Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (07– 13 April 2016)

Israeli forces continue systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

(07– 13 April 2016)

Nablus: Israeli Forces Demolish Kids’ Park in Za’tarah Village, South of Nablus

Israeli forces continued to use excessive force in the oPt A Palestinian boy was wounded during an Israeli incursion.

Israeli forces continued to target the border areas along the . A child grazing sheep, east of Johr al­Deek village, in the central Gaza Strip, was wounded.

Israeli forces conducted 85 incursions into Palestinian communities in the and 2 limited ones in the Gaza Strip. 79 Palestinian civilians, including 12 children and 12 women, were arrested. 28 of them, including 3 children and 11 women, including a photojournalist, were arrested in occupied . A child was arrested after attempting to cross the border fence between the Gaza Strip and to look for work.

Israeli forces continued to target Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip Sea. 2 fishermen were wounded and arrested, 2 fishing boats were confiscated and 4 other fishermen were arrested as well.

Israeli forces continued their efforts to create Jewish majority in occupied East Jerusalem. A house in Sour Baher village was closed with iron plates on grounds of collective punishments. A house was self­demolished, a tent was confiscated and more demolition notices were issued. Settlement activities continued in the West Bank. 16 residential tents, 5 caves used as shelters and 15 livestock barns in Kherbet Tana were demolished. A poultry slaughterhouse and a car workshop in Ni’lin village, west of , in addition to a kids’ park in Za’tarah village, south of Nablus, were demolished. Israeli forces demolished 3 underconstruction houses in al­Walaja village, west of Bethlehem. Settlers levelled a plot of land, west of Deir Ghassana village, northwest of Ramallah, in an attempt to seize it.

Israeli forces turned the West Bank into cantons and continued to impose the illegal closure on the Gaza Strip for the 9th Dozens of temporary checkpoints were established in the West Bank and others were re­ established to obstruct the movement of Palestinian civilians. 6 Palestinian civilians, including a university student, were arrested at military checkpoints. Israeli forces arrested a Palestinian civilians at (Erez) crossing while returning to the Gaza Strip.


Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (07 – 13 April 2016).


Israeli forces have continued to commit crimes, inflicting civilian casualties. They have also continued to use excessive force against Palestinian civilians participating in peaceful protests in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the majority of whom were youngsters. During the reporting period, Israeli forces wounded 4 Palestinian civilians, including a child, one of them was wounded in the West Bank and the 3 others were wounded in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, on 07 April 2016, a Palestinian boy sustained a bullet wound to the right leg when dozens of settlers escorted by Israeli forces raided Joseph Tomb, east of Nablus, to perform their rituals. Dozens of youngsters gathered as a result and threw stones at Israeli soldiers that opened fire in response.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces wounded 3 Palestinian civilians, including 2 fishermen and boy grazing sheep near the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

On 08 April 2016, Israeli gunboats stationed off Rafah shore, south of the Gaza Strip, opened fire at 2 fishing boats manned by 4 fishermen and sailing 5 nautical miles off the shore. As a result, 2 brothers sustained bullets wounds throughout their bodies and were then arrested. Moreover, Israeli forces arrested 2 other fishermen. Three fishermen were released while the 2 fishing boats remained in custody.

On 11 April 2016, Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinian shepherds in the east of Gaza Valley (Johr al­Deek), in the central Gaza Strip. As a result, Amer al­Tarabeen (14) sustained a bullet wound to the right arm while grazing the sheep, southeast of the landfill, 300 meters away from the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

In the context of targeting border areas along the Gaza Strip, on 07 April 2016, Israeli forces stationed at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Jabalia village, north of the Gaza Strip, opened fire sporadically at the border area. No casualties were reported, but those who were present in the area were obliged to flee fearing for their lives. As part of Israeli attacks on fishermen in the Gaza Strip Sea, on 07 April 2016, Israeli navy forces arrested 2 fishermen, from Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, while fishing within the allowed fishing area off Deir al­Balah shore, in the central Gaza Strip. They took them to Ashdod Seaport in Israel and questioned them for hours.

On 09 April 2016, Israeli gunboats stationed off the northwest of Beit Lahia shore, north of the Gaza Strip, opened fire sporadically around Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 2 nautical miles.


During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 85 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 8 ones in occupied East Jerusalem and its suburbs. During these incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 79 Palestinian civilians, including 12 children and 12 women. Twenty­eight of them, including 3 children and 11 women, were arrested in occupied Jerusalem. Among the arrested in Jerusalem was Mohammed Salim, the Imam of al­Aqsa Mosque, and Samah Dweik (25), journalist at Quds Network.

In the Gaza Strip, on 07 April 2016, Israeli forces moved about 150 meters into the west of the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al­Bureij refugee camp, in the central Gaza Strip. They levelled lands along the border fence and withdrew later.

On 12 April 2016, Israeli forces moved about 100 into the east of al­Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip. They levelled lands, dug some areas along the border fence and redeployed later.

On the same day, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, arrested Omer Abu Foul (17), from Beit Lahia, after he crossed the border fence to look for work.

Restrictions on movement:

Israel continued to impose a tight closure of the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

The illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, which has been steadily tightened since June 2007 has had a disastrous impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli authorities impose measures to undermine the freedom of trade, including the basic needs for the Gaza Strip population and the agricultural and industrial products to be exported. For 9 consecutive years, Israel has tightened the land and naval closure to isolate the Gaza Strip from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem, and other countries around the world. This resulted in grave violations of the economic, social and cultural rights and a deterioration of living conditions for 1.8 million people. The Israeli authorities have established Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shaloum) as the sole crossing for imports and exports in order to exercise its control over the Gaza Strip’s economy. They also aim at imposing a complete ban on the Gaza Strip’s exports. The Israeli closure raised the rate of poverty to 38.8%, 21.1% of which suffer from extreme poverty. Moreover, the rate of unemployment increased up to 44%, which reflects the unprecedented economic deterioration in the Gaza Strip.

Jewish Majority

In the context of house demolitions, on 11 April 2016, Israeli forces surrounded and then closed with iron plates a house belonging to Abed Mahmoud Dwayat (19) in Sour Baher village, southeast of Jerusalem. Dwayat had been arrested along with 3 other young men from Soure Baher village under the pretext of killing a settler in “Armon Hanetziv” settlement in al­Mukaber Mountain after throwing stones at his car.

In the context of house demolitions and demolition notices, on 07 April 2016, Shereen al­Sidawi self­ demolished 2 rooms in her house in Beit Hanina neighbourhood, north of Jerusalem, upon a decision issued by the Israeli municipality. The aforementioned person said to PCHR’s fieldworker that she attached 2 rooms to her house 3 years ago. However, the Israeli municipality issued a decision to demolish the 2 rooms under the pretext of non­licensing. The decision had been delayed several times until it was final.

On 08 April 2016, Israeli forces moved into Ein al­Louza neighbourhood in Silwan village, south of Jerusalem’s Old City. They confiscated a tent that had been established for the Friday prayer under the pretext non­licensing.

On 09 April 2016, Israeli municipality officers escorted by the Israeli forces moved into Ein al­Louza neighbourhood in Silwan village, south of East Jerusalem. They distributed administrative demolition notices to 3 houses under the pretext of non­licensing.

Settlement activities:

On 07 April 2016, Israeli forces demolished a poultry slaughterhouse and a car workshop in the east of Nil’in village, west of Ramallah, for licensing issues.

On the same day, Israeli forces demolished 16 residential tents, 5 caves used as shelters and 15 livestock barns and confiscated 4 water tanks and 2 cars in Kherbet Tana, southeast of Beit Foreek village, east of Nablus. It should be noted that the families whose houses were demolished and became homeless consisted of 117 persons, including 61 children. This is the 4th time that the aforementioned Kherbeh had been demolished in 2 months.

On 12 April 2016, Israeli forces demolished a kids’ park in Za’tarah village, south of Nablus.

On the same day, Israeli forces demolished 3 underconstruction houses in Ein Jweiza area, north of al­Walaja village, west of Bethlehem. It should be noted that Israeli forces photographed a number of houses in the area and handed over demolition notices to a number of houses.

Concerning settler attacks, on 07 April 2016, a group of armed settlers accompanied by a bulldozer moved from “Beit Ariel” settlement, northwest of Ramallah and al­Bireh, into the agricultural lands, west of Deir Ghassanah village, northwest of the city. They levelled a plot of land in an attempt to seize it.


1. Incursions into Palestinian Areas, and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 07 April 2016

At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into Hebron. They raided and searched 4 houses from which they arrested 4 civilians. The arrested persons were identified as Firas Khalid al­ Rajbi (25), Mohammed Akram al­Rajbi (27), Ahmed Yaser al­Qawasma (18), and Mohammed Talib Abu Sninah (22).

At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Surif village, northwest of Hebron. They raided and searched 2 houses from which they arrested 2 civilians. The arrested persons were identified as Talab Othman Au Farah (33) and Ahmed Majed Hamidat (28).

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al­Dahiryia village, south of Hebron, and stationed in al­Ma’ali neighbourhood. They raided a house belonging to Subhan Wael al­Titi (27), who was arrested by Israeli forces a month earlier after he was released from the Palestinian authority’s prisons. Subhan turned himself to the Palestinian security services after he ran over an Israeli settler near al­Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron, on 20 October 2016. The Israeli settler was attacking the Palestinian vehicles with a stick; in the meantime, al­Titi was unable to control his car so it ran over the settler. After that, Israeli authorities declared the death of the settler. Israeli forces also took photos of the abovementioned house and searched it and threatened the family to demolish it. It should be mentioned that the Palestinian Magistrates Court charged al­Titi with an unintentional traffic accident; therefore, he was released later.

At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into Selwad village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided a house belonging to Malek Ibrahim Hamed (27) after destroying the main gate of the house with a sharp tool. Israeli forces handed Malek a summons two times in less than two weeks to refer to the Israeli Intelligence service in Ofer prison, southwest of the city. It should be mentioned that the Israeli authorities released him on 22 March 2016, after serving 6 months in the Israeli jails.

At approximately 06:00, Israeli forces moved into refugee camp, adjacent to Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to Ameen Abdul Rahman Farahat after destroying the main doors of the house. They interrogated the family members and arrested Ameen’s son, Mahmoud (27). In the meantime, Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Omar Nafi’ al­Sa’di (25) and arrested him.

In the morning, Israeli forces arrested two Palestinian fishermen, from Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, while sailing within the allowed fishing area off Deir el­Balah shore in the central Gaza Strip. The fishermen were taken to Ashdod Seaport in Israel and were then interrogated before being released. According to the investigations and testimony of fisherman Ra’ed Khamees Abu ‘Odah (43), at approximately 06:00, while Abu ‘Odah along with fisherman Iyad Abed Isaa ‘Elwan (35) were sailing on a boat belonging to ‘Elwan and fishing with a fishhook within 8 nautical miles, where fishing is allowed for Palestinian fishermen (9 miles), the abovementioned fishermen were surprised by 5 rubber boats each of which carrying 6 Israeli soldiers coming from the direction of a large gunboat belonging to the Israeli naval forces sailing within 3 nautical miles. As a result, the fishermen tried to sail eastwards to leave the place, but Israeli gunboats chased them and opened fire at them, so the fishermen were forced to stop. After that, Israeli forces obliged the fishermen to take their clothes off and swim towards the Israeli gunboats, which were 8 meters away from their boat, but they refused. As a result, an Israeli gunboat approached the fishing boat, an Israeli soldier jumped over the fishing boat and pulled it closer to the gunboat. Moreover, the fishermen were handcuffed and then taken to Ashdod Seaport, where they were interrogated and accused of sailing within a no­fishing area for Palestinian fishermen. They were then taken to Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing, where they were questioned again by the Israeli intelligence officers about some persons and relatives. They also asked them to locate their place of residence on electronic maps. The abovementioned fishermen were released at approximately 22:30, via Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing.

At approximately 08:00, Israeli forces stationed at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al­Burij refugee camp, in the centre of the Gaza Strip, moved around 150 meters into the border area. Israeli vehicles patrolled and levelled the lands adjacent to the fence until 14:30 and then redeployed behind the border fence.

At approximately 10:00, Israeli forces moved into Jenin refugee camp for the second time within few hours. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohammed Sa’eed Abdullah Swaitat (26) and arrested him. After that, Israeli forces stationed in the eastern neighbourhood of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohammed Abdullah Metleq al­Sa’di (32) and arrested him.

At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces stationed in the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al­Shuhada Cemetery, east of Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, sporadically opened fire towards the border area. No casualties were reported among civilians, who were present there for picnic, but they left the area fearing for their lives.

At approximately 19:15, Israeli forces stationed at the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Abu Safia area, east of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, arrested Omar Abdul Bari Al­‘Abed Abu Foul (17), from Beit Lahia, while sneaking through the fence to work in Israel. According to investigations conducted by PCHR’s Legal Aid Unit, Abu Foul is so far under arrest in al­Majdal prison.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (7) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: al­‘Aroub refugee camp; Bani Na’eem; Ethna; Beit Olaa; al­Koum; Deir al­‘Asal; Imrish and Kharsa villages in Hebron.

Friday, 08 April 2016

At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched several houses. They questioned the family of Tareq Taleb Hamed (21) about their son, Hamed, who has been detained on political grounds in the Palestinian General intelligence services (GIS) for two months and a student in University. Israeli forces arrested 3 civilians, including 2 children, and took them to an unknown destination. The arrested civilians were identified as Bilal Sobhi Hamed (17), Mo’me Basem Hamed (17) and Saif Khalil Hamad (19).

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Deir Jarir village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and searched a house belonging to Bahaa’ Emad Shejaiyah (19) and then arrested him.

At approximately 03:30, Israeli forces moved into Sa’ir village, east of Hebron, and stationed in the western area. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Salsabil Zawadi al­Shalalah (22), a student at Hebron University. They then arrested Salsabil and took her to an unknown destination.

At approximately 07:00, Israeli gunboats stationed off Rafah shore, south of the Gaza Strip, fired live bullets and metal bullets at 2 Palestinian fishing boats manned by 4 fishermen sailing within 5 nautical miles. As a result, Mohmmed Jehad Rezeq Mesleh (26) and his brother Bilal (21) sustained wounds throughout their bodies while Ahmed Omer Mohammed al­Bardawil (29) and his brother Eyad (21) were arrested. Mohammed Jehad Mesleh said that at approximately 18:00, Israeli forces released him and the 3 other fishermen via Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing, north of the Gaza Strip, but kept their boats in custody.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (3) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Beit Oula, Tarqumiya and al­Hadab villages in Hebron.

Saturday, 09 April 2016

At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron, and stationed near schools. They raided and searched a house belonging to Hamadi Abdul Fatah al­Teti (19) and then arrested him.

At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Rabah Eid Fudailat (18) and arrested him.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into al­Khader village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses and then handed 4 civilians summonses to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in “Gosh Etzion” settlement complex, south of the city. The summoned civilians were identified as Nabel Suliaman Mousa (22), Hamza Essa al­Kouber (26), Mohammed Rezq Salah (22) and Hamza Mostafa Kan’an (22).

At approximately 18:30, Israeli gunboats stationed off northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, sporadically opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 2 nautical miles and chased them. The shooting, which continued for 30 minutes, caused fear among fishermen, who were forced to sail back. Neither injuries nor damages were reported.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (5) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Bani Naim, Sa’ir, Tafouh, al­Majd and Abdo villages in Hebron.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Kharsah village, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Moneer Naser Shaded (20) and then arrested him.

At approximately 01:20, Israeli forces moved into al­Zawiyah village, west of Salfit. They raided and searched a house belonging to Hani Adam Yousif. They then raided and searched a house belonging to Motaz Nabih Shaqour (23). They then arrested Shaqour and later withdrew taking them to an unknown destination. Hani said to a PCHR fieldworker that:

“At approximately 02:30 on Sunday, 10 April 2106, my nephew called to tell me that there are Israeli soldiers in my sister’s house. Suddenly, my house doors were opened and Israeli forces were all over the house. I asked them what they want and how they got in here. They said they came to search for a weapon. I denied having one, but they told me that I work in the Palestinian Authority and you must have a weapon. They then started destroying the furniture after handcuffing my 4 children and took them down stairs with my wife. They then handcuffed me and started to curse me and the Palestinian Authority. While searching, a dog with the Israeli soldier barked, drawing the Israeli officer’s attention that there is a weapon behind this wall. The officer said that we will destroy the wall. The Israeli soldiers numbered 20 then searched and found a weapon. After catching the weapon, they found that it was plastic as it is my son’s toy. They then started damaging the furniture and spilled the oil and rice on the ground. they detained us while handcuffed until 06:30.”

At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into Dura village, southwest of Hebron and stationed in Shaa’b Wazir area. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohmmed Jameel Jadallah (23) and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in “Gosh Etzion” settlement complex, south of Bethlehem.

At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Tabaqah village, south of the city. They raided and searched a house belonging to Monther Mohammed Abu Atwan (48), who was released only 5 days ago after serving one year under administrative detention. They handed him a summons to refer to the abovementioned settlement complex.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Amrish village, southeast of Dura, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Osama Mahmoud Shahen (39) and thrn handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in “Gosh Etzion” settlement complex, south of Bethlehem.

At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron, and stationed near the UNRWA disturbing centre. They raided and searched a house belonging to Tamer Waleed Abu Ghazi (17) and then arrested him.

At approximtaley 21:30, Israeli forces moved into Salfit. They raided and searched a house belonging to Salim Mohammed al­Masri (23) and handed him a summons to refer to the Israeli Intelligence.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (10) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: al­Fawar refugee camp, Beit Oula and al­Thaheriyah villages in Hebron; Tulkarm and Nour al­Shams refugee camps, Faroun, Enabta and Deir al­Ghusoun villages in Tulkarm; and Eastern Barta’ah village, west of Jenin.

Monday, 11 April 2016

At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Fawar refugee camp, south of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Abed Jamal al­Mahseri (23) and then arrested him.

At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into al­Aroub refugee camp, north of Hebron and stationed at the western and eastern entrances. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Ezzedine Bayan Khaled (19), Wajdi Husain Mohammed al­Sahrif (22) Ezzedine Ahmed Abu Sal (18), Emad Jamal Abu Sal (18) and Yahya Zakariyah Abu Mhaisen (17).

At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Eiba, northwest of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Derar Sami Thaher Qubalah (21) who is a student in the Nursing School in al­Najah National University in Nablus.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Tal village, southwest of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Malek Bilal Shtayah (21), a student in Sharia College in al­Najah National University in Nablus.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Kharsa village, south of Dura, southwest of Hebron, and stationed in al­Deir area. They raided and searched a family house of Ahmed Azmi Hanatshah (17) and then arrested him.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into ‘Anabta village, east of Tulkarm. They raided and searched a house belonging to Raed Adel Sulaiman Abdul Dayem (18). They locked him in one of the house rooms and questioned him. They later withdrew, but no arrests were reported.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Beit Our al­Tahtah village, southwest of Ramallah. They raided and searched 2 houses from which they arrested Oudai Mohammed Omer Sulaiman (23) and Fadel Salah Jadallah (50).

At approximately 02:30, Israeli forces moved into al­Aroub refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Fadi Jehad al­‘Adawin (32) and Akram Rezeq al­Barbari (37) and handed them 2 summonses to refer to the Israeli intelligence service in “Gosh Etzion” settlement complex, south of the city.

At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into Kherbet Abu Falah village, northeast of Ramallah. They raided and a house belonging to Rebhi Husain Elian (24) and then arrested him.

At approximately 04:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Shauokh village, northeast of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to Sami Talal Halayqah (35) and then arrested him.

At approximately 17:30, Israeli forces opened fire at sheep herders, east of Gaza Valley village (Johr al­Deek) in the central Gaza Strip. As a result, Amer Thiyab Khames al­Tarabin (14) was hit with a live bullet to his right hand while he, his sister Heba (20) and their cousin Ward al­ Bahabsah (16) were herding the sheep, southeast of the landfill and 300 meters away from the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel. His sister and cousin carried him and took him to his house which is around 1000 meters away in the abovementioned village. Amer’s father called the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS). A PRCS ambulance then arrived and transported him to al­Aqsa Hospital in Deir al­Balah to receive medical treatment.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (7) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Beit al­Roush, Ethnah and Beit Awah villages in Hebron; Jeet and Ematen villages, northeast of Qalqiliya; Seneriya village, southeast of the city and Bedia village, west of Salfit.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm and stationed in Aktaba area, northeast of the city. They raided and searched 2 houses belonging to Morad Essa Mohammed Daghash (41) and his cousin Bahaa’ Anwar Mohammed Daghash (28). They then arrested them and confiscated a motorbike. They then stationed in al­Aqsa neighbourhood, north of the city. They raided a house belonging to Abdul Rahem Mohammed Fathallah Abul Rahem al­Saedi (29) who was not home at that time. An Israeli officer threatened al­Saedi family that he must turn himself in on the same day morning maximum. In case he did not, they will ruin his brother’s wedding Zakaria (25) on Friday, 15 April 2016. Following that, the Israeli forces re­stationed in Shuwaikah suburb, north of the city. They raided and searched a house belonging to Amin Bassam Amin Khuwailed (26) and then arrested him. In the morning, al­ Saedi went to the Israeli military Liaison office (DCO), southwest of Tulkarm, due to Israeli forces threats to his and he was arrested.

Around the same time, Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to Ibrahim Ahmed al­Sharouf (36) in al­Saf Street in the centre of Bethlehem and arrested him.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into Jenin and stationed in the neighbourhood, east of the city. They raided and searched a house belonging to Omer Hatem Sulaiman Asa’ad (25) and then arrested him.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into the southern area of Hebron and stationed in al­Rajbi neighbourhood. They raided and searched a house belonging to Hesham Essa al­ Qawasmah (20) and then arrested him.

At approximately 01:45, Israeli forces moved into al­Zawiyah village, west of Salfit. They raided and searched several houses form which they arrested Abdullah Rashed Eliyan Mawqidi (35).

At approximately 02:00, Israeli forces moved into Beit Fajar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Osama Ibrahim Deriyah (24), ‘Adel Ahmed Deriyah (24) and Esam Abdullah Taqatqah (17).

At approximately 07:30, Israeli forces accompanied with military jeeps moved about 100 meters into the east of al­Qararah village, northeast of Khan Yonis, south of the Gaza Strip. They levelled some lands for hours and fired sound and smoke bombs along the border fence. They then redeployed along the border fence.

At approximately 17:00, Israeli forces moved into Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah. They patrolled in the streets and stationed in the vicinity of Silwad gas station. They also deployed in the area and searched some vehicles. Meanwhile, a number of gathered and threw stones at the Israeli soldiers, who immediately fired sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the stone­throwers in response. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation. The Israeli forces then arrested Ahmed Mohammed Abul Salam (16) and Omer Nael Mohammed Hamad (16) and later withdrew taking him to an unknown destination. It should be noted that Ahmed holds an American passport while Omer holds a Brazilian one.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (10) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Seneriyah village, south of Qalqiliya; ‘Azzoun village, east of the city; al­Fawar refugee camp, Ras al­Jurah area and Raboud village in Hebron; al­Zubaidat , Fasayel and Marj Ne’mah villages, north of Jericho; Qarawet bani Zaid village, northwest of Ramallah and Betounia village, west of the city.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

At approximately 01:00, Israeli forces moved into Tulkarm and stationed in the eastern neighbourhood of the city. They raided and searched a house belonging to Mohammed Abdul Raouf Mohammed Jarar (20) and then arrested him.

At approximately 01:30, Israeli forces moved into Beit Dajan village, east of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses form which they arrested Nasir Redwan Abu Thabet (22), a Media student at al­Najah National University.

Around the same time, Israeli forces moved into ‘Ourif village, south of Nablus. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Abdul Hafeth Mohamed Abdul Hafeth Shuhadah (21), an engineering student at al­Najah National University.

At approximately 03:00, Israeli forces moved into al­Jafatlak village, north of Jericho. They raided and searched a house belonging to Zaidan Mohammed Salamah ‘Anouz (50) and then arrested him.

Note: During the aforementioned day, Israeli forces conducted (3) incursions in the following areas and no arrests were reported: Jabaa’, and ‘ villages, south of Jenin and Huwarah village, south of Nablus.

2. Use of excessive force against peaceful demonstrations protesting settlement activities and the construction of the annexation wall

West Bank:

Following the Friday prayer, on 08 April 2016, dozens of Palestinian civilians organized protests against the Israeli policies in the oPt at the western entrance of Silwad village, northeast of Ramallah, and in the vicinity of “Ofer” prison, southwest of the city. Israeli forces used force to disperse the protestors and fired live bullets, rubber­coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as Israeli soldiers beat them up.

Demonstrations against the annexation wall and settlement activities

Following the Friday prayers, on 08 April 2016, dozens of Palestinians and Israeli and international human rights defenders organised protests against the annexation wall and settlement activities in Bil’in and Nil’in villages, west of Ramallah; al­Nabi Saleh village, northwest of city; and Kufor Qadoum village, northeast of Qalqiliya. Israeli forces used forces to disperse the protesters and fired live bullets, metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs and chased the protesters into the olive fields and between houses. As a result, many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises as Israeli soldiers beat them up.

Note: PCHR keeps the names of the injured persons in the aforementioned demonstrations.

Rubber­coated metal bullets are lethally if they hit the head of victim from a close range.

3. Continued closure of the oPt

Israel continued to impose a tight closure on the oPt, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

Israeli forces continuously tighten the closure of the Gaza Strip and close all commercial crossings, making the Karm Abu Salem crossing the sole commercial crossing of the Gaza Strip, although it is not suitable for commercial purposes in terms of its operational capacity and distance from markets.

Israeli forces have continued to apply the policy, which is aimed to tighten the closure on all commercial crossings, by imposing total control over the flow of imports and exports.

Israeli forces have continued to impose a total ban on the delivery of raw materials to the Gaza Strip, except for very limited items and quantities. The limited quantities of raw materials allowed into Gaza do not meet the minimal needs of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces also continued to impose an almost total ban on the Gaza Strip exports, including agricultural and industrial products, except for light­weighted products such as flowers, strawberries, and spices. However, they lately allowed the exportation of some vegetables such as cucumber and tomatoes, furniture and fish.

Israel has continued to close the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for the majority of Palestinian citizens from the Gaza Strip. Israel only allows the movement of a limited number of groups, with many hours of waiting in the majority of cases. Israel has continued to adopt a policy aimed at reducing the number of Palestinian patients allowed to move via the Beit Hanoun crossing to receive medical treatment in hospitals in Israel or in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel also continued applying the policy of making certain civilian traveling via the crossing interviewed by the Israeli intelligence service to be questioned, blackmailed or arrested.

Movement at Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, southeast of Rafah, is designated for the movement of goods

Imports Date Amount Category Tons Number Liters Various goods 4080 Humanitarian aid 15338 Cooking gas 193,100 Benzene 145,890 Diesel 511,006 05 April

Industrial fuel 149,010 Construction aggregates 12880 Cement 1080 Construction steel 720 Various goods 4561.71 Humanitarian aid 12931 Cooking gas 238,040 Benzene 183,980 06 April Diesel 333,001

Diesel for UNRWA 38,000

Industrial fuel 151,997 Construction aggregates 10880 Cement 1040 Construction steel 420 Various goods 4495 Humanitarian aid 12873 Cooking gas 255,610 Benzene 263,995 Diesel 689,525 07 April Diesel for UNRWA 38,0000

Industrial fuel 152,000 Construction aggregates 10840 Cement 800 Construction steel 690 Various goods 4129 Humanitarian aid 2431 Cooking gas 253,220 10 April Benzene 261,990 Diesel 663,733

Diesel for UNRWA 76.000

Construction steel 960 Various goods 5799 Humanitarian aid 3565 Cooking gas 257,090 11 April Benzene 263,000 Diesel 696,013

Diesel for UNRWA 38.000

Cement 1240 Construction steel 1080


On Tuesday, 05 April 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 27 tons of tomatoes; 7.8 tons of Valencia orange; 10.54 tons of eggplants; 3.36 tons of peppers; 8.4 tons of lemons; 1.8 tons of zucchinis; and 21 tons of furniture. On Wednesday, 06 April 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 23 tons of lemons and 35 tons of scrap. On Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 2 truckloads of lemons and 9 truckloads of vegetables. On Sunday, 10 April 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 4 truckloads of lemons; 12 truckloads of vegetables and a truckload of pepper. On Monday, 11 April 2016, Israeli forces allowed the exportation of 23 tons of lemons; 9 tons of cloths; and 0.6 tons of fish.

Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing, in the north of the Gaza Strip, is designated for the movement of individuals, and links the Gaza Strip with the West Bank.

Movement at Beit Hanoun (“Erez”) crossing

06­12 April 2016

06 April 07 April 08 April 09 Aril 10 April 11 April 12 April Category 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 Patients 57 60 1 – 102 65 71 Companions 54 62 1 – 95 61 62 Personal 85 116 16 – 126 95 50 needs Families – – – – – 66 – of prisoners

Arabs from 9 3 15 – 10 7 3 Israel

Diplomats – 8 – – – 4 – International – – – – – – – journalists International 39 84 11 – 19 22 30 workers Travelers 3 – – – – – 1 abroad

Business 381 382 1 2 583 319 328 people Business – – – – – 1 – meetings Security 6 5 – – 8 7 12 interviews VIPs 1 – 1 – – 6 2 Ambulances 4 6 – – 10 1 2 to Israel

Patients’ 3 6 – – 9 2 2 Companions


Israeli authorities allowed 20 Christians on Wednesday, 06 April 2016; 32 Christians on Thursday, 07 April 2016; 18 Christians on Friday, 08 April 2016; 92 Christians on Sunday, 10 April 2016; 10 Christians on Monday, 11 April 2016; and 26 Christians on Tuesday, 12 April 2016, to travel to Bethlehem for holidays.

Israeli forces arrested a Palestinian civilian at Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing while returning to the Gaza Strip

At approximately 19:00, on Monday, 11 April 2016, Israeli forces stationed at Beit Hanoun “Erez” crossing, arrested Hasan Barawi Hasan al­Ra’i (38), from al­Sabra neighborhood in , while he was returning to the Gaza Strip. It should be mentioned that on 06 April 2016, the abovementioned civilian left the Gaza Strip with a blind karate team to attend a conference in Ramallah. Hassan works as a trainer of a Palestinian blind karate team in Al­ Mashtal Academy for Martial Arts. Israeli forces detained Hassan while leaving the Gaza Strip for more than 4 hours and when he returned they allowed the delegation to enter the Gaza Strip except Hassan, who was arrested.

West Bank

Israel has imposed a tightened closure on the West Bank. During the reporting period, Israeli forces imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians:

Hebron: Israeli forces established (15) checkpoints all over the city.

On Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces established four checkpoints at the entrances of Samou’a and Tarama villages; the southern entrance to Hebron and the northern entrance to Yatta village.

On Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints at the entrance to al­Moreq village and the southern entrance to Halhoul village.

On Saturday, 09 April 2016, Israeli forces established three checkpoints at the entrance to Bani Na’eem village; the northern entrance to Hebron and on Farsh al­Hawa road.

On Sunday, 10 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints at the entrances to Sa’ir and Beit Ummer villages.

On Monday, 11 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints at the northern entrance to Halhoul village “al­Nabi Yunis” and at the entrance to Deir Razeh village.

On Tuesday, 12 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints at the entrances to Sa’ir and Ethna villages.

Ramallah and al­Bireh: Israeli forces established (7) checkpoints all over the village.

On Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to ‘Ain Sina village, north of Ramallah.

At approximately 17:30, Israeli forces stationed at ‘Atara checkpoint at the northern entrance to Berziet, north of Ramallah.

On Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces established three checkpoints at the intersection of Beit ‘Ur al­Foqa village, southwest of Ramallah; at the entrance to Senjil village, north of Ramallah, and under the bridge of Yabroud village, northeast of Ramallah.

On Saturday, 09 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints at the entrance to al­Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, and under the bridge of Kherbit al­Mosbah village, southwest of Ramallah.

Qalqiliya: Israeli forces established (12) checkpoints all over the city. At approximately 22:00, on Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the intersection of Jeet village, northeast of Qalqiliya. They searched the passengers’ IDs and their vehicles. They also beat a civilian, Mohammed Ameen ‘Izat Abed Rabu, from Quseen village, west of Nablus. Mohammed sustained bruises and was then taken to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus to receive medical treatment.

On Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliya village, and at the entrance to Jeet village, northeast of Qalqiliya.

On Saturday, 09 April 2016, Israeli forces established six checkpoints at the entrances to ‘Izbit al­ Tabeeb, ‘Azoun, Kufor Thulth and Heja villages; at the intersection of Jeet village, northeast of Qalailiya, and at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliya.

At approximately 13:20, on Sunday, 10 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Qalqiliya.

At approximately 12:30, on Monday, 11 April 2014, Israeli forces established a checkpoint under the bridge of ‘Azoun village, east of Qalqiliya.

Salfit: Israeli forces established (4) checkpoints all over the city.

On Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces established three checkpoints at the entrances to al­Zawiya, Kufor al­Deek and Burqeen villages, west of Salfit.

At approximately 20:50, on Saturday, 09 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Kufor al­Deek village, west of Salfit.

Tulkarm: At approximately 02:30, on Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and other villages located in the north of Tulkarm (al­Sha’rawiya) near the entrance to al­Jaroshiya village, north of the city.

At approximately 09:30, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the agricultural road between Bal’a and Deir al­Ghosoun village, northeast of the city.

At approximately 08:30, on Saturday, 09 April 2016, Israeli forces stationed at ‘Inab checkpoint, which was established on the main road between Tulkarm and Nablus, east of Tulkarm, tightened their arbitrary measures against Palestinian civilians and obstructed their movement.

At approximately 16:00 and 22:30, on Monday, 11 April 2016, Israeli forces repeated their arbitrary measures against civilians.

At approximately 18:00, on Saturday, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and other villages located in the north of Tulkarm (al­Sha’rawiya) between Qufeen and Eastern Baqah village, north of Tulkarm.

At approximately 18:00, on Sunday, 10 April 2015, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the intersection of Shwaika suburb, north of Tulkarm.

At approximately 12:30, on Monday, 11 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint on the main road between Tulkarm and Qalqiliya, near the entrance to Jabara village, south of Tulkarm.

Jenin: At approximately 10:30, on Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces established two checkpoints on the main road between Jenin and Nablus, near the intersection of ‘Araba village, south of Jenin; and at the intersection of Beit Qad village, north of Jenin.

At approximately 18:30, on Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces established a checkpoint at the entrance to Kufor Qoud village, west of Jenin.

Arrests at military checkpoints

At approximately 16:00, on Sunday, 10 April 2016, Israeli forces stationed at al­Karama International Crossing Point () on the Jordanian border, arrested ‘Orwa Khalid Mohammed ‘Amer Dawabsha (25), while he was returning along with his children and sister from to Duma village, southeast of Nablus. Israeli Intelligence officers detained the abovementioned civilian and told his sister he was under arrest. They also asked her to take ‘Orwa’s children and enter the PA territory.

At approximately 15:00, on Monday, 11 April 2016, Israeli forces stationed at the military checkpoint (160), which was established at the southern entrance to Hebron’s Old City, arrested Alaa Abdul Ghafar Idrees (23), while crossing the checkpoint returning to her house. Alaa was then taken to “Kiryat Arba'” police station, east of Hebron, claiming that she spoke impolitely with one of the soldiers. It should be mentioned that Alaa is a student in the Faculty of Law in Hebron University.

At approximately 10:30, on Tuesday, 12 April 2016, Israeli forces arrested Mahmoud Kamal Mahmoud al­Ruzi (24), from Ya’bud village, southwest of Jenin. Mohmoud was arrested while he was in Salim military court, northwest of the city, attending the hearing of his brother Amir (16), who is so far under the Israeli custody from 28 February 2016.

At approximately 12:00, on Tuesday, Israeli forces moved into al­Fredees village, east of Bethlehem. They stationed near the village’s intersection and established a temporary checkpoint in the area. They also searched vehicles and arrested two brothers, who were identified as Baraa (20) and Ja’far Yousef Sabah (21), after taking them out of one of the vehicles. They withdrew later and took the abovementioned civilians to an unknown destination.

At approximately 18:00, on Tuesday, Israeli forces stationed in in al­Karama International Crossing Point (Allenby Bridge) on the Jordanian border, arrested Mostafa Salah Khwairah (28) while returning from Jordan to Nablus.

4. Efforts to Create Jewish majority

Israeli forces escalated their attacks on Palestinian civilians and their property. They have also continued their raids on al­Aqsa Mosque and denied the Palestinians access to it:

Arrests and Incursions

At approximately 08:00 on Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to Dalal al­Hashlamoun (17) in Bab Hutta neighbourhood, one of the Old City’s neighbourhoods in Jerusalem. They then arrested Dalal and took her to an unknown destination.

At approximately 08:30 on the same Thursday, Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to ‘Aydah al­Sedawi (45) in Bab Al­Silsila neighbourhood, one of the Old city’s neighbourhoods in occupied East Jerusalem. They then arrested ‘Aydah and took her to an unknown destination.

Following the Friday prayers on 08 April 2016, Israeli forces arrested Mohammed Salem Mohammed Ali, Imam of al­Aqsa mosque while leaving Hattah Gate, which is one of the mosques gates in Jerusalem’s Old City. Media and Public Relation Officer, Feras al­Debis said that Israeli forces arrested ‘Ali when he was on his way out from Hattah Gate. Despite the interference of Azzam Al­Khateeb, Director of the Jerusalem Awqaf and Al­Aqsa Mosque Affairs and calling dignitaries, Israeli forces insisted on arresting him. Al­Debis emphasized that Israeli forces checked ‘Ali’s identity, searched him and then took him on foot from al­ Rahma Gate cemetery, east of al­Aqsa Mosque, to an unknown destination.

At approximately 07:00 on Sunday, 10 April 2016, Israeli forces raided and searched a family house belonging to Journalist Samah Duwaik (25) in al­‘Amoud neighbourhood, east of Jerusalem’s Old City. They confiscated their cell phones and PCs and then arrested Samah. It should be mentioned that Duwaik works at al­Quds Network and prepares reports for a number of websites. Moreover, the Israeli forces added her name on the blacklist, which includes names of those denied access to al­Aqsa Mosque for months.

At approximately 08:00 on the same Sunday, Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to Nahlah Siaym (22) in al­‘Amoud neighbourhood, east of Jerusalem’s Old City. They then arrested her and later withdrew taking her to an unknown destination.

On the same Sunday, Israeli forces raided and searched 8 houses belonging to Palestinian women in occupied Jerusalem and took them to interrogation facilities in the city. They then handed them decisions to deport them from Jerusalem for 4 months. The deported women were identified as Aydah al­Sedawi (45), Sameha Shahen (52), Ekram Ghazawi (52), Dalal al­ Hashlamoun (47) Zenat al­Jalad (62), Sanaa’ al­Rajbi (45), Samah GHazawi (28) and Malak Atoun (20).

At approximately 11:00 on the same Sunday, 4 children from Beit Hanenah neighbourhood, north of occupied Jerusalem, turned themselves in to al­Ramlah prison to spent their sentences after serving 9­month house arrest sentence. The children were identified as Morad Raed Alqam (15), sentenced to 35 months in prison, Mohammed Nael Tayeh (17), Zaid Ayed al­Tawil (16), both sentenced to 28 months in prison and Yazan Hani Ayoub, sentenced to 14 months in prison. It should be mentioned that the 4 children were arrested in June 2015 and were released after two weeks on bail conditioned with house arrest. Last March, they were sentenced to serve in prison. Some of the children were harshly beaten during their detention and interrogation. Moreover, Israeli forces accused the children and 6 others of throwing stones at the Israeli settlers’ cars, wounding two Israeli settlers.

At approximately 01:30 on Tuesday, 12 April 2016, Israeli forces moved into Qatnah village, northwest of occupied Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Mustafa Mousa al­Faqih (29) and his brother Mahdi Mousa al­Faqih (27) and Mohammed Omer al­Faqih (26).

At approximately 04:00, Israeli forces moved into Qalendia refugee camp, north of occupied Jerusalem. They raided and searched several houses from which they arrested Nidal Ahmed Ziyad (23), Mohammed Eid Badran (21) and Raed Fayez Motair (22).

At approximately 06:00 on the same Tuesday, Israeli forces raided and searched a house belonging to Anwar Sa’ed al­Qaq (65) in Ras al­‘Amoud neighbourhood, east of Jerusalem. They confiscated his PC and then arrested him.

House demolitions and demolition notices:

On Thursday afternoon, 07 April 2016, Shereen al­Sedawi self­demolished 2 rooms of her house in Beit Haninah neighbourhood, north of occupied Jerusalem, implementing the decision of the Israeli municipality. Shereen said to a PCHR fieldworker that she built two rooms “a living room and a bedroom”, but the Israeli municipality issued a decision to demolish the two rooms under the pretext of building without a license. The decision was delayed several times until it was finally issued. Al­Sedawi mentioned that one of the rooms was built of bricks and the other of wood, so she used hand tools to demolish them to avoid paying the demolition costs. It should be noted that on the abovementioned day morning, an Israeli bulldozer belonging to the municipality raided her house to carry out the demolition order, but when they make sure that the family began self­demolishing the two rooms, they withdrew.

At approximately 11:00 on Friday, 08 April 2016, Israeli forces moved into ‘Ein al­Lawzah neighbourhood in Silwan village, south of East Jerusalem’s Old City. They confiscated a tent where the Friday prayer was supposed to be performed, protesting against the demolition policy under the pretext of not having a licence. An eyewitness said to a PCHR fieldworker that Israeli forces moved into Ein al­Lawzah neighbourhood. They raided Hush Abu Tayeh Street and confiscated a tent where the Defence Committee of Threatened Houses of Demolition in Silwan decided to perform the Friday prayer. He added that they arrested Jalal Morad al­Abasi (24), Feras Amen al­Abasi (22), Mohammed Abu Tayeh, Khaled Abu Tayeh and Mousa al­ Abasi while they were at that time in the area. The Israeli forces also attacked and arrested the director of Wadi Hilweh Information Center, Jawad Siyam, claiming that he blocked traffic and was driving in the opposite side. Siyam said that the Israeli forces detained him and took his ID card, ordering him to refer to Salah Eidden police station for interrogation. He added that the officer interrogated him on charges of blocking traffic and driving in the opposite side. They then released him after paying a financial fine.

On Saturday morning, 09 April 2016, Israeli municipality crews under the protection of Israeli forces moved into Silwan village, south of occupied Jerusalem. They handed several demolition notices for many houses under the pretext of building without a licence.

An eyewitness said to a PCHR fieldworker that Israeli municipality crews moved into Hush al­‘Awar in Ein al­Lawzah and took photos of some facilities, shops and the neighbourhood roads and then handed demolition notices for the following:

A110­square­meter house belonging to Mohammed Talal Halesi comprised of 3 rooms and built in October 2014. A 100­square­meter house belonging to Abas Khalil al­Awar comprised of 4 rooms A 60­square­meter house belonging to Mousa Fayez Abu Tayeh which was built in 2001. Abu Tayeh tried to license his house over the years and paid fines of about NIS 90,000 but in vain.

5. Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian civilians and property

Israeli forces’ attacks:

At approximately 00:30 on Thursday, 07 April 2016, Israeli forces accompanied with military jeeps, 2 bulldozers, a large crane and 5 jeeps of the Construction and Organization Department in the Civil Administration moved into al­Muhalal area, east of Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah. They closed the entire area and began demolishing a poultry slaughterhouse and a car workshop under the pretext of building without a licence in area (c) according to . These facilities were in vicinity of settlements and the annexation wall.

The demolition was as follow:

Al­Khairat Company for chicken (a 75­square­meter poultry slaughterhouse) belonging to Essa Abdul Ghani Sorour. Baha’ Eidden Sorour (33) said to a PCHR fieldworker that the slaughterhouse is licenced by the Palestinian Ministry of Economy since 09 July 2015, and they are working on having a licence form the Israeli authorities since 08 November 2015. They also estimated the losses at NIS 4,000,000; and A 350­square­meter car workshop belonging to Khaled Sulaiman Mohammed Staih.

At approximately 07:30, on the same day, Israeli forces accompanied with military jeeps, 5 jeeps of the Construction and Organization Department in the Civil Administration and 2 bulldozers moved into Kherbet Tana, southeast of Beit Fourik village, east of Nablus. The 2 bulldozers demolished a tent and livestock barracks owned by 18 families living in the abovementioned Kherbah in addition to confiscating water tanks. It should be mentioned that this is the fourth time the Kherbah is subjected to demolition works within the past two months. The Israeli forces demolished 16 tents, 5 caves used as shelters and 15 livestock barracks. They also confiscated 4 water tanks and 2 cars. The families that became homeless consist of 117 persons, including 61.

The demolition works were as follow:

Family of Qasem Salman Khatatbah consists of 5 members, including a child: a 100­square­ meter livestock was demolished and a water tank was confiscated. Family of Wasef Abu al­Soud Abdul Razeq Hanani consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a 25­square­meter tent was demolished. Family of Raed Afef Aref Hanani consists of 6 members, including 2 children: a 300­square­ meter livestock barrack was demolished and a Mitsubishi car was confiscated. Family of Mohammed Asa’ad Abdul Razeq Hanani consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a 300­square­meter livestock barrack was demolished. Family of Yosif Fayez Yosif Hanani consists of 3 members: a 150­square­meter livestock barrack and a 25­square­meter tent were demolished. Family of Farsan Fares Husain Hanani consists of 7 members, including 3 children: a 200­ square­meter livestock was demolished and a water tank was confiscated. Family of Asa’ad Mohammed As’ad Hanani consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a 30­ square­meter tent was demolished. Family of Rasem Husain Ahmed Hanani consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a 45­ square­meter tent and a 200­square­meter livestock barrack were demolished. Family of Mansour Mohammed Sulaiman Nasasrah consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a 25­square­meter tent and a livestock barrack were demolished and a water tank was confiscated. Family of Amjad Abdul latif Hanai consists of 8 members, including 3 children: a 25­square­ meter tent and a livestock barrack were demolished. Family of Mahmoud Ahmed Mahmoud Manasrah consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a 150­square­meter tent and a 150­square­meter livestock barrack were demolished. Families of Sulaiman Helmi Sulaiman Hanani and his two sons Baligh and Helmi consist of 14 members, including 5 children: two tents (90 square meters each) and a cave used as a shelter were demolished. Family of Moneer Mohammed Ahmed Hanani consists of 4 members, including 2 children: two tents, one cave and a 120­square­meter livestock barrack were demolished. Families of Mohammed Tawfeq Adel Nasasrah and his two sons, Moayad and Mohyi, consist of 10 members, including 4 children: 3 tents and three livestock barns were demolished and a water tank was confiscated. Family of Qusai Mostafa Abdul Rahman Hanani consists of 6 members, including 4 children: a cave and livestock barrack were demolished. Family of Kamal Mahmoud Hamed Hanani consists of 5 members, including 3 children: a tent was demolished and a car was confiscated. Family of Mohammed Qasem Mahmoud Hanani consists of 7 members, including 5 children: a cave was demolished. Family of Majed Afef Aref Hanai consists of 8 members, including 2 children: a tent, a cave and a livestock barrack were demolished.

At approximately 04:00 on Tuesday, 12 April 2016, Israeli forces accompanied with a jeep of the Construction and Organization Department in the Civil Administration, and 2 bulldozers moved into Za’atarah village, south of Nablus. The closed the area and prevented its residents (about 100 individuals, including 35 children) from leaving their houses. They detained 6 civilians who were going to perform the dawn prayer and obliged them to stay in the yard near the mosque. The detained civilians were identified as Rezeqallah Mahmoud Aqtash (70), Samir Kheirallah Aqtash (50), Rashdan Hamdallah Aqtash (40), Osama Jarallah Aqtash (30) Asrafh Jarallah Aqtash (37) and Kamal Kherallah Aqtash (37). After that, 2 bulldozers demolished 500­square­meter kids’ park which was funded by the Belgian government and the Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF) at about € 54,000. It should be mentioned that the park was demolished without warning.

At approximately 07:00, on the same day, Israeli forces accompanied with many bulldozers moved into Ein Jweizah area, north of al­Waljah village, west of Bethlehem and demolished 3 underconstruction houses under the pretext of non­licensing. The head of the village council, Abdul Rahman Abu al­Ten, said that Israeli forces moved into Ein Jweizah area and demolished 3 underconstruction houses belonging to Maher Mahmoud Abu Khiyarah, Esaa al­Qentar and Obaidah al­Mohtasb. He also said that Israeli forces took photos for a number of the mentioned houses and handed demolition notices to their owners last Sunday. He pointed that the area.

Settler Attacks

At approximately 01:00 on Tuesday, 07 April 2016, dozens of Israeli settlers in busses escorted by Israeli forces raided Joseph Tomb, east of Nablus, started performing religious rituals. Israeli forces deployed in the area to protect the settlers. As a result, dozens of Palestinian youngster gathered and threw stones at Israeli forces that immediately fired rubber­coated metal bullets in response. As a result, a civilian was hit with a metal bullet to his right leg and was then transported to Rafidia Hospital to receive treatment. Medical sources classified his injury as moderate.

At approximately 08:00 on the same day, a group of Israeli settlers accompanied with a bulldozer moved from “Beit Ariel” settlement in the western Laban village, northwest of Ramallah, into the agricultural lands (Ein al­Zarqah), west of Deir Ghasanah village, northwest of the city. They began levelling lands in the vicinity of a water spring claiming they were going to establish an aquarium in that area. After that, many Palestinians came to the area and fought with the settlers. Two hours later, the Palestinians forced the Israeli settlers to leave the area, and no injuries were reported.

Recommendations to the International Community

PCHR emphasizes the international community’s position that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still under Israeli occupation, in spite of Israeli military redeployment outside the Gaza Strip in 2005. PCHR further confirms that Israeli forces continued to impose collective punishment measures on the Gaza Strip, which have escalated since the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, in which Hamas won the majority of seats of the Palestinian Legislative Council. PCHR stresses that there is international recognition of Israel’s obligation to respect international human rights instruments and the international humanitarian law, especially the Hague Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land and the Geneva Conventions. Israel is bound to apply the international human rights law and the law of war sometime reciprocally and other times in parallel in a way that achieves the best protection for civilians and remedy for victims.

In light of continued arbitrary measures, land confiscation and settlement activities in the West Bank, and the latest 51­day offensive against civilians in the Gaza Strip, PCHR calls upon the international community, especially the United Nations, the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Convention and the European Union – in the context of their natural obligation to respect and enforce the international law – to cooperate and act according to the following recommendations:

1. PCHR calls upon the international community and the United Nations to use all available means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self­determination, through the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of ; 2. PCHR calls upon the United Nations to provide international protection to Palestinians in the oPt, and to ensure the non­recurrence of aggression against the oPt, especially the Gaza Strip; 3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to compel Israel, as a High Contracting Party to the Conventions, to apply the Conventions in the oPt; 4. PCHR calls upon the Parties to international human rights instruments, especially the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to pressurize Israel to comply with their provisions in the oPt, and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the concerned committees; 5. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfil their obligation to ensure the application of the Conventions, including extending the scope of their jurisdiction in order to prosecute suspected war criminals, regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator and the place of a crime, to pave the way for prosecuting suspected Israeli war criminals and end the longstanding impunity they have enjoyed; 6. PCHR calls on States that apply the principle of universal jurisdiction not to surrender to Israeli pressure to limit universal jurisdiction to perpetuate the impunity enjoyed by suspected Israeli war criminals; 7. PCHR calls upon the international community to act in order to stop all Israeli settlement expansion activities in the oPt through imposing sanctions on Israeli settlements and criminalizing trading with them; 8. PCHR calls upon the UN General Assembly to transfer the Goldstone Report to the UN Security Council in order to refer it to the International Criminal Court in accordance with Article 13(b) of the Rome Statute; 9. PCHR calls upon the United Nations to confirm that holding war criminals in the Palestinian­ Israeli conflict is a precondition to achieve stability and peace in the regions, and that peace cannot be built on the expense of human rights; 10. PCHR calls upon the UN General Assembly and Human Rights Council to explicitly declare that the Israeli closure policy in Gaza and the annexation wall in the West Bank are illegal, and accordingly refer the two issues to the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on Israel to compel it to remove them; 11. PCHR calls upon the international community, in light of its failure to the stop the aggression on the Palestinian people, to at least fulfil its obligation to reconstruct the Gaza Strip after the series of hostilities launched by Israel which directly targeted the civilian infrastructure; 12. PCHR calls upon the United Nations and the European Union to express a clear position towards the annexation wall following the international recognition of the on the 1967 borders, as the annexation wall seizes large parts of the State of Palestine; 13. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the EU­Israel Association Agreement, which provides that both sides must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel, and the EU must not ignore Israeli violations and crimes against Palestinian civilians;


Public Document For further information please visit our website www.pchrgaza.org or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email [email protected] or telephone +972 08 282 4776 – 282 5893.