SO mANy ANImAlS’ lIveS Are IN Our hANdS Please help us protect them, now and into the future

Would you please consider making a legacy to Network for Animals, the organisation I have the privilege to lead and which you so generously support. I strongly believe, however, that it would be helpful to your decision making if you knew more about me.

British born, I emigrated to when I was twenty and became deeplyinvolved in animal welfare issues, first as a volunteer, then as an employee of the New Brunswick SPCA. This led to government officials asking me to observe Canada’s annual white-coat baby seal hunt and tell them how it could be made humane. Shocked at what I witnessed, as seal after seal was skinned alive, I reported that it could never, ever be made humane, that it should be banned and the fishermen involved found other work. The rejection of my advice launched me on a personal crusade against cruelty that has shaped my life. I had no choice! In the legacy pack accompanying this, I attempt to give you a very, very brief synopsis of what I have done in the past with the help of good, kind people just like you (the best of the best) and what I hope to achieve in the years to come. First and foremost, I want to see Network for Animals and its passionate and dedicated staff provided with the resources to fuel their own crusades against cruelty in the years ahead. A critical component of future funding must come from legacies from devoted animal lovers like you and my wife Gloria and I.

With the means to do the job, Network for Animals campaigners will fight hard to end the violence suffered by so many sentient creatures at the hands of truly awful people. And they will succeed. You see, my core philosophy is to never give up once I take on an issue no matter how long it takes to succeed - and that is also the core philosophy of Network for Animals campaigners. If quitting is not an option, ultimately we grind our opponents down.

Sometimes it can take decades to prevail, the successful fight to end the whitecoat hunt, for example, took seventeen years, so you can understand how vital it is for you to consider a gift that will help animals far into the future.

A legacy to Network for Animals (a non-profit entity) will enable this fine organisation to include vigorous political lobbying in its many faceted campaign armoury. And more often than not this is critical for success.

But I must write that your estate will not benefit from the more favourable tax regime that a gift to a registered charity provides.If this is a concern, you can direct your legacy to Network for Animals Charitable Trust (Registered in England and Wales, charity number1142700). Your gift will be sequestered in an account operated strictly in accordance with the guidelines of the Charity Commission with respect to participation by charities in political activities.

Either way, your gift will enable us to continue reaching out with caring hands to terrified and desperate animals in the years ahead. To proceed with making a legacy you will need the services of a solicitor. Ifyou need help in locating one or need financial assistance to pay for one, please contact me by letter or phone. You know, my partnership with so many decent, kind people like you hasbeen the key to everything I have achieved. Without people like you at my sidenothing is possible - with you at my side everything is possible. We are a team!

Yours very truly,

Brian Davies Like you, a devoted friend and protector of animals

SO mANy ANImAlS’ lIveS Are IN Our hANdS Please help Network for Animals protect them now and for generations to come, with a legacy in your Will. vAyA, reScued FrOm The hell ON eArTh OF A FIlIPINO dOG SlAuGhTerhOuSe WITh The helP OF PeOPle lIKe yOu, ANd NOW IN A GOOd hOme

I Am deTermINed TO WIPe OuT The SlAuGhTer OF dOGS FOr The dINNer TABle IN The , AS IS everyONe AT NeTWOrK FOr ANImAlS

Seizing dogs enroute to slaughterhouses is a Here is what these dogs would have endured if we had key element in our strategy. It will help your not rescued them from a fate worse than death... understanding of this strategy if I describe a seizure. Housed in a strong wire cage at a slaughterhouse they It took place at night with our vehicle in hot pursuit would be provided with no food or water. When a customer arrived, a screaming, struggling dog would be slammed of a lorry transporting dogs destined for the absolute on top of the cage and its throat cut. Blood from the dying hell on earth of an illegal dog slaughterhouse... animal would drench the dogs below as they moaned and trembled in terror. This would be repeated over hours and After a long and dangerous chase, the Network for Animals perhaps days. I am filled with anger as I write this and long team, together with local police, stop the truck. The driver is for the day when I won’t need to be. arrested and our team rush to help the animals inside. This successful seizure was possible through donations As the truck doors are opened they are engulfed in a wave from caring people like you - and more will be done of blistering heat and see a heartbreaking sight. Eighty dogs through your legacy. crammed into one cage with their muzzles and legs bound and the living and dead intertwined.

The living are untangled from the dead, their ties cut and then they are given water. Some are too weak and shocked to stand.

They are mostly street dogs and many are old and sick while others suffer from the diseases of life on the street. Within the Philippines, a difficult place at best to find suitable new homes, many are gently put to sleep. No more suffering for them.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 ANOTher dOG reScued FrOm The SlAuGhTerhOuSe

Our eFFOrT FOr The dOGS IS mulTI-FAceTed ANd We eXPlOre every AveNue IN The SeArch FOr SucceSS

Network for Animals in partnership with local Here is what your legacy will help me do in the future... animal protection organisations plays a leading role in the campaign to end this evil business in PrOSecuTe more dog meat traders and press for even harsher penalties which up to half a million defenceless dogs are more dogs from a fate worse than death cruelly slaughtered and consumed annually. reScue clOSe more slaughterhouses and Educating the public about animal welfare and health live animal markets risks associated with consuming dog meat (such as rabies rAId more illegal dog meat restaurants transmission) is an important activity that we believe will encourage individuals to not eat dogs. cOmPel police agencies to take this issue more seriously We persuade the media to cover the issue, distribute the judicial system to move ahead educational leaflets, give presentations to veterinarians, PreSSure more vigorously with trials schools and civic groups, reaching millions of Filipinos with our message. eXPANd our educational outreach & media coverage I need to grow our vital education programme by organising cONTINue our close working relationship with workshops for public officials so they can better understand the British Embassy in Manila animal welfare issues - I want to train local veterinarians in eNcOurAGe more British Members for Parliament new spay and neuter techniques - I want to sponsor new to take up this issue research into the connection between rabies and dog meat consumption – I want to teach employees at municipal dog The above is a Network for Animals winning strategy that pounds how to properly care for their charges. needs your support to succeed.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 yOu Are By my SIde AS We WOrK WITh TeAm BAdGer TO PrOTecT eNGlANd’S BAdGerS despite solid scientific evidence that culling badgers would do little if anything to deal with bovine TB and here is what we did and with your legacy what we indeed might result in a greater spread of this disease, can continue to do and even expand on... in 2012 the Government announced a pilot badger cull – Along with other animal welfare organisations in large areas of Somerset & Gloucestershire. we lobbied MPs of all parties and helped direct over 150,000 on-line petitions to the Government We joined like-minded groups in vehement opposition to asking for a Commons debate on culling badgers. this massacre that would involve shooting at night and could A debate was held and the ensuing vote was (probably would) result in many wounded animals escaping overwhelmingly against culling. and dying after much suffering. – Helped promote the issue across various media to As with Philippine dogs, we will never abandon the badgers. gain public support for the badgers. While the 2012 cull was cancelled, a significant proportion – Assisted badger groups by helping pay the legal of the farming community will continue to press for culls in fees resulting from court challenges to the cull as the future. The threat to these animals is substantial and long well as the costs of pilot vaccination programmes to lasting and they need all the help we can give them. demonstrate a viable alternative to culling.

Your legacy to Network for Animals will be a gift to the badgers – Helped fund programmes for the care and and will mean they will have us fighting for them until a regime rehabilitation of injured badgers. of vaccination destroys the misguided calls for culling. Even then, history tells us, badgers will be illegally killed and the – Took part in the massive demonstration against the perpetrators will need to be hunted down and prosecuted. cull outside Parliament. With your help we will be part of the hunt.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 YOUR LEGAcY WILL ENSURE WE cAN cONTINUE TO HELP ANIMALS ENGULFED BY NATURAL DISASTERS

In a new mission, we sent a team to deal with the We were provided with boats by local authorities and spent weeks aftermath of two deadly typhoons in the Philippines providing food and clean water for the animals we reached and rice for their human companions and first aid for all. that caused the death of over 1,000 Filipinos and countless animals. They left families and pets The work was dangerous but tales of owners reunited with their pets and stories of survival made it all worthwhile. isolated by deep floods and short of food, clean water and elementary first aid. Our staff and volunteers were the first animal relief team to dispense aid in the affected areas and the last to leave. We need your help to be there for animals in future disasters.

During the Bangkok floods we financed flood relief by a local animal welfare group as this was the most cost effective way of providing rapid, practical help.

We want to create an international animal emergency team when resources allow. Legacies by you and other kind people like you will help us to reach that goal.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 dAvId BArrITT, Our cAmPAIGNer WITh Our FIrST OrPhAN, BeAuTIFul GIrl

SAve AFrIcA’S WIldlIFe FrOm POAcherS

African wildlife is being decimated by a tidal wave President Mandela wrote this on a copy of his autobiography, of killing by poachers. They are brutal men who Long Walk to Freedom: profit from the slaughter of defenceless animals and threaten the very survival of target species, especially elephants, rhinos and lions.

Network for Animals has recently opened an office in , South Africa in order to take part in the international campaign against this immoral activity and will specialise in helping the orphaned babies that result from it.

We named our first orphan, Beautiful Girl. She is a baby rhino who was brutally attacked with a machete as she tried to defend her dying mother. Near death, she was rescued and against all probability survived her terrible wounds. Network for Animals is providing the special and expensive formula that is an exact copy of her mother’s milk and will continue to do so until she is weaned and released to a safe area in a year or so.

My wife Gloria, David Barritt, our South Africa campaigner, and myself are no strangers to working in this area, playing a significant role in the decision by President Mandela’s This is an endeavour that will continue far into the future government, to stop culling elephants. and your legacy will be vital in the years to come.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 yOur SuPPOrT helPS uS PrOTecT BrITISh WIldlIFe

Network for Animals played a significant role in Fabulous supporters like you played their part by calling and ending hunting with hounds, joining with other writing in their tens-of-thousands to Members of Parliament asking them to support a ban on this cruel sport. This really outstanding animal welfare groups in lobbying for was democracy in action. an Act of Parliament to ban it. Hunting with hounds was finally banned in 2004. Since then thousands of wild creatures have been spared a fear-filled and agonising death at the hands of those who believe they have the right to kill for sport - for fun, really.

But there is a constant threat to repeal the Act as less “animal- friendly” governments supportive of the hunting lobby are elected. Well, animal lovers in this country hugely outnumber the hunters, and they vote. Governments need to be aware there are consequences associated with this issue. Given the resources, Network for Animals will be happy to remind them.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 TOGETHER YOU AND I cAN HELP END THIS NEW SLAUGHTER OF SEALS

Over four decades ago, I pioneered the campaign to intense international pressure and banned the killing of end the commercial slaughter of white-coat baby white-coat pups. Saving 1.3 million baby seals from the clubs and knives of hunters during the life of the ban. In seals on sea ice off the east coast of canada in the total 2.5 million few seals were slaughtered - more than spring of the year. my work to expose the cruelty on twice the popluation of Birmingham. We finally ground the ice floes made headlines around the world as the them down. battle to save the seals became the iconic face of an In the mid-1990s the Canadian Government invested emerging international animal welfare movement. massive subsidies into the rehabilitation of its sealing industry. With annual quotas of 400,000 seal pups it was by far the largest slaughter of marine mammals in the world. I founded the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and took on the Canadian Government with the help Network for Animals, the never say no organisation, of wonderful supporters like you and many outstanding fanned the embers of my original campaign and pointed animal welfare organisations. And we won. the way for an international movement that has crushed this renewed massacre by successfully lobbying over 30 Our work culminated in an historic victory when, in 1983, countries to impose their own ban on all seal products. the predecessor to the European Union and the main market for baby seal pelts, banned their importation, Canada’s persistence in trying to revive its wretched seal effectively ending this barbaric slaughter. hunt is emblematic of the endless challenge we who love animals face. The bad guys never give up, so you and I Canada, in 1983, after failing to find new markets for must be ready to meet their challenge now, and far, far white-coat baby seal pelts and faced with a boycott of into the future by passing on a vibrant organisation to Canadian fish products by British supermarkets bowed to those who follow us.

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 yOu hAve A chOIce OF TWO FINe OrGANISATIONS TO leAve A leGAcy TO either way, your gift will enable us to continue reaching out with caring hands to terrified and desperate animals in the years to come.

1. A legacy to Network for Animals (a non-profit entity) will To proceed with making a legacy you will enable this fine organisation to include vigorous political need the advice of a solicitor. If you need help lobbying in its campaign armory. And, more often than locating one or need financial assistance to pay not, this is critical to success. But I must write that your estate will not benefit from the favourable tax regime that a for one, please contact me by letter or phone. gift to a registered charity provides. call: 020 8471 7666 2. If this is a concern, you can direct your legacy to Network for Animals Charitable Trust (registered number 1142700). email: [email protected] Your gift will be sequestered in an account operated For more details about ways to give, strictly in accordance with the guidelines of the Charity Commission with respect to participation by charities in visit political activities. and click on ‘remember us in your will’

Imperial house, 2a heigham road, east ham, london e6 2JG registered company number 3285050 | Telephone: 020 8471 7666 WITh ed mIlIBANd mAKING The cASe AGAINST BAdGer cullING

The need for political lobbying You may have reservations about politics but to achieve major animal welfare goals, conversing with political leaders is essential.

WITh Al GOre mAKING The cASe FOr The WITh PreSIdeNT NelSON mANdelA mAKING SOuTherN OceAN WhAle SANcTuAry The cASe FOr elePhANT cONServATION

WITh TONy BlAIr mAKING The cASe WITh PreSIdeNT BIll clINTON mAKING WITh NeIl KINNOcK mAKING The cASe AGAINST huNTING WITh hOuNdS The cASe AGAINST WhAlING AGAINST huNTING WITh hOuNdS Network for Animals Imperial house 2a heigham road east ham london e6 2JG

Telephone: 020 8471 7666