BULLETIN - OCTOBER, 2010 Bulletin New York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association Vol
TheNEW YORK DIVISION BULLETIN - OCTOBER, 2010 Bulletin New York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association Vol. 53, No. 10 October, 2010 The Bulletin BROOKLYN’S FIRST ELEVATED LINE Published by the New QUIT 60 YEARS AGO York Division, Electric Railroaders’ Association, Lexington Avenue was Brooklyn’s first ele- discontinued. Service was provided by Myrtle Incorporated, PO Box vated line, which ran continuously from May Avenue trains via a new curve at the north- 3001, New York, New 14, 1885 to October 13, 1950. east corner of Myrtle and Grand Avenues. York 10008-3001. Ground was broken on May 24, 1876 at Remnants of this curve were still in place Reid and Lexington Avenues and a few when the line was abandoned in 1969. For general inquiries, stones were set in place. Construction pro- Manhattan-bound riders had two choices. contact us at nydiv@ ceeded slowly. They could ride Lexington Avenue trains to erausa.org or by phone at (212) 986-4482 (voice The original line extended from Washington Sands Street and transfer to the Brooklyn mail available). The and York Streets via York Street, Hudson Bridge Cable Railway, which ran to Park Division’s website is Avenue, Park Avenue, Grand Avenue, Lex- Row. There they were near several office www.erausa.org/ ington Avenue, and Broadway to Gates Ave- buildings and stores. If they rode Myrtle Ave- nydiv.html. nue. Stations were located at Bridge and nue trains, they had to transfer to the Fulton Editorial Staff: York Streets, Navy Street and Park Avenue, Ferry, which was unreliable and uncomfort- Editor-in-Chief: Washington and Park Avenues, Myrtle and able in bad weather.
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