The Chronicle Wednesday, September 10, 1986 • Duke University Durham

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The Chronicle Wednesday, September 10, 1986 • Duke University Durham THE CHRONICLE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1986 • DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 82. NO. 9 Tax bill has mixed effect Gifts hit hard; bonds could fund new dorm By ROBERTSON BARRETT Despite lobbyists' pleas, a new provision Higher education groups that lobbied could severely cut charitable giving to col­ this summer for changes in what could be leges and universities. While .the bill the final version of federal tax reform would for the first time tax appreciated scored mixed results on provisions that assets, primarily stocks and real estate would cripple University finances and cut and the most common gifts to the Uni­ scholarship exemptions. versity, about 212,000 taxpayers would be Congress will most likely approve final subject to an Alternative Minimum Tax revisions by a joint U.S. House-Senate (AMT) which eliminates all deductions for conference, according to Robert Havely, these gifts. The "vast majority" of AMT director of government relations and co­ taxpayers' income is non-wage, Havely ordinator of Duke's lobbying efforts. said. During the summer conference, he said, AMT taxpayers gave a large portion of higher education lobbyists could not affect $9.5 million in University gifts in appreci­ provisions that would reduce University ated assets last year, he said. If the tax gifts, restrict professors' savings and tax bill passes as expected, donations from student scholarships. But in a major vic­ this group would drop 36.5 percent by tory, colleges will be able to issue large 1988, he said. amounts of tax-free bonds and finance "In the worst case, it could be as much new construction. as 12 percent of our cash flow that could PETER AMAN/THE CHRONICLE The joint committee completed tax bill be in jeopardy," said John Piva, director of Where's the net? revisions Aug. 16. Steps will begin Mon­ development. "We've got to do an awful lot to turn that around." Melisse Flaherty. Laura Conigiio and Robyn Roynes play "hot potato" with day for final House and Senate floor votes. Havely said last-minute politicking in King Kong's glass eye. "No! you catch it!" Major interest groups would have lob­ the joint session left colleges out. "I think bied the bill heavily in the interim, that higher education made its case effec­ Havely said, but the most powerful, like tively. What we found was that [Rep. Dan the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and large Rostenkowski and Sen. Bob Packwood, defense contractors, announced they were committee chairmen] for political reasons Duke graduate arrested "scaling back." decided to ignore the arguments we "They felt there was too much mo­ made." mentum behind the bill and felt they When Packwood insisted on 28 percent in Chilean state of siege would do their images harm by lobbying," as the top income tax rate, the revenue he said. prospects for the government "were so great that it permitted Rostenkowski to ByTHERESE MAHER Smaller groups, including those rep­ and a leading expert on Chile. He said win nearly every other major decision, and MICHAEL MILSTEIN resenting higher education, have been un­ this a positive sign, since the government able to draw much attention because ma­ and Rostenkowski is not as responsive to A 1966 Duke graduate and former visit­ is less likely to hurt someone whose jor organizations "threw in the towel. As a a number of issues that higher education ing professor at the University of North whereabouts are publicly known. result, there is a lot of free-form, un­ is concerned with," Havely said. Carolina was arrested in Santiago, Chile, Lagos, a top leader of the opposition focused rumbling around the country, and But colleges scored a big victory because Monday morning, according to Roy moderate socialist party in Chile for over [lobbying! is not as organized as it would they would now be allowed to issue more Weintraub, economic department chair. twenty years, received his Ph.D. in econ­ have been," Havely said. "It took a lot of tax-exempt bonds, which could be used to The arrest came after the government omics at Duke. Lagos has served as pres­ the organized steam out of the unhappi- quickly finance new academic buildings declared a state of seige following the at­ ident of the Democratic Alliance — the ness about the bill." See TAX on page 8 tempted assassination Sunday night of largest umbrella organization of de­ military ruler General Augusto Pinochet. mocratic parties in Chile, according to There were also indications that a Duke Valenzuela, who also chairs the Council political science graduate student was on Latin American Studies. Brodie alleges misquote taken into custody in Chile Tuesday. Uni­ "It's tragic that in the aftermath of the versity officials said that he may be under assasination attempt the Chilean govern­ arrest, but asked that his name be with­ ment is persecuting democratic leaders held for fear that its release may prompt who constitute the real hope for the coun­ in DMH on abuse case the Chilean government to take further try's future," Valenzuela said. action against him. "Ricardo is a true Chilean patriot," said By The Associated Press and staff reports and discharged prior to my arrival." Late Tuesday, wire reports said a prom­ Malcolm Gillis, graduate school dean and President Keith Brodie said Tuesday he Records showed that Jordan was a pa­ inent Chilean journalist who was also be­ a personal friend of Lagos since 1967. was misquoted in a story in the Sept. 7 tient at Duke four times between 1974 lieved to have been detained by govern­ "He's upright, fearless and totally hon­ edition of the Durham Morning Herald. and July 1977, before and after she un­ ment security forces was found shot est." The story reported that Brodie said the derwent controversial psychosurgery in Boston on Bressler's recommendation. to death after he had been taken from his Valenzuela, who appeared on the Greensboro woman who is suing him and The records also show Bressler prescribed home Sunday night. "MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour" Monday to Dr. Bernard Bressler had been discharged drugs for her as an outpatient until 1979, But Chile's government has acknow­ discuss recent events in Chile, said the ar­ prior to his arrival here in November when he resigned from the Medical Cen­ ledged that the 1966 Duke graduate, rests were part of Pinochet's effort to 1974, which hospital records refute. ter. Ricardo Lagos Escobar, who worked as an gain more power and extend his term as Brodie said he told the Herald that Bet­ independent economic consultant in ruler. "For some time now, Pinochet has ty Jordan was first admitted to Duke Hos­ Jordan is one of four women suing Chile, was arrested, according to Arturo been wanting to declare a state of seige to pital prior to his arrival, but that he was Bressler, Duke and University officials. Valenzuela, political science professor See CHILE on page 16 chair ofthe psychiatry department during The women claim they were severely and the woman's subsequent hospitalizations. permanently injured with improper treat­ ment. At least two of the suits say Jordan accuses Brodie in a lawsuit of Bressler had sex with the women while failing to fire Bressler, who resigned from they were being treated. the Medical Center in 1979. Weather Inside Brodie said the suit says he was chair of Only the Jordan case names Brodie as a psychiatry during the entire time Jordan defendant. Seasons Greetings: Weil, deck WhO CareS? Sure, there's a was treated by Bressler, which he denies. A former chief psychiatric nurse at your halls and trim your trees because pretty important senatorial campaign They had claimed I was present during Duke, Carolyn Norton Billings, said she there are only 107 shopping days left going on in this state, but what all her hospitalizations, and I was not," told Brodie she was concerned about until Christmas. So don't complain relevance does this have to your life? Brodie told The Chronicle Tuesday. "My Bressler's treatments. Other members of about this weather box under partly Why bother to vote in the mock elec­ point [to the Herald, was they [the claim­ the Duke staff said they urged Brodie to cloudy skies with highs in the low 80s. tion between Broyhill and Sanford? ants) were a bit sloppy doing their hom­ do something about what they said were Insiead, go for a ride in a one horse What difference does it really make ework because I was not present during Bressler's dangerous treatments, which open sleigh with lows in the 60s. anyway? It's almost too much trouble her first admission," included administering large amounts of to even read about the poll on page 2. drugs and convulsive therapy sessions. Brodie was quoted in the Herald as say­ See BRODIE on page 13 ing Jordan was "admitted in August 1974 Page 2 THE CHRONICLE Wednesday, September 10,1986 Our Town 36 to 23, Sanford wins Lack of student reponse irks Broyhill students, Sanford students still unworried By PATRICIA G1LFEATHER mock elections that have been held at Student apathy dominated the mock I don't feel that North Carolina colleges, Broyhill won six. Senate election conducted Sept. 4 by the "Broyhill won overwhelmingly at North campus group Students for Broyhill, mak­ students are Carolina State and [the University of] ing the results inconclusive, according to apathetic here in North Carolina," said Kelly. the organization's leader. North Carolina. It is a Pritzker, however, claimed "an out­ Of the 59 students registered to vote in very important growth of sentiment on college campuses North Carolina who participated, 23 fa­ for Terry Sanford." He said Students for vored Republican Jim Broyhill and 36 election and students Sanford was well established on about 20 voted for Duke's president emeritus, ought to be out there.
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