Hosking, David OH574
Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center Transcript of an Oral History Interview with DAVID F. HOSKING SR. Aircraft Mechanic and Door Gunner, Army, Vietnam War; Aircraft Mechanic and Door Gunner, National Guard, Career and Iraq War. 2004 OH 574 1 OH 574 Hosking, David F., Sr., (1944- ). Oral History Interview, 2004. User Copy: 1 sound cassette (ca. 55 min.), analog, 1 7/8 ips, mono. Master Copy: 1 sound cassette (ca. 55 min.), analog, 1 7/8 ips, mono. Transcript: 0.1 linear ft. (1 folder). Abstract: David F. Hosking, a Clay Hill, Wisconsin native, discusses his service in the Army during the Vietnam War and his career in the National Guard. While working for Oscar Mayer after high school, Hosking talks about his awareness of the war and being drafted. He discusses basic training at Fort Leonard Wood (Missouri), airframe repairman training at Fort Eustis (Virginia), having orders to Germany cancelled, and being assigned to go to Vietnam with the 604 th Transportation Company. He touches on the reaction of his family, having ten days of leave, and duty guarding the laundry room on the troop ship during the ride over. Hosking describes his first impressions upon arrival in Qui Nhon, setting up camp in Pleiku, and tricks for making tents resistant to monsoons and shrapnel. He portrays his attitude upon arrival as “we'll just do what we gotta do” and how it changed to frustrated later in the war. Hosking touches on working with aircraft sheet metal and later being promoted to head of the sheet metal shop.
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