武道学研究 46―(3) : 161―183, 2014〈日本武道学会第 46 回大会,第 1 回国際武道会議 報告〉

日本武道学会第 46 回大会,第 1 回国際武道会議 空手道専門分科会企画 報告 Specialist Subcommittee Meeting

世界の空手道事情 Karate in the World

日時:平成 25 年 9 月 12 日(木) Date & Time:September 12, 2013 15:40-17:30 場所:筑波大学 武道館第1 多目的道場および 5C416 教室 Venue:Multi-purpose Dojo No.1(Budokan) and 5C416 総合司会:奈蔵稔久(国際武道大学) General Chairperson:Toshihisa NAGURA, International Budo Univ.

報告 Report 司会 アレキサンダー ベネット(関西大学) ◦小山正辰(森ノ宮医療大学) Chairperson Alexander BENNETT, Kansai Masashi KOYAMA, Morinomiya University of University Medical Sciences 中学校武道必修化の現状 特別講演 「空手道を上達させるためのスキル」 Status quo of budo becoming compulsory in Special Address “Three Skills to Improve junior high school Karate” 司会 谷木龍男(清和大学) ◦豊嶋建広(麗澤大学) Chairperson Tatsuo YAGI, Seiwa Universitay Tatehiro TOYOSHIMA, Reitaku University エクササイズから長期プランにまで渡る多面的ト シンポジウム 「世界の空手道事情」 レーニングの応用と要因 Symposium “Karate in the World” ◦Abel FIGUEIREDO, Polytechnique Institute ◦Wojciech J. CYNARSKI, University of Rzeszów, of Viseu, Portugal Rzeszów, Poland Dialogue regarding intrinsic challenges for ヨーロッパの空手事情: karatedo teaching and practice: Multidimensional 「空手道は礼に始まり礼に終わることを忘れるな」 training variables and factors from exercise to Karate in Europe – Institutional development macrocycles planning and changes: “Karatedo wa rei ni hajimari, rei 司会 嘉手苅 徹(早稲田大学大学院) ni owaru koto wo wasuruna” Chairperson Toru KADEKARU, Graduate ◦浜崎鈴子(米国オレンジ郡空手道場) School of Suzuko HAMASAKI, US Orange County Karatedo Dojo, United States *当日,時間の関係で小山正辰氏の報告及び豊嶋 アメリカの空手事情 建広氏の特別講演はキャンセルとなりました。 Karate in America

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Karate in Europe – Institutional development and changes / Karate w Europie – instytucjonalizacja i zmiany: “Karatedo wa rei ni hajimari, rei ni owaru koto wo wasuruna”

Wojciech J. CYNARSKI Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów (Poland)


Aim From the perspective of the “humanistic theory of ” [Cynarski 2004, 2006a] and the “general theory of fighting arts” [Cynarski and Sieber 2012] the author tackles the problem of the main directions of changes and institutional development of karate in Europe. He puts forward a hypothesis that sportification is not a dominant direction of changes in karate. Method Three complementary test methods for qualitative analysis were used: an analysis of subject matter literature; long-term participatory observation and the method of expert courts (competent judges). There were five questions to karate Experts (prepared in 3 languages). 1. What is the main purpose of the karatedo? 2. What are the trends in karate (in Europe)? 3. How is karate spreading – how many people are participating in different countries? 4. What is the percentage of people participating in sports karate (for competitions)? 5. How compatible is the karate now practiced in your country with its Japanese and Okinawan origins? There were answers from 8 experts from Europe, all holders of the highest ranks 8-10 dan in different varieties of karate. Results The institutionalization of karate includes the creation of: organizations, new schools and regulations (e.g. concerning sports, fighting and arbitration), the teaching methods adopted and promotion through the ranks, the granting of licenses to instructors and referees, promotion to higher sports classes, etc. This leads to the establishment of new schools, most of which are inauthentic or eclectic. Many experts point out that sports rivalry is contrary to the spirit of karatedo. Some emphasize the teaching of real self-defense, whereas others stress the educational meaning of participation. Karate has been known in Europe for approximately 60 years and its sports formula, for the different varieties, has been developing alongside its practice. There is a large organizational breakdown, even within the framework of the same styles and also a clear trend to modernize “old” karate. Sportification of karate is not the only nor the most important change in European karate. It covers only a part of that area. Other trends in change concern the cultivation of old traditions, the modification of teaching and the progressive commercialization (in recreational karate and services related to it). Generally, we can distinguish: 1) a “pedagogical” or “humanistic” approach, where karatedo is a way of improving one’s personality; 2) the recreational treatment of practicing karate, and 3) a concentration on the utilitarian values of karate and the fight as an expression of the cult of power.

Key words: European karate, Sport, Martial art, Aims, Changes

* Wojciech J. CYNARSKI 氏の全文を最終ページに掲載

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アメリカの空手事情 渡 米(1950 年 代 か ら 1970 年 代 ま で ) Karate in America 以前は,USANKF(全米空手連盟)に 浜崎鈴子(米国オレンジ郡空手道道場) 技術顧問などで関わっていたが,現在 は 5 名の役員に 1 人のみとなる。 はじめに:“ 空手道 (Karate-do)” vs “ 空手・カラ 日本人指導者会の結成= 1994 年,北米 テ (Karate)” 空手道師範会設立(約 40 名の会員) 空手道の定義(1)沖縄空手術が日本本土で既存の 各道場で指導の他,文化交流会などで 武道文化を受け,技術・精神的 模範演武をし,親善活動を目指す。 で独自の発展を遂げたもの。 B.アメリカ人指導者:アメリカで日 (2)全日本空手道連盟所属系の流 本人指導者に習った 2 世軍 派・会派道場で修行した指導者 Karate”do” 修 行 へ の 繋 が り を 持 ち つ が指導する空手。 つ,指導に当たる者。 日本人との関係を切り捨て,自分で活 1.アメリカの Karate の一般的(アメリカ人が持 動する者。 つ)イメージ “あくまで karate = Gi とベルトを着用し,練習 *USANKF:WKF 傘下の公認全米連盟組織:地 する東洋武術” 域選抜大会―州大会―全国大会(通常 7 月) 理由:(1)映画やテレビの影響 (2)チェーン店的, Cash Prizeを出す試合が増える傾向 Karate Studio のイメージ *空手のイメージに関しては,アメリカ人だけで 3.国際化の問題点・考慮点 なく,一般の日本人に関しても定かではないこ 分化差の考慮:(1)縦社会と横社会 とに注意。 (2)過去(伝統継承)志向と未来(開 発)志向 2.アメリカにおける,日本からの空手 “道” 事情 (3)文化圏独自のスポーツ文化 方法:(1)日系コミュニティー:日系人の伝承文 共通点:健康な心身,自己練磨,人格形成,困難 化として の克服,協力,努力, (柔道・剣道・花道・茶道・書道などと 特異性:アメリカ=チームワーク 共に) (個性をチームで生かし,自分のポジショ 指導者は主に永住日本人や日系米人 ンで全力を尽くし,チームに貢献し,勝 利を得る。) (2)大学機関でのレクレーション・コース 武道=技と人間性を磨くため,生涯修行 やクラブ・スポーツとして を続けること。 UCLA の 例:(: Karate, , Aikido, etc.) 4.空手道の将来と役割とは? Caltech の 例:Japanese Karate Club as a traditional karate training (Shoto-kan karate club founded by Tsutomu Oshima in 1957)

(3)町道場 A.日本人指導者:殆どが空手指導で

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Dialogue regarding intrinsic challenges for karatedo teaching and practice: Multidimensional training variables and factors from exercise to macrocycles planning

Abel FIGUEIREDO Polytechnique Institute of Viseu – Portugal / CI&DETS; National Adviser of Coach Education Department of Portuguese Karatedo Federation; President on Portuguese Karate Coach Association; Vice-President of IMACSSS.


Karate is a martial art and combat sport present on the Combat Games developed by Sportaccord, and a recognized sport by International Olympic Committee, demonstrating its actual worldwide dimension of competitive format. This specialized format is linked with other sportive practice purposes such as recreational, fitness and self-defense. Education is the basic value from budo mainstream to Olympic principles. From Okinawan dream construction based on human ancient self-defense practices, this budo-sport achieve a worldwide institutionalization based on democratic principles and continue to maintain basic values supported on sundome requiring at same time, respect to other’s integrity while performing fighting techniques on a partner. The fighting body movements of karate include striking techniques delivered with special parts of the body to specific body targets, and actions must be realized in a fast, precise and powerful mode, respecting rules such as sundome norm in karate and practice. This ruled principles also applied to throwing, immobilizing, locking and strangling techniques that, even not all used in institutionalized competitive kumite format, they are practiced and developed in karatedo. Concretization is very linked with pattern evaluation of action, not only physical and cinematic but also strategic, linking tactic with psycho-social dimensions. Concretization of the technique must also be pure as required in and kumite rules. and are exercising dimensions also evaluated in various scholar (kaiha) kyu/dan grading, providing finalities to training planning. But kumite and kata constitute wide standards tasks to performance improvement in institutionalized competition and grading. Planning and periodization on training variables on a multidimensional way are difficult to establish unless we can make measurements to evaluate the way the practice conduct the performance to required marks and targets. In this paper we will centre the analysis on the multidimensional interpretation of the fighting motricity that characterize karatedo, and more on its intrinsic nature than on extrinsic structure, because they are these motrice actions that from utilitarian to non-utilitarian activities, transforms on contexts such as art and sport. From the fight concept based on others body as target and objective (Figueiredo, 1997) of actions, we conclude that the fighting actions in sport and art transcend the utilitarian action of fight (idem, 2009). Even if not unanimously recognized (Reid and Croucher, 1983) this fighting utility is there, but surpassed. From real to symbolic body as target, if you miss the basics of the action, it’s because you’re not fighting but “dancing” or

― ―165 武道学研究 46―(3) : 161―183, 2014 only moving even in “perfection” when compared to a pattern or a measure of time and space. And competitive karate rules in kumite and kata tend to maintain alive this invented contradiction between martial spirit and educational purposes. Starting from Human Motricity concept (Sergio, 1979; 1987), and focusing on the concept of motrice action (Figueiredo, 2006) based on Eugénia Trigo (1999) and Paul Ricoeur (1977), the development of the concept of motrice action of ritualized fighting (Figueiredo, 2009) is actualized on fighting motrice action. Based on a micro- vision and using mesoscopic model, the intégratrice (Lipovetsky, 2004) attitude stimulate us to identify the multidimentions of the nature understanding of the action: bio-motricity; psycho‑motricity; and socio-motricity. We link those basic dimensions (bio-psycho-social) with five training factors (Bompa, 1990; 1999) and, based on task realization conditionings (Famose, 1990), we developed them, on a way the dimensional training factors could be crossed by task conditions based on disciplinary explanation, achieving training factors variables as a support to measurement criterions on performed motrice action observed by principles such us concretization (reaching a target or doing something proposed), measurement (achieving a space or time measure) and standardization (achieving a form). The biomotricity dimension is developed on three main factors: physical (biophysiological conditionings), technical (biomechanical conditionings) and tactical (bioinformational conditionings). The psychomotricity dimension is focused in psychological factor (affective and emotional conditionings). The sociomotricity dimension is developed on a theoretical factor that we call socio-cultural factor (norms, values and symbolic conditionings). These are the bases of the model for microscopic intervention such as exercises – the tools for teaching and training the human development. Also on mesoscopic cycles of planning, simplicity should not be incoherent with multidimensional bases. And, on macroscopic cycles, super compensation of variables should be reached and support the intentionality of the practice exercising, and socio variables need longer exercising cycles than psychological to supercompensate. And psychological variables need longer cycles than biological. But after all, cycles are always multidimensional and experienced coaches and teachers achieve expertize to lead and link the new with the old constructing innovative models in a reflexive mode linking thinking, feeling and acting, doing culture.

References 1)Bompa and Tudor, Theory and Methodology of Training - The Key to Athletic Performance, Dubuque-Iowa, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2nd Ed., 1990. 2)Bompa and Tudor, Periodization: Theory and Methodology of Training, Champaign, Human Kinetics, 4th Ed., 1999. 3)Famose and Jean-Pierre, Apprentissage Moteur et Difficulté de la Tâche, Paris, INSEP, 1990. 4)Figueiredo, Abel, Os Desportos de Combate nos Programas de Educação Física [Combat Sports in Physical Education Syllabus], Horizonte - Revista de Educação Física e Desporto, Lisboa, XIV(80), pp. 36-39, 1997. 5)Figueiredo, Abel, A Institucionalização do Karaté – Os Modelos Organizacionais do Karaté em Portugal [The institutionalization of karate – Karate organizational models in Portugal], PhD Thesis, non-published, Technical University of Lisbon, 2006. 6)Figueiredo, Abel, The object of study in martial arts and combat sports research – Contributions to a complex whole, in: Cynarski, Wojciech (Ed.), Martial Arts and Combat Sports – Humanistic Outlook, Rzeszów,

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Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, ISBN 978 83 7338 439 2, pp. 20-34, 2006. 7)Lipovetsky, Gilles and Charles, Sébastien, Les Temps Hypermodernes, Paris, Éditions Graseet & Fasquelle, 2004. 8)Sérgio, Manuel, Prolegómenos a uma Ciência do Homem, in: Instituto Superior de Educação Física, Ludens, 4(1), 1979 / in: Filosofia das Actividades Corporais, Lisboa, Compendium, pp. 115-143, 1981. 9)Sérgio, Manuel, Para uma Epistemologia da Motricidade Humana, Educação Física e Desporto, Lisboa, Compendium, 1987. 10)Reid, Howard and Croucher, Michael, The Way of the Warrior – The Paradox of the Martial Arts, London, Century Publishing, 1983. 11)Ricoeur, Paul, Le Discours de l’Action, in: La Sémantique de l’Action, Paris, Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique, pp. 1-137, 1977. 12)Trigo, Eugenia, Creatividad y Motricidad, Barcelona, INDE Publicaciones, 1999.

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Wojciech J. Cynarski 氏の全文

Karate in Europe – Institutional development and changes / Karate w Europie – instytucjonalizacja i zmiany: “Karatedo wa rei ni hajimari, rei ni owaru koto wo wasuruna”

Wojciech J. CYNARSKI Faculty of Physical Education, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów (Poland)

Introduction more effective. For example, Roland Habersetzer Research into the influence of numerous [1994] incorporated elements of Chinese quanfa cultural processes on changes in martial arts (dragon, crane style etc.) for descriptions of the does not only concern karate. On the one hand, technical and tactical elements of karate. Finally, it concerns mega processes, such as he created a Tengu-ryu system, in which the globalization, on the other, the smaller ones with same solutions of combat at various distances a different strength of impact such as are applied to karate practice, kobudo (using the ‘sportification’, the need to adapt to a variety of traditional cold steel) and ho-jutsu (shooting) purposes and functions, or the willingness to according to Habersetzer’s own style and school. modernize. Sportification covers various This author rejects sports karate. According to components of budo arts [Matsunaga et al. 2009: his interpretation the way of karate is the way 32]. Shun Inoue describes budo as a ‘modern of humanity, but, if necessary, it can be used in invention’, the modernization of the old bujutsu actual combat [Habersetzer 2007, 2008]. (a system of martial arts). Budo, judo in Similarly, Peter K. Jahnke created Zendo karate particular, became a component of the Japanese tai-the-tao i.e. the humanistically-oriented “Way education system. It concerned a specific of hand of peace” [Jahnke 1992; Sieber 2011]. ‘invention of tradition’ to Western sport [Inoue Martial arts such as karate, and 1992, 1998: 92]. Martial arts are alive, they are aikijutsu, which have been researched for a long developed and modified. Their evolution is time, are still practiced and undergoing a moving in different directions. This applies to process of evolution and institutionalization the ancient Chinese kung-fu for example, which [Haines 1968; Cynarski, Obodyński 2005; is practiced in the classical form, or as the sport Słopecki 2010; Cynarski 2012]. Despite the wushu, or is modified in the direction of centuries-old tradition, new goals bring both technical and tactical modernization. Bruce Lee ideological changes, as well as changes to the argued with the traditionalists and presented content of the curriculum. On the other hand, his observations on the limitations of different Judo-Do was Julius Fleck’s response to the one- varieties of combat sports and martial arts [Lee sidedness of sport judo. It included both 2003: 38-45]. The author gave an example to technical developments (new projections, other creative people in the field of martial arts counter techniques, combinations) and who establish new systems, methods or martial ideological ones [Klinger-Klingerstorff 1951; arts schools, advertised as more modern or Cynarski 2009]. Sports judo is changing,

― ―168 空手道専門分科会企画 報告:世界の空手道事情 especially due to the development of sport (kenpo), U.S. TAI Karate and Zendo karate tai- science [Sasaki et al. 1993 IMAF 2000; Cynarski te-tao from Germany. “These are modern 2004: 229-231; Sikorski 2010]. Various martial systems, flexible and unrestrained by a sports arts, including karate are subject to these formula. There are no suicide techniques in real changes. The author decided to undertake a battles, or kicking which is inconsistent with study of the problem, what the trends are and human anatomy and biomechanics, as is the the institutionalizing of karate in Europe. He case in some of the older schools. The main raises the hypothesis that sportification is not advantages of these systems are variable the dominant direction of change in karate. The positions, natural movements, speed, leaving the problem here is analyzed from the perspective line of attack and soft blocks, serial, ‘chain’ of the “humanistic theory of martial arts” attacks and sensitive areas, which are the target [Cynarski 2006a] and the “general theory of of these attacks. [Cynarski 2004: 222-223; cf. fighting arts” [Cynarski, Sieber 2012]. Sieber 2011]. For example US TAI Karate is a The most important modern synthesis typical eclectic style. It was founded by David should include an introduction to the tactical German 10 dan, who used to practice jūjutsu principles of karate and some techniques of (under the supervision of sensei Kimura), jujutsu by H. Otsuka (10 dan Wado-ryu) around American Kenpo from Ed Parker and kung-fu. 1934-1935. Then between 1951 to 1957 M. The style was presented in 1962 in Las Vegas Oyama introduced selected Korean (high back for the first time. The name means: Transition, and rotating ), Chinese (circular blocks and Action, Incorporated (T.A.I.) – kenpo/karate/ interceptions) and Thai (low kicks, knee attacks) kung-fu system. It embraces techniques from techniques to karate . The “anti-style” jūjutsu (self-defense and ne-waza), elements of to sport karate was created in 1975 as Zendo Chinese origin, wrestling and . Apart karate tai-te-tao, also known as – Idokan karate from hand techniques, armed elements (e.g. kata [Sieber, 2001]. The creator of this style, Peter sai) are also practiced. Virgil D. Kimmey (10 dan Jahnke borrowed some technical and tactical tai karate) transferred it to Europe where it is elements from Otsuka, and others from the also presented by sensei Lothar Sieber and Chinese kenpo (chain techniques, trap blocks) Hannelore Sieber (dōjō in Munich). and taekwondo. This style is developed by the current soke – L. Sieber 10 dan [Lind 1999: 564; Methods Cynarski 2009: 19-23] and the sponsoring Three complementary test methods for organization is the Dan Federation of Zen Do qualitative analysis were used; analysis of Karate Tai Te Tao and Budo (DFK). DFK does subject matter literature; a long-term not incorporate countries or the institutions participatory observation1, and the method of representing them, but rather the master expert courts (competent judges). teachers from only a few countries. The interviews on European karate (expert In opposition to the styles focused mainly courts), were conducted in late December 2012 on sports e.g. karate , Shito-ryu and and February 2013 with 8 experts from different Kyokushin (and their derivatives), there schools, styles and organizations. The highest- emerged a “new quality” in the form of styles ranking Masters were related to Chinese varieties: American kempo Lothar Sieber from Germany 10 dan (Zendo

― ―169 武道学研究 46―(3) : 161―183, 2014 karate tai-te-tao), Rudolf Jakhel from Slovenia 9 regarded by them as contrary to the spirit of dan (sport karate), Roland Habersetzer from karatedo. France 9 dan (Tengu-ryu), Sergio Mor-Stabilini Classic karate, the authentically traditional from Italy 8 dan (Sankukai), Harald Weitmann not the activity which has usurped its name, from Germany 8 dan Okinawa karate) and 3 does not need sports rivalry. The original leaders of Polish karate: Jan Dyduch 8 dan Okinawan karate, Isshin-ryu or Doshinkan reject (Oyama karate), Juliusz Piwowarski 8 dan (all- sport competition. The same applies to the style karate) and Aleksander Staniszew 8 dan Zendo karate style Tai-Te-Tao (Idokan karate) (Shorin-ryu). They represent different karate which originated in Germany. Here sports organizations and 6 of them belong to the Dan rivalry is rejected as harmful for the personal International Committee of the IPA. Several development of people practicing it [Sieber 2001, other experts did not respond. 2011; Sieber, Cynarski 2002-2003; Cynarski, The study of the current situation in Sieber 2007]. European karate consisted of five questions to A Polish karateka Peter Szeligowski (4th the karate experts (prepared in 3 languages – dan karate Kyokushin), referring to two English, German and Polish) as follows: i) What prominent and famous masters Gogen is the main purpose of the karate-do? ii) What Yamaguchi and Masutatsu Oyama, said that are the trends in karate (in Europe)? iii) How is first of all, sports karate is understood as the karate spreading – how many people opposite of budo karate. The result is the participating in the different countries? iv) What commercialization of sports shows and reduces is the percentage of people taking part in karate the aim of practicing karate to achieve mastery competitions? v) How compatible is your current in this kind of sport. Secondly, there is a lack of style of karate with its Okinawan and Japanese genuine passion. Karate becomes one of many origins? activities, which are reduced to recreation. Thirdly, it is treated as a business and an Results instructor becomes a businessman. On the other Let us start with the analysis of the subject hand, the meaning of budo karate, as a pathway literature. Roland Habersetzer from France 9 of the warrior, is revealed while abiding by the dan (Tengu-ryu) says that budo is becoming virtues of purity, honor, courage, kindness and more of an art of living. Karate training tests the pursuit of truth [Szeligowski 2009: 271-276]. itself in self-defense, in the struggle for life, not Some strange, new styles are created, e.g. in sport competitions [Habersetzer 2008]. For as karate-do tsunami – the expression of revolution long as and against traditional karate. Its creator Richard were alive sport competitions were not Murat enforces his own rules, and practices organized in their schools, as they were karate combined with Zen Buddhism [Murat

1 The author has been practicing karate (Shotokan, Kyokushin and others) since 1980. He holds 8 consecutive kyu ranks in Kyokushinkai and is an instructor of this style. From February 1993 he has been practicing karate Idokan (Zendo karate tai-te-tao), as uchideshi of master Lothar Sieber. He was a runner-up in the kata competition at the tournament of the IMAF 2000. He received 4 dan in nihonden karate and kobudo, and 7 dan in karate Idokan. He actively participates in the circle of Polish and European karate as a leader of the IPA and IMACSSS.

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2003; Cynarski, Litwiniuk 2005]. The original New clubs and organizations were registered organization of this style explicitly rejected any along with their new rules of functioning. At the sporting competition, explaining that sport same time, institutions of sports karate and karate is a negation of the idea of karatedo. varieties preserving a non-sport character of The most popular varieties of karate in karate were being developed. Poland and Europe are still Shotokan and During the conference The perception of Kyokushin and sport competitions are organized Budo – Global Trends at the Japanese Academy in both of these styles [Cynarski, Walczak 2009]. of Budo 45th General Assembly Commemoration Studies of taekwondo practice found that Symposium (Tokyo, September 6-7, 2012) only 20% of adults are interested in sport Dr Tatehiro Toyoshima presented a paper competition whereas 60% of children are is also entitled Internalization of Karate, where he true for the karate milieu [Hartl, Faber, and generalized some insights into the adaptation of Bögle 1989]. Competition is something attractive sports karate in the United States. Is the for young people and for sports organizers globalization of karate always associated with competitions are a way of attracting sponsors sportification? It was rather connected with the and popularizing the activities of the internationalization of karate, and in some ways, organization. Thus, in Europe, sports karate has its Americanization. been developing for over 50 years [cf. Hartl, Faber, and Bögle 1989; Modern Sports Karate There is a global spread of karate. Today it Associates 2011] and in Poland for over 40 years. is being practiced in the world by 50-100 million On the other hand, many supporters still people. These are the Okinawan, Japanese and preserve the traditionally understood karatedo contemporary styles created outside the i.e. the way of the warrior studying martial arts Japanese islands. The process of promotion is [cf. Kogel 2010]. This is often connected with accompanied by the process of sportification undertaking studies of karate at the source – in and organizational development. Japan, in Okinawa and also in China. Karate has been practiced in Europe since The institutionalization of karate includes the 1950s. In 1954 The Federation Francaise the formation of organizations, new schools, Karate & Box Libre (FFKBL) was established. rules and regulations (e.g. concerning sports, Henry D. Plee (today 10 dan) – started in 1957- fighting and arbitration), adopted teaching 58 after training with H. Mochizuki (karate methods and promotion to the ranks, granting Yoseikan) and T. Murakami (karate Shotokan), licenses to instructors and referees, promotion whereas another French sensei Roland to higher sports classes, etc. [Cynarski 2006b; Habersetzer (9 dan) has been practicing karate Cynarski et al. 2009; Cynarski, Walczak 2009; since 1958. Cynarski, Litwiniuk 2011]. In the early days it required adaptation of legal procedures to the 1957 saw the beginning of karate in phenomenon of karate and the other Asian Germany with Jürgen Seydel, in Bad Homburg martial arts that have emerged in Europe, and [Pflüger 1969]. Since 1965 Hiroshi Shirai (today adjustment of the karate environment to these 10 dan, ITKF) has been active in Italy. Thanks regulations. Thus new national and international to (today 10 dan) in 1966 federations have established their own rules. the Karate Union of Great Britain was created.

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In the same year Jacques Delcourt founded the WKF includes 130-160 countries (national European Karate Union (EKU), and five years teams) and since 1999 it has been recognized by later the IKU. In 1968 the All European Karate the IOC. The President is Antonio Espinosa Federation was created. In October 1970 the from Spain. WKF records organizations in the WUKO was founded (as the federation for non- four major Japanese karate styles: Shotokan, contact karate), in the Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Shito-ryu, Goju-ryu, and Wado-ryu. In the EKF during the 1st World Karate Championship (subordinate to WKF) only 53 countries are [Aritake 2009]. registered.

A pioneer of karate Kyokushin in the In sport karate in addition to non-contact Netherlands and contact karate in Europe was competitions (as in WKF), there is the knock- Jon Bluming (today 10th dan). Other leaders of down formula propagated mainly by the this style in Europe are Loek Hollander and International Kyokushinkai Organization. There Steve Arneil. These contact varieties (knock- is a similar situation in the World Oyama Karate down system) are moving towards such sports Organization, which was set up by Shigeru formulas as K-1 and in general, towards Oyama in 1983 [Feather, 2005]. . An example could be the careers of such renowned karatekas as Andy Hug. After the death of Masutatsu Oyama (1923- Similarly, this also applies to athletes in the non- 1994) the Kyokushinkai organization broke up, contact varieties, who like Dominique Valera, in Japan itself and globally and its division into also went into -boxing. 11 organizations. One of them is the Kyokushin World Federation and the European Kyokushin The organization of WAKO – the World Federation (29 countries represented). The All-Style Karate Organization (1977) changed its leaders of this organization are Loek Hollander name to the World Association of Kickboxing 8 dan from the Netherlands and Andrzej Organizations (1982), in this way practitioners of Drewniak 7 dan from Poland. There are 9 other all-style karate sports became kick-boxers. organizations which are derived from the IKO. The biggest one is the Oyama International In co-operation with FAJKO2 WUKO was Karate Federation, in which the current leader founded. On Nov. 4th, 1993 WUKO was is Jan Dyduch 8 dan from Poland. transformed into WKF. J. Delcourt remained its leader. Then on 15 September 1995 – ITKF was Sport karate is different from karate as a transformed into WKF TK. The leader of this martial art. There are different goals, meaning, group was (1928-2009) 9 methods of training and technical and tactical dan karate Shotokan and after his death, preferences. Sport karate is evolving in the Richard Jorgensen from Canada became the direction of the effectiveness of techniques leader. ITKF lists 63-74 members. At present it tailored to the sporting rules of combat and operates outside WKF. arbitrary regulations.

2 FAJKO was the most important Japanese organisation for karate. Now, it is the Japan Karate Federation (JKF).

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In addition to ‘free-style’ and ‘all-styles’ or ki energy. However, ki is not something karate, there are non-style or outside-style magical, it is part of using correct technique. varieties focused on free fighting, or similar in In general, it is both important to improve methods of training and competition to kick- the nature of the person exercising, as well as boxing. These are practiced in the U.S.A., to achieve real skills. In the first place Europe and various other countries worldwide personality is influenced by religion and ethics, [cf. Ambrose, Brewing 2008; Cynarski, Ziemiński such as the Ten Commandments. The 2010]. secondary impacts are: self-discipline, self- control, respect for others, responsibility and Karate, which is not focused on sports tolerance, all which you can work out in the competition or totally rejects it, is taught by way of martial arts. one-style organizations, private schools and According to Shihan John Dyduch masters operating within section of multi-style (President OYAMA PFK, 8th dan karate Oyama), federations. Such a kind of karate is propagated the main objective way of karate is harmonious for example by the Japanese Academy of Budo psychological human development within the (JAB), Kokusai Budo Renmei (IMAF), various meaning of holistic. international martial arts federations and Dr. Alexander Staniszew (kyoshi, 8th dan) national ones such as DDBV, DJJR or IPA. states that the current goal of karate is What do the experts say? particularly “training”.

What is the main purpose of the karate-do? What are the trends in karate (in Europe)? Meijin Lothar Sieber 10 dan explains that: LS: Traditional karate loses out, people Kara means void, to empty, to purify of want to practice modern karate, without selfishness and anger. Te signifies clear mind, military drill. Traditional karate is becoming heart and hands. This applies both to Japanese history. There are more styles and schools, karate as well as to primary taekwondo every sensei wants to be soke and earn money according to the teaching of General Choi Hong from it. These are often people who have not Hi. acquired any higher ranks. While practicing However, for a beginner the most important something, they create new styles, new names, is self-defense. All karate clubs and yet no good technique. organizations advertise that they teach self- JD: A further organizational breakdown of defense. However, only a few styles actually do the whole discipline. In the systems of contact it3. There is too much sport here and too little karate known to me there is a successive taking real self-defense, so many people leave and stop over and controlling of the European structures practicing. A fairly common occurrence is by international organizations based in Japan. In adding some mythology to karate, creating terms of sport, there is a widening of the gap legends. This applies to the legends of the between many different systems of martial arts masters, the exceptional efficiency of techniques laws. In media, karate will still be a niche

3 L. Sieber agrees with remarks concerning the rules of self-defense described by K. Kernspecht [Kernspecht 1988; 2011].

― ―173 武道学研究 46―(3) : 161―183, 2014 discipline. The media shows decreasing interest maintained by the prevailing traditional karate in karate in favor of more spectacular events in styles) and showed a clear increase in the MMA or K-1, K-1 Max systems. pragmatic wish to learn to fight. This Karate will be developing towards longitudinal study (1970-99, i.e., 30 years) is now recreation, with a growing number of children over 13 years old, meaning such a trend must and people over 35. A high organizational, be even more visible today. The primary need training and sports level continues in Western of people to acquire fighting skills is nowadays Europe (Poland, United Kingdom, France, also evident in the spread of “hard combat” Germany, Italy, and Spain) and in Russia. derivations of karate - kick-boxing, Thai-boxing, AS: Recent trends are clearly moving in the K1, cage rage, ultimate fighting etc. And on the direction of “a healthy and fun way to spend other hand traditional karate has in the last 15- your time.” 20 years or so lost around half of its Rudolf Jakhel (9 dan) answered the first and practitioners (there are no statistics on that). second questions: My presentation in Genoa, as The more karate agents will insist on aims well as my book [Jakhel 1988], I hope expresses away from or beyond the very sense of any a relatively clear vision that karate-do nowadays combat sport by emphasizing the quasi higher, is much different from how it declares itself to spiritual aims, the more karate will lose its be. Already in its early years in Japan, and all attraction to young people…This requires more the more since its globalization it has become in-depth research since the source of that gradually obvious that it is “just” another problem seems to emanate from the Japanese combat sport, not having anything to do with “modernization” of Okinawan karate – for that the Japanese Bushido, not even with Zen- see the works of Bruce Haines and Werner Lind Buddhism at all (the claimed core of traditional who inspired my summary of karate’s history in karate). That is evident also from the article the form of a critical essay also attached here (if enclosed, found at the Wikimedia Commons (it it is interesting enough, I could prepare it for must have been put there by one of the agents publication in that journal of yours). of traditional karate him/herself, otherwise it wouldn’t have been published there at all). On How is karate spreading- how many people the one hand there is what the various are participating in different countries? prominent representatives of karate-do LS: Zendo karate tai-te-tao is practiced only (Japanese, Okinawan, European, American….) by a few people in the centers in Germany and are declaring karate to be, and on the other, the Poland. For many years international seminars completely opposite view as to why people were also held in Spain4. actually start learning karate. Our article (with JD: Unfortunately, I have not done such Dr. Pieter) on the motives of karate beginners studies so have no statistics. In Oyama karate which you already know well, discussed the there are about 8,000 members in Europe. radical decline in the irrational “spiritual” AS: There is no reliable information, which expectations (massively and consistently can be quoted. The only official information

4 There is also a school of Zendo-ryu karatedo, which derminated from this style and is practiced in Greece and Germany.

― ―174 空手道専門分科会企画 報告:世界の空手道事情 comes from i.e. the only (even if taking part in competition was not their place it the world where karate has a “national” motive in taking up karate, with time they status. realize the use of such competitions for their By the end of the twentieth century, one primary need (cf. our study on motives). could rely on official sources in Okinawa And secondly, success in competitions is Prefecture, saying that karate is practiced in the the most evident proof for the quality of the world by about 55 million people in more than participating associations. If they wish to remain 170 countries. Today in the twenty-first century, attractive to young people (in the present time the number of trainees is estimated at “tens of when their attraction is generally sinking) they millions”. All data is imprecise – the number of must include preparation for sports fighting on karatekas is not counted. At stake is also a their agenda or at least tolerate it, even if it question of what we mean by the word karate. might be completely opposite to their declared RJ: These are statistical data which might goals or missions. (I wrote an essay that touches be collected by the official and non-official on that theme). The most evident proof for that international /world karate associations (which I is the “modern” karate school Nambudo which assume you know more closely). However, the originally (in the 1980’s) emphasized its distance right question here should be: how many are from sports fighting but with time could not “still” practicing karate, or even better, how avoid participating in karate competitions. many beginners “still” start karate each year in However, competition training has been comparison with previous years. I doubt included in Shotokan training as a consequence anybody would have such numbers. of Yoshitaka’s leadership - as opposition to separatists… or so one finds in various What is the percentage of people in sports interpretations of the strongest karate style. So, karate (for competition)? why is the percentage of competing karate LS: Maybe about 20% of people practice sportsmen important at all? To what aim? karate for sports karate competitions. How compatible is the karate now practiced JD: In OYAMA PFK approximately 60% of in your country with its Japanese and Okinawan clubs and 20-25% of practitioners. origins? AS: The unanswered question - given LS: Okinawan karate is the original and earlier [about the variety of karate]. quite complete. However, Funakoshi’s karate RJ: This seems to be even less stable data. was more like fitness practiced more for health But, thinking about it consequently, one can and psychophysical fitness. Currently, modern assume that all karate associations which do not varieties are practiced, mixed with kickboxing, emphasize their distance or opposition to sports etc. fighting competitions do prepare their Fewer and fewer people are interested in practitioner for that or at least do not hinder classic styles, more and more people want to them from taking part in sports fighting. For practice new styles. Modern karate is more that conclusion we have two bases. open to changes, modernization. For example First, newcomers primarily want to learn Zendo karate tai-te-tao is closer to the real how to fight and the only safe way of testing jujutsu and self-defense (jujutsu-karate) [cf. one’s progress is in sports fighting competition Sieber 2011].

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JD: This is a bit of a tricky question, The essence of karate is removed from the because the Oyama style was created by notion of winners and losers, trophies and prizes Shigeru Oyama, who was born in 1936 into a because the real opponent of the student is the Korean family, raised and educated in Japan, self. This was the main purpose of Karate even after 20 years of practicing Kyokushin karate in if this psychological target was misunderstood the United States. Oyama karate is a relatively all over the world for different purposes. young discipline that continues to grow and The word “karate” itself means “empty evolve, especially in Europe, where the shift hand” but this word also has very interesting away from the traditional methods and patterns and profound psychological implications. It of the Japanese style is clear and justified. means that we have the freedom to use our AS: It is difficult to answer it, because what hands to their full potential which symbolizes does the Japanese original mean? There is only not only a total liberation of oneself but also the one original, the Okinawan. “Japanese” karate is key to establishing a harmonious internal and far different from the original - an incomplete external life. copy. If you mix tea with beer, it is not going to Today we live in a mechanized, automated be either tea or beer. The same will be the case and sophisticated society whose tendencies with Okinawan karate and its Japanese copy. might develop further. The need for a well- RJ: Frankly speaking, in the light of the balanced life is magnified and the practicing of increasing prevalence of sports fighting, all karate, as well as other martial arts, should help references to karate’s Far Eastern origins, be to build a more stable psycho-physical existence. they Japanese or Okinawan, remain just However when karate was introduced to references and a commercial for those segments western countries, thanks to cinema, television of the population who are still seeking some and magazines, it was widely perceived as a spiritual level of self-realization and believe that purely physical art. It was also a competitive they will find it by training as karate-do. It sport at both amateur and professional levels would be very interesting to do some research controlled by individual promoters and to find out if karate has finally become more organizations. popular in the West than in its countries of Now we know that this was not the heart origin. And if so, why? Specifically, if karate has of karate. Its true essence is to train the body, an advantage over other combat sports because mind and spirit together in order to realize the of its higher spiritual mission, then how come so fullness of human potential. many non-Japanese combat “striking” sports Since the origins of karate are intertwined including boxing, Thai-boxing and muay-thai with Chan or Zen, this should be of interest to and even taekwondo are popular among all martial arts’ students. Understanding its Japanese young people, and how does this roots can help make their practice more compare with karate? There is also the question meaningful. Also the etiquette of karate has of how much the activities (and money?) of been largely forgotten in the modern practice. Butokukai is supporting karate in competition Formality, ritual courtesy and respect must be with the non-Japanese combat sports? practiced every day in order to cultivate a sense Sergio Mor-Stabilini (8 dan) gives the of self-awareness and sensitivity to the feelings following answer to all the questions: of others. Strict discipline, respect, courtesy and

― ―176 空手道専門分科会企画 報告:世界の空手道事情 sincere practice are the core elements to bear in sport, besides the organizations for extreme mind when teaching karate these days, in order sports such as contact sports, to promote semi to evaluate the uniqueness and individuality of and professional matches and probably only every student. small groups of traditionalist will remain to But today karate displays a variety of practice this martial art according to its original styles, teaching and methods and many other teaching. modern styles are physically transformed into In my opinion karate, as well as many other professional or semi-professional sports. martial arts, should not be turned into sports Nevertheless karate is today an extremely because sports rules contradict its etiquette, efficient form of physical conditioning, in self- formality, ritual courtesy, respect and search for defense, in developing discipline and a harmonious internal and external life. concentration. These are the direct, tangible The karate I practice and teach today benefits of studying karate and they are all (karate Sankido) is a strict, traditional Japanese highly relevant to the need of people today. style of karate into which I have tried to distil Nowadays karate, as well as contact and the essence of what I have learned about the semi-contact western sports is spread all over following martial arts in over fifty years of the world and organized into many different studying, practicing and teaching: international federations. Japanese martial arts – judo, karate In Europe the number of people enrolled in (Shotokan, Sankukai, Shito-ryu, Goju-ryu), the different national federations is around Nanbudo, aikido, , Tenshin Shoden Katori 200,000 and there are at least a million Shinto-ryu; practitioners worldwide. – wushu, taiji quan Some years ago the number of the (Yang and Chen style), xing-yi quan, yi quan, practitioners of karate was higher but today the bagua zhang, tong bei quan. introduction of contact, semi-contact and full- Karate Sankido aims to develop individuals contact sports, as well as other disciplines from of the highest moral character, individuals who Japan, China and the Philippines, hugely can then make significant contributions to increased choice society at large. The current situation in Europe now is Another goal of karate Sankido training is much more confused than before not only from to develop strong bodies which contribute to the massive introduction of contact and other health and a general sense of self-confidence and martial arts but mostly because people’s way of well-being. To reach the unity of body, mind thinking has changed. People today are living in and spirit it is necessary to return to the origins a computerized, automated society and this of martial arts. The modern interpretation of faster and faster world reduces people’s spare budo’s spirit is to help every student to train time. Moreover the lack of steadfastness does not as an isolated individual (no matter how not help the practice of karate as a martial art. good or skilled he or she is) because only by This kind of thinking will influence people’s sharing and learning from others do we future choices about whether to take up karate. ourselves become whole and fully realize our There will probably be many more-or-less human potential. organized federations to control karate as a As karate Sankido is founded on three

― ―177 武道学研究 46―(3) : 161―183, 2014 fundamental principles: BODY – MIND – 3) The study of karate develops both SPIRIT. I represented it with three circles discipline and concentration, skills that which is the Sankido emblem. It represents the can be used by children, students, artists three planets: Sun – Moon – Earth. and men and women from all walks of It is from the solar system, from space, that life. we find our harmony, and thanks to the These are the direct, tangible benefits of opposing strengths of the sun and the moon studying karate and they are all highly relevant (yang-yin) that we recreate on earth, we fully- to the needs of people today. To understand realize our human potential. karate today we may use the word “dojo” as a We have seen so far that the precursors of linking bridge with the historic traditions of this martial arts come not only from a martial art: the word “dojo”, or training hall, has its tradition but also from monks’ quest for spiritual origins in a Sanskrit word “Bodhimandala” perfection. In addition the Buddhist tradition meaning “place of enlightenment”. went from India to China and to Japan thought As such, it is quite different from a gym or Korea and the Ryukyu islands and along the a health club because the dojo is a place in way it was transformed, and became Zen which to foster a sense of community and Buddhism, based on Japanese culture. The belonging which distinguishes it from the physical techniques and exercises of isolated, alienated atmosphere that pervades Bodhidarma were also transformed along the other places of physical training. way. In conclusion I can assert that karate today Discussion has three tangible benefits for life in the 21st In literature promoting karate character century: improvement is indicated as the main goal of 1) Karate is an extreme form of physical karate training [Pflüger, 1969: 11]. S. Mor- conditioning that can be practiced by Stabilini and H. Weitmann (8th dan in modern men, women and children. It develops Okinawa karate) also believe that karatedo is aerobic fitness and strength and expected to improve the character of its maintains flexibility through a practitioners. Albert Pflüger (1941), 7 dan progressive training method. This Shotokan karate, the author of many books on training must be done only under the the rules of karatedo (as the motto of this work), supervision of certificated masters or has created Koshinkan karate. This illustrates instructors. the situation of European instructors creating 2) Karate is also one of the most efficient new schools independent from Japanese forms of self-defense which is very institutions. New schools and organizations were important in today’s society. Through founded by J. Bluming, H. Mochizuki, P. Jahnke, learning basic kicks, punches and blocks, R. Habersetzer, H. Mochizuki, S. Mor-Stabilini students learn specific combinations of and H. Weitmann. The martial art, karate, is techniques that are applied in particular changing the purpose of its practice. If a situations. Students are also taught to utilitarian purpose is retained, then self-defense develop an inner awareness for avoiding and fighting techniques will be improved. For potentially threatening situations. the new sports the teaching is adapted to the

― ―178 空手道専門分科会企画 報告:世界の空手道事情 needs of competitive sports. At other times, the karate. It concerns only a part of that main focus is on the educational and self- environment. Other trends relate to the realizational meaning of training. cultivation of the old traditions, the modification We generally distinguish between: 1) a of teaching (following the achievements in sport “pedagogical” or “humanistic” approach when sciences) and increasing commercialization karatedo is a way of improving personality (services in the “leisure industry”). [Funakoshi 1975; Jahnke 1992], 2) treating karate as entertainment, 3) focusing on the utilitarian Recapitulation values of karate and fighting , especially in The institutionalizing of karate includes the contact styles [cf. Oyama 1979]. The first is now creation of organizations, new schools, and a result of the humanization of martial arts, the regulations (e.g. concerning sports, fighting and second, which is now dominant in Europe comes arbitration), the adoption of teaching methods from its commercialization, while the third one and methods of promotion through the ranks, comes from the worship of power and the the granting of licenses to instructors and pursuit of the greatest efficiency in fighting. referees, promotion to higher sports classes, etc. The outcomes of studies conducted in the This leads to the establishment of new schools, environment of karate concerning motives for which are mostly inauthentic or eclectic. Many practicing this martial art sometimes give experts point out that sports rivalry is contrary conflicting results. The research conducted in to the spirit of karatedo. Some emphasize the Poland by Kuśnierz [2011] indicates that the teaching of real self-defense skills, whereas main motive is to obtain real self-defense skills. others stress the educational meaning of This is consistent with the opinion expressed by practice. L. Sieber. On the other hand, according to the Karate has been known in Europe for results of research a majority of Portuguese approximately 60 years and its sports formula, karatekas (in relation to enthusiasts of strict in the different varieties, has been developing sport) point to the principles of budo that give during this time. There is a large organizational deeper meaning to practicing karate [Rosa 2012]. breakdown, even within the framework of the This discrepancy may be apparent, however, same styles and also a clear trend to modernize when respondents had only a choice between “old” karate. The sportification of karate is not the sport meaning of karate and karate the only nor the most important change in understood as a martial art. European karate. It covers only a part of that Among the experts we can determine a area. Other trends of change concern the clear advantage for the proponents of the cultivation of old traditions, the modification of modernization of karate, in relation to the teaching and progressive commercialization (in declared guardians of tradition. Only Shihan recreational karate and the services related to Staniszew sees intrinsic value in the tradition of it). Okinawa. The others point to the need to We can generally distinguish: 1) a modify the techniques of karate or its teaching “pedagogical” or “humanistic” approach when methods or to an ideological foundation. karatedo is a way of improving personality The sportification of karate is not the only [Funakoshi 1975; Jahnke 1992], 2) treating karate nor the most important change in European as entertainment, 3) focusing on the utilitarian

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― ―182 空手道専門分科会企画 報告:世界の空手道事情

Możemy ogólnie wyróżnić: 1) podejście traktowanie rozrywkowe uprawiania karate; 3) “pedagogiczne” lub “humanistyczne”, gdy koncentracja na wartościach utylitarnych karate karatedo jest drogą doskonalenia osobowości; 2) i walce, jako wyraz kultu siły.

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