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Section Grosse Point~ ~ws A ----------,------------------------------ - ------------ ---~-------- --- ---- -- 30c 'er Copy 44 Page,- Three Sections 'lIbliahed oa Secoltd Cioia Molt.r -01 the GROSSE PO~TE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1981 $U 'er Y.or VOL. 42-NO. 46 'oat OfficI ot, lI"chl.on -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------- - ----------- Task force seeks school for senior housing site Heavner said senior housing is tar- obligation of that city or n()n-profit By Joanne Gouleche It's no news that enrollment in geted toward the sel1001s because, organization that leased that prop. Grosse Pointe public schools has been aeeording t() the pmposal, they are erty to develop housing upon it," the A Grosse Pointe Woods task on Ihe decline since 1971. An official Administration says it "the largest holder of land in the proposal says. count of classroom attendance in force on senior citizen housing Grosse Pointes , , . and the School Several senior groups now occupy needs has presented the Board September showed 8,195 students in Board obviously has a stewardship of space at North High School, Brownell, the system's 15 buildings - almost of Education with a proposal to ,viII study request this commun ity's most unavailable Parcells and Ferry schools. turn unused school building sites 5,000 fewer than in 1970. School of- resource." ficials have not seen those figures The Grosse Pointe Woods based Sen. into f~ture housing for Grosse since the 1950s, and it has prompted The housing proposal specifically iors Onward for Change (SOC) Food Pointe's elderly. asks that when a school building is a study of enrollment decline an\! .over the past 10 years (more than an and Friendship pwgram works OIit future use of school buildings. enrollment decline this spring," Lin. no longer used to educate children of a vacant home economics room at , the task force, centered out of the eight percent increase of the total ~ ..v:)~e r,jintc '\Vood., rrc;~bit~:.:ian thi('un) <Rin, th~t th~ !~n.n <llrrol.ln<1ing thp huild- BrC'wp.~!! S('h(\(\l f0f AAO 1\ month or IN RESPONSE TO the housmg populatlOn). ' ing be considered for senior citizens for 40 houl'S of volunteer time. SOC Church, found last fall that no alter- proposal, School Supt. Dr. Kenneth Diane Heavner, task force chair- According to 1980 school census housing. also pays the school system $5 a native h9using exists for the elderly Brummel told task force members man, said the housing stuety was de- in the Grosse Pointes because. there figures, nearly 20 percent of the total day to use a foom at Parcells school that a report on possible school clos- veloped after Woods vot~rs defeated for its minor home repair program is no land on which to build. The populatiol" in the Grosse Pointes and "A suggested way this c()uld be ings won't be available until late a ballot proposal in 1978 to erect and $50 a month for use of a room church is looking to the schools to a portion of Harper Woods that is a 'accomplished would be for the land spring. senior housing in Ghesquiere Park, part of the Pointe school system is' to be leased for a slrictly-limited sum at Ferry School for its informational !11eet the housing need. ' behind Woods municipal offices. Woods Presbyterian Pastor Robert made up of senior citizens 60 years, f()r 99 years on c()ndition that it be and referral service. "If the land was available, our and over. Grosse Pointe City has the developed ()nly for senior citizen Linthicum, however, is not too anxi. The task report points out the lack A school spokesman said the sch<lol church is convinced that community heaviest concentration of seniors, 21.7 housing. The vacated school building ous for the spring thaW wait. of senior housing is "particularly system also provides a number of free forces would quickly move and ideas percent, while Grosse Pointe Park could continue to be used by the serioll'S because of the rapid growth , services to other senior citizen groups of - funding, construction, cost, size, "We just don't wapt (senior hous- records 14.6 percent of its population School Board for whatever purp()ses in the number and percentage of in the community. ,would be worked out," the proposal ing) to be forgotten when the school as 60 years and over. it would choose ... It would be the . ,says. board looks at the whole problem of senior citizens in the Grosse Pointes ~ . .~ Oops! Farms election res ults overturned -At the Farms Council meeting held By Tom Greenwood S~mple said the defeat would force the council to return to the bargain. Monday night, Nov. 9, the four in. cumbent councilmen were sworn in In a mildly surprising turn. ing table with a different package of by City Clerk Richard Solak. around, Farms, City Clerk Rich. proposals, one that contaIned fewer Councilman James Dlngeman and Packing it and Solak announced Thursday, Improvements in fringe benefits. Lloyd Semple were unanhn'Ously reo N ov. 5, that the first of three The defeated proposals dealt with. elected to their respective positioos ballot pro po s a 1s put before lowering the age of voluntary retire. of :\Iayor and ~ayor Prl>-Tem, The away for Farms voters Tuesday did pass - ments from 60 to 57 for city employes Farms is the only clty in the Polntes and was not defeated as previ- with 20 years of credited s.ervice; which elects its Mayor and Mayor ously reported. empowered the city to provide medi. Pro-Tem by council vote. cal, hospital and nursing care for the season The proposal, which passed, 1,411 voluntary retirants and spouses; in. to 1,161, according to Solak, dealt creased the Farms retirant and spouse Like raking leaves and Hal. with amending the city charIer to • health care contributions by two per. Woo-ds man delete a $1,000 limitation for pur. .cent; provided retirement benefits to loween, pumpkins and pil. chase and sale of city property which male spouses of ,city employes on grims, getting the boat ready may be conducted without prior the same basis as b_enefits were pro. { for winter is a fall ritual' in council approval and without obtain- vided to female spouses of city em. charged in the Grosse Poil1lte communi. ing sealed bids. The amendment also ployesj and provided retirement ties. If YOli ha}'en't taken care allows the city council to set' any benefits to male spouses of police ,of Ita~re.dy, y~'~ better get dollar limitation it wishes., - - --. '. .' :oHicers. and..iirefigbters on the Sllme a move on-~p.ter it defilPt~. basis that such benefits are provided robberies-":3 ly on the way. John Carter SOLAK SAID the reversal was .due to female spouses of such employes. to simple human error. "Basically, By Mike Andrzejc:zyk' and his friend Jack Bause pre. "Perhaps there wasn't enough in- pared Carter's boat, Kleine what happened is the proposals were A 30-year-old Grosse Pointe Woods listed in the wrong order in two of ,formation disseminated about the Beer, 'at Jefferson Beach Ma- prqposals," said Solak. "The last two resident was arraigned Friday, Nov. 5, the .precincts," he said. "They were in Woods Municipal Court -after being rina in St. Clair Shores on a listed in a 2-3-1 order instead of amendments weren't that simple and recent sunny day. At left clear cut. Perhaps the voters weren't arrested two days earlier by police 1-2-3. When -the results were read. from two cities. ' they're getting ready to cradle off at city hall on Tuesday night, we too sure on what they were asked the mast "before taking the tallied them in the proper order and to vote on." Salvatore Biondo, formerly of De- boat out. For more phQtos of it appeared all three had failed." troit, was being held on $50,000 bOnd the laborious fall l'itual see Solak said it would" be up to the in connecti<Jll with two armed rob- page 6A. Solak said the error wal; caught council to dE)termint •. whether the beries in the Woods, part of the 15 later in the week and corrected. He amendments would be' brought up crimes police suspect he may have also said the city had no' real com. before the voters again. committed in different eastside cities. ment to make on the failure of the Also in the Nov. 3 election, Farms Biondo was.'arrested in the driveway other two proposals to pass and of a home on Vernier near Mack, referred to the statement made by voters named Joseph Fromm, Gail Kaess and Nancy Waugaman to four- where he was reportedly living with Farms Mayor Pro-Tem Lloyd Semple a woman, by 18 officers from East on election night. At that time Sem. year terms 00 the council. Jack Cud. lip was elected to a two-year term. Detroit and the Woods, most of whom, pie said he was "disappointed with according to reports, were dressed in the vote on the ballot proposals" and All four were incumbents .. Municipal riot.gear, 'armed with shotguns and blamed the council for not educating Judge Rohert Pyte1t was re-elected wearing flak jackets. the clectoratll on the issues. to another four. year term. Photo by Elizabeth Carpenter Biondo was wanted for four months for at least eight robberies in East Detroit and seven in Warren, Detroit, the Woods and possibly Harper Woods, police said. Everything changes - but Joe Woods police had been alerted earlier in the day on Nov.