Notice to All Voters of Rock Island County, III
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DAILY DISPATCH, MOLINE, ILLINOIS: THURSPAjT EVENING, FEBRUARY. 26, 1948 Optical Firms Deny* Opera Singer to Propose T^oo Derailed in Moline — Agreements Illegal Be at Augustana CHICAGO —VP)— Counsel for V. S. Flattops, Engine and Four Cars Leave Tracks two optical concerns denied today that It )s Illegal lor such firms to enter agreements with oculists- In Fot Palestine supplying glasses to their cus tomers. WASHINGTON -{(UP)— Ame* Two large companies, four 'sub lean diplomatic offlpials think pur sidiaries of one of them, and about contribution to any ted Nations 6,000 eye specialists are accused of force for Palestine be limited violating the anti-trust law by fix to a couple of aircraft car- ing prices and rebating. The .gov riers. leave to other ernment alleges the suppliers re This theory wduli to supply bated, to the oculists about half countries the o the; total price paid by their pa ground trbops, can forces tients for their glasses. would consist sol the person- I Twenty-one Wisconsin eye doc nel of the two ers—normally tors today agreed to be bound by 2.2QO sailors and marines each. any federal court judgment in the High UJ3." policy [makers advance suit against the two firms. this carrier plan in ; reply to the complaints of nijU&ty leaders r that OF COURSE.... the united States lb bankrupt mili Prom King Fined tarily and has no strength to spare for a UN PalestmA force. $40 for Bribery\ It was learned {hat one oi the WE'RE CROWING! major objections raised by 1 the WALTER CA8SEL. military to participation in such a MADISON, WIS. — UP) — James '• Walter CasseL nationally known! U.N. force was that (the United and why not? With all the new im| Lawrence, socially prominent under baritone, will appear i$ the Aug States would be (stretching Its com graduate, was convicted last night ustana college chapel- on Wednes mitments too thin throughout the provements we have we can d< by a student court of bribery in his day), March 3, at 8:15 pin. Cassel's world. * election as the University of Wiscon performance will complete , the plenty of crowing. sin's prom king. - But one official, who supports Atigustana concert series for the the use of XJU. force jto maintain The court, whose decisions are current season. j peace but not tb impose partition recognized as official by the univer A member of the Metropolitan fin Palestine, said, the military Come in and see Moline k sity, fined the Tulsa, Okla., athlete Opera association since' 1943, Cas* argument left hunt cold. This offi $40. sei has received recognition as cial had extensive {experience with first Automatic Cory Col- , M|nan in DeBretigny, Valentin in the military men during the war. t, Silcio in Pagllac^f and Ger "The theory thai we, are a bank man in La Traviata. He has also rupt military power Jeaves me cold," fee Maker. The newest bepn heard on such radio programs he said. "I heard i^hat In 1940 and This train "wreck" near downtown Moline attracted a lot of attention today. as Hammersteln'a Mustek hall, the every year thereafter." and finest in the Tri-Cities. Andre Kostelanetz program, the The engine, tender and three cars | Ford Sunday evening pour, and . ' " > of an 85-car west-bound Burlington others. Korean Elections Woodhull Damped Also the first Pillsbury Au Movie Spokesman freight, en route to Clinton, were By Victoria in 1st During the past two seasons Cas derailed east of the Seventeenth iijL sel has been a guest artist at the street crossing in Moline at 6:40 this Endorsed by U. N. tomatic Donut Machine San Antonio opera festival, where WiH Giv£ Talks District Encounter he has sung numerous operatic morning when the train, according this area. j to railroad men, apparently went LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. — (UP) ONEIDA—Coach Elner Lundeen's roles. Last year under /the spon Here fltet Week The United Nations little assembly sorship of the Los Angeles light through a switch. Woodhull Cardinals fell by the way r today approved an American pro side in last night's district tourna Opera company Cassel sang the Irvin E. Deer, spokesman for the The derailment began about SO posal advising the U.N. Korean leading role In the nation-wide yards east of the crossing and the ment opener here, succumbing to tour of Romberg's Desert Song. Motion Picture Association of commission to go ahead with "na basket sniping by Victoria, 37-29. Watch for Oar Anniversary AjL America, an organization of movie front of the engine came to rest tional" ejections in Korea in spite The loss ended an up-and-down Cassel was born ' in Council producers, will: give two talks in Just a short distance east of the of Russian refusal to let its zone season for the Cards during which Bluffs, la., and his early musical Moline next week. crossing after tearing My consider participate. they were crowned champs ot the training was confined to the trum able of the mam line track. The wHf ^P^'^ ft meeting ot the engine and some of the other cars Corn Belt conference, but lost their pet. After his vocal talents became Moline Parent-Teacher association \ damaged, but it Is not believed first games in two tournaments. apparent he made numerous ap council at 0:30 IMonday aftetnoon vere European. Relief Scor by quarters of the Vlctorla- pearances throughout the midwest in the Y.WJCA4 and at 11 Wed total damage will reach $1,000. Woodhull fray: while studying voice in Omaha. His Engineer of the train was MJl. Victoria 11 15 7 4-37 nesday morning {he will address a McArthur of Galesburg. The other Campaign Begins By first venture to New York in 1934 senior high school assembly. Woodhull. 10 6 7 6—29 resulted in radio appearances which 80 cars were hooked onto another JEANETTE Mr. Deer Is midwest field repre engine and continued to Clinton, j$t St. Ambrose • MOLINE DAILY DISPATCH led ultimately to a contract with sentative of the MPA's community the Metropolitan using the DHJ.&N.W. tracks between Established 1S78 GARDNER service department, i He Is al for DAVENPORT—A three-part Eu Published over? afternoon except Bun- Twenty-fifth street, Moline, and day *r the Holme Dispatch Publishing mer Y.M.C.A, secretarytiry., school ad Thirty-eighth street. Rock Island. ropean relief drive opened yester Co., 1730 Fifth arenuB. Moline, DL en 1313 Piion* HOME SERVICE Estimates Indicate thatabout one-! ministrator, minister aid radio day at St. Ambrose college, Daven tered as second class matter at the A wrecking crew with a derrick, re Moline poitottlca under the act ot March 5th Ave. Moline CONSULTANT third of the land surface of the \ commentator, ferred to by railroad men as a "big port, and 'will continue through 3. 1879 wcrld is too dry for agriculture hook," arrived at the scene at 11 March. Contributions will be appor Mall rates: Illinois and Iowa $9 one 079 without irrigation. this morning and began work of tioned among CARE, bishop's relief year: $3.80 six months; $3 three months; and student relief. S1.23 one month. All other statees $11.50 HOOPPOLE getting the engine and cars back on one yeaf; tSM six months; $3.35 three First book store known in the HOOPPOLE e- Mrs. MartAa the track. They will be hauled either Students have been asked to ful months; $1.35 one month. Even though the price of UJS. was opened In Boston in 1672 Smith entertained nine persons at to Galesburg or West Burlington for fill their pledges by March 24. The Associated Press and United by Hezeklah usher. I an oyster supper last night. repairs. (Dispatch photo by John drive will end officially with a Press leased wire services. meat has shown a ten dance April 2. The Associated Press Is en Mills) titled exehulTely to the dency to go down re Bishops' relief an dituflefit relief use for republication of all cently, meat - stretching contributions will be, handled the local news printed In through the war relief services of this newspaper, as well as recipes are still jto be. ap Electric Wiring aU AP news dispatches. the National Catholic Welfare con Kings Features and preciated. Consider .tilt ference. Student relief donations tTnlted features Services. wiH go to needy students In Eu Member Audit Bureau two listed below. Bpth Blamed for Fire ot Circulations. make a little ground * w8) i_ rope. Defective electric wiring in a Bishop's relief contributions go to beef go a long way. The war victims, particularly children, Barbecued Meat Balls second floor bedroom was blamed regardless of race or religion. The ate a sure palate pleaser. by firemen for a fire at the Law project has asisted persons in 61 rence Humberstone residence, 1411 nations to date. As for the goulash—it's Thirteenth street, Moline, at 8:20 Milan, Italy, has been chosen as a one-dish meal that's this morning. the destination of CARE packages hard to beat! A bed, bed clothing, a small from St. Ambrose. The first 100 nightstand, a section of the wall packages wul be sent as soon as they • • • and a small hole in the roof were are ready. Students are being asked Notice to All Voters of burned. to donate an hour a week to assist There was 6ome damage from with makeup and wrapping of CARE BARBECUED MEAT water which seeped into the first packages. floor. Occupants of the house, in- St.