Ultraviolet Radiation
Environmental Health Criteria 160 Ultraviolet Radiation An Authoritative Scientific Review of Environmental and Health Effects of UV, with Reference to Global Ozone Layer Depletion V\JflVV ptiflcti1p cii ii, L?flUctd EnrrcmH Prormwe. Me World Haah6 Orgniri1ion and Fhc nIrrHbccrlT Ornrn)is5ion on Nfl-oflizirig Raditiori Prioiioii THE Ef4VIRONMEF4FAL HEALTH CI4ITERIA SERIES Acetonitrile (No. 154, 1993) 2,4-Dichloroplierioxyaceric acid (2 4 D) (No 29 Acrolein (No 127, 1991) 1984) Acrylamide (No 49, 1985) 2,4.Dichlorophenoxyucetic acd - erivirorrmerrtul Acr5lonilrile (No. 28, 1983) aspects (No. 54, 1989) Aged population, principles for evaluating the 1 ,3-Dichloroproperte, 1,2-dichloropropane and effects of chemicals (No 144, 1992) mixtures (No. 146, 1993( Aldicarb (No 121, 1991) DDT and its derivatives (No 9 1979) Aidrin and dieldrin (No 91 1989) DDT and its derivatives - environmental aspects Allethrins (No 87, 1989) (No. 83, 1989) Alpha-cypermethrirr (No 142, 1992) Deltamethrin (No 97, 1990) Ammonia (No 54, 1985) Diamirrotoluenes (No 74, 1987( Arsenic (No 18. 1981) Dichiorsos (No. 79, 1988) Asbestos and other natural mineral fibres Diethylhexyl phthalate (No. 131, 191112) (No. 53, 198€) Dirnethoate (No 90, 1989) Barium (No. 137 1990) Dimethylformnmde (No 114, 1991) Benomy( (No 143, 1993) Dimethyf sulfate (No. 48. 1985) Benzene (No 150, 1993) Diseases of suspected chemical etiology and Beryllium (No 106, 1990( their prevention principles of studies on Biommkers and risk assessment concepts (No. 72 1967) and principles (No. 155, 1993) Dilhiocarbsmats pesticides, ethylerrvthiourea, and Biotoxins, aquatic (marine and freshmaterl propylerrethiourea a general introdUCtiori (No 37, 1984) NO. 78. 1958) Butanols . four isomers (No. 65 1987) Electromagnetic Fields (No 1 '37 19921 Cadmiurrr (No 134 1992) Endosulfan (No 40.
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