After a Ten-Year Wait, Fischer's Second Published Collection of His Games
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/ IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT! Fischer's AFTER A TEN-YEAR WAIT, FISCHER'S SECOND PUBLISHED COLLECTION OF HIS GAMES With introductions to the games by - U.S. Champion Larry Evans Penetrating, in-depth annotations by Fischer of his most important and representative games to date. Fascinating discussions and insights into his ploy and that of his opponents by the most exciting chess genius Bobby of our time. Fischer Whatever one thinks of Fischer's personality, attitude, and relation ship with others in the chess world, there is no doubt thot he is the most exciting ployer in the world todoy. He has won the last five tournaments which he completed, and he hos not finished lower than second in- any of his fourteen events during the past six years. His exploits in interna tional competition, his unprecedented record of eight straight U.S. Championships, his brilliancies of tactical invention, and his contribu tions to opening theory--all have won him a high place in chess history. His very presence in a tournament generates excitement. In this book, Bobby analyzes his most important and representative games, showing the strategic considerations, the tactics--ond sometimes the blunders- that occur during the pressure of tournament play. He assesses his opponents' thinking as well. Each game has, in additiorr to Fischer's own annotations, an analytical introduction by the present U.S. Champion, Larry Evans. Index af openings, index of opponents, and Bobby Fischer's tournament and match record. BE AMONG THE FIRST TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE BOOK List Price, $6.95 Members, $6.25 Mail your order, with check or money order in the amount of your purehase, to: 479 Broadway U. S. CHESS FEDERATION Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 N.Y. State residents: Add proper sales tax to all prices given. NOTE FOR PURCHASERS OUTSIDE THE U.S. All prices in U.S. dollars! Our Canadian friends should add 10% to cover currency exchange differential. Other non-U.S. purchasers, please add 15% to cover added handling and shipping charges. 130 CHESS LIFE 70th Annual U. S. OPEN CHESS ONSH Twelve Rounds - Hotel Lincoln LINCOLN, NEBRASKA AUGUST 10-22 * * Tournament Director: International* Master George Koltonowski Assistant Tournament Director: Col. Paul Webb * * * $5000 GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND (The largest prize fund ever offered in a U.S. Open) 1ST PRIZE $1500 plus TROPHY CLASS B 1ST $100 plus TROPHY 2ND PRIZE 800 CLASS B 2ND 7S 3RD PRIZE 500 CLASS C 1ST 7S plus TROPHY 4TH PRIZE 300 CLASS C 2ND SO 5TH PRIZE 200 CLASS D 1ST 75 plus TROPHY 6TH thru 10TH 100 each CLASS D 2ND SO EXPERT 1ST 125 plus TROPHY CLASS E & EXPERT 2ND 75 UNRATED 1ST 7S plus TROPHY EXPERT 3RD 50 WOMEN'S 1ST 100 plus TROPHY CLASS A 1ST 100 plus TROPHY WOMEN'S 2ND 7S CLASS A 2ND 75 JUNIOR 1ST SO plu. TROPHY CLASS A 3RD 50 Entl"Y Fee: $25 plus USCF membership if nOI currently (] *mem· * *The annual USCF Members' meeting will be held at 2 p.m. b< , . on Thursday, August 14. The USCF Directors' meeting will be Rq htn tion: Advance entries urged. Send check or money order held at 2 p.m., Fr iday, August 15. to U.S. Chess Federation, 479 Broadway. Newburgh, New York An awards breakfast will be held at 10 a.m., $aturdoy, 12550. final registration at Hotel Lineal" , Sunday. August 10th, August 23. IOo.m. to 4 p.m. Banquet : A speI;ial banquet with musical entertoinment for the T ime Cont rol: The time control for Ihe event will be 50 moves in public ood ploye~ will be held in the T erroce Room, Hotel Lincoln. 2 Y:z hours. 20 moves on hour thereofter. $oturdoy, Augl.l'5 l 16 01 7 p.m. $5.00 tickets may be obtained Meetings: A ployers' meeting will be held prior to the beginn ing at fi nal reg istration time. of the first round. BRING YOUR CHESS CLOCK. We furnish sets and boards. * * * SCHEDULE Round 1-7 p.m., Sunday, August 10 Round 5--7 p.m" Thursd. y, August 14 Round 9-7 p.m., Tuesday, August 19 2-7 p.m., Monday, August 11 6-7 p.m., Fr id.y, August lS 1G-7 p.m., Wednesd.y, August 20 3--7 p.m., Tuesday, August 12 7-7 p.m., Sunday, August 17 11~ p.m., Thursday, August 21 4-7 p.m., Wednesday, August 13 8- 7 p.m., Monday, August 18 12-3 p.m., Friday, August 22 U.S. Speed Championship on Saturday, August 16 Our hast hotel in* the center* of downtown* Lincoln, THE LINCOLN HOTEL ~ t~~ at the unique Recreational facilities include fl:oifing, tennis, horseback rooms private bath, tele riding, swimming in an Olymplc,slze pool and other out all rooms. ranging from $6.50 door activities. Poi nts of interest nearby are Antelope Park two and three room suites. Zoo and the unique Children's Zoo, Old Pawnee Indian Counci l Cave and the Su nken Gardens. Yo u may wish to cocktail lounge, con visit the unique State Capitol Building with its exhibits, the , located on Interstate Museum of Nat ural History, Historical Society l\luseum and connections. Three the Sheldon Art Gallery. campus. • -i:~~"::i;~~ city where you may ADVANCE HOTEL RESERVATIONS may be made with enjoy a two·week ~a at your leisure on a modest The Lineoln Hotel, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. budget. APRIL, 1969 131 . Volume XXIV Num~r " April, 1969 EDITOR: Burt HochlNrg CHESS FEDERATION CONTENTS PRESIDENT Observation Point, by Mira Rodijcic ............................. .. .. .. ................. .. .. 133 Marshall Rohland VICE·PRESIDENT Jerry Spann Memorial Fund .................................................................. 135 Isaac Kasbdan The XXXVI Soviet Championship, by Berna rd Zuckerma n .................. 136 SECRETARY Dr. Leroy Dubeck By Larsen ................................................................................................ 138 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson The Art of Positional Ploy, by Sammy Reshevsky ........................... .. ..... 140 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS When You're Not Winning You're Losi ng, by Robe rt Byrne ................ 142 NEW ENGLAND James Bolton Steven J. Frymer Benjamin L ande), With the Champions, Po rt II , by 8urt Hochberg .......... ... .. ... ................ 144 EASTERN Allen Kaufman Michael Raimo Lorry Evons on Chess ............................................................................ 148 WUllam Golchber. MID·ATLANT IC Steve Caruthers Chess Ufe, He re and There ........................................ 149, 152, 161 , 170 Dr. Fn!d A. So~nHn lAwla Hucks Benoni Counter-Gambit, Port II , by Po l Benko .................................... 156 SOUTHERN Philip Lamb Robert Cole Donald Schulll Gomes by USCF Members, by John W . Collins ................................ .. .. 158 GREAT LAK ES Robert Byrne V. E. Vandenbur, Th"odo~ Pehnec Chicago U. Wins Intercollegiate ............................................................ 160 NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Geor,' Tiers Peter Wolf State Champions ..... .................................... .. .. ......... .. ...................... ..... 161 Alekunder Llepnlek. SOUTHWESTERN John A. Hnw'lI Rating Reports Received ........................................................................ 162 Robert S. Brle,er Dr. AUl"C!d Sorensen Industrial Chess, by Matt Povitt ............................................... .. ........... 164 PACIFIC A. M. G.rdner BUfrnd Eddy Col. Charles Daly Benko's Bafflers, by Pol Benko ............................................... ............. 164 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN .nd OFFICERS Tournament Life .................................................. .... .... ... ................. ...... 167 .. JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION .... •• .. .,?:"\ .. ddemoc raUe orlanlutlon. the offlelll l overnlni body Ind FIDE (Wodd ••• . ehus In the USA. Anyone Interested In advandn, AmerlCin eMS! with benefits "'hleh Include I CHESS LIFE sub5eriptlon and eU,lblUt)· R1t8\l1.r Membership: I yur, $10.00; 2 Yea rs, 519.00; 3 yens, $27.00. Jun ior Membersh ip IUnder 21 at expiration date): I )·ur. U .OO; 2 )·eau. $9.50; 3 years, 513.50. Sustain ing Member· . .. ship fbeeomes ute alter 10 conse<:utlve InnuII plyments): 520 .00. Once. Sustalnlnl Member. In tern.Uonll ...... ~ ~ .~. Kllhr)'n $hlp hal belun, each 5ucceulve yea .... duci must be paid berore the explutlon date. Other .... Ise. the sustalnln' cycle Nrts over "aln at yUr one snd at Whatever rates .re tben In erfect. L1f. Mamba.s" lp: $200.00. WORLD CHESS FEDERATION CHESS LIFE ts publlibed monthly by USCF and entered as second·dass mltter a t Essl (F.I.D.E.) Dubuque, IIIlnoll. Non·member l·yr. subsc r iption: 51$.50 1$7.50 outside USA); slnlte copy: 6st (75\1 outside US A). Changlt of . ddr.,,: AllOw 51:0: week' notice; ph~lSe live us botb the new addren Fr~d Cramer Ind tbe old addreSl, Includin g the nllmber. and datu on the lop line or your stencil. Vice-President, Zone ~ (U.S. A.) Add""," In communlclliOnS. Ind mike .11 checks plyable to: UNITED STATES CHESS F EDERATION, 47' .roadway, Ntwburlh, N.Y. 12550 132 CHESS LIFE by Miro Radojcic The Lure of the International Arena There is lately a rather new phenomenon which is tend was going on when these two important national champion. ing to become a habit, at least on this side of the Atlantic ships in EUrope were about to begin. While the unknown (i. e. in Europe): the championships of the mightiest chess hopefuls were preparing for Alma Ata, the most powerful powers are no longer as powerful as they used to be, or Soviet trio, namely, Petrosian, Spassky and Korchnoi, were at times not powerful at all. In other words, the best players playing in Palma de Manorea. When the Soviet Champion. do not appear in them. If we turn to both the Soviet and ship was already in full swing, the most distinguished Soviet Yugoslav championships of 1969, wihch were played at the trio, namely, Botvinnik, Keres and Geller, were in Beverwijk. beginning of this year, we will find th.:' this season especially And when many of those unheard·of Yugoslavs began their is a case in point. With the exception of Tal and Po!ugaevski, championship fight, Gligoric, Ivkov and Matulovic were mak· none of the great names of the Soviet elite was in Alma ing combinations among so many invitations at hand, from Ata (site of the championship), which means that only about Sarajevo to Monte Carlo.