TO: Blanche Foster, Director Darfur Rehabilitation Project CC: Stacey Flanagan, Program Development Project Manager FROM: New School Graduate Program in International Affairs DGGV Research Team: George Chatzis, Daniel Clason-Hook, Vitali Tcherniak, Gary Weingarten DATE: July 1, 2008 RE: Recommendations for Chad Water Collaboration Initiative RReeggiisstteerreedd RReeffuuggeeee CCaammppss PPooppuullaattiioonnss PGDS in DOS Population and Geographic Data Section Eastern Chad Division of Operational Support As of 30 Novembre 2006 Email :
[email protected] R Global Proportion Evolution O W 225,000 . C P TREGUINE 4 GAGA A !! 6.8% _ !! n 5.3% o BREDJING i t a l 13.1% DJABAL u 220,478 p 6.9% o 219,536 P 220,000 _ FARCHANA s e n e o 218,183 g 8.5% GOZ i t u f a l AMER e u 216,707 R _ MILE 8.7% p 220478 d o a P 7.1% h 214,528 C 214,485 _ 215,000 t s OURE-CASSONI a KOUNONGOU E 6.0% 12.1% AMNABAK IRIDIMI ))) Ourini 7.5% 7.9% 210,000 Berdoba TOULOUM 30Jun06 31Jul06 31Aug06 30Sep06 31Oct06 30Nov06 10.1% ))) Population Karna ))) 2266,,,778866 ))) Oum-Chalouba Bougouradi ))) OOuurrree CCaassssoonniii )))Déni ))) BahaiBahai ))) Ogouba ))) Ourba Bakaoré ))) 1177,,,331199 IribaIribaIriba ))) Noursi Adya ))) ))) CCHHAADD )))IIIrrriiiddiiimmiii ))) ))) Tériba CCHHAADD 2222,,,229933 ))) ))) Arada SSUUDDAANN Tologon ))) TToouullloouumm ))) ))) Bornodoukoumé ))) AAmm NNaabbaakk ))) ))) AAmm NNaabbaakk ))) Am Eriz 1155,,,555577 ))) ))) Kourniéla ))) 1166,,,550044 ))) MMiiilllee Biltine Gourmoga MMiiilllee !! !! ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) ))) Kabga ))) GuérédaGuéréda