelleV Said. Banjo picker honored Norte" and "Tea in the one welcome; noon; St. Paul's and "WI king about mu expellent es and being able to p.m.; Ballroom, Church; Across San Salvador, ntrd Harem"; 4 laugh in the late 01 sushi advt.' sits. has liven ins iedi- N.%sl IV11.1.1%. leim bad St Ng. docsn't Union; call Even dine near corner with 10th Street; that Student Iily healing." (len have to go to the ( timid ( )pi's to lit ,t pail 924-6261 call Anna 293-2401 of The hard' (wet book wills unit. out in May 19(17, erks Bantam Kooks said. The pioneering banjo pis kei was saluted by P E. !Situ tv Stuart and Ii is-is Irk( on the hullo:11' broad- -ft - s ast of the king-limning weeklyttitintrY must( lust. and Hie two dt.dit altql "I honks Toitisiti's What I Do I for Best- to St t uggs, 72, who is te«iyei mg hum hip and Diabetes donation delights Nita( einem and ciii ()nary bypas.s surgery. Dow above 6,500 six weeks after clearing 6,000 N I him (Al') t,iissnlss singes "Fad, il you trel like it, giab Louise. and sIll vhat Ntal I. I ollie is %pleading his los alto let ening an as oiss the Flom with het." S111:11 t Said. I.1 /like IS pale% Ilse DIIIA 111111( 1111111%111.1i, Is /Se 711()'t to ( Is/*.e II she Nf.W l'()RK (Al'i Ilic I)( .c. ans siss mous $100.000 donation hie diabetes Settiggs. wite. her (Ica SIX Week,. .111e1 Ole hist 10.17 750, bringing Its girls) tot the son to non I% 28 Stuar I and Ii iii isimpleted then "Double (leafed 6,7,00 Ms(ii(1.1 IeW.11( Ii [sets. slot Is mat kit rails 12111 (('5)4,15 1515I III Illt !WM 1.1 Intlible" tour Friday. ( /Se .11/1/55. 15,000, tAtttitling .5 port nit. It ssas the ( insulni-depoident diabetic snit e he hased ,iui hopes tit sustainable. isomrillationais r ss. Isis hi Will SII(11 lse'st-kiisssssi sinus sit was- ottani( go twill. call indexes alms set IN olds. I for Iiitiadel mat kit r, 1 ved to.

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%II I !", THE ANIMATION DESTINATION. 14 io 1,11,116.1 1:,1,1, 0.11,111, Olitariu, C.\ \ADA 1.01 '.1.1 4 Tuesday, November 26,1996 Spartan Daily San joie State University Arab women learn survival skills NtAs N't tlotls , mr, A tick if 1'05. A few, with a how to lead and write at first. Not ed firmly on the linoleum, let their In the villages, none at all, because Rugged, arid Yemen, on the \l'iili Ill11 AIM 1,i1.1,1c 1 ISIS III 111t. 11101 1. Si plit,t1( ;lied upliiinging, even their own names. They just head scarfs slip to their shoulders. there's no room to keep them southwestern tip of the Arabian dings Jul11 lour lies of golf, glint C .11111. 10 11%1111 tic speak English bet- wanted spoken language. They range in age from the teens apart from the boys. In the cities, peninsula, is a largely tribal coun- .11 14'11,1, throat loughs, hid- ter Now, so eager for knowledge to the 60s. All have been married. girls usually go only to the sixth try recovering from its 1994 civil ing het !want' sot ft oily henna- Vithinit English, these women that they copy out every single A few are widowed, or divorced. grade, though Elham attended a war. It is one of the world's poorest stained howl, tiles .o few vomits of ( cucuhil not take on 111:111S' of their word on their work sheets, includ- Outside, they hold their heads university near Taizz, south of nations. oiglish traditional responsibilities within ing the instructions, they pore over high to sing out "hello" to San's. the Yemeni capital. The estimated 150,000 Yemeni She is too (In bar hissed toI Ii the- lamas. And they (iuultl barely their ( harken 's homework to learn American acquaintances, and Here in Cobble Hill, the women immigrants in the United States mine Ni it so the other Arab tun( non outside. the home. from it themselves. shake hands when introduced. gather outside class as well. Many mostly live in Dearborn, Mich., the %,,,1111.11 garlimed in the publio Shopkeepers sr older! them for non In the old days, says Sawalha, That's new. No more ducking their of the 20 students «Rik their fami- San Francisco-Oakland area, and si o 'osmium' I 'WIC'S SO ruth Ii understandnig prices. they «gad not communicate with heads and turning red, lies' meals together. New York state, said Abdul Wasi of I Is ss.iii i tvil 11 !hell 11114 Hies enrolled in an English ansime in authority. "They come By the fall of 1996, they had In the old days, "we didn't buy Access, a social services agency in 11 sslis arming , lass .1.% a Se( mod I.oliguage (cruise, to the school, they hear what the made so much progress with bread, we make bread at home," Dearborn, just outside Detroit. I 1I141iSI1. the A11551,1151/111 ,,I11 hut ouldn't keep up. their teat hers are saying, but they don't English that they were merging Fathia says. They had electricity In Cobble Hill, they joined a 11/ gi, ti, supei oct kris " "1, go te.o, hers 11..111/111 VIC /1111111. 11111111 Stand." into regular language classes. and miming water in their villages, vibrant Arab community. Shops To 11111 1,, 1.c Ic, cliI.11111 "Phone numbers are the first 1 11.1I WiLS a big problem. "It's But they still make sure that but they'd bake ill wood-fired mud tucked between pizza joints and 1111,1-11 I. .111..4,1 I I hi. women numbers ties sr.' tin 1i1111 - imp"( tant to teat hi the children," their head scarfs cover every strand ovens. well-kept brownstones sell chunky, AU' 1c.1 14.- 5.155 1.:1111 1.1. liii kot k, exec- alln nos Eman, an older woman of hair in public. They wear shape- "It tastes better on the wood," fragrant ()live oil soap, long-han- 111, b is A slitS Atom! III1Se 1111 1.1 11.1 01 Cobble huh who, has been silent until now, her less gowns. And when they go Amnia says, giggling. She's from dled copper Turkish coffeepots, .11,,,111 I ic,ssshi' 111111 Ic, answei the Neighbot hood Nromen, the grim far e framed In, her white home they take on the soft-spoken, Reyiashia, a village near San'a, but pickled vegetables from vats and plume No spc.ok loglish 11111111h glollp "Boling the o lass. head si arf and pale-gleen gown. submissive, stoic mantle worn by she can't spell it. She's never writ- spices from barrels. 15%,'" cii 11,,1111 ci, is. I is slit Si, S111. S4 iimilged fon money I.ranting English iestores these women in their homeland. ten it down, maybe never seen it "We know about the area even 1.11../ 111/%111 WC 1.1111.1 mod set up .1 , ilirSi Wit for them. women to their centi al role in the Their husbands are happy to see written. when we are in Yemen!" Amina ( oggling. set pi owl, N1meloa is Along with the Nignenis, there's Mime. their wives lear ning English. It's a There are also more fundamen- says, her small, bony, sun-wrinkled ii tug list- s of life iii ksittellianai, muct. heck- "It gives them :mammy and help because often they're holding tal diflerem es between Nimen and face alight, her son zooming toy \ inetit Iii keiiing with ,ml, tia loo oiled Sudanese w iii from powei in the lamas, csper Lilly over down two jobs. A meeting with a America. cars across the pages of her home- mimeos of in, rusts, orb.' moil the Mon noun, who's berm hole 15 ( hildren," Sawallia ...IV,. "The hild's tea her, or a don tor's "There you feel it is Islam, von work. ,it Eel s asked that their fainds so.ois, and Fatima, who's from mother should ( (intro} the i hold, appointment, or the family shop- hear the ( flaming and all," One of the most talkative, loonies it Iii' suit 1i lull Ii, but if she doesn't know the lan- ping, means more work. SaWallla S.W... 'hit', e, Warda, oilers a brisk summation of left do, II 11,1111, 1 him toao het, Awe! Sowallia, guage, its dab( ult." Bar k iii Yelne11, life was simpler. go they ask whs. you hose the hijalo the changes in her life before 1,, 111111,1 IlicIii .1111%, Ill A11111 Ii .1 model stands then o OnSel%.111%c uuih- Here Al Nathan Mlle Middle "A w an in a village doesii't go the veil. Everson(' asks whs sou bustling oft "I go shopping myself. I lic II k ids .tit 111111 1111% lit-.. though she weal...Aunt, tight Sr hood, the womeii :tie assertive in Ill sr 11001 doesn't go to work, does- look like Sills. I Inge, no one asks." I take bus myself, no problem. We NI 11 ,csc is. sI, mans. sail skit is and lii s lilac k tights. She's a Arabi( , siuldenls shy in English. n't go out," explains Eathia, a N- Rerninim Warda, who, has live like America. Nobody bother the seas. %sink iii ir al estate Palestinian nom thi %Vest liank fin- 'Hwy pop then gum, roll eyes ish woman with purple beads sewn r "Sunny es-em's day, beauti- nobiiits. 'Hi.' 'Hi.' I have a lot of \fans ssith ii ii liai kg, ishing het diii 'tame in antlairpol- 'Mooned with , the traditional onto her hlru k head s, art "She ful, but we don't hose a lot rif AllIt111 All neighbors. 'Hi,' 'Hi didn't ill, kills !cols 1,, 1111111 .1 iigs at ( ats l'ilnelSth if Nevv Volk .,sinetic of the Middle East, sit stays home mid keeps house." truffles.: tler husband, who leans '1 low are' you?' Very nice people." II, IIrshiii hut gall tlit-11,s'. I he %soling' didn't want to leant with then sensibls-shod feet plant- There's little m hooding for girls. buildings, was a Wine, in Niguel'. Elul Advance for Sunday, Dec. 8 Yugoslavians protest election results decision

151 It .1t \ I if \ .g,11.111(1 Ilic lilggi of (lemon st I anon.. ag aiiist 1,1111 ( )11i, IA 1 1,1111, 11,111 .i o. 1 7 ii' ti in ess .ind invalidates ( d It. Indus' lori 0011 sl I %1.1 .1g.1111SI 'm11.1.111 111c.scAll has t mat kyr' down in r iilings that (all( tied lot .11 111.1 11 iron star gase the iippi/51111H1 1111 St: IdusI Lein It, tic state esiolsing sir is mai. il us 1.. Vligo \LI \ President Sloldirlan Niuli sesii - Ow past on in ritests le,ist 10 %I( 101 ICS III (114111% ol I 1111 his iii' 111 1 11),.11N1111 lidg1,1111. sills , low tins,. Is demo( tar s." ,11 /11.11 \1,11,1.1% 1, 1/14111 51 1111111 thi man al lewd of instigating the busloads of 111,1 polu cling] atirl 10111-11.11I% cipposilloll 111,11111,.11 11. .11111 C 11.1111 e' u,f hasmg its NI di.lak, students issued a state- 1111111g% 111.11 , ,1 .111 ,11/1/.111111 ( loatian and It, usimi,ui ssais, whir at lid erl s chides %%etc seen, lint 1.1j1.11110.1 OW IS 111.11 M1111111,1 fits! mill Lc 0111111111i1,1 111.1%14 51111 1. mem sasing the «mit r ilings r ep- the lit oiests to lie cm Nu mu tesented "a %1,.I.1111/11 01 I" ''''" 151" I '11111 I 51.111, luc,5s 111.1W1111% oil bloke iip pc.ii %car widels thought ICI \ .11 II r tiding 51,,,,1 11.111,11111 5 1,1 1., 1111111, 11. , 110 ,S111.111 ,1 II/ 11.111,111 ( ipprisition .illed lot Illi 1/111111111111/% N1111 /WV11. SI11111.1% (1,1%11131, ipptositn ill seats .111 lighis and an attai k ton the

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rvIoiiiiay Iilday Ii 30-9pm 10% Discount stici.1 the free/mg %scathe' opposition leadeis called lot a lie doubted Mai ises neo- VVinfrirosdoly 4-9drfl Some pi idester liii Itch eggs at is«itt Nceilnesdas's timid! Communists %%1 add step down Bring this coupon in for 10% 1 Ills IS Illy biggest tesolianin id s Saturday Noor)-6prn all,- him- dig hared '''Si ii must hold go%1-1 111111111 buildings. and %idiots Inn Vashingli State off any merchandise Ailed the I,tu Ades and 1%11111(1U, Detrainment spi.kesinan ( ils II "I'm not int %t in to start a Bookstore Magazines/Zines Music 1 him -1 ml civil N1olic11.11, 1 liw%es' 111 N11111111% 11 111111C, 1111 (.11% hall Dasies shaipls \ rebellion, Inn son liase to think (excluding Entertainment books) Audio Books Videos T-Shirts Ilarsese" and I illf.WS 11. and the statel 1111 IA' Sonic mil giArl 111111'111 about soul Inhale, ant I take it Into GdyiLestkiin Pride (Jodrless,Spintuality 111 1,11,1 c app111 .1 cIciss's IiIiikr11 111 oIll 111. " 1 fle I1111cCI Stale% u .11,11111% sour own hands," hiposh said. 111111.1C 1 11 11.111% 1111.11 u C1/1.1111r .11 111.1i, taktii The tit ustl n hanted "Red Bandits! -'Si ling on plaints lcs to annuli lilt u t's1111s c,f SIn,1.111 Red Bandits!" Milosesn 's ruling So( Lavas, ( mut I1111111( 111.11 11"11S 1.1s1 %sta, iii Sunday, oppttsintiti leaders `siimtas also , lied mlii two ss fin, lu the oppi ',anon won u Mild for the first suggested that i( sults toe the lielgiaile ills 1,1 stscial itupu ur tarn r its grist., [maestri's 'night base to trisort to is appeated mews, Das les sit Arm e. hast vron a map 'ruts said "Sin In a step iindut

Doctors consider angiogram for Mother Teresa g31 ( 1 1 I I \ India 'S I' F1111.1\ , olic ui thu I, hutc 11.1111 %lot 11(.1 1 CI 1.1.1 S 1111 .111 .11 le.1111 I)in tins onsirlviing 1,4111.11% IltIsiif 1111 lic..11 I 1.111141 lit }lel It III 1,%.1% onsidering Iwo forming All ssluu'mhii't t,I It ii Ili ,i delii ate. [Hoped% \ \\ Nin sing angiilgram tip determine sslierliei ins.iuse um,,l i dine lin N.1.111111.1 I any stall nit it laic 1, mita% ,umuasigniplasis us mg vssars. Seri leirs.i 1.,u Inc 111t 111111tioning di died lien "minion as said \it angiogiam Ills' Isis pant - attitud lien II tei les 1111, 11.11Igc 11 luting MI it 11.1%, 11,11.111% 111 the 1 11r /41.-%1.11 old R.,111.111 ( ..1111,111 1111. 15 11. /1 .1.1 'of n." sari glom, and inserting .1 tithe lilt into 111111 his 111.111 111 .1 ( .11. 1111.I hi Olt hr 5 mccii..ii the i hest ar relics that feed the ntIs 1111111..1%r u.111 %%.11 11 %III, t 'lii u' mu Ii hi art N las the is then inlet tell lad mut !lit at tum it's and pit tines irre taken I hat 1 1,11111 but' followed up fis All BECOME PART OF A "NATURAL HIGH" angloplasts, u schiuu It the ,It ter les WITH THE JEEKEACHA COLIACHATII HEALTH AND FITNESS TOUR air. dilated to 111010 110%*. Mon. December 2 and Tues. December 3 Join us on the Tower Lawn from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for events highlighting health, safety and wh; 301 athletic related activities LAM Photo Gifts Bungee Run PO Box 60181 Sunnyvale CA 94089 ldd :omP, Competition (408)738-1348 Velcro fly Wall Artificial Rock WELCOME TO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Climbing Gifts Human Bowling for any DAY SCHOOL Soccer Challenge Occasion Gladiator Joust - and more $1010 $33

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Not $.1orir torcrage answer Bring this ad for free cover in doh or complimentary nachos in the restaurant , en.10(11, nom 011 krslanranl hours: (lob boors. I lain to Illion sts;lolays Yinar Iff 2.1111 I lain 1ff I lion 1; rirkSal 7 night.. a rrer-1. lo Illifin SIIII L1711 West S1,1.1111 sIrrel, Sari Jose ( 'all 9.17-1(4,7 fur ) I II 14. C 'I' 0 II Y mow e1111. NEE won mom mmw mmm ono Emm am= mow- um= -I. lk San Pedro 6 .4 .) 4. 0 0 Vtligs AI Market r, 1st St. atil* Fa. 0 Stilw..ty 1 2nd St. I. 3rd St. 0 Callt Zii« 0 lth St. 0 gt I Ltruilmigri 5th St. ' N1.11 y's 44a tith St. Z 1' i) 1 .1 !, (11(< I. 11 , 11 r1 all sea,'t.tItig- 7th o'itk .1 I., (I 11 (1 .111 ei NI 0 8th St. (1) Lint ( :rIltilat Get a FREE smoothie or .909 9th St. LA coffee drink when you buy one h at regular prIce with this adl 10th St. 2 "6""lrook,toir 11 th St. .. tIlbryloolcrry *Over 20 Satoothie Flavor. I 0101. 'A( adeilly ’..7. - of Kw "" i-t: :r. 11)c,igii 'Full Espreseso Bar " -e 4 E ’ .., Caffe Zucco ''' :;’ .4 = H L 15r. 'Italian Sodas , 74 South First Street 7-7'.. "C := cf) - 'f.- 7: 7. F', -LI -- 'Salads and Pastries (408) 297-9777 ,troorv-1 Orli 'till Midnight. :::: V) Z__./. "i; '7) .7 ..--: L 6 Tuesday, November 26, 1996 SPORTS San Jose State University Spartan Daily Sports Spartans put San Diego State on ice at a By Mark Kregel goal in the first minute off a Spartan Rally Staff Writer pass from Berry. surprised the The game this Saturday at Thebeau glance in the period, the Ice Centre was California Aztecs later check and scor- hockey in its purest form. avoiding a goal of the 'YMCA' and 'Disco Inferno' ing second blared from the stereo sys- evening. happened to be for- tem, fans wore shorts and "I just Thebeau. the smell of Aqua Net wafted tunate," said Aztec goalie) was up from the stands. think (the it went in." Schedule The Spartans the San just as surprised Aztecs finally scored Diego State Aztecs 9-1. The of the second "We came out flat footed at the bottom Shields mak- at first," Club President period with ,Jeff Men's basketball ing a goal with an assist from The Spartans play the David Galyon said. "They're not as upbeat as they are Eric Fox." University of San Diego ended with usually." The period 7.30 p.m. today in the Spartans taking 30 shots on Event Center. Tickets are Galyon did not play the game, controlling the music goal. free for students with a outcome," instead. "It's a positive valid ID at the Event in light of "He decided to do more said Thebeau, " Center Box Office. we've stuff off the ice," said Head the tough games Coach Ron Glasow. played in the past." In the first period, wing "We played real good the and Ryan Berry scored with an first and second period, Volleyball Glasow. assist from center Danny then got lazy," said The Spartans play their first Thebeau. "The San Diego goalies match of the WAG have been good," Galyon Championships against Liter in the period, left wing James Mari hart made a said. They have a couple Fresno State today in Las new guys. Vegas. steal, resulting in a score by defense Alex Hidas. He was "But we're playing down also assisted by wing Tor to the level of the competi- Warmdahl and center Sc-ott tion," added Galyon. Last Mittleman. week, we played Weber and Women's basketball The Spartans ended the we played great." The team hosts University First period with Ili shots on The Spartans are not in of Nevada 7:30 p.m. 11w goal. action again until Friday, Wednesday in the Event 1.11,,10 liN I 110%, \ - S1.1, 1 xi 10 110 ’11.141 IM11 The Spartans were quit k Dec. ti when they begin the Center. Gold Rush 'Dim 'lament at SJSU center Danny Thebeau is congratulated by Dennis McDonald after scoring the go-ahead goal III sr ott III Ihr Set mut per i- the Ice Centre. against San Diego State University in the second period of Friday night's 4-1 Spartans victory. od, with Fin:beau Si oring a Results Dean given Basketball team drops opener Diving WAC honor Michelle Guglielmo fin- Iht FAcrit Lunlet (5111 %CIS' 11111:111. 111 Ike flISI finished with II points, while seven ished eighth on the one Carl Dean's career best 373 Lumberjacks -I think nia%lie we made .1111 run halt: liansoll pulled down meter springboard at the passing yards and 72 yards rush- /IC 1.11,1 SJSI 11 ailed at halftime 36-20, rebounds. USC Diving Invitational last ing earned him the WAC: Pacific 1.111 ile.111 (5.11 11. ..S1/1111111111.5 bit 1.11111 nut filing in the sei (aid 'File Lumberjacks took a time- h out :diet the Sparttuis tied the weekend. Division Player of the Week early V111111 1411 the game, hall alter .1 stein halftime slime( honor on Monday. survive 1011 11.1%1. .1 \ to lakt .1 limn as 1 III h. game Inr the hist time at 51-51 on Meath and that's ',snail% when the inld them a little hit ill t'Vel a lavtip hs JohliSoli with 6:10 left. SJSU charge )1111.1 team %amt.% tn still it till thing," said Smith nf het halftime Smith said 111,11 was when she I lie Spat tans 111-1 ) led iii Is in spec, it thought het team started to let By Mike Traphagen "west I 2-111, Init the Spa! tan guard Natasha Johnson, down. Attention coLiege students! Spartan Mob Stall Miner 1 ks went 011 .1 17-2 Hill In %%114) finished with Ii pants, admit- "I could feel II when they took lead 1.1Iiiiid p ted that her (nal Ii W:1.5 1101 ple.111.(1 the timeitut," S1111111 S.11(1. "In the I lit SI's( (5,111111s haskylie.iii take a 27-1 I Inv %%aid lessu .111V1 liii fit St half. huddle the,, Wile like, 'Lik, we're Wain liii Heti this Ssuckeuirl that sli'n'tiirg iv mil "What (Smith) tells us 01 the here. 55('5e made It. me. ge rent, int! %stii , ilic gaint's eniiinal high 51,111.1 prints li ker innin is supposed In "NMI an 't let up in those situa- 111111.11 I itliekee ks lii Ingle! *-a AV, 5.11(11 (silt walls 111Cle,- %did guaid Natasha tions. but it's haid to keep tip that Hu' Spat Imes I rased .1 III pant "lint we knew we «mid kind ol a pat e for 21) minutes, (lit ii II in die se, mid halt and tied ..1%,is c. %%Ile lagging hellintl Infinsial. delensin1%." smith said "I he% 1,1.15 .1 I. It lxtter than We did ti the which is something we have to thy 01c six 111111111rs H.111.1111 half. Ve knew that if we u mild leant how to do." mg, lan that %.,is ciiiingh twit ha malt going fln%.ii the mut and we awa% then thiee-pnint sh4 as Spalding, who led the Spartans Nia them A111(111.1 I imeisit% taking tIsn thi er slims, %%hilt. take %tie Liking lou i1oiuk sli,,t VVi. and malt I elnitinding, then we with 13 points. hit a tree throw lull Iii heal the slim Imp, SIS47\ mild gut hat k iii the game." late' in the game to tie the score 1 he Spartans ()plied the sec - 54-54. Liimbertar k guaid Sarah ALTO ACCOUNTING mid half with 13 1111,111SVCCIed -1.1.1VCIA ill1 a jumper and LeBlanc at the Pavilion OPPORTUNIES I101111S Cl.11111 11,11111.1 (..1111pbell nailed annther with 44 seconds lAirio)(INsRANc and fni wan! Sasha Spalding ea( h lemmiling to take a lead. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE snared twn baskets, Added 'the Icitillict1.11ks pot ceded It, the fier-thrnw WO'li V ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE .111410111 .111(I K.11 1 Siet.11. 11.111ed a W111 ale bailie di P li tP hang qUt here! three pante! Ii, t ill the (Hi( U ill line, making six-nf-seven %Inas In V PAYROLL CLERKS win the game exi ellent You've got to be outgoing, personable, crazy ACCOUNTING CLERKS ,ts !1S1 started Ills nnie ingeth- "I elilant lied had .111 .1 ticiisiel%. Is ii st1/151151% Mai game," said. "She hit that enthusiastic, intelligent and fun to be around. 0 Qualification for our affordable 51i (lensing eas% lavups and pulling slim that put them up 1)% 4, then medical, dental and ',lesion package You've got to be kidding ! iii ((Ill tubminds %ve started in foul them and the% VOLT "1Ve !call% tinned it up .1 hit almost all n1 then Inc thrnws. We're not, if you think this sounds like you, apply in delensiel% 011(I 11.111,- fust didn't manage ti) get atm S11111/1 %aid (..11111Ethell slims hu k " person at San Jose Live Monday -Friday between .11111 !%fii belle I tills, ill 51.11 1111 hit 1 he spa! 1.111s 1)1.1% anntliet 11(111 10am-6pm or visit our booth at the Student Union. ling the linaids liald and pl.ned «,111t11111 t 111.111 11 against Ne%ada Mary rinnavaia ,11 i p m Wechirsdav at Insurance Agency Call Our 24-Hour Hotline: 1 111(.01111.M, lilt' FA1111 .1.11111 (800) 718-4404 Now hiring for all positions! 0(18) 298-3336 tilt N.1% With I 1 1141.111111k and or the San lose office: (408) 24 7977 7 150 S. First Street at the Pavilion, Downtown San Jose .ITC. 611



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COMPU1ER GAMES FOR THE TECHNOLOGICALLY niz3 GIALLf t16ED Spartan Daily San Jose State University Tiresday, November 26,1996 7 Millers' in good playoff position after emotional victory Madased Press dium on a field goal late in the game. We touchdown for the 49ers, he trotted over back and was able to play the way he did SANTA CLARA After losing twice in lost the championship game to the New to the stands and handed the ball to his GAME PLUMMER: Linebacker Gary against a big, good-bloc king offensive line overtime to Dallas and Green Bay earlier York Giants on a field goal at the end of mother, Svhia. Plummer had a team-high eight tackles and strong running game." this season, the San Francisco 49ers got an the game in 1990. We missed a couple She had traveled from her home in St. against Washington to lead San Francisco's emotional with their 19-16 OT win at (field goals) last year that would have Petersburg, Fla., to Washington to see her effort against the Redskins' Terry Allen FUMBLE-PRONE: San Francisco moved Washington and improved their position enabled us to win. We've lost two overtime son play. Floyd scored his second touch- and the NFC's top-ranked rushing attack. the ball well when they had to and Steve in the race for the playoffs. games to field goals (this season). down since returning from a severe knee San Francisco held the Redskins to 64 Thung, starting and finishing a game the Jeff Wilkins kicked the winning field "So, finally to get to that point and see injury Oct. 20 after a yearlong absence. net yards, a season low. 49ers won for only the second time this goal to improve San Francisco to 9-3, tying the team take the ball down the field and "I told her: 'If I scored a touchdown, IVItat made Plummet's effort even more year, had one of his best games in two sea- the 49ers with Green Bay for the best do as well as they did on that final and I'm going to run up and give you the eye-catching was the fact that he did it one sons. But that doesn't mean the 49ers' record in the NEC. have our kicker go out and make the field ball," Floyd said Monday. "My mom has week after undergoing arthroscopic knee offensive concenis are over, Fumbles are it was huge," coach George Seifert said goal and win the game, it was like a new been there for me, through this whole surgery to repair damaged cartilage. He the latest worry. Monday. "For some reason, you remember experience," he said. it was great." time, throughout everything." was awarded a game ball for his perfor- Sari Franciscil tumbled six times against the bad things in this profession, going After Floyd handed her the ball, he took mance. Washington, matching its total in the pre- back to '83 when we lost in that (RFK) sta- FOOTBALL MOM: After fullback off his helmet and his morn gave him a "He did a heck rut a job," coach George vious II games. William Floyd scored the game-tying kiss before he trotted back to the sidelines. Seifert said. "It was in he came

Classified Phone: 924-3277 U FAX: 924-3282

The SPARTAN DAILY NUTRITION - RETAIL PT/FT CORPORATE CATERING TEACHER/AIDES/REC. LEADERS nukes no claim for products or Experience Preferred Earn $6/hr plus $10/hr in tips. Elementary school-age recreation FOR RENT SERVICES WORD PROCESSING HEALTH & BEAUTY services advertised below nor la Ask for Dennis. 9932211. Deliver from best Si restaurants. program. P/T from 2-6pm. M-F there any guerantes Implied. The Flexible hours. Great for Students! during the school year, turns into SJSU INTERNATIONAL CENTER TYPING UNLIMITED for all your PROFESSIONAL Word Processing MEN & WOMEN clarified columns 04th. Spartri ECE STUDENTS: Looking for a Need own car. Cal 998-3463 now. F/T (or P/T) during summer camp 5 Minute walk to campus typing needs, Reports, Resumes, Theses, term papers, group PERMANENT . Daly consist or paid adverthing part-time job that won't conflict program. Excellent salary. Los "Newly furnished rooms Cover Letters. 408-441-7461. projects, resumes, mini ormicro Stop , , tweezing and oilifog. the not approved or with your class schedule? Join the SECURITY ACUFACTS, INC. Gatos/Saratoga Recreation Dept. *Well-equipped student kitchen Pick up and delivery options. cassette transcriptin All formats. or using chemicals. Let us perm* verified by the newspeper. teaching team at the NAEYC NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Call Janet at 354.8700x23. *Computer & study rooms Fax available. Experienced, nently remove your unwanted hair. accredited child care center at Great for Students. "Laundry room PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST now dependable, quick return. Back- Chest Lip - Bikini Chin - Good Sam Hospital. We have FT F/T or P/T. All shifts. "JOB OPENINGS"' Parking accepting students who wish to Almaden/Branham area. Call Tummy etc. Students & faculty EMPLOYMENT and PT closing shifts available. Top Pay with Many Benefits! Elec. engineer "American & International Studerts excel In playing guitar or bass. All Linda 408.264-4504. receive 15% discount. Furst appt. (5 days/week until 6:45pm) Mini. Call or aptly in person, Mcr-Sun 7-7. Warehouse Clerk Call 924-6570 or stop by for a tour. levels welcome: Beginning, 1/2 price if made before 12-31-96. NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? mum of 12 ECE units: experience 406286.5880.555 D Mender 4.e. Testing/Technician 360 S. 11th St (Between San Carlos Intermediate Or Advanced. Learn EXPERT WORD PROCESSORS. Hair Today Gone Tomorrow. 621 E. Varet pekes neeaed 11/29-12/29 required. Salary range: 59.810 30 Between Sal Calos and Peignozr, Office Administrative & San Salvador). any style: Jazz, Blues. Rock, Science & EngIrsh papers/theses Campbell Ave #17, Campbell. at Stanford Shopping Center. per him FM resurne: 4085592619 behind the Cad ad Party Store, Si. Elec./Mech. Assembly Fusion, Funk, Reggae, or Folk. our specialty. Laser printing. (408) 379-3500. Apply ty tole prtan (415)3403444. or cell 4085592453. Sales/Customer support 1 BR APT FOR 1 PERSON $695. Call Bill at 408-2986124. APA. Turabian and other formats. KldsPark TEACHER, PT/FT Call 408.942.8866 2 persons $800. Clean, quiet, Resumes, editing, graphics ELECTROLYSIS CUNIC. TEACHER-School Ate Program T1VOU RESTAURANT NOW HIRING at a high quality, licensed drop-in Eleartra Waft rg Services, hc.ECE sober & financially responsible EUPHOTIC and other services available on Unwanted hair removed forever. 2-6pm. 12 ECE recured. Located near fine dining servers and banquet play center for 2-12 year olds. 1778 Clear Lake Ave. Milpitas. required. 551 & 553 So. 6th St. Confidential Spiritual Counseling either WordPerfect or Word. Specialist. Confidential. campus &Ightrail. Excellent salary & servers. Apply at 1811 Barber Lane, Minimum 6 ECE units required. (2nd Fl.) ()fay 680, eat Laniess Ake. William 408.292-1890. Metaphysical, Astrological, Medi. Masterson's Word Processing. Your own probe or disposable. benefits. Call Marty 408/4537533. M-F Flexible day, evening & weekend east turn left at Dear Lae he.) tation Classes. Gnostic Western Call Paul or Virginia 408-251-0449. 335 S. Baywood Ave. San Jose, hours. Benefits avail. Cane by or call: 2 BORN APARTMENT - $1150/610. Tradition. Call (408)978-8034. 2474406. FOOD SOWICE/ESPRESSO BAR EXPERIENCED NETWORK South San,ose GREAT JOBI GREAT PEOPLE! Security type building SUZANNE'S FT & PT positions avail in busy ADMINISTRATORS/TECHNCIANS Near Wedge Mall A leading telecommunications Secure Parking WRITING ASSISTANCE any WORD PROCESSING SERVICES TIRED OF UNWANTED HAIR? whole foods restaurant, All shifts OTANDEM 281-8880 company located in north San Close In subject. Why suffer and get poor Word Processing and Editing Electrolysis is the answerll avail, flex hrs. 87.50-$8.00/hr to *Senior UNIX network aarninistrator, West Sal Jose Jose is seeking 1) customer Modern Building grades when help is just a call Academic/Bus. Work Accepted. I remove hair from any where start. 733-9446, ask for Wendy or hands-on experience UNIX client/ Near Valley Fair service representatives and 2) Laundry Room away? Harvard Ph.D. (former Reports Theses MLA/TURAB on your body, from hair to Victor. Must be 18 + years. server syatems NIS. NES, DNS, Sun 985-2599 sales people. Many positions Village Apts. 576 S. 5th St. college teacher) assists with Expert In APA Format bikini area. Call for appointment. Workstations. Program in C, C "Fremont open. Hours lOarm4prn or 39prn. (408) 295-6893. research & writing. Tutorial also WP5.1/6.0 Laser Printer Fax Camelia's Electrolysis Place. EARN EXTRA SSS & Bourne Shell, troubleshoot. At the HUB 20+ hours weekly. $6+ hourly. avail. Friendly. caring, confidential. 7 days a week lam 9pm 1190 Lincoln, San Jose, 9939093. Cleaning Carpets 1 or 2 nights/wk assist, train, advise -$15.CO/hr. 510 7929997 Commissions. Must be self Convenient Peninsula location. (510) 489 9794 (Bus/Residence) Mon-Sat./ Free Cons./ Eve appts. and/or weekends. We train. "Experienced network technician - motivated. No experience oh. SHARED HOUSING Dissertation/thesis specialist. RELIABLE - FAST ACCURATE. All Students Receive 2696 Discount, Start at $7/0. Dean DMV required. install & configure PC/MAC work- MILPITAS HUNGRY HUNTER Will train. Bilingual preferred. Samples & references available. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS stations using NT Windows, Positive, self-motivated, Call for David H. 408/441-8600 F, NA ROOMMATE WANTED Chinese & other languages TOW'S Word Precoming Service Call 441-4656 Wrrkers 95, TCP/P stacks, drivers, service oriented people are or Fax 408/441 9988. $375 Encl, util, frnshd, w/d, prkg spoken. Foreigners welcome! ResumesSchool Papers. Flyers INSURANCE Business Environment Cleaners penpherals. Troubleshoot hardware. needed to fill positions as avail. On 10th St. by campus. Avail For free tips, tools and ideas on Powerpoint presentations 1585 N. Fourth St. CM, S.J. software, server- $13.75/hr. Lunch Servers, Dinner Servers. S AIRUNES HIRING $ Dec, 13. Askkr Angie. 2751789, how to improve your writing. *Color output AUTO, UFE & HEALTH Both jobs-PT school year. FT other. Hostesses, and Bussers. All areas. No exp nec. Call now visit our user-friendly Website VERY LOW RATES Farmers Insurance Group THE PRINCETON REVIEW is now Ifqualified, get resume to CiokSillan, Please apply at for Job list & application details ROOMS FOR RENT at http://www.ael-pluccom Call Today' 408723:3111 Save Money Compare our rates hiring bright, dynamic people to Engineering. Mail Box ENG. 485. 1181 E. Calaveras Blvd. (408) 7935222, 24 hrs. SINGLE ROOM $350 a Mdnth Regular e-mail: acanetcorn.corn Pay by the Month teach SAT preparation canes. Part E-mail: [email protected] between 2:00pm 4:00pn. DOUBLE RCOM $250 a Mont) Call for free phone consultation: *AFFORDABLE& EXPERIENCED" Special Student Discounts time. Starting pay: $14.00 hourly. Fax: 924-3883. Call: 924-3928. $10We POSSEILE READING BOOKS LMLIT1ES INCLUDED (415) 525-0505...W fat Drier. Graduate Studies, Thesis, Term Foregn Student Drivers Welcome Call after 3pm, 1-8002-REVIEW. BICYCLE MESSENGER Part Time. At Home Toil Free ONE Orl< FROM CANIPUS Papers, Nursing, Group Protects, CALI TODAY FOR A FREE QUOTE WNTRESS WANTEDNO EXPREQ Part-time, Flexible Hours. 1 800-218-9000 eat R 2236 for Parking and meal plan avail. MOVING SOON?! Rearms. All Formats. Specializing Maiden & Korean: 403/36691Q3 COPf CPERNOR4ISISpesdi Calor Sushi Mania, located in Camden. Great tor Students! Listings. Visit 211 South llth Street Lot HELPING KANO Maim Assist, roe in SPA Grammar/ 408/777-7900 Some Bindery work. Experience P/T Dinner, 4:309:00, Sun.-Tue. Serving Downtown SanJose. Call Kevin Strinke 275 1657. do the work for you! Punctuation/ Editing. 244 ys Lax preferred but will train. Full or part Good tips. call 4082653929 Inner City Express. "Professional movers & packing WP5.1/i4'Laser. PAM'S AUTO INSURANCE time evenings. Must be reliable, 22W Saint John St. San Jose, WANTED "Free wardrobes with move PROFESSIONAL INORD PR(XTF,)-iNG, Campus Insurance Service deeendaale deal alerted, clganized, WE'RE HIRING! Day and rowing FOR SALE Free insurance 2472681, Harntipm Special Student Programs able to work well with others, and positions. Apply in person. 2-4pm. EARN UP TO $100 DAILY part SIMPLE BASS PLAYER WANTED toe oust boxes/cockIngmaterial Sending SJSU for 20 years enjoy fast paced environment. Fax Mon.-Thur. The Old Spaghetti time, enrolling others in service fp( r cyci, croup We have a CD and WEB PAGE DESIGN? "Local & Long Distance "Great Rates for Good Drivers" resume to 408277-0706 or apply Factory. 51 N. San Pedro, SJ. everyone can use. Easy, set your record company interest Please s;(irware Training Cd's Two locations to serve the Bay Areal TUTORING "Good Rates for Non-Good Dryers" in person at AnzaGraphik, 2 N. awl hairs, no operierce necessary call Ed 408/2798422. www websketch corn Saratoga 3080113 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS . Market St. (downtown San Jose) MINATO Restraint In Japantows Request application / free details. Call now I 408-231-2212, Santa Clara 951 4074 ENGLISH ME "Good Student" "Family Multicar 408277-0700. Food servers & bussers needed. 408.7391741. Speaking, Reading and Writing CALL TODAY 296.5270 Great P/T job. Cali 998-9711 or VOLUNTEERS GEMINI REFRIGERATOR/ WRMNG HELP. Fast professional Credentialed Teacher FREE QUOTE 2 TEACHES NEEDED for school amity at 617 N. 6th. Sr San Jose SECURITY FREEZER Su month, ok.1 editing, rewriting, ghostwriting. Cab iessical408) 978E1034. NO HASSLE age program. A split shift: 6:30 F/T & P/T. Will Train CITYTEAM YOUTH OUTREACH is $100 /3697.4211 Essays. letters. application NO OBLIGATION 9:00am & 1:30 6:00pm. Also DAY CARE TEACHERS Day. Swing and Grave Shifts icoking for vOlunterers to sever dr, statements. proposals, reports. Asti open Saturdrys 9-2. afternoon 2.6pm, 12 ECE required. Small World Schools Is hiring P/T Permanent & Short Tenn Jobs Bible Club waders, tutors iie GREAT NEW DISCOVERY that etc For more info, please call Excellent salary & benefits. Call and F/T teachers for our school Walker Security Services brothers/sisters. camp riksens your car quicker'! New OWII Dave Bolick iit 510-6014554. Michelle 408/997 1980. age day care programs in San 408-247.41327. selors and coact iris tonside, ioio WASH MATE Call 1W/7587016 VISA/MasterCard. FAX. E-Mail. Jose and Santa Clara. Units in ing our learn by i Onhictirig lii. JON NEW BECTROMC Clohtalion ECE, Rec, Psych. Soc. Or Educ GET PAID WELL TO VISIT Lewis Phone- 24',' ’1,0{," /pp III RAISE YOUR GRADES Daily CyberSource Corporation Internet required. These may be competed Flexible Interesting Fun E nail 11t4W,s(a, 4 0 GPA ,titdent, ,r. CAMPUS CLUBS distributer of sehvare to corporate or you be currently enroiled Cali & lucrative adventures set.rets! Benefit Non tricir viper' developers needs: 3793200 x20 See how! Request your taa.e' NEW 'lull tutoring te, PARK CITY UTAH JAN. 6-11th, CR()ssw()1(1) "Experienced technical support/ exclusive free info package SCHOLARSHIPS nio,Ae.,,. For booklet. send $4 r19. SNOWBOAFiD CLUB interface v./ customers regarding TEACHERS / TEACHERS AIDES Call 411H 793 5106 voice mail rill 'Am to `,Y NE Rid X. Dept SD $449 ifs lmules air, 5 nights full downloaded software FT/PT positions aw.i il r. [email protected] . FREE MONEY For Your Education? 1794 Eta/ 'lot Jose. CA condo stay, 4 out of 5 day lilt ACROSS Knowledgable Engineenng interns Infants, Toddlers, frms, 0n & Apply !or your r., iri. r 14,14,S, 110t tublIalg & riiorel C,01 I lira i nal PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED to succort UNIX hardware &software School Age. Great advarken ei, & TRAVB. ABROAD AND WORK Moo - Ariti Si, iiii Mark 408/292 0955 Ii Fiany lankly on workstations. Install, configure. growth opportunity. Good her s up rim $25 $45 jhr tedChing. i,,. ii 14,4,, Brit MMIZIO 1311211:11M G3121M12 troubleshoot Korkstations & nava% Immediate openings. ECU i,r is conversational Er rr, sr r .1(14+,4 1,1 ADTQS_FON SALE it, vphi.-1,. BOUM MMIIIM MMOMO "Both iabs require hands on preferred Cali PRIMARY II t,5 Taiwan. or S Hum, r I r SPORTS/THRILLS 1.1 Author Iiiiiiill, ODIUM GIIIIMM WIEMMUI experience with UNIX, TCP/IP, 401337003r 7 background Or r FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE! SEIZED CARS horn $175. If, Viqdrilper.i EMU RICIMMEICIMEEMIll workstations. Familiar with HTML required. For o miicoris of ( ii .1 .r..1 5. Chevy,. 100% PURE ADRENALINE? 11, (.1,11,1,1014o BMW r & PEARL. PT during school year. SAN JOSE UVEI 1'206 971 3570 me 04 or mate sector s, h AiNo brew,. There is nothing iorripar!ri to YVI". OCIIXIMM IIIMIIIMM141 now Al Nil rei 1 the ire' by FT other. $13.75/hour RESTAURANT/NIGHTCLUB grams are I,. !ITT 11[011, DIEIMMOM 131213CIM for PT/FT A, ,i1LiDENT,-, ARE II i(ohi I, /ril fix! A 22 IF for skythvIr r iAd *If qualified, get resume b Dick Sitar. Seeking motivated individuals TELEMARKETING 111 ill's- r1-., 11111121M111 fillEIMM 111E10 Engineering, Mail Box ENG 485 the following IDOSitior..., r E trial rsalantaemaii stsu eau . M;ir.,ig,'.ttitrrr Mm Ai, --,'.s r, ,i, Fan 924 3883. Call 924 3928. Kitcr e. 1 i,,,v l'Tt !, !4. '1,!!! 14,44, [ :4-4404;1 if rr riir Ir BAY AREA SKYDIVING Ill ’1111Nmill Adrir iristririve r "liii 1 510 634-7575. RIM001111 IBIBIlluEBIE COMPANION OR ROOMMATE to Servers 8 Ct.a,40,4, $$ .! Mr '1 I WOUND/ME MIQIIMMIE support people w/dev disabIrties Servers MaITIebaT,f! ’444:xry.4,0! o41/2114, COMPUTERS_M. Certain advertisements In MMMOMM1417JIMMil MUM in their own homes Full or part Bartenders Hosr Hostess these calming me), refer the ANNOUNCEMENTS 01/51311111 GIMMEI MMOIN time V13/hr If live in, rent paid Door Staff $1000's POSSIBLE TYPING. Ira,/ CLASSROOM COMPUTER CO. reader to speak telephone II Kulal. . MOMMIE MMMO OMMIN Contact Lisa. 282 0487 If you're outgoing. personahre, Tele flHerne Toll Poe 1 HOO 11h :35014 Haver Ave El numbers or addr for STUDENT DENTAL PLAN I 1,,ylninl HOPE REHABILITATION SERVICES enthusiastic, intelligent and fun to 9000 ext 17236 for Listings 1.,01 94(11'. additional information ()illy Sr-7(10 lin, 1:' I' il .i..p.1 ilili EMU @MOUE IIMINM

be around! Fs, 1/11)(1, WO' 11' Classified readers should be 'save kr% i in, 1'. ’il,irii i itli iii,. SUBSTITUTES-FLEXIBLE HOURS Call Mike riggers 291-2234 WORK AROUND SCHOOL HOURS FAX reminded the, when making tel rxo ',tr., Is Iti ir eel, t mini) Small World Schools is hiring sun or apply in per r oe these Rather contacts. they f or info, il’ 1 r.'.' iniy 111`.1-1 r ,,,,111,,T.1,1 0, rn, ,,,,,,,1 i strtute teachers for our 13 day Monday Friday 10a- i pri ri r,,r, `4.11001. 'ill 1h1 should require complete . ..1,1oil ,' A l'i,lybo!!,,,,,, 11,111,1,411., care centers. Units rn (CE, Rec, Inte1r,, 44%/ACoOT! I ' oirr, /1.1 1.. Information before sending i A, Om, . I 11.11,01 VI,1 I,' if i heer . cmiriii Psych, Soc. or Ed required These ASIAN WOMEN NEEDED 10()I iirpor.ire 5. Ir money for goods or services REAL ESTATE M.I,11,1 1 Boit Fp- 4/ I Arlic !t[111.1.! it 5Lr may be completed or you can be for egg donation Desperate Ithar ,1*.itrtler11, Ka, 44.,e' l’i!ror, a 41. In addition, readers should 44 1 taiTIT. ', 4 ,..41,T 4,1!. 141 ' ,iiiimert r 0000000 l'mrwr.rM.,i'. currently enrolled This is a great COuplw, need your heip to concave carefully Investigate elI firms GOVT FORECLOSED 44 Mblry !I!, riall,,I .. 14,1Vi.11! T 1; I'I V4/11!!!!!!!! I I! position for students We can work Can you help') Ages 21 29, STARTING PAY $12.50 offering employment listings Is $1 I 41, 41, , .,) la, ; Mb, IT.Itiab I ,i1111.11. htiy [by., yo ir 14, around your school scnedule. non Srnalier terirby & resonorrire arc oupons for discount 1i III1111.11a Ill 1,1 H i ,IIII Itiril.. .1, vi , I even if you are only available 102 $3.000 stipend atil taiperr4,+,pal "No eiper,er Cr.,,,Iri, vacations or merchend I se 11.i110.'!1-,1,, 141 /1,11.11iTI I T! 'I hullIIII, .111,1 l', i IIiitii’d r afternoons. Cal 4013379 3200 QL) Other ear-cries also needed Pease *Compiete tow itig pro,/ r9.(1 P...I I il..V ',Wilk, cal WWFC 1 5108709495 "Call 140E41280 5195 11 l''.y! 1,1.1.0, 1,1 III , W,,r1r1 -1, VVritel I lobo', YMCA NOW HIRING 'in I i011/11,11,11,11 I, . .1,1ro I rirl Iriiilei Directors and Teachers 'i 1 I of1y 11 ( 11,n, Iiir,.,.1 ',1 I 'I' ,I1r11,1,1 for Schoolage and Prifrcr.hool .,/ ILor,y111,,11,,wer rlivirlcr i, ' , 1,1,1,1 41, Child Care Full Time & Part Time 1,0 M.ala ,t, I. 1:' I 11111,, 1.1,11 6-15 ECE or related units For 1,",, / 011111 titrrl 111 .ill iiiri 'il I iivr. 1111' ir i FOR NATIONAL RATES CALL more info call Mary IP 298-3888 DAILY CLASSIRED - LOCAL RATES / AGENcy 408-924-3277 1,1 ( ,1001.111, 1'1 !mlinirtio If ,,,,,r, 11 !wail, ;' ' ( li1,4.,..1, ',I, I oaula,,1 VALET PARKERS P/T, nights & 1,1. 1v1,,re br lo..., tar Fri,la,T ma haw weekends for private parties in Print your ad here. Line IS 30 spaces Inc:Uric() letter!, f II ITT It )l ITO lJI Kt' ci; ,,niic,es between woR it; 1,11 If ,I111,) (an-,., 'I .", Ili,T1 pro., ',/ I Los Gatos/Saratoga area Must 10 Iiiroi ,n.. ,,/ r,iil 111.11,11,A ',VI M1,1, have mm n 1 year customer service Ai flaw Iva, Tral' bt!,,,, ','1 WT!!!1,,1! ab, serve 11 11 H lf H H H 11 11 II JUL 1 .1 lIbt ,4,1? experience, and desire to ]Li[ Ii H 11 H H 11 /1 ;q1 /lilt', Kaar,loy Iiiyer people. Polite. well groomed. /2 f iii,Inliari, 10 Wrii)Iny I iiiiil ii I 100 yard

and professional attitude only LE-1E1MCH111_11ll 1Lif. 11 If 11 11 11 11 if 11 .11 11 11 11 it H 11 11 1 1,1i.iide Ini in .1A m.. 1,4 ',Paaallai 19 years+ $5 75/hour * tips ri f orrYi i1111111.11 V 11.111111,1 111,0 HI, Call Mike, 800,825 3871 'I i 1 Ir. If 1.1 ' 10, Am!) s rnha L_JOEDLEIE.1-ILIEL1Li__H H i L 11 11-.11 111-11- 11 If if 11-1HL_H DOWN All '111111 1,1 !IalloWbbla $ EARN EXTRA CASH $ 1 Kneo 34 Rid rif NfiA rirnet rig up to $120/week! EJTH-lriri-IHE171111-1L-HIElf 11 11 11 H If IL H it 1LiL1DE_H IL _I Become a Sperm Donor Healthy males, 1434 years ohl 1111511111111 111111111111 11111111111i1 Univ. Students/Grads/Faculty Contact California Cryobank Ad Rates: r, Please check / Ill iiNIUUU dlU 415 324 1900, M F. 8 51)(11 One Two Three Paw Flee one classification: II III 1 Day Deys Days Dan Dan NEEDED , . id isii BARTENDER TRAINEES 3 liners 55 57 $9 811 $13 Id Earn to $25.00/hr salary tips ifi iii id Students needed r the immediate 4 liners $6 $41 $10 $12 $14 gid sea Full-time/part time openings lines $7 $11 $11 $13 $15 ail Call today 1 415 968 9933 NMY9 Si $10 $12 $14 116 lIl Mail School rOgIfiCrifY,I,1%1110fPy Order If) International Bartenders $1 for each addlional line Spartan Daily Classifieds 1111111 Mil iiii ill III CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING San Joss State University II NI up to 82,000+/month After the lath day, rate Inereisees by 91 per day. Earn It, San Jose, CA 95192-0149 i III working on Cruise Ships or Land First line (25 spar.ns) WI r, bold no ertra id Up to 5 additional words available in bold for $3 ear.ri Tour companies World travel. (.1assifirro ( loCated ICI Dwight fiteritei ((mull lior on 209 full-time employment ii iii iii Seasonal & Dearsino Ili 'u .,rn. t'Ag, Nnekdays bet, Jr. publir.a(ior, No experience neces- SEMESTER RATES available. All ar1-..iri 4-1,1 55. 0r, r an, idled ;kir, sary. For information call 3-9 lines: $70 10-14 lines: $90 : .r ft, I., ,r ,!. tJate4, !,nly 1206-971-3550 ext. C60417 Hater, tr .; Cc il Mililiddiiil 15-19 lines: $110 QUESTIONS? CALL (40e) 924-3277 EARN $3.1 TO IBS PER HOUR illdill ill d dII classifications$5.00 a 3 line ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person in Delivery people needed. Special student rates available for these for a ild did II Flexible hours work as kV* as 5 DBH209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. iiii hours per week. Take home Si. & Found ads are offered tree, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community NIUUUU Pins A Go-Go. 2800707. **Lost II ill II 8 Tuesday, November 26, 1996 Spartan Daily San Jose State University Luc monk: Thais seek blessing NARHON RAI C1 IASIN1A, 1 hailand (M') -- Few Thais have one foot in eae h culture. Stockbrokers minds. That's why this world becomes a mess." polio( hins would eve( I their t 111(1 to ed onsult astrologers before investing; taxi drivers paint 66 What the monk doesn't say is how he justifies grant- Its someone who tills them "fatso"ii, %mac ks them then i abs with magic symbols to ward off evil. It helps us to prosper. ing blessings that tap into that greed, furthering peo- user the brad Willi a rolled up newspaper. Monks used to receive just small donations of rice ple's hopes of wealth. hi 'Thailand, howeser. aus attention from the «nin- in t iins limn peasants seeking spiritual advancement. Sorasak Muthawan Critics question the vast sums Luang Phor Khoon ny's most famous monk is a huge politic al adsantage. Now, they get set ious moues from those looking for Merchant receives from amulet sales and donations, saying the Its useful, too, if siullit ti ying ter siu(c eed in business more worldly gains. money could taint Thailand's 290,000-strong monas- in win the lonely. Little is known about Luang Phor Ithoon's life tic order. The monk says nearly all of it goes to charity So stiong is the 1 Cp111.1(1441 Of Luang Phor Khoon before he bee ame famous three years ago, when peo- $4 million alone to development projects aimed at

Pat isitithee as a good liii k hit in that i icolidatis iii ple who survived tragedies said they were protected by receive the lucky rap on the head with a newspaper. helping the poor. groups monitoring political corruption ree tilt genet al elei lulls pitiaded to this imitheaster ii the monk's blessing. Some ask for his saliva or urine to drink to cure ill- Watchdog complain that Luang Phor Khoon's pro- town to seek his blessings -- liii oiling the lin ky news- A woman who jumped front a (Mirth -story window ness. Others want him to step on small sacks of sand in Thailand always reported in the press impel swat. Iii es( ape a fire at Bangkok's Kader doll factory said that they then spread around their homes or business- nouncements to religion. Still, they went along with 'I he 74-searold Buddhist monk gave candidate she had been wear ing an amulet with the monk's pic- es. should stick ads featuring the monk denouncing the thavalit Vinigc hais .1 ringing sement: -Finso ture. liii N11.1% I III lit(' killed IM7 people and injured "It helps us to prosper," Sorasak Muthawan, a 25- newspapers and selling of votes in recent elections. is qualified tor the post bei mese he has a lot of expel', hot). year-old merchant said on a recent weekend. buying election showed, not everyone gets the (liii I le used to be a %oldie! and has fought through Two months later, iii Naklion Ratchasima, a poorly Some wealthier Thais don't bother trekking to As that want. a lot Of liaidship." construe it'd six-sluty hotel collapsed, crushing 102 Nakhon Ratchasima to see the monk. They send heli- blessing they before the vote, outgoing Pilule With thin, the pudgy hairnet army i hief was dee fed peeple to death. Among the 227 survivors were many copters to fetch him. Two weeks Silpa-archa went to the Nakhon fir line minister and many t redit the monk with giv- wearing III:Eng Phut Khoon's arnulets. Ironically, one thing people don't seem to ask for is Minister Ranharn temple. ing him a tin iil boost. Sine e then, ear Ii weekeild finds tens of thousands advice on the Buddhist path to enlightenment. Ratchasima Devastated by corruption allegations and betrayed 1 he monk and those seeking his fist lepresent or people Irian peasants to Cabinet ministers "They do not want it," Luang Phor Khoon said colleagues, Banharn bowed at Luang Phor I hail:mil.% two sides: a traditionalls intl iminus traveling to his temple. EVeli C/oWti Princess recently. "It's like, if they're not hungry, how do I feed by his and asked his future. steeped iii emu ies of %mai minim, and an industrial, Sionelliiiin paid a royal visit. them? Khoon's feet good fortune can become prime Solitheam pewelliouse ensiling toward model iii I liev line up as ear Is as 3 a.m. Luang Phor Khoon "ill could, I would teach them to be more merci- "Only those with monk said. "Anyway, just take it easy." Iv sits loss legged iii a (Iiiis as the multitudes file past to ful. But they don't care, they only have greed on their minister," the Correction hi Monday's story "Tailgate Study: Orange county ranks last in child-support soothes anxieties," school lie- son Laura Campero's name ANAIITIN1, Lahr I M- " I lit .14.1.1gt 1,11‘,4,11 frelti it it bit a sweeping teorgani/ation Mild. computer system, reenganiiraniiii was misspelled. t itange Comm, I /1st' it t \iii Otis 414teS11.1 :Ilk( I 1114111, they just think ompleted last year. Capizzi argues his office has of his ()Wu e and the t minty bank The Spartan Daily regrets hits the hoist 1, d ii,the ii is two exes battling it out," said "Using those numbers is a dis- done pretty doggone good" con- ruptcs. the error. stair Int going alict tutu nis who Kathy Raphael, co-( hair woman of set viii' to the ilisiuti t ;mot ney," he sidering problems with the state (1,,n'i pay ( mut dried Inld sup the Otange hapter of the ton t, in «ailing if, a published Assor ui till futr t.hildren for irioni Suit is Eldon einem of Support. ilange .otintt Regeart "I hey att. was' is-hug. Om tax f,iti. px,, flit dollars Me 511ppiii ling all these ha% an 1111 \\,01,11ilf 11111111,41 "f sup hei dose parents slur k that I fa \as 1,11 144,1k4.1. WIII1 Cal fl 14’1,4ili.s1b1111." 1.111111\ '1111,100 tilt, el handling 1 .111L1141I 111111 .411/1,4,1 I is a Loon ases, Heal 1%, double dm 11.11non.11 !Jr "1,11111, i)ei fu,i ming it 11...11Sc, Whit «intends that Iles sin fl is Alameda. Ii ( one( Min would ktio k In addition, unpaid patent,' /.400,000 off welfare lolls, lime extensity pi,.1,Iems ill s.ning the 11.1114111 as 11111411 .1% $2.4 Ii with billion annually. shielded lioin die patents ss Dea ic Atioi ney Mk had tem of vii, t- 111,111 .1114I 1 I, 4,141441 defends his office and sass messages dial allows een siuiihuht Iiii figiiii.s givi iii 41111,414411% It. gci iii ulluptit-lu- 1111C. Ii u lisitig I/11 (hiss pius 1,144,11111% atuha tutu gisiiig i1111- 4V, he "wilt sit( ii, I. ni hiiulluig

ii i I wow lli,tih $1111) iii ASSEMBLY poll, is 1t,irlii iml,mu 15 soiknig uuu Electronic Assembly shilt I fill lm,us 111 ui 111, lV4,1 Si 1A/ (olnputer rnanuta4 hoer Int MCI% iii Ow ha\ urrent opening far expenemed IN THIS SEASON OF THANKS, siii)i)oi I 1 4,114.4 11'ff 111 "Ills 11 'WI nernblerS in the following areas I rill 41f 111411C 111.111 '2 Mechanical Assembly lin al wi11.111 1.011[1.0r YOU'VE MADE US REALIZE HOW MUCH F !why(' Mechanical Assembly Thai .11 cit I lit' hilt( SlIpinr1 1 \14 III kis.' SW Soldering/Sub Assembly laislitll 1, 411.114. In 4.111\w "I Qualitu anion for our affordable WE HAVE TO BE THANKFUL FOR. ui iiisiittii hill! Slip medical, dental and vision package

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