The Engineering and Mining Journal 1893-11-11
THE ENGiNEEftING ANi) MINl^fG At. 491 The success of the cyanide process in South Africa, especially in the Witwatersrand mines, has encouraged its trial by other companies in that tfiE region who do not acknowledge' the validity of the McArthur-Foreest > patents. Our London correspondent writes that the Consolidate Gold¬ MxsmG ^ fields Com;)any is preparing to put up a cyanide plant at its mines in the Transvaal—and preparing also to fight the African Gold Refining Com¬ pany, which owns the patents. The Steel Rail Association is still quoting the nominal price of rails at $29 per ton at mill. This is much above actual prices, however, and, sales are said to have been made by a Pennsylvania mill at $24 de-“ Kntered at the Post-umce oi Mew York. N. Y., as aecund-ClasR Mall Matter. ivered at tidewater. There is a prospect of a still further reductiota; and for the present it is not easy to say what the actual prices are, fot rumors VoL, LVI. NOVEMBER IL No. 20. of even lower prices are numerous, our Philadelphia correspondent writ¬ aiOHAED P. BOTHWELL, 0. E., M. E., Editor. ^ ing that rumor has named prices as low as $22..W. B0B8ITEB W. BAYMOED, Fh. D., M. E., Soeoial Oontribator. The silver miners of the West have certainly had to suffer severely from SOPHIA BBAEUNLIOH, Bnainess Manager. the pan jc, and they have not left the rest of the w'orld in ignorance of the THE BOIENTIFIO FUBLIBHIKa 00., FnbUehen. fact, as every one knows; but the iron ore miners of Michigan and Min¬ nesota have suffered in silence a much heavier blow than their silver SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : For the United States.
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