HE Eighteenth Regiment was organized at Camp Trowbridge, T Milwaukee, under the supervision of James S. Alban, early in the year 1862, and its muster into the United States service was completed on the 15th of March. The regiment left the State on the 30th, with orders to report at St. Louis. The following was the regimental roster :

CoiONEL—JAMES S. ALBAN. Lieutenant Colonel—SAKVELW. BEALL,; Jl/ajor—J. W. CHAIN; Adjuiant —GILBERT IJ. PAKE; Qitartermos/er-JEREMIAH D. ROGERS; /S^/r^'eon—GEORGE F. HUNTINGTON; First Assistant Surgeon—ERASIVB J. BUCK; Second Assistant (Swrgreon — LARKIN G. MEAD; Chaplain —'Rev. JAMES DELANY. Co. Captains. First Lieutenants. Second Lieutenants. A—James P. Millard, Edward Colman, Thomas J. Potter, B —Charles H. Jackson, Thomas A. Jackson, Samuel B. Boynton, C — Newton M. Layne, John H. Graham, Allen A. Burnett, D—George A. Flsk, D. W.C.Wilson, Peter Sloggy, E—William Bremmer, George R. Walbridge, Luman H. Carpenter, F—Joseph W. Roberts, George Stokes, George A. Topliff, G—John H. Compton, Frederick B. Case, James R. Scott, H—David H. Saxton, Sidney D. Woodworth, Thomas H. Wallace, I —William A. Coleman, Ira H. Ford, Ogden A. Sou thmayd, K—William J. Kershaw. Alexander Jackson. Phineas A. Bennett.

They arrived at St. Louis on the evening of the 31st, and next day were ordered to proceed up the Tennessee River, to Pitts­ burg Landing. Arriving at the Landing about noon, of Saturday, BATTLE OF PITTSBURG LANDING. 657

April 5tli, they were assigned to the command of General Pren­ tiss, which was then in the extreme advance, about four miles out on the Corinth road. They reached the headquarters of General Prentiss about dark. A few tents, some baggage, but no pro­ visions were brought up. Fmir days' rations had been served out at St. Louis, of which a few hard crackers remained. The men were tlius without rations, and after putting up tents to shelter themselves, they went supperless to bed. They were without rations from noon of Saturday till after the close of the fight on the 6th, except such as they received from the Illinois regiment on their right. Soon after reaching camp, one hundred men were detailed to go on picket duty, about a mile to the front, under the command of Captain Fisk, The division of General Prentiss consisted of the brigades of Colonel Peabody and Colonel Miller, to the latter of which, the Eighteenth was attached. . Quiet reigned throughout the camps until about six o'clock on Sunday raornmg, wlien a sharp tiring of the pickets, on the right and front of Prentiss' division, was 'heard. Captain Fisk, with his command, had returned but a short time before, and reported no signs of the enemy. The firing soon became so heavy as to induce General Prentiss to send forward the balance of the Twenty-first Missouri, in support of the pickets of that regiment. It was subsequently ascertained that the enemy had marched up during the night, to within two miles of the Union lines. The usual precautions being neglected by the commanding General, they were able to approach thus close to our lines without being observed, no enemy being supposed to be within ten miles of the position. General Prentiss' division was soon in line of battle, about forty rods in advance of the camps. The Fifteenth Michigan was assigned to the left of the line, but being without ammuni­ tion, they soon withdrew to the rear, leaving the Eighteenth Regiment on the extreme left. The ground in front was broken by ravines, which enabled the enemy to advance his main force under cover. The Twenty-first Missouri, with the pickets of the Sixteenth Wisconsin, were soon driven into the lines, and almost simulta­ neously, the enemy appeared, marching in three lines of battle. The men of the Eighteenth Wisconsin met their advance without 42 G58 MILITARY HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. flinching, notwithstanding the disadvantage of being a raw regi­ ment, without adequate drill and disciphne. Prentiss' division opened fire along the whole line, but the enem}', in overwhelming numbers, pressed on, and by 8 o'clock, succeeded in turning the right flank of the division, and reghnent after regiment, on the right, fell back, in order to avoid certain capture. The Eighteenth held its ground until the enemy, by means of a ravine on its left, succeeded iu turning that flank, and concentrated their fire upon them, when they too, slowly retired. Here Acting Adjutant Coleman fell, severely wounded, and was carried from the field b}^ Lieutenant Potter, of Company A. The Eighteenth fell back, iu good order, to a ravine, about twenty rods to the rear. Here the regiment stopped, aud poured in a well directed fire on the enemy, who was then in the camp, temporarily checking them. In crossing the ravine, the regi­ ment was exposed to a raking fire from the rebels on the fla.nk and front; they therefore moved up the opposite hill, where they joined the main line, and with it, fell back. From this time the fighting became irregular. Availiuo; themselves of the shelter of trees, the loading and firing was independent of orders. As the enemy pressed them iu front, or got in ou their flanks, the forces of General Prentiss would retire. Parts of companies were de­ tached, and became mixed with other regiments. After fighting iu this desultory manner about seven hours, that portion of the regiment which was together, was nearly surrounded by the enemy, who approached in front and on both flanks, pouring in a tremendous cross fire, in which Colonel Alban was shot through the body, and ]\Iajor Grain fell dead, with eight wounds on his person. In the confusion caused by this heavy loss, aud before they could think of retreat, the enemy was among them, taking prisouers, and firing almost in their faces. The fighting of the regiment was over, and nothing was left but to escape being captured. They broke in squads, aud retreated as best they could. The official reports show 174 men missing, the .nost of whom were taken prisoners. The Colonel and were killed, Lieutenant Colonel Beall and Acting Adjutant Coleman were both severely wounded, Captain Compton, of Company G, was killed, and Captain Millard, of Company A, Lieutenant Jackson, of Company B, Captain Layne, of Company C, Captain CASUALTIES. 659

Fi.'^k.and Lieutenant D. "W. C. "Wilson, of Compan^^ D, Captain Bremmer, of Company E, Lieutenant Stokes, of Company F, Captain Saxton and Lieutenant Woodworth, of Coinpanj^ II, aud Lieutenants Ford and Southmayd, of Company I, were among the prisoners taken by the enemy. These officers with the enlisted men taken, spent many Aveary months iu rebel prisons, and man}^ of them died there. On >Jouday, about 250 of the Eighteenth were gathered by the few remaining officers, and formed into a battalion, and acted as support of a battery, with other regiments. Earlj^ in the morn­ ing, they advanced with Buell's forces, who drove the rebels before them, and reached their old camp about four iu the after­ noon. Here they remained, while the rest of the troops pushed forward iu pursuit of the enemy. During the evening, the stragglers came in, so that there was nearly 500 men in camp. The list of killed, and those who died of wounds, Ave copy from the Adjutant General's records. The list of wounded is as officially published :

KILLED OK DIED OF ^Vojrsns.-Field Qfficci-s-Colonel James S. Alban and Major Josiah W. Craiu. Cb»ip«/ii^ ^ — Corporal iMareenus Guru ee, Private Cephas A.Whit- more. Company C—Privates William Kettle and M. W. Saxton. Company Z) —Private George Hicks. Company ^—Corporal John E. Fields, Private Ciifton G. MerriU. Company F—Privates Otis A. Colton, Robert N. McWilliams, H. W. Onderdonk and Henry Jenkins. Company G— Captain John H. Compton, Private A. JI. Coon. Company i/—Privates Edward B. Ballon, Joseph A. Garland, Solomon Mansfleld and Charles P. Walker. Company I—Sergeant Rensellaer Cronk, Corporal Thomas Lasky, Privates :M C. Cook, George W. Hillman, John Lowth and Benjamin W. Shower—2.5. Wonis-DEJi. —Field Oi?ic«- —Lieutenant Colonel Beall. Lieutenant Edward Coleman, acting Adjut.int. Comimny ^4—Corporal C. C. Whitney, Privates D. C. Bailey, R. H. Hart, Marshal Coffin, Leander Depny, Ludwig Holzer, J.Kocher, Alf. Losey, O. K. Norris, G. W. .Sparkes and Adam Whiting. Company B — Privates E. Combs, W. H. Spencer and F. ai. Bailey. Company C—Privates H. Clary, W. W. Dielhman, Samuel Fisk, John Kirkpatrick, Hirani jNIoody, Patrick Moouey, Laughlin Quinn, Benjamin Rantz, J. J. Swain, Samuel Sager and Augustus Singer. Company Z)—Corporal John Williams, Pri­ vates Ephraim Crocker, Henry Beach, Hugh C. Wilson, Jacob Jewell, A. Stephenson, C. N. Sprout, Byron Gary, John Gary, Charles Molla aud Ezra Hockabout. Company E— Lieutenant George R. Walbridge, Privates Albert Taylor, George W. Evans, Walter AAliitt.aker, Joseph Baker, .S.R.Hayner, Geo. S. Martin, Jr. William H. Sherwin, John Harris, John Kinney, Isaac Levison, Reuben Edminster and Ed. L. Kent. Company F— Privates George Durr, Andrew Felton, Eli R. Devan, Joseph W. Lawplinn aud D. M. Wilson. Company G—Privates John Snyder, A. G. Loomis, Joseph Bullock aud John S. Eaton. Company H— First Lieutenant S. D.Wood worth. Sergeant Albert Gates, Privates John C Horton, Eugene Gay, E. F. Chamberlain, Edwin Potts, Samuel Bixby, Thomas Carey, B. W. Coats, F. Deeelle, Gideon F. Devore, A. F. Dowd, G. W, Dowd aud Zadock Mallory. Company i"—Privates Peter JlelntjTe, Cornelius C. Devore, S. W. M. Smith, E, M. Haight,W. Miller, Dimcan McCloud, Peter Calahau, James Lcitch, Oliver Cruuderson. Albert Turek, Frank Everson, Alfred O. Eilson, Adrastus Cross and Ferdinand Benton Company A'—Privates Fernando Councilman, William P. Green and Wm. Lowe —91. 660 MILITARY HISTORY OF WISCONSIN.

The Eighteenth remained in camp for several days after the battle, when it was visited by Governor Harvey, who imme­ diately appointed Captain Gabriel Bouck, of the Second Wis­ consin, as Colonel of the regiment. Captain Jackson, of Com­ pany B, being the senior Captain present, assumed command until Colonel Bouck reported for duty on the 12th of May. About the 1st of May, the Eighteenth moved forward towards Corinth, with the division of General McKean to which it had been assigned, and took part in the operations before that place which resulted in its evacuation by the enemy on the 29th of May. The regiment sufifered severely from sickness, so that the command was very much reduced. On the 4th of June, they marched about a mile south of Corinth and encamped with the Sixth Division. Here they were engaged in picket and garrison duty, and acquiring proficiency in drill under the able superintendence of Colonel Bouck. The Eighteenth was assigned to the Second Brigade, com­ manded by Colonel Oliver, and on the evening of the 18th of July, proceeded with the brigade to Bolivar, Tenn., for the purpose of reinforcing the forces at that point. Here they remained with­ out engaging the enemy until the 16th of August, when they returned to Corinth and encamped, again engaging in picket duty. On the 17th of September, the. regiment marched with McArthur's division to the vicinity of luka, with the forces un­ der General Ord, to cooperate with General Rosecrans in an attack on General Price. General Hamilton met and defeated the rebel General on the 19th, before General Ord could reach the designated position. That General therefore immediately ordered his troops to return to Corinth without encountering the enemy in force. On the Ist of October, the Eighteenth, with the Fourteenth Wisconsin, was ordered to reinforce the Fifteenth Michigan, stationed at Chewalla, to watch the enemy who was then advanc- ina: in force. In the mornino- it was ascertained that the rebels were making a circuit which would cut ofif their retreat. Colonel Oliver therefore ordered his force to fall back within four miles Df Corinth. At night the Eighteenth was ordered to the left about a mile to guard a bridge across the Tuscumbia. In the morning. BATTLE OF CORINTH. 661 the enemy had possession of the Chewalla road, and orders were received for Colonel Bouck to destroy the bridge and return to camp near Corinth by the most feasible route. This was done, and the regiment, by a bye road, reached the line of the de­ fenses, closely followed by the enemy. Rejoining the division, they were soon after ordered to support a brigade about half a mile in front which was said to be engaged in holding the rebels in check. In endeavoring to find this brigade, the regi­ ment came upon the advancing rebel line of battle, which opened upon them with a full volley. This was replied to by the Eigh­ teenth, and the men ordered to lie down, but the enemy fired low and many of the regiment were hit. The eneiny being in great force, the regiment fell back, rejoining the brigade and division which subsequently retired to the interior defenses, where they remained in position during the night. In the morn­ ing the division was moved to a position upon the left, where an attack was apprehended, but where but little fighting was done on the second day. The rebels commenced their retreat from Corinth soon after noon and pursuit was made by the Sixth Division and other forces, in which the Eighteenth took part. After pursuing the enemy as far as Ripley, the troops returned to Corinth. The list of killed, and those who died of wounds, is taken from :he Adjutant General's records, and the wounded are as officially reported:

KILLED OR DIED OF WOUNDS.— Company 5 —Private John C. Bi-yant. Company D — Private George Campbell. Cbm^an^ i*'—Sergeant Charles W. Plummer. Company I— Privates Louis Anderson and Fred. Bennett-5. WOUNDED.— Cb)?ipa7i^ ^ — Privates Edwd. J. Flynn, Ludwig Hoelzer and Jno. Sturgeon. Company £ —Private John Gofl". Company C— Privates Robert E. Graham and William Downie. Company Z) — Privates John Winters and George Esler. Company i<'—Pri vates Perry Woodruff and J. W. Yates. Company G—Privates Louis Ryerson, Lucius Vaughn and William W. Pyne. Compayiy 7—Privates William N. Wright, Oliver Gunderson, Hugh Carey, Ambrose Osborn and Peter Mclntyre. Company A'—Privates Stephen Staunt, Michael Lennon and Newman B. Danforth —21.

Accompanying the forces of General Grant, which were ordered to concentrate at Grand Junction, the Eighteehth, left Corinth with three divisions of the left wing of the army under Brigadier General Charles S. Hamilton, on the 2d of ISTovcmber. They reached Grand Junction on the 5th, and remained until the 28th, when the southward movement was commenced. They 662 MILITARY HISTORY OF WISCONSIN. had proceeded as far as Yocona, forty-eight miles south of Holly Springs, when the news of the destruction of Grant's supplies at the latter place, compelled a retrogade movement, and the Sixth Division of General McArthur, encamped at Moscow, Tenn., where it engaged in railroad guard duty until the 10th of Januaiy, 1863. At Moscow, the line officers who were cap­ tured at Pittsburg Landing, having been exchanged, rejoined the regiment, and assumed command of their respective companies. On the 10th of January, the Eighteenth, with the division of General McArthur, marched to Memphis, where they embarked ou transports and proceeded to Young's Point, near Vicksburg, arriving there on the 24th. Here the regiment engaged in fatigue duty in repairing and building the levee, in order to protect the troops below, and furnished occasional details to work on the canal iu front of Vicksburg. On the 9th of February, the Eigh­ teenth, with the Second Brigade of McArthur's division, com­ manded by General Ransom, proceeded to Lake Providence, seventy miles up the river, and encamped ou the banks of the lake, about four miles from the town. Here they engaged in the work of cutting the canal from the river to the lake, and clear­ ing the obstructions from Bayou Baxter, and remained till about the 20th of April, when they moved down the river and en­ camped at Millikin's Bend, fi'om whence they proceeded by way of Richmond, Smith's Plantation and Perkins' Landing to Grand Gulf, thence they marched to Raymond and reported to General McPherson on the 13th of ]May, and joined in the attack on Jack­ son. The Eighteenth had been assigned to the First Brigade commanded by Colonel Sanborn, in General Crocker's division in the Seventeenth Army Corps. They formed in line of battle, and with the division gallantly charged upon the enemy, and after a severe contest, drove him from the field, leaving the city in possession of our forces. Passing over the rebel works they found them deserted. The casualties as officially reported, were :

KILLED OR DIED OE WOJJSTIS.-Company ^—Private Benjamin S. Davis. Company JD—Private Ferdinand Getter. Company H—Sergeant James Talman. Company K— Privates George E. Gray, O. H. Brockway and John Kelly —6. WOUNDED.— Company ^—Sergeant H. Farmer, Corporal J. R. Knapp, Privates George S. Foucks, M. I. Bussey, George W. Davis, Frederick Ties, William H. Deusen, George W. Webb and Isaac W. Young. Company G—Privates Peter Tenison and Michael Farley. Company H—Privates Isaac ISIatoxeu, William Hill, Daniel Leitch and Fred Kidder. Company K— Private William Krisnian —10 SIEGE OF VICKSBURG. 663

Early next morning they started for Vicksburg, and on the 16th, took part in the battle of Champion Hills. About noon the brigade formed into line on the right wing, changing posi­ tion several times, and repeatedly charging upon the enemy. The Eighteenth was in the reserve and was not actively engaged although exposed to a severe tire. The casualties as officially reported, were:

KILLED.— Company A — Private Herbert A. Howe — 1. WOUNDED.—/SKcyTO^ee)--Adjutant Edward Coleman. Company B-•'Liewtenant R. C. Laird. Company C—Private Bent Markison. Company D—Private Nathan Hale. Company E— Private Edward Richardson — 5. The bottle lasted for about three hours, and was severely con­ tested. About 3 o'clock P. M. the enemy commenced retreating, followed by our troops iu pursuit. With the rest of McPherson's Seventeenth Corps, the Eighteenth Regiment crossed the Black River on a floating bridge on the 18th, and proceeded to the rear of Vicksburg, and took position with its division, in front of the enemy's fortifications, about one aud a half miles distant. The Eighteenth did not take part in the assault on the 22d of May, but acted as sharpshooters to hold a position in front of a rebel fort and cover the advance of the assaultiug column, by silencing the enemy's guns, which was done very efteetually. The casualties were:

KILLED OR DIED OF WOUNDS.—Cfc>«i/)an?/ ^ — Private Joseph Janna. Company B — Private James M. Carpenter. Company D —Private L. L. Bigby. Company F—Private Fred. Hardwig. Company G — Pirst Lieutenant William H. Alban and Private N. S. Elderkin. Company H— Privates Wesley Greeu and Alvin Smith. Company AT— Private Jefferson H. Walker —9. WOUNDED.— Company D—Private A. W. Callvins. Company C —Private Charles Mont­ gomery. Company H— Privates Henry Cassel and William Smith. Company I— Fir.st Sergeant S. C. Alban, Corporal William Jones and Private A. J. Shepardsou —7. On the 26th of May, the brigade took part in a reconnoissance between the Black and Yazoo rivers, and after capturing a large amount of property, destroying several mills, and otherwise ac­ complishing the object of the expedition, they returned to their duties ill the trenches before Vicksburg. Here they remained chiefly engaged in skirmishing dut}" until the surrender of the city on the 4th of July. They remained in the city engaged in guard and provost duty most of the time, until the 11th of Sep­ tember, when they moved with the division which was now com­ manded by General Smith, to Helena, with a view to reiufbrce General Steele. 664 MILITARY HISTORY OF WISCONSIN.

General Sherman had received orders to reinforce General Rosecrans at Chattanooga. His Corps, the Fifteenth, accordingly left Vicksburg, and moved by transports to Memphis. The divi­ sion of General Mower, to which the Eighth Wisconsin was attached, being on special duty when the Fifteenth Corps left Vicksburg, General Sherman was permitted to exchange Mow­ er's division for that of General J. E. Smith, of the Seventeenth Corps which was then at Helena, there being an urgent neces­ sity for haste in the reinforcing of General Rosecrans. Smith's division was accordingly ordered to Memphis, from whence it proceeded by rail to Corinth. General Sherman attempted to make the railroads available for the transportation of his Corps, but the case becoming so urgent. General Grant sent orders for him to cut loose from the railroads and make a forced march to Bridgeport. This was done, and his forces marching by the way of Dixon, Florence, Fayetteville and Winchester, reached Bridge­ port on the 15th of ISTovember, and Chattanooga on the 19th. The regiment marched 250 miles on this expedition, pass­ ing through Northern Mississippi and Alabama and Southern Tennessee. With the Army of the Cumberland, with which the corps of General Sherman was connected, the Eighteenth crossed the Tennessee River on the 24th, and took part in the attack on Mis­ sion Ridge, and subsequently joined in the pursuit of the enemy as far as Ringgold, Ga., returning to Chattanooga on the 28th. On the 3d of December, they went to Bridgeport, and were em­ ployed in guard duty a few days, when they marched, on the 21st of December, by way of Larkinsville and Woodville, to Hunts­ ville, Ala., where they were engaged in guard, outj)Ost and provost duty, until the 1st of May, 1864. On the 4tli of January, 1864, Colonel Bouck resigned. Lieu­ tenant Colonel Beall resigned on the 3d of August, 1863, but no appointment was made to fill the position, until the resignation of Colonel Bouck, when Major Charles H. Jackson was ap­ pointed Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain J. P. Millard was appointed Major. From the 1st of May till Juue 19th, the regiment was engaged in guard duty at Whitesburg, Ala. Leaving Whitesburg, the regiment was transferi-ed to Alla­ toona, on the line of the Western and Atlantic railroad, ninety BATTLE OF ALLATOONA. 665

miles south of Chattanooga, where it arrived on the 13th of July. Companies F and I were ordered to guard a railroad bridge, two miles south of the town, the other companies being occupied in camp and garrison duty in Allatoona, which duty they performed until the 22d of August, when they marched to Chattanooga, thence into Eastern Tennessee, in pursuit of the rebel General Wheeler, who was on his raid against Sherman's communications. Returning, they encamped at Cowan, Tenn., until the 19th of September, guarding the railroad at various points, when they were ordered to rejoin their brigade at Allatoona. After the surrender of Atlanta, the rebel General Hood attempted a raid on Sherman's railroad communications. Cross­ ing the Chattahoochie, he struck the Atlanta Railroad at Big- Shanty, and commenced its destruction. On reaching Resaca, he sent back General French, with a large force, to attack Allatoona, and capture the immense stores at that point. General Sherman had signalled, from the station on Kenesaw Mountain, for Gen­ eral Corse, who was at Rome, to reinforce the garrison at Alla­ toona, and directed him to hold it at all hazards, until a force could be sent to its relief. General Corse promptly responded, with a brigade of infantry, on the 4th of October. Before day­ light, next morning, the pickets were driven in. The Eighteenth Wisconsin was ordered under arms, and deployed as'skirmishers. Daylight developed the batteries of the enemy, about 1,200 yards south of the defences. An artillery duel immediately commenced, and continued until about 10 o'clock, when the enemy's skir­ mishers made their appearance on the right and rear. A flag was sent by the enemy, demanding the surrender of the place, to prevent further eftlision of blood, which was promptly refused. The rebels then advanced to the attack, charging repeatedly upon the works, but were repelled in all their attempts. The battle raged furiously, and it was with great difficulty that the position was held. Some of the rebels reached the first line of rifle pits, but the fire was so hot that they could neither advance nor retreat, they therefore sheltered themselves as best they could, until the fire slackened, when they crawled oft' and retreated in all directions. Finding all their efforts to capture the place unavailing, the enemy finally retired, leaving at least 1,500 of his killed and wounded on the field. 666 MILITARY HISTORY OF WISCONSIN.

The three companies, E, F and I, of the Eighteenth, stationed in a blockhouse near the railroad bridge, two miles south, were attacked in the morning, after declining to surrender. The gar­ rison numbered eighty men. This small force withstood the attacks of the regiment of infantry which was left to reduce their stronghold, and it was not until dark, and the heavy artillery had been brouirht to bear on them, and their blockhouse was set on fire, that the brave garrison consented to surrender. They were under the command of Captain Mclntyre, of Company I. On the reenlistment of the Eighteenth, at Huntsville, in the winter aud spring of 1864, it was found impossible to grant them the stipulated furlough; they therefore remained ou duty during the summer and fall. At this battle, some forty-five of the reenlisted veterans of companies E,F audi, were taken prisoners, and instead of returning to their loved ones at home, were doomed to languish, and many to die, in the loathsome prison pens of the south. AYe publish a list of the killed and wounded, and a list of those taken prisoners, believing that their heroic self denial, and their consequent sufferings as prisoners of war, entitle them to a place upon the military records of the State. The following is the official list of killed, wounded and missing: KILLED OR IJIED OF WOUNDS.— Company C— Privates LI. W. Sexton and John H. Single. Company i*'-Private Charles E. Johnson. Company J—Private Alexander Boyce —4. WOUNDED.—Cbrnpan^ ^ — Private Anthony Brown. Company B—Privates Nelson Fountain, Jasper N. Powell, William Loucks, John J. Ross, Elijah S. Frazier and David Calkins. Compai^y E—Privates Walter Whittaker and Robert Rich.ards. Company F— Private Robert Tennant. Company J/—Private Benjamin S. Frazier. Company K— Sergeant E. A. Sauders —11. PRISONERS.-Company ^—Captain L. N. Carpenter, Sergeants S. H. Sawyer, George Collier, William W. Campbell and ;Owen Clough, Corporal A. W. Bell, Privates S. O. Bremmer, Charles Bremmer, Theophilus Bourcier, Flavel Beadle, George W. Beers, Geo. W. Craige, Samuel H. Currier, Edward Hugo, BjTon P. Hough, Caleb Hill, Wm. Johnston, Henry Johnson, Benjamin S. Jackson, Eola Lawson, Hubbard IVIoss, Increase Pickard, Philip Marx, Edward Richardson, Adam I. Spawn and Philip Yates. Company F— Lieu­ tenant W. A. Pope, Sergeants J. P. Honiker, J. W. Samphire, A. J. Robins and A. B. Osgood, Corporals Henry Todd, Benedict Wyman and Richard Trexall, Privates Alfred J. Bailey, Benjamin E. Beckman, Sheldon Bradt, William Comstock, Henry Clark, Henry ]M. Doty, Gilbert Fish, Ira Fishbeck, Matthias Haedt, Eugene Hammon, Frank Hyatt, Robert Lowe, George Lopcr, Lorenzo Loper, Ware E. Laidlaw, Simeon IMosher, Homer K. Nickols, Richard Noble, John Nathan, William H. Oharrow, Albert Pierce, John Silver- thorn, William B. Powers, James Wolcott, James Yates and Edward E. Dickenson. Company J—Captain Mclntyre, Lieutenant Oscar Todd, Sergeant James Mettler, Corpo­ ral Herbert Gilpin, Privates Ephraim Brown, John Cook, Stephen INI. Grossman, John Erickson, William H. Furguson, George Gorsuch, George Kurth, Daniel E. Newton, John C. Schwabaland, Evan K. WiUlams, George Page, Charles Slater, OrvUle D. Noble and Jeremiah Mahoney —78. VETERANS PROCEED TO GOLDSBORO. 667

After the battle of Allatoona, the non-veteraus and recruits u'cre assigned to the i!:^inety-thii-d Illinois, and accompanied Gen­ eral Sherman on his march to Savannah and Goldsboro. Lewis Jackson, of Compau}" H, is reported killed at Fayetteville, X. C. The veterans were furloughed on the 28th of N'ovember. Reas­ sembling at Milwaukee on the 28th of December, they reached ISTashville ou the 11th of January. On the commencement of his grand march. General Sherman had directed that such of the members of the regiments, in his command, as were on furlough, aud all recruits, should report to General Steadman, at Chattanooga, and there be organized into a Provisional Division, and be sent to their several organizatious, on the reception of the news of his arrival ou the sea coast. On the arrival of the veterans of the Eighteenth at Chatta­ nooga, on the 5th of January, they were assigned to the First Brigade, First Provisional Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, and embarked at ]!!^asliville, proceeding down the Cumberland and up the Ohio, to Cincinnati, thence by rail to Pittsburg and Balti­ more, where they embarked on steamers on the 2d of February, and arrived at Beaufort, X. C. On the 8th, they took cars to Xewbern, where they encamped till the last of March, when they joined the forces of General Sherman, at Goldsboro, and rejoined their comrades in the First Brigade, Third Division, Fifteenth Arm}'- Corps. They accompanied the subsequent movements of General Sherman to Raleigh, from whence, after the surrender of Johnston, they moved with the Fifteenth Corps, by waj^ of Richmond, to Washington, where they took part in the grand review, after which they proceeded to Louisville, aud were mus­ tered out on the 18th of July, and reached Madison ou the 29th, where they were publicly received, and disbanded. Regimental Statistics.—Original strength, 962. Gain—by recruits iu 1863, 61, in 1864, 103, in 1865, 34; by substitutes, 28; by draft in 1864, 200, in 1865, 71; by veteran reenlistments, 178; total, 1,678. Loss—by death, 220; missing, 78; deserted, 208; transferred, 23; discharged, 265; mustered out, 843.