ISSN: 2560-1601 Vol. 16, No. 3 (BH) March 2019 Bosnia-Herzegovina social briefing: Troubles with Chetniks, Ustashe and banal lies Ivica Bakota 1052 Budapest Petőfi Sándor utca 11. +36 1 5858 690 Kiadó: Kína-KKE Intézet Nonprofit Kft.
[email protected] Szerkesztésért felelős személy: Chen Xin Kiadásért felelős személy: Huang Ping 2017/01 Troubles with Chetniks, Ustashe and banal lies Banal and blatant lies A main problem with blatant lies, as Hannah Arendt would suggest, is not that they, if repeated enough times, would eventually become a truth. At least not to everyone and not immediately. Given the circumstances under which a blatant lie is planted in the world, at least someone will take it as a frontal insult to a commonsense. The problem is when a lie is served in a way that renders a populace unable to pay due attention, when an avalanche of easily refutable “preposterous lies” becomes a commonplace so a reaction on them becomes irrelevant and banal. When a lie destroys “the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world” and category of truth versus falsehood becomes blurred, we succumbed to a terror of a banal lie. On Sunday, March 10, members of Ravna gora Chetnik movement (named after a birthplace of the Chetnik movement from WWII) organized a rally in Bosnian southeastern city of Visegrad. According to reports, around two hundred members and supporters of Chetnik movement gathered to commemorate the arrest of a Serb general and a leader of Chetnik movement during World War II, Dragoljub, Draza Mihailovic.