The Engineering and Mining Journal 1893-11-11
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THE ENGiNEEftING ANi) MINl^fG At. 491 The success of the cyanide process in South Africa, especially in the Witwatersrand mines, has encouraged its trial by other companies in that tfiE region who do not acknowledge' the validity of the McArthur-Foreest > patents. Our London correspondent writes that the Consolidate Gold¬ MxsmG ^ fields Com;)any is preparing to put up a cyanide plant at its mines in the Transvaal—and preparing also to fight the African Gold Refining Com¬ pany, which owns the patents. The Steel Rail Association is still quoting the nominal price of rails at $29 per ton at mill. This is much above actual prices, however, and, sales are said to have been made by a Pennsylvania mill at $24 de-“ Kntered at the Post-umce oi Mew York. N. Y., as aecund-ClasR Mall Matter. ivered at tidewater. There is a prospect of a still further reductiota; and for the present it is not easy to say what the actual prices are, fot rumors VoL, LVI. NOVEMBER IL No. 20. of even lower prices are numerous, our Philadelphia correspondent writ¬ aiOHAED P. BOTHWELL, 0. E., M. E., Editor. ^ ing that rumor has named prices as low as $22..W. B0B8ITEB W. BAYMOED, Fh. D., M. E., Soeoial Oontribator. The silver miners of the West have certainly had to suffer severely from SOPHIA BBAEUNLIOH, Bnainess Manager. the pan jc, and they have not left the rest of the w'orld in ignorance of the THE BOIENTIFIO FUBLIBHIKa 00., FnbUehen. fact, as every one knows; but the iron ore miners of Michigan and Min¬ nesota have suffered in silence a much heavier blow than their silver SUBSCRIPTION PRICE : For the United States. Mexico and Canada, $5 per annum; $2.S0 for sis months; all other countries in the Postal Union, $7. brethren. The production of iron ore this year will be only about one-half' Advertising Rates furnished on application. Remittances shoulo always be made by Bank Drafts, Post-Office Orders or that of last year, and wages, which were then about $2.75 for miners, are Express Money Orders on New York, payable to The Scikntieic Pubusbino Co. now down to $1 50 per day for miners and $1 for other labor—a reduc¬ All payments must be made in advance. Notice oe Discontinuance.—The Engineering and Mining Journal is sent to tion all around of more than 40 per cent. ' subscribers until an explicit order for its. discontinuance is received by us, and all dayment of arrearaires is made, as required by law. Papers returned are not notices of discontinuance. The district of Bendigo, one of the oldest gold producers in Australia, THE SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING COMPANY. continues to show excellent results from its mines. In 1892 the total out¬ X. Officers : I P. ©. BOX 1833. put of the district was 202.165 ounces of gold, an increase of over 30 per R. P. Rothwell, Pres. & ,Uen 1 Mauk, I Pai*lr Plaee IVenr ¥of1£. Sophia Braednlich, Sec t & Treas. I ' i^arK nace, new x ofk. cent, as compared with 1891. During the present year the production Cable Address: “ Rothwell. New York.” Use A BC Code, Fourth Edition. has also been large, and for the eight months ending with August LONDON OFFICE: amounted to 134,666 ounces of gold, indicating a total for the present 20 Bucklersbury (Boom 366b London, E. C., Eng'land. year fully equal to that of 1892, if not greater. It will be seen that the Edward Walker, Manager. old district of Bendigo is retaining and increasing its prosperity, in spite of the attractions held out by the Broken Hill and other mines. CHICAGO OFFICE: “ The Rookery,” Boom 631. The November reports of the blast furnaces show- an increase ove CONTENTS. October, which, though small in itself, seems to show that the bottom ha Page. been reached in the pig iron trade and the corner turned. The change is The Cyanide Process in South Africa. •. 491 an increase of three furnaces in the number in blast and of about 6,000 Steel Rail Prices . .. 491 tons in the weekly output. The number of anthracite furnaces remained Silver Miners and Iron Miners... .. 491 unchanged, and that of the active charcoal furnaces was diminished by The Bendigo District, Australia. .. 491 two, but there was an increase of five in the coke furnaces at work, two Pig Iron Production.. .. 491 of them in the Pittsburg district and one each in Alabama, Tennessee The English Coal Troubles. • . 491 and Virginia. An increase may be expected from now on, though it is , Coke Sweating.. .. 491 likely to be slow- for some months to come. A Suspicious Circular.. • • 491 British Iron and Steel Production. .. 492 A CABLE dispatch from London says that in some districts in Bngland The Labor Question in the Rocky Motntains...192 coal has reached the unprecedented price of 60s. or $15 per ton. and that New Publications. .493 the price is still going up. The strike of the coal miners, which is' still Books Received.. unsettled in spite of the partial resumption of work announced two weeks Boiler Awards at Chicago.. ago, but which really included only a few mines, threatens to cause Coke Sweating....W. N. Page 493 widespread distress, not only among the miners and their immediate de¬ Use of Plain English in Geological Discussions.w. r. Tngalis 491 pendents, but also among the very large class of persons throughout' Iron Ores in Great Britain.494 England to whom dear coal means a curtailment in some of the absolute *The Michigan Mineral Exhibit at Chicagpo.g. Brady 495 necessities of life. The serious interruption to manufacturing of all kinds * Mining at the Columbian Exposition... 497 caused by the strike will also increase the distress, and the present look¬ Abstracts of Official Reports.. out is for a hard winter, - ^ The Waste of Heat in Iron Smelting.Sir Lowthian Bell 498 In another column our esteemed correspondent Mr. Wm. N. Page, re-” A Visit to the Pyrites Mines of Spain.E. D. Peters. Jr. 498 ports some interesting observations on the sweating of coke. Where Treating Sulphide Ores at Broken Hill, N, S. W.t. J. Gireenway 499 * The New Shops of the Bucyrus Steam Shovel and Dredge Co_500 coke is covered or shut up in cars and not exposed to the free circiilation, Recent Decisions Affecting tne Mining Industry. of air, the formation of water in noticeable quantities results. Our cor- - Patents Issued.. respondent suggests as an explanation of this phenomenon that hydrogen' Personals, Obituary, Societies, Technical Schools, Industrial. ^ may be inclosed in ,the coke and may combine with oxygen of the air to Notes: Blue Rock Salt, 494—Harvey Process in Great Britain, 494 -^Vahadium, 494—Exports of Tin Plate from the United Kingdom form the water; where the coke is open to the air this combination does not 494—Aluminum Alloys, 499—Pumice Btoneinthe Canary Islands ’ follow the hydrogen passing off too freely to produce noticeable effects. 499—A New Battle-Ship, 601—Steel Coal Barges, 601—Cost of Whether this is the true explanation or not, the very interesting fact men¬ Power Transmission by^ Electricity, 601—An Australian Meteorite 6U1—Production of Manganese in the Caucasus, 501. ’ tioned seems to be established, and records of the observations and experi¬ * Illustrated. ence of others would be of interest! Mining News. M'ashlnyton.... .506 Iron : Mining Stock Alabama..503 West Vintinia.. 506 New York.... 506 Tables : . A suspicions OIHGULAB. California..50.3 Wisconsin. .506 Buffalo...508 New York.... 51 Colorado.503 Wyoming ....'.. 506 Chicago. 508 Boston. 51 The “Cripple Creek Mining and Development Company.” whose offic^- Florida.501 Philadelphia.. 509 San EYaocisco. 51 Georg;ia. 504 Br. Ckilumbia.. .506 Pittsburg. 519 Coal Stocks.... 51 are in Denver and whose officers are F. E. KeaRnEy, president; W. E.‘^’ Idaho...504 Great Britain.. .506 Colo. Springs 51 Alexander, treasurer, and W, Hogarth, secretary, is now scattering Indiana. 504 India. 506 Markets : Baltimore. 51 Maryland,.501 New Guinea ... 506 Metals.509 London.51 attractive looking little prospectuses liberally in New York and vicinity, Michigan.50t New So. Wales .506 Paris......61 Minnesota.501 Nova Scotia.. 506 Aspen. 51 not among the offices of business men and large investors, but among the Missouri.501 Ontario ■ ...... .5C6 Chemicals and St. Lonis.. 51 resident;es where people who may be supposed td have small rarpWiseg td Moataoa.. 505 Queensland.... 566 Minekaia.... 510 Duluth........ 51 Nevada. 505 South Africa... .5116 Denver. 51 invest are likely to be found: and in every case which has come to our New Mexico.... 505 I’urkey. 6:16 Mining Stock Helena.51 notice these circulars have been directed to women. The prospectus is Oregon. 505 W est Australia a06 Markets : Philadelphia.. 54 Pennsylvania... 505 New York.... 510 Pittsburg.51 brief, containing some general statements as to the Cripple Creek district South Carolina. 505 Coal : ’ : Boston.'511 Current Pricks; South Dakota.. 505 New York... • 607 San Francisco. 511 Chemicals.... 51 and then going on to say: “We honestly believe that the two gold claims ^ Tennessee. 506 Buftalo...;... 507 Minerals...... -51 we now have will strike pay ore before we are 100 feet deep. Oite'taken' Utah. sue Chicago...;.. .'1i07 Rarer Metals. 51 Virginia. 506 Piltshurg..... 507 Assessments... 51i Aovt. Index.*, ' 1 from the openings on this property runs all the way from $7 at the sur?*i •'1 ■ 49^ "TM ENatNEERlNG AND MINING JOURNAL. Nov. ll, 189S. face to $30 at 60 feet. The veins are about 6 feet in width, and get THE LABOR QUESTION IN THE R00E7 MOUNTAINS. wider as depth is reached, as do all other veins in this district!!” It will be observed that all the glittering prospects offered rest, not on The probability that -silver wHl remain at or about the low level to any actual work done, but on the “honest belief” of its officers.