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103006451.23.Pdf I OFFICIAL COPY. ^f'roirn ('iij)iirifilit l{i:<iTri'i!. IBij ^utl)oritn. SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. MAY, 1916. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 30th APRIL, 1915. LON DON : PHIXTED UNDER THE AUTHOIUTY OF HIS MAJESTVS STATIONERY OFFICE, r.Y J. ^. KELIHER & CO., LTD., MARSHALSEA ROAD, S.E. To be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from WYMAN & SONS, LIMITED, 29, BREAMS BUILDIKGS, FETTER LANK, E.G.; & 54, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF ; or H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE (SCOTTISH BRANCH), 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH ; or E, PONSONBY, LIMITED, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN ; or from the Agencies in the British Colonies and Dependencies, the United States of America and other Foreign Countries of T. FISHER UNWIN, LONDON, W.C. 1915. [Price 6d.\ rpruwn Copyright Hejerred.l SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. MAY, 1915. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC., GAZETTED, I ND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st &. 30th APRIL, 1915. ..v-i^rEs^ 3^I LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITr OF HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KELIHER & CO., LTD., MABSHALSEA ROAD, 8.E. WlU-Wt. 6372/792-!6,000-5/lS-.I. .T. K. & ('0. Ltd. Promotions, Appointments, <tc. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &c., inre last PMicatwii. War Offlar, 3W* April. 1915. \MY. Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of tlie following pronins., with effect froni the 1st April, 1915. inclusive, fGa?. 1 Apr.) ;— To be Major-Generals. Col. (temp. Maj.-Gen.) O. F. Ellison, C.B., Gen. Staff, Central Force. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) H. G. Smith, C.B., Dlr. of Art., W.O. Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) 9. 8. Long, C.B., Dir. of Supplies and Transport.W.O. To be Brevet Colonels. Lt.-Col. M. Peake, C.M.O., K.A., A.-A.-G., W.O. Lt.Col. M. J. C. Dennis, R.A., Asst. Supt., Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich Arsenal. lit.-Col. G. F. MacMunn, D.S.O., R.A., Asst. Dlr. of Remounljs, W.O. To be Brevet Lieutenant-Colonels. Maj. A. B. Goesett, Ches. Regt., D.-A.-A.-G., W.O., and Chief Hocrulting Staff Officer. London District. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) B. T. Buckley, North'd Fus., Gen. Staff, W.O. MaJ. A. H. Dumaresq, R.B., Inspector of Blectrlc Lighting, W.O. Maj. C. F. Moores, D.S.O., A.8.C., Dep. Asst. Dir. of Quartering, W.O. Maj. C. M. A. Wood, Northd. Fus., D.-A.-A.-G., W.O. Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) W. K. Tarver. A.S.C., Asst. Dir. of Supplies, W.o. M»). B. H. O. Armstrong, R.E., Staff Capt., W.O. .Maj. J. A. Byrne, R. Innis. Fus., D.-A.-A.-G., W.O. Ma]. H. O. Mance, D.S.O.. R.E., Dep. Asst. Dir. of Movements, W.O. To be Brevet Major. Capt. J. B. Wells, D.S.O., N. Lan. R.. Gen. Staff, Expeditionary Force, formerly Stan Capt. (Mobilization), W.O. ****** Mai.-Gen. P. 8. Wilkinson, C.8., C.M.O., t« be Col. of North'd Fus., in succession lo the late Lt.-Gen. .sir George Bryan Milman. K.C.B. 'Gaz.l3Apr.) ., .. .. 2)Jan.1i< EGULAR FORCES. MMAND8 AND STAFF. The undermentioned appts. are made :— Staff Captain. Capt, D. MacLeod, 4 Bn. N. Staff. R., and to be seed. (Gaz. lApr.j ., .. .. X) Mar. Camp Commandant. (Graded lor purooses of pay as a D-A-A-G.) Ma]. J.S. 8. Ohurclilll, Oxf. Yeo., Terr. Force. (Gaz. 1 Apr.) .. .. .. .. ISUsr. (Deputy ABsistant Director of Remounts. (Graded for purposes of pay as a D-A-Q-M-G.) Maj. G. W. Dowell, ret. pay. (Gaz. 1 Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2DM8r. REMOUHT DEPOTS. Commandant. Bt. Col. A. P. Westlake, W.S.O., Ind. Army, from a Siipt. (Gaz. 1 Apr.) .. .. .. 1 Apr. Staff Captains. Temp. Ma]. J. F. Dempster, 14 (Serv.) Bn. Ches. K., vice temp. 2nd Lt. A. T. M. Berney- Flcklin, and to be transferred to the Gen. List, New Armies, (Gaz. 2 Apr.) .. .. lOMar. The Initials of temp. Lt. .1. S. Oourtauld are as now described, and not .is stated in Gaz. of 5 Feb. 16. (Qaz. 2Apr.) Staff Lieutenant, 1st Class. 2nd Lt. F. Grant, N. SCO. R. G. A., Terr. Force. (Gaz.2Apr.) ,. .. .. IMar. [ Remount Depots. Superintendent. W. B. Tylden-Pattenson, and tobe temp. Maj. (Uaz. 2Apr.) .. .. .. MMar. Staff Captain. Capt. F. C. Winter, Rep. of Off., vice temp. Capt. H. W. Moffat. (Gaz. 2 Apr.) .. .. ITMar 1—2 Promotions, Appointments, do. REGULAR FORCES—oonfd. CouAUin>s AITD STAFF—confd. Brigade Major. Cftpt. J. MOD. Haskard, R. Dub, Fus., vice Capt. G. M. Hannay, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 6 Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. ,. .. .. aoMar.l Staff Captain. Temp. Cant. T. P. A. Holford, 6 (SeiT.) Bn. R. Ir.Regt., and to be transferred to the Gen. List, New Armies. (Gaz. 6 Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. ., ,. ., 2D Feb. Remount Depots. Assistant Superintendents. (And to be temp. Capts.) (Gaz. 6 Apr.) Dated 31 Mar. 15:— W. P Standlsh I L. Edwards. George Broomhead. (Gaz. 0 Apr.) ., .. .. ., .. .. .. .. 2Apr. Garrison Adjutant. Temp. Lt. W. D. Nixon. R.A., and to be temp. Capt., vice Lt. (temp Capt.) A. H. Edwards, Res. of Off. (Gaz. 6 Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. ... 2Feb. Brigade Major. Capt. K. B. Jergueon. R.A. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20Mar. Staff Captains. Lt. (now temp. Capt.) Hon. P. G. Scarlett, E. KentR., and to be seed. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) .. iJan. Temp. Lt. A. H. Godfrey, R A. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) 3Apr. Remount Depots. Superintendent. Temp. Capt. R. Nevill, from an Asst. Supt., and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz 7 Apr.) ,. 6Apr. Assistant Superintendents. (And to be temp. Capts ) Temp. Lt. R. Savory, vice temp. Capb. W. Alexander. (Qaz. 7Apr, .. .. .. 3Apr. R. J. Edwards. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. .. do. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) Dated 7 Apr. 15:— B. Charlesworth, vice temp. Capt. S. Findlay. C. K. Dawson, vice temp. Capt. L. B. Nutting. E. A. Elgee. I A. D. Ramsey. N. Morrison. I The undermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. (Gaz. 7 Apr.); — Deputy Director. Bt. Lt.-Col. W. S. Brancber, R.A., from an Asst. Dir , and to be temp. Col. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) 9Mar. .Assistant Director. Maj. D. S. Maclnnes, i).S.O., R.E., from a Dep. Asst. Dir.. and to be temp. Lt.-Col. fGaz. 7 Apr.) .. .. .. .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. do. Deputy Assistant Director, Capt. G. M. , R.A., from a Staff Capt. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) .. .. .. .. do. Staff Captain. \ Capt. W. B. Caddell, R.A., and to be seed. (Gaz. 7 Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. do. | The undermentioned temp. appt. is made :— Commander of a District. Bt. Col. R. W. Deane, ret. pay. (Gaz,7Apr.) .. .. .. .. .. .. 27Mar. , The undermentioned appts. are made:— Remount Depots. i Assistant Superintendents. ' (Gaz. 8 Apr.) Dated 6 Apr. 15 :— Maj. C. A, S. Warner, ret. pay. I L. H. Taylor, and to be temp. Capt. The undermentioned temp, appts. are made :— H. G. Gollgtier to be Financial Adviser, with relative precedence as a Brig.-Gen. (Gaz. 9 Apr.) .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. XOApr. , The undermentioned are granted the relative precedence of the ranks stated whilst employed on the Audit Staff. (Gaz. 9 Apr.) Dated 10 Apr. :— As Lieutenant-Colonel. J. Toplls. As Major. R.J.Jeffrey. i R. H. Dailley. P. K. Go wan. I Aa Captain. A. Savage. f C. W. Pocock G. Souter. I As Second Lieutenant. J. B. Davey. Promotions, Appointments, dtc. BKQDLAR FOECK8-co«<d. pOUHAKDS AHD STAIF—OOnW. Tile undermentioned appts. are made;— Brigade Major. Capt. E. J. Wallace, 8 Bn. E. Scots, vice Capt. W. G. Xeiisou, D.S.O., Arg. and Sutli'd Higlirg. (vjaz. 10 Apr.) 29Mar.l5 Staff Captain. Uapt. R, J. Wallace, 9 Bn. E. Scots. (Qaz. lOApr.i ZlMar. Brigade Commanders. Col. H. L. Croljer, C.fi., from Leic. R., and to be temp. Brig.-Qen., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.) D. A. Maetarlane,B..S.O. (Qaz. 12 Apr.) .. do. Lt.-Ooi. W.E. B. Smith, C.M.O., Line. R., and to be temp. Brig -Gen., vice Col. (temp. Brig.-Gen.)aon. C. G. Fortescue, C.B., C.Jlf.G., D..S.O. (Gaz. 12 .\pr.) do. Brigade Major. Capl.J. B. Wallier, fl.S.O., E.A., and to bo seed. (Gai. 12 Apr.) .. Staff Captains. Capt. A. B. Inoledon-Wet)ber, E. Ir. Fus., vice Capt. J. MacD. Uaslcard, K. Dub. Fus. iGaz. 12Apr.) 22Jan. Capt. E. M. P. Jervis, 3 N. Mid. Brig., E.F.A.. Terr. Force. (Gaz.l2Apr.) 15 Feb. Capt. C. H. Vandersluys, H Line, and Woliand Regt. (Canada). (Gaz. 12 Apr.).. 16 Mar. Capt. Han. E. W. M. M. Brabazon, D.S.O., C. Gds., vice Oapt. C. R. Champion rte Crespigny, G. Gds. (Gaz. 12 Apr.) ilemount Depot. Superintendents. Temp. Capt. H. Laurie, from an Asst. Sapt.,and to be temp. Maj., vice temp. Maj. E. C. iJay. (Gaz.l2ADr.) 3Apr. Maj. B. Combe, 12Res. Eegt. of Cav. (Gaz. 12 Apr.) 7Apr. A. H. Walrond, and to be temp. Maj. (Gaz. 12 Apr.) 13Apr. Assistant Superintendent. 2nd Lt. A. Phllpott, 7 Res. Regt. of Cav., and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 12 Api-.) .. lOApr. The xmdermentioned temp, appts. are made at the W.O. ;— Assistant Director. Mai. H. F. P. Perolval, D.S.O., A.B.C., from D-A-Q-M-G., and to be temp. Lt.Col. in succession to Bt. Lt.-Col. W. K. Tarver, A.S.C. (Gaz. 12 Apr.) .. 6Apr. Staff Captain. Barnett Albert Harvey, late Lt. Arg. and Sutli'd Highrs., and to be temp. Capt. (Gaz. 12Apr.) .. 10.Mar. The undermentioned appts. are made:—- >mmandant of the Corps of Military Pelice and a Provost Marshal. (Graded as a Staff Cant.) Bt. Col.
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