Rethinking Scout/ Sniper Employment in the Infantry Battalion What Scout/Snipers Should Be Doing by Capt Adam M
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Rethinking Scout/ Sniper Employment in the Infantry Battalion What scout/snipers should be doing by Capt Adam M. Fountain he purpose of this article is completely that we need to continue to address the way that we training to support counterinsurgency think about the role of snipers >Capt Fountain is assigned to II MEF. missions, we must not lose focus on sup- in the infantry battalion. My porting conventional operations. This Taudience is both commanders who wish is where we have missed the mark on to employ snipers as well as my brothers employing to our full capabilities. in the sniper community who may not revolve around counter-IED missions. be familiar with some of the nuances For Marine Corps snipers, this mindset What Infantry Battalion Scout/Snip- of the capabilities that we can bring to permeates our thinking because this is ers Are bear that can significantly increase the the way that we have been employed in We are taught in sniper school that decisive power of our supported units. combat and “the way we grew up” as a sniper is “a Marine highly skilled in For the purposes of this article, I focus snipers. Judging from my time serving fieldcraft and marksmanship who deliv- primarily on everything that scout/ as both an enlisted sniper and as an ers long range precision fire on selected sniper teams should be doing prior to officer commanding a sniper platoon, targets from concealed positions in sup- engaging targets with precision fire. My I think that what we believe a sniper port of combat operations.” hopes are to broaden the employment to be has become somewhat narrow in This definition, learned verbatim, can opportunities of sniper platoons across scope compared to the full capability be rattled off by any Marine sniper at the Marine Corps and put the “scout” that we can bring to bear. While I agree a moment’s notice. So why begin here? back into the term “scout/sniper.” The Bottom Line Up Front The past decade and a half of war in both Iraq and Afghanistan have proven that snipers are indeed a valuable force multiplier. We supported a few con- ventionally styled offensive operations during these wars; however, most of our time has been spent supporting counterinsurgency operations through counter-IED missions. These missions have been very effective in saving the lives of friendly forces and damaging the morale and manpower of the en- emy. Yet, this may be where we have gradually boxed ourselves in when it comes to thinking about the role of the scout/sniper and overall scout/sniper employment. If you ask any sniper who has served with an infantry battalion in The author, second from left, served as the Sniper Team Leader, V22, in Rama, Iraq. (Photo by a combat zone, their story will likely author.) Marine Corps Gazette • May 2020 49 IDEAS & ISSUES (GROUND COMBAT ELEMENT) Tactical Control Measure (TCM) Re- connaissance As far as what snipers can do to sup- port infantry, TCM reconnaissance is our biggest shortfall. The infantry needs to move quickly and decisively onto the objective. In order to do so, they need very specific knowledge of the area they are moving into. This is done at the small unit level through a leader’s recon- naissance where the unit leader and his subordinate element leaders go forward to confirm the TCMs that will be uti- lized when attacking the objective as well as the routes that the elements will use to infiltrate into those positions. At higher echelons of command, this sort of leader’s reconnaissance rarely happens and is primarily done through overhead The author’s squad supported the battalion snipers during deployment to Karmah, Iraq. The author (Santa hat) was the Squad Leader, 1st squad, 2d Platoon Co G. (Photo by author.) imagery, maps, UAV feeds, and, to a lesser degree, our ground-based recon- naissance units. Currently, the leader’s As any of us that have supported con- enabled them to plan the quickest and reconnaissance is conducted only after ventional operations either in training most decisive actions possible in order to the infantry is already on the deck and or in combat can attest, a sniper is far destroy the enemy and secure the objec- moving toward the objective. This con- more than just a guy in a ghillie suit tive. This is our primary mission and our strains the infantry to using preplanned shooting long distances from a hide site. ultimate goal. This should be the mind- routes, assault positions, and support by When in support of offensive operations, set we train to. When we think about fire positions as well as other TCMs, we normally conduct surveillance on ourselves as scout/snipers, we should that have been selected without prior the objective, report on the enemy, and see ourselves as much more than the confirmation on whether or not they control preparatory fires ahead of in- expert handlers of precision rifles and are actually tenable on the ground. fantry Marines in the assault. At some the masters of camouflage. We should With properly skilled reconnaissance time during the infantry’s assault, we be fully aware of what we can provide personnel on the deck, these TCMs can may begin engaging with precision fire to our supported units and have a well be confirmed or denied well ahead of by targeting enemy personnel based instructed appreciation for what we are L-Hour and adjusted if needed. If the on a predetermined target precedence. in conventional combat—the facilitators planned TCMs are not tenable, it can However, the effects of our precision of large-scale death and destruction. be of extreme importance to have men fires seem somewhat insignificant when The entire Marine Corps ultimately on the deck who can make educated compared to the close air support, artil- supports the infantry. The best way to and experienced recommendations for lery, and mortar fires that we facilitate determine the roles and responsibili- alternatives. Properly communicated, when prepping the objective ahead of ties of any supporting unit is to first these adjustments to TCMs can make our maneuver units. The precision fire look at the supported unit’s scheme of the infantry faster and more decisive. from a couple of weapons systems pales maneuver and then look at our own ca- Having preplanned and confirmed in- in comparison to the death and destruc- pabilities to determine how we can best filtration routes from the insert points tion that we are facilitating through the support them. This is the proverbial “ted to the assault positions and support by infantry rifle unit. This infantry unit is and ting” relationship (supported and fire positions is a game changer for the the main effort—the commander’s bid supporting) that is pounded into our infantry on the deck conducting the at- for success—which all other units are infantry officers daily at the Infantry tack. The time that it takes from when supporting. By our actions, we facilitate Officer Course. The infantry is continu- the ramp drops until they are conduct- as many of the enemy killed or neu- ously looking for ways to be faster and ing actions on the objective should be tralized as possible before the infantry more decisive in their actions. Speed, minimized to the utmost. This can be steps foot onto the objective. If our job surprise, and violence of action is the done by reconnaissance assets confirm- has been done to its fullest capability, name of the game and, as the infantry ing, at the very least, the landing zones, we have properly prepared the objective battalion’s organic reconnaissance asset, dismount points, infiltration routes, as- area with close air support and fires, and there are a few tasks that we should be sault positions, and support by fire posi- communicated vital information to the capable of conducting that will enable tions. Infiltration by our infantry can supported unit commanders, which has this. be assisted by reconnaissance personnel 50 Marine Corps Gazette • May 2020 conducting initial terminal guidance hard charging 0311s will have the saf- fi res should be the ultimate goal of our and acting as guides once linkup has est situation possible for the fi ght. In sniper teams. Anything that we can do been made with the supported units order to facilitate this, we need shap- to make this happen quickly and ef- on the deck. Properly communicated ing fi res that are decisive and fl exible fi ciently should be one of the primary and executed, the attack becomes much as well as forward observers who are focuses of training. faster and more decisive. The scout/ very familiar with controlling the assets sniper has suddenly become one of the providing indirect fi res and close air Advocating for Snipers battalion’s most valuable enabling as- support. As the infantry makes their The infantry schools for both offi cer sets—without even fi ring a single shot. infi ltration, and the fi re support teams and enlisted do not focus very much on (FiSTs) get into position to observe the employment of snipers and ground Prepping of the Battlespace for the fi res, the sniper teams initiating and reconnaissance assets. In an infantry Infantry observing these shaping fi res should battalion, the commanders who get Shaping the battlespace with close have a solid SOP for battle handover snipers attached to them do so with a air support and indirect fi res ahead of of fi res with the infantry unit’s FiST.