
Tobacco and Neuropsychopharmacology: Some Future Research Directions Edward F. Domino, M.D.

Although nicotine is acknowledged as the major nicotine versus the many other substances present in pharmacologically active chemical in that accounts tobacco . Although nicotine is the primary for its continued use, there is a need for much further pharmacological agent in tobacco that maintains its use, research. It is necessary to systematically compare the other chemicals and their biological mechanisms involved in complex pharmacological actions of pure nicotine with those need to be studied further. of tobacco, using different routes of administration and, [Neuropsychopharmacology 18:456–468, 1998] © 1998 therefore, rates of . Tobacco smoking produces American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Published several important behavioral and central nervous system by Elsevier Science Inc. effects. research is needed to determine the role of

KEY WORDS: ; Dependence; release; ciety for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco meeting in MAO inhibition; Nicotine; Pharmacology; ; March 1997 and the Society of Neuroscience meeting in Tobacco October 1997 to appreciate the impressive amount of Much is known about the complex issues involved in current nicotinic cholinergic research. tobacco smoking reinforcement. Taste, smell, sensory As our knowledge of nicotine pharmacology becomes stimulation of the respiratory tract by the smoke, the increasingly more complex, most abuse research- psychological set, and the social setting of the smoker ers use Occum’s razor to explain why a large number of are all significant. There is little doubt that nicotine is different substances, including nicotine, are reinforcing essential for maintaining tobacco smoking behavior and, hence, potentially addicting. Most of abuse, (Larson et al. 1961; Ejrup 1965; Larson and Silvette 1968, including nicotine, release brain dopamine in laboratory 1971; U.S. Surgeon General’s Report 1988; Balfour 1984; rats. Inasmuch as dopamine is the primary neurotrans- Adlkofer and Thurau 1985; Ney and Gale 1989; Rand mitter involved in pleasure and reward, the principle of and Thurau 1988; Clarke et al. 1995; Domino 1995a). scientific parsimony permits one to conclude that tobacco With each passing year more data are available that de- smoking and dependence are due to nicotine, the re- scribe the complex pharmacology of this intriguing al- sulting dopaminergic neuronal activity and dopamine kaloid. One only needs to peruse the abstracts of the So- release (Andersson et al. 1981; Lichtensteiger et al. 1982; Clarke and Kumar 1983a,b; Schwartz et al. 1984; Clarke and Pert 1985; Clarke et al. 1985a, 1988; Grenhoff et al. From the Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, 1986; Imperato et al. 1986; Grenhoff and Svensson 1988, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0632. 1989; Mereu et al. 1987; Clarke 1990; Svensson et al. 1990; Address correspondence to: E.F. Domino, M.D., Department of Corrigall 1991; Corrigall et al. 1992; Hakan et al. 1993; Pharmacology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0632. Received May 7, 1997; revised October 1, 1997; accepted October Bauco and Wise 1994; Nisell et al. 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997). 3, 1997. Once the mechanism of nicotine-induced dopamine re-

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6 © 1998 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Published by Elsevier Science Inc. 0893-133X/98/$19.00 655 Avenue of the Americas, , NY 10010 PII S0893-133X(97)00193-0

NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6 Tobacco/Nicotine Neuropsychopharmacology 457

lease is well understood, future research directions be- with those of Bacq (1935) in animals species that pre- come individual and administrative choices based upon sumably used ACh as a . The correla- the needs of society. The purpose of this review is to tion was so impressive that Gause proposed that an op- summarize some of our knowledge and suggest several tically active receptive substance for nicotine was future directions for nicotine and tobacco research. present in the nervous system of animals that utilized ACh as a neurotransmitter. Hence, Gause in 1941 pro- vided biologic evidence for the existence of a nicotinic A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE cholinergic receptor (nAChR). RELATIONSHIP OF NICOTINE TO BRAIN DISTRIBUTION OF NICOTINIC This has been reviewed briefly by Domino (1995b). CHOLINERGIC RECEPTORS More than 83 years ago, Dale (1914) compared the ac- tions of various synthetic and endogenous choline (Ch) Schwartz et al. (1982), Clarke and Pert (1984, 1985), derivatives, including acetylcholine (ACh), with those Clarke et al. (1985b), London et al. (1985), Schwartz and of the plant alkaloids muscarine and nicotine. The ef- Kellar (1985), and Schulz et al. (1991) described the au- fects of muscarine were similar to some of the effects of toradiographic distribution of nAChRs in rat brain us- ACh and parasympathetic nerve stimulation. The ac- ing 3H-nicotine, 3H-ACh, and 125I-␣-bungarotoxin bind- tions of nicotine were similar to those of ACh after the ing. 3H-nicotine binds with high affinity. It is displaced muscarinic antagonist , as well as after sympa- selectively by cold l-nicotine and ACh and less so by thetic nerve stimulation. Dale postulated that ACh was d-nicotine. The brain distribution of 3H-nicotine and 3H- an autonomic nervous system neurotransmitter, and ACh is quite different from that of 125I-␣-bungarotoxin, that it had dual actions, i.e., muscarinic and nicotinic. indicating major subtypes of nAChRs. Both 3H-nicotine Nicotine and ACh can exist in remarkably similar and 3H-ACh binding is highest in the interpeduncular molecular forms. ACh is a very flexible molecule com- nucleus, most thalamic nuclei, superior colliculus, me- pared with nicotine; it can be easily configured to re- dial habenula, presubiculum, layers I, III, and IV of the semble nicotine. The pyridine nitrogen of nicotine is an cerebral cortex, substantia nigra pars compacta, and the electronic donor similar to the keto oxygen of the acetyl ventral tegmental area. Deutch et al. (1987) and Swan- group of ACh. The positive charge of the quaternary ni- son et al. (1987) used monoclonal antibodies generated trogen of the Ch group in ACh is similar to the positive against purified AChR from Torpedo electric organ, or charge of the pyrrolidine nitrogen of nicotine, which chicken and rat brain, to determine the immunohis- has been emphasized previously (Domino 1979). When tochemical localization of nAChR in rat and mouse using computer graphic techniques, the two molecules brain. Again, the pattern of brain distribution is quite are superimposable. At the pH of blood, nicotine exists different from that of ␣-bungarotoxin binding but simi- in both charged and uncharged forms. The latter can lar to that reported for nicotine binding. readily penetrate the blood-brain barrier, but ACh can- not. Many years ago, tobacco companies began to add ammonia-forming chemicals to tobacco , us- ing the concept of the Henderson-Hasselbalch MULTIPLE BRAIN NICOTINE BINDING SITES equation. With an alkaline pH, nicotine is more union- ized and, therefore, better able to penetrate lipophilic In the 1970s and 1980s, researchers characterized rodent cellular membranes. Pankow et al. (1997) studied this brain binding sites for 3H-nicotine. The number of nico- phenomenon in relationship to particles tine binding sites found varied considerably. Schleifer in which the volatility of conversion of nicotine to its and Eldefrawi (1974), Abood et al. (1980), and Martin nonprotonated free-base form is facilitated at a basic pH. and Aceto (1981) found only one binding site. However, A series of studies by Gause and Smaragdova (1938, Yoshida and Imura (1979), Romano and Goldstein 1939) and Gause (1941) almost 60 years ago suggested (1980), Sershen et al. (1981), and Marks and Collins that the mechanism of action of nicotine is related to (1982) reported one or two sites, depending upon the that of ACh. These investigators studied the of temperature and duration of incubation. On the other the optical isomers of nicotine in a large number of in- hand, Sloan et al. (1983, 1984, 1985a,b,c, 1987, 1988) vertebrates and vertebrates. In many worms, fish, am- found that 3H-nicotine binding was very complex. Mul- phibia, reptiles, and birds, l-nicotine is more toxic than tiple sties, including a very high, high, low, and very d-nicotine. In lower forms such as protozoa, coelenter- low affinity, as well as a positive cooperativity site, ata, platyhelminthes (turbellaria), nemertinea, and tro- were described. Sloan et al. also pointed out that nico- chelminthes (rotatoria), the toxicity of the two isomers tine ligands that differed in their binding characteristics of nicotine is equal. Gause (1941) correlated their data had different pharmacological effects, data consistent


with the presence of multiple nicotinic receptors. Fur- number of known nicotinic cholinergic receptor sub- thermore, as mentioned above, the brain distribution of types is increasing. The primary composition of nico- the binding sites for nicotine differed considerably from tinic cholinergic (Numa et al. 1983) and muscarinic cho- those for ␣-bungarotoxin as described by Marks and Col- linergic (Kubo et al. 1986) receptors were determined by lins (1982), Clarke et al. (1985b), and London et al. (1985). using molecular biological techniques that provided It should be noted that Abood et al. (1980) provided ev- amino acid sequences from cloned DNA. Analysis of idence for a noncholinergic nicotine binding site. Sloan hydrophobicity plots of their amino acid sequences et al. (1987) pointed out that a number of endogenous suggested that nicotinic receptors traverse the plasma brain chemicals, especially niacinamide in a concentra- membrane four times and muscarinic receptors seven tion of only 10Ϫ10 mol/L, produced a 17% increase in times. 3H-nicotine binding by an action at an up-regulatory The specific genes for each subunit of nAChRs all en- site. One must conclude that there are multiple binding code proteins that are similar to the skeletal muscle ␣1 sites for nicotine in the brain; we need to know far more subunit in that they contain cysteine 128 and 142. There details of the mechanisms involved. are now eight ␣ neuronal genes (␣2 through ␣8). In ad- dition, three neuronal ␤ genes (␤2, ␤3, ␤4) have been described. The subunit mRNA distribution for each varies considerably throughout the nervous system of SUBTYPES OF NICOTINIC different species of animals. The nAChRs are divided CHOLINERGIC RECEPTORS into three subfamilies as noted in Table 1. Although the functional role of nAChRs in synaptic A great deal of research provided insights into the bio- transmission in peripheral autonomic ganglia and at logical functions of ACh (Mesulam 1994; Reiner and the skeletal neuromuscular junction is well docu- Fibiger 1994) and its muscarinic and nicotinic cholin- mented, their role in synaptic transmission in the brain ergic receptor families (Changeaux et al. 1992; Chini et is far less documented (Sargent 1993; Zhang et al. 1993; al. 1992; Gerzanich et al. 1993; Lena and Changeaux McGehee et al. 1995). Especially interesting is electro- 1993; Lindstrom et al. 1990; Leutje and Patrick 1991; Sar- physiological evidence that even in synapses mediated gent 1993; Seguela et al 1993; Sieghart 1992; Steinbach by transmitters other than ACh, there may be presynap- 1990; Tarroni et al. 1992). Muscarinic cholinergic recep- tic choline acetyltransferase expression and pre- and tors (mAChR) are members of a superfamily of G pro- postsynaptic nAChRs (Brown et al. 1983; Schwartz et al. tein–coupled receptors (Ehlert et al. 1994; Richelson 1984; Edwards et al. 1992). Wonnacott et al. (1989) and 1994). Nicotinic cholinergic receptors (nAChRs) are Wonnacott (1997) summarized the evidence for nAChR members of a superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels presynaptically modulating the release of various neu- with significant molecular diversity (Popot et al. 1976; rotransmitters. Vidal (1994) suggested that nicotine po- Conti-Tranconi et al. 1982; Wada et al. 1989; Deneris et tentiation of glutamatergic synapses may explain its ef- al. 1991; Sargent 1993; Arneri´c et al. 1995; Bannon et al. fects on cognition. McGehee et al. (1995) provided 1995). There are now five known muscarinic receptor electrophysiological evidence that nicotine in nmol/L subtypes (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) that involve, as second concentrations via nAChRs enhances cholinergic and messengers, intracellular decreases in cAMP, increases glutamatergic synaptic transmission by increased pre- ϩ ϩϩ in PI turnover, or increases in K conductance. The synaptic [Ca ]i.

Table 1. Subfamilies of Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptors

Property Skeletal Muscle Autonomic Ganglionic Central Nervous System

Subunits ␣1, ␤1, ␧, ␦, ␥ ␣3, ␣4, ␣5, ␣7, ␤2, ␤4 ␣2, ␣3, ␣4, ␣5, ␣6, ␣7, ␣8, ␣9, ␤2, ␤3, ␤4 ␣ ␧ ␣ ␣ ␤ ␣ ␤ ␣ ␤ Examples of subunit ( 1)2B1 () ( 4)x7)y, ( 4)x( 2)y ( 4)2( 2)3, ( 3)x( 2)y ␣ ␦␥ ␣ ␣ ␣ composition as hetero- or ( 1)2B1 (fetal) ( 7)5, ( 8)5, ( 9)5 homo-oligomers Effector int.Naϩ/Kϩ/Caϩϩ int.Naϩ/Kϩ/Caϩϩ (cond. int.Naϩ/Kϩ/Caϩϩ (cond. small (cond. ps large) small to large) to large, high Ca2ϩ perm.) Selective [3H]- or [125]- [3H] cysteine [3H]- or [125]-␣-bungarotoxin ␣-bungarotoxin [3H] methylcarbamyl-choline [3H] ␬-bungarotoxin [3H] nicotine Channel blockers decamethonium chlorisondomine chlorisondomine gallamine hexamethonium mecamylamine mecamylamine

Cond. ϭ conductance; perm. ϭ permeability; ps ϭ picosiemens; x,y ϭ variable numbers not identified. NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6 Tobacco/Nicotine Neuropsychopharmacology 459

OCCUPANCY, RATE, EFFICACY, AND In 1997, Li et al. and Winchell et al. from the Food ALLOSTERY RECEPTOR THEORIES—ACTIONS and Drug Center for Drug Evaluation and Research re- OF NICOTINE ON ITS RECEPTORS ported on all phase III clinical trials related to nicotine products in new drug applications in the . There are a number of theories regarding drug receptor A total of 1,953 tobacco smokers were examined for quit interactions (Pratt and Taylor 1990; Kenakin 1993). Oc- rates between nicotine replacement and placebo treated cupation theory and its extensions include efficacy and groups. The 4-week quit rates were 37.2% for the nico- allostery models. Classical occupation theory and its ex- tine treated versus 22.1% for the placebo group (p Ͻ tensions involve the mathematical process by which drug .0001). After 12 months, the quit rates were 14.9% for molecules bind to the number of their receptors. Rate the nicotine and 11.1% for the placebo group (p Ͻ .05). theory involves the rate of onset and offset of drug mol- Nicotine underdosing was not associated with poorer ecules binding to their receptor (Paton 1961). As described rates among the nicotine treatment by Paton, “Instead of thinking of a receptor as, say, a groups with different levels of salivary cotinine. Al- note on an organ, such that as long as it is depressed a though the differences between placebo and nicotine replace- note is emitted, we think of it like a piano, one burst of ment therapy groups were statistically significant, the clini- sound and then silence.” Rate theory now has few pro- cal success of nicotine replacement is clearly unimpressive. ponents and many feel it has been disproven. Occupancy At 4 weeks, about one of three smokers quit and after 1 theory, as developed by Clark (1933), efficacy theory as year of continuous nicotine therapy only 15 of 100 a modification of occupancy theory Stephenson (1956), smokers quit, whereas 85 ex-smokers are back to smok- and its physical or molecular basis in the allostery model ing. Why is nicotine replacement therapy so poorly ef- developed by Karlin (1967), Thron (1973), and Lena and fective if tobacco smokers are addicted to nicotine? The Changeaux (1993) are currently the dominant drug-recep- quantitative data on the rate of nicotine absorption by tor models. Receptor inactivation or desensitization mod- Armitage et al. (1975) and the pharmacokinetic consid- els include those above as well as those described by Katz erations by Benowitz (1990) following smoking provide and Thesleff (1957) and Gosselin (1977). There is a press- clues. Russell et al. (1995) proposed that tobacco smok- ing need to explain in mathematical terms the interactions ers regulate their pattern of puffing and inhalation of of nicotine with its many different receptors in a unified cigarette smoke to obtain an increase (which they called theory of nicotine receptor activation and deactivation. a boost) of about 10 ng/ml venous blood within a pe- riod of less than 10 min. The blood nicotine boost is de- fined as the trough concentration before to the peak TOBACCO AND NICOTINE AS concentration just after smoking a tobacco cigarette. REINFORCERS IN HUMANS The nicotine arterial/venous concentration ratio is about 8–10 just after smoking a cigarette (Armitage et Not only is the amount of nicotine crucial in the rein- al. 1975; Henningfield et al. 1993). Therefore, the arterial forcing effects of tobacco, but also its rate of absorption nicotine boost delivered to the must be in into the systemic circulation. Smokers given nicotine the order of 80–100 ng/ml, with a decline to about 25 slowly with a 14-h IV infusion (Benowitz and Jacob ng/ml within 10 min. Arterial/venous equilibration of 1990), or via a transdermal (Foulds et al. nicotine is incomplete 10 min after finishing smoking a 1992), continue to smoke. The additional nicotine pro- cigarette (Henningfield et al. 1993). duces a substantially greater increase in venous plasma It is of interest that nicotine in gums, skin patches, nicotine levels more than the volunteers usually would and inhalers is not pleasurable to most people, in con- obtain after smoking ad lib. Furthermore, the subjects trast to its use in tobacco. Nicotine skin patches are smoke less. These findings confirm earlier reports by readily available over the counter in the United States Johnston (1942) and Lucchesi et al. (1967). The latter without a prescription and are not abused, probably be- found that an IV nicotine infusion reduced the number cause they do not provide the short duration nicotine of cigarettes smoked by only 22%. Recently, a mouth boosts that tobacco smoking does. Is this the only rea- nicotine inhaler has been used as an adjunct to smoking son most people do not find pure nicotine-containing cessation (Leischow et al. 1996). The smoking absti- preparations reinforcing? It should be noted that an ex- nence rate following its use was 45% compared to 14% tensive series of studies by Jasinski, Henningfield, and (p Ͻ .0005) for a placebo inhaler at week 6, but by colleagues found that IV pulses or smoked nicotine month 12 the rate was 11% and 5%, respectively (p ϭ were as pleasurable as , , or in .14). It should be noted that although the type of oral polydrug abusers (Henningfield et al. 1981, 1983, 1985, nicotine inhaler used delivers reasonable peak plasma 1987; Henningfield and Jasinski 1988; Jasinski and Hen- levels of nicotine (Molander et al. 1996), it does not de- ningfield 1988; Jasinski et al. 1984; Keenan et al. 1995). liver nicotine to the but only to the mouth and Such studies must be repeated in normal nonsmokers throat (Bergstrom et al. 1995). and smokers, although significant ethical issues need to 460 E.F. Domino NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6

be settled first. At present, pure nicotine abuse is almost nicotine, whereas Dworkin et al. (1993) studied Wistar nonexistent compared with tobacco smoking. Why? rats that do not. Rosecrans (1971) showed that female Another major area of research concern is the impact rats selected for activity differences differ in their behav- of individual differences and the role of psychopathol- ioral and 5-hydroxytryptamine brain effects. Individual ogy in human smoking behavior. Gilbert (1995) stressed differences are marked (Rosecrans 1995). Furthermore, the issue of individual differences in relationship to a nicotine stimulus discrimination varies markedly among large variety of psychological and biological factors. Po- different rat strains (Rosecrans et al. 1995). Although merleau (1997) reviewed the extensive evidence that genetic factors are very important in nicotine reinforce- psychological/psychiatric co-morbidity with tobacco ment, the conditions in which rats were previously smoking is present in patients with anxiety disorders, at- trained to drugs like cocaine (Tessari et al. 1995) are an tention deficit-hyperactivity disorders, bulimia/binge- indication of important conditioning, etc., factors (Shoaib ing, and mental depression. Nicotine and other chemi- et al. 1997). cals in tobacco smoke are probably used by such patients as self-medication. Especially pertinent are the studies by Freedman and colleagues, using the positive audi- IS TOBACCO SMOKING ADDICTION DUE TO tory evoked potential of about 50 as an electrophysi- NICOTINE ALONE? ological marker for . This positive poten- tial (P1, also known as P50) has been used as an index of A hypothesis championed by proponents of the tobacco processing auditory input in schizophrenic patients (see industry is that the effects of tobacco cigarette smoking Adler et al. 1982, 1992; Freedman et al. 1983, 1987, 1991; are more complex than those due to nicotine alone. Per- Waldo et al. 1991). The testing paradigm they used is re- haps an appropriate nicotine boost, as well as the possi- lated to prepulse inhibition of the startle response. To- ble effects of the thousand or more other chemicals in to- bacco smoking/nicotine transiently reversed this deficit bacco smoke, is involved in maintaining tobacco in sensory gating in schizophrenic patients and some of smoking behavior. It is not the purpose of this communi- their mentally normal relatives. Freedman et al. (1983) cation to review the chemistry of tobacco and its smoke demonstrated that the P1 gating mechanism involves a (see Schmeltz and Hoffman 1976). Jarvik’s review (1979) nicotinic cholinergic mechanism via an ␣-bungarotoxin includes a short list of substances in the gas and phase sensitive receptor. It is of interest that Knott (1989) sum- of cigarette smoke, which is a cesspool of chemicals that marized data that the P1 potential is enhanced in men- may have some biological effects. What substances in to- tally normal volunteers by tobacco smoking. bacco smoke besides nicotine have behavioral, nervous The mechanism by which nicotine in combination system, or other actions throughout the body? Almost with haloperidol is a treatment of Tourette’s syndrome everybody agrees with the widely held belief that the (Silver and Sanberg 1993) needs further study, as does primary pharmacologically active agent in tobacco is nic- the relationship of nicotine to Parkinson’s and Alzhei- otine. However, other chemicals in tobacco smoke con- mer’s diseases (Smith and Giacobini 1992). tribute to its smell, taste, and complex biological effects. It is essential to compare the effects of pure nicotine with those of tobacco smoke on various biological and psy- NICOTINE ALONE IS REINFORCING chological measures. As described above, one must keep IN ANIMALS in mind the route and speed by which tobacco versus nicotine is taken into the body. The various tobacco/nic- There is no question that nicotine is a positive reinforcer otine delivery systems are compared in Table 2. in animals. The first report by Deneau and Inoki (1967) The rate of absorption and dose of nicotine are cru- indicated that monkeys self-administer nicotine. Per- cial variables that determine its pharmacological ac- haps because nicotine is not as reinforcing in animals as tions. There are rapid but variable rates of desensitiza- cocaine there was early disagreement among investiga- tion of various nicotinic cholinergic receptors, which tors as to how reinforcing nicotine really was. The early lead to differential tachyphylaxis and tolerance. It literature is well summarized in the U.S. Surgeon Gen- makes little pharmacological sense to compare the ef- eral’s report in 1988. Since then, the evidence that nico- fects of the inhalation of tobacco smoke with those pro- tine alone is a positive reinforcer in animals is overwhelm- duced by a nicotine patch. One must compare the ef- ing. In addition, animals readily discriminate nicotine fects of tobacco and pure nicotine via the same route of in appropriate behavioral paradigms (Stolerman 1989; administration and same rate of absorption. Skin ab- Rosecrans et al. 1995). Strain differences are important, sorption of both is the slowest, oral gum slow, indicating genetic factors must be considered. and a little faster, and and Genetic factors in rats are impressive (Shoaib et al. mouth inhalation intermediate. Cigarette smoking and 1997). For example, Corrigall and Coen (1989) studied aerosol inhalation produce the fastest absorption of ac- Long-Evans rats that show robust self-administration of tive compounds. Nicotine aerosol inhalers developed NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6 Tobacco/Nicotine Neuropsychopharmacology 461

Table 2. Tobacco/Nicotine Delivery Systems first tobacco cigarette knows the initial effects of smok- ing may be very unpleasant with subsequent tolerance. Tobacco Nicotine Absorption Interestingly, even regular tobacco smokers lose some Mouth (oral snuff) Gum Slow tolerance overnight to the side effects of the first ciga- Skin contact Patch Slowest rette smoked in the morning. There are very important Nasal snuff Nasal spray Intermediate differential genetic components to nicotine-induced tol- Enema Intermediate , pipe Mouth inhaler Intermediate erance and nAChR changes as described by Marks et al. Cigarette Aerosol inhaler Fast (1986) in four different inbred mouse strains. In contrast Not applicable , SC, IM, IV Intermediate to fastest to C57BL, BALB, and DBA animals, C3H mice did not develop tolerance to nicotine effects on Y-maze activity, rearing, and body temperature. However, C3H mice years ago (Herxheimer et al. 1967; Domino and Lutz 1973) showed tolerance to nicotine on acoustic startle. None were very irritating and not practical in delivering pure of the four strains developed tolerance to nicotine ef- nicotine via absorption. With new propellants and fects on respiration. Only the BALB mice showed toler- the technologies used in current asthmatic inhalers, this ance to nicotine-induced bradycardia. All four strains problem should be overcome. One can also use pure had increased [3H]nicotine binding in six different brain nicotine injections SC, IM, and IV. The rates of absorp- regions with slight strain differences in ␣[125I]bungaro- tion from these routes are intermediate to very fast. It is toxin binding to chronic nicotine. The significance of not very practical, but tobacco has been used by local the paradox of increased nAChR upregulation with skin application and . Inasmuch as chronic nicotine has been reviewed by Wonnacott (1990). is a disease primarily of nonsmokers, Damsma et al. (1989) found no tolerance to nicotine- and transdermal nicotine patches are helpful, Green et induced dopamine release in . Such al. (1977) developed a nicotine polyacrylic carbomer ad- animal studies have important implications for the ef- ministered by enema to treat patients with active dis- fects of nicotine and tobacco smoking in humans and ease. In the case of ulcerative colitis, it appears that the may help explain some of the individual differences beneficial effects of tobacco smoking are those due to and perplexities of tobacco smoking. Detailed studies nicotine itself and not other chemicals in tobacco. on the tolerance development to different pharmaco- Dramatic visual evidence from the human positron logical effects of nicotine are needed, similar to those emission tomography (PET) imaging study by Fowler described by Porchet et al. (1987, 1988) on heart rate. et al. (1996) shows that there is more to tobacco smoke One of the simplest behavioral effects of nicotine in than nicotine. It was known for many years that some- rodents is alteration of locomotor activity. In mice, nico- thing in tobacco smoke inhibits monoamine oxidase tine produces either an increase or decrease of activity, (MAO; Essman 1977; Oreland et al. 1981; Norman et al. depending upon the dose and the genetic strain. Very 1982, 1987; Yu and Boulton 1987; Boulton et al. 1988; marked pharmacogenetic differences to nicotine are ob- Berlin et al. 1995). There are two types of MAO in- served in pure bred mouse strains (Bovet et al. 1969; volved in the oxidative deamination of biogenic amine Collins et al. 1988). When nicotine is given in a single chemical modulators and . Fowler et dose to most strains of naive adult rats, locomotor activ- al. (1996) showed more reduced brain MAOB than ity is reduced. However, when nicotine is given daily, MAOA binding in tobacco smokers compared with non- tolerance occurs to its effects both on loco- smokers. Nonsmokers were pretreated with nonradio- motor activity as well as in various operant paradigms active deprenyl to inhibit their brain MAOB as a control. (Morrison 1967; Morrison and Stephenson 1972; Dom- In neither the deprenyl-treated nonsmokers nor the to- ino and Lutz 1973; Stolerman et al. 1973; Rosecrans et al. bacco smokers was 11C-deprenyl taken up as well by 1989; Belwell and Balfour 1992; Villaneuva et al. 1992). the brain. Nicotine itself is not an MAO inhibitor. Some- On repeated administration, nicotine induced rat be- thing else besides nicotine in tobacco smoke produces havioral stimulation becomes very apparent (Morrison MAO inhibition. Is the percentage of inhibition in vivo and Stephenson 1972; Clarke and Kumar 1983a,b; Ksir sufficient for a functional decrease in MAO activity? et al. 1985, 1987; Hakan and Ksir 1988, 1991; Johnson The time has come for more research on this issue. 1995). In addition, the sensitivity of rat frontal cortical neurons is increased by chronic nicotine (Abdulla et al. 1995). The same daily nicotine treatment schedule does TOLERANCE, SENSITIZATION, AND not cause dramatic behavioral sensitization in hemipar- WITHDRAWAL TO NICOTINE AND kinsonian monkeys, suggesting important species or TOBACCO SMOKING brain pathological differences (Domino et al. 1998). Hence, the need for more research. Does nicotine-induced be- Nicotine is well known to produce rapid (tachyphy- havioral sensitization, so easily observed in rats, occur laxis) and slower tolerance. Any person who smoked a in primates, and especially in humans? 462 E.F. Domino NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6

The 1988 U.S. Surgeon General’s Report summarized the use of a nicotine aerosol. Until a nonirritating nico- the evidence that abrupt withdrawal from nicotine/to- tine aerosol is developed, which can deliver nicotine to bacco resulted in an abstinence syndrome. There is a the lungs, the inhalation method of administering nico- significant interrelationship between conditioned and tine is not an option. primary reinforcement in the maintenance of tobacco Pure nicotine have been given to humans smoking (Rose and Levin 1991), but also in the extent of via various routes of injection including IV, IM, or SC. its withdrawal signs and symptoms. Hildebrand et al. However, such methods of administration require an (1997) used centrally and peripherally acting nicotinic investigational new drug application to the U.S. Food antagonists to precipitate an abstinence syndrome in and Drug Administration and, therefore, are of limited rats given nicotine, 10.27 mg/kg/day for 7 days. They availability. Furthermore, institutional human use com- concluded that central as well as peripheral nicotinic re- mittees are far more concerned with protocols that deal ceptors contribute to the withdrawal syndrome. Ab- with nicotine by injection than by patch, gum, or nasal dulla et al. (1996) found that chronic nicotine given to spray. Obviously, computer programmed intravenous rats produced regional brain increases in [3H]-nicotine injections of nicotine that mimic the blood concentra- binding in some areas such as the frontal, entorhinal, tions of nicotine obtained from inhaling tobacco smoke and dorsal hippocampus, but not in other areas such as are of special interest. If an average tobacco smoker ob- the posterior cingulate or ventral hippocampus. Nico- tains about 10 total 0.1 mg/puff doses of nicotine in tine clearly improved the rate of learning. These investi- about 5 min, appropriate computer programming of gators studied the relationship between upregulation of small, very rapid bolus IV injections could mimic ciga- nicotine binding sites and the cognitive enhancement rette smoking. To do so, the injection system must de- after acute or chronic nicotine. Nicotine, given only for liver an IV nicotine bolus within 2 s. Corrigall and Coen 1 day 11 days earlier, increased the rate of learning, but (1989) used a pneumatic pump which delivered a 1-s only marginally increased nicotinic receptor binding in pulse of nicotine each time a rat pressed an operant . the entorhinal cortex and not in other brain areas. En- A modified system using a microdialysis pump is being torhinal and dorsal hippocampal nicotinic binding was developed by Matta and colleagues from the Minneap- positively correlated with the rate of learning. Clearly, olis Medical Research Foundation (personal communi- much more research needs to be done on the relation- cation 1997). Such a technique is still highly experimen- ship of improvement in learning and the significance of tal and not a U.S. FDA approved method for humans. differential regional upregulation of both active and de- Therefore, from a practical point of view, at the present sensitized nAChRs, and which ones. Lake et al. (1997) time intranasal administration of nicotine seems to be reported in an abstract that in rats given a SC nicotine the only reasonable approach to compare pure nicotine infusion in a dose of 9 mg/kg/day for 7 days, abrupt with tobacco smoke inhalation. Fortunately, the FDA in termination, injection of nicotine, the SC injection of 1996 approved a nicotine nasal spray device. This de- mecamylamine, dihydro-␤-erythroidine, or cerebral in- vice delivers 0.5 mg/spray. Nicotine can easily be ad- traventricular (IVT) hexamethonium, but not scopola- ministered in doses of 1–2 mg total with one to two mine, induce an abstinence syndrome. The animal data sprays into each nostril. Obviously, the studies to indicate that nicotinic cholinergic antagonists such as be done are to compare the effects of intranasal nicotine mecamylamine precipitate a withdrawal syndrome in with the results obtained with tobacco smoking. nicotine-dependent rats. However, mecamylamine, in doses up to 20 mg orally, does not precipitate a with- drawal syndrome in chronic tobacco smokers (Eissen- FUTURE DIRECTIONS berg et al. 1996). Perhaps much larger doses of mecamy- lamine are needed, but this will result in significant side We humans usually have free choice to decide on the effects due to mecamylamine alone. Obviously, much harm/benefit of most behaviors that directly affect us. more research is needed to pursue this important issue. Much is known of the harmful effects of tobacco smok- ing, but a lot less about its benefits, which many in our society feel are none. Jarvik (1991) described some of NEED FOR APPROPRIATE COMPARISON the beneficial effects of nicotine. From a scientific point STUDIES WITH NICOTINE ALONE AND of view, society must do far more in providing support VARIOUS TOBACCO PRODUCTS for studying the latter. Developing safer tobacco smok- ing devices is the job of the , but devel- Russell et al. (1995) concluded that a similar venous oping substitutes for the positive reinforcing effects of blood nicotine boost occurs within 10 min with both tobacco smoking is the job of motivated scientists and smokeless oral tobacco snuff and nicotine spray, but not the pharmaceutical industry. The tobacco problem will with or patches. The best method of du- not go away with a prohibition on smoking. Current plicating the puff by puff inhalation of tobacco smoke is agreements and negotiations among private, state, and NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 1998–VOL. 18, NO. 6 Tobacco/Nicotine Neuropsychopharmacology 463

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