Kemp Mill

- Guest Speaker - Shabbat, November 11, 2017

KMS is pleased to welcome


Internationally acclaimed as one of the most original and inspiring motivational speakers of our time. Storyteller extraordinaire, he has been dubbed a “globe-trotting modern-day maggid.” He has enthralled audiences on five continents, in over 40 American states and 24 other countries, delivering a precious message imbued with joy and drama, laughter and pathos.

Friday Night Oneg - 8:00pm at the home of Lisa & Alec Stone, 930 Clintwood Drive - To Dream the Impossible Scheme: The Founding of ’s Most Improbable Community

Shabbat Afternoon Programming - 3:30-4:00pm - Let Me Tell You a Story, Grades K-2

- 4:00-4:30pm - Have I Got a Story For You, Grades 3-6

- 4:30pm - Mincha

- Between Mincha & Maariv - Honorable Mentchen

* Community-Wide Event * Motzei Shabbat, 8:00 PM Heroic Children of the Holocaust On the eve of the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht KMS will commemorate with a lecture by Hanoch Teller, senior docent in and author of ‘Heroic Children.’

The following description of the book appeared in The Library Journal: Although there is no dearth of Holocaust literature, there are virtually no books that portray the plight of children, particularly told in their own voices. Through the riveting, and historically accurate tales of these nine children, the reader learns precisely what occurred during the Holocaust. The book’s protagonists represent every stripe of victim, stemming from every corner of Europe and from every type of background: economically, socially and religiously. What they all shared in common was an iron-like will to live - but not at all costs. Their ability to hold on to dignity, principles and universal values makes for riveting accounts of the zenith of human achievement.

Sponsored by: Suzy & Ari Israel ▪ Lisa & Aaron Mellman ▪ Caroline & Eric Namrow Yehudit & Meyer Shields ▪ Lisa & Alec Stone ▪ Shanna & Gary Winters ▪ Jennifer & Jeffrey Zukerman