March 7, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1467 infrastructure connects not just the are doing our part to empower our fu- and he could unite different groups of two States, but the entire region be- ture leaders with the tools they need to people despite any racial, ethnic, or re- tween and Washington, D.C. Be- succeed. ligious differences. He lived his life cause Gateway is so important to ev- Congratulations, Trini Garza High demonstrating what it means to be a eryone in the Northeast, a substantial School, for your well-deserved recogni- contributing citizen and to serve as a Federal commitment is necessary to tion. role model for those, like myself, who make this project a reality. f were fortunate to know him. The Gateway Project is far too im- I will miss Frank Hess. He will for- VIETNAMESE OF LINCOLN portant to be left unfunded. Gateway ever be missed by our community. should not be sacrificed because of (Mr. FORTENBERRY asked and was f President Trump’s political animosity. given permission to address the House b 1645 f for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) HONORING THE LIFE OF DANA RECOGNIZING JESSICA MELNIK Mr. FORTENBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I GARDNER FOR HER WORK IN FIGHTING recently had the opportunity to join AGAINST SEX TRAFFICKING (Mr. KIHUEN asked and was given the Lincoln Vietnamese community in permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given the celebration of the Vietnamese New minute and to revise and extend his re- permission to address the House for 1 Year, the Year of the Dog. I celebrated marks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- this special occasion at St. Andrew Mr. KIHUEN. Mr. Speaker, today I marks.) Dung-Lac and Companions Catholic rise to remember the life of Dana Gard- Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Church in Lincoln, where I live, and I ner, who attended the Route 91 music recognize Jessica Melnik, a junior at participated in the Catholic mass, fol- festival in Las Vegas on October 1. Hopkins High School and the founder lowed by a community festival com- Dana worked for San Bernardino of a student-run nonprofit, Girls plete with traditional dragon dancers. I County, California, for 26 years in the United Minnesota, for her work fight- would like to thank Father Joseph Assessor-Recorder Office. When she ing against sex trafficking. Nguyen and the parish community for went home for the day, she always Jessica, along with fellow members their generosity and hospitality. made sacrifices for her three children of Girls United Minnesota, took action Mr. Speaker, there are nearly 2 mil- and two grandchildren. She wanted to to spread awareness after they ob- lion persons of Vietnamese descent liv- make sure that her kids understood the served a fellow classmate who was a ing in America. My hometown of Lin- importance of loving and caring for all target of sex trafficking. They soon re- coln has become home for nearly 10,000 humans. She did this through her ac- alized that Minnesota ranks 13th in the Vietnamese Americans, some of whom tions as a dedicated public servant. Nation for its prevalence of sexual ex- faced the trauma of persecution, es- Dana was an amazing cook who had ploitation and they stepped forward to cape, open seas, refugee camps, and, fi- just begun to travel more and spend do something about it. nally, resettlement in a new home. more time with her friends. She had a Girls United Minnesota started by Our vibrant, well-respected Viet- contagious smile and a great sense of working with local law enforcement namese community has become an in- humor that could light up a room. She and nonprofits to organize public tegral part of Lincoln’s cultural tradi- is remembered by all those who knew awareness events throughout our com- tions and adds to our capital city’s vi- her as a go-to person with a lot of munity. Jessica and her friends are brant tapestry. Vietnamese is the third knowledge and a can-do attitude. also working with State legislators in most commonly spoken language in I would like to extend my condo- Minnesota to expand education on sex the Cornhusker State, and I have ac- lences to Dana Gardner’s family and trafficking in schools and create more tively encouraged the youth to keep friends. Please know that the city of resources for the victims of sexual ex- the great tradition alive. Las Vegas, the State of Nevada, and ploitation. Mr. Speaker, it is not advisable to the whole country grieve with you. Mr. Speaker, the determination and try a language that you don’t speak, f the hard work of Jessica and her class- but to my Vietnamese friends, I would mates at Girls United Minnesota is like to try: ‘‘thank you,’’ ‘‘cam o’n SISTER MARY SCULLION nothing short of inspiring, and their ban.’’ (Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- impact is literally helping to save f sylvania asked and was given permis- lives. sion to address the House for 1 minute REMEMBERING FRANK HESS f and to revise and extend his remarks.) (Mr. ESPAILLAT asked and was Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsyl- CONGRATULATING TRINI GARZA given permission to address the House vania. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ac- HIGH SCHOOL for 1 minute.) knowledge a distinguished Philadel- (Mr. VEASEY asked and was given Mr. ESPAILLAT. Mr. Speaker, I rise phian who will be leading our city’s an- permission to address the House for 1 today to remember my neighbor and nual St. Patrick’s Day parade as grand minute.) longtime friend, Frank Hess, who for- marshal, Sister Mary Scullion. Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise merly served as special assistant to the Sister Mary is a towering figure and today to congratulate Trini Garza High legendary State Assembly a driving force for social change in School for earning the designation of member Denny Farrell, who, for many Philadelphia. She belongs to the Sis- National Title I Distinguished School years, chaired the prestigious Ways ters of Mercy, the third largest con- for the 2016–2017 school year. and Means Committee. gregation of Sisters in Philadelphia, This exclusive designation is given to Frank was known for his cowboy hats and is the cofounder of Project HOME, high-poverty schools that excel in ei- and brutal honesty. He devoted his life an influential nonprofit that seeks to ther student performance or for its to public service and spent almost 30 break the cycle of homelessness. work to close the achievement gap. years in government. He was a devoted Since 1989, Sister Mary’s organiza- Garza, with a student body that is 86 godfather, uncle, and father figure to tion has helped provide shelter to the percent economically disadvantaged, anyone in the community who knew homeless, set up programs for at-risk was one of 34 schools across the Nation him. He once called 20 stores and drove youth across the city, and organized to be praised ‘‘for its exceptional stu- for 2 hours to try to find a pair of shoes wellness and healthcare services. She dent performance for two or more con- for his niece. has also been a leader at the city, secutive years.’’ Frank was a devoted person to his State, and Federal level to bring about Garza’s designation would not be pos- family and his community. Through awareness and much-needed funding to sible without the strong partnerships his lifetime devotion to public service, address the root causes of homeless- of its educators, parents, students, and he made sure Washington Heights was ness. the Oak Cliff community in Dallas. a better place for all of us. Frank could As a religious and community leader, Each of you have made sure that we accomplish anything he set his mind to Sister Mary has become a household

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:49 Mar 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K07MR7.045 H07MRPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H1468 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 7, 2018 name in Philadelphia and a champion Today I would like to recognize an lamy’s gravesite, and completed it 1 for the voiceless in our city. It is fit- outstanding group of hometown Elks year later, just in time to rededicate it ting that she has been selected to lead who have made the journey from Onei- for Flag Day. this year’s St. Patrick’s Day parade, da County to visit us here in Wash- In addition to their work in honoring and I rise to commend her on her life- ington: Donna Townsend; Whitney Sir Francis Bellamy and the American time of devoted service. Cook; Mary Bielby; and retired captain flag, the Rome Elks are also well f of the Rome Police Department, John known for their commitment to help- Bielby. ing our local veterans. ANNIVERSARY OF BLOODY Our Elks in Rome and around the Recently, the Rome Elks held a fund- SUNDAY country help our youth develop lifelong raiser to raise money for therapy dogs (Ms. JAYAPAL asked and was given skills, assist students who are attend- for veterans through a local organiza- permission to address the House for 1 ing college, support charitable work in tion called Clear Path for Vets. As part minute and to revise and extend her re- their communities, and care for our of the fundraiser, the Rome Elks took marks.) local veterans. flags that had flown over Sir Francis Ms. JAYAPAL. Mr. Speaker, today is However, Rome Elks are unique to Bellamy’s gravesite and removed the the 53rd anniversary of Bloody Sunday. all other Elks in the country. In addi- stars and stripes. They then individ- This is the day that our incredible col- tion to the honorable work of the Elks, ually separated and added a slip of league, Congressman JOHN LEWIS, and Rome Elks also carry out the long- paper with the words ‘‘This little star Dr. Martin Luther King led 600 march- standing tradition of caring for the is proud to say I flew over Bellamy’s ers from Selma to Montgomery. They gravesite of a historic Rome native, Sir grave.’’ The Rome Elks call this didn’t get very far. At the Edmund Francis Bellamy. Some of you may not project ‘‘Stars Over Bellamy.’’ Pettus Bridge, they were viciously at- know it, but Sir Francis Bellamy is the They started with 300 of these little tacked by Alabama State Troopers author of our uniquely American tradi- packets, but quickly added 200 more wielding clubs and were beaten and left tion, the . when they realized how popular this bloodied. Francis Bellamy was born in Mount projects was. To date, the Rome Elks Last weekend, I had the incredible Morris, New York, attended our Rome have raised over $1,000 for this fund- honor of joining Congressman JOHN public schools, and graduated from raising effort. One of the most touch- LEWIS and a bipartisan group of Mem- Rome Free Academy, affectionately ing aspects is that every veteran that a bers in a pilgrimage to Montgomery, known as RFA, in 1872. Rome Elks member comes across re- Birmingham, Selma, and Memphis. I Every day throughout our country, ceives one of these stars for free as a had many epiphanies on that trip, but in public and parochial schools; at Boy thank-you for their years of service. I was lucky enough to be able to pur- perhaps two were most profound. First, Scout and Girl Scout meetings; at chase a star for myself and a few others that determined and disciplined non- American Legions and all fraternal and for my son, who is currently serving in violent resistance works. Back then, 53 patriotic organizations; in government, the Marine Corps. It is a constant re- years ago, it led to the passage of the including here in our Nation’s Capitol, minder for me of the legacy Francis Voting Rights Act. And, second, that millions of Americans recite the Bellamy left for our country, as well as we in this body have a critical respon- Pledge of Allegiance. the patriotic principles I as a member sibility to ensure that we move forward The Pledge of Allegiance reminds our of the Ilion Elks Lodge #1444—a nearby and not backward on voting rights. citizenry of the notion of what it Elks Lodge down the street—have Our trip was amazing. One of the best means to be American. We pledge alle- come to live by. experiences of my life, actually. I hope giance to this great experiment; to our These are just a few examples of the that my colleagues on both sides of the constitutional , a nation that hard work and devotion that the Rome aisle will join next year. We heard in- reveres freedoms, individual rights, and Elks show for their community. The credible stories of abiding love, even liberty. We pledge allegiance to our Rome Elks bring so much more to the for adversaries that had left people country’s historic Judeo-Christian val- community than just a building. Al- without much dignity. Newer activists ues. though it is a beautiful, historic build- of all ages are reimagining these same Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Alle- ing on Liberty Street—aptly named—in nonviolent methods for the world that giance in 1892 at the age of 37. During Rome, New York, they invest in pro- we are in today. his time working as a writer for a mag- grams that help children grow up Today, as we commemorate the 50th azine called ‘‘The Youth’s Companion,’’ healthy and drug-free, meet the needs anniversary of the assassination of the a family magazine that, at the time, of today’s veterans, and improve the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King on had 500,000 subscribers, Bellamy was quality of life for our area. April 4, let us recommit ourselves to tasked with creating a patriotic school As I mentioned, as a member of the restoring and strengthening the Voting program to honor the 400th anniversary nearby Ilion Elks Lodge #1444, I am Rights Act and making sure that we of Christopher Columbus’ arrival to proud to know and work with so many continue to protect these critical America. Through this assignment, the outstanding Elks and members rights in our country. Pledge of Allegiance, as we know it throughout our region. I also am ex- f today, took shape. cited to participate in our benevolent At a trying time in our Nation’s his- Elks Lodge, which has a motorcycle RECOGNIZING ROME ELKS LODGE tory, Francis Bellamy captured so ele- #96 ride each year, where we travel to each gantly and simply America’s unity and of the Elks Lodges and raise money for The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. loyalty. With only a sentence, Bellamy charities that help many of our vet- FITZPATRICK). Under the Speaker’s an- ultimately symbolized America’s abil- erans in need. nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the ity to surpass all internal differences. So I just want to say, if you happen gentlewoman from New York (Ms. It is the manifestation of our patriotic to be visiting our region, take the time TENNEY) is recognized for 60 minutes as conscience and it is recognized to stop by one of our wonderful Elks the designee of the majority leader. throughout our Nation. Lodges. They have weekly events. Par- Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise Francis Bellamy’s spirit pervades in ticularly in the Rome Elks Lodge, they today to recognize the Rome Elks. Rome to this day, especially during pa- have Tuesday Wing Night, Wednesday Hailing from Rome Elks Lodge #96 on triotic holidays, like Flag Day. On Night Spaghetti Supper, Fish Fry Fri- Liberty Street, our hometown Elks Flag Day, the Rome Elks replace the day, or one of our special events on the truly embody the mission the Elks Na- two American flags that fly over Sir weekends or holidays. It is really a tional Foundation has been committed Francis Bellamy’s gravesite. These an- beautiful and wonderful time to meet to for over 140 years. For generations, nual ceremonies are a dedication to the and have fellowship with a community Elks around the Nation have dedicated patriotic principles that our flag has that is so patriotic and so devoted to themselves to building strong commu- stood for since it was first adopted in our Nation. nities and lending a helping hand to 1777. In 2008, the Rome Elks started a Today I urge all my colleagues and their fellow neighbors. significant renovation project on Bel- anyone watching at home to thank

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