TTHEHE BB EANOEANO && DD ANDYANDY CC OLLECTORSOLLECTORS ’’ CC LUBLUB Founder Year 2006-7 February 2007 Issue 2 Contents 2 Editorial 3 Caption competition 4 Letters to the Editor 5 Cut the ads, and make gifts flat! 6 Changing times 7 The cream of the crop 8 Items for sale - - COLLECTORS ’ C LUB I NFORMATION The Beano & Dandy Collectors’ Club Articles for publication will be gratefully PO Box 3433 received and should be sent to the PO Box Brighton address as should any other correspon- BN50 9JA dence. United Kingdom Annual Subscription 2006-2007 Tel 01273 673462 UK £18.00 Mob 07739 844703 Email
[email protected] Europe £21.00 Web Worldwide £24.00 The BEANO and The DANDY logos are ®© DC Thomson & Co. Ltd., 2007. All associated characters are © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. Used By Kind Permission of DC Thomson & Co. Ltd. EDITORIAL Firstly, I hope you enjoyed the Christ- Scottish capital, described it as “an see pictured, incorporated ‘The mas and New Year festivities, and wish excellent start”. Broons’. The Broons were introduced in you all the best for 2007. Scotland in The Sunday Post, in 1936, Thirdly, something has become very shortly before the arrival of The Dandy In the not-so-distant past I would al- apparent with my eBay auction sales in (1937) and The Beano (1938). The ways set myself numerous resolutions, the last couple of years in that the vast Beano & Dandy are undoubtedly the often involving exercise, which inevita- majority of people today pay for their most popular comics in England, Scot- bly became broken before the end of items by PayPal, due to its hassle-free, land and Wales whilst The Broons are a January, after it became clear they instant nature.