Announcing an important new series of books on CONTEMPORARY CHESS OPENINGS Published by Chess Digest, Inc.-General Editor, R. G. Wade The first book in this current series is a fresh look at 's I IAN by Leonard Borden, William Hartston, and Raymond Keene Two of the most brilliant young ployers pool their talents with one of the world's well-established authorities on openings to produce a modern, definitive study of the King's Indian Defence. An essen tial work of reference which will help master and amateur alike to win more games. The King's Indian Defence has established itself as one of the most lively and populor openings and this book provides 0 systematic description of its strategy, tactics, and variations. Written to provide instruction and under standing, it contains well-chosen illustrative games from octuol ploy, many of them shown to the very lost move, and each with an analysis of its salient features. An excellent cloth-bound book in English Descriptive Notation, with cleor type, good diagrams, and an easy-to-follow format. The highest quality at a very reasonable price. Postpaid, only $4.40 DON'T WAIT-ORDER NOW-THE BOOK YOU MUST HAVE! FLA NINGS by Raymond Keene Raymond Keene, brightest star in the rising galaxy of young British players, was undefeated in the 1968 British Championship and in the 1968 Olympiad at Lugano. In this book, he posses along to you the benefit of his studies of the King's Indian Attack and the Reti, Catalan, English, and Benko Larsen openings. The notation is Algebraic, the notes comprehensive but easily understood and right to the point.
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