Vol. 64 No. 3 MARCH 1959 Sixpence Notes of The
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vol. 64 No. 3 MARCH 1959 Sixpence Notes of the Month Custos S.P.E.S. Presents . The Limitations of Man Dr. W. E. Swinton Conflicting Loyalties in Modern Society T. H. Pear Journey to the Far East Rkhard Clements Father or Fleecer? Archibald Robertson Conway Discussions Corrrespondence Activities of Kindred Societies Society's Other Activities SOUTH PLACE ETHICAL SOCIETY SUNDAY MORNING MEETINGS AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK MarCh I—W. E SWINTON, Ph 0,EASY. ,(Paleeontologist) . -The Moon n. Cello and Piano Sololby JOY HALLMid ARVONDAVIES f , Fauré Hymn: No. 141 . March -8-0. R. MCGREGOR, B.Sc.(Eeon.) (Bedford College) • The FamilY ;Today , Sopiano.Solds by-SHIRLEYJOMPSETT • • / A Sprini 'Morning . .•: .• Grieg . I Love Thee • .: . Grieg. ' Flynin .Nd. 59. March 15—JOHN LEWIS, Ph.D:.(Morley'College) 'T "Science,- Faith" and' Scepticism' ' '1. • Piario: Solos•by JOYCE'LANOLEY March 22—F, H. A. MICELEWRIGHT, M.A., F.ItHist.S. Moral Practice and the Easter Legend Bass Solos by G. C. Dowman With Joy th'Impatient Husbandman .. Haydn Still Wie Die Nacht .. Carl Bohm Hymn: No. hi . March 29—Easter, No Meeting April 5—RICHARD PETERS, Ph.D. (Dept. Psychology, Birkbeck allege). Thomas Hobbes and his "Leviathan" Today (Thomas Hobbes born April 5, 1588) SOUTH PLACE SUNDAY EVENING CONCERTS, 68th SEASON Concerts 6.30 p.m. (Doors open 6 p.m.) Admission 2s. March 1—ST:CECILIA TRIO Beethoven in E flat, Op. 70, No. 2; Ravel; Brahms in B, Op. 8r. March 8—LONDON STRING QUARTET. THEA KING Mozart in B flat, K. 458; Brahms in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2; Frankel Clarinet Quintet, Op. 28. March 15=HIRSCH' STRING QUARTET • Beethoven in E flat, Op. 74; Dvorak in F, Op. 96; Mendelssohn in E flat, . Op. 12, No. 1. March 22—MACGIBBON STRING QUARTET Beethoven in D, Op. 18, No. 3; Hindemith No. 6; Dvorak in a, Op. 106. March 29—No Concert Officers Hon. Treasurer: E. I. FAIRHALL Hon. Registrar: Mas. T. C. LINDSAY Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, W.C.1 Secretary: J. HUTTONHYND The Monthly Record is posted free to members anckAssociates. The Annual charge to subscribers is 8s. Matter for publication in the April issue should reach the Editor, G. C. Dowman, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, W.C.1, by March 5. •• The Objects Of the Soeiety'are the study and dissennMation of ethical principles and the cultivation of a rational religious sentiment. Any person in sympathy with these objects is cordially invited to become a Member (minimum annual cubscription is 12s. 6d.), or Associate (minimum annual. Subscrintion 7s. 6d.). Life membership .£13 2s. 6d. Associates are not eligible io vote or hold office. Enquiries' should be made of the. Registrar' to whom subscriptions should be paid. • - • The MONTHLY RECORD VoL 64 No. 3 MARCH 1959 Sixpence C 0 N T•E N T S NOTES OF THE MONTH, Custos S.P.E.S. PRESENTS ... 5 THE LIMITATIONS OF MAN, Dr. W. E. Swinton 7 CONFLICTING LOYALTIES IN MODERN SOCIETY, T. 11 Pear . 8 JOURNEY TO THE FAR EAST, Richard Clements 10 FATHER OR FLEECER?, Archibald Robertson 1 CONWAY DISCUSSION 14 CORRESPONDENCE .. I 5 ACTIVITIES OF KINDRED SOCIETIES 19 SOCIETY'S OTHER ACTIVITIES .,... 19 The views expressed in this journal are noinecessarily dhose of the Society Note. of the Month ALT-Houck WE MAY 1-tAvg the worst of the winter yet to come, occasional. spring-like days cheer our hearts and we look forward optimistically to the better days when the governments of both the East and the West will sink their differences and allow the peaceful citizen to cultivate his garden in • tranquillity. • Both Eisenhower and Macmillan seem ready to talk with Russia who, if we are to believe either of them, are equally anxious to adjust their differ- ences and certainly the vast majority of people on both sides will back them whole-heartedly. Clements Memorial Prize 1958 The 'prize of £50 was awarded to lan Spooner, .aged 31, of Amershain for a trio (clarinet, viola and cello). The adjudicators were William Alwyn, Malcolm Arnold. and Matyas Seiber and the number of entrants, twenty- nina. -As a boy, Ian Spooner was interested in jazz and extemporised on the clarinet and trumpet. After National Service, he decided to specialise in • serious music, so he studied the piano and joined evening classes in corn- 3 position. In 1952. he left the bank where .he was employed and entered Trent Park Training College, specialising .in music. He obtained a scholar- ship to the Trinity College of Music and by 1958 had reached B.Mus. standard. He is now teaching harmony, is choir. master and organist and finds time for composition and study. On January 31. at 6.40 p.m. the Clements Memorial Prize had the dis- tinction of providing two works for a concert on the Third Programme. The announcer said: "We are broadcasting a concert consisting of two works by two British coniposers who have come into prominence since the war. They are Racine Fricker and him Hamilton. In each case the work is the one which first brought its composer to the general notice of the public: each won a Clements Memorial Prize and was first performed at the South Place Concerts, Conway Hall, London." The, works were Wind Quintet, Op. -5 by Racine .Fricker. 1947, and String Quartet. No. 1 by lain Hamilton, 1950. Church Finance From time to time, something happens which- draws attention anew to the old question of church finance. It is notorious that the churches have long been the focal points of "big business" in a particular domain. Many years ago, Upton Sinclair wrote an American exposure entitled the Profits of Religion and it is curious that nobody has yet written a Ph.D thesis on a similar subject covering this country. The Roman Catholic Church in Eng- land is demanding at the present Moment that the 50 per cent maintenance grant on its schools should be raised to 75 per cent and should be applied to schools not yet covered, to any built after 1944 or in the future. Its plea is based upon poverty. Yet the new Pope advertises his forthcoming council which must cost a vast sum to put over, and everywhere there are signs ot church-building and the expansion of communities or the like. This state of affairs does not suggest poverty! We made a few enquiries concerning Roman Catholic finance but could get very little information. The parochial finances go through the hands of the bishop whilst those of an Order are dealt with by the superior. Apparently, the financial work is done by laymen and is kept strictly private although we should like to know how much of the money raised leaves this country to support the international body! One fact stand out. Unless a full disclosure of Roman Catholic finances is made to the public at large and the income of the Church properly demonstrated. this body can hardly expect taxpayers to dip further into their pockets to finance educational schemes with which the majority disagree and which many taxpayers will see as being positively harmful to the child mind. Striking Oil • In the case of the Church of England, we were equally befogged. We soon discovered that the Church Commissioners enjoy an income running into many millions of pounds per annum and that this income is disbursed for Church purposes, salaries and the like. The much-proclaimed poverty of the clergy seems still to leave plenty of room for highly-paid bishops besides a host of lay officials who batten well on the crumbs which fall from the rich man's table! But there are many other sources of income ranging from local endowments to the widow's mite so that we have been informed that the total gross income of the Church of England is well over £30 million a year. (If we have fallen for a piece of misinformation, it is the Church's own fault: they should publish a proper balance sheet!) Payment of its top people must be very satisfactory to themselves. For example, the Archbishop of Canter- bury receives £7,250 per annum and we are told that the income of the See of London is £5.200 per annum and that many other bishoprics are over 4 the £4,000 per annum level. In each case, the income is in addition tO free housing. This is not doing too badly as a recompense for discipleship of the Son of Man who had•nowhere to lay his head! Again, we have heard a certain amount of late concerning the "big business" dealings of the Church Commissioners. Apparently, they have sold out the bulk of their property investments and have entered such spheres as that of oil. Only the other day, they announced a profit of £350,000 earned by dabbling in the aluniinium ring. It is interesting that the Sociaffst weekly, Tribune, accused them in this matter of acting'in an anti-British-manner by'handing aluminium control over to the Americans! We do nof wish to 'go further concerning'questions of the capitalisation of assets by, the sale in some areas of former Church sites for commercial development at very large nurchase prices or, as we were informed concerning one diocese about two years ago, the raising of a £300,000 overdraft and its continuance :during the period of the "credit squeeze". The faet remains that those who are engaged'in the saving of souls after the manner established by the law of the land are also busily engaged in saving far more substantial and tangible assets.