Trends in Microbiology | Microbe of the Month ferrooxidans

1,2,* 3

Raquel Quatrini and D. Barrie Johnson


Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Santiago, Chile


Millennium Nucleus in the Biology of Intestinal Microbiota, Santiago, Chile


School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, UK


Aerobic Anaerobic Initially described as a species of

Thiobacillus, later reclassified as

Acidithiobacillus. Now acknowledged red red

S + SO4 SO4 + S

H H as a member of an entirely new


proteobacterial class, the H+ 3+ . H+ SCs SCs Fe

2+ oxidaƟon oxidaƟon

Iron Fe systems The type strain (ATCC 23270 = DSM

oxidaƟon systems

14882 = NCIB 11820) was isolated

system Iron oxido-

2+ from coal mine drainage in the USA in

O2 ATP ADP reductase Fe

the early 1950s and deposited as

‘Ferrobacillus ferrooxidans’, a mixed


+ _ _ culture which likely contained other

H terminal e e

species of iron-oxidising acidithiobacilli

oxidases H2S

and heterotrophic acidophiles. H2O 6.5

Extreme and obligate acidophile, pH H2 0

+ + S

H H reductase derives chemiosmotic energy from the

Hydrogen Hydrogen

naturally occurring large

uƟlizaƟon uƟlizaƟon

systems systems transmembrane pH gradient

(extracellular pH typically 1.5–3.0, and

pH < 3

3 to 5 units pH gradient intracellular pH 6.5); most strains grow

optimally at pH 2, and have a

minimum growth pH value of 1.3.

Chemolithotrophic, uses exclusively

inorganic electron donors: reduced

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is by far the most widely studied of all extremely acidophilic prokaryotes. While it


and elemental sulfur (S ), ferrous iron

is found in many types of natural low-pH environments in a variety of geoclimatic contexts, it has been more


(Fe ), and hydrogen (H2); mesophilic.

widely cited in anthropogenic (mostly mine-impacted) environments. It is responsible for accelerating the

oxidative dissolution of sulfide minerals, causing the generation of polluting acidic metal-rich drainage waters

Facultative anaerobe; uses molecular

but also facilitating the recovery of base and precious metals from mineral leachates. It can colonize barren

oxygen, ferric iron, or sulfur as electron

mineral landscapes, is a driver of ecological successions in acidic biotopes, and is an important model acceptor.

organism in astrobiology. It catalyses the dissimilatory oxidation of iron, sulfur, and hydrogen, and the

reduction of iron and sulfur, and has a major impact in the geochemical cycling of these elements in low- Obligate autotroph, xes carbon

– –

pH environments. This infographic summarizes the fundamental phylogeny, physiology and genomic features dioxide via the Calvin Benson

of this . Bassham cycle in carboxysomes;

facultative diazotroph.



Produces large quantities of


rusticyanin, a soluble blue periplasmic

CLASS: Acidithiobacillia

copper-family protein when grown on

ORDER: iron.

FAMILY: Acidithiobacillaceae

The type strain genome was the first

GENUS: Acidithiobacillus

acidophile to be sequenced, and

Facultative anaerobe, non-fermentative,

consists of a single circular

Gram-negative, obligate chemolithotroph,

chromosome of 2.98 Mbp, with no

extreme acidophile, does not form endospores

plasmids, no proviruses, and few

integrated mobile genetic elements.


[email protected] (R. Quatrini).

282 Trends in Microbiology, March 2019, Vol. 27, No. 3 © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Trends in Microbiology | Microbe of the Month


The authors wish to acknowledge the following funding sources: Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (grants FONDECYT 1181251 and Programa de Apoyo a

Centros con Financiamiento Basal AFB170004) and Millennium Science Initiative, Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile (grant Millennium Nucleus in the Biology of the Intestinal Microbiota).


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Trends in Microbiology, March 2019, Vol. 27, No. 3 © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 283